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Long Live Vinyl - March 2020
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Long Live Vinyl - March 2020
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SUPERGRASS IGGY'S LOST Sen ES De NOW OR NEVER” SRN DUN om aa Bnaas (el) ISOBEL CAMPBELL aa Gateetrna INEYIU. 7 i THE STUDIO THE REST late olliog ce aa k Geena eo A Sirerel-ke CM HOW THE KINGS OF DARKNESS REINVENTED ROCK AM a PMN ele mal oat colt sayEAS) ecco. mon wr ues ove art RCD COmen COPA = ME NEWENI + CeO“ HSENT POON ROLCOTRNGRDO sy E | —— ro Eons HAPPY MONDAYS Mz eee E 3 LEE RANALDO} PE at Dea EO THE SECRET SISTERS, 5 : i i L z : 3 E z 5 5Welcome... eee es ( j] 2 a ae Pee eee ete Pe een earn ete eae ‘Michael Stephens heads hack to Birngham in 1970 to find the famously indestructible Ozzy Osbourne ee ee nee ee eee oet ety Pen een ee ean eee en ete ee ee ed Pee ee ee en Cn eee eed ee ee Ce ee eee ee Ce ee eet teen ese ene ers Daniel Dylan Wray rounds up th poor traumatised souls who accompanied Sen eee heh any Peet a ne weet ee eat Serene aes pee Oey rrr vey och en een ar eee ne Pn rere] Nt ee ee er ne ee eer) pe ee ee one re eet ects oe eee eee ener een eee eee ties ees ea ee ener et tee eee eee eee See yen een eee ce eee ene ee ett et pee onthe ety ae ee eet Ceres Before sign ofa quick not to lookout for our net sse,on sale Reet eet SAT err ert eine een et nr ttn the only magazine soley and completely dedicated to vinyl cute the places we reeeenerracramerien viper yennnerenrannt or meer ee ee ee een aan Cera Lee BMBLONGLIVEVINYLOz0z HOuYW @ SANALNODCe A ea aera ae BLACK SABBATH 50 The release of the Birmingham bane!’ abut clbum 50 years ago changed he face of rock SUPERGRASS 30 ‘Ahora number af years ewoy, he lo return fore 25yeor anniversary tour and a boxset JOHNNY MARR 96 The indie guitar legend celebrates he First chap of his clo corer WIRE 42 17 sxdio abun in ond the verretons postpunk vets oe sil refining heir sound ISOBEL CAMPBELL 4% The singer tel ls of her Hein the US THE ESSENTIAL METAL 8 No fewer han 40 earrumcrushing clases CLASSIC ALBUM DEA VU e The ote of CSNY's supentor egos IGcy PoP The 80s tuned out be on ‘intrating decade for he frmer Stooge COVER STAR ROBERT CRUMB. The underground comic ers! got cheap tril designing album sleeves for others TAKING sHOP DAVID’S Music 8 Letchworth’ foremost vinyl emporio SAVE MONEY ON THE RECORD 0 The atest news, views ond opinions, ncding SIMON saYs 3 Sion Raymonde remembers Vaughan Olive ‘THE COMPLETIST 5 Pete Paphides gets romantic ‘THE ART OF THE 12" 7 Jon Pel and his format of choice WHY I LOVE The former J72 basset Hilary Weods is smiten by the soundtrack oa Czech heror movie EpITors lead singer Tom Smith provides the answers, NS FOR COUNTER CULTURE 89 Union Musi Stor Del Day makes his debut cHoIcE curs 90 ‘Con's Monster Mowe is a kxaurock collectible CLOSER Bob Marley's se-penned eptogh ALBUMS REISSUES & COMPILATIONS Tha loest roelones & boxsets NEW RELEASES 98 The pick ofthe mont’ new aboms GEAR DREAM MACHINES: 06 Menitor Au’ notchoap speakers REVIEWS a Brand new kt kom Audio Teenie, ‘Melntosh and leema AccusesThe Long Live Vinyl team's favourite metal records GARY WALKER GARY TIPP ‘LDA HOWARD [ANDY McGREGOR JAN eet Maser OF Pappas Maser OF Realy Toy Ruth Poace Son Of et 7 Seven Son 5 Meet our expert contributors. : 1A | /, J 5 sIMON RaYMONDE {JOHN EARLS DANIEL DYLAN WRAY = wan weg Oana sa festonce writer . costa fo Clas teed in Shela He ithe Cocco Tws fep, NiE ond The Do antes fr The Guerin Hotes Holowched te ofldeaet A Guiens, Newey end independesabel Balla fovardecade He aso seve ches Fel be Usn1997 Hae wits cot ot tvs poo aco ho Fsbo hme ban ‘bends oomuch neo the voreco he mas feds 09 mach money incving Fel Ro chet ond de nny vbie sl ‘eco Ne coe The Famng Ups, iii, nies omens oyna sod records Fob on My, on beouy ord fasion ve, Shall ohn motng Goon, Explor bias ura words chlreneryby ‘dio Siy ard enons On The iin he ons he eg eesticend Yeucon coh hn isle tics cho prechced Towne goal so Keb cs fem davon Nebo omc Sey Scho dia ery Long Live Viny, Anthem Publishing, Piccadilly Hows, London Rood, Bath BAI GPL +44 (0) 1225489984 ANTHEM) PUBLISHING BN Ec Gry Wa Cont crogra DecorSmntawis ut hii a rym ek ete er Ci sunlneGren cot sent oda eked pny : 5 cd ga peeesrhee bi Gt tt ‘CEO a ey Seavey ieteor ray od ‘niet os ‘mney Pee opie is Pa inition ct ere evs dt ek did Sonn Pd, Cs De my nk Sine es mhom repo, ‘undo & ior As