Tpami 2006 141
Tpami 2006 141
Tpami 2006 141
7, JULY 2006
Abstract—Video stabilization is an important video enhancement technology which aims at removing annoying shaky motion from
videos. We propose a practical and robust approach of video stabilization that produces full-frame stabilized videos with good visual
quality. While most previous methods end up with producing smaller size stabilized videos, our completion method can produce full-
frame videos by naturally filling in missing image parts by locally aligning image data of neighboring frames. To achieve this, motion
inpainting is proposed to enforce spatial and temporal consistency of the completion in both static and dynamic image areas. In
addition, image quality in the stabilized video is enhanced with a new practical deblurring algorithm. Instead of estimating point spread
functions, our method transfers and interpolates sharper image pixels of neighboring frames to increase the sharpness of the frame.
The proposed video completion and deblurring methods enabled us to develop a complete video stabilizer which can naturally keep the
original image quality in the stabilized videos. The effectiveness of our method is confirmed by extensive experiments over a wide
variety of videos.
Index Terms—Video analysis, video stabilization, video completion, motion inpainting, sharpning and deblurring, video enhancement.
The trimming approach has the problem of reducing the
V IDEO enhancement has been steadily gaining in im-
portance with the increasing prevalence of digital
visual media. One of the most important enhancements is
original video frame size since it cuts off the missing image
areas. Moreover, sometimes due to severe camera-shake,
video stabilization, which is the process for generating a there might be a very small common area among neighbor-
new compensated video sequence where undesirable image ing frames which results in very small video frames. On the
motion is removed. Often, home videos captured with a other hand, mosaicing works well for static and planar
handheld video camera suffer from a significant amount of scenes, but produces visible artifacts for dynamic or
unexpected image motion caused by unintentional shake of nonplanar scenes. This is due to the fact that mosaicing
a human hand. Given an unstable video, the goal of video methods usually register images by a global geometric
stabilization is to synthesize a new image sequence as seen transformation model which is not sufficient to represent
from a new stabilized camera trajectory. A stabilized video local geometric deformations. Therefore, they often gener-
is sometimes defined as a motionless video where the ate unnatural discontinuity in the frame as shown in the
camera motion is completely removed. In this paper, we midbottom of Fig. 1.
refer to stabilized video as a motion compensated video In this paper, we propose an efficient video completion
where only high frequency camera motion is removed. method which aims at generating full-frame stabilized
In general, digital video stabilization involves motion videos with good visual quality. At the heart of the
completion algorithm, we propose a new technique, motion
compensation and, therefore, it produces missing image
inpainting, to propagate local motion information which is
pixels, i.e., pixels which were originally not observed in the used for natural stitching of multiple images. We also
frame. Previously, this problem had been handled by either propose a practical motion deblurring method in order to
trimming the video to obtain the portion that appears in all reduce the motion blur caused by the original camera
frames, or constructing image mosaics by accumulating motion in the video. These methods enable us to develop a
neighboring frames to fill up the missing image areas (see high-quality video stabilizer that maintains the visual
quality of the original video after stabilization.
Fig. 1). In this paper, we refer to mosaicing as the image
stitching with a global transformation. 1.1 Prior Work
There are typically three major stages constituting a video
. Y. Matsushita, E. Ofek, X. Tang, and H. Shum are with Microsoft
stabilization process: camera motion estimation, motion
Research Asia, 3/F, Beijing Sigma Center, No. 49, Zhichun Road, Hai Dian smoothing, and image warping. The video stabilization
District, Beijing, China 100080. algorithms can be distinguished by the methods adopted in
E-mail: {yasumat, eyalofek, xitang, hshum} these stages. After briefly overviewing prior methods by
. W. Ge is with Department of Computer Science and Engineering, following these steps, we review prior work on video
Pennsylvania State University, 310 IST Building, University Park, PA
completion and motion deblurring.
16802. E-mail:
Video stabilization is achieved by first estimating the
Manuscript received 22 Aug. 2005; revised 5 Dec. 2005; accepted 19 Dec. interframe motion of adjacent frames. The interframe
2005; published online 11 May 2006.
Recommended for acceptance by H. Sawhney. motion describes the image motion which is also called
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to: global motion. The accuracy of the global motion estimation, and reference IEEECS Log Number TPAMI-0451-0805. is crucial as the first step of the stabilization.
