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Exel 2002 From A To Z

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A Quick Reference of More Than 300

Microsoft Excel Tasks, Terms and Tricks

from A to Z
Electronic Edition

Stephen L. Nelson
Excel 2002 From A to Z:
A Quick Reference of More Than 300 Microsoft Excel Tasks, Terms and Tricks
Electronic Edition
Copyright © 2001 Stephen L. Nelson

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any method
or any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Published by
Redmond Technology Press
8581 154th Avenue NE
Redmond, WA 98052

ISBN 1-931150-38-9

Distributed by
Independent Publishers Group
814 N. Franklin St.
Chicago, IL 60610

Product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective

In the preparation of this book, both the author and the publisher have made every effort to
provide current, correct, and comprehensible information. Nevertheless, inadvertent errors
can occur and software and the principles and regulations concerning business often
change. Furthermore, the application and impact of principles, rules, and laws can vary
widely from case to case because of the unique facts involved. For these reasons, the author
and publisher specifically disclaim any liability or loss that is incurred as a consequence of
the use and application, directly or indirectly, of any information presented in this book. If
legal or other expert assistance is needed, the services of a professional should be sought.
You should find Excel 2002 From A to Z easy to use. You only need to
know that the book organizes its information—key tasks and impor-
tant terms—alphabetically in order to use the book. You’ll find it
helpful, however, if you understand what this book assumes about your
computer skills, what you should know about the Excel program from
the very start, and what editorial conventions this book uses. This short
introduction provides this information.

What You Should Know About Windows

You don’t need to be computer expert to use either this book or
Microsoft Excel. Definitely not. But you want to be comfortable
working with your computer and Microsoft Windows.
For example, you should know how to turn your computer on and off,
how to start and stop programs, how to choose menu commands, and
how to work with dialog boxes. This book, for the most part, doesn’t
provide this Windows information.
If you need this Windows information, you need to take the Windows
online tutorial, get a friend to give you a quick tutorial, or acquire
another book on Windows.
TIP Any short book on Windows will tell you what you need to know,
but if you’re a business user of Windows 2000 or Windows XP,
you may want to look at the Effective Executive’s Guide to Win-
dows 2000 or the Effective Executive’s Guide to Windows XP.
These books supply a tutorial on Windows geared for business

What You Should Know About Excel

You don’t need to know anything about Excel to use this book. But
because understanding the Excel program window will make using
Excel and this book easier, let me identify some of the more impor-
tant parts of the window (see Figure 1).

The program window title bar identifies The toolbars provide buttons and
your workbook and provides boxes for quickly choosing commands.
buttons to resizing the window.
The menu bar gives you access
to the Excel menus of commands
and Help.

The workbook pane shows The task pane provides hyperlinks

the workbook that you are creating. to commands and wizards.

The status bar provides information

about your workbook and what Excel is doing.

Figure 1 The Excel program window.

Let me also point out two important items about the Excel toolbars:


• Excel’s toolbars vary greatly in their appearance. What you see on

your computer will surely differ from the figures shown in this book.
Excel personalizes your toolbars so that the buttons and boxes avail-
able are those you are most likely to use. Usually, you want person-
alized toolbars. If you don’t, refer to the Personalized Menus and
Toolbars entry for information on how to turn off personalization.
• While toolbar buttons and boxes aren’t labeled, if you point to a tool,
Excel displays the tool name in a popup box called a screen tip, or
in earlier versions of Excel, a tool tip. This means that if you don’t
know which button is the Bold button, for example, you can point
to buttons to see their names and learn their identities.
One other piece of information usually helps people just starting to use
Excel. And here it is: Many of the dialog boxes that you use to tell
Excel to perform some command include a preview area. This preview
area shows how your settings look and therefore lets you experiment.
In the pages that follow, for example, you learn that the Format➞Cell
command provides a Font tab, which lets you change the font used for
the selected text (see Figure 2). The Font tab includes a preview area
that shows how your font settings look. The preview area helps you
see the effect of your command specifications. Pay attention to the pre-
view areas and you’ll find that you can answer many of your own

Figure 2 The Font tab of the Format Cells dialog box.


What You Should Know About This Book

You already know the most important feature of this book—that it
organizes its task descriptions and term definitions alphabetically. But
let me comment quickly on the book’s other conventions.
• The book doesn’t include an index. That seems funny. How can a
computer book omit an index? Well, the list of A to Z entries is an
index. It’s an index with information. I should also say that by omit-
ting the largely redundant index, this quick reference provides an
even longer list of task descriptions and term definitions.
• When this book refers to some box or button label, the label de-
scription appears in all initial capital letters. So, while the Font tab
of the Format Cells dialog box includes a checkbox labeled “Nor-
mal font,” this book would refer to the Normal Font box. The initial
capital letters, then, signal you that the book refers to an onscreen
• This book’s pictures of windows and dialog boxes may look a bit
funny to you because they use a low display resolution to make the
buttons, boxes and text look larger. Less information fits on the screen
when the resolution is low, unfortunately, but what you see you can
read. If the book’s screen pictures had used a higher resolution, im-
ages would be very difficult to see clearly.
And that’s everything you should know to get started. Good luck. Be
patient in your learning. Have fun with Microsoft Excel 2002. It’s an
amazing program. And be sure to read the Troubleshooting entry if
you encounter problems.

Stephen L. Nelson
Seattle, Washington, April 2001


Absolute Cell References see Copying

Active Cell
The active cell is the cell marked with the cell selector (see Figure
A-1). If you type something and press Enter, Excel places what you
type in the active cell.

Figure A-1 The cell selector in cell B3.

SEE ALSO Cell Selector

A Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Active Workbook
The active workbook is the workbook shown in the active document
window. A workbook is made up of worksheets and chart sheets.
SEE ALSO Charts, Macros, Worksheets

Active document window

The active document window shows the Excel workbook you’re
currently working on. If you tell Excel to print, for example, Excel
prints the workbook shown in the active document window. If you
enter text by typing on the keyboard, Excel enters what you type into
the active document window.
Excel adds a button to the taskbar for each open workbook. You can
switch to another workbook, thereby making that workbook’s docu-
ment window active, by clicking the workbook’s taskbar button.

Active Sheet
The active sheet is the sheet you see in the active document. It may
show a worksheet or a chart.
SEE ALSO Active Workbook, Charts, Worksheet

Aligning Labels and Values

Excel normally aligns numbers against the right edge of a cell and text
against the left edge. You can override these default alignments by using
the Left Align, Center, Right Align, and Merge And Center buttons
on the toolbar.
The Left Align, Center, and Right Align toolbar buttons work as you
might expect. For example, to left align the contents of selected cells,
click the Left Align button.
The Merge And Center toolbar button centers a label across a selec-
tion of cells. For example, you can enter a label in cell A1 of a
worksheet and then center it across the range A1:D1 (see Figure
A-2). To do so, first select the range, and then click the Merge And
Center toolbar button.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z A

Figure A-2 A label centered across the range A1:D1.

You can access a more sophisticated array of alignment features by

selecting the cell or range you want to align, choosing the
Format➞Cells command, and clicking the Alignment tab (see Fig-
ure A-3).

Figure A-3 The Alignment tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

A Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

The Horizontal drop-down list box lets you align cell contents in the
same ways as the Left Align, Center, Right Align, and Merge And
Center tools do.
The Vertical drop-down list box allows you to align cell contents at
the top, center, or bottom of the cell.
The Orientation boxes allow you to rotate the cell contents either by
clicking or dragging or by entering a value into the degrees box.
The Text Control boxes provide you with several more specialized
alignment options. The Wrap Text check box allows you to split a long
line of text onto multiple lines. The Shrink To Fit check box allows
you to decrease the size of the numbers or letters in a cell so that they
fit in the cell. The Merge Cells check box allows you to combine cells
into larger, single cells.

Apple Macintosh
You can move Excel workbooks from Windows computers to Apple
Macintosh computers and vice versa. Excel will open Excel workbooks
created on either computer.
SEE ALSO Workbooks

An application is a program like Excel. Or Word. Operating systems
like Windows XP aren’t considered applications. Operating systems
are, well, operating systems.

Application window
The window that a program like Excel displays is called an applica-
tion window, or program window. Document windows appear inside
application windows.

The input values that you supply to Excel functions are called argu-
ments. For example, in the simple SUM function, =SUM(2,2), the
values 2 and 2 are arguments. Most Excel functions require arguments.
SEE ALSO Functions

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z A
Array Formulas
An array is a set of numbers, such as 1, 2, 3 or 4, 5, 6. Array formulas
use and return arrays. For example, if you add the array 1, 2, 3 to the
array 4, 5, 6, you get a new array 5, 7, 9.
Array 1: 1 2 3
Array 2: 4 5 6
Total Array: 5 7 9
Array formulas let you use one formula to calculate an array of val-
ues. For example, if you entered the array 1, 2, 3 into the range A1:C1
and the array 4, 5, 6 into the range A2:C2, you can enter the array
formula {=A1:C1+A2:C2} into the range A3:C3 to sum the arrays and
return an array (see Figure A-4).

Figure A-4 A worksheet that sums two arrays.

When entering an array formula, you don’t type the { and } braces.
Excel enters these for you when you press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to tell it
you want an array formula. To enter the array formula shown in Fig-
ure A-4, for example, you take these steps:

A Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

1. Select the range A3:C3.

2. Type the equals symbol, select the range A1:C1, type the plus sym-
bol, and select the range A2:C2.
3. Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to tell Excel you want an array formula
entered into the range A3:C3.
SEE ALSO Formulas

You can add arrows to your workbooks. Arrows are drawing objects.
To add an arrow, first display the Drawing toolbar by choosing the
View➞Toolbar➞Drawing command. Next, click the Arrow button
on the Drawing toolbar. Then click at the point where you want the
arrow to start and drag the mouse to the point where you want the
arrow to end.
You can move an arrow by selecting it and then dragging it. To change
the appearance of an arrow, right-click the arrow and choose the
Format AutoShape command from the shortcuts menu. When use
Excel displays the Format AutoShape dialog box, experiment with its
boxes until you get the arrow you want.

Auditing Workbooks see Formula Auditing

AutoCalculate see Recalculation
AutoComplete finishes recognizable words or phrases you begin typing
into cells. To turn AutoComplete on, choose the Tools➞Options com-
mand, click the Edit tab, and check the Enable AutoComplete For Cell
values box.
Excel automatically completes labels you’ve already entered into the
same column. You don’t have to do anything special to use
AutoComplete once it’s turned on. If Excel guesses you’re typing a
recognized word or phrase, it completes the word or phrase. To ac-
cept the suggested word or phrase, press Enter. To reject the word or
phrase, simply keep typing.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z A
AutoCorrect fixes common typing mistakes. Excel already knows about
many of the typing mistakes that people commonly make. For example,
Excel knows how to correctly capitalize the first letter of a sentence
and how to spell commonly misspelled words.
You don’t need to do anything special to use AutoCorrect. Excel’s
corrections of your spelling and typing mistakes will occur automati-
cally. (Try typing the word “and” as “adn” to see how AutoCorrect
If you want to change the way that AutoCorrect works, choose the
Tools➞AutoCorrect command. When Excel displays the AutoCorrect
dialog box, use it to describe how AutoCorrect should operate (see
Figure A-5).

Figure A-5 The AutoCorrect dialog box.

You can uncheck the first box to tell Excel that you don’t want the
AutoCorrect Options button displayed after autocorrection occurs. (The
AutoCorrect Options button lets you undo or adjust the correction.)
You can check and uncheck the next four check boxes listed to specify
whether Excel should or shouldn’t fix common capitalization errors.
(Usually you want Excel to make such fixes.)

A Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

You can use the Replace Text As You Type check box to turn on and
off automatic spelling correction and typo correction. (The list of
corrections Excel will make shows in the list box at the bottom of the
dialog box.)
To add a new common error to AutoCorrect’s list, enter the errone-
ous entry in the Replace box and the correct entry in the With box.

