Umvoti Standing Rules and Orders By-Laws
Umvoti Standing Rules and Orders By-Laws
Umvoti Standing Rules and Orders By-Laws
Umvoti Local Municipality has in terms of Section 156 (2) of the Constitution of the Republic
of South Africa, 1996, read in conjunction with Section11 (3)(m) of the Local Government:
Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000), make the following By-laws;
WHEREAS every municipal Councillor must recognize that the prime function of local
government is at all times to serve the best interests of all of the community, must be
dedicated to the concepts of effective and democratic local government, must promote the
dignity and worth of the services rendered by local government and maintain a constructive,
creative and practical attitude toward local government and a deep sense of social
responsibility as an elected representative, must be dedicated to the highest ideals of honor
and integrity in all public and personal relationships in order that the community, municipal
officials and employees may merit the respect and confidence of the elected representatives,
must make it a duty to continually improve his professional ability and develop competencies
required to perform the duties of an elected representative, must set and achieve community
goals and uphold municipal policies, must refrain from interference in the administration of
the municipality and from all other partisan political activities which would impair
performance as an elected representative, must keep the community informed on municipal
affairs, must encourage communication and foster friendly and courteous service to the
community and seek to improve the quality and image of municipal Councillors, must handle
each challenge without discrimination and with principles of justice and fairness, must seek
no favor and acknowledgement that personal gain or profit secured by a councillor’s position
is dishonest, must adhere to the Code of Conduct for Councillors, comply with the standing
rules and orders and by-laws of a municipal council and at all times respect the rule of law.
NOW THERFORE the municipal council of Umvoti Local Municipality approves and adopts
the following Standing Rules and Orders of Council and its Committees By-laws;
1. Definitions
2. Application
3. Interpretation of the Rules and Orders
4. Council meetings
5. Admission of the Public
6. Notice to attend and Ordinary Council meeting
7. Special Council meeting
8. Notice to attend a Council meeting
9. Non-receipt of a notice
10. Quorum
11. Adjournment in the absence of quorum
1. Attendance
2. Leave of Absence
3. Sanction for non-attendance
4. Adjournment meeting
5. Continuation meeting
47. Breach
48. Sanctions
49. Suspension of Rule or Order
50. Adoption as By-Laws
51. Repeal of existing By-Laws
52. Short title and Commencement
1. In this bylaw, any word or expression shall have the meaning assigned thereto in the
relevant legislation, unless the context indicates otherwise.
“Code of Conduct” means the Code of Conduct for Councillors contained in Schedule
1 to the Systems Act;
“Contact details” means a physical address, postal address, electronic mail address,
telephone number, and facsimile number and cellular phone number;
“Calendar day” means a twenty four hour day as denoted on the calendar;
“Day” means any ordinary day other than a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday, except
where otherwise stated;
“In committee” means any council or committee meeting at which the public and or
officials of the municipality are excluded;
“Integrated Development Plan” means a single, inclusive and strategic plan for the
development of the municipality and applicable in terms of Chapter 5 of the Systems Act;
“Mayor” means the councilor of the Executive Committee elected by the Council as the
“Municipal asset” means any movable, immovable, corporeal, incorporeal, tangible and
intangible property to which the municipality holds title;
“Notice of motion” means the instrument by which Councillors may bring items on to
the agenda of a Council meeting in terms of rule 20 of these by-laws
“Peace Officer” means any person declared as a Peace Officer in terms of the Criminal
Procedure Act, Act No. 51 of 1977;
“Point of Order” means the pointing out of any deviation from, or anything contrary to
the conducting of proceedings or any other irregularity in the proceedings;
“Public” means any person residing with the Republic of South Africa including the
“Speaker” means the Chairperson of the Council elected in terms of section 46 of the
Structures Act;
“The Structure Act” means the Local Government Municipal Structures Act, 1998
(Act No 117 of 1998);
“The Systems Act” means the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, 2000
(Act No 32 of 2000) as well as the Municipal Systems Amendment Act, No. 7 of 2011.
“Table” means to submit a report or any official document to the council or a committee
of council for consideration at a meeting of the council or a committee of council of which
notice has been given in terms of these rules and orders;
“Gender and Number” in every rule, unless the contrary intention appears, words
importing the masculine gender include females and words in the singular number
include the plural, and words in the plural number include the singular.