Locotanfeel Fe Howe eS Sie Dasa amy Intima ed nde ipo Stes dan is: en ede, neyo dan ae . TelDyamy tg” Hood Cf Mateing & Poduten warden, Precision Er Gr Tp roves ety tres Bice er pen smntoesSo ot “epee angry dncgedtenatt icon Reg ek eee Fdscion Mango Bn Hak srmincoo a spats Per ikea met Pdi 1D ye CuPc We 4H ‘psSPECIALIST MUSIC AUCTIONEERS WE ARE THE NO. 1 AUCTION HOUSE WORLDWIDE FOR VINYL & THE FASTEST GROWING FOR MEMORABILIA (e) M =e} A THE BEST PLACE TO SELL YOUR COLLECTION AUCTIONS PU et) MUSIC MEMORABILIA Prey) Moar Ae ONO 0 Li SexpistoLs REGULAR SPECIALIST AUCTIONS OF RARE & COLLECTABLE VINYL AND MUSIC MEMORABILIA PLUS ONE OFF SPECIALIST SALES PaGaL au eet et nee a TO ENSURE YOU GET THE BEST POSSIBLE PRICE CC a ee a a ee ae ee cel ea MOTOWN, FUNK & MORE TO INCLUDE LPs, 7”, 12", ACETATES, DEMOS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, TICKETS, BC ete SOLS Woe eee ee WE ACCEPT CONSIGNMENTS WORLDWIDE Ce DORR cca CLE ce UL Yee BORO O LEE RI nue sau eadSUBSCRIBE TO [ONGLIVE VINYL Yes! | would like to subscribe to Long Live Vinyl magazine £1499 every 3 mots by Det Debi ~ SAVE 28% ‘YOUR DETAILS Tie Faroe Samar 1 Pea Ww Ena le iro to eg yo aaa dpe my rae me ene tie Aan i pt lg yd oe i ath oe, ‘ao acest get on Sn Phe ha ne ao ae brent x en fn CEng NS Co Nas Q__—_ muon vom mo se ory aac BEAD ry Bk Baga ‘ional xc a) ‘eh toe INODOOOno Sarton oyu uke os poche Doe be act ‘Leek tein ie ets nel be Dt tree eat nea ate Pg el ee ine Sek ‘ag oa Sites) oe De Dis iy ih jell sl wh eg nye dag ata uc nl andrei ein fy we ge 3] stNo your comuren Fonm To REEPOS MPL Seeekedereyem " SURSIPMON RAE FOR NERAATONAL READERS ~ YOU AN SAE TO! Earope cnt. 8 97 Inen65) INO000 witeCO00 tone OO tne Sate to OFFER CODE PAGE okra eh en odo se 1 ep. Shiba oI a, eo ss pig by Dt a ces od puma, lot eng ott bl pte ode oleate, rg, Asda SAVE 28% WHEN YOU SUBSCRIBEYOUR SUBSCRIPTION OFFER JUST £14.99 EVERY 3 MONTHS NEVER MISS AN ISSUE FREE DELIVERY DIRECT TO YOUR DOOR LONGLIVEVINYL.NET/SAVE28. +44 (0)1371 853 609 COMPLETE THE FORM OPPOSITEON THE RECORD yn the record New Bowie live LP kicks off Record Store Day lis Record Store Day 2020 promises more vinyl than ever, as an album of unreleased Bowie material is unveiled CHANGES \\0\/ BOWIE WSs TRENDING CHART nm Seen ian INateee ty Peirce) Po Es218.99 ‘Swomp Dogg began his profes Singing career a ile Jarry Wiliams way beck in the 50 before uly ‘embracing his prychadelicolrago Now, ral, he legend has recorded the counryelbum he hes always ttrecioned to make, Hes ably ossited by lenny Lawis, stn Vernon ond county vet John Pin, who duts wih ‘Swomp on the single Memories, 220 Noto be confused wit the injury prone Lierpeal and England midilr, The Oxisthe definitive no-holds barred biogrophy of Joba Entwisl, The bossa who died in 2002. ideas upon John's ovm note for on unfinished cutcbiography, personal archives and irtersiaws with hi fomily ond frend Peer Perce ese eet Long Live Viny!'s essential picks for the month OR ty re hese hand ery week ot Rough Eat shop, his an excelent mix of new music, sof recommendation Recent episodes hae included ges! appecronces from Fontaines DC. The Charlene Tim Burgess and he venerable gay Pop. £3 The discerning fll ot Sul Jazz Records hove made same of our favourte compilations, ond his rather rice 5070cm faurcclaur posters @ Evecrer ON THE RECORD8 6 yn the record TJINDER SINGH, CORNERSHOP ENGLAND IS A GARDEN amps pay 6 Marc ‘Our new album is. sealed, gotefold with ier noes, pose inser, double vinyl, double colour, and copper bottomed The sessions were... soradie. There were ‘quite afew layers of recording, maybe o few dys recording sings, or wind ierumants Then months of until the nae eesion, with ete of t’ediing at home, to im used ta writing lyrics han building up the pars to @ song, However a: my heed was in pat | had 10 just continue recording musical ideas a hey came, sich stored songs off. Thus oro few yeors when ‘on engineer had welded my heed bock foe! then had o odd the lyrics. Ths ference meant everything was profacied, Weeks became years We worked with, deliberately Inthe po Dan The Automator, Noo! Gallagher, Oks Cy so fore concerted effort to do things differently, this was spe blanket sotement of nent, ora choi, we uted a school paren choral fr backing vocals, we asked Volare Eienne, ‘amathar from my sens local schoo, o sng for us, ithumed out no well known musicians ‘we he © worked wih ‘a paren evening would We used... ther my sua