County Assembly Services Act No.24 of 2017
County Assembly Services Act No.24 of 2017
County Assembly Services Act No.24 of 2017
NO. 24 OF 2017
NO. 24 OF 2017
NO. 24 OF 2017
[Date of assent: 6th July, 2017.]
[Date of commencement:27th July, 2017.]
AN ACT of Parliament to make further provisions on the County Assembly
Service Board and the County Assembly Service as established under the
County Governments Act in relation to each county; and for connected
[Act No. 24 of 2017.]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the County Assembly Services Act, 2017.
2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires
"Board" means the County Assembly Service Board established under
section 12 of the County Governments Act (No. 17 of 2012) with respect to each
county assembly;
"services and facilities" includes all means by which members and staff of
the county assembly are officially assisted in performing their legislative duties;
"Speaker" means the Speaker of the county assembly.
3. Object and purpose o f the Act
The object and purpose of this Act is to
(a) provide a framework for the establishment and effective operation of
the Service with respect to each county assembly;
(b) provide for further functions and powers of the Board pursuant to
section 12(7)(e) of the County Governments Act (No. 17 of 2012);
(c) provide the procedure for the appointment of members of the Board
under section 12(3)(d) of the County Governments Act;
(d) provide for the application of, and give further effect to, the values and
principles of public service set out under Article 232 of the Constitution
in respect of the Service;
(e) provide for the procedural functions of the Clerk and his or her
functions as the Secretary to the Board;
(f) provide for the execution of the functions of the Board; and
(g) provide for such other matters as may be necessary for the welfare,
security and proper administration of the Service.
4. The County Assembly Service
(1) There shall be a service for each county assembly to be known as the
County Assembly Service.
(2) The Service shall be an institution of exemplary administrative and technical
(3) In the performance of their functions, employees of the Service shall not
seek or receive directions from any source external to the Service.
(4) Every member of a county assembly shall respect the non-partisan and
apolitical character of the Service and shall not seek to influence employees of the
Service in the discharge of their functions.
5. County assembly Services values
(1) The values and principles of public service set out under Article 232(1) of
the Constitution shall apply to the Service established under this Act.
(2) In addition to the national values and principles of governance set out in
Article 10 of the Constitution and the values and principles of public service set out
in Article 232(1) of the Constitution, the Service shall uphold the following values
(a) the fostering of peace;
(b) the provision of non-partisan and impartial advice and services to the
county assembly, its committees and its members;
(c) the maintenance of honesty, accountability and integrity in the delivery
of services, having regard to the principles of political neutrality,
professionalism, economy, efficiency, equality and fairness, courtesy
and discipline;
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(3) The procedure for the removal of a member of the Board under this section
shall be as prescribed in the Standing Orders of the county assembly.
11. Functions of the Board
(1) The Board shall
(a) direct and supervise the administration of the services and facilities
provided by, and exercise budgetary control over, the Service;
(b) determine and review the terms and conditions of service of persons
holding or acting in the offices of the Service;
(c) initiate, co-ordinate and harmonize policies and strategies relating to
the development of the Service;
(d) initiate programmes
(i) for training and capacity building of members and staff of the
county assembly and other persons;
(ii) that promote ideals of parliamentary democracy as set out in
Article 127(6)(d) of the Constitution; and
(iii) that promote public awareness and participation in the activities
of the county assembly; and
(e) do such other things as may be necessary for the well-being of the
members and staff of the county assembly.
(2) In the performance of its functions under this Act, the Board shall apply
(a) the national values and principles of governance set out in Article 10
of the Constitution; and
(b) the values and principles of public service set out in Article 232(1) of
the Constitution.
12. Powers of the Board as a body corporate
In addition to the powers of the Board under section 12(2) of the County
Governments Act (No. 17 of 2012), the Board shall have the power to
(a) acquire, hold, charge and dispose of movable and immovable
(b) sue and be sued;
(c) despite the provision of any other written law, establish a pension
scheme for officers of the Service and, from time to time, determine
(i) the rates of contribution to the scheme; and
(ii) the multiple of the annual basic salary for the group life and
group personal accident benefits; and
(d) do or perform all such other things or acts for the proper discharge
of its functions under this Act and any written law, as may lawfully be
done or performed by a body corporate.
13. Committees of the Board
(1) The Board may from time to time establish such committees it may consider
necessary for the better carrying out of its functions and the exercise of its powers
under this Act.
(2) The Board may co-opt into the membership of any committee established
under subsection (1) any person whose knowledge and skills are necessary for the
proper performance of the functions of the Board.
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(3) A person co-opted under subsection (2) shall have no right to vote at any
meeting of the committee.
14. Seal of the Board
(1) The seal of the Board shall be such device as may be determined by the
Board and shall be kept by the Secretary.
(2) The affixing of the seal shall be authenticated by the Secretary.
(3) Any document purporting to be under the seal of the Board or issued on
behalf of the Board shall be received in evidence and shall be deemed to be so
executed or issued, as the case may be, without further proof, unless the contrary
is proved.
15. Allowances for the members of the Board
Members of the Board shall be paid such allowances as the Salaries and
Remuneration Commission may determine.
16. Conduct of business and affairs of the Board
The conduct of business and affairs of the Board shall be as set out in the
Second Schedule.
17. Functions of the Secretary
(1) The Secretary shall be
(a) the chief executive officer of the Board;
(b) the accounting officer of the Board;
(c) the administrative head of the Service;
(d) the custodian of the Board's records;
(e) responsible for
(i) the execution of the decisions of the Board; and
(ii) assignment of duties and supervision of the staff of the Board;
(f) the preparation and submission of the programmes necessary for the
achievement of the Board's mandate for approval by the Board;
(g) causing to be kept records of the proceedings and minutes of the
meetings of the Board and such other records as the Board may
(h) ensuring staff compliance with public service values, principles and
ethics; and
(i) the performance of such other duties as may be assigned by the
Board or any other written law.