You can tell Excel to continue, or autofill, a pattern of values in the
selected range in two ways: You can drag the fill handle, and you can
choose the Edit➞Fill➞Series command. The fill handle is the small
square that appears in the lower right corner of a range selection.
SEE ALSO Filling Cells

AutoFilter see Lists

Excel’s AutoFormat feature performs many standard formatting tasks
in a single operation: setting fonts, aligning labels, setting column
width and row height, establishing numeric and date/time formats,
and adding borders and rules.
To use the AutoFormat command to format the selected range, fol-
low these steps:
1. Select the worksheet range you want to format.
2. Choose the Format➞AutoFormat command.
Excel displays the AutoFormat dialog box (see Figure A-6).

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z A

Figure A-6 The AutoFormat dialog box.

3. Click the Options button to specify which AutoFormatting options

should be applied to your worksheet selection. When you do this,
Excel adds Options check boxes to the AutoFormat dialog box. Se-
lect and clear these check boxes to selectively apply individual com-
ponents of an AutoFormat.
4. Select an AutoFormat by clicking it. The AutoFormat pictures show
roughly what the AutoFormat formatting looks like.
5. Click OK to apply the format to the range you selected.
SEE ALSO Formatting Cells

Automatic File Saves

Excel regularly saves a copy of the workbook you’re working on just
in case your computer or Excel crashes. It’s this saved workbook that
Excel opens the next time you start Excel after the crash.
To specify how often Excel should automatically save this copy of your
workbook, choose the Tools➞Options command and click the Save
tab. Check the Save AutoRecover Info Every box and then specify how
often Excel should save the copy (see Figure A-7). By default, Excel
saves the AutoRecover copy every ten minutes.

A Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure A-7 The Save tab of the Options dialog box.

AutoRecover see Automatic File Saves

Excel provides an AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar that you
can use to sum a range of values (see Figure A-8). To use the AutoSum
button, select range that includes all the values you want to sum and
one extra empty cell for Excel to place the =SUM function in.

Figure A-8 A worksheet with values that can be added using


In Figure A-8, for example, to add a SUM function to B7 that adds

the values in column B, select B2:B7 and then click the AutoSum but-
ton. Excel places the formula =SUM(B2:B6) in cell B7.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z B
Boolean Algebra
Boolean algebra tests logical conditions to see if the tested condition
is true or false. For example, Boolean algebra can test whether 2+2
equals 4 and whether the value in cell B4 of the worksheet is less than
the value in cell B3. If a Boolean algebraic test condition is true, the
formula result equals 1, the logical value for true. If the test condi-
tion is false, the formula result equals 0, the logical value for false.
Boolean algebra expressions and formulas use the logical operators
shown in the table that follows:

= Equals
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
<> Not equal to
Here are some example Boolean algebra formulas with descriptions:

=(2+2)=4 Tests to see that 2+2 equals 4, returning 1

because 2+2 equals 4.
=(2+2)>4 Tests to see that 2+2 is greater than 4, return-
ing 0 because 2+2 is not greater than 4.
=(2+2)>=4 Tests to see that 2+2 is either greater than or
equal to 4, returning 1 because 2+2 does
equal 4.
=(2+2)<4 Tests to see that 2+2 is less than 4, returning
0 because 2+2 is not less than 4.
=(2+2)<=4 Tests to see that 2+2 is less than 4 or equal to
4, returning 1 because 2+2 does equal 4.
=(2+2)<>4 Tests to see that 2+2 doesn’t equal 4, return-
ing 0 because 2+2 doesn’t not equal 4.

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

NOTE If you enter a Boolean algebra expression into a cell, you need
to start the expression with an equals sign because the expres-
sion is a formula. However, you can also use Boolean expressions
in logical functions such as the IF() function. In this case, you don’t
need to include the equals sign.

NOTE Boolean operators have a lower precedence than the standard

arithmetic operators.

Borders see Formatting Cells

Breaks see Page Breaks
Calculating Formulas see Recalculation
Cell Addresses
Excel uniquely identifies the cells in a workbook with cell addresses
which you can use in formulas:
To refer to a cell in the active worksheet, you use the cell’s column
letter and row number. For example, to refer the cell at the intersec-
tion of column B and row 8 use the cell reference B8.
To refer to a cell in another worksheet, you precede the cell address
with the sheet name and the exclamation point. For example, to refer
to cell B8 in the worksheet named Sheet1, you can use the cell ref-
erence sheet1!B8.
To refer to a cell in another workbook, you precede the cell address
and sheet name information with the workbook filename in single
quotes. For example, to refer to cell Sheet1!B8 in the workbook named
budget.xls, you can use the cell reference =’budget.xls’sheet1!B8.
TIP The easiest way to refer to cells in another worksheet or work-
book is to click on the cell as you’re building the formula. For
example, to enter the cell reference =’budget.xls’sheet1!B8 you
could type the entire reference. Or, you could type the equals sign
to let Excel know you were beginning a formula and then you
could click on cell B8 in sheet1 of the budget.xls workbook and
press Enter. Excel would then enter the cell reference for you.

SEE ALSO Cells, Copying, Formulas

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z C
Cell Borders see Borders
Cell Notes see Comments
Cell References see Cell Addresses
The intersection of a column and row creates a cell. Each cell has an
address, or reference, consisting of the column letter and row num-
ber. For example, the cell in the top left corner of the worksheet is cell
You can enter labels, values, and formulas into cells by clicking the
cell, typing what you want to enter, and then pressing Enter.
SEE ALSO Copying Cell Contents, Editing Cell Contents, Erasing Cell Con-
tents, Filling Cells, Formatting Toolbar, Formulas, Labels, Moving
Cell Contents, Values

Cell Selector
A dark outline called the cell selector identifies the active cell. The
reference of the active cell also appears on the left side of the formula
bar in the Name box. If you type a number and press Enter, Excel
places the number in the active cell.
SEE ALSO Active Cell

Excel’s Chart Wizard lets you create charts using workbook data.

Understanding Excel Chart Terminology

Excel’s Chart Wizard and documentation use several charting terms
you’ll want to understand as you begin using the Chart Wizard:
• The individual numeric values you plot in a chart are called data
• Data series collect related data points. Most charts you create will
use more than one data series. For example, a chart might show both
a revenue data series and a profit data series.

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

• Data categories order and organize the data points in a data series and
are commonly based on time, such as months or quarters or years.
• Data markers are the graphical elements used to represent individual
data point values in a chart. A chart that uses columns or bars, for
example, has column or bar data markers. A pie chart has pie-slice
data markers, and so on. Typically, the data markers in a data se-
ries all resemble each other.
• Excel typically describes and qualifies data markers using the data-
marker descriptions such as axis scales and data labels. Different types
of charts use different data-marker descriptions. Bar, column, and
line charts use axis scales.
• A legend identifies the data series you’ve plotted.
• Chart text describes a chart or some part of a chart, providing chart
titles, subtitles, and annotations.
• The plot area of a chart includes the data markers and data-marker
• The chart area includes plot area, any chart text, and the legend.
NOTE Excel limits the number of data points and data series you can
plot in a chart. A data series may hold no more than 4000 data
points. A chart may show no more than 255 data series. These
constraints mean that you may sometimes need to arrange large
data series or big sets of data series vertically by putting data
series into columns rather than rows.

Using the Chart Wizard

To use the Chart Wizard, first enter your to-be-charted data in an
Excel worksheet. Include not only the data series data points but also
the labels that identify the data series and the data categories (see Figure
C-1). Then, take the following steps:

Figure C-1 A simple worksheet with data you might plot in a chart.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z C
1. Select the worksheet range that includes the data series and any data
series names and data categories names.
2. Start the Chart Wizard by clicking the Chart Wizard button on the
toolbar or by choosing the InsertÞChart command. Excel displays
the first Chart Wizard dialog box (see Figure C-2).

Figure C-2 The first Chart Wizard dialog box.

3. Select one of Excel’s chart types from the Chart Type list box. Excel
provides 14 different types of charts: Column, Bar, Line, Pie, XY
(Scatter), Area, Doughnut, Radar, Surface, Bubble, Stock, Cylin-
der, Cone, and Pyramid.
NOTE You can return to a previous Chart Wizard dialog box by clicking
the Back button.
4. After you select the Chart type, Excel displays the different versions
available for the chart type as clickable buttons in the Chart Sub-
Type box. Excel displays a short description of the selected chart
sub-type in the area below the Chart Sub-Type box. To select a
chart, click the button that looks like the chart you want. After
making your selection, click Next.
NOTE You can tell Excel to display a rough-draft version of the chart
you’re creating by clicking the Press And Hold To View Sample

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

5. When Excel displays the second Chart Wizard dialog box, use it
to verify that Excel is retrieving the correct data from the worksheet
(this should be the case if you select the data correctly in step 1)
and that it has correctly identified the data series (see Figure C-3).
If Excel hasn’t correctly interpreted the to-be-plotted data, click the
worksheet button at the right end of the Data Range text box. When
Excel minimizes the Chart Wizard dialog box, select the correct
range. To restore the Chart Wizard dialog box, click the worksheet
button a second time. If Excel has misinterpreted how you’ve or-
ganized your worksheet data—Excel assumes the chart has fewer
data series than data categories—click the other Series In option
button. Click Next when you’re finished.

Figure C-3 The second Chart Wizard dialog box.

6. When Excel displays the third Chart Wizard dialog box, you use
its Titles tab to add a chart title and axes titles (see Figure C-4). To
add such chart text, just click the appropriate text box and type the
text you want. Click Next when you’re finished.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z C

Figure C-4 The third Chart Wizard dialog box.

NOTE Excel updates the chart picture shown on the third Chart Wizard
dialog box for any text you add.
7. Use the fourth Chart Wizard dialog box to choose which location
you want for your chart (see Figure C-5). To add the chart to a new
sheet, click the As New Sheet option button and then enter a name
for the new chart sheet. To add the chart as a free-floating object
to an existing worksheet, click the As Object In option button and
then select the worksheet from the As Object In drop-down list box.
When you complete this step, you’ve finished creating the chart.
Click Finish.

Figure C-5 The fourth Chart Wizard dialog box.

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Customizing a Chart
To customize a chart, select the chart and then click the Chart Wiz-
ard toolbar button. Excel restarts the Chart Wizard, and you can step
through the four dialog boxes (described earlier in the preceding
paragraphs) to make your changes.
You can make changes not described in the earlier discussion of the
Chart Wizard. For example, the Custom Types tab of the first Chart
Wizard dialog box displays a variety of hybrid charts in which dif-
ferent data series use different data markers and also charts that use
unusual color schemes (see Figure C-6). To use one of these custom
chart types, select it from the list.

Figure C-6 The Custom Types tab of the first Chart Wizard dialog

NOTE You can also change the chart type by clicking a chart and then
choosing the Chart➞Chart Type command.
You can add to or change the data series plotted in a chart using the
Series tab of the second Chart Wizard dialog box (see Figure C-7).
To change a data series, click its name in the Series list box and then
change the values in the Name and Values boxes. To add a data se-
ries to the chart, click Add, and then, after Excel adds the new series,

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z C
use the Name and Values boxes to name the data series and identify
the worksheet range holding the data series. To remove a data series,
click the data series and then click Remove. The Series tab also pro-
vides a box you use to specify which worksheet range holds the data
category names.

Figure C-7 The Series tab of the second Chart Wizard dialog box.

TIP If you click the worksheet button shown at the right end of the
Name, Values, and Category (X) Axis Labels boxes, Excel minimizes
the dialog box. You can then select the cell or worksheet range
holding the name, to-be-plotted data, or data category names.

