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Title Page...........................................................................................................................................
Certificate of Training – Industry Mentor.....................................................................................(i)
Supervisor Certificate – Faculty Mentor......................................................................................(ii)
Certificate of Originality..............................................................................................................(iii)
Executive Summary......................................................................................................................(v)
Table of Contents.........................................................................................................................(vi)
Chapter 1- Introduction................................................................................................................1
Chapter 2- Literature Review......................................................................................................2
Chapter 3-Objective of the Research undertaken........................................................................3
Chapter 4- Hypothesis, if any......................................................................................................4
Chapter 5- Research Methodology..............................................................................................5
Chapter 6- Data Analysis& Interpretation...................................................................................6
Chapter 7-Findings, Limitations, Suggestions & Conclusion.....................................................7
Appendices- to include questionnaire..........................................................................................9
Title Page


BATCH: 2022-2024


Name of the student Name of the faculty supervisor


Certificate of Training – Industry Mentor

Sample- Certificate of Training

(On the letter head of the company duly signed by the authorities)


This is to certify that Mr. /Ms_______________ of MBA 2022-24

Batch from Army Institute of Management & Technology, Greater
Noida has undergone Summer Internship Project in our organization.
His/her project title was _________________________________,
supervised under Mr. /Ms _____________________ (Industry Mentor/
Guide) from _________July 2023 to _______Aug 2023. His/ her
conduct and effort during the Internship is highly appreciable.

Authorised Person
(With stamp)
Supervisor Certificate – Faculty Mentor

This is to certify that -----------------------a student of Master of Business

Administration, Batch 2022-24, Army Institute Management & Technology, Greater
Noida, has successfully completed his/her project under my supervision.

During this period, he/she worked on the project titled

“---------------------------------------------------------” in partial fulfillment for the award
of the degree of Master of Business Administration of GGSIP University, Delhi.

To the best of my knowledge the project work done by the candidate has not been
submitted to any university for award of any degree. His/her performance and conduct
has been good.

Name of the faculty supervisor
AIMT-Gr. Noida
Certificate of Originality

I, Mr./ Ms ________________, Roll No.______________ of MBA 2022-24Batch of

Army Institute of Management & Technology has undergone a Summer Internship in
__________________(organization) for a duration of ______________ weeks on a
project title “_________________________”, hereby declare that this project is my
original piece of work.

Signature of the student:

Student Name:

I want to show my sincere gratitude to all those who made this study possible. First of
all I am thankful to the helpful staff and the faculty of Army Institute of Management
and Technology. Second I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my Industry
Guide, ----------------------------------, for his/her untiring cooperation. One of the most
important tasks in every good study is its critical evaluation and feedback which was
performed by my faculty guide ----------------------------------. I am very thankful to my
Faculty as well as Industry guide for investing his precious time to discuss and
criticize this study in depth, and explained the meaning of different concepts and how
to think when it comes to problem discussions and theoretical discussions. My sincere
thanks go to my Institute and family, who supported and encouraged me.

Name of the Student

Course – MBA
Executive Summary

 A summary of the project, of approximately 120 words, is

required. This should briefly state the main aims and conclusions,
and the type of training adopted.

 Maximum 120 words - Times New Roman 11 pt regular, single

line spacing)
Table of Contents

Certificate of Training – Industry Mentor(i)

Supervisor Certificate – Faculty Mentor(ii)
Certificate of Originality
Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………..(v)

Chapter Page No.

Chapter 1- Introduction
1.1- Industry Introduction
1.2- Company Introduction
1.3- Topic Introduction

Chapter 2- Literature Review

Chapter 3- Objective of the Research undertaken
Chapter 4- Hypothesis, if any
Chapter 5- Research Methodology
Chapter 6- Data Analysis& Interpretation
Chapter 7- Findings, Limitations, Suggestions & Conclusion
Appendices- to include questionnaire
Plag Report


Discuss the theory, concept, techniques or issues on which the project is based. This should
include a review of the literature on the topic, the development of your position and the
development of the hypothesis that you plan to test. The Introduction is divided into 3 parts:
1. Introduction of Industry
2. Introduction of Company
3. Topic Introduction
Literature Review

A literature review is both a summary and explanation of the complete and current state of
knowledge on a limited topic as found in academic books and journal articles. The literature
review should include the Objective of the literature review, Overview of the subject under
consideration, Clear categorization of sources selected into those in support of yourparticular
position, those opposed, and those offering completely different arguments and discussion of
both the distinctiveness of each source and its similarities with the others.Preparation of a
literature review may be divided into four steps:
1. Define your subject and the scope of the review.
2. Search the library catalogue, subject specific databases and other search tools to find sources
that are relevant to your topic.(Use EBSCO, Google Scholar and other repositories to find recent
researches on the topic)
3. Read and evaluate the sources and to determine their suitability to the understanding of topic
at hand (see the Evaluating sources section).
4. Analyse, interpret and discuss the findings and conclusions of the sources you
selectedalongwith identification of Research Gaps.