in london or ‘West Orange Studios, Preston. The engineer o he later is Alon Gregson. We have worked wih him since we were studying at Peston Poytechni cand over te he has become a band member, By the time the songe were eclied, Wes! Orange ‘Studios had moved from Preston to Poitiers, s0.we mised fhe wacks in Fron We were inspired... by nothing but the idea cof oking each song trough oa stilyng finch We hardly listed ta much ther muti, didnot cllow anyone Ye hear werk in progres. We jut chipped cheed at seamingly no pace. We learnt. hat even while being itt o frishing on eum that wos slowly ling vs, boeing on Beext wor sill more uppermost on our rind, What ¢ honeycomb Englond i breaking ‘ond | do mean Englond. Playing these songs live... we have stopped plying ive, keep our carbon fooorin os smal es {2 btd od oe hoppy to leave i ike tha, ‘You'd be surprised te know that. despite he unmsigating upbeat nate of he ‘album, there was alot going on behind the scenes, ‘Marie Remy, our label manager, though would never get nished, but azo pushed us oust book the next studio and move ton, Then anctar fw ‘months of ediing ensued. Gian thi ie, we ook the ime o pt hdon ports nto every song These will nt ohways be insey seen ard heard, but wll ‘come out afer mony play, os thats how the human er works, ond every garden. on bing ey rs Precepe] ae tn rents re ieee meat pepe arene pee eI eeeSIMON RAYMONDE ¥ Vaughan Oliver created a number of memorable sleeves for Cocteau Twins. Simon shares his memories of 4AD's celebrated designer, who died in December aa pple Macintosh and FCs Tastes te "psn embraced ike ‘AR hr bee nthe foal wer In ter ond wih upon nd die Bate Things new tnd unkown eters (chy showed ptt snd co ong Sor stad even thy fog rt, ‘iste iin ods mee ig ‘vy appro ne pic egies (sre wer lancedin 199 ey shar hat oe TA but aughan Over thatis Apdust 62,Vayian sed aay on29 Deen thdltomyplesueosharesome posal ‘Bogs on woking wh ne rng Bala Une thine nt 44D scone ofthe Shemches Hid oh lab heahou thetoand 0s vrei eer Ses te fr acorn ring elo Crane Contry psp eiy GCrmnys EC Record wa tine ioc eye youu omer Obes wont ening is eg rah, The Walgag Pes Clorox Ts Mal Cathe Pes cing Mises nd ny wm Ban Cote Tne ‘One pe deren my mind asthe ‘at wa waaay eet Corinth sr dl wn he ‘0 Ua mah mh ate Vga Pred hana dena ‘Sng italost ies dom wal pin i “enon hee old ste herr Crete and oneping tier and Fotogape utes wei s "Wiking whi on Cac wat sive then cena at abe sro rte ou ur itt Shalge btVnghan washes gto find the pric solution and he di so with eat humour and no endo patience. And he truly LISTENED tothe masi intently unl the ‘appropriate vision came to him, The suggestion ‘wedi use him that mich for our artwork is ‘woeflly inaccurate He designed SIX fon album sleeves, EIGHT 12° EPs ad numerous ‘compilations during our time at 4AD. Forte other artists on the abel he was able to uses dark humour and wicked eye or controversy even when the hope may have been tohave a commercial ht Fllowing the success ‘of MARRS’ Pump Up The Von, the bel aw fom thes of popular accompanying the Pies that here was a band that could also have {Top 20 single, but Vaughan was not one for seeking lazy compromises, Thankful {know that singer Charles was ‘very open to is deus and whether was ‘ryingbaby, amonkey aman with aback as hairy ssa Vivienne Westwood mohair jumper, ‘ora flamenco dance naked fom the waist up, hissleeves forthe Pixies are among his best work fr AAD. Tis penchant forthe subversive wasnt only reserved forthe Pies, and while at ir glimpse Iissleeve fr Ultra Viv Scene debut singe His work was Aenea itt cegicel Coty LUT eerie within the sleeve She Sereamd seemed innocuous enough, the eagle eyed among you might spot a row ft clitoris he wsed from ct oF centzelods fom porn mag Hist. Quite Tteraly for Vaughan the dev wasin the deta, ‘Many yeas ater, Ifnshed a melanchoe dreamy sot of folk record with my ex elie Stephani Dosen, We alle ourselves Snowbird and [thought Vaughan would be the perfect art director forthe LP sleeve. He asked for demos ‘or ery mixes so he could get some inspiration forthe project. After few weeks, he called to say e loved had some ideas and woul ke to-come upto the Bella Union offices o show me. Wespent out fist hour together talking football ~ he had been taking is FA coaching budges- mostly about his beloved Sunderland AEC and my team Spurs anda supporters of teams wo are perennial under achievers we both