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• to a technical overview of
• Common Rail Diesel
Fuel Systems
presented by
S.Pradeep kumar
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Aims, objectives and disclaimer:
The aim of this presentation is to give a generic technical overview of the main features and
operating principles of the common rail diesel fuel injection system. The objectives are that
by the end of this presentation, you will have gained a working knowledge and
understanding of the fundamental principles of common rail diesel fuel systems.
Please bear in mind that all facts and figures quoted are intended to show typical examples
only for explanation purposes. Always refer to manufacturer technical data for exact system
specifications and repair procedures.
Finally this slide show does not include speaker notes. If you have any comments or would
like further information, please contact AK Training directly
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Advantages of common rail:
• Fuel pressure available on demand.....
• Higher injection pressures and finer atomization of fuel.....
• Injection pressure created independent of engine speed.....
• Multiple injections per cylinder combustion are possible.

Benefits of common rail:

• Reduction of overall exhaust emissions.....
• Reduction of particulate emissions.....
• Reduction of noise emissions.....
• Improved fuel efficiency.....
• Higher performance.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Examples of typical common rail system maximum fuel pressures:
• Bosch:Generation 1: up to 1350 Bar (19845 psi). Unijet
Generation 2: up to 1600 Bar (23520 psi) EDC 16
Generation 3: up to 2000 Bar + (29400 psi)
•Denso:1 st generation:
up to 1450 Bar (21315 psi) ECD-U2P
2nd generation: 1800 Bar + (26460 psi) HP3/HP4
•DelphiMultec: up to 2000 Bar
Direct acting diesel common rail system: up to 2000 Bar
Various systems differ in design, components layout and specific
functions. However, all operate in a similar way.

Bosch ECD-U2P
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
The fuel system can be divided into three basic circuits
High pressure delivery
• Low pressure supply circuit
• High pressure delivery circuit
• Fuel leak back and return
Low pressure

Fuel leak back and return

Example: Bosch EDC16

Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Components overview (example: Bosch EDC 16)

Fuel metering control valve

High pressure Fuel rail pressure control valve
fuel pump
Fuel rail pressure sensor

Fuel filter Common rail

Electric fuel

Low pressure
High pressure Injectors
Leak back/return
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
High pressure fuel pump
The High pressure pump is the interface between the low pressure
and the high pressure side of the fuel system.

Bosch CP3 Bosch CP1 Denso HP4

Denso HP3

Basic function:
To ensure that enough fuel is delivered at sufficient pressure across
the engine’s entire operating range. This includes delivery of sufficient
fuel for a rapid engine start and pressure increase in the rail.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
High pressure fuel pump
Fuel return Fuel metering control
Fuel supply inlet valve (solenoid)

Example: High pressure

Bosch CP3 fuel outlet

Gear type transfer

Pump shaft with
eccentric cam

Pressure valve
Polygon ring
Suction valve

The pump has several pumping chambers

Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
High pressure fuel pump
2 3

Pumping 4

Fuel metering valve

Transfer pump 1: Pressure valve
2: Suction valve
3: Low pressure (yellow)
4: High pressure (red)
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
High pressure fuel pump

Fuel metering valve

Transfer pump

Transfer pump supplies fuel from the fuel tank to the

pumping chambers of the high pressure pump.
Fuel metering valve regulates the fuel intake volume
to the pumping chambers of the high pressure pump.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
High pressure fuel pump

Pump shaft
Polygon ring

Pumping piston
Eccentric cam

3 pumping pistons are operated by a polygon

ring on an eccentric cam on the pump shaft.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
High pressure fuel pump

Pump shaft
Polygon ring

Pumping piston
Eccentric cam

As the pump rotates, the polygon ring moves in

a circular motion to operate the pump pistons.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Transfer pump

Fuel inlet port

Fuel outlet port

Trochoidal type (Denso HP3)
Gear type (Bosch CP3)

An electric pre supply pump in fuel tank may be used

instead of a transfer pump. Some systems may use a
combination of electric pump and transfer pump.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel metering control valve
Bosch CP3

• Located at back of high pressure pump.

