ABS Guidlines For RIT

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Guidance Notes on

The Use of Remote Inspection Technologies

December 2022



American Bureau of Shipping

Incorporated by Act of Legislature of
the State of New York 1862

© 2022 American Bureau of Shipping. All rights reserved.

ABS Plaza
1701 City Plaza Drive
Spring, TX 77389 USA
Foreword (1 December 2022)
Suitable means of access to structures is required for surveys to be carried out safely, effectively,
and efficiently. Currently, Surveyors use a combination of permanent, temporary (e.g., staging, scaffolding,
rafting, and ladder), and alternative (e.g., rope access) means of access to conduct class surveys.
Remote inspection technologies (RITs) are considered an alternative means of access. These technologies
can help reduce safety risks to the Surveyor (e.g., working at heights and working in enclosed and confined
spaces). In contrast to Remote Survey, which is for non-attended verification of select surveys, remote
inspection techniques are performed in the presence of the Surveyor on-site and directed by
the attending Surveyor during class-related surveys and, when approved by the flag State, statutory

There are different remote inspection technologies (RITs) that can assist the attending Surveyor in
evaluating a structure’s condition. These RITs may be installed on remote inspection vehicles or robotic
arms. Vehicles and robotic arms allow for collecting digital data to support an assessment of the structure's
condition and identify anomalies. This data may include photos, videos, light detection and range (LiDAR)
data, and other NDE data. The remote inspection vehicle (RIV) is a remotely controlled vehicle operating
in the air, underwater, or on structures. Some common types of RIV include Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(UAVs), Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles (ROVs), and robotic crawlers. These RITs also benefit
the asset Owner/Operator by reducing operational intrusiveness.

These Guidance Notes offer best practices for class surveys and non-class inspections using RITs. These
best practices include recommendations and guidance on applications of RITs, technology qualification,
and proficiency of the remote inspection Service Suppliers, RIV operation, data handling, and data
analysis. These best practices are intended to facilitate a safer, more effective, and efficient survey. The
following IACS Recommendations and Requirements were considered in the development of these
Guidance Notes:
● IACS Recommendations No. 42, Guidelines for Use of Remote Inspection Techniques for Surveys
● IACS UR Z7, Hull Classification Surveys 1.6 Remote Inspection Techniques
● IACS UR Z17, Procedural Requirements for Service Suppliers

These Guidance Notes address UAVs, ROVs, robotic crawlers, and remote cameras and robotic arms. This
document references the relevant industry standards and ABS Guides and Guidance Notes. These
Guidance Notes supersede the ABS Guidance Notes on the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, which has
been retired.

The May 2022 version updated these Guidance Notes based on ABS/industry experience, including RIT
procedure or Survey, field tests on UAV thickness measurement, UAV autonomous inspection, Artificial
Intelligence (AI) software to detect coating breakdown, and Other Remote Camera systems.

The December 2022 version reorganizes Section 2, Tables 2 and 3 into one table grouped by inspection
area instead of RIT method.

These Guidance Notes become effective on the first day of the month of publication.

Users are advised to check periodically on the ABS website www.eagle.org to verify that this version of
these Guidance Notes is the most current.

We welcome your feedback. Comments or suggestions can be sent electronically by email to


Terms of Use

The information presented herein is intended solely to assist the reader in the methodologies and/or
techniques discussed. These Guidance Notes do not and cannot replace the analysis and/or advice of a
qualified professional. It is the responsibility of the reader to perform their own assessment and obtain


professional advice. Information contained herein is considered to be pertinent at the time of publication
but may be invalidated as a result of subsequent legislations, regulations, standards, methods, and/or more
updated information, and the reader assumes full responsibility for compliance. Where there is a conflict
between this document and the applicable ABS Rules and Guides, the latter will govern. This publication
may not be copied or redistributed in part or in whole without prior written consent from ABS.




SECTION 1 Introduction.......................................................................................... 6
1 General........................................................................................... 6
1.1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).................................... 6
1.3 Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles (ROVs).............6
1.5 Robotic Crawlers............................................................... 6
1.7 Remote Cameras and Robotic Arms................................. 6
3 Scope..............................................................................................7
5 Associated Documents................................................................... 7
7 Terminology and Abbreviations.......................................................7

SECTION 2 Application of Remote Inspection Technologies............................ 12

1 General......................................................................................... 12
3 Application to Survey.................................................................... 12
5 Owner Self-Inspection.................................................................. 15
7 Remote Inspection Techniques in Survey Activities..................... 15
9 Process to Accept RIT.................................................................. 17

TABLE 1 Roles and Responsibilities................................................... 14

TABLE 2 Remote Inspection Techniques for Marine Vessels and
Offshore Units...................................................................... 16

SECTION 3 Guidance for Service Supplier Selection.........................................19

1 General......................................................................................... 19
3 Regulations...................................................................................19
5 Quality Management System........................................................19
7 Safety Management System.........................................................20
7.1 Safety Policy.................................................................... 20
7.3 Safety Risk Management.................................................20
7.5 Safety Assurance.............................................................20
7.7 Safety Promotion............................................................. 20


9 Management of Change............................................................... 20
11 Recommendations for Service Supplier Selection........................21
11.1 Equipment........................................................................21
11.3 Personnel.........................................................................23
11.5 Documentation.................................................................25
13 Liability..........................................................................................25
15 ABS Recognized Service Supplier Program.................................25

SECTION 4 Survey/Inspection Process............................................................... 27

1 General......................................................................................... 27
3 Operational Limitations................................................................. 27
5 Survey/Inspection Planning.......................................................... 28
5.1 Scope...............................................................................29
5.3 Risk Assessment............................................................. 29
5.5 RIV or Robotic Arm Operations Plan............................... 31
7 RIV or Robotic Arm Operational Considerations.......................... 32
7.1 Pre-operations................................................................. 32
7.3 In-operation......................................................................33
7.5 Post-operation................................................................. 34
9 Data Review................................................................................. 34
11 Data Post-Processing................................................................... 36
11.1 Machine Learning for Pattern Recognition of Coating
11.3 Generation of 3D Models.................................................37
13 Reporting...................................................................................... 37

TABLE 1 Operational Limitations of RIVs and Remote Cameras

and Robotic Arms.................................................................28
TABLE 2 Example Dropped Object Risks for Each RIT Type............. 30
TABLE 3 RIV Launch and Recovery Zones........................................ 33
TABLE 4 Three Models to Develop ML-based Image Recognition

APPENDIX 1 References..........................................................................................39

APPENDIX 2 Remote Inspection Vehicle (RIV) Standards................................... 41

APPENDIX 3 Checklist for Asset Owners/Operators............................................ 42

APPENDIX 4 Sample of Inspection Report using RITs.........................................49



1 General (1 May 2022)

Remote inspection technologies (RITs) may be installed on remote inspection vehicles or robotic arms. A
remote inspection vehicle (RIV) is a remotely controlled vehicle operating in the air, underwater, or on
structures (e.g., ship, mobile offshore unit, pipeline, and mooring line/chain). In these Guidance Notes,
three RIV types are discussed: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Remotely Operated Underwater
Vehicles (ROVs), and robotic crawlers. These Guidance Notes also discuss robotic arms. The use of RIVs
can reduce risk to Surveyors and inspectors by reducing the need for Surveyors/inspectors to access
potentially hazardous locations at height, in confined spaces, or other hazardous inspection areas. RITs can
be used to reduce the amount of preparation and time required for inspections, thereby also reducing
operating expenses for operators. These Guidance Notes provide best practice recommendations on using
RITs to facilitate safer, more effective, and efficient inspections.

1.1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) (1 May 2022)

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot
onboard. A UAV can be a tethered or wireless vehicle designed to fly in or around a structure. The UAV
can be remotely controlled or programmed to fly a predetermined route using the information on a specific
asset’s condition to target known areas of concern. It can collect visual data (e.g., still images, live-stream,
and recorded video), perform Nondestructive Testing (NDT), and measure plate thickness from difficult-
to-reach structures and areas.

1.3 Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles (ROVs) (1 May 2022)

An ROV is an unmanned unit designed for underwater observation, survey, inspection, construction,
intervention, or other tasks. Like UAVs, an ROV can be remotely controlled or programmed to travel a
predetermined route using the information on a specific asset’s condition to target known areas of concern.
It can collect visual data, perform Nondestructive Testing (NDT), and measure plate thickness in difficult-
to-reach areas.

1.5 Robotic Crawlers (1 May 2022)

A robotic crawler, commonly referred to as a “crawler”, is a tethered or wireless vehicle designed
to “crawl” along a structure using wheels or tracks. Crawlers are often equipped with magnets to operate
on a vertical or inclined surface or hull structures in air or underwater.

1.7 Remote Cameras and Robotic Arms (1 May 2022)

A remote camera can be installed on a robotic arm. There are several types of robotic arms, which can
serve many uses. For example, a robotic arm can be inserted through deck openings in pre-planned
locations, and the camera lowered into position on a robotic manipulator. The remote camera can collect
visual data of compartments normally inaccessible for physical inspection.


Section 1 Introduction 1

3 Scope (1 May 2022)

The purpose of these Guidance Notes is to provide information to the marine and offshore industries on:

i) The use of RITs in conjunction with class surveys

ii) The use of RITs in conjunction with non-class-related inspections (i.e., pre-approved by each
appropriate flag State for statutory surveys and inspections)

If RITs are used in conjunction with class-related surveys and, when approved by the flag State, statutory
activities, it is considered an alternative means of access to assist the attending Surveyor in performing an
examination of hard-to-reach structures. RITs should be considered in advance and incorporated into the
survey planning phase. Acceptance of the inspection results is at the discretion of the attending Surveyor.
The Surveyor may require additional inspections using other alternative or traditional inspection
techniques depending on the conditions found and results of the remote inspection.

These Guidance Notes are intended for pilot-operated RIT applications only. Local (Port and/or Country)
requirements and regulations for the use of RIVs should be verified and complied with.

These Guidance Notes cover:

● Applications of Remote Inspection Technologies (Section 2)

● Guidance for Service Supplier Selection (Section 3)
● Survey/Inspection Process (Section 4)

5 Associated Documents (1 May 2022)

● ABS Rules for Survey After Construction, Part 7
● ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Units, Part 7, “Surveys”
● ABS Guidance Notes on Job Safety Analysis for the Marine and Offshore Industries
● ABS Guidance Notes on the Development of Procedures and Technical Manuals
● ABS Guidance Notes on Risk Assessment Applications for the Marine and Offshore Industries
● ABS Guidance Notes on the Investigation of Marine Incidents
● ABS Guide for Means of Access to Tanks and Holds
● ABS Guide for Nondestructive Inspection
● ABS Guide for Dropped Object Prevention on Offshore Units and Installations

7 Terminology and Abbreviations (1 May 2022)

ABS Recognized Service Supplier Program: An ABS program to certify Service Suppliers who perform
services on behalf of an equipment manufacturer, shipyard, vessel’s owner or other clients in connection
with classification and/or statutory services.

Autonomous UAV Scan: A UAV with autopilot and anti-collision capabilities which use Artificial
Intelligence (AI) technology to recognize and avoid objects in real-time and make intelligent flight
decisions. Before scanning, the Remote Pilot in Command (RPC)/Service Supplier should define the
distances of scanning scope (i.e., the distance to surface and Ground Sample Distance (GSD) in millimeter/
pixel) for each scan.

Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Operation: Operations where the UAV is not within the visual line
of sight of the operator at all times.


Section 1 Introduction 1

Civil Aviation Authority (CAA): The statutory corporation that oversees and regulates all aspects of civil
aviation in the United Kingdom. The use of UAVs within the United Kingdom is subject to CAA

Close-up Survey: A survey where details of structural components are within close visual inspection range
of the Surveyor (i.e., normally within hand’s reach), which is defined in the ABS Rules for Building and
Classing Marine Vessels (MVR). The offshore industry may refer to a Close-up Survey as “Close Visual
Inspection” (CVI), which is defined in the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Units
(MOU Rules).

Digital Data: Visual data (e.g., still images, live-stream video, and recorded video), gauging data, and data
from other emerging technologies.

Distance to surface: A distance between the UAV and structural surface per the types of inspection (i.e.,
GVI/overall or CVI/close-up survey). This distance should be defined by the remote pilot in command
(RPC) /Service Supplier for an autonomous flight.

ESP: Enhanced Survey Program.

Extended Visual Line of Sight (EVLOS) Operation: Operations that rely on one or more remote observers
to keep the UAV in visual sight at all times. These remote observers relay critical flight information via
radio and assist the pilot in maintaining safe separation from other aircraft.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA): The national aviation authority of the United States, with powers
to regulate all aspects of American civil aviation. The use of UAVs within the United States is subject to
FAA regulations.

FAA Part 107 Certificate (FAA107): An active FAA certificate to operate UAVs in the US. Outside the US,
similarly applicable certificates are required to use UAVs.

Flight Control Modules: An onboard system that can control a UAV’s direction in flight.

Global Positioning System (GPS): A satellite navigation system used to determine the global position of an

Ground Sample Distance (GSD): A distance from UAV to ground surface used for a 3D autonomous flight

Hazardous Areas: Areas where flammable or explosive gases, vapors, or dust usually are present or likely
to be present.

Hazardous Area Plan: An arrangement plan indicating hazardous areas with classification levels. It may
also be referred to as an “Area Classification Plan".

High-Definition (HD) Resolution: Video/Image of substantially higher resolution and quality than
standard-definition (e.g., 720P, 1080P, 4K).

Job Safety Analysis (JSA): A technique that focuses on job tasks to identify hazards. It focuses on the
relationship between workers, tasks, tools, and the work environment. It also includes steps to eliminate or
reduce the hazards to an acceptable level. JSAs can be performed formally, with requisite subject matter
experts. They may be performed immediately before beginning a work activity at the job site.

Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR): A remote sensing method using light in the form of a pulsed laser
to measure ranges to structures/objects.

Machine Learning (ML): The study of computer algorithms that can improve automatically through
experience and data.


Section 1 Introduction 1

Metadata: Data that provides information about other data. The metadata collected with still imagery and
video can include but is not limited to time/date stamps, GPS location, camera orientation, focal length,
shutter speed, aperture setting, ISO level, camera type, and lens type.

Nondestructive Testing (NDT): A broad group of analysis techniques used in the science, technology, and
engineering industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component, or system without causing
damage. NDT is sometimes referred to as nondestructive examination (NDE), nondestructive inspection
(NDI), and nondestructive evaluation (NDE).

Notice to Airman: A statement filed with an aviation authority to alert aircraft pilots of potential hazards
along a flight route or at a location that could affect the safety of the flight.

Overall Survey: A survey intended to report on the hull structure’s general condition and determine the
extent of additional Close-up Surveys. An Overall Survey, which is defined in the ABS Rules for Survey
After Construction (Part 7), may be referred to by the offshore industry as “General Visual Inspection”
(GVI), which is defined in the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Units (MOU Rules).

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM): The original equipment manufacturer of a RIV or robotic arm.

Payload: The carrying capacity of a RIV in terms of weight. It usually refers to the reserved lifting ability
of the RIV to perform additional operations, excluding the basic systems required for moving (e.g., flying,
swimming, or crawling).

Payload Operator: An operator who only controls the onboard modules of the RIV.

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE): Protective clothing, helmets, goggles, and other garments or
equipment designed to protect a person from an injury or hazard.

Photogrammetry: A 3D coordinate measuring technique using photographs as the fundamental medium for

Pilot: An operator who directly controls the RIV (e.g., UAV, ROV, or robotic crawler).

Point Cloud: A 3D coordinate measuring technique utilized by Photographs and LiDAR (Light Detection
and Ranging) as the fundamental medium for measurement.

Quality Management System (QMS): A set of policies, processes, and procedures required for planning and
execution (production/development/service) in the core business area of an organization.

Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM): A technology developed to assess the integrity of
Global Positioning System (GPS) signals in a GPS receiver system.

Remote Camera and Robotic Arm: A remotely controlled camera installed on a robotic arm. The robotic
arm is a type of mechanical arm with similar functions to a human arm. The links of such a manipulator
are connected by joints allowing either rotational motion or translational displacement.

Remote Inspection Technique: Remote inspection techniques may include the use of:

● Divers
● Unmanned robot arm
● Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV)
● Climbers
● Drones
● Other means accepted.


Section 1 Introduction 1

Surveys carried-out by Remote Inspections Techniques are to be carried out in the presence of the

Remote Inspection Technology (RIT): A technology installed on remote inspection vehicles or robotic arms
that is used by a remote inspection technique. These vehicles and robotic arms allow for collecting digital
data to support an assessment of the structure's condition and identify anomalies. This data may include
photos, videos, light detection and range (LiDAR) data, and other NDE data.

Remote Inspection Vehicle (RIV): A remotely-controlled vehicle (e.g., UAV, ROV, or robotic crawler) often
equipped with a remote camera and connectivity equipment. A control station and a platform to display
visual data and to operate the RIV.

Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROV): An unmanned unit designed for functions such as
underwater observation, survey, inspection, construction, intervention, or other underwater tasks.

Remote Pilot in Command (RPC): A person responsible for the planning and operation of the work scope.
The RPC has the final authority and responsibility for the operation and safety.

Remote Piloted Aircraft (RPA): A UAV controlled remotely by a pilot.

Safety Assurance (SA): A key component of the SMS used to evaluate the continued effectiveness of
applied risk control strategies and support identifying new hazards.

Safety Management System (SMS): A systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary
organizational structures, accountabilities, policies, and procedures.

Safety Risk Management (SRM): A key component of the SMS intended to determine the need for and
adequacy of new or revised risk controls based on the assessment of acceptable risk.

Service Supplier: A company that provides specialized inspection services using RITs.

SOLAS: International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea.

Standard Operation Procedure (SOP): A set of step-by-step instructions created by the organization to
assist workers in carrying out routine operations.

Survey Planning Document: A document prepared by the Owner/Operator to support the survey pre-
planning requirements for carrying out class-related surveys.

Tether Management System (TMS): Acts as an ROV’s “garage”. It is a device in which the ROV is
contained during launch and recovery for its protection or sits on top of a larger working-class ROV. The
purpose of the TMS is to lengthen or shorten the tether to eliminate the drag of the umbilical attached to
the ROV.

Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Drydocking (UWILD): The underwater inspection that may be carried
out as an alternative to Drydocking Surveys.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV): An aircraft with no pilot on board that is controlled remotely or can fly
autonomously based on a predefined flight route and/or using dynamic automation systems. The industry
may refer to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as “drones”, Remotely Operated Aerial Vehicles (ROAVs), or
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs).

Ultra-short Baseline (USBL), also known as Super Short Baseline (SSBL): A method of underwater
acoustic positioning. A complete USBL system consists of a transceiver mounted on a pole under a ship
and a transponder or responder on the seafloor or an ROV. A computer is used to calculate a position from
the ranges and bearings measured by the trans-receiver.


Section 1 Introduction 1

Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) Operation: Operations that always keep the UAV in the visual line of sight of
the pilot. For example, UAVs are not flown into clouds, fog, or behind structures.

Work Permit/Permit-to-Work (PTW): A formal, documented safety protocol that individuals complete
when conducting high-risk jobs. A PTW is not a replacement for a JSA. Many companies require that a
PTW may not be authorized unless accompanied by a task-specific JSA for the job.


Application of Remote Inspection Technologies

1 General (1 May 2022)

Remote inspection technologies (RITs) are typically equipped with a camera and remote control modules
capable of collecting visual data in the form of still images, live-stream videos, or recorded videos of
difficult-to-reach structures and areas.

