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International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 135

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2022

https://www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

Detailed Study on Investigation on Behaviour of

RC Beams Using Rebar Coupler
M. Sathya Priya1*, A. Abdul Hameed2
PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Nandha Engineering College, Erode, India
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Nandha Engineering College, Erode, India

Abstract: The aim of the project is to test the behaviour of RC 3. Scope and Objective
beam by using tapered threaded mechanical coupler. In lap
splicing the two rods are overlapped each other. In overlap, the The range of the project is to detailed learning the way of
load transfer to steel and concrete. The load in one rod is beahve and strength of tapered threaded mechanical couplers
transferred to another rod. If using the coupler they do not overlap and beam.
with each other and less reinforcement is required and material Objective:
cost can be reduced. 1. To study the ability, longevity and way of behaving of
mechanical couplers.
Keywords: Behaviour of RC beam, Tapered threaded
2. To learn the behaviour of RC beam using couplers, B1
mechanical couplers.
and B2. B1 beam is coupler used in 12mm rod and B2
1. Introduction beam is coupler used in 16mm rod.
3. M30 grade concrete for Mix design
In construction of building steel reinforcement plays a main 4. To determine casting procedure of cube, cylinder,
role to transfer the shear force and tension. The RC coupler is prism and necessary beams using coupler
used to reduce time during construction and requirements of 5. Compare the result of conventional, B1 and B2 beam.
Mechanical splices: 4. Preliminary Investigation
Mechanical splicing coupler having threads at inside on each
ends of the joints and RC bars with having matching thread at In this preliminary investigation is to share out the material
outside. Coupler is a device made of threaded for joining the property used in study and behaviour of coupler.
two reinforcing bars to transfer axial tension from one to A. Materials Used
another bar. They are manufactured from steel on a lathe 1. Cement
machine. The manufacturing process involves cut, sanding, 2. Fine aggregate
bore, thread, drilling and finish. 3. Coarse aggregate
Taper threaded couplers: 4. Water
In this coupler the threading is to be carried out on RC bar at 5. Tapered threaded coupler
some shape of inclination. The slighted threading to be fixed all
threads at same time in joint. This type of taper threaded 1) Cement
couplers are used in columns and not be used in raft. Table 1
Properties of cement
2. Literature Review S.No. Properties Value
1 Consistency test 30%
F. Nateghi-Alahi, Mohamad Reza Shokrzadeh (2019), The 2 Initial setting time 31min
main problem of reinforcement crowding for seismic detailing. 3 Final setting time 7%
4 Specific gravity 3.16
It happened particularly challenging for ductile. Mechanical
5 Fineness test 310min
couplers can so suggestion an attractive different that reduce the
drawbacks of reinforcement splice. The absence of dependable 2) Fine aggregate
information on rebar coupler performance remarkably hinders Fine aggregates is consist of sand or squash stone with
their utilize, as of this problem couplers are specifically not particles. i.e., M sand passing through a 4.75mm sieve and
allowed in seismic Regulations. In this paper since supplying retained on 300 microns.
an overview of several rebar coupling systems for all specimen, 3) Coarse aggregate
the particular way of behaving mechanical RC couplers Graded irregular and granular material such as gravel. Isa
interweave forms is argue, and their clue showing variables are squash hard blue granite jelly available in local area was used.
*Corresponding author: sathyapriya1313@gmail.com
M. S. Priya et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 5, NO. 5, MAY 2022 136

Aggregate also very important for power, heat and flexible 5) Tapered threaded coupler
properties of concrete. The maximum size of CA is limited to The mechanical Tapered threaded coupler is manufactured
16mm. The properties of coarse aggregate are given in table. by girder coupler manufacturing.

Table 2 5. Experimental Investigation

Properties of coarse aggregate
S.No. Properties Test result Mix Proportion:
1 Relative density 2.63 Cement = 436.78 Kg/Cum
2 Impact value 12% Fine aggregate = 744.73 Kg/Cum
3 Water absorption 0.47% Coarse aggregate = 1157.56 Kg/Cum
4 Bulk density 1546 kg/m3
Water = 196 lit/m3
Mix ratio = 1: 1.70: 2.65
4) Water
Water plays a main role for mixing the concrete and for
curing purposes. The value of PH level of water should not be
less than 6.
Table 3
Compressive test for cube
Cube No. Duration Cube Dimension (mm) Load (kN) Compressive strength (N/mm2) Average compressive strength (N/mm2)
1 540 24
7 days 150x150x150 26.45
2 650 28.89
3 850 37.78
28 days 150x150x150 37.33
4 830 36.88