0162-8828/06/$20.00 ß 2006 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society
Fig. 1. Top row: stabilized image sequence. The red area represents the missing image area due to the motion compensation. Bottom row: from left
to right, result of trimming (dotted rectangle becomes the final frame area), mosaicing, and our method.
There are two major approaches for global motion video epitomes framework [17]. The method again requires
estimation. One is the feature-based approach [1], [2], [3], a similar video patch in the different portion of the same
[4]; the other is the global intensity alignment approach [5], video; therefore, it fundamentally requires the periodic
[6], [7], [8]. Feature-based methods are generally faster than motion in order to achieve completion.
global intensity alignment approaches, while they are more Motion blur is another problem in video stabilization as
prone to local effects. A good survey on image registration the original camera motion trajectory is replaced with a
is found in [9]. motion compensated trajectory in the stabilized video.
After computing the global transform chain, the second Motion blur is a fundamental image degradation process
step is removing the annoying irregular perturbations. There which is caused by moving scene points traverse several
are approaches which assume a camera motion model [3], pixels during the exposure time. Motion deblur has been
[10], [11], [12], e.g., camera is fixed, or camera moves on a
studied extensively in the literature. In many single frame
planar surface. It works well when the assumed camera
deblurring techniques, motion deblur is achieved by image
motion model is correct; however, it is preferable to use a
deconvolution; however, the point spread function (PSF) is
more general camera motion model since there exist many
situations where camera motion cannot be approximated by necessary to be estimated. Image deconvolution without
such simple models, e.g., handheld camera motion. More knowing the PSF is called blind image deconvolution [18],
recently, Litvin et al. [14] proposed to use a Kalman filter to [19], [20], [21], [22], relying on either image statistics or an
smooth the general camera motion path, and Pilu [13] assumption of very simple motion models. Although these
proposed an optimal motion path smoothing algorithm with methods are effective under specific conditions, these
constraints imposed by a finite image sensor size. assumptions, e.g., a simple motion model, do not hold in
Filling in missing image areas in a video is called video many practical situations. Image deblurring methods by
completion. In [14], mosaicing is used to fill up the missing deconvolution require very accurate PSFs that are often
image areas in the context of video stabilization. However, hard to obtain. One exception is Ben-Ezra and Nayar’s
the method does not address the problem of nonplanar method [23] which explicitly measures motion PSFs with a
scenes and moving objects that may appear at the boundary special hardware to avoid difficulty in PSF estimation.
of the video frames, which might cause significant artifacts. We take a different approach of reducing image blurriness
Wexler et al. [15] filled in the holes in a video by sampling caused by motion blur. Our method is similar to Adelson [24]
spatio-temporal volume patches from different portions of and Bergen [25] which were proposed independently. In
the same video. This nonparametric sampling-based ap- their methods, a sharper image is produced from source
proach produces a good result; however, it is extremely images taken of an object at substantially identical fields of
computationally intensive. Also, it requires a long video view but with different focuses. The image composition is
sequence of a similar scene to increase the chance of finding performed by evaluating the energy levels of the high
correct matches, which is not often available in the context
frequency component in the images, by taking the image
of video stabilization. Jia et al. [16] took a different approach
pixels which have greater energy levels (sharper pixels). In
to solve the same problem by segmenting the video into two
our context, since we need to deal with a dynamic scene
layers, i.e., a moving object layer and a static background
layer. One limitation of this approach is that the moving captured with a moving camera, we integrate the global
object needs to be observed for a long time, at least for a image alignment and an adaptive pixel selection process in
single period of its periodic motion. In other words, it order to achieve the pixel transfer. Recently, Ben-Ezra et al.
requires the cyclic transition of the color patterns in order to [26] have developed a superresolution method with a jitter
find good matching. Therefore, the method is not suitable camera by applying an adaptive sampling of stationary
for filling in the video boundaries where a sufficient image blocks and compositing them together. Although it
amount of observation is not guaranteed. More recently, requires a special hardware, it is able to increase the
Cheung et al. showed an effective video fill-in result in their resolution of the original videos.
