Finals-Reviewer-VAT To LBT
Finals-Reviewer-VAT To LBT
Finals-Reviewer-VAT To LBT
Sec. 105 (2) The value-added tax is an indirect tax and the commercial or economic activity are considered entered into
amount of tax may be shifted or passed on to the buyer, in the course of trade or business
transferee or lessee of the goods, properties or services. ● “Incidental”: something else as primary; something
necessary, appertaining to, or depending on another,
• This rule shall likewise apply to existing contracts of
which is termed as principal
sale or lease of goods, properties or services at the time ● An isolated transaction is not necessarily
of the effectivity of Republic Act No. 7716. disqualified from being made incidentally in the
course of trade or business
VAT is an indirect tax; business tax
• VAT is a tax on consumption Petitioner’s primary business in the manufacture of garments
for sale abroad
Who are liable for VAT? ● In carrying out its business, petitioner acquired and
1. Any person who, in the course of trade or business - eventually sold a Mercedes Benz to its GM
--- ● Prior to the sale, the motor vehicle formed part of
● sells, barters, or exchanges goods or petitioner’s capital assets
properties (seller or transferor) ● Therefore, the sale of the motor vehicle is an
● leases goods or properties (lessor) incidental transaction because the vehicle was
● renders services (service provider) purchased and used in furtherance of petitioner’s
2. Any person who Imports goods (importer) -- business
What do you mean “in the course of trade or business”? Once an activity has been identified as a business, any
Sec. 105, (par. 2), NIRC supply/sale made while carrying it on is likely to be made in
The phrase "in the course of trade or business" the course or furtherance of business
means the regular conduct or pursuit of a commercial or an ● Thus, a supply/sale in the course or furtherance of
economic activity, including transactions incidental thereto, business includes:
by any person regardless of whether or not the person ○ The disposition of the assets and liabilities
engaged therein is a non-stock, nonprofit private of a business;
organization (irrespective of the disposition of its net income ○ The disposition of a business as a going
and whether or not it sells exclusively to members or their concern; and
guests), or government entity. ○ Anything done in connection with the
The rule of regularity, to the contrary notwithstanding, termination or intended termination of a
services as defined in this Code rendered in the Philippines business
by nonresident foreign persons shall be considered as being
rendered in the course of trade or business. Transactions subject to VAT
SEC. 106. Value-added Tax on Sale of Goods or Properties.
What are transactions “incidental” to the conduct of trade or —
business? Rate and Base of Tax. — There shall be levied, assessed and
collected on every sale, barter or exchange of goods or
The term “incidental” means something necessary, properties, a value-added tax equivalent to twelve percent
appertaining to, or depending upon another which is termed the (12%) of the gross selling price or gross value in money of the
principal, something incident to the main purpose goods or properties sold, bartered or exchanged, such tax to be
paid by the seller or transferor.
a) The term ‘goods or properties’ shall mean all tangible
CS Garments, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue
and intangible objects which are capable of pecuniary
On the instant petition, CS Garments submits that the Second
Division erred in its conclusion that: The isolated sale of petitioner's estimation and shall include:
company vehicle to its General Manager is subject to 10% VAT. i. Real properties held primarily for sale to
customers or held for lease in the ordinary
VAT is imposed on a sale or transaction entered into by a course of trade or business;
person in the course of any trade or business ii. The right or the privilege to use patent,
● A transaction will be characterized as having been copyright, design or model, plan, secret
entered into by a person in the course of trade or formula or process, goodwill, trademark,
business if it is: trade brand or other like property or right;
○ Regularly conducted; and iii. The right or the privilege to use in the
○ Undertaken in pursuit of a commercial or Philippines of any industrial, commercial or
economic activity scientific equipment;
iv. The right or the privilege to use motion
picture films, films, tapes and discs; and
v. Radio, television, satellite transmission and
cable television time.
The term ‘gross selling price’ means the total amount of VAT rate upon satisfaction of the following conditions:
money or its equivalent which the purchaser pays or is 1. The successful establishment and implementation of
obligated to pay to the seller in consideration of the sale, an enhanced VAT refund system that grants refunds of
barter or exchange of the goods or properties, excluding the creditable input tax within ninety (90) days from the
value-added tax. The excise tax, if any, on such goods or filing of the VAT refund application with the Bureau:
properties shall form part of the gross selling price. a. Provided, That, to determine the effectivity of
item no. 1, all applications filed from January
b) The following sales by VAT-registered persons shall 1, 2018 shall be processed and must be
be subject to zero percent (0%) rate: decided within ninety (90) days from the
i. (1) Export Sales.— The term ‘export sales’ filing of the VAT refund application; and
means: The sale and actual shipment of goods b. All pending VAT refund claims as of
from the Philippines to a foreign country, December 31, 2017 shall be fully paid in cash
irrespective of any shipping arrangement that by December 31, 2019.
may be agreed upon which may influence or
determine the transfer of ownership of the Provided, That the Department of Finance shall establish a VAT
goods so exported and paid for in acceptable refund center in the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and in
foreign currency or its equivalent in goods or the Bureau of Customs (BOC) that will handle the processing
services, and accounted for in accordance and granting of cash refunds of creditable input tax.
with the rules and regulations of the Bangko An amount equivalent to five percent (5%) of the total VAT
Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP); collection of the BIR and the BOC from the immediately
ii. (2) Sale and delivery of goods to: preceding year shall be automatically appropriated annually and
i. Registered enterprises within a shall be treated as a special account in the General Fund or as
separate customs territory as trust receipts for the purpose of funding claims for VAT refund:
provided under special laws; and Provided, That any unused fund, at the end of the year shall
ii. Registered enterprises within revert to the General Fund.
tourism enterprise zones as declared Provided, further, That the BIR and the BOC shall be required
by the Tourism Infrastructure and to submit to the Congressional Oversight Committee on the
Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (COCCTRP) a quarterly
subject to the provisions under report of all pending claims for refund and any unused fund (b)
Republic Act No. 9593 or The Sales to persons or entities whose exemption under special laws
Tourism Act of 2009. - VETOED by or international agreements to which the Philippines is a
the President] signatory effectively subjects such sales to zero rate.
iii. (3) Sale of raw materials or packaging
materials to a nonresident buyer for delivery B) Transactions Deemed Sale. — The following transactions
to a resident local export-oriented enterprise shall be deemed sale:
to be used in manufacturing, processing, 1. Transfer, use or consumption not in the course of
packing or repacking in the Philippines of the business of goods or properties originally intended for
said buyer’s goods and paid for in acceptable sale or for use in the course of business;
foreign currency and accounted for in 2. Distribution or transfer to:
accordance with the rules and regulations of a. Shareholders or investors as share in the
the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP); profits of the VAT registered persons; or
iv. (4) Sale of raw materials or packaging b. Creditors in payment of debt
materials to export-oriented enterprise whose 3. Consignment of goods if actual sale is not made within
export sales exceed seventy percent (70%) of sixty (60) days following the date such goods were
total annual production; consigned; and
v. (5) Those considered export sales under 4. Retirement from or cessation of business with respect
Executive Order No. 226, otherwise known to inventories of taxable goods existing as of such
as the Omnibus Investments Code of 1987, retirement or cessation.
and other special laws; and
vi. (6) The sale of goods, supplies, equipment (C) Changes in or Cessation of Status of a VAT registered
and fuel to persons engaged in international Person. — The tax imposed in Subsection (A) of this Section
shipping or international air transport shall also apply to goods disposed of or existing as of a certain
operations: Provided, That the goods, date if under circumstances to be prescribed in rules and
supplies, equipment and fuel shall be used for regulations to be promulgated by the Secretary of Finance, upon
international shipping or air transport recommendation of the Commissioner, the status of a person as
operations a VAT-registered person changes or is terminated.
Provided, That subparagraphs (3), (4), and (5) hereof shall be (D) Sales Returns, Allowances and Sales Discounts. — The
subject to the twelve percent (12%) value-added tax and no value of goods or properties sold and subsequently returned or
longer be considered export sales subject to zero percent (0%) for which allowances were granted by a VAT-registered person
may be deducted from the gross sales or receipts for the quarter deemed a sale, barter or exchange of goods or properties
in which a refund is made or a credit memorandum or refund is under Sec. 4.106-7 paragraph (a) hereof, or where the
issued. Sales discount granted and indicated in the invoice at the gross selling price is unreasonably lower than the actual
time of sale and the grant of which does not depend upon the market value.
happening of a future event may be excluded from the gross The gross selling price is unreasonably lower
sales within the same quarter it was given than the actual market value if it is lower by more than
30% of the actual market value of the same goods of the
(E) Authority of the Commissioner to Determine the same quantity and quality sold in the immediate locality
Appropriate Tax Base. — The Commissioner shall, by rules on or nearest the date of sale.
and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Finance,
determine the appropriate tax base in cases where a transaction For transactions deemed sale, the output tax shall be based
is deemed a sale, barter or exchange of goods or properties on the market value of the goods deemed sold as of the time
under Subsection (B) hereof, or where the gross selling price of the occurrence of the transactions enumerated in Sec.
4.106-7(a)(1),(2), and (3) of these Regulations.
is unreasonably lower than the actual market value.
However, in the case of retirement or cessation of
Sale of goods or properties business, the tax base shall be the acquisition cost or the
1. Actual sale current market price of the goods or properties, whichever is
2. Transaction Deemed sale lower.
The following transactions shall be deemed sale: In the case of a sale where the gross selling price is
1. Transfer, use or consumption not in the course of unreasonably lower than the fair market value, the actual
business of goods or properties originally intended for market value shall be the tax base.
sale or for use in the course of business;
2. Distribution or transfer to: 3. Sale or exchange of services
a. Shareholders or investors as share in the 4. Importation of goods
profits of the VAT registered persons; or
i. NOTE: Property dividends which VAT BASE
constitute stocks in trade or 1. Sale of Goods – Gross selling price or gross value in money
properties primarily held for sale or a. In cases where a transaction is a deemed sale,
lease declared out of retained barter or exchange of goods or where the
earnings on or after January 1, 1996 selling price is unreasonably lower than the
and distributed by the company to actual market value, the Commissioner shall
its shareholders shall be subject to determine the appropriate tax base.
VAT based on the zonal value or fair b. The gross selling price is unreasonably lower
market value at the time of than the actual market value if it is lower by
distribution, whichever is more than 30% of the actual market value of
applicable. the same goods of the same quantity and
b. Creditors in payment of debt quality sold in the immediate locality on or
nearest the date of sale
3. Consignment of goods if actual sale is not made within c. The output tax shall be based on the market
sixty (60) days following the date such goods were value of the goods deemed sold as of the time
consigned; and of the occurrence of the transactions
4. Retirement from or cessation of business with respect enumerated above in numbers 1, 2, and 3.
to inventories of taxable goods existing as of such i. However, in the case of retirement
retirement or cessation. or cessation of business, the tax base
shall be the acquisition cost or the
Note: The following circumstances shall, among others, give current market price of the goods or
rise to transactions "deemed sale" for purposes of this properties, whichever is lower.
Section; d. In the case of a sale where the gross selling
1. Change of ownership of the business. price is unreasonably lower than the fair
a. There is a change in the ownership of the market value, the actual market value shall be
business when a single proprietorship the tax base. (Sec. 4.106-7, RR No. 16 –
incorporates; or the proprietor of a single 2005)
proprietorship sells his entire business. e. Nonetheless, if one of the parties in the
2. Dissolution of a partnership and creation of a new transaction is the government as defined and
partnership which takes over the business. contemplated under the Administrative Code,
the output VAT on the transaction shall be
Important: The CIR shall determine the based on the actual selling price
appropriate tax base in cases where a transaction is
Gross Selling Price - It means the total amount of money
or its equivalent which the purchaser pays or is obligated to For this purpose, “unrelated party” shall not include
pay to the seller in consideration of the sale, barter or taxpayer’s employees, partners, affiliates (parent, subsidiary
exchange of goods or properties, excluding the value-added and other related companies), relatives by consanguinity or
tax. The excise tax, if any, on such goods or properties affinity within the fourth (4th) civil degree, and trust fund where
shall form part of the gross selling price. (Sec. 106(A)(1), the taxpayer is the trustor, trustee or beneficiary, even if covered
NIRC) by an agreement to the contrary. (Sec. 11, RR No. 04- 2007)
Allowable deductions from the GSP: 3. Importation of Goods – Total value used by the Bureau of
In computing the taxable base during the month or quarter, the Custom
following shall be allowed as deductions from gross selling
price: The total value used by the Bureau of Customs in determining
• Discounts tariff and customs duties plus customs duties, excise taxes, if
a. Determined and granted at the time of sale any, and other charges, (such as postage, commission, and
similar charge) such tax to be paid by the importer prior to the
b. Which are expressly indicated in the invoice;
release of such goods from customs custody.
c. The amount thereof forming part of the gross
sales duly recorded in the books of accounts; If the valuation used by the BOC in computing customs duties
d. The grant of which is not dependent upon the is based on volume or quantity of the imported goods, the
happening of a future event; and landed cost shall be the basis for computing VAT.
• Sales returns and allowances for which a proper credit • Landed cost consists of the invoice amount,
or refund was made during the month or quarter to the customs duties, freight, insurance and other
buyer for sales previously recorded as taxable sales. charges.
(Sec. 106(D), NIRC • If the goods imported are subject to excise tax, the
excise tax shall form part of the tax base.
Note: Exception: Sales discount indicated in the invoice at the
time of sale, the grant of which is not dependent upon the The same rule applies to technical importation of goods sold
happening of a future event, may be excluded from the gross by a person located in a Special Economic Zone to a
sales within the same month/quarter it was given. customer located in a customs territory.
operations: Provided, That the fuel, goods, and supplies (DOH) shall issue a list of prescription
shall be used for international shipping or air transport drugs and medical devices covered by this
operations; provision: Provided, finally, That the
22. Services of bank, non-bank financial intermediaries exemption claimed under this subsection
performing quasi-banking functions, and other non-bank shall be subject to post audit by the Bureau
financial intermediaries; of Internal Revenue or the Bureau of
23. Sale or lease of goods and services to senior citizens and Customs as may be applicable.
persons with disability, as provided under Republic Act 31.
(CC) Sale or lease of goods or properties or the
Nos. 9994 (Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010) and performance of services other than the transactions
10754 (An Act Expanding the Benefits and Privileges of mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, the gross annual
Persons With Disability), respectively; sales and/or receipts do not exceed the amount of Three
24. Transfer of property pursuant to Section 40(C)(2) of the million pesos (P3,000,000.00).
NIRC, as amended;
25. Associations dues, membership fees, and other Zero-rated Effectively zero-rated
assessments and charges collected by homeowners’ transactions transactions
associations and condominium corporations;
26. Sale of gold to the Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP); Source EXPORT sale of Sale of goods or supply of
27. Sale of or importation of prescription drugs and medicines goods and supply services to persons or
for: of services. entities whose exemption
28. Diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension beginning under special laws or
January 1, 2020; and Tax rate is at zero. international
29. Cancer, mental illness, tuberculosis, and kidney diseases agreements to which the
Philippines is a signatory
beginning January 1, 2021.
effectively subjects such
transactions to a zero rate.
Provided, That the DOH shall issue a list of approved
drugs and medicines for this purpose within sixty (60) COMMO Since zero rate, this results in NO tax chargeable
days from the effectivity of this Act; and N against the PURCHASER.
Sale or importation of the following beginning January 1, EFFECT The SELLER of such transactions charges NO
2021 to December 31, 2023: OF OUTPUT tax, but CAN CLAIM a refund of or
Capital equipment, its spare parts and raw BOTH: a tax credit certificate for the VAT previously
materials, necessary for the production of charged by suppliers.
personal protective equipment components
such as coveralls, gown, surgical cap,
surgical mask, N-95 mask, scrub suits,
goggles and face shield, double or surgical Exempt transaction Exempt party or entity
gloves, dedicated shoes, and shoe covers,
for COVID-19 prevention; and
● Involves GOODS ● Involves a PERSON
All drugs, vaccines and medical devices
specifically prescribed and directly used for
which are granted VAT
the treatment of COVID-19; and EXPRESSLY exemption under the
Drugs for the treatment of COVID-19 EXEMPTED Tax Code, a special
approved by the Food and Drug from the VAT law or an
Administration (FDA) for use in clinical under the Tax international
trials, including raw materials directly Code, without agreement.
necessary for the production of such regard to the tax ● Such party is also not
drugs: Provided, That the Department of status of the party subject to VAT, but
Trade and Industry (DTI) shall certify that to the transaction. may be allowed
such equipment, spare parts or raw materials ● Such transaction refund/credit,
for importation are not locally available or is not subject to depending on its
insufficient in quantity, or not in accordance the VAT, but the registration as a VAT
seller is not or non-VAT
with the quality or specification
allowed any tax taxpayer.
required: Provided, further, That for item
refund of or credit
(ii), within sixty (60) days from the for any input taxes
effectivity of this Act, and every three (3) paid.
months thereafter, the Department of Health
medical services, is exempt from the VAT coverage. This Ruling was
Automatic zero- Effective zero- Exemption subsequently confirmed by Regional Director Osmundo G. Umali of
Revenue Region No. 8 in a letter dated April 22, 1994. Meanwhile, on
rating rating January 1, 1996, Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7716 (Expanded VAT or E-VAT
Law) took effect, amending further the National Internal Revenue Code of
● intended to Intended to benefit The 1977. Then on January 1, 1998, R.A. No. 8424 (National Internal Revenue
be enjoyed the PURCHASER purchaser is Code of 1997) became effective. This new Tax Code substantially adopted
and reproduced the provisions of E.O. No. 273 on VAT and R.A. No. 7716
by the who, not being only on E-VAT. In the interim, on October 1, 1999, the BIR sent respondent a
SELLER directly and legally PARTIALL Preliminary Assessment Notice for deficiency in its payment of the VAT
who is liable for the payment Y and documentary stamp taxes (DST) for taxable years 1996 and 1997.
directly and of the VAT, will RELIEVED
legally ultimately bear the because he 1. Philippine Health Care Providers "is not actually
liable for burden of the tax is not rendering medical service but merely acting as a
the VAT shifted by the allowed any conduit between the members and their accredited
● makes the suppliers. tax refund and recognized hospitals and clinics."
seller of or credit (a) It merely "provides and arranges for the
internation for INPUT provision of pre-need health care services
ally taxes paid. to its members for a fixed prepaid fee for
competitiv a specified period of time."
e by 2. It then "contracts the services of physicians,
allowing medical and dental practitioners, clinics and
the hospitals to perform such services to its enrolled
refund/cred members;" and
it of input 3. Philippine Health Care Providers "also enters into
taxes contract with clinics, hospitals, medical
attributable professionals and then negotiates with them
to export regarding payment schemes, financing and other
sales. procedures in the delivery of health services."