(1) These rules and orders govern the proceedings of the council and committees of the
council which bind and must be complied with by:-
(a) All councilors;
(b) Any member of the public while present in the precincts;
(c) Any deputation addressing the council or a committee of the council; and
(d) Any municipal official of the municipality.
(1) Any interpretation of these rules and orders must be made having due regard to the
supremacy of the Constitution, national, provincial and municipal legislation, the rule
of law and the rules of natural justice.
(2) The ruling of the speaker or chairperson with regard to the interpretation of these
rules and orders at a meeting of the council or committee of the council shall, subject
to rules 3 (5) and 3 (6), be final and binding.
(3) The interpretation and the ruling of the speaker or chairperson of any of these rules
and orders must be recorded in the minutes of the council or committee meeting.
(4) The municipal manager must keep a register of the rulings and legal opinions.
4. Council meetings
(1) The Council shall hold an ordinary meeting of the Council not less than once in every
three months.
(2) The Speaker must convene all the meetings of the council in accordance with rule
4(1) and subject to rule 6.
5. Admission of public
(1) All meetings of the council and those of its committees must be open to the public.
And the council or committee of the council may not exclude the public from a
meeting other than when the council or committee, due to the nature of the business
being trusted or when the disclosure of nay matter may be prejudicial to the interests
of the municipality, deems it reasonable and justifiable to do so having due regard to
the principle of an open and democratic society.
(2) The council or a committee of the council, may not for any reason whatsoever,
exclude the public when considering, voting or noting any of the following matters:-
(a) A draft by-law tabled in the council ;
(b) A budget tabled in the council;
(c) The municipality’s integrated development plan, or any amendment of the
plan, or any amendment of the plan tabled in council;
(d) The municipality’s performance management system, or any amendment of
the system, tabled in council;
(e) The decision to enter into a service delivery agreement;
(f) Any reports on an award in terms of supply chain management policy;
(g) The disposal or acquisition of municipal capital asset;
(h) Any other matter prescribed by legislation.
(3) The municipal manager must give notice to the public, in a manner determined by the
council, of the time, date and venue of every ordinary meeting of the council or
committee of the council and any special or urgent meeting of the council or
committee of the council, except when time constraints make this impossible.
(1) The speaker must convene meetings of the council, at least quarterly, through a duly
signed “Notice of Council Meeting” signed by him, stating the date, place and time of
the meeting and accompanied by or containing the agenda of the proposed meeting.
(2) Notice to attend a meeting in terms of rule 6(1) shall be given at least-
(a) Seven (7) calendar days prior to an ordinary meeting; and
(b) Two (2) calendar days prior to a special meeting.
7. Special meetings
(1) The Speaker convenes the meetings of the Council through a duly signed “Notice of
Council Meeting” stating the date, place and time of the meeting and accompanied
by or containing the agenda of the proposed meeting.
(2) Notice to attend a meeting in terms of rule 8(1), and any other official communication
from the Council, shall be delivered to –
(a) Seven days (7) prior to an ordinary meeting; and forty eight (48) hours
prior to a special meeting.
(3) All documentation relevant to any council or committee meeting must be given to all
Councillors at least five calendar days prior to an ordinary council or committee
(4) All councilors must inform the speaker of any change of his contact details within
three days of such change.
(5) In addition, notice to attend a meeting shall be displayed on the public notice board at
the municipality’s head and satellite offices, on the municipality’s website and in the
local newspaper.
9. Non-receipt of notice
10. Quorum
(1) No meeting shall take place, if no quorum has assembled a the expiry of ten (10)
minutes after the time at which is due to commence, unless it is unanimously agreed
by the councilors present to allow further time not exceeding ten (10) minutes for a
quorum to assemble.
(2) If during any meeting of Council or any of its committees the attention of the
chairperson is called to the number of councilors present, he or she shall
12. Attendance
(1) All councillors must punctually attend and remain in attendance at each meeting of
the council and a committee of which that councillor is a member except when;-
(1) Leave of absence shall not be granted in such a manner that more than the
number required for a quorum will at any one time be absent;
(2) If a Councilor
(3) The Municipal Manager must as soon as possible inform the chairperson of the
meeting concerned of any application for leave of absence received in terms of
sub-rule (2)
(4) The chairperson of the meeting concerned must as soon as possible consider an
application for leave of absence received in terms of sub-rule (2).