(2) The Secretary shall be responsible to the chairperson of the Board and the
Board for the general working and efficient conduct of business of the Service.
(3) The Board may delegate to the Secretary such of its functions as are
necessary to carry out the day to day management of the Service, and subject to
such directions as may be given by the Board.
(4) The Secretary may, in consultation with the Board, assign or delegate any
of the functions under this section to an employee of the Service.
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(b) an evaluation on the extent to which the values and principles referred
to in Articles 10 and 232 of the Constitution are complied with in the
public Service;
(c) information relating to performance of the service and attendant
challenges; and
(d) any other information that the Board may consider relevant.
37. Designated member may present documents, etc., in the county
A member of the Board authorised by the Board in that behalf may
(a) lay before the county assembly any document or other matter;
(b) reply to a question relating to the affairs of the Board.
38. Oath of office for members of the Board
(1) The chairperson, vice-chairperson and members shall, before assuming
office, take and subscribe to the oath or affirmation of office prescribed in the Third
(2) The Secretary and such other officers of the Board as the Board may require
so to do, shall, on first appointment, take an oath in the form prescribed in the Third
Schedule to this Act.
(3) Where any person required to take an oath has no religious belief or the
taking of such oath is contrary to his religious belief, he or she may make and
subscribe a solemn affirmation in the form of the oath appointed substituting the
words "solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm" for the word "swear" and omitting
the words "So help me God".
(4) Every oath or affirmation taken by the chairperson shall be administered
by the secretary and every oath or affirmation taken by any other member or the
secretary shall be administered by the chairperson.
(5) Every oath or affirmation taken by any other officer shall be administered
by the secretary.
39. Power to order attendance of witnesses
The Board or any committee thereof may, subject to section 43, order any
person to attend before it and to give evidence or to produce any paper, book,
record or document in the possession or under the control of that person.
40. Privileges of witnesses
Every person summoned to attend to give evidence or to produce any paper,
book, record or document before the Board or a committee thereof shall be entitled,
in respect of that evidence or the disclosure of any communication or the production
or any paper, book, record or document to the same right or privilege as before
a court of law.
41. Evidence of proceedings in the Board not to be given without leave
(1) A member or an officer of the Service or any person employed to take
minutes or evidence before the Board or any committee shall not give evidence
elsewhere in respect of the contents of those minutes or evidence or of the
contents of any document laid before the Board or that committee or in respect of
any proceedings or examination held before the Board or that committee without
special leave first obtained from the chairperson.
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(2) The special leave referred to in subsection (1) may be given by the vice-
chairperson in the absence or other incapacity of the chairperson.
42. Protection of members and staff of the Board
(1) Any act or thing done by any member of the Board or by any officer or
servant of the Board shall not, if the act or thing was done in good faith for the
purposes of carrying out this Act into effect, subject him or her personally to any
liability, action, claim or demand whatsoever.
(2) The provisions of subsection (1) shall not relieve the Board of the liability to
pay compensation or damages to any person for an injury suffered by them, their
property, or any of their interests arising directly or indirectly from the exercise of
any power conferred by this Act.
43. Offences and penalties under the Act
(1) Any person who
(a) in connection with an application by himself or herself or any other
person for employment, appointment or promotion in the Service, or
in connection with any matter on which it is the duty of the Board to
require information or evidence or into which it is the duty of the Board
to inquire, wilfully gives to the Board or to any member thereof any
information which is false or misleading in any material particular;
(b) in a manner contrary to the provisions of this Act, publishes or
discloses to any unauthorised person or otherwise than in the course
of duty the contents or any part of the contents of any document,
communication or information whatsoever which has come to his
knowledge in the course of his or her duties under this Act, and any
person who knowingly acts in contravention of this paragraph;
(c) having possession of any information which to his or her knowledge
has been published or disclosed in contravention of paragraph (b)
of this section, publishes or communicates to any other person
otherwise than for the purpose of any prosecution under this Act or in
the course of his or her duty any such information;
(d) otherwise than in the course of duty, directly or indirectly by himself or
herself or by any other person in any manner whatsoever unlawfully
influences or attempts to influence any decision of the Board or of any
member thereof;
(e) disobeys any order made by the Board or a committee for attendance
or for production of papers, books documents or records; or
(f) refuses to be examined before, or to answer any lawful and relevant
question put by the Board or a committee, commits an offence and
shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand
shillings, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or to
(2) Subsection (1)(d) shall not prohibit any person from giving a certificate
or testimonial to any applicant or candidate for the Service or supplying any
information or assistance upon formal request made by the Board.
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[Section 9 (2).]
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[Section 16.]
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11. The Board may, by directions in writing, delegate any of its powers under this
section to any one or more of its members or to any officer in the County Assembly
12. The Board shall cause minutes of all proceedings of meetings of the Board to
be entered in books for that purpose.
13. Except as provided by this Schedule, the Board may regulate its own
[Section 38.]
. Oath/Affirmation of Member of the Board
I, having been appointed as Chairman/Vice Chairman/Member of the County
Assembly Service Board do swear/solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that
I will without fear or favour, affection or ill-will discharge the functions of the office
of Chairman/Vice-Chairman/Member of the County Assembly Service Board, and
that I will not, directly or indirectly, reveal any matter relating to such function to
unauthorised persons or otherwise than in the course of my duty.
Sworn/Declared by the said
before me this day of
County Assembly Service Board
County Assembly Service Board
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