Health Communication
Health Communication
Health Communication
Social media tools (i.e., Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube)
The Centre shall communicate on its own initiative in the fields within its mission,
after having given prior information to the Member States and to the
Commission. It shall ensure that the public and any interested parties are rapidly
given objective, reliable and easily accessible information with regard to the
results of its work. In order to achieve these objectives, the Centre shall make
available information for the general public, including through a dedicated
website (...).
The Centre shall act in close collaboration with the Member States and the
Commission to promote the necessary coherence in the risk communication
process on health threats.
The Centre shall cooperate as appropriate with the competent bodies in the
Member States and other interested parties with regard to public information
ECDC activities in the area of health communication stem from the mandate given to
ECDC in Article 12 of its Founding Regulations. They have three directions: