Summer Training-BBA: General Guidelines

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Summer Training- BBA

General Guidelines

1. Every student of BBA/BCA will have to complete a minor group research project during the third
year- V semester of the BBA/BCA program. The objective is to equip the student with the
knowledge of some practical issues for exploring feasible solutions and suggestions.
2. The group consist of 9-10 students and a faculty project guide. The students can choose the topic for
the study in collaboration of the project guide.
3. The minor research project done as per the suggestions of the project guide and evaluation panel will
form part of semester examination.
4. The report (project studied) prepared by the students’ groups ordinarily be based on primary data. It
should reflect in depth study of micro problem, may assigned by the project guide.
5. After the approval of the research work by respective project guide, students have to submit neatly
typed and soft bound (Spiral bound) copies of the report to the College/Institute.
6. The average size of report usually be 80-100 typed pages in standard font size (12) and double
spacing. The report will be typed in A-4 size paper only.
7. The report will have a certificate by the Head of the Institute/College. The certificate should be
attached in the beginning of the report.
8. The report will be evaluated by one internal and one external examiner. It will carry total of 100
marks divided into written report of 60 marks and presentation & Viva-Voce of 40 marks.
9. It is mandatory for the student to make a power point presentation and present the same in front of the
panel (teachers/guide). There should be maximum 10-15 slides with font size 20 and white
background. The student is expected to answer to the queries and questions raised in such a meeting.
Summer Training Project
Report on

“Project Name”

In the Partial Fulfilment of the Degree of



Session - (2022-25)

Under the Guidance of- Submitted By -

Mentor Name Name
Assistant Professor
Department of BBA Semester

1. Roll No. ……………………………………………………..

2. Name of the student

3. E-mail:
4. Mob. No.
5. Title of the Project (BBA-507)
6. Name of the Mentor

For Office Use Only:

Signature of the Mentor

Approved Not Approved Date:


Suggestions (if any):- 1



I am very grateful to my project (BBA-507) Mentor______________, for giving his valuable

time and constructive guidance in preparing the report for Summer Training project (BBA-507). It
would not have been possible to complete this project (BBA-507) in short period of time without
his kind encouragement and valuable guidance.


I hereby state that the Summer Training project “………………………….” is an authentic work carried
out by me under the guidance of “Mr/Ms. ………………….” for the partial fulfillment of the degree
“Bachelor of Business Administration”

No parts of this work whether documentation and coding may be represented or distributed in any form
or by any means.
I feature to admit that this project did not submitted anywhere else for award of any Degree/Diploma.

Student sign.
Semester &
ITS College of Professional Studies, Greater Noida
Affiliated to CCS University, Meerut (U. P.). Knowledge Park III, Greater
Noida, Distt. G.B.Nagar, U.P., India Pin-201306



This is to certify that Mr./Ms…………………..,is a bonafide student of this institute (BBA

2020-23), has undertaken this entitled“….………as part of his/her Summer Training Project
for the partial fulfillment of the award of Bachelor of Business Administration degree from
CCS University, Meerut (U. P.).
I wish him/ her all the best for his/her bright future ahead.

Project Mentor
ITS College of Professional Studies, Greater Noida
Affiliated to CCS University, Meerut (U. P.). Knowledge Park III, Greater
Noida, Distt. G.B.Nagar, U.P., India Pin-201306


This is to certify that Mr./Ms ………………………,is a bonafide student of this institute

(BBA 2020-23), has undertaken this entitled“….………as part of his/her Summer Training
Project for the partial fulfillment of the award of Bachelor of Business Administration
degree from CCS University, Meerut (U. P.).
I wish him/ her all the best for his/her bright future ahead.



S. No Particulars Page No.

1 Acknowledgement

2 Declaration

3 Certificate of Originality

4 Introduction

4.1 Introduction to Industry

4.2 Introduction to Topic

5 Company Profile

5.1 Product Range of Company

5.2 Size of Organization
5.3 Position & Nature of Company
6. Objectives
7. Literature Review
8. Methodology & Data Analysis
9. Findings
10 Recommendation
11. Limitation
12 Conclusion
13. References
14. Questionnaire

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