Below are a few examples of where RITs can be used to aid/assist in inspection-related activities:

i) Working at Heights: RITs can reduce the need for personnel to work at heights using conventional
means of access (e.g., staging, scaffolding, or rafting).
ii) Underwater Inspection: RITs can carry out underwater tasks and reduce or eliminate the need for
human divers.
iii) Confined Space Entry: RITs can carry out tasks in areas with limited or restricted means of entry
or exit, such as tanks, vessels, and pipelines.
iv) Preliminary Condition Assessment: RITs can be used as a screening tool to quickly collect visual
data at specified locations for preliminary condition assessments.
v) Known Condition Assessment Monitoring: RITs can be used to periodically monitor temporary
repairs in hard-to-reach areas. Additionally, known damage that does not require immediate repair
can be monitored using photographic evidence or other data collected by RITs.
vi) Damage Assessment for Rapid Response: RITs can be used to assist rapid and timely damage
assessment following certain situations (e.g., collision or grounding of vessels, structure failure,
vii) Data Collection for 3D Model: RITs can be used to collect a point cloud or photogrammetry data
to generate a 3D Model.

RITs are an evolving technology. Additional applications for RITs may become available in the future.

3 Application to Survey (1 May 2022)

RITs are tools that may be used to assist the attending Surveyor with class surveys and, when approved by
the flag State, statutory activities where visual examination of the structure is required. In general, remote
inspection techniques can be used as an alternative means for the close-up survey of marine and offshore
structures in compliance with IACS UR Z17. Additional Rule and Regulatory requirements are to be
considered and incorporated into Survey Planning Documents for other inspection methods such as hull
gauging and nondestructive testing (NDT). The remote inspection techniques related to survey activities
are described in Subsection 2/7. Due to rapidly evolving technologies, RIT applications and inspection
methods in addition to those discussed in these Guidance Notes may become available in the future. ABS


Section 2 Application of Remote Inspection Technologies 2

should be contacted for details on the acceptance of these evolving technologies. The process is discussed
in Subsection 2/9.

If an owner or operator intends to incorporate RITs into an ABS class or statutory survey, the local ABS
office should be advised in advance for consideration. The intended use of the RITs should be incorporated
into the Survey Planning Document.

Flag Administrations may have additional requirements or restrictions for using RITs during statutory
surveys and these should be considered during the survey planning.

The role of the Owner/Operator, Service Supplier, and ABS are outlined in 2/3 TABLE 1, “Roles and
Responsibilities”. The local ABS survey office should be contacted for details on survey planning,
scheduling, and execution.


Section 2 Application of Remote Inspection Technologies 2

Roles and Responsibilities (1 May 2022)

Activity Role of the Owner/Operator Role of the Service Supplier Role of ABS

Planning Determine, in consultation with Develop an inspection plan Review the proposed Survey
ABS, if the use of RIT is which includes, but is not Planning Document to verify the
appropriate limited to: survey plan satisfies the applicable
Select an ABS Recognized Service ABS Rules, ABS Guides, and other
● Determining the
Supplier as the Service Supplier requirements while employing the
appropriate type of RIT
Provide supporting information to RIT as an inspection technique
to be used
the Service Supplier about the Accept Survey Planning Document
asset’s condition and drawings ● Performing a risk
related to the work scope assessment and
Review and accept the remote developing the remote
inspection plan proposed by the inspection plan based
Service Supplier on the work scope
Provide Survey Planning Create an operation plan for
Documentation, with inspection RITs. This operation plan
plan incorporated, to the attending should be developed based
Surveyor on the proposed inspection.
Coordinate logistical aspects of the
inspection, such as obtaining work/
site permits, onboarding crews,
inspection preparation, etc.

Operation Initiate the remote inspection Execute the remote Conduct the survey in compliance
Coordinate survey and remote inspection by the agreed with applicable ABS Rules, ABS
inspection activity with the Survey Planning Document, Guides, and other requirements.
Surveyor and the Service Supplier RIT operation plan, and to The remote inspection will be
the satisfaction of the ABS carried out in the presence of the
Surveyor attending Surveyor or as detailed
Perform a JSA during the otherwise in the Survey Planning
kick-off meeting Document.
The Surveyor will direct the
RIV or robotic arm operations
team, as needed,
regarding the survey requirements.

Reporting Review the inspection results Provide inspection results Evaluate the results of the remote
provided by the Service Supplier and data to the Owner/ inspection for credit towards the
Operator and ABS, as class survey. Determine any
applicable. Inspection results additional inspections that may be
should include the required to further examine or
identification of any validate the RIT results.
limitations of the process.

For all surveys accepted for using RITs, acceptance of the remote inspection results is at the discretion of
the attending Surveyor. The Surveyor may require additional inspections using other alternative or
traditional inspection techniques depending on the conditions found and results of the remote inspection.

Additional conditions for using RITs during surveys are discussed in Section 4.


Section 2 Application of Remote Inspection Technologies 2

5 Owner Self-Inspection (1 May 2022)

RITs may be used to assist owners with various assessment and self-inspection purposes. Potential
applications for owner self-inspection include:

Survey and Drydock Preparation: Owners may use RITs to prepare for periodic surveys and related
drydock activities. Identifying any new damages and checking the condition of any existing damage
promotes effective preparation.

Asset Management/Maintenance Programs: With safer and potentially quicker or less intrusive methods
available for accessing heights, enclosed and confined spaces, and other hazardous areas, owners may
establish asset management and/or maintenance programs to regularly perform preventative maintenance.

Emergency Response: Owners may use RITs to respond to emergencies (e.g., ship grounding, man
overboard, structural failure) safely and efficiently.

Platform for Emerging Technologies: RITs may be used as a platform for piloting emerging technologies
(e.g., image comparison, gaugings, lasers for coating assessment). This promotes collaboration among
owners, Service Suppliers, vendors, and class societies to explore safer, more efficient inspection

The owner may own the platform or perform the inspection through a Service Supplier. All inspections
should be carried out by qualified personnel.

7 Remote Inspection Techniques in Survey Activities (1 December 2022)

RIT can be considered to assist the attending Surveyor during survey activities. The RIT should perform
the requirements specified in the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) for marine vessels, Part
7 of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Floating Production Installations (FPI Rules) for floating
installations, or Part 7 of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Units (MOU Rules) for
offshore units.

The remote inspection techniques are a means to enable examination of any part of the structure without
the need for direct physical access during the survey by the Surveyor. The Service Supplier may need the
remote inspection techniques certification for the engagement in the survey using remote inspection
techniques as an alternative means for a survey of the structure of ships and mobile offshore units.

When a UT probe takes thickness measurements from a RIV (e.g., UAV, ROV, and robotic crawler), a hull
gauging certification, specified in Subsection 1/5 of the ABS Guide for Nondestructive Inspection (NDI
Guide), is recommended for the Service Supplier. The Service Supplier should demonstrate the full scope
of the required thickness measurements for the vessel or offshore unit, including the final gauging report.
The calibration of the UT probe, specified in 3/3.5 of the NDI Guide, should be performed every time the
battery on the RIV is changed. The UT probe on RIV should be in steady contact with the steel surface for
at least five seconds. If the thickness measurement cannot be performed in the areas not accessible by the
RIV, manual thickness measurement should cover these areas.

2/7 TABLE 2 provides recommendations for the use of remote inspection techniques in the specified
inspection areas and types for the survey of marine vessels and offshore units.


Section 2 Application of Remote Inspection Technologies 2

Remote Inspection Techniques for Marine Vessels and Offshore Units
(1 December 2022)

Inspection Areas Inspection Types Recommendations

Overall Survey or
Notes 1, 3
General Visual Inspection (GVI)

Internal Inspection Close-up Survey or

Notes 1, 3
(Any Type of Tanks/Spaces) Close Visual Inspection (CVI)

Thickness Measurement Notes 2, 3

Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Note 3

Overall Survey or
Note 1
General Visual Inspection (GVI)

Close-up Survey or
In-Water Inspection Note 1
Close Visual Inspection (CVI)

Thickness Measurement Note 2

Nondestructive Testing (NDT) -----

Overall Survey or
Notes 1, 3
General Visual Inspection (GVI)

Close-up Survey or
Inspection of Structures at Height Notes 1, 3
Close Visual Inspection (CVI)

Thickness Measurement Notes 2, 3

Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Note 3


Section 2 Application of Remote Inspection Technologies 2

General Notes:
● A Remote Inspection Techniques certificate(s) should be verified by ABS for all Recognized Service Suppliers who
perform remote inspection techniques.
● Any restrictions of the assigned Service Supplier Certification should be included in the inspection plan and presented
to the attending Surveyor prior to the commencement of the survey(s).
● The application of Remote Inspection Techniques may also be utilized if the technique or method has proven to be
effective and the restrictions/limitations are noted in the Service Supplier Recognition Certification.
● If the Remote Inspection Techniques cannot be used to perform all the necessary survey requirements, traditional
survey methods are to be applied.
● For NDT application, the Service Supplier should perform the requirements specified in ABS Guide for
Nondestructive Inspection (NDI Guide)
1 Spaces to be internally examined should have their inspection plan approved by ABS. Also, the subject spaces
should be:
● Cleaned as specified in 7-3-1/3.5 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7),
● Light colored coating and in GOOD condition,
● Free of scale, and
● Free of obstruction.
2 Thickness measurements should be taken in conjunction with the close-up survey or CVI.
3 Remote Inspection Techniques used in hazardous areas should be certified safe as defined in International
Standards IEC 60079 (or other applicable recognized standards).

9 Process to Accept RIT (1 May 2022)

When the survey is not carried out by traditional practices (e.g., staging) to allow survey where the details
of structural components are within the close visual inspection range of the Surveyor (i.e., normally within
hand’s reach), the examination using RIT may be carried out by a certified ABS Service Supplier. The
recommended process to accept RIT are summarized below.

i) Proposals (including selected equipment, procedures, and survey scope) of pilot initiatives should
be submitted to ABS in advance of the survey to agree on satisfactory arrangements with ABS.
ii) The capabilities of the specific RIT should be defined in the proposal to identify defects/
conditions, for example:
a) Coating condition
b) Thickness of scale
c) Thickness measurement of steel
d) Depth of pitting
e) Fractures
f) Deformation
g) Leaks
h) Anode condition
i) Piping and other outfitting condition
j) Condition of plating under suction bell mouths
k) Welding defects
l) Missing structures


Section 2 Application of Remote Inspection Technologies 2

iii) In the proposal, ABS, IACS, IMO, flag Administration, and Coastal State requirements should be
iv) Visibility should be sufficient to allow for a meaningful examination.
v) The ABS Surveyor should be satisfied with the methods of orientation on the structure.
vi) The ABS Surveyor should be satisfied with the method of data presentation and good two-way
communication between the Surveyor and RIV or robotic arm operator.
vii) Blind tests for the validation should be performed by RIT and the current traditional survey.
viii) The outcomes of blind tests should be reviewed and evaluated to the satisfaction of the ABS
Surveyor, where the results by RIT are confirmed to be equivalent to those by the current
traditional survey. The results should also clearly state any limitations or conditions that may be
needed to support the proposed RIT process.


