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International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (2022) 12 : 531–543


Failure area evaluation of the coupler with threaded bar: Experimental and
Numerical study

Mohamad Reza Shokrzadeh1, F. Nateghi-Alahi2

The problem of overcrowding at the junction of the rebars is very significant, particularly for
seismic details. Mechanical couplers can, thus offer an appealing solution that eliminates the
disadvantages of traditional reinforcement splicing. By identifying the target area for bar failure,
the potential area for failure could be modified with this in mind, it is very useful in assessing the
position of the reinforced concrete (RC) plastic hinge. In this context, the present study focuses
on the numerical and analytical modelling of the experimentally obtained response of Integrated
bar (without coupler) and bars with mechanical coupler to tensile uniaxial tests. Simulation results
showed agreement with the experimental response in terms of load–elongation curve, Von Mises
yield and failure mode .After validating the model, alternative designs (diameter, height and
thickness of mechanical couplers and bar) were numerically tested to study the influence of the
geometry of the structural system on the failures mechanical coupler. Overall results indicated
that the optimum design would be the one with an increased diameter in the thread area of both
the bar and the mechanical coupler. For this improved configuration, the load-bearing capacity
was Similar to the Integrated bar (without coupler) Cases.

Keywords: Mechanical bar Splices, Coupler Properties, Ductility, Absorbed energy, Numerical model

Introduction The length of the overlapping bars must be

One of the main concerns of researchers is equal to or greater than the length of the
the significance of bar splice techniques in anchorage bar when the overlapping
reinforced concrete (RC) structures in procedure is used [3]. For situations in which
seismic activity and overall construction ductile detailing is needed, the reinforcement
costs and time. Due to the constraints of bar congestion becomes especially important[4].
length, the splicing of bars in RC structures Conventional lap splices can lead to section
is unavoidable[1,2]. 2 Several methods for over-reinforcement, leading to possible non-
splicing reinforcement bars include: ductile reaction in the spliced region due to
overlapping bars, couplers, mechanical stress localization at both ends of the lap,
patching, and head-to - head welding bars. thus altering the capacity of deformation.

1. Department of civil engineering, Islamic Azad

University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2. Structural Engineering Research Center, International
Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology,
Tehran, Iran
532 International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (2022) 12 : 531–543

The important problem with this approach is prevents ultimate tensile strength, is one of
that, especially when applied to bars with a the weaknesses in the bar connections Figure
diameter greater than 30 mm, it is not 1 a[4]. To achieve the highest tensile
economically advantageous. As a result, the strength, a failure outside the coupler
use of couplers has become widespread, not connection must occur. Few numerical
only reducing bar weight, minimizing bar studies have been performed on bar
congestion and contributing to cost-effective Threaded couplers Figure 1 b [17]. In this
construction, but also making it easier to research, by identifying the target area for
apply and less time consuming[4–6] .There bar failure, the potential area for failure
are currently a number of standards available could be modified, which could be very
for testing mechanical bar splices[7–9]. useful in assessing the position of the RC
However, neither of these documents sets plastic hinge. On this basis, it is suggested
out approval requirements or modeling that the latest research on bar Threaded
approaches for couplers to be used in the couplers be combined to introduce a few new
critical area of ductile members[5].In recent couplers and their experimental reaction to
experimental research, coupler efficiency the latter based on their behavior's numerical
was investigated, typically using one or more modeling. The designed model is used to
coupler forms per study[4,6,10–13], and the assess the specimens' optimum configuration
effect of some couplers on seismic column parameters later on. To achieve this goal, the
performance was investigated[14]. Bompa numerical study included changes in the
and Elghazouli [5,15] collected more than height and thickness of the mechanical
350 test data from the literature and carried couplers and bar, and the FEM failure mode
out a statistical analysis of the coupler also included bar or thread disconnection.
performance database. They find that the Coupler specimens are categorized into
strain power of the splice (the coupler and its different groups and simulated using the
anchor bars) can be reduced from 19 per cent finite element method software. Two
to 92 per cent by different couplers. They calibration simulations and 4 cases designed
also find that the geometry of the coupler were theoretically studied on the basis of the
plays an important role in the efficiency of results of the numerical model. The
splicing. They did not, however, recommend specimens with these configurations shall be
any coupling model and did not define the examined under a uniaxial tensile test for the
coupling characteristics that could be used in identification of the most appropriate
ductile members. Overall, it can be coupler schemes for splicing reinforcement
concluded that the stress-strain behavior of bars.
the mechanically spliced bars differs from
that of the Integrated bars on the basis of the
previous coupler test results in such a way
that the deformation capacity of the
mechanically spliced bars is smaller than
that of the Integrated bars. In other words,
the integrated bars stretch more than the
mechanically spliced bars of the same
length[4]. In Threaded coupler, the bar ends
are threaded and connected by a long
(a) (b)
nut[5,16].The failure of threads, which
International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (2022) 12 : 531–543 533

