Report Sand2004-1022

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SAND 2004-1022
Unlimited Release
Printed January 2004

Design and Test Plan of the Outdoor Test Facility

Border Monitoring System (OTF-BMS)

C. Alan Runyan-Beebe and Timothy J. Crawford

Sandia is a multi-program laboratory operated by

Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company,
for the United States Department of Energy under
Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

Issued by Sandia National Laboratories, operated for the United States Department of
Energy by Sandia Corporation.

NOTICE: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of

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agency thereof, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors,
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any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of
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SAND 2004-1022
Unlimited Release
January 2004


Design and Test Plan of the Outdoor Test Facility

Border Monitoring System (OTF-BMS)

C. Alan Runyan-Beebe and Timothy J. Crawford

Sandia National Laboratories
International Security Initiatives
Mail Stop 1373
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1373

Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia

Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United
States Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC04-

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Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 6

1.1 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................... 6

1.2 OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 DESIGN PROCESS ................................................................................................................................. 7
1.4 DETERMINE OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................... 9
1.6 ANALYZE DESIGN ............................................................................................................................. 18

2. TEST PLAN........................................................................................................................................ 20

2.1 TEST OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 20

2.2 TEST POSTULATES ............................................................................................................................. 20
2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AND TERRAIN STIPULATIONS ......................................................... 21
2.4 SIMULATED BORDER CROSSING—HUMAN TEST ............................................................................ 21
2.5 SIMULATED BORDER CROSSING—VEHICLE TEST .......................................................................... 22
2.6 TEST FORMS ...................................................................................................................................... 22

3. SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS.......................................................... 23

3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ....................................................................................................... 23

3.2 SAFETY .............................................................................................................................................. 23

4. APPENDIX A. FACT SHEETS .......................................................................................................... 24

4.1. MONITRON SENSOR SYSTEM........................................................................................................... 25

4.2. MINI-INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM (MIDS) ............................................................................. 26
4.3. SPARTON SECURITY SYSTEM .......................................................................................................... 27
4.4. EAGLE TELONICS............................................................................................................................. 28
4.6. PORTED COAXIAL CABLE................................................................................................................ 30
4.7. PHILIPS SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................. 31
4.8. RAYTHEON THERMAL IMAGER ....................................................................................................... 35
4.9. PHOTOVOLTAIC (SOLAR) PANELS ................................................................................................... 36
4.10. MICROWAVE VIDEO AND DATA TRANSMISSION LINK ................................................................... 38

5. APPENDIX B. TEST FORMS.......................................................................................................... 39

1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
The Outdoor Test Facility is an integrated system designed to test sensors,
communications links, display technologies, assessment methods, and other integration
issues for border monitoring applications.
The OTF consist of two major subsystems. The OTF Integration Test Yard (OTF-ITY)
provides space to deploy sensors and camera systems in a simulated border configuration.
The OTF-ITY includes an open, one-square-kilometer area to test seismic,
electromagnetic, microwave, optical, and other open-area sensors. A fenced enclosure
surrounding the tower installation is also present for testing such intrusion detection
sensors as optical break-beams, mono- and bi-static microwave, taut wire, and fiber optic
sensors. The OTF-ITY also includes visible-light and infrared cameras mounted on a 10-
meter (~30-foot) tower, which also provides mounting space for communication
The second subsystem of the OTF is the Command Center, located at the Sandia National
Laboratories International Programs Building. Sensor and video signals from OTF-ITY
are transmitted through radio and microwave links approximately 4 km (2.6 mi) to the
command center.
The command center is an integrated system for receiving and displaying data
information from the OTF-ITY. This system allows for manual and automatic control of
cameras and sensors systems. The command center also has the ability to store and
retrieve video information from a digital recorder.

1.2 Objectives
Objectives of the OTF are as follows:
• To demonstrate and test technologies that detect intrusions by personnel and
vehicles across borders or lines of control
• To operate independently of local infrastructure (communications, power, etc.) as
required for remote applications
• To operate autonomously or with intervention of trained operators.

1.3 Design process
Design philosophy
The design of the OTF was based on the Design and Evaluation Process Outline (DEPO)
developed for physical protection systems.1 This process has been used extensively for
domestic and international design of physical protection systems for facilities with high-
value assets. It provides tools for quantifying the threat and consequences of protection
system failure. It then provides guidance for deploying intrusion detection, access delay,
and response force resources effectively to counter threats. For the design of the OTF,
the DEPO process was adapted for use in border monitoring. In border monitoring
situations, the assets to be protected, consequences of intrusion and protective force
response times are generally different than those in a physical protection situation.
However, with slight modifications, the DEPO framework is useful in characterizing a
system’s approach to border monitoring.

Process overview
An important feature of the DEPO process is that it is iterative, with evaluation being
followed by improvement or redesign. In this way, the system can respond to evolving
threat and border environments.
Determine Objectives Design/Characterize Border Monitoring System Analyze Design Final Design

Asset identification
Border Monitoring
Threat definition Technologies

Border characterization Detection Access Delay Response Redesign

Sensors Access Control Force Capacity

Assessment Force Coordination


Figure 1: Border Monitoring System Design Process

Determine Objectives
During the design phase, the first step is to identify the system objectives that it is
expected to accomplish. These objectives depend on the assets the system is intended to
protect, the nature of the threats directed against the system, and the characteristics of the
border itself.

Sandia National Laboratories, The International Training Course: Physical Protection of Nuclear Facilities
and Materials, Vol. III. Evaluating the Physical Protection System Design. Albuquerque, NM, March 1998.

Design/Characterize Border Monitoring System
Once the system objectives have been determined and quantified, the actual system
design can take place. The total border monitoring system includes sensors that detect
intrusions and assessment equipment for characterizing the intrusions as well as
communications and other support systems. Though the primary emphasis of this
document is to test multiple technologies for detecting and assessing intrusions, this
document will also give emphasis on general border monitoring technologies, and some
consideration to access control and delay as well as response force characteristics.
Analyze Design
When the design is complete, a variety of tools can be employed to determine whether it
is capable of meeting design objectives. Once the system is constructed, it is necessary to
test and evaluate the system to determine whether it meets the objectives under realistic,
operational conditions. Evaluation can provide verification that the system operates as
intended; or requirements for design or construction improvements.
The following sections treat the phases of the design process in detail with particular
consideration of the OTF design.

1.4 Determine Objectives
Asset Identification
In a physical protection situation, the assets to be protected are likely to be tangible, high-
value items such as nuclear power plants, military installations (munitions dumps, missile
sites, etc.), industrial facilities, etc. While a border monitoring installation may be part of
the protection system for such assets, the primary objectives in a border monitoring are
generally more diffuse, such as the safety and security of those living near the border or
economic control of the border (to prevent smuggling or unauthorized immigration).