Guidance for Service Supplier Selection (1 May 2022)

1 General (1 May 2022)

When RIT is used for an inspection, the asset Owner/Operator is responsible for:

i) Selecting a remote inspection Service Supplier whose qualifications and capabilities are
appropriate for the intended application
ii) Verifying the inspection can be conducted safely, effectively, and efficiently

If the RIT is used for close-up examination associated with surveys, the remote inspection Service Supplier
is to be an ABS Recognized Service Supplier in compliance with IACS UR Z17.

The following recommendations can be used as guidance for the Owner/Operator to assess the
qualifications of the remote inspection Service Supplier.

3 Regulations (1 May 2022)

For UAVs, the remote inspection Service Supplier should obtain all applicable certificates of authorization
from recognized national/local authorities or according to an equivalent industrial standard where the
inspection is to be performed. Where no national/local requirements are applicable for UAVs, it is
recommended to follow the criteria implemented by recognized aviation authorities such as the FAA’s Title
14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 107 requirements, and the CAA’s CAP 722 guidance.

5 Quality Management System (1 May 2022)

A Quality Management System (QMS) is a formalized system that documents processes, procedures, and
responsibilities for achieving quality policies and objectives. A QMS helps coordinate and direct an
organization’s activities to meet customer and regulatory requirements and improve effectiveness and
efficiency continually. The Service Supplier should have an internal QMS that:

i) Demonstrates the ability to consistently provide services that meet customer and applicable
statutory and regulatory requirements
ii) Enhances customer satisfaction through the practical application of a management system,
including processes for continual improvement of the system and conformity to customer and
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements

It is recommended that the remote inspection Service Supplier obtain ISO 9001 certification or equivalent
third-party vetting credentials. At a minimum, the following should be included as part of the QMS:

● Operating instructions, maintenance logs, and reference calibration of all equipment

● Training program to provide relevant training based on the job description and individual


Section 3 Guidance for Service Supplier Selection 3

● Policies and procedures regarding the recording and reporting of information

● Policies and procedures regarding operating preparations
● Process for reviewing procedures, complaints, corrective actions, and issuance, maintenance, and
control of documentation
● Code of conduct for the use of RITs for inspection

7 Safety Management System (1 May 2022)

A Safety Management System (SMS) provides a systematic approach to managing safety. The SMS should
emphasize safety management as a fundamental business process to be considered in the same manner as
other aspects of business management. For example, in the United States, the US FAA/Coast Guard
suggests that the SMS for product/Service Supplier integrate modern safety risk management and safety
assurance concepts into repeatable, proactive systems.

The SMS of the Service Supplier should be evaluated for its fitness-for-service based on the aspects of the
following paragraphs.

7.1 Safety Policy (1 May 2022)

The remote inspection Service Supplier should establish their senior management’s commitment to
continually improve safety and define the methods, processes, and organizational structure required to
meet safety goals. The Service Supplier should have written policies, processes, and procedures to address:

i) Safety commitment
ii) Safety objectives

7.3 Safety Risk Management (1 May 2022)

Safety Risk Management (SRM) determines the need for and adequacy of new or revised risk controls
based on the assessment of acceptable risks. The Service Supplier should incorporate system descriptions,
risk assessment, and risk controls in their service planning documents.

7.5 Safety Assurance (1 May 2022)

Safety Assurance (SA) evaluates the continued effectiveness of implemented risk control strategies and
supports the identification of new hazards. It is recommended that the Service Supplier maintain
organizational procedures that address compliance with SMS requirements and standards, policies,
directives, and any requirements applicable to the technology being used, such as aviation orders. Actions
to demonstrate safety assurance include, but are not limited to:

i) Internal audits and evaluations

ii) Reporting culture and incident reporting system, including near-miss reporting
iii) Safety data analysis and assessment
iv) Safety oversight and improvement

7.7 Safety Promotion (1 May 2022)

The Service Supplier should promote a positive safety culture through training, communications, and other
actions within all levels of the workforce in the company. Further guidance on safety culture can be found
in the ABS Guidance Notes on Safety Culture and Leading Indicators of Safety.

9 Management of Change (1 May 2022)

If modifications to equipment, operational policies, and organization’s or personnel are necessary, then an
effective Management of Change (MoC) system is critical. A MoC system is a combination of policies and
procedures used to evaluate the potential impacts of a proposed change so that it does not result in the


Section 3 Guidance for Service Supplier Selection 3

introduction of new hazards or increase the risk of existing hazards or threats. Developing an effective
MoC strategy requires establishing, documenting, and successfully implementing formal policies to
evaluate and manage temporary and permanent modifications. Whenever a change is made, the potential
consequences of that change should be assessed before implementation. It is recommended that the Service
Supplier have a MoC strategy in place as part of their quality and safety management system. Further
guidance on MoC can be found in the ABS Guidance Notes on Management of Change for the Marine and
Offshore Industries.

11 Recommendations for Service Supplier Selection (1 May 2022)

When selecting a remote inspection Service Supplier, it is recommended that the asset Owner/Operator
review the QMS (Subsection 3/5) and SMS (Subsection 3/7) of the Service Supplier for the aspects
provided in the following Paragraphs.

11.1 Equipment (1 May 2022)

The remote inspection Service Supplier can be an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of the RIV or
robotic arm capable of providing inspection services to the asset Owner/Operator. The remote inspection
Service Supplier can also be an inspection service firm that utilizes a RIV or robotic arm manufactured by
others. In either case, the quality standards of the equipment, including hardware and software, should be
maintained through equipment selection and maintenance.

11.1.1 Equipment Selection (1 May 2022)

Based on the intended application of the RIT (e.g., external offshore structure inspection, internal
marine vessel cargo tank/hold/ballast/void inspections, wind turbine inspection, dropped objects
inspection, Underwater Inspections in Lieu of Drydocking (UWILD)), the specifications and
capabilities of the hardware and software equipment may be different. When selecting a remote
inspection Service Supplier, RIV, or robotic arm and associated equipment, the following should
be considered.

i) Safety:

a) The RIV or robotic arm and any onboard inspection modules should be rated for
their intended operational environment (e.g., certified safe type for use in
hazardous areas as defined in IEC 60079, operational wind speed, temperature,
humidity, etc.).
b) The materials of the RIV or robotic arm and onboard inspection modules should
be non-hazardous to the structure and the operational environment during normal
operations or in the instance of a malfunction or failure.
c) For internal structure inspections, it is recommended that the RIV or robotic arm
possess a protection component to minimize damage to the structure and coatings
(e.g., propeller guards).
d) The RIV or robotic arm should have critical component redundancy in the case
of a malfunction or failure (e.g., motor, battery, controller, etc.).
e) The RIV or robotic arm should have multiple operational modes (e.g., GPS
mode, height mode, and manual mode) in the case of a malfunction or failure.
f) For UAVs, the propeller mounting method should prevent accidental detachment.
g) The UAV should have an emergency landing capability, returning to its recovery
zone and keeping the same location after losing the communication link.
h) The remote inspection Service Supplier should have a fatigue management
program for its pilots. It is recommended that the daily operating time for each
pilot be limited to eight hours, and the continuous operating time for each task be
limited to three hours.


Section 3 Guidance for Service Supplier Selection 3

ii) Operability:

a) The RIV or robotic arm should have a control station that allows the pilot to
operate the RIV or robotic arm easily.
b) The RIV or robotic arm should have onboard localization and navigation
modules (e.g., GPS for external inspection).
c) The RIV or robotic arm should provide sufficient lighting, especially for internal
tank inspection and/or during night time operation.
d) The RIV or robotic arm should be capable of operating for an amount of time
adequate to conduct the inspection (e.g., sufficient battery life).
e) The maximum operating range of the RIV or robotic arm should be accurately
defined (e.g., flight height/tether length/depth rating, distance from the pilot).
f) The OEM should have previously tested the functionality of the selected RIV or
robotic arm type.
g) Dimensions of the RIV or robotic arm should allow for access and navigation
within the intended space (e.g., manhole, opening to small or confined spaces,
size of the openings, structural limitations within the space, etc.).
h) The RIV or robotic arm should provide and maintain an interference-resistant
communication channel.
i) The RIV or robotic arm should include reliable connectivity to equipment to
maintain constant communication among team members during operations.
j) The UAV has onboard flight control modules that allow for maintaining stable
and accurate positions.
iii) Acquisition, Review, and Security of Remote Inspection Technology Data:

a) Integrity of the raw data should be maintained during the data storage process.
b) Related metadata of the raw data should be captured and stored properly.
c) The raw data and related metadata should be stored separately from post-
processed data.
d) The RIV or robotic arm should have an onboard camera that provides adequate
visual quality of still images, live-stream videos, and recorded videos. It is
recommended the camera possess High-Definition (HD) resolution (e.g., 4K
resolution for still images).
e) If applicable, the RIV or robotic arm may have onboard sensors that can provide
additional information such as geotag information, anomaly measurement (e.g.,
crack length measurement and coating breakdown area measurement), thermal
imaging, and 2D/3D modeling.
f) The RIV or robotic arm should include an appropriate platform to display and
replay visual data on location for the owner/Surveyor, including still images,
live-stream videos, and recorded videos.
g) All frequencies used to support safety-critical functionality should be coordinated
and licensed by the appropriate licensing regime, as applicable.
h) The remote inspection Service Supplier should have data security policies and
procedures to verify that the data collected during the inspection and any data
analyses are captured, transmitted, and stored in a secure way that has minimum
vulnerability to unauthorized manipulation and distribution.