had lot toaigh about soc began to show mi is sketches and they were so Beautify quite moved bythe depth ofhisideas.Itremaine one of my favourite eves in the 22 years of running Bella Union. Iissimpl ad clegant, and clvatesthe rise it srrounds. The best album sleeves et picked up in the record browsers egal of the bandon the vinyl and for sure many 4AD ats fram the 8 and 9 were bought forthe Roger Dean had a similar effect on record buyers in the 1970s and if theresa wonder wy the 2000s wer lacking in simular set of iconic seve designers, surely the coma that affected vinyl production uni rcent years can plain that Regardless, the artist whose work defined an era and had long, lastng influence ‘on both vinyl AND book cover design, Vaughan Oliver was a one-off who wil be sorely missed by his wife and children, an by allthe millions of people who have his artwork scattered throughout their record callestions, ‘wo have spent hours poring over his intricate ann sumptuous designs Noe SIMON RAYMO ON THE RECORDyn the record © Can you still bag charity-shop bargains? 2 The pricing policy in charity shops has changed over recent years, : but can thrifty vinyl collectors sill find the treasure we seek? ee ee eens ene) eT iiernatitstceimtvaigat’ — Raysinsapun tomate, enone bt ho eon 2 butthe charity shops wee pled high to these day charity shops are the only places reer oes) ee ete eet et Serene) Pent erections Pee ee ee ccc nC Cad eater aris Pee eter) coins erst (Of course, we dont grudge worthy cases Eaeter ety ere ne ee et ne ee teen Sn ee ee ei es or ses ee eee Cen tenter scene Senter ete ee ee ets eg er Ses eee eee ee et eae eh eee ee ee eee ens Pricingin charity shopsisgenealyalloe Oxfam he say,is tobe cheaper han poets ta rete ae eee ee ee ee ee cry cee ee ee een poe eee ea eee eee ee ree est ee a ee Preteens ae eer er cy eens een eed Preteen et Eee eee ee nea een ere een tobother with those in large towns wth high Cerne ered ete eet ty eee eter ren Paneer teen sete tt eet perspective Rowland, who once sold a eg eee ets Pee erento reverts eee eee a en ted ee eed ed Pe er err eerie eee) een ate ee et coterie net Peereye een ee rene Pere eee tn Peer erties eee porveeeeener ears shop vinyl section could be regarded asa self-contained store. Rowland agrees “I regard en eee eee See her eee oe eee rent ee ec ee eee rer Se ee ees eee eset anette ined eS eeeca ty eens1) The Completist As every selFeffacing male instinctive PETE APHIDES \ ly knows, the quickest route to. a woman's heart is through a mixtape. Music transferred from vinyl to audio cassette is truly the food of love sing we deat cometo A in cestinceeconitist hice an apn is ‘tenn Dap ao mu oe wedisiegodealy aco es atc tseytha wos er oy she {Seve ny pono bafyouve mento Youve eel owe Shows besand sce ve eat mosey func dos ar Nel Kiosk {cron enum hab ewe bon Bagg fem he ed ne tthe ota tig fom te REA hosed ere ano ri ie he wisn sete or sone ferksenhing along the wy olybecae Sheymhacealy Entel ee Sorts thug aslve fap igh prac odd te hog fb ‘ih psn mals eu eth ‘aot aos ey ohpe “hat howitwanon beeen Pay Trea th 195 at Ca a wating or curtkconytoarve She atl melt Trasatendgs oes pyc the fing wed der be evey Twas owed wes iy ene ch at thc bebe teen ef any deed tort ca tenrt ad ew Teen Non she ret Sound ie my deem bot er deve dts wha do Bete eed wh ws tt 7 Youcancomewnmetfos l= Ta steady ey shes" yon dean tnoded Shera ght ‘nde hugged niet eames colle spe hat ani wold tone bean eAnd et some deg tmpertneppeld nina tatel tne Our curiae once eather gates bane and med stating pling eco ny ‘ice ot oping td 5 peck Srropondingoe mite wel ake cateiem One pore ng rng one full off affirming power pop for sunny coastal drives. stack of ethereal pst punk ‘asics in case we gots far asthe panoramic ‘mountainous vistas of the Scottish highlands. And soon. Though {dda articulate to myself at thispoin it sem clear tome now what 1 was doing tn the animal kingdom, peacocks ‘se their outrageously paterned plumage to attract the epposite sex; ons deploy their regal manes to impress the ladylions. After a weckend of non stp taping sting between the music centrein the font room and te onein the ktchen al Thad call ‘upon wasa rental ear and a glove compartment full of tapes ‘Thirty-six hours later, between Scarborough and Edinburgh aera thrillingly hairy steetch of oad listening toa four-track sampler of Radiohead’ yetto-be-relessed The Bends, the nature of our friendehip