In both cases, the PURCHASER is Thus, since Philippine Health Care Providers does not
TOTALLY RELIEVED from the burden of actually provide medical and/or hospital services, as
tax. provided under Section 103 on exempt transactions, but
merely arranges for the same, its services are not VAT-
Exempt transaction Exempt party or entity
HOWEVER, Section 246 of the 1997 Tax Code, as
amended, provides that any revocation, modification or
Involves GOODS OR Involves a PERSON OR reversal of rulings, circulars, rules and regulations
SERVICES which are ENTITY granted VAT promulgated by the CIR have no retroactive application if it
EXPRESSLY exemption under the Tax would prejudice the taxpayer.
EXEMPTED from the Code, a special law or an
VAT under the Tax Code, international agreement. The exceptions to this rule are:
without regard to the tax • (1) where the taxpayer deliberately misstates or
status of the party to the Such party is also not subject omits material facts from his return or in any
transaction. to VAT, but may be allowed document required of him by the BIR;
refund/credit, depending on its • (2) where the facts subsequently gathered by the
Such transaction is not registration as a VAT or non- BIR are materially different from the facts on
subject to the VAT, but VAT taxpayer. which the ruling is based, or
the seller is not allowed o (3) where the taxpayer acted in bad faith.
any tax refund of or credit
for any input taxes paid. In this case, there is no showing that Philippine Health Care
Providers deliberately committed mistakes or omitted
material facts when it obtained VAT Ruling from the BIR.
CIR v. Philippine Health Care Providers • Philippine Health Care Providers' failure to
describe itself as a health maintenance
The Philippine Health Care Providers, Inc., herein respondent, provides
prepaid group practice health care delivery system or a health maintenance
organization, which is subject to VAT, is not
organization to take care of the sick and disabled persons. Before the tantamount to bad faith.
effectivity of E.O. No. 273, or on December 10, 1987, respondent wrote • Philippine Health Care Providers’ letter which
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR), petitioner, inquiring whether served as the basis for the VAT ruling sufficiently
the services it provides to the participants in its health care program are
exempt from the payment of the VAT. On June 8, 1988, petitioner CIR described its business.
issued VAT Ruling No. 231-88 stating that respondent, as a provider of
o When the CIR ruling was issued the term
health maintenance organization was yet BIR Ruling No. 557-19
unknown or had no significance for Sale of goods are recognized when Bounty Agro Ventures, Inc. sells the
taxation purposes. roasted chicken to the customer on a take-out basis, as control passes to
the customer on the day the transaction takes place Process flow: When the
o Philippine Health Care Providers, dressed chicken meets the required specifications, weighed and sorted
therefore, believed in good faith that it according to size, marinated, packed, sealed and labeled, Bounty Agro
was VAT exempt for the taxable years Ventures, Inc. delivers the dressed chicken to various outlets Prior to
1996 and 1997. roasting, store outlets do not add any other preservatives, additives or
coloring; and Store outlets sold roasted chickens in either whole or
o The CIR is precluded from adopting a chopped to customers
position contrary to one previously taken
where injustice would result to the Section 109 (1) (A) of the Tax Code of 1997, as amended:
taxpayer. Exempt transactions xxx A) Sale or importation of
agricultural and marine food products in their original state,
CIR v. John Gotamco & Sons, Inc., livestock and poultry of a kind generally used as, or yielding
The World Health Organization (WHO) is an international organization
which has a regional office in Manila. It enjoys privileges and immunities or producing foods for human consumption. Products
defined in the Host Agreement entered into between the Republic of the classified under this paragraph shall be considered in their
Philippines and the said Organization on July 22, 1951. Section 11 of that original state even if they have undergone the simple
Agreement provides that "the Organization, its assets, income and other processes of preparation or preservation for the market,
properties shall be: (a) exempt from all direct and indirect taxes. It is
understood, however, that the Organization will not claim exemption from such as freezing, drying, salting, broiling, roasting,
taxes which are, in fact, no more than charges for public utility services; smoking or stripping
WHO decided to construct a building to house its own offices and other
United Nations offices in Manila. the CIR sent a letter of demand to Such being the case, the sale of roasted chicken is therefore
Gotamco demanding payment of P16,970.40, representing the 3%
contractor's tax plus surcharges on the gross receipts it received from the exempt from VAT as provided for under Section 109 (1)
WHO in the construction of the latter's building. Respondent Gotamco (A) of the Tax Code of 1997.
appealed the CIR’s decision to the CTA, which rendered a decision in • The inclusion of the other processes of preparation
favor of Gotamco and reversed the CIR decision. CIR is now appealing
and preservation for the market, i.e. , broiling and
to SC. CIR questions the entitlement of the WHO to tax exemption,
contending that the Host Agreement is null and void, not having been roasting, was introduced by R.A. No. 8241.
ratified by the Philippine Senate as required by the Constitution. CIR also • The Congressmen also intended this measure to be
argues that the 3% contractor's tax assessed on Gotamco is not an indirect more receptive to the cry of the poor people: “So,
tax. CIR also claims that the 3% contractor's tax is directly on Gotamco
and cannot be shifted to the WHO.
if our worker who goes home at night because of
traffic stops at ANDOK'S LECHON, and buys
The Host Agreement comes within the latter category; it is roasted chicken on a take-out basis NO VAT will
a valid and binding international agreement even be imposed on his purchase of that roasted
without the concurrence of the Philippine Senate. chicken."
• The privileges and immunities granted to the
WHO under the Host Agreement have been It is to be emphasized however, that the exemption applies
recognized by this Court as legally binding on only if the roasted chicken, which has undergone the simple
Philippine authorities. process of roasting, is purchased on a take-out basis
• Accordingly, should Bounty Agro Ventures, Inc.,
In context, direct taxes are those that are demanded from the doing business under the name and style of
very person who, it is intended or desired, should pay them; Chooks-To-Go; Uling Roasters; Reyal Litson
1. while indirect taxes are those that are demanded Manok maintain a facility by which the chicken,
in the first instance from one person in the which has undergone the simple process of
expectation and intention that he can shift the roasting, will be offered as a menu to customers
burden to someone else. who would dine-in, then it will be subject to the
VAT on sale of service which is similarly
The contractor's tax is of course payable by the contractor imposed on restaurants and other eateries.
but in the last analysis it is the owner of the building that (VAT Ruling No. 009-07 dated June 21, 2007 ).
shoulders the burden of the tax because the same is
shifted by the contractor to the owner as a matter of self- BIR Ruling No. 665-19
preservation. It is represented that KLM is a foreign air carrier organized and existing
under the laws of the Netherlands with Philippine business address at 39th
Floor, Yuchengco Tower, RCBC Plaza corner Sen. Gil Puyat and Ayala
Thus, it is an indirect tax.And it is an indirect tax on the Avenue, Makati City; that it was issued a license to establish its branch
WHO because, although it is payable by the petitioner, the office in the Philippines on August 8, 1955; that it has been granted
latter can shift its burden on the WHO. landing rights in the Philippines to perform international air transportation
services/activities or flight operations from the Philippines to anywhere in
• In the last analysis it is the WHO that will pay the the world and vice-versa; that it flies directly from the Philippines directly
tax indirectly through the contractor and it to foreign port without docking or stopping at any other port in the
certainly cannot be said that 'this tax has no bearing Philippines to unload passengers and/or cargoes loaded in and from
upon the World Health Organization. another domestic airport; that it currently purchases and avails of supplies
and services from local suppliers which consist of office and operational ○ (1) Certificate of Non-Registration of
supplies, computers, printers, catering for its flights and rental for its office
Company issued by the Securities and
spaces which are all intended and attributable to its business of transporting
by air goods and passengers from the Philippines to any port in the world. Exchange Commission (SEC),
○ (2) Consularized Articles of Association,
Based on the foregoing, in order to qualify for zero-rating, ○ (3) Certificate of Tax Residency issued
by the Central Customs and Tax
the sale of goods, supplies, equipment, fuel and services
Administration of Denmark, and
rendered by a VAT-registered person to a person engaged ○ (4) Company Extract from the Danish
in international air transport operations must pertain to or Business Authority.
must be attributable to the transport of goods and passengers ● It is settled that findings of fact by the Court of Tax
from a port in the Philippines directly to a foreign port Appeals in Division are generally accorded great
without docking or stopping at any port in the Philippines. weight and are not to be disturbed without any
● Accordingly, KLM's purchases of office and showing of grave abuse of discretion, considering
that the members of the Division are in the best
operational supplies, computers and printers, as
position to analyze the documents presented by the
well as the catering services for its flights, from parties
VAT-registered local suppliers which are all
intended and attributable to KLM's business of VWS and Respondent are two distinct corporate entities
transporting by air, goods and passengers from the separately registered in two (2) different countries,
Philippines to any port in the world without Denmark and Philippines.
docking or stopping at any other port in the ● Although VWS is one of the shareholders of
Respondent, it is a fundamental principle of
Philippines to unload passengers and/or cargoes
corporation law that "a corporation is an entity
loaded in and from another domestic airport are separate and distinct from its stockholders and
subject to zero percent (0%) VAT rate. from other corporations to which it may be
○ However, the sale of the aforesaid connected."
supplies and services to KLM by persons
who are not VAT-registered is exempt Indeed, Section 3 (d) of Republic Act ("R.A.") No. 7042, 25
as amended by R.A. No. 8179, 26 or the Foreign
from VAT
Investments Act of 1991, specifies that being a shareholder
As regards the lease of office space, while said service is in a domestic corporation does not equate to "doing
not being rendered to the aircraft itself, the same can be business" in the Philippines
characterized as service directly connected with or
attributable to the transport of goods or passengers from Before the CTA En Banc, FTEPI argued that CTA Division erred in
the Philippines to a foreign port and, thus, subject to zero holding, among others, that: FTL is a non-resident foreign corporation
percent (0%) VAT. However, the lease of office space to doing business outside the PH. FTEPI has sufficiently shown that FTL is
KLM by persons who are not VAT-registered is exempt a non-resident foreign corporation doing business outside the Philippines;
That such was evident in the Authenticated Articles of Incorporation,
from VAT. Services Agreement, and the testimony of FTEPI's witness, Paulito B. De
Pano. According to FTEPI, there must be continuity of conduct and
intention to establish a continuous business before a foreign corporation is
CIR v. Vestas Services treated as doing business in the Philippines. Allegedly, FTL did not have
Vestas Services reported zero-rated sales for the following transactions a continuous business in the Philippine because it merely entered into a
Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contract with EDC Service Agreement with FTEPI. Considering that FTEPI has presented
Burgos Wind Power Corporation (EDC), a Renewable Energy Developed evidence as to the status of FTL as a non-resident foreign corporation not
(RE Developer) of wind energy resources, located in the Municipality of doing business in the Ph, BIR now has the burden to prove otherwise.
Burgos, Province of Ilocos Norte; Intercompany Service Agreement with According to FTEPI, BIR failed to present controverting evidence to
Vestas Wind Systems A/S (Vestas Denmark), a non-resident foreign FTEPI’s claim.
corporation not doing business in the Philippines; and Sublease Agreement
with Bayview Technologies, Inc. (Bayview), a Cagayan Special Economic
Zone and Freeport enterprise currently registered with the Cagayan In Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Deutsche
Economic Zone Authority (CEZA) Knowledge Services Pte. Ltd. (Deutsche case) the Supreme
Court ruled that for purposes of zero-rating under Section
The Court ruled that the services rendered by Respondent 108 (B) (2) of the Tax Code, two (2) components must be
to its customer VWS qualifies for VAT zero rating established by the claimant, namely:
● Section 108 (B) (2) 20 of the National Internal 1. That the claimant's client is a non-resident foreign
Revenue Code ("NIRC") of 1997, as amended, corporation (or NRFC); and
provides that the recipient of services is doing 2. That said client is not engaged in trade or business
business outside the Philippines. in the Philippines
VWS is a non-resident foreign corporation doing business Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Deutsche Knowledge
outside the Philippines. Services Pte. Ltd.: "For purposes of zero-rating under
● This pronouncement was supported by Section 108(B)(2) of the Tax Code, the claimant must
documentary evidence, as follows: establish the two components of a client's NRFC status, viz.:
1. that their client was established under the laws of granted in the most explicit and categorical language, considering that they
partake in the nature of tax exemptions
a country not the Philippines or, simply, is not a
domestic corporation; and
2. that it is not engaged in trade or business in the As per jurisprudence, the requisites for claiming unutilized
Philippines. or excess input VAT under Section 112 of the NIRC of
a. To be sure, there must be sufficient proof 1997, as amended, are as follows:
of both of these components: showing not ● As to the timeliness of the filing of the
only that the clients are foreign administrative and judicial claims:
corporations, but also are not doing ○ 1. the claim is filed with the BIR within two
business in the Philippines.
years after the close of the taxable quarter
3. In any case, after a judicious review of the records,
the Court still do not find any reason to deviate when the sales were made;
from the court a quo's findings. ○ 2. that in case of full or partial denial of the
a. To the Court's mind, the SEC refund claim, or the failure on the part of the
Certifications of Non-Registration show Commissioner to act on the said claim within
that their affiliates are foreign a period of 120 days, the judicial claim has
corporations. been filed with this Court, within 30 days
b. On the other hand, the articles of
from receipt of the decision or after the
association/certificates of incorporation
stating that these affiliates are registered expiration of the said 120-day period;
to operate in their respective home ● With reference to the taxpayer's registration with
countries, outside the Philippines are the BIR:
prima facie evidence that their clients are ○ 3. The taxpayer is a VAT-registered person;
not engaged in trade or business in the ● In relation to the taxpayer's output VAT:
○ 4. the taxpayer is engaged in zero-rated or
IN THIS CASE, FTEPI was not able to comply with the
requirements under the Deutsche case to prove that its client effectively zero-rated sales;
FTL is a nonresident foreign corporation not registered to ○ 5. for zero-rated sales under Sections 106 (A)
do business in the Philippines. (2) (1) and (2); 106 (B); and 108 (B) (1) and
(2), the acceptable foreign currency exchange
While FTEPI presented the following evidence during trial: proceeds have been duly accounted for in
1. FTL's Certificate of Incorporation; accordance with BSP rules and regulations
2. Service Agreement; and
● As regards the taxpayer's input VAT being
3. SEC Certification of Non-Registration of the
Company, refunded:
○ 6. the input taxes are not transitional input
It bears noting, however, that the SEC Certification of taxes;
Non-Registration of Company was denied admission in ○ 7. the input taxes are due or paid;
the Resolution dated September 11, 2017, 15 because of ○ 8. the input taxes claimed are attributable to
FTEPI’s failure to present the original thereof. zerorated or effectively zero-rated sales.
• Moreover, even if the said SEC Certification of
■ However, where there are both zero-
Non-Registration was admitted, We affirm the
findings of the Court in Division in the assailed rated or effectively zero-rated sales
Decision pertaining to the discrepancy in the name and taxable or exempt sales, and the
of the corporation appearing on the SEC input taxes cannot be directly and
Certification of Non-Registration entirely attributable to any of these
sales, the input taxes shall be
Clearly, the Court in Division was correct in finding that proportionately allocated on the
petitioner failed to satisfy the requirement that its client,
basis of sales volume; and
FTL, is a non-resident foreign corporation not
registered to do business in the Philippines. ○ 9. the input taxes have not been applied
against output taxes during and in the
Maxima Machineries Inc. v. CIR succeeding quarters.
Aggrieved, Petitioner filed a PEtition for Review in the CTA and alleged
that its claim for tax refund should be granted because all the elements Petitioner reported total sales of P2,740,186,115.69, which
necessary are present, citing the requirements outlined in San Roque
Power Corporation vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue. As per included VAT zero-rated sales amounting to
respondent CIR, the judicial claim should be denied for petitioner's failure P742,641,360.36 for the third and fourth quarters of the FY
to substantiate its claims for refund. CIR added that refund claims are
strictly construed against the claimant and cannot be allowed unless ending 31 March 2016 (May table po sa full text)
● It claimed that its zero-rated sales include sale of
goods and services to entities registered with the ● (1) a SEC Certification of Non-Registration of
PESA, SBMA, CDA, CEZA, CDC, BOI. Corporation/Partnership; and
● (2) proof of registration/incorporation in a foreign
It likewise claimed that part of its zero-rated sales pertain to country,
indent commissions received from NRFCs which are
subject to zero-rate under Section 108 (B) (2) of the NIRC In this case, records reveal that petitioner submitted a SEC
of 1997, as amended Certificate of Non-Registration of Company attesting that
● HOWEVER, Petitioner’s zero-rated sales of goods the SEC records do not show the registration of
and services amounting to P143,066,770.58 were Marubeni Corporation-Japan as a corporation or as a
disallowed based on the findings and exceptions partnership.
noted by the Court-commissioned Independent ● However, petitioner failed to present proof of
Certified Public Accountant ("ICPA") registration or foreign incorporation of
● in addition, the Court in Division disallowed Marubeni Corporation-Japan.
petitioner's zerorated sales amounting to Based on the foregoing legal and jurisprudential
P41,377,407.15 82 for failure to comply with the pronouncements, neither Marubeni Corporation-Japan
invoicing requirements under the NIRC of 1997, nor Marubeni Corporation can be considered as NRFC
as amended, and RR No. 16- 2005. doing business outside the Philippines.
○ Court also disallowed its sales of services ● Thus, the indent commissions earned and received
to Marubeni Corporation and Hyundai by the petitioner from either of them, failed to
Corporation in the total amount of qualify for VAT zero-rating under Section 108 (B)
P108,557,506.98 83 for failure to qualify (2) of the NIRC of 1997, as amended.
as zero-rated sales of services Petitioner's reliance on the Marubeni case is misplaced.