NOTE You can also change the chart type by clicking a chart and then
choosing the Chart➞Source Data command.
You can use the third Chart Wizard dialog box, shown in Figure
C-8, to change the text you’ve used to annotate the change, the ap-
pearance of the chart’s axes, the gridlines used within the plot area,
the location of a legend (and whether you even want one of these),
whether data labels appear next to data markers, and whether a table
of the plotted data also appears in the chart. For example, the Axes tab
provides check boxes you can use to indicate whether you want a cat-
egory and value axis and, for the category axis, what formatting you

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

want. Rather than reading about what each of these options does, ex-
periment with them yourself. If your experimentation still leaves you
with questions, click the Question button in the dialog box’s upper right
corner and then click the option you have a question about.

Figure C-8 The Axes tab of the third Chart Wizard dialog box.

Each of the other tabs allows you to customize the chart, too. The
Gridlines tab displays check boxes you can select to add horizontal and
vertical gridlines to plot the area of your chart. The Legend tab dis-
plays a Show Legend check box you can select to add a legend to the
chart and then Placement option buttons—Bottom, Corner, Top,
Right, or Left—which you can use to indicate where you want the
legend placed. The Data Labels tab displays a set of option buttons you
can use to indicate whether you want the actual data point values or
equivalent percentages written next to their data markers. The Data
Table tab provides check boxes that you can use to add a table and a
legend of the data point values of the chart.
NOTE You can also change the chart text, axes, gridlines, legend, data
labels, or data table by clicking a chart and then choosing the
Chart➞Chart Options command.
You can use the fourth Chart Wizard dialog box, to relocate a chart
(see Figure C-9). To do this, simply select the other option button
when you see this dialog box. For example, if the dialog box initially
shows the As New Sheet option button selected, select the As Ob-
ject In option button.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z C

Figure C-9 The fourth Chart Wizard dialog box.

NOTE If you can’t use the Chart Wizard or an equivalent command to

change some element of a chart, you can right-click the part of
the chart that you want to change and then choose the Format
command from the shortcut menu.

Resizing a Chart Object

You can resize any worksheet object, including a chart, by clicking the
object and then dragging the square selection handles that appear on
the sides and corners of the object.

Printing a Chart
To print the chart in the selected sheet, simply click the Print toolbar
button or choose the File➞Print command. To print a free-floating
chart object, click it and then click the Print toolbar button or choose
the File➞Print command. You can also print the chart object by print-
ing the worksheet over which it floats.

Choosing a Chart Type

Charts allow you to visually compare data in five basic ways, which
means that your first step in determining the appropriate chart type
is often simply to consider what data comparison you want to make.
Suppose, for example, that you’ve collected detailed product sales
revenue data for a golf equipment manufacturer. Using a chart, you
might decide to look at this data in any of the ways summarized in the
table that follows.

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z


Part-to-whole Compares an individual data point value to

the sum of a data series. Comparing sales of a
particular golf club set to total sales, for ex-
ample, is a part-to-whole comparison.
Whole-to-whole Compares individual data point values to
each other or data series to each other. Com-
paring sales of a starter men’s golf club set to
a starter women’s golf club set, for example, is
a whole-to-whole comparison.
Time-series Compares data point values from different
time periods to show how values change over
time. Showing monthly sales over the last
year, for example, is a time-series compari-
Correlation Compares different data series to explore cor-
relation between the data series. Comparing
industry-wide sales to the average age of the
population, for example, is a correlation com-
Geographic Compares data values using a geographic
map. Comparing sales by country, for ex-
ample, is a geographic comparison.
Once you decide what data comparison you want to make, it’s gen-
erally quite straightforward to identify the appropriate Excel chart
types and sometimes even to identify appropriate chart sub-types.
• To make a part-to-whole comparison when working with just a
single data series, you might choose a pie chart. (Pie charts plot only
a single data series.) You might choose a doughnut chart or area
chart if you’re working with more than one data series.
• To make a whole-to-whole comparison, you might choose a chart
that uses horizontal data markers, such as a bar chart or one of the
cylinder, cone, or pyramid chart sub-types that uses a vertical data
category axis and data markers. You might also choose a dough-
nut chart or radar chart.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z C
• To make a time-series comparison, you would typically choose a
chart that uses vertical data markers, such as a column chart, a line
chart, or one of the cylinder, cone, or pyramid chart sub-types that
uses a horizontal data category axis and data markers. You might
also choose the stock chart if you’re performing technical analysis
of security prices. (Time-series charts typically use a horizontal data
category axis because of the Western convention of using a hori-
zontal axis to denote the passage of time.)
• To make a correlation comparison, you might choose the XY (scat-
ter) chart if you’re working with two data series or the bubble chart
if you’re working with three data series. You might also choose the
surface chart if you want to explore trends in two dimensions.
• To make a geographic comparison, you would probably use the
MapPoint program, which comes with Microsoft Office XP or, pos-
sibly, the surface chart.

Checking Spelling see Spelling

Clip Art
You can add simple drawings and images, called clip art, to your Excel
workbooks. Microsoft Office supplies a rich set of clip art images
through its clip art organizer. This organizer includes images that come
with the Office suite of programs and images that you’ve collected in
other ways, such as by downloading them from the Internet.

Listing Clip Art Images

To build a list of clip art images you want to use, follow these steps:
1. Choose the Insert➞Picture➞Clip Art command. Excel displays the
Insert Clip Art task pane (see Figure C-10).

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure C-10 The Insert Clip Art task pane.

2. Enter as much of the image’s file name and extension as you know
into the Search Text box. Use the ? wildcard in place of any char-
acters you don’t know and the * wildcard in place of any character
sets you don’t know.
3. Use the Search In box to specify where Excel should look for clip
4. Use the Results Should Be box to restrict the search to only speci-
fied types of clip art.
5. Click the Search button to begin the search. When Excel finishes,
it displays a list of thumbnail images that match your search cri-

Inserting a Clip Art Image

Once you build a list of the clip art images, click in the Excel work-
book at the point where you want to insert the image and then click
the image you want to insert (see Figure C-11).

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z C

Figure C-11 An example of Excel clip art.

Using the Clip Organizer

The Clip Organizer works like an especially-tailored version of the
My Computer window or Windows Explorer tool just for working
with clip art (see Figure C-12).

Figure C-12 The Clip Organizer window.

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

The Clip Organizer window organizes your images into three catego-
ries: My Collections, Office Collections, and Web Collections. To see
the subcategories in any of these major categories, double-click the
category folder icon. In Figure C-12, the My Collections folder is open
and shows several additional subcategory folders. To see the images
in a subcategory, double-click the subcategory folder icon. Clip Or-
ganizer displays a list of thumbnail images. You can right-click a
thumbnail image to display a shortcut menu of commands useful for
copying, moving and deleting clip art images.
NOTE The Clip Organizer toolbar provides many of the same toolbar
buttons and tools as does the Windows Explorer or My Computer

When you work with Microsoft Office applications like Excel, the
term clipboard actually refers to two different items: the system clip-
board and the office clipboard. Both clipboards are temporary stor-
age areas filled with items you cut and copy. However, the two
clipboards work differently.

Using the System Clipboard

Whenever you copy or cut something in Windows, Windows stores
the copied or cut item on the system clipboard. The system clipboard
can store only one item at a time, so when you do copy or cut, the newly
copied or cut item replaces the previously copied or cut item.
In non-Microsoft Office Windows programs and when working with
Windows itself, you actually copy the contents of the system clipboard
to the active window or active workbook when you paste some item.
The system clipboard gets erased in two ways: when you turn off your
computer and when you specifically tell Office to clear the office
clipboard. When Office clears the office clipboard, it also clears the
system clipboard.

Using the Office Clipboard

In Microsoft Office, you can paste either from the system clipboard
or the Office clipboard. Unlike the system clipboard, the Office clip-
board can store up to twenty-four items. When you copy the twenty-
fifth item, Office discards the first, or oldest, item.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z C
To paste from the Office clipboard, first choose the Edit➞Office
Clipboard command so that the contents of the Office clipboard are
listed in the task pane (see Figure C-13). Then, right-click the item
and choose the Paste command from the shortcut menu.

Figure C-13 The Clipboard task pane.

NOTE To paste from the system clipboard, you choose the Edit➞Paste
command, click the Paste toolbar button, or use the Ctrl+V short-
The Office clipboard lets you copy items between Office documents
and programs. For example, you can use the Office clipboard to copy
an Excel chart to a Word document.
The Office clipboard gets erased when you close the last Office pro-
gram. You can also erase the Office clipboard by clicking the Clear
All button in the Clipboard task pane. (This also clears the system
clipboard.) You can also erase individual items in the Office clipboard
by right-clicking the item and choosing the Delete command.

Customizing the Office Clipboard

The Options button at the button of the Clipboard task pane displays
a pop-up menu of four toggle switches you can use to control how the
Office clipboard appears in the Excel program window:

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

• The Show Office Clipboard Automatically toggle switch tells Excel

to display the Clipboard task pane when copying.
• The Collect Without Showing Office Clipboard switch tells Excel to
collect copied items on the Office clipboard.
• The Show Office Clipboard Icon On Taskbar switch tells Excel to
display an Office Clipboard icon on the Taskbar. (You can click this
icon to display the Clipboard task pane.)
• The Show Status Near Taskbar switch tells Excel to display a mes-
sage when copying to the Office clipboard.
Excel puts a check mark in front of the menu command when the
switch is turned on.
SEE ALSO Copying Cell Contents, Copying Formulas

Closing Programs
To close, or exit, a program like Excel, choose the File➞Exit com-
mand. Alternatively, click the program window’s Close box.
NOTE The program window’s Close box is in the upper right corner of
the program window and is marked with an “X.”

Closing Workbooks
To close a workbook, choose the File➞Close command. Alternatively,
click the workbook window’s Close box.
NOTE The document window’s Close box is in the upper right corner
of the program just beneath the program window’s Close box.
The program window’s Close box is in the corner program win-
dow. Close boxes are marked with an “X.”
To close all the open workbooks, hold down the Shift key and choose
the File➞Close All command.

You can add color or change the color of most parts of an Excel

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z C
Coloring Text
To color text, select the text. Then click the Font Color toolbar button’s
arrow to display a pop-up menu of colors. Click the color you want
for the selected.
Alternatively, you can choose the Format➞Cells command to display
the Format Cells dialog box, click the Font tab and then use the Color
list box to select a color (see Figure C-14).

Figure C-14 The Format Cells dialog box.

Using a Fill Color for the Workbook

To fill the selected range with a color, click the Fill Color button on
the Formatting toolbar. Then click the square that shows the color you

Coloring an Object
To color an object or some part of an object, right-click the object so
that Excel displays the shortcuts menu. Choose the Format command
so that Excel displays the Format dialog box. (The exact name of the
command and dialog box will depend on the object you select.) Click
the Colors And Lines tab and use the Fill Color and Line Color boxes
to pick the color you want (see Figure C-15).

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure C-15 The Colors And Lines tab of the Format Picture dialog

SEE ALSO Formatting Cells

In a worksheet, the letters of the alphabet identify each of the 256
columns. Excel uses double letters for columns 27 through 256.
To quickly increase the column width to accommodate all text in the
column but include no extra white space, double-click the right border
of that column heading.
To specify exact column width, select any cell in that column, choose
the Format➞Column➞Width command. Enter the width in char-
acters in the Column Width text box and click OK (see Figure C-16).

Figure C-16 The Column Width dialog box.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z C
To hide a column, select any cell in the column and choose the
Format➞Column➞ Hide command. To redisplay a hidden column,
select a range that includes the columns to the left and right of the
hidden column. Then choose the Format➞Column ➞Unhide com-

To add a comment to the selected cell, choose the Insert➞Comment
command. When Excel opens a pop-up comment box, type your
comment (see Figure C-17).

Figure C-17 A pop-up comment box.

To later view a comment, click the cell and choose the Insert➞Edit
Comment command. To delete a comment, click the cell and choose
the Edit➞Clear➞Comment command.