had somewhat are. Perhaps she would have fallen in love with me inspite rather than because of allthis. Maybe'm giving usa bittoo much credit to the admittedly terrific sequencing decision which sa Slowive's Catch The Breeze goin Curves I Speak Your Bory Wad and then into [des Unfamiliar the Forth Bridge eared supoer the skyline at ask, I woud ike to thinks, Because ifthe msi really was the decisive factor the eatalytto which the All Thad to call TOE ee ete car anda glove COO MUL PRN eyed Pete Paphidesisa music journalist, record callctorand broadcaster Catch emg —himon Soho Radio s every Tuesday, ad 2pm existence of our two daughters can be atributed, that suggests that used mesic to triggeraslightly les crepy Stockholm syndrome, like sor of non murderous Charles Manson with the physique and interpersonal skills of The Great Soprendo ‘nthe second week having made up as faras Ullapool wetooka icuitous route back via Wales, We had phoned ahead and booked a seafront oom in Aberystwyth. We were stil on the roads lam, deving towards asiber ‘moon slhoueting the reser the ‘undulating stand turns of West Wales Exactly 45 minutes ogo asked Cat if she could look inthe glove compartment and pull ostonc ofthe few pre-recorded tapesin ther, Thi I The Sex by The Waterboys. Sometimes you play the right album atthe right time in the right place and suddenly youre to scared to look nthe ear view miro incase you te God stingin the back. started with Dent Bang The Drum, thundering oof he speakers as we toc through the glistening country lanes of Dyfed ~the elemental synergy of senery and song. And tended as we reiched our destination, the serene seaont of Aberystwyth ovnklinginvinglyaer the Treating scenery that preceded The inl song, te ile track, cspted from a hurricane toasea breeze wih Mike Scot singing "tol. the. She still mentions that evening from time to time. Lhaveto stop nyse rom reminding he that twas me eho actly made the recor. ‘ut then why would temp ft? That night, nisi was the Cyrano de Bergerac to my CChrisian de Newillete Perhaps it sills And thats why, 25 years ae, | doit dare ten of So rere parmives ON THE RECORD8 6 yn the record Sull growing UK vinyl sales rise for 12th consecutive year ficial gues released by record abel association the BPI show that 2019 marked = 12th conscotve year of growth inthe sales of ving the UK Liam Gallagher Wy Me? Wh Not was the most in-demand ite, selling over 25000 ‘copies 20198 Top 10 albums include high-profile relies such as The Reitls Abbey Rod and Joy Predictably the Tap 10 wa ao blessed wih the continued presence of uber heritage albunss Fleetwood rsapd Pink Floyds The Dark Side Of The on (wit the former elling more than 25,00 copies ‘on vinyl in 201). Ving alums now account for one in every eight LPs bought, with 43 milion purchased in 2019, an increase of 1 year anda ise of net 208 nton the previous nto the formats ty The \ Re ut see rey 7 iI The dysurctonel West County pop doo Michoel Head’ out cadebroie on YLvanion related two sia cfonwcttemotboic abe ning sede ‘eon sothe Fourlagged level ir milan surlocs provided or second album, xing your breakin on, fh MBIT 500k Jew point in 2007, When asked, Vanessa Higgins CEO of Regent Siret Records, andan independent ‘member ofthe BPI Counc sid: "Wswonderfl to sce the hows fans stil loves physical, tangle musi artefact in thee Personally, would love to see arbi nthe Bish tre ofthese products, supported by modern sy and government, to match the rediscovered UK pysical markt and the untapped potential hat, sills here: THE SECRET SEVEN Desai ofthe Fal Secret 7 exhibon at londens NOW Gallary hove been anounced 700 diferent rst have cote rs fer? diferent 7s, with 100 spies ofeach being petted ard sold er £70 each, Proceeds goo Help Rafigecs. The sla begins on BARRY ADAMSON MODEST MOUSE Mogazine The US rods, who ore eB Seeds album fom 2006 mos theo Jehany Mar among thir ln, pay toe to amma lghbub cover on ther 2014 single. he di know at cn i long, upolored sea Coie Salaun . na F THE NE ae rt7) ord faa ria THE 12" New year, new column, new theme. New p In the Fist of a new series, lan div and truest love in the worl igs 2 ssn with them foras long ss can remember R They're the one \ part of my record collection that passes the hoas fre test. I my house was burning down and there was on time to save one selFof records, it would be my cighties 12° How did this journey begin? remember it quite vividly, March 1984 