HC-Unit 4-4-Future of Health Communication
HC-Unit 4-4-Future of Health Communication
HC-Unit 4-4-Future of Health Communication
Health communicator -
Has the power to change people’s attitude, beliefs and
Hold meetings to inform people about health risks,
Publish reports on various public health matters.
Disseminate information about disease prevention,
medical treatments and healthy living to the public.
Creates programs to provide the community with
information to maintain healthy lifestyles.
Assess the needs of people in the community and
develop programs accordingly.
Influence policy and public opinion on important health
care issues and best practices and safety measures to take
Educate and train people to adopt health behaviours such
as nutrition, sexual health and family planning.
Press releases writing for conduct workshops, create
advertising and BCC campaigns and write informational
Report on news, trends and events in public health
Work for newspapers, magazines, websites or health
organizations, or independently.
Health Coordinators -
May create and implement health promotion programs for
companies that provide employee wellness programs
May analyze and assist with cost reduction and policy
Analyze public policy through constant awareness of policy
implementation, changes and important trends
Understand the segment of the population that is affected
by particular policy, and make choices about what
information should be shared and how best to approach this
Comfortably work with scientific and technical information
on a routine basis
Develop and maintain trust between healthcare provider
and client, their families and others concerned.
Employment opportunities and scope in health
communication profession
To design effective behaviour change communication strategies
based on participatory approaches including media and
interpersonal communication channels
Can be employed with local or state health departments as well
as, public relations departments of hospitals, biotechnology
companies, social service agencies, federal agencies.
Private companies, such as pharmaceutical manufacturers, and
non-profit organizations also hire health communication
They can also work as an independent researcher and scholar
who contribute to the advancement of health communication
A career in this field can be very rewarding. These
communication specialists serve the greater good by increasing
awareness of public health policy.
Health communication is widely used as a tool to increase
the intended audience’s knowledge and awareness of a
health issue, problem or solution.
Influence perceptions, beliefs and attitudes of masses that
may change social norms and can bring prompt action.
Effort involves people and empowers people to take
traditional and informed decisions, acquire appropriate
knowledge, inculcate necessary skills and optimism,
facilitate and stimulate, pertinent action through changed
mindset and modified behaviour.
Where major part of the population still live in villages, and
constraints like illiteracy and poverty still poses as a barrier
to development, we need a number of communication
channels to reach these masses that should be aware and
be able to promote health at individual and societal level.