(5) The Municipal Manager must as soon as possible inform a councillor who has
applied for leave of absence of the chairperson’s decision.
(6) A councilor shall be deemed absent without leave from the meeting concerned
where an application for leave or absence has not been granted and he or she-
(a) the chairperson of the meeting concerned shall invite the councilor to provide a
written explanation of his or her absence;
(b) the chairperson shall consider the explanation and decide whether or not the
councilor was absent with good cause, providing appropriate reasons for the
(c) the councilor may appeal in writing within seven days of receipt of the
chairperson’s decision to –
(3) The municipal manager shall keep a record of all incidents in respect of which
councilors have been found to be absent without leave and without good cause and
shall submit a written report thereon to the speaker at least once during every three
months period.
(4) Whenever a report submitted to the speaker in terms of sub-rule (3) identifies a
councilor as having been absent from three or more consecutive meetings which the
councilor was required to attend, the speaker must –
(5) The council ceases to be a councilor on the date that the Member of the Executive
Council informs the municipal manager that the councilor had been removed from the
(1) Subject to rule 11(3), a council meeting or a meeting of any committee of Council
may be adjourned to any day or hour but not later than fourteen (14) days after the
original meeting.
(1) At every meeting of the Council, the Speaker, or if he is absent, Acting Speaker shall
be chairperson and will perform the duties stipulated in terms of section 37 of the
Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, No. 117 of 1998.
(2) The speaker and chairperson of council and committee meetings respectively;-
18. Minutes
(1) Minutes of the proceedings of every meeting shall be electronically recorded and be
retained in accordance with the Archives and Record Service of South Africa Act, 43
of 1996 and will be kept for that purpose by the Municipal Manager.
(2) Written minutes of the proceedings of each council and committee must be
accurately recorded within a period of three (3) days from the date of such meeting
and retained in accordance with rule 18(1).
(3) The approved minutes of every minutes of council or committee other than in-
committee meetings must be available to the public.
(4) Where the municipal manager is of the opinion that any resolution or proceedings of
a council or committee meeting may be in contravention of any law or by-law, he
must advise council or committee accordingly and full details of such opinion must
be recorded in the minutes.
(1) The order of business at every ordinary meeting of the council or its executive
committee is as follows:
(2) The speaker or chairperson may, in his discretion, at any stage bring forward any
business that is on the agenda.
(1) The minutes of every meeting shall be confirmed at the next ordinary meeting
and shall be signed by the chairperson.
(2) No motion or discussion shall be allowed upon the minutes of a previous
meeting, other than relating to the accuracy of those minutes.
21. Deputations
(1) A deputation wishing to address the council or a committee of council shall submit a
memorandum to the municipal manager in which is set out the representations it
wished to make.
(2) A request by a deputation to address the council or a committee of the council must
be approved by the speaker or relevant chairperson.
(3) The municipal manager shall submit the memorandum to council or a committee of
council, which may receive the deputation.
(4) Any matter requiring consideration arising from a deputation, shall not be further
considered by council or committee until the deputation has withdrawn provided that
questions of clarity may be permitted.
(5) A member of the public, other than a deputation, who wishes to speak at a council or
committee meeting, shall obtain the permission of the speaker or chairperson to do
so, prior to the commencement of the meeting.
(6) When speaking at a council or committee meeting, a member of the public and a
deputation must comply with any directions or orders given by the speaker or
(7) If a member of the public or a deputation conducts himself in a disorderly and unruly
manner at any time, the speaker or chairperson must direct that the member
concerned remove himself or be removed by a Peace Officer from the precincts.
(8) Any member of the public or deputation who fails or refuses to comply with the
speakers or chairpersons directions in terms of the rule 21(6) and rule 21(7) shall be
guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine or imprisonment for a period not
exceeding one month or both such fine and such imprisonment.
22. Reports
(1) Any report submitted to council or a committee of council must, with the exception of
a report accepted by the speaker or chairperson as a matter of urgency, be provided
to councillors in terms of rule 8.