Threat Definition
The OTF design is concerned with two types of threats: personnel and vehicles. Insider
threats will not be tested nor will scenarios involving collusion between the insider and
outsider threats. These types of threats are outside the scope of this document, the OTF
and the work done at the Command Center.
Personnel threats will further be broken into two groups. The first type is a single person
trying to cross for illegal purposes or by accident. During the testing phase, an operator
will make the assessment as to whether the person poses a threat or is crossing by error or
accident. The second type of personnel threat is crossing by a group of people. During
testing, the assumption will be that such a crossing is for the purpose of illicit activity.
During the test, all group crossings will cause true alarms, and operators will be required
to make note of the occurrences.
System response to vehicle crossings will be tested with three different types of vehicles.
We are using a small (bicycle), medium (ATV), and large vehicle (truck) to represent a
range of vehicles. These different vehicle types will help to assess whether the system
can identify and report the differences in size of the vehicles and at what distance from
the sensors the detection occurs. During testing, all vehicle movement across the OTF is
assumed to represent a threat of illicit border crossing.

Border characterization
The OTF site is located in a remote area of Kirtland Air Force Base. The area is
predominantly flat with a change of elevation of only 30 meters over a distance of 2 km
in any direction. The vegetation is characteristic of an arid steppe, with low-growing
grasses and undergrowth predominating. The site is well suited for long-range
observation from the tower, and operators can monitor a large area with little obstruction.

1.5 Design/Characterize System: Border monitoring

Outdoor Test Facility located on Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque NM.

The primary sensors at the OTF are seismic strings buried throughout the border area.
Seismic sensors detect movement of persons, animals, or vehicles through the area of
interest by monitoring ground movements. Each sensor is sensitive to movement of
persons at a distance of up to 9 meters, depending on the soil type, ambient seismic
activity, number and type of intrusions, etc. Vehicles of the type being tested can be
detected at distances of up to 50 meters2.
At the OTF, the seismic sensors are deployed in 100-meter linear arrays along the
simulated border. Within each seismic string, individual sensors are placed 17 meters
apart, providing for a one-meter overlap between adjacent sensor sensitive areas3.

Ported Coaxial Cable

Two hundred meters of Ported Coaxial Cable (PCC), also know as Leaky Coax, is
installed along the simulated border area. A PCC consists of a coaxial cable with holes in

Per manufacture’s specifications
For further information, a data sheets on seismic sensors is in appendix A.

its shield conductor that generates an electromagnetic field around the cable. A second
cable acts as an antenna to detect the field. When a person or vehicle enters the space
permeated by the field, the resulting field disturbance is detected by associated
In use, ported coaxial cables are buried for concealment and protection against
environmental hazards. Detection range depends on the size, electrical conductivity, and
motion of the target. Calibration adjustments allow trade-offs between sensitivity
(maximum range of detection) and false alarm rate. Other circuitry protects against
hazards such as lightning.
PCC has been used extensively in perimeter monitoring systems, in which their
effectiveness is well established when installed properly. The purpose for including PCC
in the OTF is to determine its effectiveness in a border-monitoring application. A data
sheet on the PCC sensor system is in Attachment A.

Infrared Intrusion Detectors

Though not currently used at the OTF, infrared sensors have been applied to active
border monitoring areas for many years. It is important to understand the concept of
infrared sensors and the possibility that they may be tested at a later time at the OTF.
There are two types of infrared sensors, active and passive, that can be used for area
monitoring and border applications.
Passive infrared sensors
Passive infrared sensors detect persons, animals, and vehicles by the changes—both
increases and decreases—they induce with respect to the infrared background in the
sensor’s field of view. Short-range infrared sensors detect single persons reliably at a
range of about 24 meters (80 feet). Vehicles can be detected up to 60 meters (200 feet)
away. Long-range sensors increase the vehicle detection range to 150 meters (500 feet).
Passive infrared sensors are small and emit no infrared radiation, so they are very
difficult to detect. The sensor output is communicated over a cable or RF link, depending
on the installation. A datasheet on the passive infrared sensor is in Attachment A.
Active infrared sensors
An active infrared sensor consists of a transmitter, which emits a pulsed infrared beam,
and a receiver that is activated when the beam is interrupted. Detection does not depend
on infrared emissions from the environment.

Microwave sensors
A microwave sensor detects intrusions by the effective change on the electromagnetic
field emitted by the sensor. There are two types of microwave sensors (Bistatic and
Monostatic) available on the commercial market. Currently, a monostatic microwave is
used for fence-line protection at the OTF and is not currently part of the overall testing.
A data sheet covering both bistatic and monostatic microwave sensors are in Attachment
Bistatic microwave
In a bistatic microwave sensor, a transmitter directs a beam of RF energy to a receiver.
The wavelength of the beam (approximately 3 cm) and beam width are small enough that

persons or vehicles passing between the transmitter and receiver can significantly
attenuate the beam, allowing detection. The beam is invisible and sufficiently narrow
that it is difficult to detect, and the relatively small antennas (about 25 cm in diameter)
can be concealed.
Mono-static microwave
A mono-static microwave sensor permeates a volume of space with an electromagnetic
field, utilizing a transmitter and receiver in the same unit. When a person or vehicle
enters the space, it disturbs the field and is detected. The active volume can be up to 120
meters (400 feet) long and 1 to 7 meters (3 to 23 feet) wide. By adjusting the emitted
power and the antenna, the size of the volume can be tailored to the area to be monitored.

Sensor Summary
Predominantly, the current testing at the OTF is with seismic sensors and ported coaxial
cables. Future tests at the OTF have been planned for multiple technologies that can have
use for wide area and border monitoring applications. Examples of future tests are mono-
static microwaves, fiber-optic intrusion detection, and ground surveillance radar.

Alarm assessment
Imaging systems
Dual infrared imager system
The OTF uses two infrared imaging cameras on a common mount. One has a normal, 25-
mm focal length objective and the other has a 125-mm, telescopic objective. Both
cameras are sensitive to thermal emissions and can be used in daylight or complete
darkness. The common mount has motorized control of pan and tilt allowing remote,
automatic or manual control of camera aiming.
EnviroDome® visible-light camera
The visible-light camera at the OTF is an integrated unit including color, charge-coupled
device (CCD) camera, zoom lens, and motorized pan/tilt controls in a ruggedized,
weather-tight enclosure. The camera has low-light capability and switches automatically
to black-and-white operation in incandescent lighting. The 12X zoom lens is remotely
controlled and is augmented by digital zoom for higher magnification (with resulting loss
of resolution). The pan/tilt mounting allows continuous, 360-degree pan and 180-degree

Sensor communications
The sensors employed at the OTF-ITY contain their own, integrated radio transmitters.
These transmitters operate at VHF frequencies and have a range of about 16 km (10
miles) in the OTF configuration.
Video Communications
Video and camera control information at the OTF is communicated through two
microwave links. The microwave communication links chosen for the OTF operates in

See Appendix C for camera formula information

the 21.3 to 23.6 GHz band with a bandwidth of 10 MHz. The practical range of the
system at full bandwidth is 16 km (10 miles).
In the first phase of OTF testing, image data from all three cameras (visible light and two
thermal) were fed into a video multiplexer which communicated over the one microwave
communication link. During a re-evaluation of the OTF, an additional microwave link
was installed so that only the thermal imagers had to be multiplexed. Dedicating a link to
the dome camera increased the effective bandwidth and allowed the camera to be used to
identify persons and vehicles at long range.

Ancillary systems
Tower Facility
The tower facility is located in a fenced area at the
intersection of the Four Hills Road and the twin
tracks road. The facility is 12 meters (40 feet) wide
and 18 meters (60 feet) long. Inside the perimeter is a
nine-meter (30-foot) tower, a solar power system with
a battery bank, and an equipment trailer. A three-
meter (10-foot) fence surrounds the facility for
security and safety.

The tower (see Figure 2) is a commercially made,

industrial tower designed to withstand harsh climatic
conditions. The tower supports the daylight dome
camera, two thermal imagers, microwave
communications antennae, and a control box (C-Box).
The tower is 9 meters (30 feet) tall and is set on a
concrete foundation block that measures ten feet by
ten feet and four feet deep (3m x 3m x 1.3m). An
internal ladder provides access to a platform so that
work can be accomplished on camera systems and
Figure 2. Test site tower facility microwave communications links. A major
requirement on the tower is that it shall move no more
than .5 degree in 90 mph winds. For actual installations in regional areas, this type of
tower may not be required. For the OTF, however, it was decided that a strong tower
would be required if the need arose for heavy equipment to be installed for testing.

OTF Control Box (C-Box)

The C-Box (Figure 3) is the

control combiner enclosure for all
the components for the OTF Site.
The C-Box is mounted at the
bottom of the tower and is
constructed for easy access for
calibration and testing of all the
apparatus within the OTF site. As
a key component to the OTF Site,
the C-Box was made so that
operators and maintenance
personal can monitor the site either
locally or remotely. For regular
maintenance, the C-box monitors
Figure 3. OTF Control Box
temperatures and humidity so that
a log can be kept of electrical equipment temperature. Components mounted in the C-
Box include the following:
• Terminal blocks and distribution wiring for power from the solar array and battery
• Signal distribution unit for control signals from the dome camera and the thermal
imagers. The signal distribution unit distributes serial data from the microwave
communication link to the cameras. It enables an operator at the Command Center
to control each camera independently and for alarm activations to move the
cameras to given preset positions.
• Video multiplexer. The video multiplexer was intended to combine all the video
signals from the cameras for transmission through the microwave communication
link back to the Command Center. During initial testing, it was found that
multiplexing all the signals seriously degraded the video quality at the Command
Center and that, as a result, formulas for distance and target identification were
incorrect. To correct this deficiency, an additional microwave communication
link was installed to carry video from the dome camera, so that only the thermal
imager video is sent through the multiplexer.
• Temperature recorder. The temperature recorder records temperature and
humidity continuously along with minimum and maximum readings over time.
Data from the recorder led to the installation of two fans to keep temperatures
constant inside the C-Box by circulating air though the interior.

Solar Array and Battery Bank
One key feature of the OTF site is the ability to use remote power sources. Solar panels
and a battery bank are employed to power all of the equipment on the tower. Since the
site uses fully steerable cameras, power consumption can be very high to power the
motors and the driver units. As a result, large array and battery bank are required to
sustain the system year round. The power system provides 110 VAC, 24 VAC, and 24
VDC. The C-Box distributes the proper supply voltages to the equipment5.
Though the configuration of the
solar array and battery bank
required some custom work, the
system uses off-the-shelf
components and is very stable
year round. The Siemens 110-
Watt solar panels (Figure 4) are
connected in both parallel and in
series to generate a 24VDC
output at up to1500 Watts
during peak hours.
The battery bank (Figure 5) has
a power allocation and control
panel that handles all input and
output power sources from the
Figure 4. Solar panels at OTF remote site
solar array, battery bank, and C-
box. The panel also includes
circuit breakers and fuses for
safety and to prevent overloads.
The high-power capability of
the solar array and battery bank
requires all maintenance and
inspection personnel are to
undergo electrical safety
indoctrination and have proper
safety equipment present before
approaching the battery bank6.

Figure 5. Battery bank at OTF remote site

See Appendix A for fact sheet on solar array system
For safety training and operating procedure requirements, refer to Section 3.2.

Alarm control and display

Command Center
The OTF Command Center receives sensor
and video data from the OTF site so that an
operator can view alarm activations and live
video images. It includes provisions for
archiving the data for later review and storage.
The Philips control system7 is the processing
system of the Command Center and Control,
because it is the point where video and alarm
information is gathered and distributed
throughout the system. The main component
of the Philips control is the processing unit,
which controls signal distribution, alarm
processing, and recording equipment. The
processing unit also stores information on
camera presets. For each separate alarm, an
associated preset directs the cameras to move Figure 6. Command Center
into designated pan, tilt, and zoom settings,
allowing video assessment of the alarm response.
When an alarm occurs at the OTF, a digital recorder is activated to archive video
information onto a hard drive. The digital recorder can store up to 90 GB of information
before it overwrites the oldest information. When it is filled to capacity, the recorder
automatically downloads all files to a CD writer, or downloading can also be commanded
manually. Once information is written to a CD, it can be stored longer than conventional
VHS tapes, taking up less space, and with no danger of being erased by magnets. Along
with the capabilities of archiving video information, the digital recorder can transmit
video images over the Internet, so that information can be viewed from any location with
Internet capabilities. This feature is currently being utilized by the computer interface
and through remote applications.

Command Center software includes several modules:
• Processing unit software determines how alarms are to be handled and provides
for stored or manual control of cameras. This software is configurable through
Command Console Language (CCL) protocol.

See Appendix A for fact sheet on Philips System.

• Since a variety of sensors are used in the OTF system, a separate processor with
its own software system is used to translate the various sensor indications into a
common format for use by the Phillips processing unit.
• A web server system allows image and alarm data to be viewed by authorized
users remotely via the worldwide web.


Begin Task
Action Complete
Adversary Task Time

Adversary Interrupted
Alarm Assessed



Figure 7. Border monitoring and response system performance

While the issues of response time and response force capability are beyond the scope of
OTF operations, data provided by the OTF is crucial to the development of effective
response. As shown in Figure 6, the goal of border monitoring and response is to stop an
adversary force before its task (for example, to sabotage a defensive installation or to
deliver smuggled goods) is complete.
The detection phase begins when the first sensor indicates (T0) that an intrusion is taking
place. During the detection phase, the alarm status is sensed and assessed to characterize
the intrusion as to type, location, etc. The response phase begins when the alarm has
been assessed (TA) and ends when the response force has interrupted the adversary’s task
(TI). The minimum requirement on the monitoring and response system is that TI must
be before the adversary task is complete. The border monitoring system embodied in the
OTF contributes to meeting this requirement by making the time between T0 and TA as
short as possible.

1.6 Analyze Design
The test procedure (detailed in Chapter 2) evaluates the OTF video systems, sensors, and
command and control equipment. The test will be conducted in a one square kilometer
area adjoining the twin track road, which serves as the simulated border (Figure 8). The
Sensors have been laid out to simulate a mountainous terrain, which are marked with
flags and cones to outline areas that are not to be crossed.

Figure 8. OTF remote site map with simulated mountainous terrain

Vehicles and humans will be able to make routes though the area, while sensors will be
placed in layers to track movement. For the simulation, there are 48 different routes that
can be chosen. During the actual test phase these routes will be chosen at random by the
person, group, or vehicle that moves through the area. System operators will attempt to
track the movements across the area and determine routes that are taken.

The seismic sensors are placed in layers parallel to the simulated border. Each sensor is
installed in an open area between the simulated impassable mountain regions that are
shown by the ovals at the site maps (Figures 8 and 9). In each test, intruders will cross
the border via routes between the simulated mountainous areas. An operator at the
Command Center will attempt to detect and track the intruders’ movements using the
sensor data. After each border-crossing test, the observers will verify the operator’s
account of the intrusion against the actual movements that the intruder made across the

Figure 9. OTF map with sensor locations

2. Test Plan
2.1 Test Overview
The OTF design was predicated primarily on the identification of humans crossing the
border on foot. Assessment was not intended to determine whether the crossing is hostile
or not, but rather whether an individual or group has crossed the border area. For this
test, the requirement is that operators must be able to track a person over a long distance
of land to provide the response force enough time to intercept unauthorized intrusion.
For the purposes of this test, the primary detection and assessment information will be
from the sensors. Seismic sensors have been installed in a layered configuration that
monitors the border as well as a strip of land several hundred meters from the border. A
ported coaxial cable sensor is placed along the border, to show a different variable for the
test. With sensors in this configuration, an operator should be able to detect border
crossings and track the intruders to provide location and direction information to the
response force.
For this test, camera assessment will be used only as verification that the operator has
made correct assessment of the alarms using sensor data. The reason that the cameras are
not an integral part of this test is because of the simulated mountainous terrain. In
mountainous terrain, cameras may not be able to track intruders over long distances and
thus cannot be relied upon for assessment.
Along with the tests of human intrusion, limited testing of vehicle intrusions will be
conducted. Environmental restrictions on Kirtland Air Force Base preclude large-scale
vehicle testing because of the potential for damage to the area. Therefore, for this test
limited vehicle crossings will be conducted on paths that will not affect the area.
Statistically, the vehicle crossing tests will not provide enough data to make scientific
judgments on the performance of the system.
At least two trained operators will be required at the command center to observe alarm
activations and video assessment. These operators will keep a log and monitor the test
crossings. They will also be required to use the digital recorder to make a video archive
of the test to verify the border crossings.
Along with the operators that are at the command center and the OTF site, the test
procedure will require unbiased arbitrators to verify that the test is being conducted
according to the test objectives and requirements. These arbitrators will keep logs as to
the success of the test and will be involved in the evaluation of the system.

2.2 Test postulates

The OTF system is only intended to notify operators that there is an intrusion by vehicles
or personnel crossing but not to indicate the intruders’ intentions.
Procedures for a response force or the halting of personal or vehicles will not be tested at
this site. Response to border crossing will be the responsibility of the regional agencies
that are interested in this system.

The system operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Before each test, OTF
operations will be checked to verify that there are no physical problems or operational
During the testing phase, a qualified operator must be at the command center observing
alarm and video systems. This operator needs to be impartial so that an unbiased
judgment of the system can be discussed.
The person(s) or vehicle(s) crossing the border area during the test will not have prior
knowledge of where the sensors are located. Of course, they are expected to act upon
what they physically witness during the crossing of the border site. If there is evidence or
presumptions where a system may be located this will be discussed at the end of the
testing phase. During the testing phase, neither vehicle(s) nor people will try to willfully
damage system components.

2.3 Environmental conditions and terrain stipulations

Twelve simulated “mountains” are scattered through the test area. Each mountain zone is
one hundred meters in diameter and is separated from adjacent zones by 100 meters (200
meters on centers). Each zone is marked with white flags, stakes, and orange cones.
Vehicle(s) or human(s) will be able to use the clear routes between zones and will not be
allowed to cross the simulated mountains. Forty-eight different routes can be used, and
during the tests these routes will be chosen at random by the person, group, or vehicle
that moves through the area. System operators attempt to track the movements across the
area and identify the routes that are taken.

2.4 Simulated Border Crossing—Human Test

The first part of the test will involve individual human crossings. Volunteers will be
briefed that they must reach a point at the end of the area without moving into simulated
mountainous terrain. They will be given the option to move in any way that they choose,
but that they should try to avoid sensors that they observe. Sensor installation
information will be withheld from these volunteers, so they will know the location of
only those sensors that they actually observe.
For each test, the point of completion may be changed at random, and the volunteers will
be asked to move through the area using a different route. This is to ensure that the
intruders do not offer the operators a predictable pattern.
The second part of the tests will involve groups of three to five people trying to cross the
area as a group. Though the group crossings will follow the same stipulations as the
individual crossing, there will be two added functions to these tests. Groups will have the
added testing of scatter and decoy tactics. For the scatter tactic, the group, while crossing
the simulated border area, will separate to test whether the command center can follow
and assess that a group has scattered across the area. The decoy testing will be the use of
an individual crossing the area before the group moves into the vicinity. For testing, an
operator at the command center will have to assess and identify that the group is using a
decoy while crossing the open area.

2.5 Simulated Border Crossing—Vehicle Test
Limited testing of vehicle crossings will be performed due to environmental protection
requirements, terrain, and resource availability. Three different types of vehicles will be
used in the tests. The first type is a truck that can only move through a subset of the
available routes. The second vehicle is an all terrain vehicle (ATV) that is able to use
more routes than the truck. The last vehicle is a mountain bicycle that can travel over all
of the simulated routes that are available to persons on foot.
The three different types of vehicles allow testing the system against targets of a variety
of masses. The vehicle test data will be used mostly for calibration and validation of the

2.6 Test Forms

Three different forms will be used during each test (Appendix B). One form is for the
use of volunteers crossing the area, one for operators observing the area, and the third for
arbitrators observing the test. Volunteers will be handed forms that they will fill out
before each test run with information on movements, how they will cross the area, and
speed (walking, running, or stealth). Volunteers will be provided a blank map of the area
that only has information on the simulated mountain terrain and open routes. On this
map, they will mark their path through this area. Arbitrators will be given this
information to validate that it follows the test provisions.
Operators will be provided with maps of the area and the sensor placement (with GPS
coordinates), so that they can mark where alarms originate. Operators will not know
where and when a test is running. Operators will make the determination that there is an
intrusion, and will mark the map on their forms as a log of where they believe that a
person(s) or vehicle(s) are crossing the area. Operators will share their information with
the arbitrators and this information will be logged for later evaluations of the system.
Arbitrators will know all relevant information during the test. They will be informed as
to when and where a test will be conducted and where sensors are placed. Therefore,
they can validate whether an operator is seeing an actual intrusion. The information that
arbitrators possess will require protection so that it is not disclosed to either the operators
or the volunteers during the test. Arbitrators will also be required to supervise the test of
the system and to ensure that the test is working properly. They may be required to stop
the test if there are any inappropriate actions and require that the test be recreated.

3. Safety and Environmental Considerations
3.1 Environmental protection
NEPA determination
The National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Kirtland Site Operations
determined that the OTF-ITY was categorically excluded from the requirement for an
environmental assessment or environmental impact statement (NEPA ID No. SNA –1-
0682, February 26, 2002)

Land use permit

The OTF-ITY is located on the Robotic Vehicle Range, which is operated by Sandia
National Laboratories under a land-use permit from the Department of the Air Force.

3.2 Safety
The OTF is covered by Preliminary Hazard Screen (PHS) number SNL1A00236-001,
created August 21, 2001. The special hazards identified in conjunction with OTF
operations concern the photovoltaic system with its associated storage batteries.

Operating procedures
OTF operating hazards are addressed in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) titled
“5324 Battery and Photovoltaic Cell TWD,” dated October 1, 2001.

4. Appendix A. Fact Sheets

These fact sheets are representative of different

technologies and manufactures. They represent
systems currently employed for test and
demonstration purposes at the OTF.

4.1. Monitron Sensor Specifications:
System • Two sets of receivers and displays
• Independent RS-232 (4) Serial ports
Receiver System • Operating Voltage: 110/220 V AC
The Monitron Base Station functions as a central • Can handle up to 10,000 Alarm IDs
data-gathering unit and is designed for indoor
use. The display (vacuum Fluorescent) module
is built into the enclosure, and the system can
transmit (RS-232) serial information to either a
PC Database and/or printer. An internal real
time clock is used for time stamping Alarms
inputs. The unit can be utilized as a desktop or
rack mounted monitor.

The Base station can monitor multiple systems at

different frequencies and handle up to 4000
different Sensor ID’s. Monitron Base Station

Monitron Transmitter
The Monitron Transmitter is encased in a
watertight corrosion proof enclosure. Assuring
proper functionality in any hostile environment
that may be encountered, including salt water.
The sensor and antenna connectors are also
watertight and corrosion resistant.

The character recognition filter uses a

combination of techniques. These include
frequency selection (narrow band synthesized
VHS), energy level/duration, and voltage ratio
measurements. These circuits provide
classification and discrimination against
nuisance alarms.

Operators can utilize micro-controllers, allowing

for setting a variety of parameters:
Sensor sensitivity
Single/multiple inputs
Classification and direction
Sleep mode
Channel selectable transceiver
Monitron Transmitter

4.2. Mini-Intrusion Detection
System (MIDS)

MIDS Receiver System

The Mini-Intrusion Detection System (MIDS)
receiver can handle up to 100 different ID's on a
single Freq. Channel. The display module is
built into the enclosure, and the system can
transmit (RS-232) serial information to a
software monitoring system or placed into a PC
database. ID’s can be blocked or grouped as
sequential codes and directional alarms can be

MIDS (Mini Intrusion Detection Sensors)

MIDS Transmitter System Seismic
The MIDS Transmitter is encased in a watertight
corrosion proof enclosure. Assuring proper
functionality in any hostile environment that may
be encountered, including salt water. The sensor
and antenna connectors are also watertight and
corrosion resistant.

The transmitter is a single channel (25Khz

spacing) VHF radio with programmable ID
codes. During normal operations, an external
sensor connected through a Mil-Spec connection
triggers the transmitter. Though relatively
inexpensive, operators cannot control parameters
except for ID classification.


• Stores last 10 messages in memory for

later recall.
• Can operate on one of 600 channels.
• ID lockout as individual or group.
• Adjustable audio level during
• Backlight LED display.
• Serial Interface with selectable baud

4.3. Sparton Security

The Sparton transmitter is encased in a
watertight corrosion proof enclosure. Assuring
proper functionality in any hostile environment
that may be encountered, including salt water.
The sensor and antenna connectors are also
watertight and corrosion resistant.
Sparton Transmitter
The Sparton Transmitter has 2 inputs for sensors
(seismic and directional) and transmits encoded
messages up to 10 miles line-of-sight. The unit
sends self-test messages at user-selected
intervals. Internal batteries typically last up to
one year.

Operators can utilize micro-controllers, allowing

for setting a variety of parameters:
Sensor sensitivity
Single/multiple inputs
Classification and direction
Channel selectable transceiver

The Sparton Base Station functions as a central
data-gathering unit for receiving and displaying
alarms information. The system can transmit
(RS-232) serial information to either a PC
Database and/or printer. It has two different
frequencies that can handle up to 2000 alarms
simultaneously. An internal real time clock is
used for time stamping Alarms inputs. The unit
can be utilized as a desktop or rack mounted

The Base station can monitor multiple systems at

different frequencies and handle up to 4000
different Sensor ID’s.

• Two sets of receivers and displays
Sparton Receiver
• Wide band crystal VHS
• Independent RS-232 (4) Serial ports