Figure 1. Types of failure in Threaded

couplers [4]

2.1. Materials and specimens

In this study, two types of bars are evaluated:
1) Integrated bar and 2) Threaded coupler.
The dimensions of the specimens and the
bars and the configuration of the coupler are
shown in Figure 2. The Integrated bar is 32
mm in diameter and 760 mm in height
Figure 2a. The bar for Threaded couplers
has a diameter of 32 mm, a height of 380 (b) Threaded
mm, for each bar Figure 2 b, and the coupler
has an external diameter of 48 mm and an
internal diameter of 32 mm with a length of
84 mm Figure 2 c. The steel reinforcement
bars used for the experimental specimens
were of type AIII. The properties of the bars (c) coupler
were 0.3, 500 MPa and 210 GPa for Poisson Figure 2. Experimental details and dimensions
ratio, tensile strength and elasticity modulus, 2.2. Experimental test setup
respectively. The Threaded coupler was used This testing machine is used to apply tensile
for splicing between bars. The coupler and compressive forces to round and flat
properties for Poisson ratio, tensile strength samples, either statically or dynamically
Figure 3. A maximum of 600 kN is
and elasticity modulus were 0.3, 600MPa applicable in the static state and a maximum
and 210 GPa. of 500 kN is applied in the dynamic state.
The device consists of two jaws, the upper
jaw has a support map, and the lower jaw
acts as a stimulus. The distance between the
two jaws can be changed by raising and
lowering the upper jaw. In addition, the jaw
can be moved up to 30 cm apart. The digital
controller 9600 is the intermediary between
the device and the computer. In addition to
precisely controlling the function of the
mandible in both the elongation control and
the force control, this controller is capable of
(a) Integrated bar sampling and transmitting two elongation
signals (Stroke) and force (Load) from the
output of the converters installed on the
actuator and the computer. It also provides
two analog output channels for connecting to
an external oscilloscope and viewing
instantaneous elongation and load values.
The entire set is controlled by the Workshop
software package. This software package
includes a number of programs. The
specimens of the Integrated bar and the
mechanical bar coupler were placed under
uniaxial Tensile at the end of the bar.
Specimens tested under additive axial
elongation of up to 20 mm (according to
534 International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (2022) 12 : 531–543

ASTM E8 [18]). The test setup was shown in first part corresponded to a linear-elastic
Figure 3. The parts of the bar were first response with a constant slope that ended
marked before starting the machine. The with the development of the first elongation
distance between the marks should be 6 and the second part showed a nonlinear slope
times the diameter of the piece, and if the
diameter of the bar is 32 mm, the range of the in both specimens, including the post
two targets should be 192 mm (according to elongation stage. Figure 5-a and Figure 5-b
ASTM E8[18]). After the machine was depicts the failure mode of the experimented
turned on and checked, the air pressure was bars integrated without coupler and with
adjusted to 6 to 8 bar. Then the bar was Threaded coupler respectively. Failure,
firmly attached to the device, and the test observed For bar combined without
was carried out. After testing and seeing the coupling, near to Fixed Support and For
diagram and breaking the rebar, its tensile Threaded coupler, in the nearby coupling
strength was seen. center. It should be noted that, on the basis
of the mechanical splice requirements set out
in ACI 318, section, "a full
mechanical connection shall develop at least
125 per cent of the specified bar strength
when required by tension or
compression"[17]. This requirement means
that, in the event of failure, the yield will
occur in the reinforcement bar before the
failure of the mechanical connection. As
shown in the Figure. 5b, bar failure occurred
in the coupler. Therefore, the splice used in
this study does not meet this requirement.
Figure 3. Testing configuration for uniaxial tests.
2.3 Results of bending tests
The results of the experimental bars
integrated without coupler and with
Threaded coupler in terms of load, deflection
and relative yield elongation (dy) maximum
relative elongation (du) values of the general
ductility ratio (μ) of the bar, dissipated
energy, maximum capacity deformation and
failure modes are reported in Table 1. The
load- elongation curve response for both
experimented cases is shown in Figure 4. Figure 4. Load- elongation curves obtained by
These are divided into two main parts; the experimental results

Table 1. Experimental results

Specimen Maximum Fy Deformation dy du dissipated 𝛍 Failure
Tensile at the (mm) (mm) energy 𝒅𝒖 mode
strength maximum ( =
(kN) capacity
integrated 500 400 30 8 50 25131 6.25 bar
Threaded 404 366 17 5 17 6782 3.4 Thread
International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (2022) 12 : 531–543 535

(a) Integrated bar (b) Threaded coupler

Figure 5. Failure mode

3.1. Materials in FEM
3. Finite element method (FEM) Two experimental tests of Integrated bar and
ABAQUS[19] general purpose finite the threaded bar were chosen to fit the
element software was used to model numerical model in the two main
experimental tests in order to provide a representative situations. The following
general procedure widely available for parameters are used for the numerical
practitioners. Following subsections deal simulation of the coupler, the Integrated bar
with geometry, materials, mesh, boundary and the threaded bar: the nonlinearity of the
conditions, contacts and calculation geometric and material components of the
procedure definitions of the implemented elementary joints, the pretension force of the
model. Models were divided in three 3D threaded rebar, the contact between the
parts: one for integrated bar, one for coupler threaded thread and the friction. The 6-node
and the last one threaded bar. Models A to D, linear triangular prism element (C3D6) was
are the numerical models which were used to model the coupler, the Integrated bar
designed by simulator software and and the threaded bar. Numerical results are
corresponding dimensions are presented in highly sensitive to the properties of contact
Figure 7. In all experimental and numerical between the coupler components and the
models, dimension of mesh is equal to top preloaded threaded bar. For all contacts, a
surface of threaded. The interaction between small sliding surface-to - surface
the coupler and the threaded was considered discretization method was considered. The
as surface-to-surface contact standard. In surface contact properties between the plate
order to simplify the computation, the elements were modeled as tangential
trilinear model with isotropic hardening is behavior using a penalty friction coefficient
adopted for rebar and coupler. The model of 0.40 Normal behavioral contact properties
assumes a linear stress–strain relationship using Augmented Lagrangian Formulation
for the material prior to the yield stress. The were considered to be normal forces between
hardening phase is simplified as a straight the same components. Tangential contact
line after the yield plateau. For the between the coupler and the threaded bar
simulation of the bar and coupler, two linear was considered to be frictional. The hard
3D truss elements (T3D2) were used. contact was used to link the coupler to the
Various mesh sizes according to each part's threaded bar elements[20]. Each coupler and
thickness (bar, and coupler) were applied. the bar were considered to be a single body.
The convergence of digital solutions was The finite element predictions showed
controlled with mesh measurements of 100, excellent agreement with the test results, in
75, 50, and 25 mm in the concrete region. particular the lateral load-elongation
536 International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (2022) 12 : 531–543

response, reinforcement yield, crack

patterns, and failure modes. The typical
mechanical coupler bar is shown in Figure
2. In this study, the mechanical couplers bar
was analyzed by the developed specimen
and the results were compared with the
experimental results Figure 6. As might
have been considered in Figure 6, the results Figure 6. The experimental and numerical load
elongation curves of the specimens in threaded
of the analytical samples are appropriately bar and with Threaded coupler
consistent with the results of the
experimental studies. In particular,
maximum loads were predicted with an 4. Geometric parameters study
average relative error of 4% (520kN To evaluate the performance of the coupler-
predicted vs. 500kN experimental for the threaded bar various geometries were
cases Integrated bar and 420kN vs. 404 kN simulated with the parameters fixed in the
for the cases Threaded coupler bar). previous fitting process. Simulated cases are
Numerical model tends to consider a little summarized in Figure 7. The first step in
more experimental load-elongation capacity. evaluating a pair of Threaded coupler bar is
Numerical model tends to be considered a to guide the failure of the bars outside the
little more experimental load-elongation thread. Threaded coupler bar cases were
capacity. As long as the coupler-threaded bar elongated at the end of the bars. Cases tested
contact was supposed to be completely under additive axial elongation up to 50 mm.
bonded, when this condition is lost the model The coupler used had an elasticity modulus
convergence is no longer possible and there equal to 210 GPa, the Poisson ratio was 0.3,
is no predicted data for the post-critic the Ultimate tensile strength was 600 MPa.
response. Nevertheless, FEM failure mode Also, the steel used had an elasticity modulus
was FEM coupler-threaded disconnection equal to 210 GPa, the Poisson ratio was 0.3,
and loading branch is the most significant for the Ultimate tensile strength was 500 MPa.
designing procedures which was the initial
aim of the research.