(2) The speaker or chairperson must allow debate in accordance with chapter 10 on any
report submitted to the council or a committee of council at the meeting at which that
report is submitted and if the debate is incomplete or does not take place for any
a) in writing; and
b) Be signed by the councilor submitting it and by another councilor acting as
(3) A notice of motion shall be lodged with the municipal manager before 12h00 seven
(7) days prior to the next meeting, failing which the notice will be considered at the
next ensuing meeting.
a) read out the number of every motion and the name of the mover and
b) ascertain which motion are unopposed and these shall be passed without
debate and
c) Call the movers of the opposed motions in the order they appear on the
(6) A councilor submitting a motion shall move such motion and shall have the right of
(7) A motion shall lapse if the councilor and seconder who submitted it are not present at
the meeting when such motion is being debated.
(8) A councilor shall be allowed not more than one notice of motion on the same
(9) The Speaker or chairperson shall reject a motion which, in his or her opinion-
(1) A councilor may put a question requiring a written reply from any political or
municipal office bearer of the municipality concerning any matter related to the
effective performance of the municipality’s functions and the exercise of its powers,
provided that written notice of the question has been lodged with the speaker or
chairperson and the municipal manager at least seven days prior to the council or
committee meeting and the municipal manager must ensure that the councillor
receives a written reply from that political or municipal office bearer, at the council or
committee meeting
(1) A councillor may approach and communicate with the municipal manager or any
head of department or any officer of the municipal administration specifically
designated by the municipal manager or by the head of department concerned for
this purpose, in order to obtain such information as he may reasonably require for the
proper performance of his duties as a councillor.
(2) No councillor shall approach or communicate with any officer of the municipal
administration concerning the business of the municipality other than when
exercising his rights or liberties as an ordinary member of the public.
(1) General items of an urgent nature may be placed on an agenda by the municipal
manager with the prior consent of the speaker or chairperson, which consent shall
not be unreasonably withheld.
(2) The speaker or the chairperson of a meeting of council or the executive committee
may in his or her discretion at any stage bring forward any business that is on the
agenda paper.
27. Interpretation
(1) An interpreter will be used in meetings of the council and the executive committee,
unless the majority of councilors present decide otherwise.
28. Council-in-committee
(1) Subject to provision of the law, the council may at any time resolve to proceed as
(2) The public shall be excluded from any in-committee meetings.
(3) The municipal manager or another official exempted from this rule by the speaker or
chairperson shall not be excluded from any in-committee meeting.
(4) All proceedings in-committee must be recorded in terms of rule 18(1) and 18(2) and
shall be confidential.
(5) Unauthorized disclosure of any confidential matter must be dealt with in terms of the
Code of Conduct.
(1) Council and committee of council shall endeavor to decide all matters on consensus
otherwise all matters shall be decided by a votes cast by all councillors present;
(2) All questions concerning the following matters must be determined by a decision
taken by the council with a supporting vote of a majority of the number of councillors
determined in accordance with the municipality’s establishment notice:-
(1) Voting shall be by a show of hands, unless a councilor requests a secret, written
(2) During the taking of a vote no councillor may leave the council chamber or
committee room;
(3) The municipal manager or his or her nominee, shall count the votes cast and shall
record the result of voting, and the speaker shall announce the result.
(4) The chairperson shall have a second or casting vote in cases of an equality of votes.
(1) A councilor may request that his or her dissenting vote be minuted as evidence of
how he or she voted on the motion.
(1) Approval to revoke or alter a resolution of council may not be delegated to any
person or committee
(2) Prior notice of an intention to move a motion for the revocation or alteration of a
council resolution must be given.
(3) Any revocation or alteration of a council resolution must be made in terms of rule
29 (2) (e).
(1) Approval to revoke or alter a resolution of a committee of the council may not be
delegated to any person.
(2) Prior notice of an intention to move a motion for the revocation or alteration of a
resolution of a committee of the council must be given.
(3) Any revocation or alteration of a resolution of a committee of the council must be
approved by a majority of the number of the members of that committee.
35. Relevance
(1) Other than the delivery of the mayoral report or the presentation of the estimates of
income and expenditure, no speech shall exceed ten minutes in length without the
consent of the meeting.
(1) A councilor may not speak more than once on any motion or proposal unless
permission to do so is granted by the speaker or chairperson, provided that the
mover of the motion shall have the right of reply and the reply shall be confined to
answering previous speakers and shall not introduce any new matter into the debate.
(1) Whenever the speaker or chairperson rises during a debate, any councilor then
speaking or offering to speak shall seat himself and the councilor shall be silent, so
that the speaker or chairperson may be heard without interruption.
(1) Any councilor may raise a point of order at any time by standing to draw the attention
of chairperson.
(2) The point of order takes precedence over everything else in the meeting and the
chairperson must grant immediate hearing to the councilor raising the point of order
and rule accordingly.
(3) The ruling of the chairperson on a point of order or admissibility of personal
explanation shall be final and shall not be open to discussion.
40. Explanation
(1) Any councilor may speak in explanation; provided that such explanation is confined
to some material part of the discussion which may have been misunderstood.
(a) must conduct the business of the council in the highest decorum and integrity
that the occasion deserves;
(b) must, at all times adhere to the principles contained in the code of conduct
and these standard rules and orders.
(c) Must, at all times adhere to the rule of law and the by-laws of the municipality.
(d) must be dressed appropriately for the dignity of the meeting of the council;
(e) must not use an offensive or objectionable language, use cell phones during,
or bring a firearm into a meeting of council or any of its committees.
42. Misconduct
(1) Every committee of the council shall determine its own procedures subject to any
direction for council and these standing rules and orders.
(2) Chapter 10 of these rules and orders may be relaxed by a chairperson of a
committee to accommodate interactive and effective participation, provided that the
chairperson may, at his discretion, apply the provisions of any rule contained in
chapter 10.
(a) preside at every meeting of the committee at which he or she is present; and
(b) be entitled to vote in the first instance and in the case of an equality of votes,
shall give a second or casting vote.
(2) In his or her absence, the Acting or Deputy Chairperson shall have the shame
powers and rights of voting as those possessed by the chairperson.
(1) A councilor wishing to declare a pecuniary interest in respect of any item before
council or any committee of council shall do so forthwith after the item or motion in
respect of which such interest exists, has been called.
(2) A councillor making a declaration must withdraw from the proceedings of the council
or committee unless the council or committee decides that the councillor’s direct or
indirect interest in that matter is trivial or irrelevant.
(1) A councillor who, or whose spouse, partner, business associate or close family
member, acquired or stands to any direct benefit from a contract concluded with the
municipality, must disclose full particulars of the benefit of which the councillor is
aware at the first meeting of the council at which it is possible for the councillor to
make disclosure.
(2) The disclosure of interest’s in terms of rule 46(1) and benefit in terms of rule 46(3)
does not apply to an interest or benefit which a councillor, or a spouse, partner,
business associate or close family member, has or acquires in common with other
47. Breach
(1) Any councillor who fails or refuses to obey any of these rules and orders, or any
resolution of Council, may be guilty of a breach of the Code of Conduct.
48. Sanction
(1) Where it is alleged that a councillor has breached these rules, the council must,
in terms of item 14 of the Code of Conduct, investigate the alleged breach and
may impose a sanction.
2) The power conferred in terms of sub-rule 1) shall include the power to incur
expenditure, provided that written comments from the Chief Financial Officer has first
been obtained for such financial expenditure.
3) All matters decided in terms of sub-rule 1) shall be reported for ratification to the next
ordinary meeting of the Council or the Executive Committee, provided that anything
done pursuant thereto in the meantime shall be deemed to have been duly
authorized by Council or the Executive Committee.
Any press statement relating the Municipality of Umvoti shall only be released by the Mayor
and/ or the Municipal Manager
(1) These rules and orders must be adopted as a by-law of the municipality.
(1) The council’s existing by-laws in respect of the standing rules and orders of
council are hereby repealed.
(1) These By-Laws shall be called Umvoti Local Municipal Standing Rules and
Orders and shall come into operation on a date of adoption thereof by Council.
Councillors are elected to represent local communities on municipal councils, to ensure that
municipalities have structured mechanisms of accountability to local communities, and to
meet the priority needs of communities by providing services equitably, effectively and
sustainably within the means of the municipality. In fulfilling this role councillors must be
accountable to local communities and report back at least quarterly to constituencies on
1. Definitions
In this Schedule ‘partner’ means a person who permanently lives with another person in a
manner as if married.