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Comparison Operators see Boolean

Computer Viruses
Excel workbooks can contain computer viruses because Excel work-
books can contain macros and Visual Basic programs. All someone
has to do is write a mischievous or destructive macro or Visual Ba-
sic program and then have you open the workbook and run the pro-
gram. For this reason, you’ll want to be careful about opening strange
workbook files. One way you can be careful is by disabling any mac-
ros or Visual Basic programs in strange workbooks you open. Excel,
fortunately, will ask if you want to do this when you open a workbook.

Concatenation see Text Formulas

Conditional Formatting
To format only those cells that meet certain criteria, you can use Excel’s
Conditional Formatting feature. You might want to do this, for ex-
ample, if you want to highlight cells in a budgeting worksheet that
contain values larger than 200.
To apply conditional formatting, select the range of cells you want to
include in the conditional formatting filters, and then follow these
1. Choose the FormatÞConditional Formatting command. Excel dis-
plays the Conditional Formatting dialog box (see Figure C-18).

Figure C-18 The Conditional Formatting dialog box.

2. Enter the first criteria, using the drop-down list boxes and text boxes
provided. For example, if you want Excel to display values greater
than 500 in red italic boldface, indicate that you want to condition-
ally format cells with values greater than 500.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z C
3. Click Format to describe how you want Excel to format the cells
with contents that fit your criteria. When you do this, Excel dis-
plays a variant of the Format Cells dialog box (see Figure C-19).
Use it specify the font, font size, font effects, and font color you want
to use for cells that contain labels or values meeting your conditions.
Click OK to close the Format Cells dialog box and return to the
Conditional Formatting dialog box.

Figure C-19 The Format Cells dialog box.

4. Click Add, and Excel adds the conditional formatting rule. If you
want to specify multiple criteria, repeat steps 1 and 2 for the other
5. Click OK, and Excel applies the conditional formatting.
SEE ALSO Formatting Cells

Control Menu
In the upper left corner of program windows, including the Excel
program window, is an icon you can click to display the Control menu.
The Control menu, a relic of the version of Windows that Microsoft
sold a decade ago, supplies commands for moving, sizing and closing
the program window.

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Copying Cell Contents

You can copy the contents of cells and ranges and then paste them into
other locations. This means you don’t have to repeatedly type a label,
value, or formula. You can type the entry just once and then copy or
move it.
Suppose, for example, that the numbers shown in column C of a
budgeting worksheet represent the budgeted expenses for January and
that the same figures are projected for February and March (see Fig-
ure C-20). Rather than reenter the same values, you could copy the
values already stored in column C.

Figure C-20 The simple budgeting worksheet.

To copy the labels and values for such an operation, follow these steps:
1. Select the cell or range to be copied. The easiest method for select-
ing a specific cell or range is by clicking or clicking and dragging
the mouse.
2. Click the Copy toolbar button, or choose the Edit➞Copy command.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z C
3. Select the destination cell or the cell in the upper left corner of the
destination range.
4. Click the Paste toolbar button, or choose the Edit➞Paste command.
Excel copies the worksheet range from the clipboard into the
specified worksheet range (see Figure C-21).

Figure C-21 A worksheet with the contents of B2:B6 pasted into the
range C2:D6.

NOTE If you paste a copy of a single cell into a multiple-cell range, the
contents of the cell are duplicated in each cell in the destination

TIP You can also copy a cell or range with the mouse. Just select the
cell or range, hold down the Ctrl key, point to the black border
around the cell or range so that the mouse pointer changes from
a cross to an arrow, and then drag the cell or range to a new

SEE ALSO Coping Formulas

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Copying Formatting
You can copy formatting by selecting the text, clicking the Format
Painter toolbar button, and then selecting the text you want to format.
To format several ranges with the Format Painter tool, select the range
with the formatting you want to copy, double-click the Format Painter
toolbar button, and then go through your workbook selecting each range
you want to copy the formatting to. When you format the last text chunk,
click the Format Painter again to turn off the format copying.
SEE ALSO Copying Ranges, Formatting Cells

Copying Formulas
When you copy labels and values, Excel duplicates the contents of the
copied cell or cells and pastes the data into the selected range. When
you copy a formula, however, Excel adjusts any cell references used
in the formula. This important difference can be illustrated by copy-
ing a formula in a simple worksheet (see Figure C-22). In a worksheet
like the one shown in Figure C-22, you can copy the formula in cell
B7 to cells C7 and D7. To do this, follow these steps:

Figure C-22 A simple budgeting worksheet with a formula.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z C
1. Select the cell or range with the formula(s) you want to copy. In the
example worksheet shown in Figure C-22, you would select cell B7.
2. Click the Copy toolbar button. Excel moves a copy of the formula
to the clipboard.
3. Select the destination range C7:D7.
4. Click the Paste toolbar button. Excel adjusts the formulas for the
column in question and pastes the formula =SUM (C2:C6) into cell
C7 and the formula =SUM (D2:D6) into cell D7 (see Figure C-23).

Figure C-23 The budgeting worksheet after copying the formula in cell
B7 into cells C7 and D7.

The formula changes that Excel makes aren’t a mistake. Excel as-
sumes—unless you tell it otherwise—that the cell references in your
formulas are relative. When Excel copies and pastes a formula with
relative cell references, it adjusts them.

C Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

To prevent Excel from automatically adjusting the relative references

of copied formulas, you can make them absolute. Simply place a dol-
lar sign ($) in front of the part or parts you don’t want Excel to ad-
just. For example, to tell Excel not to adjust the formula at all, place
a dollar sign in front of both the column letter and row number like
this, $C$2. To allow Excel to adjust row numbers but not column
letters, put a dollar sign in front of the column letter but not the row
number, like this: $C1. And to allow Excel to adjust column letters
but not row numbers, put a dollar sign in front of the row number but
not the column letter, like this: C$1.
TIP If you press the F4 key while editing or writing a cell address, Excel
toggles between relative, absolute and mixed cell references.

Copying Objects
To copy an object, such as a picture, click the object to select it. Click
the Copy toolbar button. Click the location where the object should
be copied. Click the Paste toolbar button.

Copying Ranges
Excel provides several ways to copy worksheet ranges. To copy a range
and its formatting, use any of the following methods:
• Drag-and-drop. Select text you want to copy with the mouse. Then,
while holding down the Ctrl key, drag the selected text to a new
• Edit➞Copy and Edit➞Paste commands. Select the text, choose the
Edit➞Copy command, click the new location, and choose the
Edit➞Paste command.
• Copy and Paste toolbar buttons. Select the text, click the Copy but-
ton, click the new location, and choose the Paste toolbar button.
• Office Clipboard task pane. Select the text, click the Copy button
or choose the Edit➞Copy command, click new location, and click
the item you want to copy in the Clipboard task pane. (If the
Office Clipboard doesn’t show, choose the Edit➞Office Clipboard

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z D
If you don’t want to copy the formatting, choose the Edit➞Paste Spe-
cial command in place of the Paste toolbar button or the Edit➞Paste
command. When Excel displays the Paste Special dialog box, use the
Paste buttons to specify what you want pasted (see Figure C-24).

Figure C-24 The Paste Special dialog box.

SEE ALSO Clipboard, Moving Text, Paste Special Dialog Box

Currency Symbols see Formatting Cells

You use the Cut toolbar button and the Edit➞Cut command to move
text, tables, and objects within and between workbooks.
SEE ALSO Clipboard, Copying Cell Contents, Moving Cell Contents

Database see Importing Databases, Lists

Data Categories see Charts
Data Markers see Charts
Data Points see Charts
Data Series see Charts

D Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Data Tables
Excel lets you easily create simple data tables that show how chang-
ing a formula input affects the formula result. One-variable data tables
let you experiment with how changing a single input variable can affect
a formula’s result or even several formulas’ results. Two-variable data
tables let you experiment with how changing two input variables can
affect a single formula’s result.

Creating One-Variable Data T

One-Variable ables
To set up a one-variable data table, you arrange the input values along
either the left or top edge of a worksheet range and the formula or
formulas you want to calculate along the other top or left edge (see
Figure D-1). Along the other edge of the worksheet range, enter the
formulas you want to test using the input values. In Figure D-1, for
example, the worksheet shows two formulas for calculating the
monthly mortgage payment.

Figure D-1 An Excel worksheet range set up for creating a one-vari-

able data table.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z D
NOTE The PMT function, which is used in the workbook shown in Fig-
ure D-1, uses the following syntax: PMT(rate,term,loan) in which
rate is the periodic interest rate, term is the number of payments,
and loan is the loan amount.
Cell B1 holds the formula shown below to calculate the monthly
payment on a 15-year, $100,000 mortgage:

Cell C1 holds the formula shown below to calculate the monthly

payment on a 30-year, $100,000 mortgage:

The key point to note about both of these formulas—this is the secret
to using a one-variable data table—is that they refer to the empty cor-
ner cell of the worksheet that holds the data table.
Once you’ve arranged the input values and the formulas, finish the data
table by following these steps:
1. Select the worksheet range that includes the input values and the
2. Choose the Data➞Table command. Excel displays the Table dia-
log box (see Figure D-2).

Figure D-2 The Table dialog box

3. Provide the input cell location. In the worksheet shown in Figure

D-1, the two what-if formulas use cell A1 as the changing, inter-
est-rate input value. So this is the input cell. Because Figure D-1
arranges the input values into a column, you enter this cell address
in the Column Input Cell text box, as shown in Figure D-2.
4. Click OK. Excel fills the data table with formula results for each
input value, (see Figure D-3). For example, Excel fills cell B2 by
using the formula in cell B1 and the interest rate in cell A2 to
calculate the monthly payment on a 15-year, $100,000 mortgage

D Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

when the annual interest rate is 8.00%. Excel fills cell C3 by us-
ing the formula in cell C1 and the interest rate in cell A3 to cal-
culate the monthly payment on a 30-year, $100,000 mortgage when
the annual interest rate is 9.00%.

Figure D-3 The data table after calculating the what-if formula for
each of the input values.

NOTE Figures D-1 and D-3 show a one-variable data table that stores
the input values along the left edge and the formulas along the
top edge of the worksheet range. You can also store input val-
ues along the top edge and the formulas along the left edge. If
you use this alternative organization, you enter the input cell
address in the Table dialog box’s Row Input Cell text box.
After you set up the one-variable data table, you can continue your
what-if analysis without having to use the Data➞Table command.
Simply change the input values. Excel updates the formula results for
your changes.

Creating Two-V
Two-Variable Data T
wo-Variable ables
To set up a two-variable data table, you arrange the two sets of input
values along the left and top edge of a worksheet range. You then place
the what-if formula in the top-left corner cell of the worksheet range
(see Figure D-4).

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z D

Figure D-4 An Excel worksheet range set up for creating a two-vari-

able data table.

In Figure D-4, cell A1 holds the formula shown below to calculate

the monthly payment on a 30-year mortgage:

NOTE The PMT function uses the syntax PMT(rate,term,loan) in which

rate is the periodic interest rate, term is the number of payments,
and loan is the loan amount.
The key point to note about this formula—and this is the secret to us-
ing a two-variable data table—is that the formula refers to two empty
cells below the worksheet range, A8 and A9, that will be used to store
the what-if data.
Once you’ve arranged the input values and the formula, finish the data
table by following these steps:
1. Select the worksheet range that includes the input values.
2. Choose the Data➞Table command. Excel displays the Table dia-
log box (see Figure D-5).

D Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure D-5 The Table dialog box.