(1) Case Integrate bar (2) Case Threaded coupler

32mm diameter and 760mm height of bar.
32 mm diameter and 380 mm height of bar. 42
mm height and 32 mm External diameter of
threaded. 84 mm height,48 mm External
diameter and 32 mm inner diameter of coupler.
International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (2022) 12 : 531–543 537

(3)Case A Taper threaded coupler (4)Case B Tall threaded coupler

32 mm diameter and 380 mm height of bar. 32 mm diameter and 380 mm height of bar. 84
42 mm height, 7.5 mm High diameter and 32 mm mm height and 32 mm External diameter of
low diameter of threaded. threaded. 168 mm height,48 mm External
84 mm height,48 mm External diameter and 32 mm diameter and 32 mm inner diameter of coupler.
High diameter and 7.5 mm Center diameter of

(5)Case C Threaded with the teeth close together (6)Case D Oversize-threaded coupler

32 mm diameter and 380 mm height of bar. 42 mm 32 mm diameter and 380 mm height of bar. 42
height, 32 mm External diameter and The distance of mm height, 38 mm External diameter and of
each tooth is 1.5 mm of threaded. 84 mm height, The threaded. 84 mm height, The distance of each
distance of each tooth is 1.5 mm, 48 mm External tooth is 1.5 mm, 54 mm External diameter and
diameter and 32 mm inner diameter of coupler. 38 mm inner diameter of coupler.

Figure 7. Definition of coupler, threaded bar and integrated bar specimens for geometry parametric study.

4.1 Analysis of the Load-Elongation and B showed similar capacities, so

curves increasing the height of the coupler is not
The load-elongation curves of cases A, B, C really effective if the threaded bar-coupler
and D are shown in Figure 8 together with connection is secured. Case B had a larger
those representing the experimental cases threaded area and therefore showed a higher
tested. In Table 2, the values of Ultimate initial stiffness, although the larger threaded
Strength (Fp), Maximum Capacity area of the case C had a higher maximum
Deformation (Fu) and the area under the resistance. In case C, the reduction of the
force-displacement curve (Dissipated distance between the teeth increasing the
Energy-Gd) are introduced. The results threaded amount in the center of the coupling
showed that the increased threaded bar cross causes the system to increase the dissipated
section significantly increased the load- energy compared to the Threaded coupler
bearing capacity. Cases Threaded coupler case, although the maximum load-bearing
538 International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (2022) 12 : 531–543

capacity has not been maintained. In case C, the Von Mises stress exceeds a value known
reduction of threaded diameter in the form as yield power. Note that Von Mises stress is
taper, the dissipated energy of the system a non-negative, scalar stress scale.Von Mises
was reduced and the maximum load-bearing stress was widely used to present findings
capacity was not maintained compared to the and the structural safety of certain
Threaded coupler case. Comparing case D to engineering components showed
case B, it has been shown that increasing the elastoplastic properties (e.g. steel or
threaded section width is more effective than aluminum alloys) could be measured using
increasing the threaded section height Von Mises stress. The maximum stress loss
against elongation as expected. Cases criterion of Von Mises was based on the
Integrate Bar and D showed similar theory of von Mises-Hencky, also known as
capacities, making it very effective to the theory of scalar energy or the theory of
increase the width of the threaded section. maximum energy distortion. The principle
notes that the ductile substance tends to yield
at a position where the stress of Von Mises
is equal to the stress limit. In most situations,
the yield strength has been used as the
tension maximum. The stress of Von Mises
5-007v could be represented either by six
stress components[21].
The model for the experimental case
Threaded coupler a maximum Von Mises
stress value of about 514 Mpa, which
indicated extensive tensile damage in
Figure 8. Comparison of Load-Elongation curves
for cases.
threaded and most of the cracks were formed
at the center of the coupler. Greatest cracks
4.2 Analysis of the Von Mises stress index in this area were expected and obtained by
Until yielding, the material reaction may be the model as it can be seen in Figure 9 and
believed to be nonlinear elastic, viscoelastic, Table 2. If putting the coupler, the maximum
or linear elastic. In material science and principal Von Mises stress is increased to
engineering, the Von Mises efficiency about 534 Mpa indicating a stress
criteria could be formulated in terms of stress concentration and the corresponding damage
or comparable tensile stress. This is a scalar increase.
stress value that could be determined from
the Cauchy stress tensor. In this case, the
material was sidelined to start yielding when