Section 3 Guidance for Service Supplier Selection 3

11.1.2 Battery Handling (1 May 2022)

If a battery powers the RIV, the remote inspection Service Supplier should have procedures in
place for the proper handling of RIV batteries, including the following:

● Battery tracking system identifying the batteries' use, replacement, and performance.
● Battery transportation and storage, including safe charging and safe disposal.
11.1.3 Tether Handling (1 May 2022)
If a tether/cable powers the RIV, the remote inspection Service Supplier should have procedures
in place for the proper handling of tethers/cables, such as:

● ABS recommends that the Service Supplier arranges for additional cameras for monitoring
● A plan should be in place to address tangled tethers/cables.
11.1.4 Maintenance (1 May 2022)
It is recommended that the Service Supplier provides maintenance training to their designated
personnel. Adequate knowledge of pre-operation assembly and checkup, post-operation
disassembly, handling, transport, and storage are essential to delivering safe, effective, and
efficient service.

It is recommended that the Service Supplier follows the OEMs' maintenance processes and
procedures. Where no maintenance guidance is available from the OEMs, the following criteria
should be considered:

i) Calibration: Equipment should be calibrated regularly for its fitness-for-service and in

accordance with the OEM instructions.
ii) Hardware Check: Blades, motors, wires, and other fixed components should be checked,
cleaned, and renewed/replaced if needed.
iii) Software Check: Any software updates or changes should be documented as part of the
maintenance procedures.
iv) Swappable Payload Check: Swappable modules should be checked for loose connections.
Module functions should be checked and calibrated.
v) Battery: Inspections for capacity and thermal runaway should be conducted regularly.

A logbook (or log entries) should be maintained for each type of maintenance activity. The
logbook is recommended to include all pre-operation and post-operation inspection records. A
description of any malfunctions (e.g., loss of link), anomalies, and parts needing replacement.

11.3 Personnel (1 May 2022)

The remote inspection Service Supplier should utilize competent personnel to perform remote inspection
related services.

Depending on the nature of the job, different training programs should be provided by the remote
inspection Service Supplier to their operators. If recognized national/local authorities have qualification
and training requirements, these should be considered minimum standards. In addition to the applicable
statutory and regulatory requirements, the remote inspection Service Supplier is recommended to have
mandatory standard requirements for personnel qualification and training/re-training.

When the RIV is equipped with a Nondestructive Examination (NDE) tool, the operator should be
qualified and certified as described in the ABS Guide for Nondestructive Inspection.


Section 3 Guidance for Service Supplier Selection 3

11.3.1 Safety Awareness (1 May 2022)

Safety awareness training should be part of the Service Supplier's SMS. The objective of this
training should be to confirm that the personnel in the field can execute the inspection safely, not
only regarding themselves but also to the asset and the environment, and should also include any
national, local, or industry-recognized requirements (e.g., Safety and Environmental Management
Systems (SEMS) from Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)). Where no
such requirements are applicable, the Service Supplier should provide safety training to the
designated personnel including, as applicable:

i) Personal protective equipment (PPE) training

ii) Dropped object awareness training
iii) Confined space entry and safety practice
iv) Hazardous area identification and safety practice
v) Maritime emergency response and evacuation training
vi) Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET)
11.3.2 Supervisor Proficiency (1 May 2022)
A supervisor is the person who oversees the pilot, who controls the RIV or robotic arm. The
supervisor should be certified according to the recognized national requirements or an equivalent
standard and has a minimum of two years' experience in inspecting marine and/or offshore

11.3.3 Pilot Proficiency (1 May 2022)

A pilot is the person in direct control of the RIV or robotic arm. Pilot proficiency in remote
inspection operations can affect the safety of onsite personnel and the asset that is being inspected.
If applicable, the pilot should meet statutory and regulatory operation training requirements to
maintain their pilot license.

In addition to the statutory and regulatory requirements, the Service Supplier should place a high
level of emphasis on pilot proficiency through training. The following are recommended:

i) The pilot should have formal training in the minimum Rule requirements for the structure
of relevant ships or asset types, the recognition of structural deterioration (including
corrosion, buckling, and deteriorated coatings), and the use of the reporting system.
ii) The pilot should have sufficient flight/ground/underwater experience so that expected or
observed extreme scenarios (i.e., weather condition changes, functional loss, operation
with extra PPE, etc.) can be foreseen and accounted for.
iii) The pilot is qualified and licensed under applicable national requirements or an equivalent
industrial standard and has at least one year’s experience as an assistant in the inspection
of marine and/or offshore structures (including participation in a minimum of five
different assignments).
11.3.4 Inspection Knowledge (1 May 2022)
Training should be provided for remote inspection Service Supplier’s personnel to familiarize
them with basic maritime and/or offshore asset designs and terminology. This training should
include maritime and/or offshore nomenclatures to communicate effectively with the asset Owner/
Operator and the attending Surveyor during the inspection.

Personnel should have working knowledge of applicable Rules, Guides, and guidelines (such as
the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7), Part 7 of the ABS Rules for Building and
Classing Mobile Offshore Units, the ABS Guide for Means of Access to Tanks and Holds for
Inspection, and IACS Recommendation No. 42, UR Z7, and UR Z17.


Section 3 Guidance for Service Supplier Selection 3

11.3.5 Fatigue Management (1 May 2022)

It is recommended that the Service Supplier have a Fatigue Management System to help prevent
fatigue-related work incidents. The Fatigue Management System should aim to:

● Increase the personnel’s understanding of the need to be fit for duty.

● Create safe working environments and operations by eliminating or minimizing hazards
associated with fatigue.
● Utilize fatigue avoidance and mitigation strategies or countermeasures for identified hazards
to be implemented, where possible, to help manage fatigue risk and related issues.
● Incorporate fatigue management in the Service Supplier's ongoing risk assessment and hazard
monitoring processes.

11.5 Documentation (1 May 2022)

The remote inspection Service Supplier should have an organized documentation system to confirm that
service-related records are well maintained. It should include, but is not limited to:

i) Documentation of the organizational and management structure.

ii) Statutory and Regulatory Certificates: Required certificate of authorization from recognized
national/local authorities or according to an equivalent industrial standard.
iii) Equipment Registry: The Service Supplier should obtain a registry of each operational device with
OEM specifications, serial number, technical bulletins, software versions, and hardware alteration
and customization history.
iv) Training/Retraining Record: The training/retraining record should include all applicable
information of personnel in terms of personal portfolio, training hours, dates, scores, and other
company-specified categories.
v) Operations Logbook: The Service Supplier should maintain a logbook to record all applicable
operational information such as operation date, time, duration, malfunction incident, accident, etc.
vi) Operations Manual: The Service Supplier should have operations manuals for each RIV or
robotic arm detailing the operating environments, inspection planning, and procedures, as well as
pre-operation checks and operational procedures.
vii) Maintenance Logbook: The Service Supplier should maintain a logbook to record maintenance
activities, calibration certificates, and software revision for each device and payload module.
viii) Safety Assessment Plan: The remote inspection Service Supplier should have a documented plan
in place that details how to assess potential risks and hazards, corresponding mitigation plans, and
emergency procedures for a response, escape, and evacuation.

13 Liability (1 May 2022)

It is recommended that the remote inspection Service Supplier maintain third-party liability insurance in
case of any accidents or incidents.

15 ABS Recognized Service Supplier Program (1 May 2022)

ABS Recognized Service Suppliers are recognized service suppliers that perform services on behalf of an
equipment manufacturer, shipyard, asset owner, or other clients in connection with classification/statutory
surveys. The inspection results provide supporting information regarding classification and/or statutory
survey decisions.

The Service Suppliers should have internal management systems (e.g., QMS, SMS, MoC) and are
recommended to obtain ISO 9001 certification or equivalent third-party vetting credentials.


Section 3 Guidance for Service Supplier Selection 3

For more information, refer to the ABS website www.eagle.org.


Survey/Inspection Process

1 General (1 May 2022)

This Section provides guidance on the survey process when a RIT is employed during class surveys and,
when approved by the flag State, statutory activities for the close-up survey (see Subsection 2/3). Similar
guidance should also be used as a reference during owner self-inspection activities.

3 Operational Limitations (1 May 2022)

There are several potential limitations to using RIT as a sole means of inspection. During remote
inspection operations, various conditions may be identified that could require additional inspection using
other inspection techniques or methodologies. These conditions include, but are not limited to when:

i) The inspection reveals damage that requires immediate attention.

ii) The inspection reveals deterioration that requires immediate attention.
iii) The review of the data captured does not allow for a meaningful examination (e.g., condition or
color of tank coatings).
iv) The inspection area/tank surface is not clean and covered by mud, grime, or marine growth.

Additionally, there are instances where remote inspections are not appropriate, such as when historical
records indicate abnormal levels of deterioration or damage to the areas of interest.