3. Provide the input cell location for the input values you’ve stored in
a row by clicking the Row Input Cell text box (to select the text box)
and then clicking the empty cell you’ve used to refer to the variable
that should be stored in this cell. The simple worksheet shown in
Figure D-4 stores mortgage amounts in a row, so you click the cell
that the what-if formula uses to refer to the mortgage balance,
which is cell A9.
4. Provide the input cell location for the input values you’ve stored in
a column by clicking the Column Input Cell text box (to select the
text box) and then clicking the empty cell you’ve used to refer to the
variable that should be stored in this cell. The simple worksheet
shown in Figure D-5 stores interest rates in a row, so you click the
cell that the what-if formula uses to refer to the interest rates, which
is cell A8.
5. Click OK. Excel fills the data table with formula results for each
input value (see Figure D-6). For example, Excel fills cell B2 by
using the formula in cell B1 and the interest rate in cell A2 to
calculate the monthly payment on a $100,000 mortgage when the
annual interest rate is 8.00%. Excel fills cell C3 by using the for-
mula in cell C1 and the interest rate in cell A3 to calculate the
monthly payment on a $200,000 mortgage when the annual interest
rate is 9.00%. Excel fills cell D4 by using the formula in cell D1
and the interest rate in cell A4 to calculate the monthly payment
on a $300,000 mortgage when the annual interest rate is 10.00%.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z D

Figure D-6 The data table after you calculate the what-if formula for
each of the input values.

As with a one-variable data table, you can continue your what-if

analysis even after you’ve set up the two-variable data table—but
without having to use the Data➞Table command. Simply change the
input values. Excel updates the formula results for your changes. In
the worksheet shown in Figure D-6, for example, to see what loan
payments would be using the same interest rates but with mortgage
balances equal to $125,000, $150,000, and $175,000, simply enter
these values in the worksheet range B1:D1.

Dates and Date Values

Excel uses date values to represent dates so you can easily perform date-
based math. The value 1 represents January 1, 1900, the value 2 rep-
resents January 2, 1900, and so on.
To make date values easier to read, Excel supplies date formats, which
you can see if you choose the Format➞Cells command Click the Num-
ber tab, and select Date from the Category list box (see Figure D-7).

D Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure D-7 The Number tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

NOTE Excel uses decimal values for time values, so you can combine
integer date values and decimal time values to create precise date
and time values.

NOTE Excel also assumes that anything you enter into a cell that looks
like a date should be a date value.

SEE ALSO Times and Time Values

Decimal Values
To enter decimal values into worksheet cells, use the period as the
decimal point.

Deleting Cells, Rows, Columns, and

To delete a cell, range, row, or column, select the specific cell or range
or any cell in the row or column you want to delete and choose the
Edit➞Delete command. Excel displays the Delete dialog box (see Fig-
ure D-8). Describe whether you want to shift the remaining cells up
or to the left, or whether you want to delete the entire row or column,
and click OK.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z D

Figure D-8 The Delete dialog box.

Excel attempts to adjust the cell references and range definitions used
in formulas for row and column deletions. For example, if a formula
references column C and you delete column B so that column C
becomes the new column B, Excel adjusts the formulas to reference
column B. If you delete a cell referenced in a formula, however, Ex-
cel replaces the formula’s reference with the error message #REF,
indicating that the formula originally referenced a now-deleted cell.
SEE ALSO Error Messages, Inserting Cells, Rows, Columns and Worksheets

Delimited Text Files

Dependents see Formula Auditing
Detect and Repair
The Help➞Detect And Repair command finds and fixes errors in the
Office program files. To use this command, first find your Office or
Excel installation CD. Then choose the command. Excel displays the
Detect And Repair dialog box (see Figure D-9). Use the two check
boxes on the Detect And Repair dialog box to specify whether you
want your shortcuts to Office restored as part of the repair and whether
you want your customized settings saved or want to revert to the default

D Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure D-9 The Detect and Repair dialog box.

Excel and other Office programs like Word use a dictionary, named
CUSTOM.DIC, to check your spelling. You can add words to this
dictionary by telling Excel when a word isn’t misspelled but just un-
known. To do this, you choose the Add command from the spelling
shortcuts menu or click the Add To Dictionary button on the Spell-
ing & Grammar dialog box. What happens in this case is that Excel
inserts the word into the CUSTOM.DIC dictionary.

#DIV/0 see Error Messages

Document see Workbook
Drag-and-drop refers to copying or moving items with your mouse.
For example, if you select a worksheet range, you can move the selection
by dragging it to a new location. And if you select a worksheet range
and hold down the Ctrl key, you can copy the selection by dragging
it to a new location.
SEE ALSO Copying Cell Contents, Moving Cell Contents

Excel includes a drawing tool which you can use to add lines, arrows,
shapes and images to your workbooks. To begin drawing, display the
Drawing toolbar by choosing the View➞Toolbars➞Drawing com-
mand (see Figure D-10).

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z D

Figure D-10 The Drawing toolbar.

NOTE The Drawing toolbar can either be free-floating, as shown in

Figure D-10, or it can be fixed. Typically, the Drawing toolbar is
fixed and located along the bottom edge of the Excel program

Drawing Lines, Arrows, Rectangles

and Ovals
The Drawing toolbar includes buttons for drawing lines, arrows,
rectangles (including squares) and ovals (including circles):
• To draw a line or arrow, click the Line or Arrow button. When
Excel opens a drawing canvas, click at the point where your line
or arrow should begin and drag the mouse to the point where the
line or arrow should end.
• To draw a rectangle, click the Rectangle button. When Excel opens
a drawing canvas, click at the point where the rectangle’s top left
corner should be and drag the mouse to the point where the
rectangle’s bottom right corner should be.
• To draw an oval, click the Oval button. When Excel opens a draw-
ing canvas, click at the point where the oval’s top left corner should
be and drag the mouse to the point where the oval’s bottom right
corner should be.
TIP To make your rectangle a square or your oval a circle, hold down
the Shift key as you drag the mouse.

Drawing Text Boxes

A text box is a box into which you can enter text. To add a text box to
your workbook or to a an existing workbook, click the Drawing toolbar’s
Text Box button, then click at the point where the text box’s top left
corner should be and drag the mouse to the point where the text box’s
bottom right corner should be. To make your text box square, hold down

D Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

the Shift key while you drag the mouse. After you draw your text box,
type the text you want the box to hold (see Figure D-11).

Figure D-11 A worksheet with a text box.

Drawing AutoShapes
The Drawing toolbar includes an AutoShapes tool which lets you
draw dozens and dozens of common shapes such as hearts, stars,
polygons, and flow chart symbols. To draw an autoshape, click the
AutoShapes tool and then select one of the AutoShapes menu com-
mands: Lines, Connectors (which are shapes that connect lines), Basic
Shapes, Block Arrows, Stars And Banners, Callouts or More Shapes.
When Excel displays a list of the autoshapes with the selected cat-
egory, click the one you want to add and then drag the mouse to size
and position the autoshape (see Figure D-12).

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z D

Figure D-12 A menu of autoshapes.

Selecting Objects
The Drawing toolbar’s Select Objects button lets you select more than
one drawing object. To select objects with the Drawing toolbar’s Select
Objects button, you have two selection methods available once you’ve
clicked the Select Objects button:
• Hold down the Shift key and click the objects you want to select.
• Draw a rectangle that encompasses the shapes you want to select.

Working with the Draw Menu’

The Draw menu, opened when you click the Draw button the Draw-
ing toolbar, displays a dozen commands you can use if use the Draw-
ing toolbar to create more complex drawings.
• Group. The Group command groups the selected objects so they
can be moved, sized, and formatted as a group.
• Ungroup. The Ungroup command ungroups previously grouped

D Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

• Regroup. The Regroup command groups previously ungrouped

• Order. The Order command displays a submenu of commands you
can use to move the selected object or objects to the front or back
of other objects in the drawing.
• Snap. The Snap command displays a submenu of commands you use
to tell Excel to move an object, or snap the object, so it aligns per-
fectly with worksheet grid or another object.
• Nudge. The Nudge command displays a submenu menu of com-
mands you can use to nudge, or slightly move, the selected object
or objects up, down, right or left.
• Align Or Distribute. The Align Or Distribute command displays
a submenu of commands you can use to change the alignment (right
versus left, for example) or distribution (horizontal versus vertical)
for the selected object or objects.
• Rotate Or Flip. The Rotate Or Flip command displays a submenu
of commands you can use to rotate an object and to horizontally or
vertically flip an object.
• Reroute Connectors. The Reroute Connectors command lets you
change where connectors connect.
• Edit Points. The Edit Points command lets you change the line used
in a curve, a freeform shape or a scribble.
• Change AutoShape. The Change AutoShape command lets you
change the autoshape of the selected autoshape object.
• Set AutoShape Default. The Set AutoShape Default command lets
you pick the default autoshape used within each autoshape category.

Formatting Drawing Objects

You can usually change the appearance or format of a drawing object
by right-clicking the object, choosing the Format AutoShape com-
mand from the shortcuts menu, and then using the dialog box that
Excel displays to color the shape and its border, change the lines used
to draw the shape, and add or remove patterns (see Figure D-13).

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z D

Figure D-13 The Colors And Lines tab of the Format AutoShape dia-
log box.

The Drawing toolbar also provides toolbar buttons for making com-
mon formatting changes to drawing objects:
• Fill Color. To change the color of the selected item, click the
Fill Color button’s arrow and then choose the color you want from
the pop-up menu of colors.
• Line Color. To change the color of the selected line or arrow,
click the Line Color button’s arrow and choose the color from the
pop-up menu of colors. Click the color you want for the line.
• Font Color. To change the color of the selected text, click the
Font Color button and then choose the color you want from the
pop-up menu of colors.
• Line Style. To change the weight of the selected line or arrow,
click the Line Style button and then choose a line weight from the
pop-up menu of line weights.
• Dash Style. To change the selected solid line or arrow into a
dashed line or arrow—or vice versus—click the Dash Style but-
ton and then choose a dashed line style from the pop-up menu of
dashed line options.

D Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

• Arrow Style. To change the selected arrow’s direction or the type

of arrowhead it uses, click the Arrow Style button and then choose
an arrow style from the pop-up menu of arrow styles.
• Shadow Style. To add shadowing to the selected object, click the
Shadow Style button and then choose a shadowing style from the
pop-up menu of choices.
• 3-D Style. To add a 3-D effect to the selected object, click the
3-D Style button and then choose the 3-D effect from the pop-up
menu of choices.

Inserting WordArt, Diagrams,

Organizational Charts,
and Pictures
You can use the Insert WordArt, Insert Diagram Or Organization
Chart, Insert Clip Art, and Insert Picture toolbar buttons to add
WordArt, diagrams, organizational charts, pieces of clip art and pic-
tures to your drawing. To add any of these items, click the appropri-
ate button and then identify the item using the dialog boxes that Excel
SEE ALSO Clip Art Pictures, WordArt

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z E
Editing Cell Contents
Excel cells work like the fields, or boxes, you see elsewhere in Win-
dows. This means that it’s easy to correct mistakes. Before setting a
label or value in a cell, for example, you can use the Backspace key to
erase characters to the left of the insertion point (the cursor) and then
retype the correct data. You can also reposition the insertion point in
the formula bar with the arrow keys and erase characters to the right
with the Delete key. If you don’t want to enter the data shown on the
formula bar in the active cell, click the Cancel button or press the Esc
If you make a mistake but don’t realize it until you set the label or value
in the cell, move the cell selector to the cell with the erroneous con-
tent. To replace the cell’s contents entirely, enter a new label or value.
To edit the cell’s contents, either click the formula bar or double-click
the cell. Edit the cell contents shown in the formula bar or in the
editable text box. When the formula bar or editable text box over the
cell shows the correct label or value, set it in the active cell by mov-
ing the cell selector to another cell, pressing the Enter key, or click-
ing the Enter button in the formula bar.
SEE ALSO Deleting Cells, Rows, Columns, and Worksheets, Formula Bar

You can e-mail the open Excel workbook by choosing the File➞Send
To➞Mail Recipient (As Attachment) command. Excel opens your
default e-mail client (this may be Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft
Outlook Express), creates a new blank message and attaches the Excel
workbook to the message. All you need to do is address the e-mail
message, provide a subject and some message text, and click Send.
TIP You can also e-mail Excel workbooks starting from within your
e-mail client. When you do this, you e-mail them in the same way
as you e-mail any file—typically by clicking the Attachment but-
ton and then using a dialog box to find and identify the to-be-
attached file.

E Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Embedding Objects
To embed an object, such as a picture or some item created by another
program, choose the Insert➞Object command so that Excel displays
the Object dialog box.

Creating New Objects

To create a new object, click the Create New tab and then select the
type of object you want to create from the Object Type list box (see
Figure E-1). When you click OK, Windows opens the program that
creates the selected object type so you can create the object. When you
exit the creating program, Windows returns you to Excel and places
the new object in your workbook.

Figure E-1 The Create New tab of the Object dialog box.

Creating Objects from Files

To create an object by using an existing file, click the Create From File
tab (see Figure E-2). Then enter the complete pathname for the file
into the File Name box. If you don’t know the complete pathname,
click the Browse button to display the Browse window, which you can
use to navigate through your computer’s and network’s folders and
locate the file.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z E

Figure E-2 The Create From File tab of the Object dialog box.

NOTE The Create From File tab includes two checkboxes you can use to
further control how an embedded object works. Check the Link
To File box to link the embedded object to the file that provides
the object. (When you link, Excel alerts you to changes to the file
and asks if the object should be updated.) Check the Display As
Icon box to display an icon rather than a picture of the embed-
ded object in the workbook.

SEE ALSO Pathname

Erasing Cell Contents

You can erase the contents and of the selected cell or a range by pressing
the Delete key.
You can erase cell contents, formatting and cell comments by choos-
ing the Edit➞Clear command and the specifying what you want to
erase. Choose one of the four commands from the submenu, as shown
in following table:
All Erases all contents and formatting
Formats Erases formatting but leaves contents.
Contents Erases the contents but leaves the formatting.
Comments Erases any comments inserted using the In-
sert menu’s Comment command.

E Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Error Messages
If Excel can’t calculate a formula, it returns an error message in place
of the formula result. Typically, the error messages, described in the
table that follows, hint at the reason for the error:
#DIV/0 Your formula attempts to divide by zero,
which is impossible.
#N/A Your formula references a cell that returns
the “Not available” value.
#NAME? Your formula appears to use a cell name but
the cell name isn’t recognized or is mis-
#NULL Your formula attempts to provide value that
doesn’t exist.
#NUM! Your formula attempts an impossible opera-
tion such as calculating the square root of a
negative value.
#REF! Your formula references a range that doesn’t
or no longer exists.
#VALUE! Your formula tries to use text in a mathemati-
cal operation.

SEE ALSO Formulas, Naming Cells and Ranges

Exiting Excel
To exit Excel, choose the File➞Exit command or click the Excel pro-
gram window’s Close box.
SEE ALSO Closing Workbooks, Closing Programs

You can export text, worksheet ranges, and objects from Excel so they
can be used in other programs and other workbooks. Probably the
easiest way to export the selected text, a worksheet range, or an ob-
ject is to choose Edit➞Copy to copy the selection to the clipboard,

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z F
open the new workbook or program into which you want to export
the selection, and then choose the Edit➞Paste command.
You can export an entire workbook by saving the file in a format that
can be imported by the program to which you want to move the
workbook. To do this, choose the File➞Save As command. Save the
workbook in the usual way—except use the Save As Type list box to
choose a file format the importing program will recognize.
SEE ALSO Clipboard, Copying Cell Contents, Lotus 1-2-3, Workbooks

F4 Key see Copying Formulas

File Extensions
Windows appends a three-character file extension to your file name
to identify the type of file. Excel workbooks, for example, use the file
extension XLS. Typically, you don’t enter the file extension for a
workbook. Excel adds this automatically, based on the type of file you’re
creating or saving. Sometimes you can specify the file extension with
the file name—and when you can your file extension determines the
type of file Excel creates.
SEE ALSO File names, Pathnames

File Format
Different programs use different formats, or structures, for their files.
The workbooks you create in Excel, for example, use a different for-
mat than the documents you create in Word (the word-processing
program that comes with Microsoft Office).
By default, Excel 2002 and the two previous versions, Excel 2000 and
Excel 97, use the same workbook format, but other spreadsheet pro-
grams and earlier versions of Excel use other formats.
You can choose which format Excel should use for a workbook when
you save the workbook file. To do so, select the file format from the
Save As Type list box, which appears on the Save dialog box.
SEE ALSO Exporting, Workbooks

F Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

File Names
You name your workbook by giving a file name using the Save or Save
As dialog box and entering a name into the File Name box.
Your workbook name can be any valid file name, which means your
file name can be up to 215 characters including spaces. All letters and
numbers can used in file names. Some symbols can, but not the sym-
bols that follow:
SEE ALSO Workbooks

File Properties
Excel and other Office programs collect information about the docu-
ments you create. You can view this information by choosing the
File➞Properties command. Excel displays the workbook properties
dialog box (see Figure F-1). The workbook properties dialog box
provides five tabs of information:

Figure F-1 The General tab of the workbook properties dialog box.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z F
• The General tab displays workbook name, location, size, and file
attributes information.
• The Summary tab provides information and spaces to collect and
store information about the workbook title, subject, author, and so
• The Statistics tab reports when the workbook was last modified,
opened, printed, and so on.
• The Contents tab lists the sheets in the workbook.
• The Custom tab lets you collect and store other pieces of workbook
management information, such as when a workbook is complete,
where it’s been routed, and who the editor was.

Files see Workbooks

Fill Color see Coloring
Filling Cells
To continue a pattern you’ve begun, use the fill handle in the lower
right corner of a cell or range. For example, if you begin the pattern
0, 5, 10 and want to continue it down a column, select the cells hold-
ing these values and click the little black square in the lower right
corner of the range. The mouse pointer changes from a white outlined
cross to a black cross. Now drag the mouse down the column as far
as you want the pattern to go. This procedure also works for easily
identifiable patterns of labels, such as months of the year and days of
the week.
You can also copy a label, value or formula down, up, left or right in
the selected rage using the Edit➞Fill➞Down, Edit➞Fill➞Up,
Edit➞Fill➞Left, and Edit➞Fill➞Right commands.
If you choose the Edit➞Fill➞Series command, Excel displays the
Series dialog box, which you can use to describe how Excel should
fill the selected range (see Figure F-2). The Series dialog box lets you
describe how Excel should create a series of values by, for example,
adding 1 to the previous value or by multiplying the previous value
by a percentage.

F Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure F-2 The Series dialog box.

• Use the Series In buttons—Rows and Columns—to indicate

whether the series should move across rows or down columns.
• Use the Step Value box to supply the value that gets added to the
previous value or multiplied by the previous value to calculate the
new value in the series.
• Use the Type buttons to indicate whether Excel calculates by new
value by adding or multiplying or in some other way. Mark the
Linear button to add the step value. Mark the Growth button to
multiply the step value. Mark the Date button and then one of the
Date Unit buttons if you want create a series of date values by add-
ing the step value to a date value. Mark the AutoFill button to direct
Excel to continue the series that you’ve already started in the selected
• Use the Stop Value box to specify at what value the series should
NOTE If you check the Trend box and mark the Growth button, Excel
doesn’t use the step value to grow the series. Instead, it contin-
ues the growth rate shown in the first values of the selected range.

SEE ALSO Dates and Date Values

Filtering Lists see Lists

Financial Functions see Functions

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z F
Finding Cells
To find cells or text within a workbook, choose the Edit➞Find com-
mand. When Excel displays the Find And Replace dialog, enter the
text you want to search for into the Find What box (see Figure F-3).
Click the Find Next button to start Excel searching the workbook. If
Excel finds the text, it selects the cell while leaving the File And
Replace open. You can work in the workbook, including making
changes in the selected cell. To continue searching, click the Find Next
button again.

Figure F-3 The Find And Replace dialog box.

To search using more sophisticated search criteria, click the Options

button. Excel displays an expanded version of the Find And Replace
dialog box (see Figure F-4). Use its boxes to fine-tune your search

Figure F-4 The expanded Find And Replace dialog box.

• Use the Within box to indicate whether you want to search the active
sheet or the workbook.

F Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

• Use the Search list box to specify in which direction Excel should
• Use the Look In box to indicate whether you want Excel to search
formulas, values or comments.
• Use the Match Case checkbox to indicate whether the case of your
search text needs to exactly match the case of the workbook text.
• Use the Match Entire Cell Contents checkbox to indicate whether
Excel should only find entire cell occurrences of the search text.

Finding Workbooks
You can locate lost or misplaced workbooks using the Excel Search
tool or the Windows Search tool.

Using the Excel Search Tool

To use the Excel Search tool, choose the File➞Open command, click
the Tools button, and choose the Search command. Excel displays the
Search dialog box (see Figure F-5).

Figure F-5 The Basic tab of the Search dialog box.

If you know the file name, click the Basic tab and then follow these

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z F
1. Enter the file name into the Search For box. If you know a portion
of the name, use that portion and the ? and * wildcards.
TIP The ? character represents any single character (h?t finds any
three letter filename that starts with an “h” and ends with a “t”).
The * character represents any set of characters (June* finds any
file name that starts with the word “June”).
2. Use the Search In box to specify on which drives Windows should
3. Use the Results Should Be list box to select which types of work-
books you’re looking for.
4. Click the Search button. Windows begin searching for workbooks
that match your search criteria. As Windows finds matching work-
books, it lists them.
5. To open a workbook in the Results list, double-click it.
If you don’t know the file name but know something about the
workbook’s characteristics—such as what the workbook contains or
who created the workbook—click the Advanced tab (see Figure F-6).

Figure F-6 The Advanced tab of the Search dialog box.

1. Use the Property list box, Condition list box, and Value list box to
identify a file characteristic you can describe. For example, select Text

F Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Or Property from the Property list if you know some the text con-
tained in the workbook, and then select Includes from the Condi-
tion box and enter the search text into the Value box. As another
example, select Size from the Property list box if you know some-
thing about the size of the workbook, then select one of the com-
parison operators (Equal To, Not Equal To, More Than, Less Than,
At Least, At Most) from the Condition list box, and then enter the
file size in bytes (not kilobytes) into the Value box.
2. Use the Search In box to specify on which drives Windows should
3. Use the Results Should Be list box to select which types of work-
books you’re looking for.
4. Click the Search button. Windows begin searching for workbooks
that match your search criteria. As Windows finds matching work-
books, it lists them.
5. To open a workbook in the Results list, double-click it.

Using the Windows Search Tool

The Windows operating system also provides a find file tool that can
be useful for locating lost or misplaced Excel workbooks. Unfortu-
nately, the confusing number of Windows operating systems makes
it difficult to provide a “one-size-fits-all” set of instructions. Never-
theless, with both the Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating
systems, you can take the following steps to search for and locate
1. Click the Start button and choose the Search➞For Files Or Fold-
ers command. Windows displays the Search Results window (see
Figure F-7).

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z F

Figure F-7 The Search Results window.

2. If you know the filename, enter it into the Search For Files Or
Folders Named box. If you know a portion of the name, use that
portion and the ? and * wildcards.
3. To find files that use a word, phrase, or string of text, enter that word,
phrase, or text string into the Containing Text box.
4. Use the Look In list box to specify on which drives Windows should
5. Optionally, use the Date, Type, Size and Advanced Options boxes
to further refine the search. If you check one of these boxes, Win-
dows displays other boxes and buttons you’ll use to describe the
criteria in detail.
6. Click the Search Now button. Windows begin searching for work-
books that match your search criteria. As Windows finds match-
ing workbooks, it lists them.
7. To open a workbook in the Search Results window, double-click

F Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

TIP You can do other work with your computer while the search goes
on. And you’ll probably want to do this. Complex searches, such
as those that look inside workbooks for matching text, can take
a long time.

Footers see Headers and Footers

Format Painter see Copying Formatting
Formatting Cells
You can change the formatting of worksheet cells using with the
Formatting toolbar (discussed in its own entry) or the Format➞Cells
command, described here.