and l went into branch ‘ofan indie chai store, Music Market, Saturday morning a Thad money in my pocket ready to Teven got ther, down to one oftwo spend on new muse, Bef Té narrowed my purcha «cutting-edge or they seemedatthe tm) pop bums on cassette. was going fr ether NU Kershaw Human Racing or Howard Jon Humans Lib How wrong [wae As soon a 1 walked int the store, Isbandoned that plan completely when Tspoted they had just few copes fone ofthe ‘wosk’smost talked-about releases, The US 12 remixof Thompson Twins Yu Take Me Up Notthestandad 12 single version but ‘Strict Limited Eton’ variant with unig artwork Kershaw and jones didn et alookin andthe wins catapulted me into my ving! stove This release sums up many ofthe things ove bout the format Like the way Extended remixes, tits and special wersions were crested expecially ion! deep into his fist Id of vinyl: 1980s 12" singles for 12: Ifthe 12° dida'texst then theresa whole cthe. Then ther also the packaging and artwork. Allof which was offen designed Specially for the 12" (as opposed to being jst enlarged versions of” singles) Tako love thatthe eighties 12 is ne ofthe most contentious and rule breaking formats in music history Like when Paul Hardesstl kept creating increible new 17s May 1985 No, hit partly because he was atthe vanguard of sampling of eighties musi that simply wouldnt exist fie because he wanted hbat als ‘asmany prodacts onthe markets possible to keep Duran Duras rival single View To A Kill “offthe No. I spot. And worked! ‘Or when Frankle Goes To Hollywood released Reles, sty aa staggeringly long (and largely improvised) 1é-minute Sex mic and then acros st leat five further 12s Ts allow-up single, Two Tribes, spawned an ‘qualy-contentious 12 which ina number of Cold War documentaries asa resultoftsinclasion ofthe English governments Protect And Survive public safety warnings on how to prepare fora nuclear attack Yes pankchas the single, Prog has the tefl double LP. Reggae has the dbplate. Psych 1s the private pressing, And new wae ca ay claim to coloured ving But, forme, you couldnt askfora more captivating sion of message and medium than the eighties 12" single They'ea gene in themselves, and it’s sonnething that [cant watt takea deep dive into con this pa Bre eee ey Pe ISRO escir SIAN eet ON THE RECORDVac AVAXHOME?Ut te ee STE Ce me a ae fresh magazines, hot games, ee ae Unlimited satisfaction one low price Cheap constant access to piping hot media Protect your downloadings from Big brother Safer, than torrent-trackers 18 years of seamless operation and our users' satisfaction ONT RETA A0r 4-09 Tela mao One site AvaxHome - Your End Place We have everything for all of your needs. Just open https://avxlive.icuews ON THE RECORD )n the record THE VINYLIST DAVE BRITTON Endiroducing a serious D) Shadow collector. What was the first know here are lost 300 CDs hat | hove record you bough? sot ale my caocton.|aleo hove fw “Ase chi wos bought Dy Shadow releases that Ihave no yet got ‘he 7" of Poriee a ‘round 1 adaing othe Discogs dolobase Kym's Tule Power kom ‘My Shadow eal shows neve 663 tems the Teenage Mutant have 35 copies of Enarodveing Ninja Tues Movie. [My fist 12" wes Dl Shadow Endroducng. What's the most valuable record saa signed copy on eBay and had lft your collection? somacne in charge of bidding whe I was ie filo value some itm, os they cat werk They texted o say that they had dent have any soles sory, ther han when ‘accidental bid £4,000 rather hon £40. "bought ham. But babeve my copies of That woe 2 prety nary sf wing to eee Shadow singles Enuf, 3 Freaks and Enut/ how much was going to cst” Which antists and genres are you most interested in? This Time remixes or the most valuable, 100 copies of each ofthese hee singles were hand sterciled bythe Ars Poul Insct and have been known a zl for over £250" My music aes ore varied, | ejay ol sorts ‘rom metal righ through to county However, Whats the holy grail record What's your listening setup? ‘enjoy hip-hop, elecroni and rock he mos. that you'd mos like to own? "Whenever people ask me that question ‘A he momen in addin oD Shadow, am “There ore many hat once elle « Gra for over 0 year now, Ive been saying thot lening oa lt of Nils Frahm, The Cinematic including 0) Shodow’s 3 Freaks. However, Tom between sekips. However, for now, COrchesro and Nick Cave. Iam ob « huge "have been able ind mos! ofthese. There | play and keep my records in he lounge, fox oii Hendhix ond led