OSR Rosetta Stone

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Rosetta Stone

vic neitte (Order #36347496)

There are a lot of OSR type games.
Each game features a unique variant of some basic math. Each has a few assumptions about how these numbers play and scale, and
each edition carries its own variation affecting play. Converting between systems is trivial. However, for some of the subsystems, such
Table Key
D20: This is the D20/3.5/Pathfinder skill system. It assumes constantly scaling bonuses and difficulties.
as converting 1st edition style non-weapon proficiencies to 3rd skill DC’s, or 5th edition skills back to 3rd edition skill DC’s it can get a little
5th (DC): This is the 5th edition “bounded accuracy” system. It assumes a maximum proficiency bonus of +6, a maximum statistic
more complicated. bonus of +5, giving your average 20th level character a +11 on rolls. Expertise can double the proficiency bonus and magic can add up
A + always means that the skill is easier. In roll under systems (D100/NWP) this means the modifier is applied to the target number. to +3, making the maximum normal value a character can achieve +20 on a roll. Characters, particularly rogues, will hit this range. If
your rogue has a passive perception of 29, the expectation is they will see all traps. Keep this in mind when converting difficulties.
C&C: This is the challenge class rating for Castles & Crusades. The odds are calculated assuming primes. If not prime, simply subtract 6
20-ThAC0 = BAB to get the same chance for a non-prime. A prime stat has a challenge value of 12 for checks, a non prime 18. Challenge class is added
20-BAB = ThAC0 to the base (prime/non-prime) difficulty. Statistic bonuses range from -4 to +3, your level is added if applicable to the check.
ACKS Throw: This is the player facing value the roller must succeed against in the Adventurer Conqueror King system. Modifiers are
20-Descending AC = Ascending AC applied to the die roll. You may alternately align these numbers with the Base Success Chance value, but the proficiencies make it clear
20-Ascending AC = Descending AC that average tasks succeed on a 11+, where as formidable tasks (using healing to cure disease for example) still have a chance of
Difficulty of D100: This refers to the modifier applied to the target number on any system using a roll under % system for skills, such as Hackmaster
D20 (DC) 5th (DC) C&C (CC) ACKS throw D100 NWP ~% BSC D6 Task 4th edition. For open ended percentile systems like Rollmaster, these can modify the percentile result (but if they modify the result over
95% or under 5%, they will not cause the roll to become open ended.)
10 5 DC 0 (-6) 4+ +65% +4 90% 5 in 6 Trivial- NWP: This is the modifier applied to Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition Non-Weapon Proficiency system. These modifiers are applied to
11 10 DC 0 (-5) 5+ +60% +4 85% 5 in 6 Easy the target number. Modifiers for non-weapon proficiency rise slower because it is much more costly to become more effective at those
skills (+5% every 3-4 levels). This makes the approximate success chance for non-weapon proficiency inaccurate, but does keep it in
12 10 DC 0 (-4) 6+ +55% +3 80% 5 in 6 Easy line with the difficulty of the task. Non-weapon proficiency modifiers should probably cap out around -8. I have never played a 2nd
13 10 DC 0 (-3) 6+ +50% +3 75% 5 in 6 Easy edition game where the house rule of each time you spend a non-weapon proficiency slot on the skill, it increase the bonus to the roll
by +4 instead of +1.
14 10 DC 0 (-2) 7+ +45% +2 70% 4 in 6 Average BSC: This is the base success chance. It is simply a representation of the percentage chance of success at any task in the abstract.
15 15 DC 0 (-1) 8+ +40% +2 65% 4 in 6 Average Consider this the baseline of the table for comparison.
D6: Using a system like Skills: The Middle Road or Lamentations of the Flame Princess? This is a d6 representation of core chances for
16 15 DC 0 9+ +35% +1 60% 4 in 6 Average success.