configured as either seismic processors (PT-
4.4. Eagle Telonics 310S) or passive infrared/magnetic processors
(PT-310IM). The PT-310S includes the ability to
Summary: discriminate between vehicles and pedestrians
The Eagle Intrusion Detection System (EIDS) is then report separate identifying messages. The
an intelligent discriminating remote sensor electronics are sealed in an impact resistant
system designed to operate in extreme aluminum housing. The standard power supply,
temperature ranges over long periods of time. standard 9V batteries), provides up to 90 days of
The EIDS has three different processor/ operational life.
transmitters for different application needs.
Long-term deployment models, medium-sized Receiver:
tactical units and miniature short-term units are RM-2000: Designed to
available. EIDS uses seismic, magnetic, passive receive, display and
and active infrared. Signals generated by the store digital messages
detectors are processed to classify and report via from the PT-100, PT-
RF transmission, unauthorized intrusions or 200 and PT-310
illegal activity. processor/transmitters.
All adjustments for the
Transmitters: R M-2000 are done via
Each transmitter (Long-term, medium-sized, and a 4-button keypad interface in conjunction with a
short-term) can receive, process, and transmit backlit Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).
information generated by seismic, infrared and The RM-2000 also utilizes a Store-On-Board
magnetic detectors either individually or in memory feature, which allows up to 250
various combinations. Microprocessor- messages to be stored in memory and retrieved at
controllers allow user selected parameters via a a later dates. Each message is time and date-
handheld programmer. stamped and can be exported to a computer
terminal or serial printer.
PT-100: A
processor/transmitter Specifications:
housed in a compact Transmitters
ruggedized case that Frequency: Narrow-band synthesized RF,
facilitates storage, from 138-174 MHz
transportation, and RF Power: 5 Watts (PT-100), 2.5 Watts
concealment. This (PT-200), 1.5 Watts (PT-310)
unit is ideal for long- Operating Voltage: 7-14 Vdc
term deployment up to one year. Constructed of
high impact resistant polypropylene, that may be Receiver
deployed either above ground or buried for Frequency: Wide band synthesized RF,
covert monitoring. From 138-174 MHz
Alarm Storage: 250 messages
PT-200: Designed for
Operating Voltage: 9-48 Vdc
quick deployment in
User Interface: 4 button Keypad, serial
tactical or covert
(RS-232) communications.
operations. The
electronic elements
are sealed in a
waterproof, high
impact resistant ABS housing. The PT-200 will
operate from three to four months of two (2) 9-
volt batteries.

PT-310: A small
quick deployment
unit for short-range
detection. The PT-
310 units are

Guidelines for installation:
4.5. Seismic Sensor Select areas where the surface is firm
and relatively dry. When possible, avoid loose
Systems—Monitron, sand, swampy areas, or areas that are springy
Sparton, Eagle Telonics from roots or heavy surface vegetation.
and MIDS
A seismic (geophone) sensor is a passive
intrusion detection system that responds to
seismic stimuli created by either vehicles or
persons within the area under surveillance. The
processor accepts the signals sent by the seismic
detectors, processes them, determines the
activity, establishes whether the intrusion is a
pedestrian or vehicle, and transmits the
appropriate alarm. The Seismic activity is
monitored in conjunction with an Automatic
Gain Control (AGC) circuit to reduce the effects
of background noise (natural seismic

A buried seismic sensor detects seismic activity

at the detector location and generates an
electrical signal that is analyzed by a micro-
controller to determine if a specific type of
intrusion has occurred. A single seismic detector
is used to monitor a small area or trail, or
detectors can be combined in a string to monitor
large open areas and perimeters. Detection range
will depend on several variables such as type of
terrain, sensitivity setting, number, and type of Seismic point and string sensors—Monitron, Sparton,
and Eagle Telonics

A seismic sensing pattern is circular. The sensing Specifications:

pattern for a seismic string depends on the
number and spacing of the seismic probes used. Typical Detection Ranges
Up to twelve seismic probes in a string may be Personnel 25-100ft
used with a single processor in seismically quiet Vehicle 170 ft
locations, which can provide a considerable Power Requirements 12-18Vdc
economic advantage when used on extended
boundaries and perimeters.

The Seismic Sensor and Seismic Line String

operate satisfactorily in a variety of soil types,
environmental conditions, and intrusion profiles.
Nonetheless, specific site selection may be an
important factor in providing a reliable input

4.6. Ported Coaxial Cable
Ported Coax is a high-security covert perimeter
intrusion sensor that generates an invisible
electromagnetic field around buried ‘leaky’ sensor
cables. A gap in the transmit cables outer conductor
allows for energy to escape and be detected by a
corresponding parallel receive cable. If an intruder
disturbs this field, an alarm is declared.
The Ported Coax uses a large volumetric field to
detect moving targets based on their electrical
conductivity, size and movement. The system also
allows an operator to calibrate the sensor so that Controller
people and vehicles crossing can be detected, while
small animals are ignored.
The length of each zone can very from 10m to 200m
and is customized to suit site requirements. The
cables are available in two configurations. SC1 has
the transmitter and receive cables in a single jacket.
Only one burial trench is required for the SC1 while
an SC2 cable has its transmitter and receiver cables
buried separately. The SC2 will cover a longer
width but requires two trenches for installation.
Cable configurations
Zone Length Min 10m
Max 200m
Calibration Outputs: 2 analog outputs for
voltmeter recording
Detection Threshold Adjustable for each
Power Consumption 12Vdc @ 500 mA
Outputs 4 Alarm relay outputs


4.7. Philips System
LTC 8800 Allegiant CPU
KBD-Universal Keyboard
The LTC 8800 video switcher/control system
performs full matrix switching to display any The IntuiKey digital keyboard is a full function,
camera to any monitor. Can handle up to 256 multipurpose keyboard used for system control
camera inputs, 64 monitor outputs, 32 and programming. Includes a variable P/T/Z
keyboards, 1024 alarm points, and 2 computer joystick and splash resistant design. Powered by
interface ports. Allegiant or Multiplexer. Menu driven macros
for advanced programming and camera settings.
Operators can control remote pan/tilt/zoom units
through keyboards, pre-positioning, and random
scan. The system provides macros and
programming languages for site-specific

Included is a Programming GUI that will enable

the user to read matrix programs and to set up
specific requirements for each camera and


Video Inputs: 256

Video Outputs: 32
Keyboards: 32 Philips Keyboard
Alarm Inputs: 1024
Power: 100 – 140 V AC
200 W

LTC 8800

LTC 2821/90 Universal
Multiplexer ENVD2460 G3 EnviroDome
Multiplexers can display any camera to either
monitor A or B and include camera sequencing The G3 EniviroDome is a small, easy-to-install,
and alarm action call-up. Selected video weather-resistant package, with a sealed camera
camera(s) will simultaneously record and view that can scan a continuous 360 degrees with
on multi-screens and can playback previously vertical auto-correct.
recorded images from multiple recording
devices. The day/night EnviroDome can be automatically
switch into night mode (from color to b/w) using
Quick Setup features can configure the system an IR Filter when light levels drop below a
for site-specific parameters and enable the specified threshold.
system to automatically connect to required
camera inputs. Standard shutter control allows the camera to
reduce speed to as little as ¼-sec, thus increasing
To enhance the recording of cameras, digital 4x the sensitivity to nearly .03 lux.
zoom, within the Multiplexer, can be used during
alarm activation. Remote addressing capabilities allows for the
operator to set either logical or programmable
System 4 Multiplexers can be used for main addresses when multiple cameras are within a
command control or at the remote site to allow site.
for multiple cameras to be transmitted over one
transmission link. Transmission integration allows for video/data
information to be sent over bi-phase or RS-232
All units are compatible with normal VHS for use with multiple wireless transmission links.
format or High Density Digital recording.
Lens: 18X zoom (4.1 mm –
Power: 110 – 220 V AC 73.8 mm)
@ .3 A Focus Automatic with
Digital Memory 720 H x 576 V manual Override
Cameras Inputs: 9 or 16 (BNC) Iris Automatic with
Alarm Inputs: 16 individual manual Override
Relay Outputs: Two relay outputs Field of View 2.7 to 48 degrees
Digital Zoom 12X
Horizontal RES 470 TVL
Pan/Tilt 360 continuous pan, 0
to 90 tilt from
horizontal plane
Accuracy .50 degrees
Power 21—28 V AC @ 20 W
Control Bi-phase or RS-232

LTC 2662 Universal Multiplexer

LTC 8712 Console Port

The LTC 8712 Series “expands” an Allegiant
system’s Console port to permit up to 4 external
computing devices to communicate with the
system via RS-232 protocol. Any computing
device, which can normally communicate
directly with an Allegiant (via its console port),
can be used with these port expanders.