Zeppelin” ‘re Shadow demo apes, wich without so space is pretty much ot @ premium. So lonery win, will probably aways evade me, jus have my Audio Technica ATLP3 and How many records do you have? but there’ one may sil Find, Shodow’s 12" vintage’ Sony hi, which have hod for "Vhave 1320 items ited on my Discogs, but of D) Hero Mines Uncharted. over 20 years” MOST VALUABLE VINYL al BLACK SABBATE (MASTER OF REALITY Rare 1971 UK ft pressing tack vinyl on en ined Hack wi label wih machinesomped 1Y1/20 makices and on iveted ‘wi dct nor Fly lined cond embossed box pice sleeve complet wih the incredibly ove foldout posted £695 . I phe ad Oris ee ep wre surcrceass THe siTHs 138 SUPERGRASS 15 10 wiutiam rt was far 979 UK 194ock etd Be O1 404 Orgel 2008K REALLY NOTHING thom tom heEaguhpespink—Inleeion dose 10° fare 984 Gemen Sak tend comple wth nd eion peed on clr vin feching 21.2" mesg on pu mated bonus rack” EPlcing Sng nic ad, cdg AVQM, ving cng Pee Pose, 1 Gerd Pars 18, as are Cough The faz, Rchow I, ‘Bas la Me Get Wiha Wont tae ond Sal ce ce. Aimping Or Your Seo rd Lo ond How Son Is Now Pte Mowe poe see wih inthe Dy Hypesclred ofl sera hos Pate neem cig ee Ses pire stove wh oda Ve rine cer esh £85 Printed inners. £95 ini2s2i¢, £85ee eee ERM ee 12”s, 7’s, singles, EPs, CDs, Ee SMS ee concert programmes & more posters, handbills, tickets, HUA TURN as Tea aD Cy OMe ee ae 0 jazz. blues. folk. classical from the ’50s. ’60s. ’70s. CIE SMI single items or entire collections wanted bring your items to Tear) CNS kane Meopham, Kent and monthly Saturdays in Kent & Soho, London Now Spinning on our lula this issue, Heathen from Northern eC eil.comRADAR ON THE ON THE RECORD yn the record HONEY HARPER The rising star discusses his bold and beautiful debut and his vision for cosmic country escrito ifn Harper bone uch al acing bata eqns youestd Seba conden eed open Money Harper ther FW rasel ho gev up in Alloa bee more recently relocating to London, Digging deeper, there’ journey that took him from his swirly shoepnze outfit Moe! Rings va the Euro pop of Promise Keeper to arrive at the point hel at now, So far temoved ae they in Sound and aesthetic that never in a milion years would you consider all three tobe the povduct ofthe same arts, But far from Simply trying on another costume to see how itis i's clear Honey Harpers what he was destined to become all along thas taken him back ois roots, Fussell grevr up in the American south surrounded by country musi, “My dad was sn Ehis impersonator’ he tllsus-In his youth, he consciously ditched bisrich southern sccent and, in hindsight, it seems his formative masical ventures were similar tempts to break re from that hei Finally he presented witha ight twang that breaks on chosen to embrace it, Vocals, ‘Selvery it rontand centre, where in previogs projects they were hidden behind layer of reve or snappy production. Theiea of commercial country mesic can conjate up certain connotations of kitschness Harper both conforms tothe imagery Stetson, promo video shot on a dusty Texan ‘Wild West movie set) and challenges it. His notion of cosmic country draws upon the then subtly tise it~ both Gram Patsons and Spiritualized ate sted among, his in fluences I's nota radical departure, but ashe explains, "Twas keen to make a record ofits time, leary rooted in 20207 Opener ‘Green Shadows sets the ton, with ts vocoder laden intro and spacey atmospherics, Starmaker does jump out sreaming for your attention, rather ts baat lies ints restraint I's oneof those albums that creeps ‘upon you when you lest expect it then sinks tstendrilsin, A couple of tracks were cut with Sebastien Tele,"in the sme Paris studio where Pel Simon recorded Me And own By The Scolyard Is centrepiece, Suzuki Dreams, was Harper's attempt at a vintage Disney score, It starts ‘off with luscious sweeping tings, courte ofthe Hungarian Studio Orchestra. Yet forall is grandeur, it manages to rematn intent Something Relatives equally affecting, alament ona friend lost to an overdose Sofly spoken and thoughtful in responses, Harpersalso ambitious He has already plotted out the aesthetic for album number two, and witha batch oftracks already orded before ding the first ie released. in fact, he’ soon off to LA “to work with a col group of cali ingthata ‘running theme throughout Storm isthe pursuit of succes and fame, How one defines successis ofcourse highly subjective ‘Whether it brings him fame remains to be seen, But