In the instant case, petitioner claims that Marubeni The Marubeni case involves income derived by a foreign
Corporation-Japan should be considered an NRFC and its corporation from its investment in the Philippines while
sale of services amounting to P107,688,733.87 should be the present case involves sales made by petitioner to a
allowed VAT zero-rating. foreign corporation which is found to be doing business
● The CTA EN BANC DID NOT AGREE. in the Philippines.
lex non distinguit nec nos distingere from the filing of the VAT refund application with the
debemos. Bureau: Provided that, to determine the effectivity of
c. Indeed, in a claim for refund under Item no. 1, all applications filed from January 1, 2018
Section 112 of the NIRC, the claimant shall be processed and decided within ninety (90) days
must show that: from the filing of the VAT refund application.
i. (1) it is engaged in zero-rated a. The 90-day period to process and decide,
sales of goods of services; and pending the establishment of the enhanced
ii. (2) it paid input VAT that are VAT Refund System shall only be up to the
attributable to zero-rated sales. date of approval of the Recommendation
4. Otherwise stated, the claimant must prove that it Report on such application for VAT refund
made a purchase of taxable goods or services for by the Commissioner or his duly authorized
which it paid VAT (input), and later on engaged in representative.
the sale of goods or services subject to VAT b. However, all claims for refund/tax credit
(output) but at zero rate. certificate filed prior to January 1, 2018 shall
still be governed by the one hundred twenty
(120)-day processing period.
c. The Secretary of Finance shall provide
Transactions/ services that are currently zero rated BUT transitory rules for the grant of refund under
will be eventually subject to VAT the enhanced VAT Refund System after the
determination of the fulfilment of the
(a) In general. – A zero-rated sale of service (by a VAT- condition by the Commissioner of Internal
registered person) is a taxable transaction for VAT purposes, Revenue as provided in item 1 paragraph 1
but shall not result in any output tax. However, the input tax on hereof; and
purchases of goods, properties or services related to such zero- 2. All pending VAT refund claims as of December 31,
rated sale shall be available as tax credit or refund in accordance 2017 shall be fully paid in cash by December 31, 2019.
with these Regulations. a. Provided, That Department of Finance shall
establish a VAT refund center in the BIR and
in the Bureau of Customs (BOC) that will
(b) Transactions Subject to Zero Percent (0%) VAT Rate. – The handle the processing and granting of cash
following services performed in the Philippines by a VAT- refunds of creditable input tax
registered person shall be subject to zero percent (0%) VAT
VAT-EXEMPT Transactions- Option to be VAT
(1) Processing, manufacturing or repacking goods for
other persons doing business outside the Philippines,
which goods are subsequently exported, where the Optional registration- cannot be cancelled for a period of 3
services are paid for in acceptable foreign currency years
and accounted for in accordance with the rules and 1. An existing VAT-registered taxpayer whose gross
regulations of the BSP; sales/receipts in the preceding taxable year did not
exceed the VAT threshold of P 3,000,000.00 may
(5) Services performed by subcontractors and/or continue to be a VAT-registered taxpayer and avail of
contractors in processing, converting, or the “Optional Registration for Value-Added Tax of
manufacturing goods for an enterprise whose export Exempt Person”.
sales exceed seventy percent (70%) of the total annual 2. Once availed, the taxpayer shall not be entitled to
production; cancel the VAT registration for the next 3 years.
There is the need to examine the sales invoices or receipts SC held that such certifications will not suffice. There is
to ascertain the actual amount or quantity of goods sold and nothing under CTA Circular No. 1-95, as amended by CTA
their selling price. Circular No. 10-97, which either expressly or impliedly
2. Without them, this Court cannot verify the suggests that summaries and schedules of input VAT
correctness of petitioner's claim inasmuch as the payments, even if certified by an independent CPA, suffice
regulations require that the input taxes being as evidence of input VAT payments.
sought for refund should be limited to the portion 1. What is required is that the receipts, invoices and
that is directly and entirely attributable to the other documents covering the said accounts or
particular zero-rated transaction. payments [or its photocopies] must be pre-marked
3. In this instance, the best evidence of such by the party concerned and submitted to the Court
transaction are the said sales invoices or receipts. a. Purpose: to avoid the time-consuming
4. Also, even if sales invoices are produced, there is procedure of presenting, identifying and
the further need to submit evidence that such marking of documents before the Court
goods were actually received by the buyer, in
this case, by CBP, Philp[h]os and PASAR. It does not relieve respondent of its imperative task of pre-
5. Lastly, this Court cannot determine whether there marking photocopies of sales receipts and invoices and
were actual local and imported purchase of capital submitting the same to the court after the independent CPA
goods as well as domestic purchase of non-capital shall have examined and compared them with the originals.
goods without the required purchase invoice or 2. Without presenting these premarked documents as
receipt, as the case may be, and confirmation evidence — from which the summary and
receipts. schedules were based, the court cannot verify the
There is, thus, the imperative need to submit before this authenticity and veracity of the independent
Court the original or attested photocopies of petitioner's auditor's conclusions
invoices or receipts, confirmation receipts and import entry
documents in order that a full ascertainment of the claimed While the CTA is not governed strictly by technical rules of
amount may be achieved. evidence, as rules of procedure are not ends in themselves
6. Petitioner should have taken the foresight to but are primarily intended as tools in the administration of
introduce in evidence all of the missing documents justice, the presentation of the purchase receipts and/or
abovementioned. invoices is not mere procedural technicality which may be
a. Tax refunds are in the nature of tax disregarded considering that it is the only means by which
exemptions. It is regarded as in the CTA may ascertain and verify the truth of respondent's
derogation of the sovereign authority, and claims.
should be construed in strictissimi juris
against the person or entity claiming the As the certification merely stated that it used "auditing
exemption. The taxpayer who claims for procedures considered necessary" and not auditing
exemption must justify his claim by the procedures which are in accordance with generally accepted
clearest grant of organic or statute law auditing principles and standards, and that the examination
and should not be permitted to stand on was made on "input tax payments by the Manila Mining
vague implications. Corporation," without specifying that the said input tax
payments are attributable to the sales of gold to the Central
Hence, the Court denies the claims of Atlas for refund of its Bank, this Court cannot rely thereon and regard it as
input VAT on its purchases of capital goods and effectively sufficient proof of respondent's input VAT payments for the
zero-rated sales during the second, third, and fourth quarters second semester\
of 1990 and the first quarter of 1992, for not being
established and substantiated by appropriate and Respondent's Requests for Admission do not fall within
sufficient evidence. Section 2 Rule 26 of the Revised Rules of Court. What
respondent sought the CIR to admit are the total amount of
can be claimed for refund or issuance of a tax credit
input VAT payments it paid for the first and second
semesters of taxable year 1991, which matters have already
been previously alleged in respondent's petition and In the case of a person engaged in the transport of passenger
specifically denied by the CIR in its Answers. and cargo by air or sea vessels from the Philippines to a
● admissions by an adverse party as a mode of foreign country, the input taxes shall be allocated ratably
discovery contemplates of interrogatories that between his zero-rated sales and non-zero-rated sales (sales
would clarify and tend to shed light on the truth or subject to regular rate, subject to final VAT withholding and
falsity of the allegations in a pleading, and does not VAT-exempt sales).
refer to a mere reiteration of what has already been
alleged in the pleadings; otherwise, it constitutes
an utter redundancy and will be a useless, pointless
(b) Cancellation of VAT registration
process which petitioner should not be subjected to
A VAT-registered person whose registration has been
Petitioner controverted in its Answers the matters set forth cancelled due to retirement from or cessation of business, or
in respondent's Petitions for Review before the CTA — the due to changes in or cessation of status under Sec. 106 (C)
requests for admission being mere reproductions of the of the Tax Code may, within two (2) years from the date of
matters already stated in the petitions. cancellation, apply for the issuance of tax credit certificate
• Thus, petitioner should not be required to for any unused input tax which he may use in payment of
make a second denial of those matters it his other internal revenue taxes:
already denied in its Answers
Provided, however, that he shall be entitled to a refund if he
That the Reply was not made under oath is merely a formal has no internal revenue tax liabilities against which the
and not a substantive defect and may be dispensed with. tax credit certificate may be utilized:
• Although not under oath, petitioner's Provided, further, that the date of cancellation
reply to the request readily showed that being referred hereto is the date of issuance of tax
its intent was to deny the matters set forth clearance by the BIR, after full settlement of all tax
in the Request for Admissions liabilities relative to cessation of business or
change of status of the concerned taxpayer:
Provided, finally, that the filing of the
claim shall be made only after completion
SEC. 4.112-1. Claims for Refund/Credit of Input Tax. – of the mandatory audit of all internal
(a) Zero-rated and Effectively Zero-rated Sales of Goods, revenue tax liabilities covering the
Properties or Services. immediately preceding year and the short
period return and the issuance of the
A VAT-registered person whose sales of goods, properties applicable tax clearance/s by the
or services are zero-rated or effectively zero-rated may appropriate BIR Office which has
apply for the issuance of a tax refund of input tax jurisdiction over the taxpayer.
attributable to such sales.
The input tax that may be subject of the claim shall exclude (c) Where to file the claim for refund/credit
the portion of input tax that has been applied against the
output tax. Claims for refunds shall be filed with the
appropriate Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
Office (Large Taxpayers Service (LTS), Revenue
The application should be filed within two (2) years after District Office (RDO)) having jurisdiction over the
the close of the taxable quarter when such sales were made. principal place of business of the taxpayer.
In case of zero-rated sales under Secs. 106(A)(2)(a)(1) and
(3), Secs. 108(B)(1) and (2) of the Tax Code, the payments • Claims for input tax refund of direct exporters
for the sales must have been made in acceptable foreign shall be exclusively filed with the VAT Credit
currency duly accounted for in accordance with the BSP Audit Division (VCAD).
rules and regulations.
Where the taxpayer is engaged in both zero-rated or (d) Period within which refund/credit of input taxes shall be
effectively zero rated sales and in taxable (including sales made
subject to final withholding VAT) or exempt sales of goods,
In proper cases, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall
properties or services, and the amount of creditable input tax
grant refund for creditable input taxes within ninety (90)
due or paid cannot be directly and entirely attributed to any
days from the date of submission of the official receipts or
one of the transactions, only the proportionate share of input
invoices and other documents in support of the application
taxes allocated to zero-rated or effectively zero-rated sales
Filing of VAT Returns
filed in accordance with subsections (A) and (B) hereof:
Provided, That, should the Commissioner find that SEC. 4.114-1. Filing of Return and Payment of VAT. —
the grant of refund is not proper, the Commissioner
must state in writing the legal and factual basis for (A) Filing or Return. — Every person liable to pay the value-
the denial. added tax imposed under this Title shall file a quarterly return
of the amount of his gross sales or receipt within twenty-five
The 90-day period to process and decide, pending the
establishment of the enhanced VAT Refund System shall (25) days following the close of each taxable quarter
only be up to the date of approval of the Recommendation prescribed for each taxpayer. The term "taxable quarter" shall
Report on such application for VAT refund by the mean that quarter that is synchronized with the income tax
Commissioner or his duly authorized representative: quarter of the taxpayer (i.e., the calendar quarter or fiscal
Provided, That all claims for refund/tax credit Provided, however, That VAT-registered persons
certificate filed prior to January 1, 2018 will be shall pay the value-added tax on a monthly basis:
governed by the one hundred twenty (120)-day
Provided, finally That beginning January
processing period.
1, 2023, the filing and payment required
under the Tax Code shall be done within
twenty-five (25) days following the close
In case of full or partial denial of the claim for tax refund, of each taxable quarter
the taxpayer affected may, within thirty (30) days from the
receipt of the decision denying the claim, appeal the
decision with the Court of Tax Appeals: COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS
SEC. 113. Invoicing and Accounting Requirements for VAT-
• Provided, however, that failure on the part of Registered Persons. -
any official, agent, or employee of the BIR to
act on the application within the ninety (90)- (A) Invoicing Requirements. - A VAT-registered person shall issue:
day period shall be punishable under Section (1) A VAT invoice for every sale, barter or exchange of
269 of the Tax Code, as amended. goods or properties; and
(2) A VAT official receipt for every lease of goods or
properties, and for every sale, barter or exchange of services.
(e) Manner of giving refund
(B) Information Contained in the VAT Invoice or VAT Official
Refund shall be made upon warrants drawn by the Receipt. - The following information shall be indicated in the VAT
Commissioner of Internal Revenue or by his duly invoice or VAT official receipt:
authorized representative without the necessity of (1) A statement that the seller is a VAT-registered person,
being countersigned by the Chairman, followed by his Taxpayer's Identification Number (TIN);
Commission on Audit (COA), the provision of the
(2) The total amount which the purchaser pays or is obligated
Revised Administrative Code to the contrary to pay to the seller with the indication that such amount
notwithstanding: Provided, That refunds under this includes the value-added tax. Provided, That:
paragraph shall be subject to post audit by the (a) The amount of the tax shall be known as a
COA. separate item in the invoice or receipt;
(b) If the sale is exempt from value-added tax, the
term VAT-exempt sale: shall be written or printed
prominently on the invoice or receipt;
(f) VAT Refund Center (c) If the sale is subject to zero percent (0%) value-
added tax, the term “zero-rated sale” shall be
The Department of Finance shall establish a VAT written or printed prominently on the invoice or
refund center in the BIR and in the Bureau of receipt.
Customs (BOC) that will handle the processing (d) If the sale involved goods, properties or
and granting of cash refunds of creditable input services some of which are subject to and some of
tax. which are VAT zero-rated or Vat exempt, the
invoice or receipt shall clearly indicate the break-
down of the sale price between its taxable, exempt
and zero-rated components, and the calculation of
the value-added tax on each portion of the sale
shall be known on the invoice or receipt: Provided,
That the seller may issue separate invoices or
receipts for the taxable, exempt, and zero-rated
components of the sale.
(3) The date of transaction, quantity, unit cost and
description of the goods or properties or nature of the
service; and
(4) In the case of sales in the amount of One thousand pesos required, the invoice or receipt shall
(P1,000) or more where the sale or transfer is made to a further show the Taxpayer Identification
VAT-registered person, the name, business style, if any, Number (TIN) of the purchaser.
address and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of the
purchaser, customer or client. Within five(5) years from the effectivity of this Act and upon the
(C) Accounting Requirements. - Notwithstanding the provisions of establishment of a system capable of storing and processing the
Section 233, all persons subject to the value-added tax under Sections required data, the Bureau shall require taxpayers engaged in the export
106 and 108 shall, in addition to the regular accounting records of goods and services, taxpayers engaged in e-commerce, and
required, maintain a subsidiary sales journal and subsidiary purchase taxpayers under the jurisdiction of the Large Taxpayers Service to
journal on which the daily sales and purchases are recorded. issue electronic receipts or sales or commercial invoices in lieu of
manual receipts or sales or commercial invoices, subject to the rules
• The subsidiary journals shall contain such and regulations to be issued by the Secretary of Finance upon
information as may be required by the Secretary of recommendation of the Commissioner and after a public hearing shall
Finance. have been held for this purpose:
(D) Consequence of Issuing Erroneous VAT Invoice or VAT Official • Provided, That taxpayers not covered by the
Receipt.- mandate of this provision may issue electronic
(1) If a person who is not a VAT-registered person issues an receipts or sales or commercial invoices, in lieu of
invoice or receipt showing his Taxpayer Identification manual receipts, and sales and commercial
Number (TIN), followed by the word “VAT”; invoices.[210]
(a) The issuer shall, in addition to any liability to
other percentage taxes, be liable to: The original of each receipt or invoice shall be issued to the purchaser,
(i) The tax imposed in Section 106 or customer or client at the time the transaction is effected, who, if
108 without the benefit of any input tax engaged in business or in the exercise of profession, shall keep and
credit; and preserve the same in his place of business for a period of three (3) years
(ii) A 50% surcharge under Section from the close of the taxable year in which such invoice or receipt was
248(B) of this Code; [55] issued, while the duplicate shall be kept and preserved by the issuer,
(b) The VAT shall, if the other requisite also in his place of business, for a like period:
information required under Subsection (B) hereof
is shown on the invoice or receipt, be recognized
• Provided, That in case of electronic receipts or
as an input tax credit to the purchaser under sales or commercial invoices, the digital records of
Section 110 of this Code. the same shall be kept by the purchaser, customer
(2) If a VAT-registered person issues a VAT invoice or VAT or client and the issuer for the same period above
official receipt for a VAT-exempt transaction, but fails to stated.
display prominently on the invoice or receipt the term ‘VAT
exempt sale,’ the issuer shall be liable to account for the tax The Commissioner may, in meritorious cases, exempt any person
imposed in section 106 or 108 as if Section 109 did not subject to internal revenue tax from compliance with the provisions of
apply. [55] this Section.
(E) Transitional Period. – Notwithstanding Subsection (B) hereof, SEC. 237-A. Electronic Sales Reporting System. – Within five (5)
taxpayers may continue to issue VAT invoices and VAT official years from the effectivity of this Act and upon establishment of a
receipt for the period July 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005 in accordance system capable of storing and processing the required data, the Bureau
with Bureau of Internal Revenue administrative practices that existed shall require taxpayers engaged in the export of goods and services,
as of December 31, 2004. and taxpayers under the jurisdiction of the Large Taxpayers Service to
electronically report their sales data to the Bureau through the use of
Sections 237 (Issuances of receipts or sales or commercial invoices) electronic point of sale systems, subject to rules and regulations to be
and 238 (Printing of receipts or sales or commercial invoices) of the issued by the Secretary of Finance as recommended by the
1997 Tax Code, as amended, for the other information required to be Commissioner of Internal Revenue:
indicated in the invoice/OR. Hernandez
• Provided, That the machines, fiscal devices, and
SEC. 237. Issuance of Receipts or Sales or Commercial Invoices. – fiscal memory devices shall be at the expense of
(A) Issuance. - All persons subject to an internal revenue tax shall, at the taxpayer.
the point of each sale and transfer of merchandise or for services
rendered valued at One hundred pesos (P100.00) or more, issue duly The date processing of sales and purchase data shall comply with the
registered receipts or sales or commercial invoices, showing the date provisions of Republic Act No. 10173, otherwise known as the “Data
of transaction, quantity, unit cost and description of merchandise or Privacy Act” and Section 270 of the NIRC, as amended, on unlawful
nature of service: divulgence of taxpayer information and such other laws relating to the
confidentiality of information.
• Provided, however, That where the receipt is
issued to cover payment made as rentals, The Bureau shall also establish policies, risk management approaches,
commissions, compensations, fees, receipts or actions, trainings, and technologies to protect cyber environment,
invoices shall be issued which shall show the organization, and data in compliance with Republic Act No. 10175 or
name, business style, if any, and address of the the “Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.”[211]
purchaser, customer or client:
o Provided, further, That where the SEC. 238. Printing of Receipts or Sales or Commercial Invoices. -
purchaser is a VAT-registered person, in All persons who are engaged in business shall secure from the Bureau
addition to the information herein of Internal Revenue an authority to print receipts or sales or
commercial invoices before a printer can print the same. services some of which are subject to and some of
which are VAT zero-rated or Vat exempt, the
No authority to print receipts or sales or commercial invoices shall be invoice or receipt shall clearly indicate the break-
granted unless the receipts or invoices to be printed are serially down of the sale price between its taxable, exempt
numbered and shall show, among other things, the name, business and zero-rated components, and the calculation of
style, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and business address of the value-added tax on each portion of the sale
the person or entity to use the same, and such other information that shall be known on the invoice or receipt: Provided,
may be required by rules and regulations to be promulgated by the That the seller may issue separate invoices or
Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the Commissioner. receipts for the taxable, exempt, and zero-rated
components of the sale.
All persons who print receipt or sales or commercial invoices shall (3) The date of transaction, quantity, unit cost and
maintain a logbook/register of taxpayers who availed of their printing description of the goods or properties or nature of the
services. The logbook/register shall contain the following information: service; and
(1) Names, Taxpayer Identification Numbers of the persons (4) In the case of sales in the amount of One thousand pesos
or entities for whom the receipts or sales or commercial (P1,000) or more where the sale or transfer is made to a
invoices were printed; and VAT-registered person, the name, business style, if any,
(2) Number of booklets, number of sets per booklet, number address and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of the
of copies per set and the serial numbers of the receipts or purchaser, customer or client.
invoices in each booklet.
The term “foreign tax authority,” as used herein, shall refer to the tax SEC. 204. Authority of the Commissioner to
authority or tax administration of the requesting State under the tax Compromise, Abate and Refund or Credit Taxes. –
treaty or convention to which the Philippines is a signatory or a party The Commissioner may –
A. Compromise the payment of any internal
G) Authority to Accredit and Register Tax Agents. - The revenue tax, when:
Commissioner shall accredit and register, based on their professional a. A reasonable doubt as to the validity
competence, integrity and moral fitness, individuals and general
professional partnerships and their representatives who prepare and of the claim against the taxpayer
file tax returns, statements, reports, protests, and other papers with or exists; or
who appear before, the Bureau for taxpayers. Within one hundred b. The financial position of the taxpayer
twenty (120) days from January 1, 1998, the Commissioner shall create
national and regional accreditation boards, the members of which shall demonstrates a clear inability to pay
serve for three (3) years, and shall designate from among the senior the assessed tax.
officials of the Bureau, one (1) chairman and two (2) members for each
board, subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Finance
shall promulgate upon the recommendation of the Commissioner. The compromise settlement of any tax liability shall
be subject to the following minimum amounts:
Individuals and general professional partnerships and their 1. For cases of financial incapacity, a minimum
representatives who are denied accreditation by the Commissioner
and/or the national and regional accreditation boards may appeal such compromise rate equivalent to ten percent
denial to the Secretary of Finance, who shall rule on the appeal within (10%) of the basic assessed tax; and
sixty (60) days from receipt of such appeal. Failure of the Secretary of 2. For other cases, a minimum compromise rate
Finance to rule on the Appeal within the prescribed period shall be
deemed as approval of the application for accreditation of the equivalent to forty percent (40%) of the basic
appellant. assessed tax.
3. Where the basic tax involved exceeds One
(H) Authority of the Commissioner to Prescribe Additional
Procedural or Documentary Requirements. - The Commissioner may million pesos (P1,000.000) or where the
prescribe the manner of compliance with any documentary or settlement offered is less than the prescribed
procedural requirement in connection with the submission or minimum rates, the compromise shall be
preparation of financial statements accompanying the tax returns.
subject to the approval of the Evaluation
SEC. 7. Authority of the Commissioner to Delegate Power. - The Board which shall be composed of the
Commissioner may delegate the powers vested in him under the Commissioner and the four (4) Deputy
pertinent provisions of this Code to any or such subordinate officials
with the rank equivalent to a division chief or higher, subject to such Commissioners.
limitations and restrictions as may be imposed under rules and B. Abate or cancel a tax liability, when:
regulations to be promulgated by the Secretary of Finance, upon a. The tax or any portion thereof appears
recommendation of the Commissioner: Provided, however, That the
following powers of the Commissioner shall not be delegated: to be unjustly or excessively assessed;
a) The power to recommend the promulgation of rules and
regulations by the Secretary of Finance;
b. The administration and collection
b) The power to issue rulings of first impression or to reverse, costs involved do not justify the
revoke or modify any existing ruling of the Bureau; collection of the amount due.
c) The power to compromise or abate, under Sec. 204 (A) and
(B) of this Code, any tax liability:
a. Provided, however, That assessments issued by All criminal violations may be compromised except:
the regional offices involving basic deficiency (a) those already filed in court, or (b) those involving
taxes of Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000)
or less, and minor criminal violations, as may be
determined by rules and regulations to be C. Credit or refund taxes erroneously or
promulgated by the Secretary of finance, upon illegally received or penalties imposed
recommendation of the Commissioner, discovered
by regional and district officials, may be
without authority, refund the value of internal
compromised by a regional evaluation board revenue stamps when they are returned in
which shall be composed of the Regional Director good condition by the purchaser, and, in his
as Chairman, the Assistant Regional Director, the
heads of the Legal, Assessment and Collection
discretion, redeem or change unused stamps
Divisions and the Revenue District Officer having that have been rendered unfit for use and
jurisdiction over the taxpayer, as members; and refund their value upon proof of destruction.
a. No credit or refund of taxes or Congress and in aid of legislation, furnish its appropriate
penalties shall be allowed unless the Committee pertinent information including but not limited to:
industry audits, collection performance data, status reports in
taxpayer files in writing with the criminal actions initiated against persons and taxpayer's returns:
Commissioner a claim for credit or Provided, however, That any return or return
refund within two (2) years after the information which can be associated with, or
payment of the tax or penalty: otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular
i. Provided, however, That a taxpayer shall be furnished the appropriate Committee
of Congress only when sitting in Executive Session
return filed showing an Unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to
overpayment shall be such disclosure.
considered as a written claim
for credit or refund.
Submission of tax-related information as required by the
Secretary of Finance ( as amended by the TRAIN Law)
A Tax Credit Certificate validly issued under the
provisions of this Code may be applied against any Submission of Tax-Related Information to the Department of
internal revenue tax, excluding withholding taxes, Finance. - The Commissioner shall, upon the order of the
Secretary of Finance specifically identifying the needed
for which the taxpayer is directly liable.
information and justification for such order in relation to the
• Any request for conversion into refund of grant of incentives under Title XIII, furnish the Secretary
unutilized tax credits may be allowed, pertinent information on the entities receiving incentives under
subject to the provisions of Section 230 of this Code:
this Code: Provided, however, That the Secretary and the relevant
officers handling such specific information shall be
• Provided, That the original copy of the covered by the provisions of Section 270 unless the
Tax Credit Certificate showing a taxpayer consents in writing to such disclosure.
creditable balance is surrendered to the
appropriate revenue officer for Audit Process
verification and cancellation: 1. Issuance of the eLetter of Authority
o Provided, further, That in no case 2. Examination of Documents
shall a tax refund be given 3. Notice of Discrepancy
resulting from availment of 4. Issuance of the Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN)
incentives granted pursuant to 5. Issuance of Formal Letter of Demand and Assessment
special laws for which no actual Notice (FAN)
payment was made. 6. Filing of Protest- disputed assessment
7. Submission of required documents within 60 days
form the filing of the protest
Period within which to issue an assessment
8. Decision within 180 days from submission of
SEC. 203. Period of Limitation Upon Assessment and
Collection. - Except as provided in Section 222, internal documents
revenue taxes shall be assessed within three (3) years after the 9. Final decision on disputed assessment
last day prescribed by law for the filing of the return, and no 10. Appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals.
proceeding in court without assessment for the collection of 11.Appeal to the Supreme Court
such taxes shall be begun after the expiration of such period:
Provided, That in a case where a return is filed beyond "SEC. 3. Due Process Requirement in the Issuance of
the period prescribed by law, the three (3)-year period a Deficiency Tax Assessment. —
shall be counted from the day the return was filed.
3.1 Mode of procedure in the issuance of a deficiency
For purposes of this Section, a return filed before the last day tax assessment:
prescribed by law for the filing thereof shall be considered as 3.1.1 Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN).
filed on such last day. — If after review and evaluation by the
Commissioner or his duly authorized
Submission of Reports by the Commissioner representative, as the case may be, it is
determined that there exists sufficient basis to
Submission of pertinent information to Congress assess the taxpayer for any deficiency tax or
(A) Submission of Pertinent Information to Congress. - The taxes, the said Office shall issue to the
provision of Section 270 of this Code to the contrary taxpayer a Preliminary Assessment Notice
notwithstanding, the Commissioner shall, upon request of (PAN) for the proposed assessment.
It shall show in detail the facts and the law, 3.1.3 Formal Letter of Demand and Final
rules and regulations, or jurisprudence on Assessment Notice (FLD/FAN). — The Formal Letter
which the proposed assessment is based of Demand and Final Assessment Notice (FLD/FAN)
shall be issued by the Commissioner or his duly
If the taxpayer fails to respond authorized representative. The FLD/FAN calling for
within fifteen (15) days from date of receipt payment of the taxpayer's deficiency tax or taxes shall
of the PAN, he shall be considered in default, state the facts, the law, rules and regulations, or
in which case, a Formal Letter of Demand jurisprudence on which the assessment is based;
and Final Assessment Notice (FLD/FAN) otherwise, the assessment shall be void (see
shall be issued calling for payment of the illustration in ANNEX "B" hereof).
taxpayer's deficiency tax liability, inclusive
of the applicable penalties. 3.1.4 Disputed Assessment. — The taxpayer
If the taxpayer, within fifteen (15) or its authorized representative or tax agent may
days from date of receipt of the PAN, protest administratively against the aforesaid
responds that he/it disagrees with the findings FLD/FAN within thirty (30) days from date of receipt
of deficiency tax or taxes, an FLD/FAN shall thereof. The taxpayer protesting an assessment may
be issued within fifteen (15) days from file a written request for reconsideration or
filing/submission of the taxpayer's response, reinvestigation defined as follows:
calling for payment of the taxpayer's (i) Request for reconsideration — refers to a
deficiency tax liability, inclusive of the plea of re-evaluation of an assessment on the
applicable penalties. basis of existing records without need of
additional evidence. It may involve both a
3.1.2 Exceptions to Prior Notice of question of fact or of law or both.
the Assessment. — Pursuant to Section 228 of (ii) Request for reinvestigation — refers to a
the Tax Code, as amended, a PAN shall not plea of re-evaluation of an assessment on the
be required in any of the following cases: basis of newly discovered or additional
(i) When the finding for any evidence that a taxpayer intends to present in
deficiency tax is the result of the reinvestigation. It may also involve a
mathematical error in the question of fact or of law or both
computation of the tax appearing on
the face of the tax return filed by the The taxpayer shall state in his protest:
taxpayer; or (i) the nature of protest whether
(ii) When a discrepancy has been reconsideration or reinvestigation, specifying
determined between the tax newly discovered or additional evidence he
withheld and the amount actually intends to present if it is a request for
remitted by the withholding agent; reinvestigation,
or (ii) date of the assessment notice, and
(iii) When a taxpayer who opted to (iii) the applicable law, rules and regulations,
claim a refund or tax credit of excess or jurisprudence on which his protest is
creditable withholding tax for a based, otherwise, his protest shall be
taxable period was determined to considered void and without force and effect.
have carried over and automatically
applied the same amount claimed If there are several issues involved in the FLD/FAN
against the estimated tax liabilities but the taxpayer only disputes or protests against the
for the taxable quarter or quarters of validity of some of the issues raised, the assessment
the succeeding taxable year; or attributable to the undisputed issue or issues shall
(iv) When the excise tax due on become final, executory and demandable;
excisable articles has not been paid; • and the taxpayer shall be required to pay the
or deficiency tax or taxes attributable thereto, in
(v) When an article locally which case, a collection letter shall be issued
purchased or imported by an exempt to the taxpayer calling for payment of the said
person, such as, but not limited to, deficiency tax or taxes, inclusive of the
vehicles, capital equipment, applicable surcharge and/or interest.
machineries and spare parts, has If there are several issues involved in the disputed
been sold, traded or transferred to assessment and the taxpayer fails to state the facts, the
non-exempt persons. applicable law, rules and regulations, or jurisprudence
in support of his protest against some of the several
In the above-cited cases, a FLD/FAN shall be issues on which the assessment is based, the same shall
issued outright. be considered undisputed issue or issues, in which
case, the assessment attributable thereto shall become
final, executory and demandable; and the taxpayer (i) appeal to the CTA within thirty (30) days
shall be required to pay the deficiency tax or taxes after the expiration of the one hundred eighty
attributable thereto and a collection letter shall be (180)-day period; or
issued to the taxpayer calling for payment of the said (ii) await the final decision of the
deficiency tax, inclusive of the applicable surcharge Commissioner's duly authorized
and/or interest. representative on the disputed assessment.
For requests for reinvestigation, the taxpayer If the protest or administrative appeal, as the case may
shall submit all relevant supporting documents in be, is denied, in whole or in part, by the Commissioner,
support of his protest within sixty (60) days from date the taxpayer may appeal to the CTA within thirty (30)
of filing of his letter of protest, otherwise, the days from date of receipt of the said decision.
assessment shall become final. Otherwise, the assessment shall become final,
• The term "relevant supporting documents" executory and demandable.
refer to those documents necessary to support • A motion for reconsideration of the
the legal and factual bases in disputing a tax Commissioner's denial of the protest or
assessment as determined by the taxpayer. administrative appeal, as the case may be,
• The sixty (60)-day period for the submission shall not toll the thirty (30)-day period to
of all relevant supporting documents shall not appeal to the CTA.
apply to requests for reconsideration.
• Furthermore, the term "the assessment shall If the protest or administrative appeal is not acted upon
become final" shall mean the taxpayer is by the Commissioner within one hundred eighty (180)
barred from disputing the correctness of the days counted from the date of filing of the protest, the
issued assessment by introduction of newly taxpayer may either:
discovered or additional evidence, and the (i) appeal to the CTA within thirty (30) days
FDDA shall consequently be denied. from after the expiration of the one hundred
eighty (180)-day period; or
If the taxpayer fails to file a valid protest against the (ii) await the final decision of the
FLD/FAN within thirty (30) days from date of receipt Commissioner on the disputed assessment
thereof, the assessment shall become final, executory and appeal such final decision to the CTA
and demandable. within thirty (30) days after the receipt of a
• No request for reconsideration or copy of such decision.
reinvestigation shall be granted on tax
assessments that have already become final, It must be emphasized, however, that in case of
executory and demandable. inaction on protested assessment within the 180-day
period, the option of the taxpayer to either:
If the protest is denied, in whole or in part, by the (1) file a petition for review with the CTA
Commissioner's duly authorized representative, the within 30 days after the expiration of the 180-
taxpayer may either: day period; or
(i) appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) (2) await the final decision of the
within thirty (30) days from date of receipt of Commissioner or his duly authorized
the said decision; or representative on the disputed assessment
(ii) elevate his protest through request for and appeal such final decision to the CTA
reconsideration to the Commissioner within within 30 days after the receipt of a copy of
thirty (30) days from date of receipt of the such decision,
said decision. *are mutually exclusive and the resort to
o No request for reinvestigation shall one bars the application of the other.
be allowed in administrative appeal
and only issues raised in the 3.1.5 Final Decision on a Disputed
decision of the Commissioner's duly Assessment (FDDA). — The decision of the
authorized representative shall be Commissioner or his duly authorized representative
entertained by the Commissioner. shall state the:
(i) facts, the applicable law, rules and
If the protest is not acted upon by the Commissioner's regulations, or jurisprudence on which such
duly authorized representative within one hundred decision is based, otherwise, the decision
eighty (180) days counted from the date of filing of the shall be void (see illustration in ANNEX "C"
protest in case of a request reconsideration; or from hereof), and
date of submission by the taxpayer of the required (ii) that the same is his final decision.
documents within sixty (60) days from the date of
filing of the protest in case of a request for
reinvestigation, the taxpayer may either:
3.1.6 Modes of Service. — The notice barangay official. Such facts shall be
(PAN/FLD/FAN/FDDA) to the taxpayer herein contained in the bottom portion of the notice,
required may be served by the Commissioner or his as well as the names, official position and
duly authorized representative through the following signatures of the witnesses.
modes: • "Disinterested witnesses" refers to persons of
(i) The notice shall be served through legal age other than employees of the Bureau
personal service by delivering personally a of Internal Revenue.
copy thereof to the party at his registered or
known address or wherever he may be found. (iii) Service by mail is done by sending a copy of the
o A known address shall mean a place notice by registered mail to the registered or known
other than the registered address address of the party with instruction to the Postmaster
where business activities of the to return the mail to the sender after ten (10) days, if
party are conducted or his place of undelivered. A copy of the notice may also be sent
residence. through reputable professional courier service. If no
o In case personal service is not registry or reputable professional courier service is
practicable, the notice shall be available in the locality of the addressee, service may
served by substituted service or by be done by ordinary mail.
mail. • The server shall accomplish the bottom
portion of the notice. He shall also make a
(ii) Substituted service can be resorted to written report under oath before a Notary
when the party is not present at the registered Public or any person authorized to administer
or known address under the following oath under Section 14 of the NIRC, as
circumstances: amended, setting forth the manner, place and
o The notice may be left at the party's date of service, the name of the
registered address, with his clerk or person/barangay official/professional courier
with a person having charge thereof. service company who received the same and
If the known address is a place such other relevant information. The registry
where business activities of the receipt issued by the post office or the official
party are conducted, the notice may receipt issued by the professional courier
be left with his clerk or with a company containing sufficiently identifiable
person having charge thereof. If the details of the transaction shall constitute
known address is the place of sufficient proof of mailing and shall be
residence, substituted service can be attached to the case docket.
made by leaving the copy with a
person of legal age residing therein. Rev. Regs. No. 7-2018- Due Process
o If no person is found in the party's
registered or known address, the "SECTION 3. Due Process Requirement in the
revenue officers concerned shall Issuance of a Deficiency Tax Assessment. —
bring a barangay official and two (2)
disinterested witnesses to the 3.1 Mode of procedure in the issuance of a
address so that they may personally deficiency tax assessment:
observe and attest to such absence.
The notice shall then be 3.1.1 Notice for Informal Conference. — The
given to said barangay Revenue Officer who audited the taxpayer's records
official. shall, among others, state in his report whether or
Such facts shall be not the taxpayer agrees with his findings that the
contained in the bottom taxpayer is liable for deficiency tax or taxes. If the
portion of the notice, as taxpayer is not amenable, based on the said
well as the names, official Officer's submitted report of investigation, the
position and signatures of taxpayer shall be informed, in writing, by the
the witnesses. Revenue District Office or by the Special
Investigation Division, as the case may be (in the
Should the party be found at his registered or case of Revenue Regional Offices) or by the Chief
known address or any other place but refuse to of Division concerned (in the case of the BIR
receive the notice, the revenue officers concerned National Office) of the discrepancy or
shall bring a barangay official and two (2) discrepancies in the taxpayer's payment of his
disinterested witnesses in the presence of the party internal revenue taxes, for the purpose of "Informal
so that they may personally observe and attest to Conference," in order to afford the taxpayer with an
such act of refusal. opportunity to present his side of the case.
• The notice shall then be given to said
The Informal Conference shall in no case extend 10. A waiver of the statute of limitations is not a
beyond thirty (30) days from receipt of the notice unilateral act by the taxpayer or the BIR, but is a
for informal conference. If it is found that the bilateral agreement between two parties.
taxpayer is still liable for deficiency tax or taxes
after presenting his side, and the taxpayer is not REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 82-2022
amenable, the Revenue District Officer or the
Chief of the Special Investigation Division of the This Circular is hereby issued to address the issues and
Revenue Regional Office, or the Chief of concerns on the service of the electronic Letter of
Division in the National Office, as the case may Authority (eLA) to the taxpayer within the 30-day period
be, shall endorse the case within seven (7) days from the date of issuance thereof.
from the conclusion of the Informal Conference Item No. VIII of RAMO No. 1-2000 provides:
to the Assessment Division of the Revenue "2.3 A Letter of Authority must be served or
Regional Office or to the Commissioner or his presented to the taxpayer within 30 days from its
duly authorized representative for issuance of a date of issue, otherwise, it becomes null and void
deficiency tax assessment. unless revalidated. The taxpayer has all the right
Failure on the part of Revenue Officers to comply to refuse its service if presented beyond the 30-
with the periods indicated herein shall be meted day period depending on the policy set by top
with penalty as provided by existing laws, rules management. Revalidation is done by:
and regulations." • issuing a new Letter of Authority or
• by just simply stamping the words
'Revalidated on ____' on the face of the
Requisites for a valid waiver: copy of the Letter of Authority issued"
1. For a valid waiver on the part of the taxpayer,
the waiver must be executed prior to the In the Decision of the Court of Tax Appeals
expiration of the period to assess or collect (CTA) in the case of Dakay Construction and
taxes Development Corporation vs. Commissioner of Internal
2. Waiver must indicate the expiry date of the Revenue (CTA EB No. 1294), which Decision is
extended period. SO you have to state that anchored on the above quoted provision, the CTA-En
you’re allowing the BIR an examination up Banc ruled that "The Letter of Authority no longer has
to: Septemeber 30 (sample) any force or effect having been served on the petitioner
3. specify the type of tax that you can still be beyond the prescribed 30-day period. The assessment
examined on conducted by the Revenue Officers was already
4. Make sure that the waiver is signed by a duly unauthorized, because there is no valid LOA covering
authorized officer of your corporation it."
Let it be clarified, that RAMO No. 1-2000 was
Notes on Waiver: already amended by RAMO No. 1-2020, thereby
1. Waiver need not be authorized deleting the above quoted provision to read as follows:
2. Receiving person need not be specifically "1. Serving of eLA
authorized through SPA a. On the first opportunity of the RO to
3. No strict format have a personal contact with the taxpayer,
4. Must indicate the type of tax and the date of he should present the eLA together with
examination the checklist of requirements. The eLA
5. Date of acceptance by the CIR need not should only be served by the RO assigned
already be need to the case. He should have the proper
6. Duty on the party of the taxpayer to keep a identification card and should be in
copy uniform. However, the service of eLA may
7. Burden to the taxpayer to prove that the likewise be done in other manners as
waiver is duly executed prescribed in existing policies.
8. A waiver of the statute of limitations under the Tax b. An eLA authorizes or empowers a
Code, to a certain extent, is a derogation of the designated RO to examine, verify and
taxpayer's right to security against prolonged and scrutinize a taxpayer's books and records
unscrupulous investigations and must therefore be in relation to his internal revenue tax
carefully and strictly construed. liabilities for a particular period.
9. A waiver of the statute of limitations is not a waiver 2. Request for Accounting Records
of the right to invoke the defense of prescription. xxx xxx xxx."
a. It is an agreement between the taxpayer While the timeline for the "service of eLA" is
and the BIR that the period to issue an not explicitly provided therein, it is still for the best
assessment and collect the taxes due is interest of the government that the eLA should be served
extended to a date certain. to the taxpayer immediately upon issuance/assignment
the Tax Fraud Division of
Hence, it should be necessary for all concerned the
Revenue Officers (RO) as a duty or responsibility to Enforcement Services, and
serve the eLA immediately, considering that the entire b. Policy cases under audit
audit process must be completed within a period of 180 by the special teams in the
days for RDO cases/240 days for LT cases from the date National Office. [RMO 36-
of issuance of eLA. Non-observance on the aforesaid 99]
timeline is gross neglect of duty which is a grave offense
subject to appropriate administrative sanctions pursuant
to Revenue Memorandum Order No. 53-2010.
Thus, RO Lugtu cannot be considered as validly authorized of a taxpayer for the purpose of
to examine petitioner's books of accounts and other collecting the correct amount of tax.
accounting records for fiscal year ending March 31, 2007. ii. An LOA is premised on the fact that
● This must be so because his authority to examine the examination of a taxpayer who has
did not spring from, or was not made pursuant to, already filed his tax returns is a power
an LOA, as required by law and jurisprudence that statutorily belongs only to the
● Furthermore, the issuance of the said Re- CIR himself or his duly authorized
Assignment Notice in favor of RO Lugtu is representatives.
inconsequential, since it is not an LOA. b. Based on Sec. 6 of the NIRC, it is clear that
unless authorized by the CIR himself or by his
Pursuant to the foregoing provisions then, the issuance of duly authorized representative, through an
ReAssignment Notice for purposes of audit examination and LOA, an examination of the taxpayer cannot
tax assessment is strictly prohibited. ordinarily be undertaken.
● As a corollary, the said Re-Assignment Notice 5. ITCAB, pursuant to a LOA, only ROs Maddela,
cannot be a source of authority for an RO to Ramirez, Paz, Parugao, Maniego, Aguila and GS
examine the books of accounts and other Glorializa Samoy, were authorized to conduct the audit
accounting records of taxpayers. investigation of petitioner for TY 2010.
a. Thereafter, a MOA was issued, referring the
Correspondingly, since RO Lugtu was not authorized, case to RO Rosario Arriola and GS Rolando
through an LOA, the subject tax assessments, which came Balbido, for the continuation of the
about as a result of the said RO's examination of petitioner's audit/investigation of petitioner's tax liabilities
books of accounts and accounting records for fiscal year for TY 2010.
ending March 31, 2007, are void. 6. Notably, it was RO Arriola who recommended the
issuance of the PAN, FLD, FDDA and Revised FDDA.
Metro Main Star AIsa Corp v. CTA 7. It evident from the foregoing, that the supposed
On September 20, 2011, respondent, through Alfredo Misajon, OIC- authority of RO Arriola to conduct the audit
Assistant Commissioner for the Large Taxpayers Service (LTS), issued investigation of petitioner and to recommend the
a Letter of Authority (LOA) authorizing ROs Ma. Salud Maddela, Myrna
Ramirez, Zenaida Paz, Cletofel Parugao, Allan Maniego, Joel Aguila and issuance of the assessment notices, was merely based on
Group Supervisor (GS) Glorializa Samoy, to examine the books of accounts an MOA.
and other accounting records of petitioner for all internal revenue taxes for a. As a corollary, it bears noting that there is no
the period from January 1 to December 31, 2010. In 2013, a Memorandum showing that a new LOA was issued
of Assignment (MOA) was issued by Cesar Escalada, Chief of Regular LT
Audit Division 1, referring the case to RO Arriola and GS Balbido, for the specifically authorizing RO Arriola to continue
continuation of the audit/investigation of petitioner's tax liabilities for TY the audit investigation of petitioner following
2010. Petitioner received a PAN and later on FAN/FLD and FDDA. the reassignment and transfer of the case.
8. The failure of respondent to issue a new LOA runs
1. Section 6 (A) of the NIRC of 1997, lays down the counter to RMO No. 43-90, which lays down the
power of the CIR to authorize the examination of any guideline for the audit/investigation and issuance of
taxpayer and the assessment of the correct amount LOA.
of tax: a. Based on the foregoing RMO, all audit
a. Based on the foregoing, an authority investigations must be conducted by a duly
emanating from respondent CIR or his duly designated RO authorized to perform audit and
authorized representative is required before an examination of taxpayer's books and
examination and an assessment may be made. accounting records, pursuant to an LOA.
2. Relative thereto, Section 13 provides that the authority b. In case of re-assignment or transfer of cases to
of a RO to examine or to recommend the assessment of another RO, it is mandatory that a new LOA
any deficiency tax due must be exercised pursuant to a shall be issued with the corresponding notation
LOA issued by the Revenue Regional Director. thereto.
3. Evidently, a grant of authority, through an LOA, must c. In the absence of such an authority, the
be issued assigning a revenue officer to perform tax assessment or examination is a nullity.
assessment functions, in order that such officer may 9. The Supreme Court likewise pronounced in said case
examine taxpayers and collect the correct amount of tax, that the practice of reassigning or transferring revenue
or to recommend the assessment of any deficiency tax officers originally named in the LOA and substituting
due. them with new revenue officers to continue the audit or
4. In the case of Medicard v. CIR, it was held that: investigation without a separate or amended LOA:
a. A LOA is the authority given to the appropriate a. (i) violates the taxpayer's right to due process
revenue officer assigned to perform assessment in tax audit or investigation;
functions. b. (ii) usurps the statutory power of the CIR or his
i. It empowers or enables said revenue duly authorized representative to grant the
officer to examine the books of power to examine the books of account of a
account and other accounting records taxpayer; and
c. (iii) does not comply with existing BIR rules or required to file a return, or should the information or records
and regulations, particularly RMO No. 43-90 be in the possession of a third party or office, then in that party’s
dated September 20, 1990. name, requiring the concerned person to appear and submit
10. Even assuming arguendo that an MOA may be before the signatory of the SDT the mandated
considered as an LOA, the same is still insufficient to information/documents at an appointed time, date and place.
authorize the revenue officer to continue the audit
investigation in this case.
11. Under RMO No. 29-07 dated September 26, 2007, the The time to be indicated in the SDT shall be during regular
BIR officers who are authorized to issue and approve business hours or from eight o’clock in the morning and five
LOAs for the conduct of audit investigation of taxpayers o’clock in the afternoon during the work week, excluding
under the Large Taxpayers Services are enumerated as holidays. The venue shall be in the BIR office of the signatory
follows: of the SDT.
xxx a. In case of corporations, partnerships or associations,
b. 2. All Letters of Authority (LOAs) shall be the SDT shall be issued to the partner, president,
issued and approved by the Assistant general manager, branch manager, treasurer,
Commissioner/Head Revenue Executive registered officer-in-charge, employee/s or other
Assistants. persons responsible for the custody of the books of
12. Based on the foregoing, the LOA shall be issued and accounts and other accounting records mandated to be
approved by the Assistant Commissioner/Head Revenue submitted or information mandated to be provided.
Executive Assistants (HREA).
13. In the instant case, however, the MOA addressed to RO
Arriola were signed and issued not by the Assistant To ascertain the names of the incumbent of the aforesaid
Commissioner/HREA, but by the Chief, Regular LT positions, the concerned revenue officers may access, among
Audit Division 1, Escalada. others, the latest General Information Sheet filed by the
a. Evidently, the subject MOA was signed by a corporation with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
BIR officer who is not authorized to issue an
b. If the concerned party is the national and local
government, government agencies and
b. Hence, RO Arriola has no authority to continue
instrumentalities, including the Bangko Sentral ng
the audit investigation.
Pilipinas and government-owned or controlled
14. In sum, since RO Arriola was not duly authorized by a
corporations (GOCCs), the SDT shall be issued to the
valid LOA, the subject tax assessments, which came
head of such office, agency, instrumentality, political
about as a result of her examination of petitioner's books
subdivision or GOCC. If the head shall comply
of accounts and accounting records for TY 2010, are
through a representative, the latter shall present the
void. Apropos,it is well-settled that a void assessment
SDT, written authorization letter from the head, and
bears no valid fruit.
sufficient proof of identification.
Examination of Documents 3.7 The date of issuance of the SDT shall be the date when it
was officially signed.
RMO No. 10-2013 3.8 The compliance date for the submission of books of
accounts and other accounting records shall be set on the
3.4 The issuance of SDT shall be requested from the following: fourteenth (14th) day from date of issuance of the SDT.
a. Assistant Commissioner, Enforcement and Advocacy 3.10 The service of the SDT shall be effected by the revenue
Service, through the Prosecution Division – for the officers assigned to investigate the case. However, such service
National Office; may be made by any other internal revenue officer authorized
b. Assistant Commissioner, Large Taxpayers Service, for the purpose.
through the Prosecution Division – for taxpayers under 3.12 The duly issued SDT shall be served within three (3)
the jurisdiction of the Large Taxpayers Service, working days from receipt by the concerned revenue officers.
including LTDOs;
c. Revenue Regional Directors, through the Legal 3.13 The SDT shall be served through personal service by
Divisions – for the Regional Offices; delivering personally a copy of the SDT to the party at his
d. Any other officer duly delegated by the registered or known address or wherever he may be found. A
Commissioner. known address shall mean a place other than the registered
The records of the case shall be attached to the Memorandum address where business activities of the party are conducted or
Report. his place of residence.
3.6 In case the request for issuance of SDT is found to be a. In case personal service is not practicable, the SDT
meritorious, the SDT shall be issued to the person liable for tax shall be served by substituted service or by mail.
b. Substituted service can be resorted to when the party records presented are substantially complete, the documents
is not present at the registered or known address under presented shall be consolidated with the records of the case and
the following circumstances: shall be referred back to the appropriate office for continuation
i. The SDT may be left at the party’s registered of the investigation. The concerned revenue officer shall submit
address, with his clerk or with a person a written report to the issuing office that the documents/records
having charge thereof. indicated in the SDT have been submitted or that there was
ii. If the known address is a place where either no submission or that the documents presented were so
business activities of the party are conducted, incomplete.
the SDT may be left with his clerk or with a
person having charge thereof. 4.3 In case there is no submission or incomplete presentation of
iii. If the known address is the place of residence, the required books of accounts and other accounting records,
substituted service can be made by leaving the action lawyer assigned to the case shall request the
the copy with a person of legal age residing concerned revenue officers for a conference. This shall be
therein. scheduled on the fifth (5th) working day from the date set for
iv. If no person is found in the party’s registered compliance with the SDT.
or known address, the revenue officers
concerned shall bring a barangay official and The revenue officers shall work jointly with the action lawyer
two (2) disinterested witnesses to the address in documenting/gathering evidence/s for the criminal
so that they may personally observe and attest prosecution of the individual who disobeyed the SDT.
to such absence. The SDT shall then be given
to said barangay official. Such facts shall be 4.4 Payment of the administrative penalty shall not excuse the
contained in the bottom portion of the SDT, taxpayer/person summoned from complying with the SDT.
as well as the names, official position and
signatures of the witnesses. V. INSTITUTION OF CRIMINAL ACTION FOR
v. Should the party be found at his registered or FAILURE TO OBEY SDT
known address or any other place but refuse
to receive the SDT, the revenue officers 5.1 Within seven (7) working days from conference mentioned
concerned shall bring a barangay official and in Paragraph “IV.4.3” above, the action lawyer shall prepare a
two (2) disinterested witnesses in the Letter-Complaint addressed to the Office of the Prosecutor,
presence of the party so that they may recommending the criminal prosecution of the individual
personally observe and attest to such act of taxpayer or third party; or the responsible officer/s or partner/s
refusal. The SDT shall then be given to said (in case the taxpayer or third party is a corporation, partnership,
barangay official. Such facts shall be association, or office); who disobeyed the SDT for violation of
contained in the bottom portion of the SDT, Section 266 (“Failure to Obey Summons”) of the NIRC, as
as well as the names, official position and amended, together with the Complaint-Affidavit and its
signatures of the witnesses. supporting evidentiary documents, properly marked.
vi. “Disinterested witnesses” refers to persons of
legal age other than employees of the Bureau If the taxpayer concerned is a corporation, an association or a
of Internal Revenue. general co-partnership, the sanctions mandated under Section
c. Service by mail is done by sending a copy of the SDT 256 (“Penal Liabilities of Corporations”) of the NIRC, as
by registered mail to the registered or known address amended, shall likewise be imposed and invoked in the filing of
of the party with instruction to the Postmaster to return a criminal case. The Letter-Complaint, together with the
the mail to the sender after ten (10) days, if Complaint-Affidavit and its attachments, shall then be routed to
undelivered. A copy of the SDT may also be sent the appropriate office/s for review and signature of the
through reputable professional courier service. If no concerned revenue official/s.
registry or reputable professional courier service is
available in the locality of the addressee, service may REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 111-16
be done by ordinary mail.
This Circular is hereby issued to clarify and accordingly
reiterate the procedures relative to issuance of Subpoena
IV. ENFORCEMENT OF THE SDT Duces Tecum (SDT), and submission of reports of
4.1 The concerned revenue officers are required to be present investigation/verification on tax cases/dockets to the
during the appointed time, date and place set for the reviewing Office.
presentation of the books of accounts and other accounting
records in order to check if the records presented are the One of the powers of the Commissioner under Section 6
complete records being required as stated in the SDT. Non- of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 ("Tax
compliance therewith shall subject violators to administrative Code"), as amended, is to authorize the examination of any
liability. taxpayer for the purpose of assessing the taxpayer's correct
internal revenue tax liabilities. However, the issuance of
4.2 Upon verification by the concerned revenue officers that the an assessment must be made, generally, within the three
(3)-year prescriptive period or, exceptionally, within the the investigation of the Revenue Officer assigned and
ten (10)-year prescriptive period pursuant to Sections 203 submit documents to support the explanation or
and 222, respectively, of the Tax Code, as amended. arguments.