A clear and concise statement of the major objectives of the work. It should be divided into
primary objective / secondary objective.

Hypothesis Formulation

Hypotheses formulation requires understanding about the population data that is under
consideration for testing. Hypotheses formulation related to the average speed of a particular
vehicle type moving on a road section is discussed in the remainder of this section.

Research Methodology

Give a clear and concise sequential statement of the methods that have been used to test the
hypothesis, i.e. the methods used for the collection and analysis of relevant data / information.
 Research Design
 Type of Data used
 Data collection Instrument
 Sample Design & Sampling Technique
 Sample Size
 Data Analysis Tools used(Statistical Test)
 Data Analysis Software used(Excel, SPSS, AMOS, etc)
Data Analysis & Results

 This will carry presentation and analysis of the salient information that has been gathered
in order to test the hypothesis.
 This section will vary considerably in both length and content depending on the nature of
the topic.
 It may include models or systems constructed by the author as a result of the
 Significant features of the results must be clearly indicated.
 Raw data, if appropriate, should be presented in appendices.

Discussion of Results

Evaluation of the material presented in the result section. Comparison of result and conclusion
with those of previous authors Reassessment of the hypothesis (if any) and discussion of the
broader implications for management, industry, government organizations or other appropriate

Conclusions and Recommendations

This section should also include your conclusions, recommendations and suggestions for further
development. Where you have extended recommendations (this may be the case with a practical
organization based project) you may wish to cover recommendations in a separate chapter.

List all references used in the text in alphabetical order by the author's surnames according to the
convention detailed below:
 Reference Format- The Harvard style of referencing should be used, using the form
(Jones, 1997: 7) to indicate the author, year of publication and page number in text.
References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper.
 Citations- The Harvard style of citation should be used, using the form '1982: T to
denote year of publication and page numbers. Multiple referencing of one author or group
of authors with the same year of publication will be identified by the addition of small
letters (a, b, c etc) after the year. However the author's name must be repeated. It is
acceptable to use 'et al' for subsequent citations after the initial citation provides the full
author list. Quotations of four lines or more should be indented and in single space.
Shorter quotations should be included in the text using quotation marks. Where
quotations are used, page number(s) must be included so that the exact source is obtained.
All Journal titles should be cited in full.
 Bibliography- References should be set out alphabetically, by author's family name,
following the body of the paper.
 Books- Freeman, RB and Medoff, JL (1984) Innovations in Management ? New York:
Basic Books Articles in books Muller, B (1980) 'Bureaucracy, Job Control and Militancy:
the Case of Telecom' in Frenkel, SJ (ed) Industrial Action: Patterns of Labour Conflict
Sydney: Allen and Unwin pp 103-131
 Articles in journals- Petridis, A (1988) 'Wages Policy and Wage Determination in 1987'
Journal of Industrial Relations Vol 30 No 1 pp 155-162
 Websitesources-
20200915/5f607e458a3fb.pdf ; date of Access:


 Reproduction of a questionnaire used

 Details of a population sampled
 List of organizations sampled
 Relevant extracts from standard tables (with acknowledgement of source)
 Raw or gross data from surveys summarized in the text

Plag -Report
 Plag report to be included with similarity %age less than 20% (on the complete report)
duly signed by student & faculty mentor.
 Note: For Plag check Institution Subscribed Software to be used.

Appendixes MUST NOT include

 Brochures, pamphlets, etc. obtained from
 Organizations. The only unlikely exception would be where you are investigating
 Specifically the design of the brochures themselves. Similarly, extracts from other
Articles, etc. must not be reproduced.


1. Pagination
All pages, including tables etc and appendices should be numbered consecutively throughout the
project. Page numbers start with Introduction as page one and should be at the bottom center of
the page.

2. Section Heading and Body

It is often used to use section headway within a chapter such as the Introduction. The hierarchy
and system of numbering chapter and section headings should be consistent Headings

 Heading 1 (main sections) 14 point bold upper case, left alignment

 Heading 2 (sub sections) 12 point bold italic, title case, left alignment
 Heading 3 (sub sections) 12 point bold sentence case, left alignment

Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Justified, 1.5 spacing

3. Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be numbered separately in the order of their presentation.

4. Typographical details, binding and cover

a. Paper - A4 size paper should be used
b. Type-Projects should be in MS Word format and print copies must be produced
c. Layout
 The margins at the binding (left hand) edge should be not less than 1.25 inch.
 Other margins like right hand, top and bottom should not be less than 1 inch.
 Type should be double line spacing, except for indented quotations or footnotes, where
single line spacing should be used.
 Typing should be one side of the paper only
d. Binding- Both copies should be bound


 Name of Student, University Roll No., Batch & STR Topic to be written on CD.
 Summer Training Report in PDF/WordFormat(including Plag Report)
 CD should be securely attached with one Hard Bound Copy of STR.

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