Fuel inlet • Controls the fuel intake volume to the pump.
• Receives battery voltage supply from engine ECM.
Fuel outlet • Energized by ECM via negatively triggered PWM.
• Operating frequency: approximately 180Hz.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel metering control valve

When solenoid de energized, valve is open

Fuel inlet = LOW fuel volume intake to pump.

Fuel outlet
When solenoid energized, valve is closed
= HIGH fuel volume intake to pump.

The fuel volume intake is controlled as follows.....

Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel volume intake control
1 2 1 Pump piston
13 2 Pressure valve
3 to common rail
4 Suction valve
5 Return
4 6 Safety valve
12 7 Feed (from the tank)
5 8 Gear pump
11 9 Fuel metering control
6 valve
10 Throttle bore
11 Control piston
12 Lubricating-oil bore
10 8 13 High-pressure pump

Valve de energized OPEN

9 More fuel returns to tank
LOW fuel volume to pump
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel volume intake control
1 2 1 Pump piston
13 2 Pressure valve
3 to common rail
4 Suction valve
5 Return
4 6 Safety valve
12 7 Feed (from the tank)
5 8 Gear pump
11 9 Fuel metering control
6 valve
10 Throttle bore
11 Control piston
12 Lubricating-oil bore
10 8 13 High-pressure pump

Valve energized CLOSED

9 Less fuel returns to tank
HIGH fuel volume to pump
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Advantages of fuel intake volume regulation:
• Only the required volume of fuel is supplied to the common rail from
the high pressure pump.....
• Reduced fuel flow around system results in lower fuel return flow
• Reduced parasitic load on engine from high pressure pump contributes
towards further reductions in exhaust emissions.

Low volume High volume

Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel metering control valve failure symptoms and diagnosis

Solenoid circuit monitored by engine ECM.

If an open or short circuit is detected:
Engine stops or will not start.
DTC stored and MIL illuminated.

Mechanical failure of the metering

control valve does not necessarily
prevent the engine from starting.

Mechanical faults can cause DTC’s relating to positive

or negative rail pressure deviations.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
High pressure regulator valve

System variant.
Fitted to back of HP pump.
Controls high pressure fuel High pressure fuel
delivery to common rail. delivery to common tail

Excess fuel returns to


High pressure
Fuel cooler required to cool regulator valve
return fuel flow. Fuel return
(to fuel tank)
Low pressure fuel inlet
(from fuel tank)
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
High pressure accumulator (common rail)

Fuel is supplied to the common rail at high pressure from the high
pressure pump.
The rail stores the fuel and distributes it to the individual injectors.

It also damps pressure vibrations caused by the high pressure pump

and injection processes.
Typical volume of fuel held in common rail: 16 – 20cm³.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
High pressure accumulator (common rail)
Typical fuel rail pressure with engine idlingand at running temperature:
approximately between 300 – 400 Bar (4410 – 5880 psi)

Typical maximum possible fuel rail pressure:

approximately between 1600 – 2000 Bar (23520 – 28400 psi)
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
High pressure accumulator (common rail)
Typical fuel rail pressure with engine idlingand at running temperature:
approximately between 300 – 400 Bar (4410 – 5880 psi)

Health and safety

Due to the extremely high working fuel pressures in the common
rail fuel system, NEVER slacken fuel or injector pipes or try to
disconnect components of the fuel system whilst the engine is
running and high pressure is present in the system!

Typical maximum possible fuel rail pressure:

approximately between 1600 – 2000 Bar (23520 – 28400 psi)
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel rail pressure sensor

Fuel pressure sensor

A fuel rail pressure sensor is located on the fuel rail.

Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel rail pressure sensor
Monitors the fuel pressure in the common rail.
Typically a piezo resistive type sensor.
Three wires:
• 5 Volt supply from engine ECM.
• Sensor ground via engine ECM.
• Linear signal voltage output to ECM.
Signal utilization:
To enable the engine ECM to determine the fuel rail pressure.....
Used by the ECM as part of the calculation for the % duty cycle applied
to the rail pressure control solenoid and fuel metering solenoid.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel rail pressure sensor Signal voltage
(0 - 5V)
5 Volts supply Sensor ground
from ECM (<0.2 Volts

Piezo crystal


The engine ECM applies a stabilized 5 Volts supply to the signal wire
of the fuel pressure sensor.....
The resistive value of the sensor creates a change in the voltage on the
signal wire relative to the fuel rail pressure.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel rail pressure sensor Signal voltage
(0 - 5V)
5 Volts supply Sensor ground
from ECM (<0.2 Volts

Piezo crystal


Typical signal voltages from rail pressure sensor:

Engine stationary: approximately 0.5 volts.
Engine idling: approximately 1.32 volts.
Snap acceleration: approximately 3.77 volts +
(Example figures Bosch EDC16).
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Rail pressure limiter valve

A mechanical pressure limiter valve is fitted to some

systems. It is located at the end of the fuel rail.

Its function is to relieve rail pressure if abnormally

Rail pressure limiter high system pressure is generated.
valve (mechanical)
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Rail pressure limiter valve

If excessive fuel pressure is generated, the valve opens

a fuel return port.

Fuel return

Excess fuel is relieved back to the fuel tank.

Rail pressure limiter
valve (mechanical)
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Rail pressure limiter valve

Fuel return to fuel tank

Example operating pressure of rail pressure

limiter valve (Denso HP3 system):
valve opens at 230 MPa (2300 Bar)
valve closes at 50 MPa (500 Bar)
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel rail pressure control valve solenoid
A rail pressure control valve solenoid is fitted to the common rail on
some systems.
Fuel return

Rail pressure control

valve (solenoid)

The valve controls fuel pressure by opening and closing a return port
in the rail.
Excess fuel returns to the fuel tank via the fuel return.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Rail pressure control valve solenoid
Receives battery voltage supply from engine ECM.
Energized by engine ECM via a negatively
triggered PWM.

Operating frequency: approximately 1000Hz

Used in conjunction with fuel metering solenoid, the rail pressure solenoid
provides more accurate and faster control of pressure, particularly when
reducing rail pressure during overrun.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Rail pressure control valve de energized

0 max.
More fuel is returned to fuel tank A
via return port.
Rail pressure 600 900
Decreases. 300 1200
Engine ECM
0 1500

Rail pressure

Fuel return port

Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Rail pressure control valve energized

0 max.
Less fuel is returned to fuel tank A
via return port.
Rail pressure 600 900
Increases. 300 1200
Engine ECM
0 1500

Rail pressure

Fuel return port

Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Rail pressure control valve failure symptoms and diagnosis

Most likely consequence:

Engine stops or will not start.
Solenoid circuit monitored by engine ECM.
Open or short circuit detected:
DTC stored and MIL illuminated.
(Engine stops or will not start).
Mechanical failure:
Valve stuck open = Low rail pressure.
A minimum
Engineamount of fuel
stops or will rail pressure is
not start.
required to enable the engine to start.
Valve stuck closed = High rail pressure.
value: stops or will not start.
approximately between 200 - 300 Bar
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Rail pressure control valve failure symptoms and diagnosis

Most likely consequence:

Engine stops or will not start.
Solenoid circuit monitored by engine ECM.
Open or short circuit detected:
DTC stored and MIL illuminated.
(Engine stops or will not start).
Mechanical failure:
Valve stuck open = Low rail pressure.
Engine stops or will not start.
Valve stuck closed = High rail pressure.
Engine stops or will not start.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Testing rail pressure control valve

Test internal resistance of valve solenoid winding.
Typical value: approximately 3.6 Ohms.
Diagnostic scan tool:
DTC’s and monitoring of rail pressure values.
Test supply voltage and earth switching signal from
engine ECM.
Test stability of waveform.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Pressure control valve waveform: engine idling

Green = % duty cycle

Blue = rail pressure
Red = current draw
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Pressure control valve waveform: snap acceleration

Green = % duty cycle

Blue = rail pressure
Red = current draw
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Pressure control valve waveform

The engine stops or will not
start if the fuel rail pressure
control valve fails!
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel injectors

The fuel injectors are controlled by either a solenoid or piezo actuator.

They are energized sequentially by the engine ECM.