In this statutory context of prescription, when the taxpayer If the taxpayer disagrees with the discrepancy/discrepancies
fails to present or submit his books of accounts and/or detected during the audit/investigation, the taxpayer must
pertinent records, or to account for all present an explanation and provide documents to support his
sales/receipts/invoices and to substantiate all or any of the explanation. The documents must be submitted during
deductions, exemptions or credits claimed in his return, the discussion. Should the taxpayer need more time to
there are instances when jeopardy assessments, issued present the documents, he may submit such documents after
basically to comply with the prescriptive period, are the discussion. The taxpayer must submit all necessary
resorted to by our Revenue Officers. To prevent the documents that supports his explanation within thirty (30)
issuance of such assessments, the procedures for the days after receipt of the Notice of Discrepancy.
issuance and enforcement of SDTs, as prescribed under
Revenue Memorandum Order No. 10-2013, as amended If after being afforded the opportunity to present his side
by RMO No. 8-2014, must be strictly observed by all through the Discussion of Discrepancy, it is still found that
concerned to compel taxpayers to submit or otherwise the taxpayer is still liable for deficiency tax or taxes and the
present the required books, records and documents. taxpayer does not address the discrepancy through payment
of the deficiency taxes or the taxpayer does not agree with
Likewise, to ensure that the Bureau is not deprived of its the findings, the investigating office, shall endorse the case
right to assess and collect the correct amount of tax or any to the reviewing office and approving official in the
deficiency taxes so assessed, a tax docket with deficiency National Office or the Revenue Regional Office, for
tax collections/assessments shall be transmitted by the issuance of a deficiency tax assessment in the form of a
investigating office to the reviewing/approving official not Preliminary Assessment Notice within ten (10) days from
later than sixth months prior to prescription date (e.g., if the conclusion of the Discussion.
the income tax case will prescribe on April 15, 2017, the
docket should have been transmitted on October 15, 2016).
Issuance of the Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN)
The reviewing/approving official shall not accept any tax
docket after the aforesaid period, unless a duly SEC. 203. Period of Limitation Upon Assessment and
accomplished "waiver form'' is attached thereto. Collection. - Except as provided in Section 222, internal
revenue taxes shall be assessed within three (3) years after
Notice of Discrepancy (Formerly LN) the last day prescribed by law for the filing of the return, and
no proceeding in court without assessment for the collection
What is a Notice of Discrepancy? of such taxes shall be begun after the expiration of such
3.1.1 Notice of Discrepancy.— If a taxpayer is found to be period: Provided, That in a case where a return is filed
liable for deficiency tax or taxes in the course of an beyond the period prescribed by law, the three (3)-year
investigation conducted by a Revenue Officer, the taxpayer period shall be counted from the day the return was filed. For
shall be informed through a Notice of Discrepancy. The Notice purposes of this Section, a return filed before the last day
of Discrepancy aims to fully afford the taxpayer with an prescribed by law for the filing thereof shall be considered
opportunity to present and explain his side on the discrepancies as filed on such last day.
found. Rev. Regs. No. 22-202
SEC. 228. Protesting of Assessment. - When the
The Revenue officer who audited the taxpayer's records Commissioner or his duly authorized representative finds
shall, among others, state in the initial report of investigation that proper taxes should be assessed, he shall first notify the
his findings of discrepancies. Based on the said Officer's taxpayer of his findings:
submitted initial report of investigation, the taxpayer shall be
informed, in writing, by the Revenue District Office or by [IMPT] Provided, however, That a pre-assessment notice
the Assessment Division/Regional Investigation Division, as shall not be required in the following cases:
the case may be (in the case of Revenue Regional Offices) or
by the Chief of Division concerned (in the case of the BIR 1. When the finding for any deficiency tax is the result of
National Office) of the discrepancy or discrepancies in the mathematical error in the computation of the tax as
taxpayer's payment of his internal revenue taxes, for the appearing on the face of the return; or
purpose of the "Discussion of Discrepancy." 2. When a discrepancy has been determined between the
tax withheld and the amount actually remitted by the
The Discussion of Discrepancy shall in no case extend withholding agent; or
beyond thirty (30) days from receipt of the Notice of 3. When a taxpayer who opted to claim a refund or tax
Discrepancy. It is during the Discussion of Discrepancy credit of excess creditable withholding tax for a taxable
that the taxpayer is given the opportunity to present his period was determined to have carried over and
side of the case and explain the discrepancy found during automatically applied the same amount claimed against
the estimated tax liabilities for the taxable quarter or responds that he/it disagrees with the findings of deficiency tax
quarters of the succeeding taxable year; or or taxes, an FLD/FAN shall be issued within 15 days from
4. When the excise tax due on excisable articles has not filing/submission of the taxpayer’s response, calling for
been paid; or payment of the taxpayer's deficiency tax liability, inclusive of
5. When the article locally purchased or imported by an the applicable penalties
exempt person, such as, but not limited to, vehicles,
capital equipment, machineries and spare parts, has been Vanguard Logistics Services Phil v. CIR
sold, traded or transferred to non-exempt persons. Vanguard received a Post-Reporting Notice dated June 14, 2005 from the
RDO of Revenue District No. 33, informing it that a report of investigation
has been submitted proposing to assess petitioner for deficiency.. Vanguard
The taxpayers shall be informed in writing of the law and the filed its protest to the Post-Reporting Notice on July 15, 2005. A
facts on which the assessment is made; otherwise, the Supplemental Protest was subsequently filed on August 10, 2005. In a
assessment shall be void. Letter, dated January 16, 2006, CIR notified Vanguard that the case will be
forwarded to the Assessment Division for review and disposition, and that
the written protest alone did not warrant the cancellation of the proposed
Within a period to be prescribed by implementing rules and assessment; thus, the need to submit documentary evidence to support
regulations, the taxpayer shall be required to respond to said petitioner's objections/clarifications. Vanguard submitted proof of the tax
notice. If the taxpayer fails to respond, the Commissioner or exemption of its lessor as well as its Agreement with DCL Logistics (HKG)
Limited. On August 22, 2006, Vanguard received 6 separate Formal Letters
his duly authorized representative shall issue an assessment of Demand, with their corresponding Assessment Notices, all bearing the
based on his findings. Such assessment may be protested same number 33-2003 and dated August 8, 2006, for alleged deficiency
administratively by filing a: taxes, and seven 7 separate Formal Letters of Demand for alleged
compromise penalties. On September 20, 2006, Vanguard formally
protested the afore-mentioned Letters of Demand and Assessment Notices
1. request for reconsideration or by filing an Administrative Protest dated September 19, 2006. Vanguard
2. reinvestigation within thirty (30) days from receipt of filed this Petition for Review on April 17, 2007, after CIR failed to issue a
the assessment in such form and manner as may be reply or decision with regard to its protest and before Vanguard could be
prescribed by implementing rules and regulations. barred by prescription.
1. The FLD/FAN not only constitutes the BIR's Request for reconsideration Request for re-investigation
demand for payment; it also establishes the
taxpayer's basic deficiency tax liability.
2. In short, the right to collect the deficiency taxes on refers to a plea of re-evaluation refers to a plea of re-evaluation of
the part of the BIR and the liability of the taxpayer of an assessment on the basis of an assessment on the basis of
accrues or ripens only upon the issuance of the existing records without need of newly discovered or additional
FLD/FAN. additional evidence. evidence
The PAN cannot replace the FLD/FAN since the same is The taxpayer cannot submit the taxpayer must submit all
merely a pre-assessment or a "proposed assessment." additional documents. He should relevant supporting documents in
3. The function of the PAN is hinged on due process, only rely on the documents that support of his protest within 60
specifically, to inform the taxpayer of the proposed he submitted when he filed his days from date of filing of his letter
findings of the BIR and to give the same a chance protest to the FAN or FLD. of protest, otherwise, the
to dispute the findings before the BIR finalizes the assessment shall become final.
assessment and determines the liability of the Note: But in a recent case, the Supreme
taxpayer. Court ruled that the submission of
4. This is why a Protest or Reply to a PAN is not additional documents within 60 days
refers to the Preliminary Assessment
required under BIR Regulations; only an FLD/FAN Notice (PAN) and not to the FAN or
is essential in cases when the taxpayer's tax liability FLD.
is apparent (e.g., mathematical error, incorrect
withholding) because the purpose of the PAN is to This SC ruling is contrary to the BIR’s
interpretation on when the 60-day
merely inform the taxpayer of the BIR's initial period to submit additional documents
findings, not establish the taxpayer's liability. must be commenced. According to the
Contrary to petitioner's claim, the issuance of an FLD/FAN, BIR, it must be reckoned from the
in this case, is not tantamount to double demand since as submission of the protest to the FAN
but according to the SC, it must be
stated earlier, without the said issuance, there is no demand counted from the filing of the protest to
nor an established tax liability to speak of. the PAN.
1. The payment of respondent does not forego the need
So, effectively all tax assessments
for an FLD/FAN. where the BIR immediately issued a
a. No law or regulations support this assertion. FAN or FLD after the expiration of the
2. Furthermore, there are instances where the taxpayer 15 day period for the taxpayer to reply
settles the assessment in advance in order to stop the to the PAN, and the BIR did not wait
for the taxpayer to submit additional
continuous accrual of interest charges. documents within 60 days from the
a. In this case, the Court still upheld the need to filing of the protest to the PAN, are
issue an FLD/FAN. void.
become final, executory and demandable.
In both motions for reconsideration and reinvestigation the taxpayer
must state the following:
• A motion for reconsideration of the Commissioner's
● the nature of protest whether reconsideration or denial of the protest or administrative appeal, as the
reinvestigation, specifying newly discovered or additional case may be, shall not toll the thirty (30)-day period to
evidence he intends to present if it is a request for appeal to the CTA.
● date of the assessment notice, and
● the applicable law, rules and regulations, or jurisprudence on If the protest or administrative appeal is not acted upon by the
which his protest is based, otherwise, his protest shall be Commissioner within one hundred eighty (180) days counted
considered void and without force and effect. from the date of filing of the protest, the taxpayer may either:
(i) appeal to the CTA within thirty (30) days from after
These are very important details that must not be omitted in a protest. the expiration of the one hundred eighty (180)-day
period; or
● So, a one pager general denial of a tax liability will not fly. (ii) await the final decision of the Commissioner on the
A protest must lay down the legal basis for it to be disputed assessment and appeal such final decision to
considered valid. the CTA within thirty (30) days after the receipt of a
● If not, the taxpayer will be considered as not having filed a
copy of such decision.
protest at all, making the tax assessment against him final
and executory.
Section 7 of Republic Act No. 1125, as amended, is explicit In other words, aside from the decisions of the CIR
that, except for local taxes, appeals from the decisions of pertaining to assessments or refunds, decisions of the CIR
quasi-judicial agencies (Commissioner of Internal Revenue, relating to "other matters" may be taken cognizance of by
Commissioner of Customs, Secretary of Finance, Central the CTA, if such "other matters" arose from the NIRC or
Board of Assessment Appeals, Secretary of Trade and other laws administered by the BIR.
Industry) on tax-related problems must be brought IN THIS CASE, the Notice of Denial of Tridharma's
exclusively to the Court of Tax Appeals. application for compromise settlement is a matter which
• In other words, within the judicial system, the law arose from the provisions of the NIRC of 1997, as amended.
intends the Court of Tax Appeals to have exclusive • To be specific, the power of the CIR to enter into a
jurisdiction to resolve all tax problems. compromise is granted under Section 204 (A) of the
• Petitions for writs of certiorari against the acts and NIRC of 1997,
omissions of the said quasi-judicial agencies
should, thus, be filed before the Court of Tax With regard to the exercise of the CIR's authority to
Appeals. compromise, abate, and refund or credit taxes, it is generally
true that purely administrative and discretionary functions
Republic Act No. 9282, a special and later law than Batas may not be interfered with by the courts;
Pambansa Blg. 129 provides an exception to the original • but when the exercise of such functions by the
jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Courts over actions administrative officer is tainted by a failure to abide
by the command of the law, then it is incumbent on
the courts to set matters right, with the Supreme
Court having the last say on the matter.
Claims for Refund o otherwise, he would be unjustly enriching
SEC. 229. Recovery of Tax Erroneously or Illegally
Collected.- no suit or proceeding shall be maintained in any Of course, the taxpayer (or the person whose income was
court for the recovery of any national internal revenue tax subjected to withholding) may also file a claim for refund, but
hereafter alleged to have been erroneously or illegally assessed it should be directed to the BIR, not the taxpayer's withholding
or collected, or of any penalty claimed to have been collected agent.
without authority, of any sum alleged to have been excessively
or in any manner wrongfully collected without authority, or of • The taxpayer does not have a cause of action for
any sum alleged to have been excessively or in any manner erroneously collected tax against the withholding
wrongfully collected, until a claim for refund or credit has been agent.
duly filed with the Commissioner; but such suit or proceeding
may be maintained, whether or not such tax, penalty, or sum has CIR v. Smart Communications Inc.
Smart entered into 3 agreements with Prism, a non-resident Malaysian
been paid under protest or duress. corporation, under which Prism would provide programming and
consultancy services for the installation of the SDM Agreement and the CM
In any case, no such suit or proceeding shall be filed after the Agreement, and for the installation and implementation of Smart Money and
Mobile Banking Service SIM Applications and Private Text Platform (SIM
expiration of two (2) years from the date of payment of the tax Application Agreement). Prism billed Smart US$547,822.45. Thinking
or penalty regardless of any supervening cause that may arise that the amount constituted royalties, Smart withheld from its
after payment: payments to Prism, representing the 25% royalty tax under the RP-
Malaysia Tax Treaty. Within the 2-year period to claim a refund, Smart filed
• Provided, however, That the Commissioner may, even an administrative claim with the BIR for the refund of the withheld amount.
without a written claim therefor, refund or credit any When the CIR failed to act on its claim, Smart filed a Petition for CTA.
Smart averred that its payments to Prism were not royalties but “business
tax, where on the face of the return upon which profits,” as defined in the RP-Malaysian Tax Treaty, which were not taxable
payment was made, such payment appears clearly to because Prism did not have a permanent establishment in the Philippines.
have been erroneously paid. The CIR countered that Smart, as a withholding agent was not a party-in-
interest to file the claim for refund, and even if it were the proper party, there
was no showing that the payments to Prism constituted “business profits
Nature of Refund
● The person entitled to claim a tax refund is the
Nature: Considered as form of tax exemption, therefore, strictly
taxpayer [Sections 204(c) and 229 of the National
construed against the taxpayer
Internal Revenue Code (NIRC)].
○ However, in case the taxpayer does not file
Grounds for Claim for Tax Refund or Credit:
a claim for refund, the withholding agent
• Erroneous payment of tax
may file the claim
• Illegally collected tax
• Penalty collected without authority As per jurisprudence, a withholding agent was considered a
• Any tax excessively or wrongfully collected proper party to file a claim for refund of the withheld taxes
of its foreign parent company
Filing of the claim for refund ● The CIR was incorrect in saying that this ruling
Administrative claim - BIR level applies only when the withholding agent and the
• 2 years form date of payment of tax, regardless of taxpayer are related parties, i.e., where the
any supervening cause that may arise after payment withholding agent is a wholly owned subsidiary of
• If the taxpayer does not claim any vat input taxes, 2 the taxpayer
years from the cessation/retirement of the business ○ Although such relation between the
taxpayer and the withholding agent is a
Judicial claim - CTA, SC in case of denial or inaction by CIR factor that increases the latter’s legal
• Before the 2-year period expires, file claim with CTA interest to file a claim for refund, there is
nothing in the decision in said case to
Withholding agent may file a claim for refund suggest that such relationship is required
As an agent of the taxpayer, his authority to file the necessary or that the lack of such relation deprives
Income tax return and to remit the tax withheld to the the withholding agent of the right to file a
government impliedly includes the authority to file a claim for claim for refund
refund and to bring an action for recovery of such claim. (CIR Rather, what is clear in the decision is that a withholding
v. Smart Communications, Inc., G.R. No. 179045, August 25, agent has a legal right to file a claim for refund for two
2010) reasons.
● First, he is considered a “taxpayer” under the NIRC
• However, if ever the withholding agent does get the as he is personally liable for the withholding tax as
refund, the withholding agent has the obligation to well as for deficiency assessments, surcharges, and
remit the same to the principal taxpayer. penalties, should the amount of the tax withheld be
• As a mere agent of the taxpayer, he has the duty to finally found to be less than the amount that should
return what he has recovered; have been withheld under law.
● Second, as an agent of the taxpayer, his authority to Developers and those with indirect exports
file the necessary income tax return and to remit the classified as effectively VAT zero-rated sales)
tax withheld to the government impliedly includes whose claims are anchored under Section 112(A) of
the authority to file a claim for refund and to bring the Tax Code of 1997, as amended
an action for recovery of such claim c. RDO or LT Audit Division having jurisdiction over
the taxpayer-claimant - for taxpayers whose VAT
Under the same Treaty, the “business profits” of an Registration have been cancelled pursuant to
enterprise of a Contracting State is taxable only in that State, Section 112(B) of the Tax Code of 1997, as
unless the enterprise carries on business in the other amended
Contracting State through a permanent establishment.
● The term “permanent establishment” is defined as a Subject to the provisions of Sec. 4.112-1(b) of RR No. 13-
fixed place of business where the enterprise is 2018, the filing of the claim for VAT refund of a VAT-
wholly or partly carried on. registered person whose registration has been cancelled due
○ However, even if there is no fixed place of to retirement from or cessation of business, or due to changes
business, an enterprise of a Contracting in or cessation of status shall be at the BIR office which has
State is deemed to have a permanent jurisdiction over the taxpayer, within two (2) years from the
establishment in the other Contracting date of issuance of the Tax Clearance by the BIR.
