Switchinng Theory and Logic Design Feb 2022
Switchinng Theory and Logic Design Feb 2022
Switchinng Theory and Logic Design Feb 2022
1 a) Given the 8-bit data word 01011011, generate the 12 bit composite word for the [6M]
Hamming code that corrects and detects single errors.
b) Carry out BCD subtraction for (57) – (50) using 10’s complement method. [4M]
c) Express the decimal 324 in Gray code form. [4M]
2 a) Simplify the following expression Y=(A+B)(A+C')(B'+C') and implement using [6M]
NAND gates.
b) Draw the pin diagram and obtain truth table for the following: [8M]
(i) IC 7400
(ii) IC 7408
3 a) Minimize the expression using Quine-McCluskey method [10M]
Y = ̅ B C D + ̅ B ̅ D + A B ̅
+ A B ̅ D + A ̅ D + ̅ C
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of K-maps? [4M]
4 a) Design and implement BCD to Excess-3 code converter. [10M]
b) Draw and explain the operation of a full adder circuit using two half adder [4M]
6 a) Design a BCD to excess-3 code converter using PAL. [10M]
b) Compare the three combinational PLDs – PROM, PLA and PAL. [4M]
7 a) Draw the logic diagram of a parallel-in, Parallel-out shift register and explain its [6M]
b) Explain the working of a master-slave JK flip flop and state its advantages. [8M]
8 a) Design a counter with the following repeated binary sequence: 0,1,2,4,6. Use D [8M]
b) Write short notes on the following: [6M]
(i) IC 7474
(ii) IC 7493
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Code No: R2021042 R20 SET - 1
10 a) Convert the following Mealy machine into equivalent Moore machine. Draw the [12M]
state transition diagrams for both.
state o/p state o/p
Q1 Q1 1 Q2 0
Q2 Q4 1 Q4 1
Q3 Q2 1 Q3 1
Q4 Q3 0 Q1 1
b) When are two states said to be equivalent states? [2M]
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