Table 4
Split tensile test
Specimen S.No. Dimension Load (kN) Split tensile strength Avg tensile strength(N/mm2)
1 21.20 3.00
Conventional Concrete d=150mm L=300mm 3.11
2 22.75 3.22

Table 5
Flexural test
Specimen S.No. Dimension Load (KN) Flexural Strength Average Flexural Strength (N/mm2)
Conventional Concrete 1 22.95 3.7
2 26.33 3.9 3.8

Table 6
Results for tensile test with coupler Conventional Beam (CB)
Dimension Ultimate Stress
S.No. Specimen LOAD (kN)
L = 1M N/mm2
1 TMT Bar D = 12 mm 50 442.12
2 With Coupler D =16 mm 75 373.02

Load (kN) Deflection (mm) Load (kN) Deflection (mm)

0 0 27 3.790
4.5 0.207 31.5 5.035
9 0.512 36 6.808
13.5 1.109 40.5 9.513
18 1.807 45 14.519
22.5 2.712

Table 7
Experimental test results of RC conventional beam
Specimen No. Maximum Load (kN) Central Deflection (mm) Ductility Factor Energy Absorption Capacity (kN-mm) Stiffness (kN/mm)
1 45 15 6.8 609 16.5

Table 8
Load deflection behaviour of RC beam with 12mm coupler (B1)
Load (kN) Deflection (mm) Load (kN) Deflection (mm)
0 0 40.5 5.413
4.5 0.609 45 6.211
9 1.012 49.5 7.414
13.5 1.491 54 8.611
18 2.012 58.5 10.091
22.5 2.467 63 11.813
27 3.135 67.5 14.152
31.5 3.910 72 18.123
36 4.611
M. S. Priya et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 5, NO. 5, MAY 2022 137

Table 9
Load deflection behaviour of RC beam with 16mm rebar coupler (B2)
Load (kN) Deflection (mm) Load (kN) Deflection (mm)
0 0 45 3.529
4.5 0.201 49.5 4.228
9 0.429 54 4.920
13.5 0.712 58.5 5.601
18 1.079 63 6.213
22.5 1.306 67.5 7.120
27 1.751 72 8.090
31.5 2.090 76.5 9.590
36 2.529 81 11.090
40.5 3.012 85.5 13.5

Table 10
Experimental test results of RC beams with rebar couplers
Specimen No. Maximum Load (kN) Central Deflection (mm) Ductility Factor Energy Absorption Capacity (kN-mm) Stiffness (kN/mm)
B1 72 18 6 1134 9.4
B2 85.5 13.5 6.8 1188 18
6. Result was 2 times more than the conventional beam.
Finally, the result obtained from the above comparission of • The ductility factor of beam of the coupler spliced
beams are B2 beam having higher strength than the B1. B1 beam was 1.2% more than the conventional beam.
beam having higher strength than the conventional beam. RC Beam with 16 mm Coupler Spliced:
• The final load carrying capacity of the coupler spliced
7. Conclusion beam was 90% more than the ultimate strength of the
The strength of the coupler in tensile is noted by its Ultimate conventional beam.
stress of the 12mm coupler joint rod of 1m is almost 62% of its • The first crack load of the coupler spliced beam is 2.25
tensile strength of uncut plain rod and Ultimate stress of 16 mm times greater than the conventional beam.
coupler joint rod of 1m is almost 63% of its tensile strength of • The stiffness value of the coupler spliced beam was
uncut plain rod. 1.2% more than the conventional beam.
RC Beam with 12 mm Coupler Spliced: • The energy absorption of the coupler spliced beam
• The final load carrying capacity of the coupler spliced was 2 times more than the conventional beam.
beam was 60% more than the ultimate strength of the • The ductility factor of beam of the coupler spliced
conventional beam. beam was 1.2% more than the conventional beam.
• The first crack load of the coupler spliced beam is 1.6
times greater than the conventional beam. References
• The stiffness value of the coupler spliced beam was [1] A De Jong, W. Shi, B. Shafei, T. Hosteng, “Integral abutment connections
with grouted reinforcing bar couplers and ultrahigh performance
1.2% more than the conventional beam. concrete,” 2021.
• The energy absorption of the coupler spliced beam

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