State if it carries on supervisory activities
in that other State for more than 6 months Upon filing of the claim, the taxpayer-claimant shall have no
in connection with a construction, outstanding tax liabilities. Outstanding VAT liability with
installation or assembly project which is the BIR may be deducted from the approved refund on the
being undertaken in that other State. BIR portion. If there is a VAT liability with the BIR and the
In this case, it was established during the trial that Prism did claim includes refund of input VAT on importations which
not have a permanent establishment in the Philippines. necessitates endorsement to the Bureau of Customs (BOC)
● Hence, “business profits” derived from Prism’s for processing of the payment, the VAT liability with the
dealings with Smartwere not taxable. BIR must first be settled before filing the application for
VAT refund with the BIR
Under its agreements with Smart, Prism had intellectual
property right over the SDM program, but not over the CM The taxpayer-claimant shall ensure the completeness and
and SIM Application programs as the proprietary rights of authenticity of the documentary requirements upon filing of
these programs belonged to Smart. the application for VAT refund. Failure on the part of the
● Thus, out of the payments made to Prism, only the taxpayer-claimant to submit the complete documents in
payment for the SDM program was a royalty support of the claim shall result in non-acceptance of the
subject to a 25% withholding tax; the payments for applications. No additional document/s shall be subsequently
the CM and SIM Application programs constituted requested/required from the taxpayer-claimant. Any
Prism’s non-taxable “business profits.” unsupported claim shall be outrightly disallowed, resulting
● The BIR should, therefore, refund the erroneously in full/partial denial of the claim.
withheld royalty taxes for the payments pertaining
to the CM and SIM Application Agreements. The person who will sign and file the application for VAT
refund, execute affidavit/s and/or such other document/s
supporting the claim shall be duly authorized by the
REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 47-2019 taxpayer. The “Secretary’s Certificate” or “Special Power of
Attorney” designating/authorizing said representative of the
The time frame to process and grant claims for VAT refund corporate claimant or sole proprietorship/partnership, as the
is ninety (90) days from the date of submission of the official case may be, should be notarized and must be presented to
receipts or invoices and other documents in support of the the processing office, together with one (1) valid
application filed up to the release of the payment for the government-issued Identification Card (ID) of the said
approved amount of the refund. authorized representative
Art. 229 of the Tax Code, as amended, provides that if the CIR v. Acesite Hotel Corp
For January 1996 to April 1997, Acesite incurred VAT amounting to
protest is denied in whole or in part, the taxpayer affected P30,152,892.02 from its rental income and sale of food and beverages to
may appeal to the Court within thirty days from receipt of PAGCOR during said period. Acesite tried to shift the said taxes to
the said decision. PAGCOR by incorporating it in the amount assessed to PAGCOR but the
6. Furthermore, Section 7 of Republic Act 1125 latter refused to pay the taxes on account of its tax exempt status. Thus,
PAGCOR paid the amount due to Acesite minus the P30,152,892.02 VAT
provides that the Court of Tax Appeals has while the latter paid the VAT to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by appeal [hereafter, CIR] as it feared the legal consequences of non-payment of the
decisions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue tax. However, Acesite belatedly arrived at the conclusion that its transaction
in cases involving disputed assessments. with PAGCOR was subject to zero rate as it was rendered to a tax-exempt
entity. Acesite then filed an an administrative claim for refund with the CIR
7. In the case at bar, the records bear no traces of but the latter failed to resolve the same. Thus on 29 May 1998, Acesite filed
whether or not the assessments issued against a petition with the Court of Tax Appeals [hereafter, CTA] CTA: granted the
petitioner have become disputed or final. petition and ruled under the principle of Solutio Indebiti which requires the
return of what has been delivered through mistake, Respondent must refund
to the Petitioner.
Court cannot assume jurisdiction over assessments which
have not been duly protested by the taxpayer.
1. It should be emphasized that the issue raised herein PAGCOR is exempt from payment of indirect taxes. Indeed,
has already been squarely ruled upon in Our by extending the exemption to entities or individuals dealing
questioned decision. with PAGCOR, the legislature clearly granted exemption
2. Moreover, the BIR records show no traces that the also from indirect taxes.
assessment notices together with the demand letters 1. It must be noted that the indirect tax of VAT, as in
have already been sent to petitioner. the instant case, can be shifted or passed to the
3. The assessment notices on file with the BIR records buyer, transferee, or lessee of the goods, properties,
show no evidence of being received by petitioner or services subject to VAT. T
nor were there any registry receipt cards, if they 2. Thus, by extending the tax exemption to entities or
were sent through mail. individuals dealing with PAGCOR in casino
a. Hence, the Court cannot be compelled by operations, it is exempting PAGCOR from being
the respondent to take cognizance of the liable to indirect taxes.
assessments which appear to be Thus, VAT exemption extends to Acesite. while it was
undisputed and worse, not yet served. proper for PAGCOR not to pay the 10% VAT charged by
Petitioner asseverates that it never received the assessment Acesite, the latter is not liable for the payment of it as it is
notice for deficiency income tax for the year 1995 (Exhibit exempt in this particular transaction by operation of law to
4; L) and that it was impossible that said assessment notice pay the indirect tax.
be received by it because prior to the issuance of the same, 3. Such exemption falls within the former Section 102
petitioner already transferred to its new office. (b) (3) of the 1977 Tax Code, as amended (now Sec.
108 [b] [5] of R.A. 8424).
Acesite paid VAT by mistake.
4. Considering the foregoing discussion, there are
undoubtedly erroneous payments of the VAT
pertaining to the effectively zero-rate transactions
between Acesite and PAGCOR.
5. Verily, Acesite has clearly shown that it paid the
subject taxes under a mistake of fact, that is, when
it was not aware that the transactions it had with
PAGCOR were zero-rated at the time it made the
LOCAL TAXATION • Such taxes, fees, and charges shall accrue exclusively
to the local government units.”
Nature of Local Government units
Local Taxing Authority (Section 132)
Under the 1987 Constitution, local governments or local
government units (LGUs) or municipal corporations FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF LGU’s TAXING
proper are referred to as “territorial and political POWERS (Section 130):
subdivisions” (Section 1, Article X, 1987 Constitution).
• An LGU is a public office, a public corporation, The following fundamental principles shall govern the exercise
and is classified as a municipal corporation proper. of the taxing and other revenue raising powers of local
government units:
The purpose of LGs is also two-fold:
1. LGs are agents of the State in the exercise of a) Taxation shall be uniform in each local government
government or public powers, and unit;
2. are agents of the community and people in the b) Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions shall:
exercise of proprietary or private powers a. be equitable and based as far as practicable
(Lina, Jr. vs. Paňo, G.R. No. 129093, August 30, 2001; Magtajas vs. on the taxpayer's ability to pay;
Pryce Properties and Philippine Amusements and Gaming Corporation, b. be levied and collected only for public
G.R. No. 111097, July 20, 1994; Basco vs. Philippine Amusements and
Gaming Corporation, G.R. No. 91649, May 14, 1991). purposes;
c. NOT BE unjust, excessive, oppressive, or
Chapter X, Section 3, 1987 Constitution: confiscatory;
“The Congress shall enact a local government code which d. NOT BE contrary to law, public policy,
shall provide for a more responsive and accountable local national economic policy, or in restraint of
government structure instituted through a system of trade;
decentralization with effective mechanisms of recall, initiative, c) The collection of local taxes, fees, charges and other
and referendum, allocate among the different local government impositions shall in no case be let to any private
units their powers, responsibilities, and resources, and provide
for the qualifications, election, appointment and removal, term,
d) The revenue collected pursuant to the provisions of
salaries, powers and functions and duties of local officials, and
all other matters relating to the organization and operation of this Code shall inure solely to the benefit of, and be
the local units.” subject to disposition by, the local government unit
levying the tax, fee, charge or other imposition unless
Supervision of LGUs otherwise specifically provided herein; and,
Chapter X, Section 4, 1987 Constitution: e) Each local government unit shall, as far as
1. “The President of the Philippines shall exercise practicable, evolve a progressive system of taxation.
general supervision over local governments.
2. Provinces with respect to component cities and
3. cities and municipalities with respect to component OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS (Section133)
a. shall ensure that the acts of their component Unless otherwise provided herein, the exercise of the taxing
units are within the scope of their prescribed powers of provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays
powers and functions SHALL NOT EXTEND to the levy of the following:
Local Government Taxation a) Income tax, except when levied on banks and other
Local government taxation and other fiscal matters are financial institutions;
contained in Book II of the Local Government Code. These b) Documentary stamp tax;
include real property taxation, shares of local governments in c) Taxes on estates, inheritance, gifts, legacies and other
the proceeds of national taxes, credit financing and local acquisitions mortis causa, except as otherwise
budgets including property and supply management. provided herein;
d) Customs duties, registration fees of vessel and
Power to Create Sources of Revenue: wharfage on wharves, tonnage dues, and all other
Section 129 of the LGC provides that each local government kinds of customs fees, charges and dues except
unit shall exercise its power to create its own sources of wharfage on wharves constructed and maintained by
revenue and to levy taxes, fees, and charges subject to the the local government unit concerned;
provisions of the Code, consistent with the basic policy of local e) Taxes, fees, and charges and other impositions upon
autonomy. goods carried into or out of, or passing through, the
territorial jurisdictions of local government units in
the guise of charges for wharfage, tolls for bridges or • Officers and enlisted men of the Armed Forces of the
otherwise, OR other taxes, fees, or charges in any Philippines and members of the Philippine National
form whatsoever upon such goods or merchandise; Police on mission;
f) Taxes, fees or charges on agricultural and aquatic
products when sold by marginal farmers or • Post office personnel delivering mail,
fishermen; physicallyhandicapped, and
g) Taxes on business enterprises certified to by the • Disabled citizens who are sixty-five (65) years or
Board of Investments as PIONEER or NON- older.
PIONEER for a period of six (6) and four (4) years,
respectively from the date of registration; When public safety and welfare so requires, the sanggunian
h) Excise taxes on articles enumerated under the concerned may discontinue the collection of the tolls, and
National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and thereafter the said facility shall be free and open for public use.
taxes, fees or charges on petroleum products;
i) Percentage or value-added tax (VAT) on sales, PROVINCIAL TAXES
barters or exchanges or similar transactions on goods
or services except as otherwise provided; 1. Tax on business of printing and publication at a
j) Taxes on the gross receipts of transportation rate not exceeding 50% of 1% of the gross annual
contractors and persons engaged in the transportation receipts for the preceding calendar year.
of passengers or freight by hire and common carriers a. In case of newly started business, the tax
by air, land or water, except as provided in the Code; shall not exceed 1/20 of 1% of the capital
k) Taxes on premiums paid by way or reinsurance or investment.
retrocession; 2. Tax on a business enjoying franchise at a rate not
l) Taxes, fees or charges for the registration of motor exceeding 50% of 1% of the gross annual receipts
vehicles and for the issuance of all kinds of licenses for the preceding calendar year.
or permits for the driving thereof, EXCEPT tricycles; a. In case of a newly started business, the
m) Taxes, fees, or other charges on Philippine products tax shall not exceed 1/20 of 1% of the
actually exported, except as otherwise provided in the capital investment
Code; 3. Tax on sand, gravel and other quarry resources at
n) Taxes, fees, or charges, on Countryside and a rate not exceeding 10% of the fair market value
Barangay Business Enterprises and cooperatives in the locality per cubic meter of ordinary stones,
duly registered under R.A. No. 6810 and Republic Act sand, gravel, earth, and other quarry resources, as
Numbered Sixty-nine hundred thirty-eight (R.A. No. defined under the National Internal Revenue Code
6938) otherwise known as the "Cooperative Code of (NIRC), as amended, extracted from public lands
the Philippines" respectively; and or from the beds of seas, lakes, rivers, streams,
o) Taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the National creeks, and other public waters within its territorial
Government, its agencies and instrumentalities, and Jurisdiction.
local government units. 4. PROFESSIONAL TAX on each person engaged in
the exercise or practice of his/her profession
COMMON REVENUE-RAISING POWERS requiring government examination at a rate not
exceeding PhP300.00.
1. Service Fees and Charges. - Local government units 5. Amusement tax payable by proprietors, lessees, or
may impose and collect such reasonable fees and operators of theaters, cinemas, concert halls,
charges for services rendered. circuses, boxing stadia, and other places of
2. Public Utility Charges. - Local government units may amusement at a rate of not more than 10% of the
fix the rates for the operation of public utilities owned, gross receipts from admission fees.
operated and maintained by them within their 6. Annual fixed tax not exceeding PhP500.00 for
jurisdiction. every delivery truck or van used by manufacturers,
3. Toll Fees or Charges. - The SANGGUNIAN producers, wholesalers, dealers or retailers in the
concerned may prescribe the terms and conditions and delivery or distribution of distilled spirits,
fix the rates for the imposition of toll fees or charges fermented liquors, soft drinks, cigars and cigarettes,
to sales outlets, or consumers, whether directly or
for the use of any public road, pier or wharf, waterway,
indirectly, within the province.
bridge, ferry or telecommunication system funded and
constructed by the local government unit concerned.
MUNICIPAL TAXES: 3. Any business, not otherwise specified in the preceding
paragraph at a rate to be determined by the local
a. Business Taxes Sanggunian.
a. If the business is subject to the excise, VAT
There are three (3) kinds of business taxes imposed by or percentage tax under the NIRC, the rate
municipalities: shall not exceed 2% of the gross sales or
1. a combination of a graduated-fixed and percentage receipts of the preceding calendar year.
business taxes; 4. Annual tax on peddlers engaged in the sale of any
2. percentage tax; and merchandise or article of commerce, at a rate not
3. annual tax. exceeding PhP50.00 per peddler.
COLLECTION OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES 2. Branch or Sales Office — a fixed place in a locality
1. All local taxes, fees and charges SHALL ACCRUE on which conducts operations of the business as an
the first day of January of each year. extension of the principal office.
a. HOWEVER, new taxes, fees or charges, or a. Offices used only as display areas of the
changes in the rates thereof, shall accrue on products where no stocks or items are stored
the first (1st) day of the quarter next for sale, although orders for the products may
following the effectivity of the ordinance be received thereat, are not branch or sales
imposing such new levies or rates. offices as herein contemplated.
2. All local taxes, fees and charges SHALL BE PAID b. A warehouse which accepts orders and/or
within the first twenty (20) days of January or of each issues sales invoices independent of a branch
subsequent quarter, as the case may be. with sales office shall be considered as a
a. The payments may be made in quarterly sales office.
installments. 3. Warehouse — a building utilized for the storage of
3. The sanggunian concerned may, for a justifiable products for sale and from which goods or
reason or cause, EXTEND THE TIME for payment of merchandise are withdrawn for delivery to customers
such taxes, fees, or charges without surcharges or or dealers, or by persons acting in behalf of the
penalties, but only for a period not exceeding six (6) business.
months. a. A warehouse that does not accept orders
4. The sanggunian may impose a surcharge not and/or issue sales invoices as aforementioned
exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount of shall not be considered a branch or sales
taxes, fees or charges not paid on time and an interest office.
at the rate not exceeding two percent (2%) per month 4. Plantation — a tract of agricultural land planted to
of the unpaid taxes, fees or charges including trees or seedlings whether fruit bearing or not,
surcharges, until such amount is fully paid uniformly spaced or seeded by broadcast methods or
a. but IN NO CASE shall the total interest on normally arranged to allow highest production.
the unpaid amount or portion thereof exceed a. Inland fishing ground shall be considered as
thirty-six (36) months. plantation.
5. All local taxes, fees, and charges shall be collected by 5. Experimental Farms — agricultural land utilized by
the provincial, city, municipal, or barangay treasurer, a business or corporation to conduct studies, tests,
or their duly authorized deputies. The provincial, city researches or experiments involving agricultural,
or municipal treasurer may designate the barangay agribusiness, marine, or aquatic, livestock, poultry,
treasurer as his deputy to collect local taxes, fees, or dairy and other similar products for the purpose of
charges. improving the quality and quantity of goods or
SITUS OF THE TAX. a. On-site sales of commercial quantity made in
experimental farms shall be similarly
Definition of Terms — imposed the corresponding tax under and
1. Principal Office — the head or main office of the allocated.
business appearing in the pertinent documents
submitted to the Securities and Exchange Sales Allocation —
Commission, or the Department of Trade and 1. All sales made in a locality where there is a branch
Industry, or other appropriate agencies, as the case or sales office or warehouse shall be
may be. a. recorded in said branch or sales office or
a. The city or municipality specifically warehouse and the
mentioned in the articles of incorporation of b. tax shall be payable to the city or
official registration papers as being the municipality where the same is located.
official address of said principal office shall 2. In cases where there is NO such branch, sales office,
be considered as the situs thereof. or warehouse in the locality where the sale is made,
b. In case there is a transfer or relocation of the the sale shall be
principal office to another city or a. recorded in the principal office along with
municipality, it shall be the duty of the the sales made by said principal office and
owner, operator or manager of the business the
to give due notice of such transfer or b. tax shall accrue to the city or municipality
relocation to the local chief executives of the where said principal office is located.
cities or municipalities concerned within
fifteen (15) days after such transfer or
relocation is effected.