Fig. 4. Original motion path (dotted line) and smoothed motion path (solid line) with our displacement smoothing. Translations along X and Y direction
are displayed.
factor which is computed by a pixel-wise alignment error neighboring frame is estimated over the common coverage
Ett0 from It0 to It is used: image area. The local motion field is then propagated into
0 missing image areas. Note that unlike prior image inpaint-
Ett0 ðpt Þ ¼ It0 ðTtt pt Þ It ðpt ÞÞ: ð4Þ ing works, we do not propagate color but propagate local
motion. Finally, the propagated local motion is used as a
High alignment error is caused by either moving objects guide to locally warp image pixels to achieve smooth
or error in the global transformation. Using the inverse of stitching of the images.
pixel-wise alignment error E as a weight factor for the Let Mt be the missing pixels, or undefined image pixels,
interpolation, blurry pixels are replaced by interpolating in the frame It . We wish to complete Mt for every frame t
sharper pixels. The deblurring can be described by while maintaining visually plausible video quality.
P 0
It ðpt Þ þ t0 2N wtt0 ðpt ÞIt0 ðTtt pt Þ 4.1 Mosaicing with Consistency Constraint
I^t ðpt Þ ¼ P ; ð5Þ
1 þ t0 2N wtt0 ðpt Þ As a first step of video completion, we attempt to cover the
static and planar part of the missing image area by
where w is the weight factor which consists of the pixel-
mosaicing with an evaluation of its validity. When the
wise alignment error Ett0 and relative blurriness bt =bt0 , global transformation is correct and the scene in the missing
expressed as image area is static and planar, mosaics generated by
( warping from different neighboring frames should be
0 if bbt0 < 1
wt0 ðpt Þ ¼ bt t
ð6Þ consistent with each other in the missing area. Therefore,
b 0 E ðp Þþ otherwise: it is possible to evaluate the validity of the mosaic by testing
t t0 t
the consistency of the multiple mosaics which cover the
2 ½0; 1 controls the sensitivity on the alignment error, same pixels. We use the variance of the mosaic pixel values
e.g., by increasing , the alignment error contributes less to to measure the consistency; when the variance is high, the
the weight. The weighting factor is defined in a way the mosaic is less reliable at the pixel. For each pixel pt in the
interpolation uses only frames which are sharper than the missing image area Mt , the variance of the mosaic pixel
current frame. This nonlinear operation approximates a values is evaluated by
temporal bilateral filter [36] which avoids oversmoothing
caused by irrelevant image pixels. 1 X 0 0 2
vt ðpt Þ ¼ It0 ðTtt pt Þ I t0 ðTtt pt Þ ; ð7Þ
Fig. 5 shows the result of our deblurring method. As we n 1 t0 2N
can see in Fig. 5, blurry frames in the top row are well
sharpened in the bottom row. Note that since our method where
considers the pixel-wise alignment error, moving objects are
well preserved without yielding ghost effects, which are 0 1X 0
I t0 ðTtt pt Þ ¼ It0 ðTtt pt Þ; ð8Þ
often observed with simple frame interpolation methods. n t0 2N
Fig. 5. The result of image deblurring. Top of the image pairs: original blurry images, and bottom: deblurred images with our method.
Fig. 6. Video completion. Local motion is first computed between the current frame and a neighboring frame. Computed local motion is then
propagated with motion inpainting method. The propagated motion is finally used to locally adjust image pixels.
4.2 Local Motion Computation area. Using motion values of neighboring known pixels,
From this step, each neighboring frame It0 is assigned a motion values on the boundary are defined, and the
priority to be processed based on its alignment error. It is boundary gradually advances into the missing area M
often observed that the nearer frame shows a smaller until it is completely filled as illustrated in Fig. 7.
alignment error, and thus has a higher processing priority. Suppose pt is a pixel in a missing area M on image It .
The alignment error is computed using the common Let qt 2 Hðpt Þ be the pixels of the neighborhood of pt , that
coverage area of It ðpt Þ and It0 ðTtt pt Þ by already has a defined motion value by either the initial local
motion computation or prior extrapolation of motion data.
ett0 ¼ It ðpt Þ It0 ðTt0 pt Þ: ð10Þ With an assumption that the local motion variation is locally
pt small, the local motion Fðpt Þ can be written as the following
equation using the local motion defined on neighboring
Local motion is estimated by the method described in pixel qt :
Section 2.2. 2 3
@F1 ðqt Þ @F1 ðqt Þ
@x @y u
4.3 Motion Inpainting Fðpt ; qt Þ Fðqt Þ þ 4 @F ðq Þ @F ðq Þ 5
In this step, the local motion data in the known image areas
2 t v ð11Þ
is propagated into the missing image areas. The propaga- ¼ Fðqt Þ þ rFðqt Þðpt qt Þ;
tion starts at pixels on the boundary of the missing image
Fig. 7. Motion inpainting. (a) Motion field is propagated on the advancing front @M into M. (b) The color similarities between pt and its neighbors qt
are measured in the neighboring frame It0 after warped by local motion of qt . The computed color similarities are then used as weight factors for the
motion interpolation.