2. General conduct of councillors
A councillor must-
(a) Perform the functions of office in good faith, honesty and a transparent
manner; and
(b) At all times act in the best interest of the municipality and in such a way that
the credibility and integrity of the municipality are not compromised.
A councillor may not vote in favour of or agree to a resolution which is before the council or a
committee of the council which conflicts with any legislation applicable to local government.
3. Attendance at meetings
A councillor must attend each meeting of the municipal council and of a committee of which
that councillor is a member, except when-
(a) Leave of absence is granted in terms of an applicable law or as determined
by the rule and orders of the council; or
(b) That councillor is required in terms of this Code to withdraw from the meeting.
(1) A municipal council may impose a fine as determined by the standing rules and orders of
the municipal council on a councillor for;
(a) Not attending a meeting which that councillor is required to attend in terms of
item 3; or
(b) Failing to remain in attendance at such a meeting.
(2) A councillor who is absent from three or more consecutive meetings of a municipal
council, or from three or more consecutive meetings of a committee, which that councillor is
required to attend in terms of item 3, must be removed from office as a councillor.
(3) Proceedings for the imposition of a fine or the removal of a councillor must be conducted
in accordance with a uniform standing procedure which each municipal council must adopt
for the purposes of this item. The uniform standing procedure must comply with the rules of
natural justice.
5. Disclosure of interests
(2) A councillor who, or whose spouse, partner, business associate or close family member,
acquired or stands to acquire any direct benefit from a contract concluded with the
municipality, must disclose full particulars of the benefit of which the councillor is aware at
the first meeting of the municipal council at which it is possible for the councillor to make the
(3) This section does not apply to an interest or benefit which a councillor, or a spouse,
partner, business associate or close family member, has or acquires in common with other
residents of the municipality.
6. Personal gain
(1) A councillor may not use the position or privileges of a councillor, or confidential
information obtained as a councillor, for private gain or to improperly benefit another person.
(2) No councillor may be a party to or beneficiary under a contract for the provision of goods
or services to any municipality or any municipal entity established by a municipality.
7. Declaration of interests
(1) When elected or appointed, a councillor must within 60 days declare in writing to the
municipal manager the following financial interests held by that councillor:
(a) Shares and securities in any company;
(b) Membership of any close corporation;
(c) Interest in any trust;
(d) Directorships;
(e) Partnerships;
(f) Other financial interests in any business undertaking;
(g) Employment and remuneration;
(h) Interest in property;
(i) Pension; and
(j) Subsidies, grants and sponsorships by any organization.
(2) Any change in the nature or detail of the financial interests of a councillor must be
declared in writing to the municipal manager annually.
(3) Gifts received by a councillor above a prescribed amount must also be declared in
accordance with sub item (1).
(4) The municipal council must determine which of the financial interests referred in sub
item (1) must be made public having regard to the need for confidentiality and the public
interest for disclosure.
8. Full-time councillors
A councillor who is a full-time councillor may not undertake any other paid work except with
the consent of a municipal council which consent shall not unreasonably be withheld.
A councillor may not request, solicit or accept any reward, gift or favour for-
(a) Voting or not voting in a particular manner on any matter before the municipal
council or before a committee of which that councillor is a member;
(b) Persuading the council or any committee in regard to the exercise of any
power, function or duty;
(c) Making a representation to the council or any committee of the council; or
(d) Disclosing privileged or confidential information.
(1) A councillor may not without the permission of the municipal council or a committee
discloses any privileged or confidential information of the council or committee to any
unauthorized person.
(2) For the purpose of this item ‘privileged or confidential information’ includes any
(a) Determined by the municipal council or committee to be privileged or
(b) Discussed in closed session by the council or committee;
(c) Disclosure of which would violate a person’s right to privacy; or
(d) Declared to be privileged, confidential or secret in terms of law.
(3) This item does not derogate from the right of any person to access to information in
terms of national legislation.
A councillor may not use, take, acquire or benefit from any property or asset owned,
controlled or managed by the municipality to which that councillor has no right.
A councillor may not be in arrears to the municipality for rates and service charges for a
period longer than 3 months.
(1) If the chairperson of a municipal council, on reasonable suspicion, is of the opinion that a
provision of this Code has been breached, the chairperson must –
(a) Authorize an investigation of the facts and circumstances of the alleged
(b) Give the councillor a reasonable opportunity to reply in writing regarding the
alleged breach; and
(c) Report the matter to a meeting of the municipal council after paragraphs (a)
and (b) have been complied with.