asa body of work, isaleady ‘triumph. Felix RoweLp Pe il _ z 4 i is a i Be apa oe g RCT f L NT Se < saa cs le)n the record CRATE DIGGING WITH... CHALI 2WA The American rapper and respected visual artist blazed a trail as a founding member of Jurassic 5 Here, he puts forward his all-time top 10 albums LIDcoox|s = oe er CRATE DIGGING ON THE RECORD INOMC TOUGHER THAN LEATHER "RunD.MC soled my love ofthe bock and Forth routines of ld, Alhough ‘he owtine of backon: fox rap wos done to petfction by The Cold Cush thers and The Fuius Five, RnD.MC ‘brought ths ye tothe masses ofthe world” BIG DADDY KANE LONG un THE KANE "Big Daddy Kone i not only one ofthe top ive yes o date, but he lie one othe greteet showmen lo grace the loge allt this doy Any ime you wah io lien to him, sa he's ter teaching @ lass or preaching a funeral” This olbum wos an inrodueion oho beat, known o Ui Coo He mode me se tht ‘wosnt about age mare than # wes abou sil cond confidence, Joes Todd Smith: PUBIIC ENEMY 7 OF MILLIONS To HOLD US BACK ‘Chuck Ds father gure voice and the lessons tought trough his rmessoge in is mse tmode me search fr iy identity, my history and my place within ‘American scity. Thank you Public Eran” (ES A NATION. Br LICENSED To 1 he Beoste Boys oe where punk ook ond rop meted together vry ‘wo Ucensed To ln! nly eotted cout ines, but genre bowers 0s wal: Arguably one of the most ane op cb te dat, ‘uno "K85.One wos woy, sway chad of his eve sh tis lb bn ny pinion he has one of he (tects underdog sos alltime, And, bey, who dose! ihe to oot the underdog?” FRICB, 2 RA PAID IN FULL Erie Bond Rakim were lke alins hot come 2 ‘car each a new way ofthought AND RISING De la Soul hos to bo regorded os the mest ‘bata ye shed group to date nth who fs coal than who world frp, hink of them ‘os revenge af he nerds fon sero CHIL 808 G RIDE THE RHYTHM hil Rob G has Ye be cone ofthe grote! Ce ofall ine. i yrical rowers and wordeth ‘bility puts him among the greats! Noto meron the production by The 45 King Before he would go ‘nfo crete masterpieces wih people like Queen Lat, he was sanding fn wih Chil ob "ATCO picked up the baton and kep the NNotve Tongues lock clive. Their hippy ‘eppreach fo what De La ‘wes doing, combined sth Arcane messages ad the greatest boom bap, ‘lis thm as one ofthe grees for surwins TH SCIENTIST CLL Scientist SCIENTIST WINS THE WORLD CUP Jenn Hodale helplessly as Fam in Spin, while England crashed ‘utin customary fashion atthe second round Mancunian McDermott was Greensleeves in house designer and his work forthe LP produced by Linval Thompson, Junj Lawesand budding ‘enginser Scientist became hugely conic depicting a much celebrated, fictional, victory ver the old ers While th ool andes iced al ofits perm e the Jamaica Dread. presumably partsan Juno wear the rele’ strip “The punky, reggae, soulboy ccs "new regarded footballers as being champions of ‘he laughable mullet and usly-perm haistyls MeDermot told Vice.“Jamalcans liked nothing better than the idea of eating the former colonial masters So the reggae massive reacted wal tothe drawing” Alter reese was eile to give fo the credit for winning the World Cup for Jamaica, STORY BEMIND THE SLEEVE ON THE RECORDTHE PRETENDERS ‘Wile the band formed in 1978, and ela ets a Ret eee emcee ioe rere eee eee eee Cee ees Ree eee] eee eae Se eae eee ected eee ee ete ne er ree ered See arate) ee eee eer) eer cre eee erie) eee ee et aoe eet ro rted orien ater es 10 across the pond in he States The bond ree nea eee eee era pote ee eres eee eer ns ee eee Cee eee ee ee ene! bee down to only two living members, cer ae rere) er SNAPSHOTLUBOS FISER HILARY VWWOODS With her new solo album, Birthmarks, due out in March, the former JJ72 bassist explains why the gothic soundtrack to a 1970s Czech horror film made such an enduring impression Tiss esi rtf ay htt ins ese neo ep athe ‘ing ym fom od torre aterm er pps vi they wee ng sre. ge up ants ly poling any cds hatharaeron then ees tana fori heron iat pric Ips ment jad esate ace Toph achat ror ine re (jinn Vir Neale ese cfr cate an rbypootng edly Buren ad ny cede Titers pad Ela ik poem Fmt {npg eption noeper ithcalenl and cic stacrr toed ney pena Thera ad pu wale hese kano yucatan ech ahr mend ck che encesan Coed srngad drat Cir Te acon cr te Erk lial rfid from similar ingredients The econ’ inimitable magic Tics inthe fact tht cross polnates bath sonically and in its vss,
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