17 15 DC 1 10+ +30% +1 55% 4 in 6 Average Difficulty of Task: This is a word description of the difficulty of the task being accomplished, like the base chance of success,
intended to act as a baseline.
18 15 DC 2 11+ +25% 0 50% 3 in 6 Average
19 20 DC 3 12+ +20% -1 45% 3 in 6 Difficult Monster Conversions
20 20 DC 4 13+ +15% -1 40% 3 in 6 Difficult Original Dungeons and Dragons: Monsters all use D6 for hit dice.
Basic Dungeons and Dragons/ACKS: Monsters use D8 for hit dice, but weapon damage and player hit point totals remain at
21 20 DC 5 14+ +10% -2 35% 2 in 6 Difficult OD&D levels, making monsters much more deadly.
22 20 DC 6 15+ +5% -3 30% 2 in 6 Difficult 1st/2nd Edition/C&C: Monsters use D8 for hit dice, but player hit point totals are higher. C&C requires armor class conversion.
All the above versions of D&D use a +X modifier following hit points to indicate that it hits “above it’s class” gaining a bonus to ThAC0.
23 20 DC 7 15+ +0 -4 25% 2 in 6 Difficult 3rd Edition: Monster hit points vary by monster type and have Constitution bonuses applied. When converting back to earlier
24 25 DC 8 16+ -5% -5 20% 1 in 6 Very Difficult editions, eliminate the Constitution bonus and roll the appropriate die for hit dice. When converting forward use the appropriate die
type for the monster type and consider increasing hit points based on hit die due to increased player damage output. Armor classes
25 25 DC 9 16+ -10% -6 15% 1 in 6 Very Difficult must also be capped if converting backwards, eliminating dexterity bonuses and adjusting for scaling increases.
26 25 DC 10 17+ -15% -7 10% 1 in 6 Very Difficult Hackmaster 4e: This is functionally equivalent to 1st edition if the hit point kicker is removed.
5th Edition: 5th edition monsters are the most difficult to convert. The difficulty is inflated hit point totals and bounded accuracy. Here
27 25 DC 11 17+ -20% -8 5% 1 in 6 Very Difficult are some guidelines for on the fly conversion.
• Ability Scores—Use ½ Fortitude, Reflex and Will saves for ability bonuses.
28 25 DC 12 18+ -25% -9 0% 0 in 6 Formidable
• Alternately the bonus is +½ CR.
29 25 DC 13 19+ -30% -10 -5% 0 in 6 Formidable • Proficiency bonus is as Character level to Hit Dice, i.e. 1-4 Hit die is +2, 5-9 Hit die is +3.
30 30 DC 14 20+ -35% -11 -10% 0 in 6 Impossible+ • To hit bonus—is ½ CR + Proficiency Bonus, no penalties for multi-attack, damage should remain the same
31 30 DC 15 20+ -40% -11 -15% 0 in 6 Impossible+ • Skills—Use ½ appropriate save bonus + proficiency bonus. Double this bonus if trained.
• Armor Class—Is bounded. Use AC 10-12 for lightly armored, AC 13-15 for medium armor, and AC 16-19 for heavy armor.
32 30 DC 16 21+ -45% -12 -20% -1 in 6 Impossible+
• Hit points—CR×10+20. If not, adjust up only.
33 30 DC 17 21+ -50% -12 -25% -1 in 6 Impossible+ • Abilities—keep and use the rules for 5th edition, i.e. Magic Resistance gives advantage on saves.
34 — DC 18 22+ -55% -13 -30% -1 in 6 Godlike+ Baseline Assumptions
35 — DC 19 22+ -60% -13 -35% -1 in 6 Godlike+ Approximate % chance of success is for a 1st level character who has the skill in question. For each system this assumes different
• D20 is 1 rank + 3 class skills + 4 bonus in stat = +8
Using this table
• C&C assumes 1 level +1 bonus from stat = +2
So you’re reading a module and you come across a DC 22 perception check to locate a trap. This translates to a +5% on a Find Traps
or Observation roll, or a 2 in 6 chance of locating the trap. Simple, eh? • D100 assumes 25% mastery at 1st level
• NWP assumes a base stat of 14 in the non-weapon proficiency
Playing 2nd edition and want to know if your alchemist can produce that DC 20 alchemist fire? Use that Alchemy NWP at -1 to find • 5th assumes a +2 proficiency and +3 statistic bonus = +5
I selected these values because they are average baseline character creation values for core stats for each system in question, (stat of
18 for point buy D20, stat of 14 for roll 4d6 in order drop lowest, and 25% for taking a skill multiple times in a system like Hackmaster
4th edition).

vic neitte (Order #36347496)

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