Solid State - DPP 01 - Prayas JEE AIR 2024
Solid State - DPP 01 - Prayas JEE AIR 2024
Solid State - DPP 01 - Prayas JEE AIR 2024
1. The unit cell with crystallographic dimensions 7. Which of the following is correct ?
a = b c, = = = 90° is Crystal Axial Axial Examples
(A) Cubic (B) Tetragonal System Distance Angle
(C) Monoclinic (D) Hexagonal (A) Cubic a b = c = Cu, KCl
= 90°
2. If three elements X, Y & Z crystallized in cubic (B) Monoclinic a b = c = = PbCrO2,
solid lattice with X atoms at corners, Y atoms at = 90° PbCrO4
cube centre & Z-atoms at the edges, then the (C) Rhombohed a = b = c = = CaCO3,
formula of the compound is : 90° HgS
4. The volume occupied by an atoms in a simple cubic 9. A body centered cubic lattice is made up of hollow
unit cell is – spheres of B. Spheres of solid A are present in
4a 3 hollow spheres of B. Radius of A is half of radius
(A) a3 (B)
3 of 6. What is the ratio of total volume of spheres of
a 3
3 B unoccupied by A in a unit cell and volume of unit
(C) (D)
6 8 cell?
7 3 7 3
(A) (B)
5. The packing fraction in simple cubic lattice is 64 128
1 2 7.
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
6 6 24
3 1
(C) (D) 10. First three nearest neighbour distances for primitive
8 2
cubic lattice are respectively (edge length of unit
6. Total volume of atoms presents in a face centered cell = a):
cubic unit cell of a metal is (r is atomic radius) (A) a, 2a, 3a
20 3 24 3 (B) 3a, 2a,a
(A) r (B) r
3 3
(C) a, 2a, 2a
12 3 16 3
(C) r (D) r (D) a, 3a, 2a
3 3
11. First three nearest neighbour distances for body 12. Given : The unit cell structure of compound is
centered cubic lattice are respectively: shown below.
(A) 2a,a, 3a
(B) ,a, 3a
(C) ,a, 2a
(D) ,a, 3a
2 The formula of compound is:
(A) A8B12C5 (B) AB2C3
(C) A2B2C5 (D) ABC5
Answer Key
1. (B) 7. (C)
2. (C) 8. (D)
3. (C) 9. (D)
4. (C) 10. (A)
5. (A) 11. (C)
6. (C) 12. (B)
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