by the first order approximation of Taylor series expansion. pt missing and proceed to the next missing pixel. Although
In (11), we denote F ¼ Ftt and use F1 and F2 to represent the measure does not capture the exact color similarity
the first and second (x-direction and y-direction) compo- between pt and qt , the color similarity between pt0 and qt0
nents in the motion vector, respectively. Also, we use ½x yT on image It0 gives an approximation. For this approxima-
for the pixel coordinate of qt and ½u vT to represent tion, we rely on the fact that the local pixel arrangement
displacement from pixel qt to pt , i.e., ½u vT ¼ pt qt . does not vary dramatically in the small time frame. We are
The motion value for pixel pt is generated by a weighted currently using the l2 -norm for the color difference in RGB
average of the motion vectors of the pixels Hðpt Þ: space for the sake of computation speed, but different color
P spaces, richer measures or intensity difference could
qt 2Hðpt Þ wðpt ; qt Þ Fðqt Þ þ rFðqt Þðpt qt Þ alternatively be used.
Fðpt Þ ¼ P ;
qt 2Hðpt Þ wðpt ; qt Þ
Using these two factors g and c, we define the weighting
factor by their product:
where the weighting factor wðpt ; qt Þ controls the contribu- wðpt ; qt Þ ¼ gðpt ; qt Þcðpt ; qt Þ: ð15Þ
tion of the motion value of qt 2 Hðpt Þ to pixel pt . To summarize, with the geometric factor g, the effect from
The weighting factor wð; Þ is designed to reflect two distant pixels decreases. On the other hand, pseudosimi-
important factors: geometric distance and the pseudosimi- larity of colors c approximates anisotropic propagation of
larity of colors between p and q. The geometric distance local motion using the color similarity measure on the
controls the contribution to the new local motion vector, neighboring frame It0 .
e.g., the nearer q governs the new local motion on p more. The actual scanning and composition in the missing area
We define the geometric distance factor g by M is achieved using the Fast Marching Method (FMM) [38]
as described by [39] in the context of image inpainting. Let
1 @M be the group of all boundary pixels of missing image
gðpt ; qt Þ ¼ ; ð13Þ
jjpt qt jj area M (pixels which have a defined neighbor). Using
FMM, we are able to visit each undefined pixel only once,
which is evaluated on It image plane. The second factor,
starting with pixels of @M, and advancing the boundary
pseudosimilarity of colors, attempts to rely on the motion inside M until all undefined pixels are assigned motion
vector where its pixel color is similar to color value of the values as shown in Fig. 7. The pixels are processed in
target pixel. The factor is considered as a measure for ascending distance order from the initial boundary @M,
motion similarity, assuming that neighboring pixels of such that pixels close to the known area are filled first. The
similar colors belong to the same object in the scene and, result of this process is a smooth extrapolation of the local
thus, they will likely move in a similar motion. Since the motion flow to the undefined area in a manner that
color of pixel pt is unknown in frame It , we use the preserves object boundaries with color similarity measure.
neighboring frame It0 for the estimation of pseudosimilarity
of colors. As illustrated in Fig. 7, qt0 are first located in the 4.4 Local Adjustment with Local Warping
neighboring image It0 in Fig. 7b using qt and their local Once the optical flow field in the missing image area Mt is
motion. Using the geometric relationship between qt and pt obtained, we use it as a guide to locally warp It0 in order to
in Fig. 7a, pt0 are tentatively determined in It0 . Using pt0 and generate a smooth stitching even including moving objects.
qt0 , we measure the pseudosimilarity of colors by
0 0
It ðpt Þ It0 ðTtt ðFtt pt ÞÞ: ð16Þ
cðpt ; qt Þ ¼ ; ð14Þ If some missing pixels still exist in It , the algorithm goes
jjIt0 ðqt0 þ pt qt Þ It0 ðqt0 Þjj þ
back to Step 1 and uses the next neighboring frame.
where is a small value for avoiding division by zero. When After the loop of Steps (a)-(c), most of the cases of
qt0 or qt0 þ pt qt also fall into the missing region, we leave missing pixels are filled; however, sometimes there still
Fig. 8. Result of video stabilization #1. Top row: Original input sequence. Middle row: stabilized sequence which still has missing image areas.