(2) A report in terms of sub item (1) (c) is open to the public.
(3) The chairperson must report the outcome of the investigation to the MEC for local
government in the province concerned.
(4) The chairperson must ensure that each councillor when taking office is given a copy of
this Code and that a copy of the Code is available in every room or place where the council
(1) Items 1, 2, 5, 6, 9 (b) to (d), 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 (1) apply to a traditional leader who
participates or has participated in the proceedings of a municipal council in terms of section
81 of the Municipal Structures Act.
(2) These items must be applied to the traditional leader in the same way they apply to
(3) If a municipal council or a special committee in terms of item 14 (1) finds that a
traditional leader has breached a provision of this Code, the may-
(a) Issue a formal warning to the traditional leader; or
(b) Request the MEC for local government in the province to suspend or cancel
the traditional leader’s right to participate in the proceedings of the council.
1. Definitions
Unless the context indicates otherwise:-
“administrative decision” means a decision that:-
(a) Implements policy or legislation;
(b) Has a legal effect; and
(c) Constitutes a legally binding determination of rights.
“Code of Conduct” means the Code of Conduct for Councillors contained in
Schedule 1 of the Act;
“MEC” means the KwaZulu Natal Member of the Executive Council for local
Government and any successor-in-title to the position; and
“The Act” means the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (act No. 32 of
2000) as amended.
2. Preamble to Schedule 1 of the Code of Conduct
The Preamble to the Code of Conduct provides as follows:
“Councillors are elected to represent local communities on Municipal Councils, to
ensure that Municipalities have structured mechanisms of accountability to local
communities, and to meet the priority needs of communities by providing services
equitably, effectively and sustainably within the means of the municipality. In
fulfilling this role Councillors must be accountable to local communities and report
back at least quarterly to constituencies on Council matters, including the
performance of the municipality in terms of established indicators. In order to
ensure that Councillors fulfill their obligations to their communities, and support
the achievement by the municipality of its objectives set out in section 19 of the
Municipal Structures Act, the following Code of Conduct is established.”
3. Item 13 of the Code of Conduct
Item 13 of the Code of Conduct provides as follows:
Duty of Chairpersons of Municipal Councils
(1) If the Chairperson of a Municipal Council, on reasonable suspicion, is of
the opinion that a provision of this Code has been breached, the
Chairperson much;
a. Authorize an investigation of the facts and circumstances of the
alleged breach;
b. Give the Councillor a reasonable opportunity to reply in writing
regarding the alleged breach; and
(1) The rules of natural justice are common law rules applicable to all
administrative and quasi-judicial enquiries and hearings, focusing
primarily on procedural protection, in that they require a fair procedure to
be followed;
(2) The two basic principles that are fundamental to the rules of natural
justice, are the following;
Colum 1 Colum 2
Infringement Maximum
Civil Fine
(1) Not attending a meeting which the Councillor concerned was required to 2 weeks’
attend salary
(2) Failure to remain in attendance at a meeting which the Councillor 2 weeks’
concerned was required to attend salary
(3) Failure to withdraw from the proceedings of the Municipal 1 month’s
Council or a Committee when a matter in which the Councillor salary
concerned or any spouse, partner or business associate of that
Councillor may have any direct or indirect personal or private
business interest is considered by the Council or Committee
concerned decided that the direct or indirect interest in the
matter is trivial or irrelevant.
(4) Failure to disclose full particulars of the benefit of which the 1 month’s
Councillor is aware at the first meeting of the Municipal Council salary
at which it is possible for the Councillor to make the disclosure,
where his or her spouse, partner, business associate or close
family member, has acquired or stood to acquire any direct
benefit from a contract concluded with the Municipality
(5) Without the prior consent of the Municipal Council, being a party 1 month’s
to or beneficiary under a contract for the provision of goods, salary
works or services to the Municipality.
(6) Without the prior consent of the Municipal Council being a party 1 month’s
to or beneficiary under a contract involving the performance of salary
any work otherwise than as a Councillor for the Municipality
(7) Requesting, soliciting or accepting any reward, gift or favour for 1 month’s
voting or not voting in a particular manner on any matter before salary