Formatting Numbers
To format values in the selected range, choose the Format➞Cells com-
mand and click the Number tab (see Figure F-8). Select the type of
numeric formatting you want from the Category list box. Then, use
the other boxes, buttons and lists that Excel displays to choose and
fine-tune a number format.

Figure F-8 The Number tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z F
NOTE Each category of number formatting has its own formatting

Adjusting Alignment
To adjust the way that labels and values are aligned in cells, choose
the Format➞Cells command and click the Alignment tab (see Fig-
ure F-9).

Figure F-9 The Alignment tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

• Use the Horizontal box to select how labels and values are horizon-
tally positioned against the left and right edges of the cell. (The
default General horizontal alignment tells Excel to left-justify text
and right-justify values.)
• Use the Vertical box to select how labels and values are vertically
positioned against the top and bottom edges of the cell.
• Use the Orientation boxes to change from the usual horizontal text
orientation to a vertical orientation or something in-between.
• Use the Text Control checkboxes to wrap text to multiple lines,
shrink the text, or combine selected cells.
• Use the Text Direction box to specify the reading order and alignment.

F Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Changing Fonts
To change the font, style, point size and font effects for the selected
range, choose the Format➞Cells command and click the Font tab (see
Figure F-10).

Figure F-10 The Font tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

• Use the Font list box to select a font for the text.
• Use the Font Style list box to italicize or bold the text.
• Use the Size list box to select a point size for the text.
• Use the Underline list box to add underlining.
• Use the Color box to select a color for the text.
• Use the Effects check boxes to add effects like superscripting and
TIP Remember that the Font tab’s Preview area shows how your font
specifications look.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z F
Adding Borders
To add a border to the selected range, choose the Format➞Cells com-
mand and click the Border tab (see Figure F-11). You can use the
Presets buttons to indicate you want borders around the outside bor-
der of the range or along interior rows of the range. Or, you can use
the Border buttons to selectively add borders—including diagonal
borders. The Line Style and Color boxes let you specify what the
border lines should look like.

Figure F-11 The Border tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

Adding Shading and Patterns

To add shading or patterns to the selected range, choose the
Format➞Cells command and click the Patterns tab (see Figure F-12).
Then click the color square that shows the shading color you want.
Optionally, use the Pattern shading box to select a background pat-
tern to go with the shading.

F Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure F-12 The Patterns tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

SEE ALSO Protection

Formatting Toolbar
The Formatting toolbar provides buttons and boxes for making almost
two-dozen common formatting changes, as shown in the list below.
Note, though, that not all of these tools will appear on your Format-
ting toolbar. If you’re using a personalized toolbar, only the format-
ting toolbar buttons that you most frequently use will appear. If you’re
working with the default Formatting toolbar, only the first seventeen
tools listed will appear.
• The Font box lets you pick a font for the selected text.
• The Font Size box lets you a point size for in the selected range text.
• The Bold button adds and removes boldfacing to or from the selection.
• The Italic button italicizes and un-italicizes the selected text.
• The Underline button adds and removes underlining from the selected
• The Align Left button aligns the selected against the left page
• The Center button horizontally centers the selected text on the page.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z F
• The Align Right button aligns the selected text against the right
page margin.
• The Merge And Center button combines the selected cells and then
centers the text in the new merged cells.
• The Currency Style button applies the currency number format to
the selection.
• The Percent Style button applies the percentage style number for-
mat (using two decimal places) to the selection.
• The Comma Style button applies the comma style number format
to the selection.
• The Increase Decimal button increases the number of decimal places
used to show values in the selection.
• The Decrease Decimal button decreases the number of decimal
places used to show values in the selection.
• The Decrease Indent button un-indents the selected text.
• The Increase Indent button indents the selected text.
• The Border button adds a border to the selected line or paragraph.
(If you click the Border button arrow, Excel displays a menu of
border choices.)
• The Fill color button fills the selected range with a color.
• The Font Color button colors text in the selection.
• The AutoFormat button displays the AutoFormat dialog box so you
can automatically format the selection.
• The Format Cells button displays the Format Cells dialog box so
you can format the selection.
• The Increase Font Size button increases the size of the text in the
selection to the next bigger size.
• The Decrease Font Size button decreases the size of the text in the
selection to the next smaller size.
• The Left-to-Right button changes the text direction.
TIP To add a tool to the Formatting toolbar, click the down arrow at the
right end of the toolbar. When Excel displays a list of the additional
toolbar boxes and buttons you can add, click the tools you want.

SEE ALSO Personalized Menus and Toolbars

F Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Formula Auditing
The Tools➞Formula Auditing command displays a submenu of com-
mands that let you carefully check the way your formulas work:
• The Trace Precedents command shows which cells supply values
to the selected cell’s formula.
• The Trace Dependents command shows which cells use the selected
cell’s formula results.
• The Trace Errors command shows which cells supply the error-
causing values to the selected cell’s erroneous formula.
• The Remove All Arrows command removes the arrows that Ex-
cel draws to show precedents, dependents, and errors.
• The Evaluate Formula command displays the Evaluate Formula
dialog box, which you can use to calculate parts of the formula and
see intermediate calculation results.
• The Show Watch Window command displays the Watch Window
which lets you build a list of cells whose formula results you want
to monitor. (To add a cell’s formula to the list, click the cell and then
the Add Watch button.)
• The Formula Auditing Mode command is a toggle switch that turns
on and off the auditing mode. In auditing mode, Excel displays for-
mulas in cells not formula results. In addition, Excel draws colored
borders around the active cell’s precedent cells.
• The Show Formula Auditing Toolbar command opens a toolbar of
commands for tracing precedents, dependents, and errors and for per-
forming other similar audits.
SEE ALSO Error Messages, Formulas

Formulas Bar
The Formula bar shows the contents of the active cell (see Figure
F-13). If the active cell contains a formula, for example, the formula
bar shows the formula rather than the formula result.
To edit the cell contents shown in the formula bar, click the formula
bar and make your changes.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z F

Figure F-13 The formula bar showing the contents of the active cell.

Excel’s power stems from its ability to perform calculations on the
values you store in workbook cells using formulas you enter in other
workbook cells.

Entering Formulas
You enter formulas into a cell in the same way you enter labels and
values. With a formula, however, Excel displays not the formula, but
its result. For example, if you enter a formula that says to add 4 and
2, Excel stores the formula in the cell, but displays the result, 6, in the
Formulas must begin with the equal sign (=) or the plus symbol (+);
that’s how Excel distinguishes them from values and labels. You can
construct formulas that subtract, multiply, divide, and exponentiate. The
– symbol means subtraction, the * means multiplication, the / means
division, and the ^ means an exponential operation. The table that
follows shows the different mathematical operators and the results they

F Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z


=4+2 6
=4-2 2
=4*2 8
=4/2 2
=4^2 16
To build more complicated formulas, you need to recognize the stan-
dard rules of operator precedence: Excel first performs exponential
operations, then multiplication and division operations, and finally,
addition and subtraction. For example, in the formula =1+2*3^4, Excel
first raises 3 to the fourth power to get 81. It then multiplies this value
by 2 to get 162. Finally, it adds 1 to this value to get 163.
To override rules of precedence, use parentheses, as shown in the table
that follows. You can use multiple sets of parentheses in a formula if
needed. Excel first performs the function in the innermost set of pa-
=1+2*3^4 163
=(1+2)*3^4 243
=((1+2)*3)^4 6561

Using Cell References

Excel allows you to use cell references in formulas. When a formula
includes a cell reference, Excel uses the value that cell contains. For
example, the formula =C1+C2 adds the values in cells C1 and C2.
To reference a cell on the same worksheet as the formula, you need
to supply only the column-letter-and-row-number cell reference. To
reference cell C1 on the same worksheet, for example, you enter C1.
You can also reference cells on other worksheets. To reference a cell
on another worksheet in the same workbook, you need to precede the
cell reference with the name of the worksheet and an exclamation
point symbol. To reference cell C1 on the worksheet named Sheet2,
for example, you enter Sheet2!C1.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z F
You can reference cells in other workbooks, too. To do this most easily,
open the other workbooks, begin building your formula as described
earlier in this chapter, and then click the other workbook cell you want
to reference at the point you want to include the reference. Excel then
writes the full cell reference for you, which includes the workbook
name. An external reference to cell C1 on the worksheet named Sheet2
in the workbook named Budget might be written as

Formula Errors
When you build an illogical or unsolvable formula, Excel may dis-
play an error message in the cell rather than calculating the result. The
error message, which begins with the # symbol, describes the error.
Suppose, for example, that you enter the formula =1/0 in a cell. Be-
cause division by zero is an undefined mathematical operation, Ex-
cel can’t solve the formula. To alert you to this, Excel displays the error
message #DIV/0!.
Another common error is a circular reference. This occurs when two
or more formulas indirectly depend on one another to achieve a re-
sult. For example, if the formula in cell A1 is =A2 and the formula in
cell A2 is =A1+A3+A4, A1 depends on A2 and A2 depends on A1.
Excel displays a warning and the Circular Reference toolbar when you
create a circular reference. Excel identifies circular references by
displaying the word Circular on the status bar and showing the ad-
dress of the cell whose formula completed the “circle.” It also draws
arrows between the cells causing the circle.
To fix a formula error, move the cell selector to the cell holding the
formula, click the formula bar, and edit the formula.
NOTE When a formula refers to a cell that contains an erroneous for-
mula, both formulas return the error message. For example, if cell
A1 attempts to divide by zero and cell A2 refers to cell A1, cell
A2 returns the error message #DIV/0! as well.

Natural Language Formulas

Excel lets you create natural language formulas in two ways.
One way is to name the cells you want to use in formulas.
Do this and you can construct formulas that look like
=Mortgage_Balance*Interest_Rate to calculate amounts such as

F Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

interest charges. In this example, the cell holding the mortgage balance
amount would be named Mortgage_Balance and the cell holding the
interest rate would be named Interest_Rate.
Another way to create natural language formulas is to use labels in
formulas. To use the label approach, first choose the Tools➞Options
command click the calculation tab, check the Accept Labels In For-
mulas box. Once you’ve done this, you can use column and row labels
that clearly identify the cells in formulas (see Figure F-14).

Figure F-14 A simple worksheet that uses label-based natural lan-

guage formulas.

In the worksheet shown, for example, the formula in cell B5 that adds
the contents of cells B2, B3, and B4 is:
=January Rent + January Fees + January Laundry
The formula in cell C5 that adds the February expense numbers is:
SEE ALSO Boolean Algebra, Error Messages, Formula Auditing, Func-
tions, Naming Cells and Ranges

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z F
Excel doesn’t provide an easy way to display formulas as fractions. You
can however enter fractions into cells and use fractions in formulas.
To enter the fraction one-fourth into a cell, for example, type:
To use the fraction 11/16ths in a formula, simply enclose the fraction
in parenthesis:
SEE ALSO Formulas

Freezing Window Panes see Window

Full Size
Choose the View➞Full Screen command to display an Excel program
window that shows only your workbook and the menu bar but not the
title bar, toolbars or status bar (see Figure F-15).

Figure F-15 The Full Screen view.

F Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

To return to the Normal view, click the Close Full Screen button,
which appears when you’re working in Full Screen view. Or choose
the View➞Normal command.

Excel provides more than three hundred pre-built financial, statisti-
cal, mathematical, trigonometric, and engineering formulas, called
functions, that ease construction of complicated or lengthy formulas.