For operational limitations specific to each RIV, remote camera and robotic arm, see 4/3 TABLE 1 below:


Section 4 Survey/Inspection Process 4

Operational Limitations of RIVs and Remote Cameras and Robotic Arms
(1 May 2022)

UAVs ROVs Robotic Crawlers Remote Cameras and

Robotic Arms

In air Underwater In air and underwater In air and underwater

Operational ● The thickness ● The in-water ● The in-water ● The pendulum

limitations measurement on an visibility and the visibility and the movement of a long
inclined structure hull's cleanliness hull’s cleanliness robotic arm due to
(e.g., hopper below the waterline below the waterline ship/unit motion
plate) requires should be sufficient should be sufficient may affect arm
additional to permit a to permit a stability and thus
development of meaningful meaningful image quality.
UAV technology. examination. For examination.
● The areas of
example, enclosed
● For external ● The height limits of shadowing, dirty
spaces may have
inspections, high crawlers should (e.g., oil sludge),
sediments, which
wind speed, consider the weight obstruction by
are easily stirred up
insufficient ambient of the tether. structure, and lower
by the ROV,
light, rain, and snow portion of the tank
reducing visibility. ● Most crawlers have
conditions, and may not be
inspections in ● For external inspected.
shadow areas should inspection, the sea
obstacles, marine ● Sufficient lighting
be considered. environment (e.g.,
growth, or should be provided
strong ocean
● For internal complicated for any specific
current, severe
inspections, the structures over 5 cm long-range areas.
wave) should be
temperature inside (2 in.).
monitored to avoid ● The certified safe
the tank should be
the loss of the ROV ● The certified safe type for use in
monitored to avoid
type for use in hazardous areas as
overheating of the ● The return route of
hazardous areas as defined in IEC
UAV equipment the ROV should
defined in IEC 60079 should be
follow the entering
● The certified safe 60079 should be applied.
route to avoid
type for use in applied.
entanglement of the
hazardous areas as
ROV’s tether.
defined in IEC
60079 should be

5 Survey/Inspection Planning (1 May 2022)

Proper pre-planning, preparation, and close cooperation between the attending Surveyor, asset owner/
shipyard representatives, and the remote inspection Service Supplier is essential for an effective survey/
inspection process. For details about the roles and responsibilities of different groups, refer to 2/3 TABLE
1, “Roles and Responsibilities”.

Prior to engaging in the RIT activity on board the vessel or offshore unit, the attending Surveyor is to
review the RIT approval and confirm that the process is approved for the planned inspection. Before the
commencement of the survey, a survey planning meeting should be held between all parties to verify that
the arrangements envisioned in the survey process are in place. A Survey Planning Document prepared by


Section 4 Survey/Inspection Process 4

the asset Owner/Operator, with the inspection plan incorporated, should be provided to the attending
Surveyor for review and agreement.

The following topics should be addressed and included in the Survey Planning Document.

5.1 Scope (1 May 2022)

The following information should be considered in the Survey/Inspection Planning scope:

i) Type and extent of survey (i.e., close-up survey/CVI, Annual Survey, Intermediate Survey, Special
Periodical Survey, damage survey, etc.).
ii) Asset type, operational details, and other asset general information
iii) Arrangements for the attending Surveyor and third-party specialist to perform confirmatory
inspections by conventional means and thickness measurements (i.e., safe access, cleaning/de-
scaling, illumination, ventilation, etc.).
iv) Location and the anticipated timeframe for the survey and the operational status of the asset (e.g.,
shipyard, repair facility or lay-by berth, etc.).
v) Logistics, including permissions from local authorities, site permissions, work permits,
transportation, accommodations, etc.
vi) Risk assessment (4/5.3), RIV or robotic arm operations plan (4/5.5), and Classification Service
Supplier certificate number of Service Supplier.

5.3 Risk Assessment (1 May 2022)

A case-specific risk assessment should be carried out to identify any hazards related to any planned remote
operations and the need for risk control measures. This risk assessment is recommended to be finalized
during the survey planning meeting and incorporated in the Survey Planning Document. Each party should
acknowledge the risks associated with the remote inspection activities and agree to the mitigation plan
associated with those risks.

Risk assessment should include, but is not limited to:

i) Explosion Risks in Hazardous Areas: If the remote operation is proposed within a hazardous area,
the RIV or robotic arm should be rated for the intended classification level, or the area should be
made safe for the equipment. The remote inspection Service Supplier should refer to the asset’s
Hazardous Area Plan for area identification and follow the Owner/Operator company-specified
safe operation requirements if applicable. Typical factors to consider include, but are not limited

● Payload: Risks associated with the motor, camera, or other onboard modules
● Battery: Risks associated with battery storage, usage, change out, and recharge
● Operations: Risks associated with operational incidents/accidents
ii) Dropped Object Risks: If the RIV or robotic arm fails or malfunctions, it can become a dropped
object hazard and become a danger to onsite personnel or the asset. Example dropped object
factors to consider include, but are not limited to those in 4/5.3.ii TABLE 2:


Section 4 Survey/Inspection Process 4

Example Dropped Object Risks for Each RIT Type (1 May 2022)

UAVs ROVs Robotic Crawlers Remote Camera and

Robotic Arm

● Launch/recovery ● Launch/recovery ● Launch/recovery ● Disconnection of the

zones zones zones camera or robotic
● Fly-by or inspection ● Launch and recovery ● Areas where the asset
is climbing structures
areas occupied by system (LARS)
people components (e.g., ● Inability to overcome
crane, winch, wires) obstacles
● Fly-by or inspection
● Disconnection of
areas occupied by ● ROV shackle or
safety-critical hooks
equipment or systems
● Disconnection of

For consequence severity to personnel safety caused by a potential dropped object (in this case,
the RIV, robotic arm, or its payload), refer to the DROPS calculator in the ABS Guide for
Dropped Object Prevention on Offshore Units and Installations.
iii) Collision Risks: Collisions may occur due to unexpected change in the inspection environment,
RIV or robotic arm malfunction(s), and/or human errors, including:

● Collisions with other RIV or robotic arm in operation, asset structures, operating machinery,
or animals (e.g., birds, fish).
● Collisions due to device communication interference or unexpected RIV or robotic arm
● Collisions of UAV where visual line of sight (VLOS) is not maintained or upon unexpected
interruption of pilot operation.
iv) Lost Link Risks: Communication control links could be lost when a UAV is operated in an
unreliable radio frequency (RF) environment or if nearby systems interfere with the UAV’s RF. It
is recommended to consider a spectrum or Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM)
analysis to determine frequency strength, integrity, and areas of possible interference. Typical
factors to consider include, but are not limited to:

● Sources of possible radio frequency (RF) interference such as microwave antennas and high
voltage lines
● Sources of possible electromagnetic disturbances of a GPS signal such as large steel structures
near each other
v) Other Risks: Other risks should be identified in terms of personnel health and safety, including:

● High-risk working areas that may contain high voltage, toxic gases, or hazardous contents
● Risk associated with other ongoing operations in the area during RIV or robotic arm
● Emergency scenarios requiring evacuation from the asset

Refer to the ABS Guidance Notes on Risk Assessment Applications for the Marine and Offshore Industries
for further guidance on risk assessment techniques.


Section 4 Survey/Inspection Process 4

5.5 RIV or Robotic Arm Operations Plan (1 May 2022)

A RIV or robotic arm operations plan should be developed and agreed upon by all parties at the planning
stage. It is recommended that the RIV or robotic arm operations plan be prepared by the remote inspection
Service Supplier and the owner/operator/shipyard. The plan should be developed based on the survey work
scope and requirements and the asset’s Hazardous Area Plan.

The Service Supplier should check with national/local authorities for any required RIV operations plan
submittals or approvals needed before any RIV operations.

It is essential to the survey process to establish a video replay/image reviewing protocol. Experience has
shown that recorded image quality (including stability and clarity) can be significantly better than the live-
stream video displayed during inspection activities. In addition to the Surveyor’s real-time monitoring of
RIT activities, all parties should establish and agree upon a protocol to determine when and where the
video/photos should be reviewed and when the survey results will be determined.

A typical RIV or robotic arm operations plan scope should contain at least the following information:

i) RIV or Robotic Arm Operations Team: It is recommended that the RIV or robotic arm operations
team consist of at least three persons:

● Pilot: Responsible for direct control of the RIV or robotic arm to maintain operational
stability and accuracy.
● Camera/Payload Operator: Responsible for direct control of the onboard camera and other
intended modules to collect the data and coordinate with the Surveyor.
● Designated Safety Watch: Responsible for monitoring any potential safety hazards that may
arise and is empowered to abort the operation in the event of perceived or actual safety
ii) Equipment Selection and RIT Method:

● Planned RIV or Robotic Arm Type and Specifications for the Intended Survey: Verify the
capabilities of the selected RIV(s) or robotic arm are appropriate for the survey being
● Planned RIV or Robotic Arm Limits: Identify the selected RIV or robotic arm operating
limitations and restrictions.
● Planned Procedure for Bringing RIV(s) or Robotic Arm and Equipment into the Survey Site/
Country: Identify the national/local authorities’ requirements to bring RIV(s) or robotic arm
and equipment into/out of the survey site/country.
● Planned Launch/Recovery Zones: Select potential locations for launch/recovery based on the
supporting information provided by the asset Owner/Operator.
● RIV or Robotic Arm Operation Routes, Maps, or Diagram: RIV or robotic arm operation
routes, maps, or diagrams should be developed to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency
of the remote inspection for the intended structure based on the work scope and requirements.
● Planned Distances from the Structure: Altitudes, depths, and distances should be determined
based on local regulatory requirements and safety considerations. Before an autonomous UAV
is operated, the Ground Sample Distance (GSD) and the distance between the UAV and the
structural surface should be defined by the Service Supplier.
● An emergency RIV or robotic arm operation plan should be in place in case of an
environmental change, malfunction of the RIV or robotic arm, loss of link incident, or total
loss of the RIV or remote camera and robotic arm.
● An incident response checklist should be in place and followed after an incident or accident.


Section 4 Survey/Inspection Process 4

● Night operations may be considered if the operator provides a safety case and sufficient risk
mitigation to avoid collision hazards (e.g., provide proper lighting to assist external operations
at night).
● Distraction Management Strategies should be developed to reduce the communication sources
during the operation to keep pilots’ attention focused. It is also recommended that all
information be filtered or prioritized, and only essential/accurate messages pass to pilots.
● Before external inspection using a UAV, the Service Supplier should file a Notice to Airman
(NOTAM) for any potentially affected airspace, as necessary.
iii) Communication Method:

● Means for reliable and constant communication should be provided and maintained between
all the RIV or robotic arm operations team members throughout the operation.
● A communications protocol should be established between the attending Surveyor and RIV or
robotic arm operations team (e.g., RF setup).
● An understanding of the survey procedural process and terminology between the attending
Surveyor and RIV or robotic arm operations team should be maintained.
● An intermediary (e.g., camera/payload operator) between the attending Surveyor and the pilot
should be present.
iv) Data Viewing Capability:

● Means for real-time data display.

