Leadership Assig 2 Ashraf Hussain 57075

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1 Moral reasoning refers to the process leaders use to make decisions about ethical and
unethical behaviors. It does not refer to the morality of individuals per se, or their espoused
values, but rather to the manner by which they solve moral dilemmas. Do you agree or
disagree? Why? Explain any one major reason.
Moral reasoning
Moral reasoning refers to the logical process of knowing whether an action is right or wrong.
Often, one engages in moral reasoning when faced with a decision over what to do, meaning
the actions have yet to occur. While some choices are a simple matter of right and wrong,
difficult decisions often require more complex work and logic to reach a choice and take moral
For example a Kashan faces a robbery at home and the robber tries to harm the person so he
shoots the robber because it saves the Kashan and his family while killing a person is immoral.
Individuals fully try to take support of law in any situation. The reason take Kashan supports his
decision is called moral reasoning.

Moral dilemmas
A moral dilemma is a conflict situation in which the choice one makes causes a moral harm,
which cannot be restlessly repaired.
For example I am driving my car on the road very fast and I reached a road where 3 children on
the left side and five others on the right side and one old man in the middle of the road suddenly
broke my breaks fails. Seeing all the way out fully, I try to save myself and the people. I am
going to collide one of these three so what would be my choice? This will be a moral dilemma
for me.
By viewing the situation in both cases an individual has to take decision which will be in favor of
him or herself, or of mass. Those decisions can be immoral or unethical but at that time situation
compels us to take hard decisions.

Q.2 Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. Exemplify.
This is the quote of Loa Tzu, a Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism.
Watch your thoughts, for they become words
As we think it is visible in our behavior. Most of the time as we think we fully try to act or perform
that activity in the same manner.So, to apply our thought practically our words and sayings
relate to thoughts.
Watch your words, for they become actions
As we speak then we fully try to act like that because a person's action will tell you everything
you need to know. If a person talks about development and prosperity so he/she will travel
toward it , if the person becomes complainer so his move downward.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.

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According to psychologists, repetitive behavior makes our personality traits so we can drive that
our repetitive action becomes our habits like for example if a person smokes daily for weeks or
forget to watch and stop so eventually it becomes a habit.
Watch your habits, for they become character
Habit, in psychology, any regularly repeated behaviour that requires little or no thought and is
learned rather than innate.Doing action on regular basis become habit and all those actions
which habit make our habit. For example, like rising early in the morning, eating food on time,
reading, utilizing time in good manner, most of the time it becomes a habit and defines our
character in front of society.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny
Human character leads us to destiny where we want to reach in future.Character refers to a set
of moral and mental qualities and beliefs that makes a person different from others. So,
character defines our destination because the character we keep start for thought, word, action
and habit continues throughout our whole life.

Q.3 According to Aristotle, the Greek philosopher said, "Men acquire a particular quality by
constantly acting a particular way. You become a just man by performing just actions, temperate
by performing temperate actions, and brave by performing brave actions." Explain your
arguments with appropriate examples.

Action speaks louder than words is the most common quote we use in our daily meetings. In
reality it is a philosophical quote and has deep meaning. We are as we act.
If i want to become an admired or famous Graphic designer, I have to constantly practice
tutorials, and lectures which i learn from the internet and tutor. So, the act done for becoming a
good designer will make me successful.
Continuously repetition of an action to learn any skill makes us great at it.

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