Bottom row: stabilized and completed sequence. The grid is overlaid for better visualization.
remain missing image pixels which are not covered by 5.1 Video Completion Results
warped neighboring images. In fact, the coverage of the In our experiment, a 5 5 size filter h is used to perform
missing image pixels is not guaranteed. Experimentally, motion inpainting. In Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, the result of video
even though such remaining areas exist, they are always stabilization and completion is shown. In the two figures,
small; therefore, we simply interpolate the neighboring the top row shows the original input images, and the
pixels to fill up the areas. Richer methods such as stabilized result is in the middle row which contains a
nonparametric sampling [40], [15] or diffusion methods significant amount of missing image areas. The missing
can also be used to produce higher quality completion than image areas are naturally filled in with our video comple-
blurring, with additional computational cost. tion method as shown in the bottom row.
Fig. 10 shows a comparison result. Fig. 10a shows the
4.5 Summary of the Algorithm result of our method, and the result of direct mosaicing is
To summarize, we have the following algorithm for filling shown in Fig. 10b. As we can see clearly in Fig. 10b, the
in the missing image area M. mosaicing result looks jaggy on the moving object (since
multiple mosaics are used), while our result Fig. 10a looks
Goal: Let Mt be a set of missing image pixels in image It .
more natural and smoother.
Fill in Mt using the neighboring frames fItk ; . . . ; Itþk g.
Fig. 11 shows our video completion results over different
Mosaic with consistency checking scenes. The top-left pair of images shows a successful result in
Compute ett0 where t0 : t k t0 t þ k a scene containing a fast moving plane. The top-right pair
While Mt 6¼ 0 shows the case of a nonplanar scene, and in the left-bottom
for t ¼ argt0 minðett0 Þ to argt0 maxðett0 Þ pair, an ocean wave is naturally composited with our method.
Compute local motion from It to It0 Similar to Fig. 10a, our method accurately handles local
Motion Inpainting to obtain full motion field Ftt motion caused by either moving objects or nonplanar scenes.
Fill in Mt by It0 with local motion information Ftt
end of for-loop for t 5.1.1 Failure Cases
end of while-loop for Mt Our method sometimes produces visible artifacts. Most of
At the heart of the algorithm, motion inpainting ensures the failure cases are observed when the global and/or local
spatial and temporal consistency of the stitched video. motion estimation fails. Fig. 12 shows the failure example
due to the incorrect estimation of the global motion. The
filled-in image area of the completion result shown in
5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Fig. 12b becomes skewed due to the inaccurate stitching.
To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, we Another source of artifacts is the limited ability of the
have conducted extensive experiments on 30 video clips motion inpainting, i.e., it is not capable of producing abrupt
(about 80 minutes in total) to cover different type of scenes. changes of motion in the missing image areas. Fig. 13 shows
We set the number of neighboring frames to be 2k ¼ 12 such an example. In the figure, a boy swings down his arms,
throughout the experiment. but this motion is not observed in the input image sequence
In the following, we first show the result of video (top row) due to the limited field-of-view. The local motion
completion in Section 5.1. Quantitative evaluation of the is computed over the input image sequence; however, it
quality of resulting videos and computational performance does not contain sufficient information to describe the arms’
analysis are also described in Section 5.2 and Section 5.3, motion. As a result, the resulting images contain visible
respectively. We also show practical applications of our artifacts as shown in the middle row. The ground truth
video completion method in Section 5.4. images are shown in the bottom row for the comparison.
Fig. 9. Result of video stabilization #2. Top row: Original input sequence. Middle row: stabilized sequence which still has missing image areas.
Bottom row: stabilized and completed sequence. The grid is overlaid for better visualization.
Fig. 10. Comparison of completion results. (a) Our method and (b) mosaicing. The rectangular areas in the images in the top row are closed up in the
bottom row.
Fig. 11. Result of video completion over different types of scenes. In each pair, (a) is the stabilized image with missing image area (filled in by red),
and (b) is the completion result.
5.2 Quantitative Evaluation of Video Completion completion is generating visually natural videos, which is
We have measured the quality of video completion in two not necessarily equivalent to being close to the ground
different ways: 1) deviation from the ground truth and truth. We measure the “naturalness” by the spatio-temporal
2) evaluation of spatio-temporal smoothness. When the smoothness of the video.
produced video is close to the ground truth, it is reasonable
to say that the video is natural. The second evaluation is 5.2.1 Deviation from the Ground Truth
performed on the results which are not close to the ground In order to make a comparison with the ground truth, we
truth, since they may still be “natural” although the have cropped captured videos to produce smaller field-of-
deviation from the ground truth is large. The goal of video view videos and applied our video completion technique.
Fig. 12. Failure case #1. The filled-in area is skewed due to the inaccurate global/local motion estimation result. Dashed rectangle areas in the top
row are closed-up in the bottom row. (a) Original. (b) Our method. (c) The ground truth.
Fig. 13. Failure case #2. Top row: original input images with missing image areas. Middle row: result of video completion. Bottom row: the ground
truth. The artifacts are caused by the fact that motion inpainting is not able to produce the sudden changes of local motion in missing image areas.
In this way, we are able to compare the intensity differences measured by how seamlessly missing image areas are filled
in the filled-in image areas between the produced video and in, while the temporal consistency can be evaluated by
the ground truth. Fig. 14 shows the comparison with the smoothness of pixel transitions between successive frames at
ground truth. In this experiment, five different video clips temporal boundaries. If the spatial consistency is not
are chosen as shown in the figure. The first column shows achieved, a video frame may suffer from noticeable unnatural
the input images with missing image areas, and the second seams. And, if the temporal consistency is violated, temporal
column shows the result of video completion. The ground artifacts such as flickering may result in the video. We do not
truth is shown in the third column, and the right-most consider that the spatial and temporal continuity of the video
column shows the intensity difference between the resulting can fully assess the quality of the resulting video. However,
image and the ground truth. The intensity is calculated by smooth transition of pixel values along spatial and temporal
0:30R þ 0:59G þ 0:11B [37]. In Fig. 14, the images where axes is one important aspect of the statistics of natural videos.
moving objects appear at the boundaries of the missing We use the magnitude
image areas are selected in order to assess the performance pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi of three-dimensional intensity
gradients jjrIjj ¼ rI rI , where
of motion inpainting. Table 1 shows the mean absolute
difference (MAD) of intensity compared to the ground 2 @I 3
truth. The mean is taken using image pixels of the filled-in @x 2 3
6 7 Iðx þ 1; y; tÞ Iðx 1; y; tÞ
image areas. As shown in the table, our method outper- 6 @I 7
rI ¼ 6 7 4
6 @y 7 Iðx; y þ 1; tÞ Iðx; y 1; tÞ ;
5 ð17Þ
forms the simple mosaicing method significantly. 4 5 Iðx; y; t þ 1Þ Iðx; y; t 1Þ
5.2.2 Evaluation of Spatio-Temporal Smoothness @t
Sometimes, the deviation from the ground truth becomes in order to measure the spatio-temporal smoothness. We
large while the resulting video still looks natural. In fact, the define the normalized discontinuity measure D as the
goal of the video completion is producing the visually natural inverse of spatio-temporal smoothness that can be written as:
videos, which is not necessarily the same as producing videos
which are close to the ground truth. We consider that the X
naturalness of the video can be partly evaluated by the spatial D¼ jjrIi jj=n; ð18Þ
and temporal consistency. The spatial consistency can be
Fig. 14. Comparison with the ground truth. (a) Input images with missing image areas, (b) results of video completion with motion inpainting, (c) the
ground truth, and (d) difference between the results and the ground truth (in intensity).
where n is the number of pixels. used as a standard discontinuity in the video. The relative
The discontinuity is measured on the spatio-temporal smoothness is evaluated by
boundaries where images are stitched together. Since the
discontinuity D does not provide absolute measure, we ððDM DA Þ ðDO DA ÞÞ=ðDM DA Þ ¼
compared the discontinuity between our method and a ðDM DO Þ=ðDM DA Þ:
simple mosaicing method. We denote the discontinuity of
In this experiment, we have used seven different video clips
our method and mosaicing with DO and DM , respectively. (about 8,000 frames in total). The measured smoothness was
In order to assess the quality difference, we pick up generally higher using our method, and a 11.2 percent
boundary pixels p which are in motion, i.e., where the smoother result on average compared to the mosaicing
local motion Ftt ðpÞ 6¼ ½0 0T . We directly compare the method was obtained, ranging in 5:9 23:5%.
spatio-temporal smoothness in our result with that of the
mosaicing result in order to see which provides smoother 5.3 Computational Cost
result using the average discontinuity DA obtained from the In order to clarify the bottleneck of the computation for
surrounding image areas. The average discontinuity DA is further development, we have measured the computational
cost for each algorithm component.