3. In cases where there is a factory, project office, plant Port of Loading
or plantation in pursuit of business,
a. thirty percent (30%) of all sales Port of Loading:
i. recorded in the principal office • GR: The city or municipality where the port of
shall be loading is located shall not levy and collect the tax
ii. taxable by the city or municipality imposable in Article 233 (fees nd charges)
where the principal office is located • XPN: unless the exporter maintains in said city or
and municipality its principal office, a branch, sales office
b. seventy percent (70%) of all sales or warehouse, factory, plant, or plantation in which
i. recorded in the principal office shall case, the rule on the matter shall apply accordingly.
ii. taxable by the city or municipality Sales made by route trucks, vans, or vehicles
where the factory, project office, 1. For route sales made in a locality where a
plant or plantation is located. manufacturer, producer, wholesaler, retailer or dealer
c. LGUs where only experimental farms are has a branch or sales office or warehouse, the sale are
located shall not entitled to the sales a. recorded in the branch, sales office or
allocation provided in this subparagraph. warehouse and
4. In case of a plantation located in a locality OTHER b. the tax due thereon is paid to the LGU where
THAN that where the factory is located, the seventy
such branch, sales office or warehouse is
percent (70%) sales allocation shall be divided as
2. For route sales made in a locality where a
a. Sixty percent (60%) to the city or
manufacturer, producer, wholesaler, retailer or dealer
municipality where the factory is located;
and has no branch, sales office or warehouse the sales are
b. Forty percent (40%) to the city or a. recorded in the branch, sales office or
municipality where the plantation is located warehouse from where the route trucks
5. In cases where there are two (2) or more factories, withdraw their products for sale, and
project offices, plants or plantations located in b. the tax due on such sales is paid to the LGU
different localities, the seventy percent (70%) sales where such branch, sales office or warehouse
allocation shall be prorated among the localities is located.
where such factories, project offices, plants, and 3. Based on subparagraphs (1) and (2) above, LGUs
plantations are located in proportion to their respective where route trucks deliver merchandise CANNOT
volumes of production during the period for which the IMPOSE any tax on said trucks
tax is due. a. except the annual fixed tax authorized to be
a. In the case of project offices of service and imposed by the province on every delivery
other independent contractors, the term truck or van or any motor vehicle used by
production shall refer to the cost of projects manufacturers, producers, wholesalers,
actually undertaken during the tax period. dealers, or retailers, in the delivery or
6. The sales allocation hereof shall be applied distribution of distilled spirits, fermented
irrespective of whether or not sales are made in the liquors, soft drinks, cigars and cigarettes, and
locality where the factory, project office, plant or other products as may be determined by the
plantation is located. sangguniang panlalawigan, and by the city.
a. In case of sales made by the factory, project
4. In addition to this annual fixed tax, cities may also
office, plant or plantation, the sale shall be
collect from same manufacturers, producers,
covered by subparagraphs (1) or (2) above.
wholesalers, retailers, and dealers using route trucks a
7. In case of manufacturers or producers which engage
the services of an independent contractor to produce mayor's permit fee which shall be imposed in a local
or manufacture some of their products, these rules on tax ordinance pursuant to Article 234 in relation to
situs of taxation shall apply Article 223 of the Implementing Rules.
a. except that the factory or plant and
warehouse of the contractor utilized for the
production and storage of the manufacturers'
products shall be considered as the factory or
plant and warehouse of the manufacturer.
Any person natural or juridical, subject to the local tax on a) The conduct or operation of two or more related
businesses shall, upon termination of the business, submit a businesses, by any one person, natural or juridical,
sworn statement of the gross sales or receipts for the calendar shall require the issuance of a separate permit or
year. license to each business.
b) If a person conducts or operates two (2) or more
The term “termination” shall mean that business operations are related businesses which are subject to the same rate
stopped completely. of imposition, the tax shall be computed on the basis
Any change in ownership, management and/or name of the of the combined total gross sales or receipts of the said
business shall not constitute termination. two (2) or more related businesses.
c) IF, however, the businesses operated by one person
• Unless stated otherwise, assumption of the business are governed by separate tax schedules or the rates of
by any new owner or manager or registration of the the taxes are different, the taxable gross sales or
same business under a new name will only be receipts of each business shall be reported
considered by the LGU concerned for record purposes independently and the tax thereon shall be computed
in the course of the renewal of the permit or license to on the basis of the appropriate schedule.
operate the business.
The local treasurer concerned shall see to it that the payment EXAMINATION OF BOOKS OF ACCOUNTS AND
of taxes of a business is not avoided by simulating the PERTINENT RECORDS OF BUSINESSMEN.
termination or retirement thereof. For this purpose, the
following procedural guidelines shall be strictly observed: a) Only the treasurer of the LGU imposing the tax, fee,
or charge, may examine the books of accounts and
1. The local treasurer shall assign every application for pertinent records of businessmen in order to ascertain,
the termination or retirement of business to an assess, and collect the correct amount of taxes, fees,
inspector in his office who shall go to the address of and charges.
the business on record to verify if it is really no longer b) The provincial, city, municipal, or barangay treasurer
operating. may, by himself or through any of his deputies duly
a. If the inspector finds that the business is authorized in writing, examine the books, accounts,
simply placed under a new name, manager and other pertinent records of any person, partnership,
and/or new owner, the local treasurer shall corporation, or association subject to local taxes, fees,
recommend to the mayor the disapproval of and charges.
the application for the termination or c) The examination shall be made during regular
retirement of said business. business hours not oftener than once a year for every
i. Accordingly, the business tax period, which shall be the year immediately
continues to become liable for the preceding the examination, and shall be certified by
payment of all taxes, fees, and the examining official.
charges imposed thereon under a. Such certification shall be made of record in
existing local tax ordinances; and the books of accounts of the taxpayer
2. In the case of a new owner to whom the business was examined.
transferred by sale or other form of conveyance, said d) In case the examination is made by a duly authorized
deputy of the local treasurer, the written authority of
new owner shall be liable to pay the tax or fee for the
the deputy concerned shall specifically state:
transfer of the business to him IF there is an existing
a. the name, address, and business of the
ordinance prescribing such transfer tax.
taxpayer whose books, accounts, and
If it is found that the retirement or termination of the business pertinent records are to be examined,
is legitimate, and the tax due therefrom be less than the tax due b. the date and place of such examination, and
for the current year based on the gross sales or receipts, the c. the procedure to be followed in conducting
difference in the amount of the tax shall be paid before the the same.
business is considered officially retired or terminated. e) For this purpose, the records of the revenue district
office of the BIR shall be made available to the local
• The permit issued to a business retiring or terminating treasurer, his deputy or duly authorized representative.
its operations shall be surrendered to the local f) The Secretary of Finance shall prescribe the necessary
treasurer who shall forthwith cancel the same and forms to be used and such guidelines which may be
record such cancellation in his books. deemed necessary for the proper and effective
implementation of this Article.
2. The enforcement of any tax ordinance or revenue
CIVIL REMEDIES FOR COLLECTION OF REVENUES measure after due notice of the disapproval or
suspension thereof shall be sufficient ground for
1. Local Government's Lien. administrative disciplinary action against the local
Local taxes, fees, charges, and other revenues constitute a lien, officials and employees responsible (Book II, Title I,
superior to all liens, charges, or encumbrances in favor of any Chapter V SEC. 190 of LGC)
person, enforceable by appropriate administrative or judicial 3. Adjust Rates of Tax through ordinances once every
action, not only: five (5) years, but in no case shall such adjustment
a) upon any property or rights therein which may be exceed ten percent (10%) of the rates fixed. (Book II,
subject to the lien but also Title I, Chapter V SEC. 187 of LGC)
b) upon property used in business, occupation, practice 4. Authority to Grant and Withdraw Tax Exemption
of profession or calling, or exercise of privilege with Privileges through ordinances duly approved, grant
respect to which the lien is imposed. and withdraw tax exemptions, incentives or reliefs
under such terms and conditions. (Book II, Title I,
The lien may only be extinguished upon full payment of the Chapter V SEC. 192-193 of LGC)
delinquent local taxes, fees, and charges including related 5. Refund of Tax Credit.
surcharges and interests.
The civil remedies for the collection of local taxes, fees, or
charges, and related surcharges and interest resulting from 1. Public hearings shall be conducted for the purpose
delinquency shall be: prior to the enactment;
1. By administrative action thru distrain of goods, 2. Any question on the constitutionality or legality of
chattels, or effects, and other personal property of tax ordinances or revenue measures may be raised
whatever character, including stocks and other on appeal
securities, debts, credits, bank accounts, and interest in a. within thirty (30) days from the affectivity
and rights to personal property, and by levy upon real thereof to the Secretary of Justice
property and interest in or rights to real property; and i. who shall render a decision within
sixty (60) days from the date of
receipt of the appeal;
2. By judicial action.
3. The aggrieved party may file appropriate proceedings
with a court of competent jurisdiction after lapse of
Local government unit concerned may enforce the collection of
the sixty-day period without the Secretary of Justice
delinquent taxes, fees, charges or other revenues by civil action acting upon the appeal.
in any court of competent jurisdiction. 4. Publication of Tax ordinances and Revenue
Measures shall be made AFTER 10 days of approval
The civil action shall be filed by the local treasurer within the a. for 3 consecutive days in a newspaper of local
period prescribed in Section 194 of the Code. circulation, posted in at least two (2)
conspicuous and publicly accessible places
TAX ORDINANCE IN LGUS: b. and furnish certified true copy of ordinance
to local treasurers for public dissemination.
. DATE OF ACCRUAL OF TAX: Payments of real property taxes shall first be applied to prior
The real property tax for any year shall accrue on the first years delinquencies, interests, and penalties if any,
day of January and from that date it shall constitute a lien on • and only after said delinquencies are settled may tax
the property which shall be superior to any other lien, payments be credited for the current period.
mortgage, or encumbrance of any kind whatsoever,
• and shall be extinguished only upon the payment of TAX DISCOUNT FOR ADVANCED PROMPT PAYMENT
the delinquent tax.
If the basic real property tax and the additional tax accruing
The special levy shall accrue on the first day of the quarter next to the Special Education Fund (SEF) are paid in advance in
following the effectivity of the ordinance imposing such levy. accordance with the prescribed schedule of payment as
provided under Section 250, the sanggunian concerned may
PAYMENT OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES grant a discount not exceeding twenty percent (20%) of the
The owner of the real property or the person having legal annual tax due.
interest therein may pay the basic real property tax and the • If the basic real property tax and the additional tax
additional tax for Special Education Fund (SEF) due thereon accruing to special education fund are paid on time
WITHOUT INTEREST in four (4) equal installments. or in advance, the sanggunian concerned may grant
a discount not exceeding twenty percent (20%) of
Payment on Installment the annual tax due.
o Prompt payments may be given a discount
The owner of the real property or the person having legal of ten percent (10%).
interest therein may pay the: o Advanced payments may be entitled to the
• basic real property tax; and maximum discount of twenty percent
• the additional tax for special education fund (20%).
without interest in four (4) equal installments as follows:
the first installment due and payable on or before
the thirty-first (31st) of To compute for RPT, the RPT rate is multiplied by the
March, assessed value of the property.
• Assessed value is the fair market value of the real
on or before the thirtieth property multiplied by the assessment level.
the second installment (30th) of June
The RPT rate for the cities and municipalities in Metro Manila
is two percent (2%) while for provinces it is one percent (1%).
the third installment on or before the thirtieth
(30th) of September Fair market value X Assessment Level*= ASSESSED
• Assessed Value X Real Property Tax Rate = RPT
the last installment on or before the thirty-first PAYABLE
(31st) of December
Assessment level is the percentage applied to the fair market
value of the property to determine the taxable value of the
The payment of the special levy shall be governed by ordinance
of the sanggunian concerned.
• The date for payment of any other tax imposed without
interest shall be prescribed by the sanggunian
• Residential - 20%
Interests on Unpaid Real Property Tax • Agricultural - 40%
Failure to pay the basic real property tax or any other tax levied • Commercial, Industrial and Mineral - 50%
upon the expiration of the periods for installment payments • Timberland - 20%
above, or when due, as the case may be, shall subject the • Special classes: cultural, scientific - 15%
taxpayer to the payment of interest at the rate of two percent • Hospital, and water districts - 10%
(2%) per month on the unpaid amount or a fraction thereof,
until the delinquent tax shall have been fully paid.
• In no case shall the total interest on the unpaid tax or
portion thereof exceed thirty-six (36) months.
COLLECTION OF RPT accordance with the provisions of th Rules on
the distribution of proceeds.
Who collects the taxes 3. If the protest is finally decided in favor of the
The collection of the real property tax with interest thereon, and taxpayer, the amount of tax or portion thereof that has
related expenses, and the enforcement of the remedies provided been protested shall be refunded to the protestant, or
in the Rules or any applicable laws, shall be the responsibility applied as tax credit against his existing or future tax
of the city or municipal treasurer concerned. liability.
• Property owners, however, at their option or 4. If the protest is denied OR upon the lapse of the sixty-
convenience, may pay their real property taxes to the day period prescribed in paragraph (a) hereof, the
provincial treasurer of the province to which the taxpayer may avail of the remedies provided inArticles
municipality where the subject property is located, 317 and 320 of the Rules- appeal to the Local Board
belongs. Assessment Appeals.
• The city or municipal treasurer may deputize the
barangay treasurer to collect all taxes on real EXCESSIVE COLLECTIONS
property located in the barangay When an assessment of basic real property tax, or any other tax
o provided that the barangay treasurer is levied is found to be illegal or erroneous and the tax is
properly bonded for the purpose and provided accordingly reduced or adjusted, the taxpayer may file a written
further that claim for refund or credit for taxes and interests with the
the premium on the bond shall be provincial or city treasurer
paid by the city or municipality
Notice of Time for Collection of Tax The claim for refund shall be filed within two (2) years from
The city or municipal treasurer shall, on or before the the date the taxpayer is entitled to such reduction or adjustment.
thirtyfirst (31st) day of January each year, in the case of the • The provincial or city treasurer shall decide the claim
basic real property tax and the additional tax for special for tax refund or credit within sixty (60) days from
education fund or on any other date to be prescribed by the receipt thereof.
sanggunian concerned in the case of any other tax levied under • In case the claim for tax refund or credit is denied,
the RULES, post the notice of the dates when the tax may be the taxpayer may avail of the remedies as provided in
paid without interest. this Rule.
• The notice shall be posted at a conspicuous and
publicly accessible place at the city or municipal hall. REMEDIES OF THE LGU FOR THE COLLECTION OF
• Said notice shall likewise be published in a newspaper REAL PROPERTY TAX
of general circulation in the locality once a week for
two (2) consecutive weeks. Administrative Remedies
For the collection of the basic real property tax and any other
TAXPAYERS’ REMEDIES tax, LGU may avail of remedies by administrative or judicial
Payment Under Protest action.
1. NO protest shall be entertained unless the taxpayer The administrative remedies which are summary in nature are:
first pays the tax. 1. Levy on real property, and
a. The words paid under protest shall be 2. Sale of real property at public auction.
annotated on the tax receipts.
b. The protest must be in writing must be filed Levy on Real Property
within thirty (30) days from payment of the
tax to the provincial or city treasurer, or After the expiration of the time required to pay the basic real
municipal treasurer, in the case of a property tax or any other tax, the real property subject to such
municipality within MMA. tax may be levied upon through the issuance of a warrant.
c. The provincial or city treasurer, or municipal • The warrant shall be issued on or before, or
treasurer shall decide the protest within sixty simultaneously with the institution of the civil action
(60) days from receipt. for the collection of the delinquent tax.
2. The tax or a portion thereof paid under protest shall
be held in trust by the local treasurer concerned.
a. Fifty percent (50%) of the tax paid under
protest shall, however, be distributed in
The levy on real property shall be made in the following interest therein may stay the proceedings by paying
manner: the delinquent tax, the interest due thereon and the
1. The provincial or city treasurer, or municipal treasurer expenses of sale.
of a municipality within MMA (when issuing a 5. The sale shall be held either at the main entrance of
warrant of levy) shall prepare the duly authenticated the provincial, city, or municipal building, or on the
certificate showing the following information: property to be sold, or any other place as specified in
a. name of the delinquent property owner or the notice of the sale.
person having legal interest therein; 6. Within thirty (30) days after the sale, the local
b. the description of the property; treasurer or his deputy shall make a report of the sale
c. the amount of the tax due and the interest to the sanggunian concerned, and which shall form
thereon. part of his records.
2. The warrant shall be mailed to or served upon the 7. The local treasurer shall likewise prepare and deliver
delinquent real property owner or person having legal to the purchaser a certificate of sale.
interest therein. a. The certificate of sale shall contain the name
a. If the property owner is out or cannot be of the purchaser, a description of the
located, the warrant shall be served to the property sold, the amount of the delinquent
occupant or administrator of the subject tax, the interest due thereon, the expenses of
property. the sale and a brief description of the
3. Written notice of levy with the attached warrant shall proceedings.
be mailed to or served upon the assessor and the 8. Proceeds of the sale in excess of the delinquent tax,
registrar of deeds of the province, city, or municipality the interest due thereon, and the expenses of sale shall
within MMA where the property is located. be remitted to the owner of the real property or person
4. The assessor and registrar of deeds shall annotate the having legal interest therein.
levy on the tax declaration and the certificate of title,
respectively. Redemption of Property Sold
5. The levying officer shall submit a written report on 1. Within one (1) year from the date of sale, the owner
the levy to the sanggunian concerned within ten (10) of the delinquent real property or person having legal
days after receipt of the warrant by the property interest therein, or his representative, shall have the
owner or person having legal interest in the property. right to redeem the property upon payment to the
local treasurer of the amount of the delinquent tax,
The sale of the subject property shall be done in the following including the interest due thereon, and the expenses of
manner: sale from the date of delinquency to the date of sale,
1. Within thirty (30) days after service of the warrant of plus interest of not more than two percent (2%) per
levy, the local treasurer shall publicly advertise the month on the purchase price from the date of sale to
sale or auction the property or a usable portion the date of redemption.
thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the tax a. Such payment shall invalidate the certificate
of sale issued to the purchaser and
delinquency and expenses of sale.
i. the owner of the delinquent real
2. The advertisement shall be effected by posting a
property or person having legal
notice at the main entrance of the provincial, city, or
interest therein shall be entitled to a
municipal building, and in a conspicuous and publicly
certificate of redemption which
accessible place in the barangay where the real shall be issued by the local treasurer
property is located, and by publication once a week or his deputy.
for two (2) weeks in a newspaper of general 2. From the date of sale until the expiration of the
circulation in the province, city, or municipality period of redemption, the delinquent real property
where the property is located. shall remain in the possession of the owner or person
3. The advertisement shall specify- having legal interest therein who shall be entitled to
a. the amount of the delinquent tax; the income and other fruits thereof.
b. the interest due thereon; and 3. The local treasurer or his deputy, upon receipt from
c. expenses of sale; the purchaser of the certificate of sale, shall forthwith
d. the date and place of sale; return to the latter the entire amount paid by him plus
e. the name of the owner of the real property or interest of not more than two percent (2%) per month.
person having legal interest therein; and a. Thereafter, the property shall be free from the
f. a description of the property to be sold. lien of such delinquent tax, interest due
4. At any time before the date fixed for the sale, the thereon and expenses of sale.
owner of the real property or person having legal 4. In case the owner or person having legal interest
therein fails to redeem the delinquent property, the
local treasurer shall execute a deed conveying to the complaint in the city or province where the
purchaser said property, free from lien of the property is situated.
delinquent tax, interest due thereon and expenses of 3. In both cases, that is, where the claim is either
sale. cognizable by an inferior court or by the regional trial
a. The deed shall briefly state the proceedings court, the provincial or city treasurer shall furnish the
upon which the validity of the sale rests. provincial attorney or the city or municipal legal
officer concerned the exact address of the defendant
Judicial Remedies where he may be served with summons.