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History American football evolved from rugby, which was a spin-off from soc-

cer. Early roots of the modern game can be traced to a college game played in 1869
Answer the questions. between Princeton and Rutgers universities. Each team had 25 men on the field;
1. What do you know the game more resembled soccer then football, as running with the ball, passing and
about flag football? tackling were not allowed. Harvard and McGill universities played a game in 1874
that combined elements of rugby and soccer’ this game caught on in eastern U.S.
2. Describe how to grip schools and developed into the beginnings of modern football
and throw the football. Early rules included playing with a round ball and needing to make 5 yards
in three downs. Rules have continually evolved to make the game fair, exciting,
3. Why was the game of and less violent. From its beginnings in America on college campuses, football has
flag football invented? grown into a widely popular sport in the United States, where it is played in youth
leagues, in high schools, and professionally. Football games are played all over the
4. What is the primary world, although it is not a great spectator sport outside the United States. There is a
objective of flag foot- National Football League (NFL) Europe league, made up mostly of American
players, with rules basically the same as in the NFL in the United States.
ball? Flag Football is believed to have begun in the U.S. military during World
5. Where should you War II. The game was started for military personnel to play without getting injured
during wartime. It is believed that the history of flag football was first recorded at
weight be shifted when Fort Meade, Maryland and it is generally accepted as its birthplace. Local leagues
passing the football? were formed as military personnel returned home in the 1950s and 1960s. It is still
played throughout the United States at the middle school, high school and college
6. Describe proper hand level. Many cities have developed their own adult flag football leagues.
position for receiving
the football.
Objective: the object of football is to advance the ball over the opponent’s goal line
7. How is the ball
without having your flag pulled off. Variations are made to ensure the students
downed? safety.
8. List the 5 yard penalty
The game allows players to participate in a relatively safe situation while still
infractions. retaining many of the skills used in football. The rules for touch football and flag
football are generally the same. However, when playing flag football, the rules for
9. List the 15 yard penalty
blocking, fumbling, and tackling must be strictly enforced. In flag football, any ball
infractions. carrier without two flags is considered tackled. In order to minimize hazardous
play, the following precautionary measures are suggested:
10. How is the game of flag
 No blocking, tackling, or holding the ball carrier.
football stared?  Defensive players must maintain contact with the ground. Ball carriers
may not employ straight-arm or body contact.
11. What is the outcome of
Length of Game four 10- to 12-minute periods constitute a game with a 1-minute
a fumble? rest between periods and a 5-minute rest between halves.
Players A team generally consists of seven players, and the offensive team must
12. How does a team re-
have at least three players on the line of scrimmage when the ball is put into play.
ceive a first down? Any number of substitutions may be made at any time during a stoppage in play.
Overtime Tie games may be decided by one Ro-Sham-Bo
13. How many first down
Scoring: Scoring is the same as regulation football:
may a team be awarded  Touchdown = 6 Points
 Safety = 2 Points
during one possession?
 Kick after touchdown = 1 point (2 points by run or pass)
Questions Continued Vocabulary
1. Backs: players behind the line who usually handle the ball
14. When is the defensive team
2. Blockers: players who keep the defensive player from touching the ball
allowed to rush the passer? carrier or quarterback.
3. Quarterback: the player who receives the snap and passes or hands off
15. Give an example of a fla-
the ball.
grant rule violation. 4. Receivers: players who catch a throw from the quarterback.
5. Center: player who touches the ball first and hikes the ball.
16. Why is illegal blocking po-
6. Rushers: defensive players going after the quarterback.
tentially so dangerous? 7. Safety: a defensive position, the furthest from the line of scrimmage.
8. Line of Scrimmage: an imaginary line marking the position of the ball at
17. What skill did you improve
the start of each play.
on most during the flag 9. First Down: moving the ball a set distance in four tries or less results in
more chances to move the ball.
football unit?
10. Scoring: catching a ball or running across the goal line.
18. Explain the two basic rules 11. Pass pattern: the path each receiver runs to get open and make a catch.
12. Lateral: passing the ball backwards or sideways.
of flag football.
13. Fumbled Ball: a ball which is dropped by a player with out being
19. List the three ways that a downed by the defense.
14. Tackle: to remove the flags of the ball carrier.
team can score.
15. Off Sides: when a player lines up on the wrong side of the ball.

Putting the Ball into Play

 The ball is put into play by a place kick or throw from the kicker’s 20-yard
line at the start of the game, after a score, and at the beginning of the third
 Defensive players must be 10 yards away from when the ball is kicked. Mem-
bers of the kicking team must be behind the ball. The ball must travel 10 yards
or be re-kicked.
 If the ball goes out of bounds after 10 yards, the opponent has the choice of
Penalties beginning play where it went out of bounds or placing it on his or her own 20-
5-yard Penalty Infractions: yard line.
(Taken from the line of scrim-  If the ball is kicked into the end zone and the opponent choose not to run it
mage) back, play begins on their 20-yard line.
 Off side Fumbled Ball
 Illegal forward pass  A fumbled ball at any time is considered a dead ball and belongs to the team
 Less than 3 players on the that committed the fumble.
line of scrimmage  The down and point to be gained remains the same.
A fumbled forward pass is ruled as an incomplete pass.
15-yard Penalty Infractions: Downed Ball
(taken from the spot of the  In Flag football, the ball is downed or the player is tackled when one flag is
foul) detached from the belt or the ball carrier loses his or her flag.
 Illegal use of hands First Downs
 Illegal block  Each team has four chances to move the ball from one 20-yard zone to the
 Unnecessary roughness; next. If a team is not successful at moving the ball from one zone to the next in
pushing, tackling, shoving, four downs, the ball is awarded to the opponents on the spot where the last
tripping, and holding stoppage of play occurred.
 Unsportsmanlike conduct Passing
 Pass interference  All players on both teams are eligible to catch passes.
 Forward passes may be thrown from any point back of the line of scrimmage.
Lateral passes may be thrown anywhere on the field.
 Any number of passes may be thrown in a series of downs.
 The defensive team must count to 5 “Alligators” before rushing the Quarter-

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