The computational cost of our current research imple-
TABLE 1 mentation is about 2.2 frames per second for a video in the size
Comparison with the Ground Truth of 720 486 with a Pentium4 2.8 GHz CPU. Letting the
number of frames in the video be N and the smoothness
parameter be k, the computational cost of the algorithm blocks
and the number of computations are summarized in Table 2.
Note that the computational cost is measured without any
hardware acceleration. As shown in Table 2, the computa-
tional time is proportional to the number of frames N and is
also roughly proportional to the smoothness parameter k.
Among the algorithm blocks, most of the computation time is
spent on local motion estimation. Therefore, it is important to
The numbers show the mean absolute difference of intensity in the filled- speed up the local motion estimation part for the realization of
in areas compared to the ground truth. Scene number corresponds to real-time implementation. Utilizing GPU power as it is done
the scenes shown in Fig. 14 from top to bottom. in [41], it will be possible to significantly improve the speed.
Summary of Computational Cost
The computational time is proportional to the number of frames N. The percentage is measured when the smoothness k ¼ 6. The number of times
represents the count of operations of each computation block.
Fig. 15. Sensor dust removal. (a) Spots on the camera lens are visible in the original video. (b) The spots are removed from the entire sequence by
masking out the spot areas and applying our video completion method.
5.4 Other Video Enhancement Applications difference is small, and more importantly, visual appear-
In addition to video stabilization, the video completion and ance is well preserved.
deblurring algorithms we developed in this paper can also
be used in a range of other video enhancement applications.
We show two interesting ones here: sensor dust removal
from a video, caused by dirt spots on the video lens or We have proposed video completion and deblurring
broken CCD, and overlaid text/logo removal. They can be algorithms for generating full-frame stabilized videos. A
considered as a problem of filling up specific image areas new efficient completion algorithm based on motion
which are marked as missing. This can be naturally applied inpainting is proposed. Motion inpainting propagates
to time-stamp removal from a video. In particular, when a motion into missing image areas, and the propagated motion
stabilizing process is applied to a video, it is essential to field is then used to seamlessly stitch images. We have also
remove these artifacts from the video since they become proposed a practical deblurring algorithm which transfers
shaky in the final stabilized video. In this experiment, we and interpolates sharper pixels of neighboring frames
manually marked artifacts as missing image areas. The instead of estimating PSFs. The proposed completion
missing image areas are then filled up by our video method implicitly enforces spatial and temporal consistency
completion method. supported by motion inpainting. Spatial smoothness of the
Fig. 15 shows the result of sensor dust removal. Fig. 15a image stitch is indirectly guaranteed by the smoothness of
is a frame from the original sequence, and circles indicate the extrapolated optical flow. Also, temporal consistency on
the spots on the lens. The resulting video frames are free both static and dynamic areas is given by optical flow from
from these dirt spots as they are filled up naturally as the neighboring frames. These properties make the resulting
shown in the right image. Fig. 16 shows the result of text videos look natural and coherent.
removal from a video. The first row shows the original
sequence, and some text is overlaid in the second row. 6.1 Limitations
Marking the text areas as missing image areas, our video Our method strongly relies on the result of global motion
completion method is applied. The bottom row shows the estimation which may become unstable when a moving
result of the completion. The result looks almost identical to object covers large amounts of image area, for example. We
the original images since the missing image areas are are using a robust technique to eliminate outliers; however, it
naturally filled up. The absolute intensity difference of the fails when more than half the area of the image is occluded by
original and result images is taken in Fig. 17d. The result a moving object. Local motion estimation also has limita-
image is not identical to the original image; however, the tions, and may generate wrong results for very fast moving
Fig. 16. Result of overlaid text removal from the entire sequence of a video. Top row: original image sequence. Middle row: the input with overlaid
text. Bottom row: result of overlaid text removal.
Fig. 17. Comparison of the ground truth and the text removal result. (a) A frame from the original video, (b) a text is overlaid on the original video,
(c) result of text removal, and (d) absolute intensity difference between the original and result frame.
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