The ECM simultaneously switches a live voltage supply and an earth for
each injector.
Multiple injection processes per cylinder combustion are possible.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel injectors Fuel leak back (return)

Solenoid actuator

Injector valve Electrical


Valve piston

High pressure fuel inlet

Nozzle spring (from common rail)

Thrust piece

Valve needle
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems Fuel leak back (return) port
Operation of fuel injectors
Fuel pressure is supplied to the injector
High pressure
needle seat area..... fuel inlet

Injector piston
Injector valve
Inlet port

Injector needle
and also to a small chamber above the
injector piston via a calibrated inlet port.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems Fuel leak back (return) port
Operation of fuel injectors
When the solenoid is energized,
High pressure
the injector valve opens. fuel inlet

Injector valve Injector piston


Injector needle
Fuel pressure is relieved above the injector
piston and returns to the fuel tank via the
injector leak back (return) ports.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems Fuel leak back (return) port
Operation of fuel injectors
This creates a pressure difference above
High pressure
and below the injector piston. fuel inlet

Injector piston

Injector needle
Fuel pressure below the injector needle lifts
the needle.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems Fuel leak back (return) port
Operation of fuel injectors
Fuel is now injected into the
High pressure
cylinder. fuel inlet

Injector piston

Injector needle
Maximum stroke of solenoid valve:
approximately 50 micrometers (0.05 mm).
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Piezo injector
Fuel supply Primary advantage:
Leak back
Quicker response time (up to four times
faster than solenoid controlled injector).

Piezo stack
Piezo stack has several hundred wafer
thin slices of Piezo crystal material.
Injector piston
When voltage is applied, the piezo
Injector valve stack expands and opens the injector
Mechanical principle of operation is
Injector needle similar to the solenoid injector.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Injector codes
Most injectors have a code that must be programmed into the engine

Bosch injector generation 2 Denso injector

IMA code for injector flow adjustment QR (Quick Response) code

The code relates to the calibrated flow rate of the injector.

It enables the ECM to correct the injection quantity to compensate
for manufacturing tolerances.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Oscilloscope waveform: Solenoid injector de energized

Blue = switched +
Red = switched -
Green = current draw
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Oscilloscope waveform: Solenoid injector energized

Blue = switched +
Red = switched -
Green = current draw
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Oscilloscope waveform: Piezo injector de energized

Blue = switched +
Red = switched -
Green = current draw
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Oscilloscope waveform: Piezo injector energized

Blue = switched +
Red = switched -
Green = current draw
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Engine management closed loop control functions:
Rail pressure calculation Rail pressure
(pre set values)
Engine Stationary Engine Start

Example: Comparison: % duty cycle:

Bosch EDC16 Actual value Fuel metering and
with set value rail pressure
(2 point control) control solenoids

Actual fuel rail

Closed loop control pressure value
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Engine management closed loop control functions:
Rail pressure calculation Example:
APP Bosch EDC16
(2 point control)



Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel system diagnosis
Common rail diesel fuel systems operate on a closed loop basis.
The system carries out a great many complex calculations to precisely
control fuel quantity and injection timing.
A range of tools and test equipment is commercially available to assist
with diagnosis of the system.
The following is a brief overview to highlight some of the basic tests that
can be carried out to diagnose faults with the system.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel system diagnosis

Basics first!
• Sufficient diesel in the fuel tank?
• Fuel contamination (eg from petrol).
• Fuel leaks and damage to components.
• Battery state of charge?
• Adequate low pressure fuel supply from fuel tank?
• Does engine start or crank and try to start?
• Is white smoke emitted from exhaust during engine cranking?
(not always easy to see but indicates some fuel is entering cylinders).
• Are any DTC’s stored in fault memory of engine ECM?
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel system diagnosis

Is the system capable of generating sufficient fuel pressure?

Typical minimum ‘manufacturer specified’ value during engine cranking:

approximately between 200 – 300 Bar
In practice, the figure is usually higher for a good system. Above example
shows fuel pressure during engine cranking.
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel system diagnosis

Injector leak back test

There should notnormally be any fuel collected in receptacles during

engine cranking.
Example of acceptable leak back value with engine idling:
approximately 20ml per injector over a 2 minute period.
(Always refer to manufacturer data for exact specifications)
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Systems
Fuel system diagnosis

Maximum fuel pressure

Snap acceleration
(approx 1519 Bar)
Engine idling
(approx 362 Bar)

Engine cranking
(approx 500 Bar)
Thank you
• for attending a technical overview of
• Common Rail Diesel
Fuel Systems

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