● Means for video data replay/photo reviewing.
v) RIV or Robotic Arm Operations – Modifications: Any changes to the RIV or robotic arm
operations methodology should be agreed upon by all parties, such as:

● The appropriate time for proposing a change to any RIV or robotic arm operations methods
(e.g., during the operation, between operations, or after data review).
● The intermediary (e.g., camera/payload operator) on the RIV or robotic arm operation team to
whom changes will be proposed.

7 RIV or Robotic Arm Operational Considerations (1 May 2022)

7.1 Pre-operations (1 May 2022)

On the date of field operations, but before the commencement of the RIV or robotic arm operations, it is
recommended that a short briefing session and job safety analysis (JSA) be held for all participating
personnel addressing, at a minimum, the following items:

i) Confirm the work scope of the intended RIV or robotic arm operations and survey/inspection
ii) Assess the field condition and determine if any amendments to the RIV or robotic arm operations
plan are necessary.
iii) Verify the responsibilities of all personnel, including the representatives from Owner/Operator,
ABS Surveyor, and RIV or robotic arm operations team.
iv) Review identified risks and associated mitigation plans.
v) Review the emergency escape/evacuation plan.
vi) Review permit to work requirements.
vii) Review RIV or robotic arm maintenance records to verify that pre-operations and periodic
inspections are up-to-date and the RIV or robotic arm is fit for purpose in all respects.


Section 4 Survey/Inspection Process 4

viii) Review weather forecast to determine the meteorological conditions (e.g., wind speed, waves,
ocean current, rain, etc.) for external inspections.
ix) Verify proper personal protective equipment (PPE).
x) Confirm the inspection area/tank surface is clean and devoid of mud, grime, and marine growth.
The cleaning tools (e.g., grinding, brushing) on the RIV (e.g., UAV, ROV, or robotic crawler) can
be used for local cleaning and/or descaling of the structure’s surface.
xi) For ROV, confirm the enclosed space is free of sediments that the ROV may easily stir, reducing
the visibility.

Any party should have the authority to abort the operation at any time if deemed necessary.

Further guidance on JSA can be found in the ABS Guidance Notes on Job Safety Analysis for the Marine
and Offshore Industries.

7.3 In-operation (1 May 2022)

The remote inspection Service Supplier should possess a Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for each
RIV or robotic arm operation. The following action items are recommended to be included in the SOP, at a

i) Checklist Clearance: The checklist should contain relevant system checks, inspection condition
checks, personnel readiness checks, communication equipment checks, and testing RIV or robotic
arm operation checks (e.g., flight for UAV, magnetic capability for the crawler, underwater
operation for ROV).
ii) RIV Launch and Recovery Zones: For typical restrictions of launch and recovery zones to be
considered, see 4/7.3.ii TABLE 3, below:

RIV Launch and Recovery Zones

UAVs ROVs Robotic Crawlers

● Launch and recovery zones ● Launch and recovery zones ● Launch and recovery zones
should be identified, and should be identified, and should be identified, and access
access should be restricted. access should be restricted. should be restricted.
● It is recommended that the ● It is recommended that the ● It is recommended that the
designated landing zone(s) designated launch and designated launch and recovery
remain clear of any personnel recovery zones remain clear of zones remain clear of any
and obstacles during the any personnel during the personnel during the inspection
inspection process in case of inspection process to avoid process in case of any
any unexpected lost-link tripping hazards of tethers. unexpected dropped crawlers
incidents. and modules.

iii) Communication: If the communication signal is lost or experiences significant interference, the
operation should be aborted immediately. The time and duration of each lost-link event should be
recorded by the RIV or robotic arm operations team and reported through the incident reporting
system in Safety Assurance.
iv) Digital Data: The acquired digital data (e.g., photos, videos, and Light Detection and Ranging -
LiDAR point clouds) are to be reviewed by the attending Surveyor in live streaming or on-site
(see Subsection 4/9). Also, the digital data can be utilized in post-processing data (see Subsections
4/11 and 4/13).
v) Documentation: Whenever conditions that do or may affect Class are found during operations,
reference data (e.g., still image capture, location, and orientation about the vessel, etc.) should be


Section 4 Survey/Inspection Process 4

appropriately documented for final reporting and be recorded in the operations and maintenance
vi) Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) for UAVs: Some civilian aviation authorities require human direct and
unaided VLOS to be maintained throughout the operation. It is recommended that VLOS be
maintained even if no regulatory requirement applies. Extended VLOS (EVLOS) or beyond
VLOS (BVLOS) can be accepted upon agreement by all parties when no regulatory requirements
vii) De-confliction for UAV: Procedures should be in place to achieve adequate de-confliction with
helicopters or surface vessels servicing the asset (e.g., There should be no UAV operations for
external inspection within 30 minutes before scheduled helicopter activities).
viii) Autonomous Flight for UAV: The autopilot and anti-collision capabilities should be included for
an autonomous UAV.

The attending Surveyor should be present and direct the RIV or robotic arm operations team, as needed, in
relation to the class survey requirements.

7.5 Post-operation (1 May 2022)

i) Logging:

● RIV or robotic arm operational details should be logged, including launch time, operation
duration, recovery time, and the type of work completed.
● Maintenance or technical adjustments conducted during the operation should be documented.
● Any accidents or near misses observed during the operation should be documented and
reported to all parties so that the decision to abort the work or other adjustments can be made
promptly. If required by local laws and requirements (e.g., USA FAA, UK CAA, or relevant
Civilian Aviation Authority), the incident or near miss may need to be reported to local
regulatory authorities.
ii) Maintenance:

● Post-operation maintenance may be required according to the OEM instructions and should be
completed immediately after RIV or robotic arm operations, as applicable.
● Maintenance should be performed safely and efficiently to minimize the impact on onsite
personnel and the asset.
iii) On-site Battery Handling:

● Battery checks should be conducted and documented to confirm the reliability of the battery’s
safety and endurance for the next operation.
● Batteries should be clearly marked for maintenance and recharged.
● Batteries should be stored and recharged in fireproof containers.
● Transportation of the batteries should comply with applicable regulations and worksite
● Damaged or underperforming batteries should be removed from service.

9 Data Review (1 May 2022)

Digital data is to be reviewed in real-time and/or submitted to the attending Surveyor as agreed in the
survey planning stage. The following criteria should be considered to evaluate the visual data collected by


Section 4 Survey/Inspection Process 4

i) Image (photos, videos, and LiDAR data) quality should be adequate to make a meaningful
assessment of the structure's condition and identify possible anomalies that may affect Class or
Statutory requirements and the crediting associated Surveys. Potential factors affecting image
quality include:

● Poor image resolution (see 3/11.1.1)

● Image out of focus
● Occluded camera lens (e.g., rain, snow, dust, on the lens)
● Inadequate lighting (see 3/11.1.1 and 4/5.5)
● Unstable RIV or robotic arm (see 3/11.1.1 and 4/5.5)
● Dark or shadowy areas (see 4/3 TABLE 1)
● Glare from strong lights or the sun
● Grime, mud, or marine growth on tank surface (see 4/7.1)
● Reduced visibility from sediments inside enclosed space stirred up by RIV (see 4/7.1)
● Lost connectivity between RIV and on-site video monitors (e.g., stuttering frame rate or
inconsistent stream speed)
● Environmental conditions such as fog or rain
ii) If an anomaly is suspected or determined to affect the survey, the image quality should enable the
Surveyor/Inspector to identify further the nature, severity level, and approximate dimension (if
iii) Video footage, live-streaming, and recorded data, should be uninterrupted. If there are any breaks,
gaps, or interruptions in the data, the Surveyor and owner/operator should be notified. The date
and time are recommended to be stamped on images (photos and videos)
iv) Structural member identification data should be collected, especially those structural members
associated with anomalies affecting class and statutory requirements so that such data can be
tracked afterwards.

As agreed upon by all parties during the planning stage, recorded data is to be available for Surveyor

i) On-site so that additional RIV or robotic arm operations can be made if necessary, or
ii) Off-site within a specified time period so that additional RIV or robotic arm operations or other
alternative inspection methods can be arranged if necessary.

The Machine Learning (ML)-based image recognition tool for coating breakdown can be used to assist the
Surveyor as a screening tool to evaluate coating conditions from acquired digital data. In this ML-based
image recognition tool, two steps (i.e., detection and assessment) should be performed on-site to identify
potential areas where the Surveyor may request additional data:

● Detection of the appearance of coating breakdown

● Coating conditions of hard coatings in three levels: GOOD, FAIR, and POOR are based on coating
breakdown areas according to the assessment criteria in 7-1-1/3.21 of the ABS Rules for Survey After
Construction (Part 7).
● For ballast tanks and combined cargo/ballast tanks on oil tankers, more clarification of coating
condition assessment criteria is offered in IACS Recommendation No. 87 “Guidelines for Coating
Maintenance & Repairs for Ballast Tanks and Combined Cargo/Ballast Tanks on Oil Tankers.


Section 4 Survey/Inspection Process 4

Proper equipment should be arranged by the asset Owner/Operator and the Service Supplier to enable the
attending Surveyor to review the data. The Surveyor may require additional inspections using other
alternative or traditional inspection techniques depending on the conditions found and results of the

11 Data Post-Processing (1 May 2022)

Some remote inspection Service Suppliers offer post-processing of data for further evaluation after the
remote inspection. Advanced post-processing techniques may include:

i) Advanced image processing to perform anomaly measurement (e.g., crack dimension

measurement, coating breakdown area measurement, or space volumetric measurement)
ii) Machine Learning (ML) for pattern recognition of cracks, fractures, or coating breakdown
iii) Data analytics for anomaly trending and prediction
iv) 3D model generation for data integration and reporting

These enhanced post-processing techniques can be particularly beneficial for an asset where life
expectancy is important, such as those engaged in site-specific operations. The use of the post-processing
of data is at the discretion of the Owner/Operator. However, if such post-processing data reveal conditions
that can or do have an immediate impact on Class and were not identified during the survey, ABS is to be

11.1 Machine Learning for Pattern Recognition of Coating Breakdown (1 May 2022)
For the ML-based pattern recognition of coating breakdown, the post-processing of acquired data can be
performed to develop an ML-based image recognition tool for coating breakdown images. Three models
can accomplish this development: Segmentation Model, Classification Model, and Joint Segmentation/
Classification Model.