Dome Camera Specifications:

LTC 8568 Signal Distribution Power 120Vac @ 10 W


Main site (Bi-phase) control code distribution

LTC 8780 Data Converter Unit
and line driver unit. Used for communication to Summary:
camera receiver/driver from Allegiant CPU.
Provides 32 separate outputs for driving up to The LTC 8780 Series are accessory units that
256 cameras. convert bi-phase control code into RS-232, and
converts RS-232 back to bi-phase. This provides
Specifications: the capability of transmitting the control code
over conventional RS-232 mediums such as
Power: 12 V AC @ 3W modems or Microwave Links.
Input: 9-pin for Data/Power
Output: 32 Bi-phase contacts

LTC 8540 Alarm Interface Unit


Unit accepts up to 64 contact closures or logic

level inputs from remote sensing devices such as
door contacts, PIRs, etc. and then reports the
“alarm” information to the main CPU bay.
Alarm inputs may be configured into groups of
32 to accept either normally open or normally
closed contacts. Unit also contains eight relay
outputs, which operate upon alarm conditions. Philips Accessories


Power 12Vac @ 8 W
Alarm Inputs 64 contacts
Alarm outputs 8 relay contacts
Data/Power 9-pin connector

DVR1 Digital Recorder with CD

The DVRI recorder replaces traditional analog

time-lapse recorders in conventional CCTV
systems. They are compatible with Multiplexers
and are simple to install.

Digital recorders provide fast, uninterrupted

video access available locally and via network
connections. Provides recording modes, speed, DVRI Digital Recorder
and overwrite capabilities.

Events can be stored directly to a PC hard drive,

CD format, or on the internal hard drive.

Access to recorded events, accomplished by

simply specifying camera and time or alarm
event, will allow an operator quick response for


Power: 12 V DC @ 35 W
Digital Resolution 720 x 484
Internal Hard Drive 80 GB
Search Features Camera, Time/Date, &
Recording Modes Event, Schedule,
Recording Speed 60, 30, 20, 10, 5, 3, 2,
1, .5, .2, and .1 IPS
Connectors RS-232, DB-9
I/O Port
Video Inputs/Outputs:
SCSI-2: 50 Pin
Network: Rj45

4.8. Raytheon Thermal Imager
The Thermal Imager is an infrared imaging surveillance system that
provides day/night capabilities. It senses heat changes and generates
real-time video pictures in all lighting conditions including total
darkness. Infrared has wavelengths that are shorter than visible light
and are longer than microwave (Radio). Near infrared (3-5 micron)
refers to that region of infrared that is closest to visible light and far
infrared (8-12 micron) refers to the part that is closer to the microwave
region. The primary source of infrared radiation is heat or thermal
radiation. Any object that has a temperature above absolute zero (-
459.67 degrees F or –273.15 degrees C) radiates heat in the infrared.
Even objects that we think of as being very cold, such as an ice cube,
emit energy when compared to absolute zero. The warmer the object
above absolute zero, the more infrared radiation it emits.

Thermal imagers can solve many video
assessment problems associated with the
protection of valued assets at various
installations, or facilities. Thermal imagers can
provide video perimeters monitoring both day
and night without expensive security lighting.
Until fairly recently, thermal imagers required
open loop cryogenic cooling to operate. The
high cost of these systems and associated
maintenance requirements restricted their
widespread use. However, recent
The thermal imaging camera can give the capabilities of viewing developments in reliable, closed-loop, linear
over a wide spectrum in the infrared drive cryogenic coolers and un-cooled infrared
imagers have dramatically reduced system
cost. These technology developments are
resulting in greater availability and practicality for many applications.

Technical Details
Spectral Response: 3 to 14 microns
Time to Operation [Typical] <25 seconds @ 25 Celsius
Gain Control: Automatic or Manual
Level Control: Automatic or Manual
Black/White hot: Automatic or Manual
Power Requirements [Typical]: 12 VDC

locations will reflect how much a single
4.9. Photovoltaic (solar) panel can draw.
panels: Preliminary
Requirements for making 2. Current and array tilt
an array in a monitoring This area of the calculations shows
system the location of the array and the best
possible draw that can be accomplished
Using solar panels for any from the design aspect. The operator
remote monitoring system requires many needs to know the location of the site in
different variables for correct coverage relationship to Longitude and Latitude.
of the system. Solar panels should be They also need to know at what time
part of the last set-up procedure, so that during the day the system will receive
the operator knows exactly how many the most current. In the calculations, the
panels will be needed to keep the system operator should also give a threshold
running over a period of time. number of how many days the system
can stay operational without any light.
The following clarifications will need to This will also be discussed later in the
be addressed before a person (operator) battery options. At this point the
can confidently know the amount of operator needs only know how much
solar panels required. time they are willing to give the battery
before the system goes down
1. Load calculations
3. Battery size and type
This is probably the most important The battery type and size will
area that needs to be done before any determine how many solar panels will be
array decision can be made. This needed at a monitoring site. Not all
calculation shows what will be in the batteries are suitable for a remote site
remote site and what the draw will be nor are they suitable for a solar array.
during peak use. This section should The operator needs to decide which type
also show what the system will work of battery would best suit the system and
on, and if the system will be on AC or what will be required, in Amps, for the
DC. If there are any devices that system. Using NiCad batteries or deep
require AC then an adapter will need to cycle marine batteries will usually suit a
be placed into the calculations so that system design. To find out what type of
the chart shows a correct load. battery will be best for a system, the
This chart should also show how operator will need to know what the
many days out of the week the system current load will be during peak hours
will be active and also when peak times and how long the system will be
may occur. The chart should also reflect operating during the day.
the location and time of the year. The trick to any system is the
Photovoltaic systems do not have a constant fight between the battery life
constant energy source throughout the and how many amps the solar panels can
year. During cold seasons, the system give. A good rule of thumb is to always
will give a lower current, and the make sure that the solar panels give
more current than the system requires.

