Lesson Plan Sum of Interior Angles

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
A Demonstration Lesson Plan in Grade 7 - Mathematics

Teacher : Audrey Dawn J. Calibuso

Teaching Date : April 11, 2023

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of geometry of shapes
Standard and sizes, and geometric relationships.
B. Performance The learner is able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve
Standard accurately authentic problems involving sides and angles of a polygon.
C. Learning Derives inductively the relationship of exterior and interior angles of a convex
Competency polygon
LC Code M7GEIIIf-1
Applied a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments that
Focus Indicator motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own
D. Learning The learners will be able to:
Objectives 1. Utilize the formula for finding the sum of an interior angles.
Topic Polygons

Mathematics Third Quarter – Module 44 Polygons

References Mathematics 7 Quarter 3 Self-Learning Module 12: Interior Angles of a Polygon
(First Edition, 2020 – Pasig City)

Materials Visual Aids

Preliminaries Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response
Let us all stand for our opening prayer and
I will give one minute to say your own

Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am!

Before you take your seats, kindly

arrange your chairs properly and pick up
any pieces of paper or trashes in your
surroundings then put it in the trash bin.

Is there any nearsighted or has a

hearing impairment in the class?

If none, please be seated.

Is everyone present? Very good.

ELICIT Last time we learn how to differentiate
(Accessing Prior interior angles from exterior angles. Again,

Bgy. Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan Brooke's Point National High School (bpnhsict.com)
Contact no.: 0917 551 5142 DepEd Tayo - Brooke's Point National High School
Landline Nos.: 048-423-7898; 048-423-7886; 048-423-7901 Email: 301671bpnhs-pn@deped.gov.ph
Knowledge) interior angles are angles found inside any
polygons while exterior angles are angles
that can be found outside the polygon.
Here, I have triangle KLM. What are the
interior angles of the given polygon?

K Ans.
Interior Angles
∠K, ∠M, ∠L


Very Good, you all remember our

lesson the last time!

ENGAGE For our next activity, let us do it by

(Getting focus on group. This column/table can be the
the topic) group 1, group 2, group 3, 4 and 5.
In this activity you have to form a
straight angle using the three corners of
the triangle I will give to each group.

1. Cut or tear each corner of the
triangle carefully.
2. Arrange the three pieces of paper
as shown like this:

Very Good everyone for following the

direction and forming a straight angle.
Now, I have a question regarding our
activity: Ans.
1. How many angles does the triangle 1. Three Angles
2. What do you think is the measure 2. The measure of the
of the three angles when put together? three corners of the
3. If we separate these three pieces of triangle when put
paper, what do you think is the measure together is 180 °
of each corner?
3. The measure of each
Good Job everyone! In this lesson we corner or angle is 60 °
will learn how to find the sum of the
interior angles of a given polygon.
Annotation: This activity will condition the students mind that the sum of the interior
angles of a polygon starts at 180°. It will also help them to establish the fact
that polygons are made up of several triangles.
EXPLORE Did you know that polygons are made
(Providing of several angles? That’s right if we will
Students with a use diagonals we can see how polygons
common are made up of triangles.

Bgy. Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan Brooke's Point National High School (bpnhsict.com)
Contact no.: 0917 551 5142 DepEd Tayo - Brooke's Point National High School
Landline Nos.: 048-423-7898; 048-423-7886; 048-423-7901 Email: 301671bpnhs-pn@deped.gov.ph
For example, a quadrilateral can be
divided into two triangles and a pentagon
can be divided into three triangles given
that no diagonals should intersect with
one another.

Now, let us try to answer this table,

number 1 is already done for you.
Number of
Number of
Polygon triangles Number of
Sides Number
formed Polygon triangles
of Sides
3 1
3 1

4 2

5 3

6 4

7 5

EXPLAIN Looking to the activity or table we fill

(Teaching the in, let answer some question
concept with Ans:
teacher-student 1. What have you notice in column 2? 1. The answer is in sequence,

Bgy. Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan Brooke's Point National High School (bpnhsict.com)
Contact no.: 0917 551 5142 DepEd Tayo - Brooke's Point National High School
Landline Nos.: 048-423-7898; 048-423-7886; 048-423-7901 Email: 301671bpnhs-pn@deped.gov.ph
interaction) How about the column 3? starting from 1 to 6. Same in
column 3.
So say that the number of sides of a
polygon will be our n.

2. Compare these two columns 2. Yes, the difference of the two

(column 2 and column 3) do you notice columns in each row is 2.
any pattern? What is it?

Yes that is right, when we subract the

column 3 and column 2, we always get 2.
Now, we can say that number of triangles
formed can be (n-2).

Since we know that every polygon is

made up of several triangles, and we also
know that the sum of the interior angles of
a triangle is 180°, we can now generalize a
rule for the sum of the interior angles of
any polygon.

One triangle has a sum of interior

angles of 180°. If there is two triangle in a
polygon then the sum of their interior
angle will be times 2, 180 x 2 = 360°.

Therefore, we can find the sum of the

interior angles of a polygon using this

Sn = (n-2) 180°

Sn – the sum of the interior angles of a

polygon with n sides; and
n – the number of sides of the polygon.

In other words, the number of angles

formed in a polygon will always be
multiplied by 180° to get the sum of the
interior angles of a polygon.

Do you understand everyone?

Yes Ma’am.

ELABORATE Let us try to utilize the formula in

(Applying the finding the sum of the interior angles of a
information polygon using the table we answer in our
learned under recent activity.

Number of Sum of the

Number Interior
Polygon of Sides
formed Angles

Bgy. Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan Brooke's Point National High School (bpnhsict.com)
Contact no.: 0917 551 5142 DepEd Tayo - Brooke's Point National High School
Landline Nos.: 048-423-7898; 048-423-7886; 048-423-7901 Email: 301671bpnhs-pn@deped.gov.ph
Number Sum of
3 1 Number
of the
Polygon of
triangles Interior
formed Angles

4 2 3 1 180°

5 3 2 • 180
4 2
= 360°

3 • 180
6 4 5 3
= 540°

4 • 180
6 4
7 5 = 720°

5 • 180
7 5
Good Job everyone, you can now get the = 900°
sum of the interior angles of any polygon
using the formula.

students’ 1. Which of the following is true about the number of triangles that can be
learning) drawn from one vertex of a polygon?
A. It is one less than the number of sides of a polygon.
B. It is two less than the number of sides of a polygon.
C. It is three less than the number of sides of a polygon.
D. It is four less than the number of sides of a polygon.

2. What is the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral?

A. 90° C. 360°
B. 180° D. 540°

3. What is the polygon whose sum of the interior angles is 900°?

A. hexagon C. octagon
B. heptagon D. nonagon

4. What is the measure of each interior angle of a triangle?

A. 60° C. 80°
B. 70° D. 90°

5. What is the sum of the interior angles of an octagon?

A. 900° C. 1000°
B. 980° D. 1080°
EXTEND For your assignment, find the unknown angle of this polygons.

Bgy. Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan Brooke's Point National High School (bpnhsict.com)
Contact no.: 0917 551 5142 DepEd Tayo - Brooke's Point National High School
Landline Nos.: 048-423-7898; 048-423-7886; 048-423-7901 Email: 301671bpnhs-pn@deped.gov.ph
Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher JHS T-1


Head Teacher III

Bgy. Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan Brooke's Point National High School (bpnhsict.com)
Contact no.: 0917 551 5142 DepEd Tayo - Brooke's Point National High School
Landline Nos.: 048-423-7898; 048-423-7886; 048-423-7901 Email: 301671bpnhs-pn@deped.gov.ph

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