The Segmentation Model separates the images into segments based on different features and patterns of the
images, such as structural components and coating failures, and then assesses the coating criteria for
grading. This model can reach at least a 90% accuracy on coating grading.

The Classification Model is more straightforward as it takes the image, processes it, and immediately
classifies it. This model is quick to develop and deploy but has less interpretability and accuracy.

The Joint Segmentation/Classification Model is the most complex model as it classifies and segments the
image in the same model. It uses previous model methods to “filter” the data into areas worth analyzing for
coating failure. This model requires more time and resources during the algorithm training stage but
provides the most helpful information for the end-user.

The best model is the Segmentation Model based on case studies, as it has the best accuracy,
interpretability, and segmentation performance. The table below shows the “Best” and “Worst” performer
in each category:

Three Models to Develop ML-based Image Recognition Tool

Segmentation Model Classification Model Joint Segmentation and

Classification Model

Coating Grade Accuracy Best Worst

Ease of Development and

Best Worst


Section 4 Survey/Inspection Process 4

Segmentation Model Classification Model Joint Segmentation and

Classification Model

Post-Processing for End-

Worst Best

Interpretability Best Worst

Flexibility Worst Best

Segmentation Performance Best Worst

11.3 Generation of 3D Models (1 May 2022)

The generation of 3D models can be performed by Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and 360°

LiDAR scanning can generate a point cloud that can be post-processed into a 3D model. This model can be
utilized to compare equipment dimensions and implement spatial tagging with relevant documents,
hyperlinks, or various metaverse information using a Cartesian coordinate system. Data captured from
LiDAR needs to be logistically planned as such data size (e.g., gigabytes) can be controlled by the
equipment and software depending on the desired levels of accuracy and detail. Most hardware
manufacturers of LiDAR use proprietary registration software to compile and interpret LiDAR scans. Data
sets from LiDAR require post-production for stitching, decimation, voxelization, and exportation of the
data into an industry-compatible format.

Photogrammetry with 360° imagery yields greater raster visual quality than digital point cloud data.
Between 3K-5K resolution, photogrammetry images are better suited for a point cloud texture mapping but
demonstrate a lower accuracy level than LiDAR. Interferometry techniques used to interpret and create a
3D surface reconstruction from imaging have the potential to have the same difficulty as LiDAR to capture
surfaces with reflective coatings, transparent or beyond the line of sight.

Colorization for LiDAR and Photogrammetry data is dependent on optimal lighting for 3D spatial point
cloud reconstruction. Using 360° photogrammetry requires sufficient lighting for colorization and high-
quality images. LiDAR is not dependent on lighting for spatial reconstructions, but poor lighting may
result in an inaccurate colorized representation of real-world conditions.

When using LiDAR and 360° photogrammetry, the accuracy of dimensions and the quality of images
should be satisfactory to the ABS Surveyor.

13 Reporting (1 May 2022)

The remote inspection Service Supplier should prepare a report identifying the asset and structure
inspected. Any descriptive information associated with the survey performed should be factual and
objective. If the asset Owner/Operator has contracted the remote inspection Service Supplier to provide
additional data, technical support, or recommendations outside the scope of the survey, such information
should be provided in a separate report.

The report submitted to ABS is to include:

i) General particulars of the asset, including asset name, Classification identification number, port of
registry, and year of build.
ii) Survey information, including survey type and cycle number, locations of the structure or space
surveyed, and inspection results (satisfactory, further inspection required including areas that will
require examination by traditional Survey practices, or require repair). The recorded inspection
result is at the discretion of the Surveyor. The specific inspection areas identified in the Survey
Planning Document should be detailed in the report.


Section 4 Survey/Inspection Process 4

iii) Attestation from the Service Supplier that the RIT process was carried out within the approved
RIT operation plan and Survey Planning Document.
iv) Remote inspection Service Supplier’s information, including company name, Classification
Service Supplier certificate number, RIV or robotic arm operation team members’ names, the RIV
or robotic arm model name used during the survey, and dates of inspection.
v) Details of the RIV or robotic arm operation records, including launch time, operation period, and
recovery time.

a) Any digital data (e.g., photos and videos) supporting the crediting of survey related
b) Each inspection report is to be endorsed by the Service Supplier technician, Owner, and
c) Video should be uninterrupted. Any breaks, gaps, or interruptions in the video, should be
documented in the report.

A sample of an inspection report using RIT is shown in Appendix 4.

If the review of the data reveals any condition that is not identified at the time of the survey and affects or
may affect class or statutory requirements; the Owner/Operator should advise ABS as required by the ABS


References (1 May 2022)

1) Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), Part 107, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
Washington, DC, United States, 2016. Available at:

2) Title 46 Code of Federal Regulations (46 CFR), Part 115, Department of Homeland Security,
Coast Guard, United States, 2018. Available at:

3) Title 46 Code of Federal Regulations (46 CFR), Part 176, Department of Homeland Security,
Coast Guard, United States, 2018. Available at:

4) CAP 722 Unmanned Aircraft System Operations in UK Airspace-Guidance, Civil Aviation
Authority (CAA), West Sussex, United Kingdom, 2020 Available at:

5) ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems-Requirements, 2015
6) The National Unmanned Aircraft Systems Credentialing Program, Lone Star Unmanned Aerial
System Center of Excellence & Innovation, Corpus Christi, TX, United States, 2016. Available at:

7) Safety Management System, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Washington D.C., United
States, 2015. Available at:

8) Manual on Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS), International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO), First Edition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2015
9) Safety Management Manual (SMM), International Civil Aviation Organization, Third Edition,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2013
10) Safety and Environment Management Systems, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
(BSEE), Washington, DC, United States, 2010
11) IACS Rec-42: Recommendation No. 42 Guidelines for Use of Remote Inspection Techniques for
surveys, International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), Revision 2, June 2016
12) IACS Rec-87: Recommendation No., 87 Guidelines for Coating Maintenance & Repairs for
Ballast Tanks and Combined Cargo/Ballast Tanks on Oil Tankers, International Association of
Classification Societies (IACS), Revision 2, May 2015


Appendix 1 References A1

13) IACS UR Z7: Hull Classification Surveys, International Association of Classification Societies
(IACS), Revision 26, January 2018
14) IACS UR Z17: Procedural Requirements for Service Suppliers, International Association of
Classification Societies (IACS), Revision 13, January 2018
15) ABS Guidance Notes on the Development of Procedures and Technical Manuals, Houston, TX,
United States
16) ABS Guidance Notes on Risk Assessment Applications for the Marine and Offshore Industries,
Houston, TX, United States
17) ABS Guidance Notes on Job Safety Analysis for the Marine and Offshore Industries, Houston,
TX, United States
18) ABS Guidance Notes on Management of Change for the Marine and Offshore Industries,
Houston, TX, United States
19) ABS Guidance Notes on Safety Culture and Leading Indicators of Safety, Houston, TX, United
20) ABS Guidance Notes on the Investigation of Marine Incidents, Houston, TX, United States
21) ABS Guide for Means of Access to Tanks and Holds, Houston, TX, United States
22) ABS Guide for Nondestructive Inspection, Houston, TX, United States
23) ABS Guide for Dropped Object Prevention on Offshore Units and Installations, Houston, TX,
United States
24) ABS Guide for Building and Classing Floating Offshore Wind Turbines, Houston, TX, United
25) ABS Guide for Building and Classing Bottom-founded Offshore Wind Turbines, Houston, TX,
United States
26) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Operations Management Standards and Guidelines, Oil & Gas
UK, London, United Kingdom
27) Unmanned Aerial Systems Guidelines, Helicopter Safety Advisory Conference (HSAC), HSAC
RP UASRP 15-1, United States


Remote Inspection Vehicle (RIV) Standards

1) ASTM Standard F2910-14: Standard Specification for Design and Construction of a Small
Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS)
2) ASTM Standard F2911-14: Standard Practice for Production Acceptance of Small Unmanned
Aircraft System (sUAS)
3) ASTM Standard F3002-14a: Standard Specification for Design of the Command and Control
System for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS)
4) ASTM Standard F3178-16: Standard Practice for Operational Assessment of Small Unmanned
Aircraft System (sUAS)
5) API Recommended Practice 17H: Remotely Operated Tools and Interfaces on Subsea Production


Checklist for Asset Owners/Operators (1 May 2022)

This Appendix contains a checklist providing suggestions and recommendations for the Asset Owners/
Operators in decision-making during different stages of the RIT inspection process. The four stages
include: 1. Inspection Objective, 2. RIV Selection, 3. Inspection Plan & Operation, and 4. Post-Processing.

Note that some of the capabilities contained in the checklist have not been covered in the Guidance Notes,
as they are either:

1) Out of scope of the current Guidance Notes (e.g., not class-related), or

2) The Technology is still in the testing and evaluation stage and not available for use in the marine/
offshore industry at this time.


Appendix 3 Checklist for Asset Owners/Operators A3


Appendix 3 Checklist for Asset Owners/Operators A3


Appendix 3 Checklist for Asset Owners/Operators A3


Appendix 3 Checklist for Asset Owners/Operators A3


Appendix 3 Checklist for Asset Owners/Operators A3


Appendix 3 Checklist for Asset Owners/Operators A3


Sample of Inspection Report using RITs (1 May 2022)

This Appendix is a sample of inspection report using RITs. It illustrates the report-writing principles and
practices discussed in Subsection 4/13.


Appendix 4 Sample of Inspection Report using RITs A4




Appendix 4 Sample of Inspection Report using RITs A4

The selection of any suspect areas or areas for inspection in addition to the Survey Plan is at the option of the Surveyor.
Videos and still images may be provided in a separate report for Owner. Videos or still images of any specific location are to
be provided to the Surveyor on request for internal reporting.


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