Table 2. The maximum load carrying capacity, the dissipated energy and maximum principle Von Mises
stress for all the cases
Cases Maximum Tensile Deformation at the dissipated energy Von Mises
strength (kN) maximum capacity (mm) ( stress (Mpa)

FEM Integrated bar 520 30 21344 514

FEM Threaded 420 17 7018 514
A 389.8 12 6155 514
B 400.5 13 6594 514
C 402 14 7297 534
D 500 30 20394 514
International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (2022) 12 : 531–543 539

Due to unilateral stretching (similar to FEM improve the tensile capacity of the system
Integrated bar), near-support failure was and transfer the fractured out of the threaded
expected. Failure occurred at the thread region. In this case Von Mises stress reached
location in specimens A, B, and C. The the greatest value among models: 20394
failure specimen D is similar to the base Mpa. This fact indicates that this case was
specimen near the support. The most damage the one allowing more tensile damage
at the thread site is related to the A specimen. development in bar. The case with increased
This may be due to the low cross-section area. threaded height and coupler (case B) showed
The results of specimen C show that that the threaded tensile damage had
lowering the thread pitch does not affect the occurred. A representative contour plot of
fracture area, and the results of specimen C Von Mises stress index is provided in Figure
show that increasing the thread length does 8.
not affect the fracture area. Increasing the
tooth height (case D) can significantly

Integrate bar Threaded coupler

540 International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (2022) 12 : 531–543

Case A Case B

Case C Case D
Figure 9. Maximum Von Mises stress in base and the lateral elongation. The incorporation of
the proposed cases
dissipated energy related to the increase in
lateral elongation will result in total
4.3 Dissipated energy
dissipated energy at each stage of inter-story
Energy dissipation and inelastic deformation
elongation. The evalution of the dissipated
of the elongation load resistance system
energy for all case states was given in Figure
suggest the ability of the structure to
10. Dissipated energy is explored in three
withstand the loading requirements of the
areas 1, 2 and 3, with area 1 at a distance of
seismic case. The sum of dissipated energy
0 to 7 cm and area 2 at a distance of 7 to 14
could be determined from the enclosed area
and 3 at a distance of 14 to 20 cm. All cases
at each loading stage, as shown by the
were compared with the experimental case.
monotonous response of the lateral load vs.
International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (2022) 12 : 531–543 541

The energy dissipation potential of the cases stiffness of area 1 is more than that of the
A, B and C was lower than that of the one Integrate bar case.
Integrated bar case in the corresponding case
in After area 3 loading steps. Case D has
given an energy dissipation potential
equivalent to the Integrated bar in all areas
(1,2 and 3).

Figure 11. Usage of initial-stiffness and secant

stiffness concepts related to the complete non-
linear response of the structure and its

Fig. 10. Evalution of the dissipated energy

4.4 Secant stiffness

The rigidity of a mechanical rebar coupler

assembly could deteriorate as a
consequence of reversal and repetitive
monotonic loading behavior Figure 11[22].
During the elongation evalution, the secant
stiffness was estimated to determine the
stiffness degradation, and the relationship Fig.12. Evalution of secant stiffness
was shown in Figure 12 for all cases, the
secant stiffness is taken as a straight line
slope connecting the peak loads at each step 5. Conclusions
of the elongation at the positive In this study, a comprehensive experimental
displacements of the load versus the and analytical study was conducted to
displacement envelope. Secant stiffness investigate the performance of the Threaded
was investigated in three zones, 1, 2 and 3, Bar Failure Area. Based on the results of the
with zone 1 at a distance between 0 and numerical cases, different behavioral and
10cm and zone 2 at a distance between performance indices such as Tensile
10and 20 and 3 at a distance between 20 strength, ductility ratio, secant stiffness and
and 50 cm. The base case has been
Von Misses are studied. The following
compared to all cases. Cases A, B and C
results could be expressed in the light of the
have the same rigidity as Integrate bar and
Threaded bar cases in areas 1 and 2, and the stated subjects and within the limited scope
rigidity of zone 3 is lower than that of of this study:
Integrate bar and Threaded bar cases. The  Case D (Oversize-threaded coupler)
stiffness of case D is the same as that of the shows that the failure occurred in the
Integrate bar case in areas 2and 3 and the rebar and outside the thread near the
542 International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering (2022) 12 : 519–542

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