This will ensure that the batteries will be to be address such as wire gauge, overall
charged while still operating the system. life of the battery, power surges, harsh
This will also help with those times climate, and installations. The areas
when the panels are not in operation. covered above are only for a broad base
This will dictate how many batteries will for finding out how many panels will be
be need for the site, and also on how needed (minimum) for the monitoring
many solar panels will be placed into the sight.
array Below is a chart on the possible
current that can be drawn from the sun
4. Array size during the year by either the tracking or
This is the area where the operator is fixed array. To find the same data on an
actually making the decisions on the area where a monitoring site will be
solar panels and on how many will be installed; the operator will need to find a
used for the system. This area will give contact in that area that does insolation
the operator a rough draft of the amount, data. They can also contact the
size, and type of panels required for the Southwest Technologies Institute for
array. rough worldwide insolation data. Major
There are many different types of US cities have had collections done by
solar panels on the commercial market Sandia National Laboratories.
but they all relatively do the same thing. Albuquerque Solar Data
There are really only two major types
that need to be decided on. The first
type is the tracking array. A tracking 12

array will give more current throughout

the day because it is following the 10

movement of the sun in the sky. This

unit will give the monitoring system the Fixed
highest current possible because it will 6

always have optimum light on the panel.

The problem with this system is in the 4

expense. These types of panels can

easily double in price compared to fixed
arrays. 0

The fixed array is a stationary panel

that does not get the highest current from Date

the sun. This type of panel will fluctuate

in current, because it does not receive
direct light throughout the day. The
good thing about this system is that it
requires no calibration and is fairly
The areas stated above for
making proper judgment on a solar array
are only the major concerns for a
monitoring sight. There are also
optimization problems that would have

4.10. Microwave Video and
Data Transmission Link

Microwave transmission links are used for long-
range wireless video transmission requirements.
Built-in sub-carriers are capable of carrying an
analog or digital signal for remote camera
controls: pan, tilt, zoom and switching. Sub-
carriers also allow for transmitting audio or data
information to and from the remote sites through
multiple interface modes.
Series 902 Microwave Link
High selectivity and precise beam control
enables the links to be located close together for
multiple channel operations. Normal designs
(FM Super-heterodyne) assure picture quality in
adverse weather conditions.

Systems are individually tuned to a specific

assigned frequency between 21.2 and 23.6 GHz.
Frequencies are obtained through an FCC license
and site surveys.


Frequency Range: 21.2 to 23.6 GHz

Modulation FM (+/- 4 MHz)
T/R Separation 50 MHz
Video Bandwidth 10 MHz
Input Voltage 12 – 24Vdc
@ 1.2 Amp
Power output 20mW typical
Polarization Vertical or Horizontal
Beam-width 1.6 degrees
Video and Sub-carrier diagrams

5. Appendix B. Test Forms

Border Crossing—Volunteer Sheet
Name of Volunteer(s): ___________________________________________________

Name of Arbitrator: _____________________________________________________

1. Type of Crossing (please circle all that apply below)

Person: Individual Group Vehicle: Truck ATV Bicycle

Speed: Run Walk Stealth MPH: ____________________________________

2. Time and Date: _____________________________________

Day or Night (Circle one)

3. Path through simulated area and Location of ending point (Please fill out on Map Below)
(Location to be determined by arbitrator)

4. Time to cross the area ______________________________

5. Sensors found during the crossing and description ___________________________________________



6. Notes ______________________________________________________________________________






Border Crossing—Operator Sheet
Name of Operator(s): _________________________________________________

Name of Arbitrator(s): ________________________________________________

1. Date / Time: _________________________________________________________

2. Day or Night (circle one)

3. Possible intruder path (please circle alarm activation then trace on map)

4. Determine Ending Point: (circle on map)


5. Type of Crossing (please circle one) Individual Group

Vehicle (if vehicle please specify type) -- Truck ATV Bicycle

6. Video Assessment: Yes No

7. Video Archive Date and Time:


8. Notes and Comments:


Activations ID’s
101 102
103 104
105 106
107 108
109 110
111 112
113 114

Border Crossing—Arbitrator Sheet

Name of Arbitrator:________________________________________________________
Name of Volunteer(s): _____________________________________________________
Name of Operators: _______________________________________________________
Date and Time:___________________________________________________________
Type of Crossing (please circle one) Individual Group
Vehicle (if vehicle please specify type) -- Truck ATV Bicycle
Day or Night (circle one)
1. Successful assessment to intrusion by operators: Yes No
If NO, please explain: ___________________________________________________________


2. Successful completion of course by volunteers: Yes No
If NO, please explain: ___________________________________________________________


3. Final Destination of intruders: (mark on map along with path that will be followed by intruders. Mark
Final Destination on Intruder Map)

4. Alarms activated during Test Run

Alarm Activations ID’s

101 102
103 104
105 106
107 108
109 110
111 112
113 114
5. Alarms that were not activated when intruders Crossed

Alarm Activations ID’s

101 102
103 104
105 106
107 108
109 110
111 112
113 114

6. Alarms that activated when there was no intrusion

Alarm Activations ID’s

101 102
103 104
105 106
107 108
109 110
111 112
113 114

7. If observing video system; was the camera following the intruder(s): Yes No

8. Did the operator assess the correct location of the intruder: Yes No

If NO, please explain: ___________________________________________________________



9. Was the path that the operator made correct with intruder path: Yes No

If NO, please explain: ___________________________________________________________



9. What was type of intruder crossing: Walk Run Stealth


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6. Distribution

1 U.S. Department of Energy

National Nuclear Security Administration
Attn: Scott Davis (NA-241)
International Policy and Analysis Div.
Forrestal Building, GA-007
1000 Independence Ave SW
Washington, DC 20585-0440

1 U.S. Department of Energy

National Nuclear Security Administration
Attn: Sean Oehlbert (NA-241)
International Policy and Analysis Div.
Forrestal Building, GA-007
1000 Independence Ave SW
Washington, DC 20585-0440

1 U.S. Department of Energy

National Nuclear Security Administration
Attn: Mary Cobb Neighbors
1000 Independence Ave SW
Washington, DC 20585-0440

1 U.S. Department of Energy

National Nuclear Security Administration
Attn: Pritham Khalasa
Forrestal Building, GA-007
1000 Independence Ave SW
Washington, DC 20585-0440

1 MS 1231 Thurman J. Allard

1 MS 1361 John C. Matter
1 MS 1363 M. Teresa Olascoaga
1 MS 1371 Ricardo A. Contreras
1 MS 1373 Doris E. Ellis

1 MS 1373 Kent L. Biringer
1 MS 1373 Timothy J. Crawford
1 MS 1373 Michael G. Vannoni
1 MS 1373 Christopher A. Runyan-Beebe
60 MS 1373 CMC Library, 5341
1 MS 1374 Robert M. Huelskamp
1 MS 1379 James F. Chapek
1 MS 9018 Central Technical Files, 8645-1
2 MS 0899 Technical Library, 9616

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