How Functions Work

Each function has a name that describes its operation. The function
that adds values is named SUM, for example, and the function that
calculates an arithmetic mean, or average, is named AVERAGE.
Most functions require arguments, or input values, which you enclose
in parentheses. The ROUND function, for example, rounds a specific
value to a specified number of decimal places. To round the value 5.75
to the nearest tenth, you could use the function shown below:
=ROUND(5.75, 1)

Even if a function doesn’t require arguments, you still need to include

the parentheses. For example, the function PI returns the mathematical
constant Pi. The function needs no arguments, but you still need to
enter it as =PI().
Functions can use values, formulas, and even other functions as argu-
ments. In a budgeting worksheet that stored the values 500, 50, 500,
2000, 250 in cells C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5, for example, each of the
following functions returns the same result.




Using Functions
To use a function in a formula, click the Paste Function toolbar but-
ton or choose the Insert➞Function command. Excel displays the Insert
Function dialog box (see Figure F-16). You can look for a function

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z F
in two ways. You can type a description of what you want to calcu-
late into the Search For Function box. Or you can select a category
of functions from the Or Select A Category box. Excel then lists
functions that calculate what you want or that fall into the selected
category in the Select A Function box. Excel describes what the se-
lected function does at the bottom of the Insert Function dialog box.
When you have found the function you want to use, click OK.

Figure F-16 The first Insert Function dialog box.

Excel displays the Function Arguments dialog box with text boxes you
can use to identify or supply the arguments required for the function
(see Figure F-17). If necessary, drag this dialog box to another por-
tion of your screen to see the cells you want to include in the func-
tion. To enter cell data in an argument text box, click that box and then
enter a value or select the cell or range of cells in your worksheet that
goes in the box. Excel highlights the cell or cells you selected with
a flashing box. To enter value or cell data in another argument text box,
click that box and enter the value or select the cell or range in your
worksheet that contains the data required for that box. Click OK when
you’re finished. Excel pastes the function in the cell.

G Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure F-17 Selecting data required for a function.

SEE ALSO Formula Auditing, Formulas

Goal Seek
The Tools➞Goal Seek command determines which input value for
a formula produces a specified formula result. Goal Seek, then, lets
you quantify what needs to happen in order to achieve some specified
For example, suppose you want to determine the interest rate that would
result in a $1,400-a-month payment on a $100,000 loan with a 10-
year repayment term using the workbook (see Figure G-1).

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z G

Figure G-1 A simple loan payment workbook.

NOTE In the loan payment workbook, cells B1, B2, and B3 hold loan
payment function input values for the interest rate, the number
of payments, and the loan amount. Cell B5 holds the formula
=PMT(B1/12,B2,-B3) calculate the monthly interest payment.

To determine the interest rate input value required for your specified
formula result, follow these steps:
1. Choose the Tools➞Goal Seek command. Excel displays the Goal
Seek dialog box (see Figure G-2).

Figure G-2 The Goal Seek dialog box.

G Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

2. Use the Set Cell text box to specify the cell that holds the formula
Excel will attempt to set to the specified value. For the example
workbook shown in Figure G-2, you would specify the Set cell as
3. Use the To Value text box to specify the formula result you want.
For the example discussed here, you would specify the To Value as
4. Use the By Changing Cell text box to specify the input cell that Excel
should adjust in an attempt to calculate the formula result you want.
For the example workbook shown in Figure G-1, you would specify
the By Changing cell to B1. When click OK, Excel adjusts the input
cell to a value that produces the desired formula result and displays
the results in the Goal Seek Status dialog box (see Figure G-3).

Figure G-3 The Goal Seek Status dialog box.

Goal Seek typically finds the correct input cell value in a fraction of
a second. If your calculations are very cumbersome, however, Goal
Seek may take longer. When this happens, you can click the Goal Seek
Status dialog box’s Stop button to terminate the search. Or you can
click the Pause button to temporarily suspend the search.

Go To
The Edit➞Go To command displays the Go To dialog box (see Figure
G-4). You can use the Go To to move the cell selector to a new lo-
cation in a workbook. Just enter the cell address in the Reference box
and click OK.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z G

Figure G-4 The Go To dialog box.

NOTE The Go To list in the Go To dialog box lists any cell and range
names in your workbook. To go to one of these ranges, click the
range and then OK.

Graph see Charts

Graphic Objects see Pictures
Excel draws gridlines both on the worksheets you see in the work-
book window and on the workbooks you print. You can remove these
gridlines, however.
To print worksheets without gridlines, choose the File➞Page Setup
command, click the Sheet tab, and uncheck the Gridlines box (see
Figure G-5).

H Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure G-5 The Sheet tab of the Page Setup dialog box.

To display worksheets in workbook windows without gridlines,

choose the Tools➞Options command, click the View tab, and
uncheck the Gridlines box (see Figure G-6).

Figure G-6 The View tab of the Options dialog box.

Handwriting Recognition
To use the Handwriting Recognition tool built into Office XP pro-
grams, follow these steps:

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z H
1. Display the Language toolbar by clicking on the EN indicator in
the status area of the Window and choosing the Show Language
Bar command.
NOTE The EN indicator doesn’t appear in the status area until you turn
on Office XP’s speech recognition feature.
2. Optionally, open the Writing Pad by clicking the Handwriting
toolbar button and choose the Writing Pad command from the
menu that the Language Bar displays. The Writing Pad window
opens (see Figure H-1).
NOTE To write directly into the active workbook window, choose the
Write Anywhere command from the Handwriting menu.

Figure H-1 The Writing Pad window.

3. Place the cell selector or insertion point at the location where you
want your text inserted. Then, using your mouse or handwriting
input device, neatly write or print text inside the Writing Pad win-
dow. Don’t pause as your write words. Do leave a space between
words. As you write, Handwriting Recognition interprets your
words, entering them at the insertion point. If you write something
you want to erase, click the Writing Pad’s Clear button.
TIP The Writing Pad window includes buttons you can click to rep-
resent common keys such as the Backspace, Spacebar, Enter and
Tab keys. If you click the Expand button, The Writing Pad window
expands to include buttons you can click to move the cursor one
character up, down, right or left, to open the Drawing toolbar,
and to display an onscreen keyboard you can use by clicking its
4. To correct text you’ve entered with Handwriting Recognition, se-
lect the text and then either type the replacement text or handwrite
the replacement text and click the Writing Pad’s Correction but-
SEE ALSO Drawing

H Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Headers and Footers

To create a header or footer for printed copies of a workbook, choose
the View➞Header and Footer command. Then select header or footer
from the Header/Footer tab (see Figure H-2).

Figure H-2 The Header/Footer tab of the Page Setup dialog box.

NOTE You can use headers and footers to add information such as a
page number, the company name, or the workbook name to
printed copies of the workbook.

Help see Office Assistant, T

Office roubleshooting
Horizontal Page Orientation see Page
HTML is the file format used in Web pages. Excel will open and save
HTML documents, which means you can use Excel to create Web
pages. To create an HTML or Web page in Excel, follow these steps:
1. Choose the File➞Save As command.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z H
2. Use the Save In and Filename to specify where the Web Page should
be saved and what it should be named.
3. Select the Web Page entry from the Save File As Type box.
4. Click OK.
SEE ALSO Web Folders

Hyperlinks are clickable pictures and words you can use to display a
network or Internet resource—such as a Web page. To use a hyperlink,
you simply click it. Excel then opens the network resource (this might
be another Excel workbook) or the Internet resource (probably a Web

Linking to an Existing File or Web Page

To create a hyperlink to another file or Web page, follow these steps:
1. Select the text or picture you want to turn into a hyperlink.
2. Choose the Insert➞Hyperlink command. When Excel displays the
Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click the Link To: Existing File Or
Web Page button (see Figure H-3).

Figure H-3 The Insert Hyperlink dialog box with the Link To: Exist-
ing File Or Web Page options displayed.

3. Enter the Internet URL or network pathname that the hyperlink

should point to in the Address box.

H Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

TIP If you don’t know the URL or network pathname, you may be able
to find the workbook or web page by clicking the Current Folder,
Browsed Pages and Recent Files buttons and then choosing the
workbook or web page from the list box. You can also use the
Look In box and the Up One Folder button to display the contents
of other folders on your local network and the Browse The Web
button to open a web browser window you can use to find the
page you want to link to.
4. Use the Text To Display box to provide text the web browser should
display in its status bar when someone points to the link.
5. Optionally, use the ScreenTip button to provide text the web
browser will display in a pop-up box when someone points to the

Linking to a Place in the Open

To create a hyperlink to another location in the open workbook, follow
these steps:
1. Select the text or picture you want to turn into a hyperlink.
2. Choose the Insert➞Hyperlink command. When Excel displays the
Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click the Place In This Document
button (see Figure H-4).

Figure H-4 The Insert Hyperlink dialog with the Place In This
Document options displayed.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z H
3. Use the Type The Cell Reference box or the Or Select A Place In
This Document box to indicate where in the open document you
want to link.
4. Use the Text To Display box to provide text the web browser should
display in its status bar when someone points to the link.
5. Optionally, use the ScreenTip button to provide text the web
browser will display in a pop-up box when someone points to the

Linking to a New Document

To create a hyperlink to a new document, follow these steps:
1. Select the text or picture you want to turn into a hyperlink.
2. Choose the Insert➞Hyperlink command. When Excel displays the
Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click the Create New Document button
(see Figure H-5).

Figure H-5 The Insert Hyperlink dialog box with the Create New
Document options displayed.

3. Enter the pathname of the new document in the Name Of New

Document text box.
4. Use the Text To Display box to provide text the web browser should
display in its status bar when someone points to the link.
5. Optionally, use the ScreenTip button to provide text the web
browser will display in a pop-up box when someone points to the

H Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

6. To create the document now, click the Edit The New Document
Now button. Or, to postpone creating the document, click the Edit
The New Document Later button.

Linking to an E-Mail Address

To create a hyperlink to an e-mail address, follow these steps:
1. Select the text or picture you want to turn into a hyperlink.
2. Choose the Insert➞Hyperlink command. When Excel displays the
Insert Hyperlink dialog box, click the E-Mail Address button (see
Figure H-6).

Figure H-6 The Insert Hyperlink dialog box with the E-Mail Ad-
dress options displayed.

3. Enter the e-mail address in the E-Mail Address box. If you don’t
know the e-mail address, you may be able to select the address from
the Recently Used E-Mail Addresses list box.
4. Optionally, enter a suggested message subject in the Subject box.
5. Use the Text To Display box to provide text the web browser should
display in its status bar when someone points to the link.
6. Optionally, use the ScreenTip button to provide text the web
browser will display in a pop-up box when someone points to the

Editing and Removing a Hyperlink

To change a hyperlink, right-click the hyperlink and choose the Edit
Hyperlink command from the shortcut menu. Excel displays a

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z I
dialog box like the one you originally used to create the hyperlink. Use
it to make your changes.
To remove a hyperlink, right-click the hyperlink and choose the
Remove Hyperlink command from the shortcut menu.

Importing Databases
You may be able to import information from an external database and
place that information in an Excel workbook. To import database
information, you use the Data➞Import External Data command. Excel
starts the Data Connection Wizard, which steps you through the
import process.
NOTE The first time you import data into Excel, you may need the as-
sistance of the database administrator. You may also need a

SEE ALSO Text Files, Workbooks

Indentation see Formatting Toolbar

Inserting Cell, Rows, Columns, and
To insert a cell in a column or row, choose the Insert➞Cells command.
Excel displays the Insert dialog box (see Figure I-1). Click the Shift
Cells Right button to insert a new cell in a row or click the Shift Cells
Down button to insert a new cell in a column. After you’ve selected
the appropriate option button, click OK.

Figure I-1 The Insert dialog box.

L Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

To insert a row, click any cell in the row below where you want the
new row inserted. Then choose the Insert➞Rows command.
To insert a column, click any cell in the column to the right of where
you want the new column inserted and choose the Insert➞Columns
To insert a worksheet, display the worksheet in front of which you
want to create a new worksheet and choose the Insert➞Worksheet
SEE ALSO Deleting Rows, Columns and Worksheets

Insertion Point
The insertion point is the flashing vertical line that shows where what
you type is placed in a cell. You can move the insertion by clicking the
mouse (the insertion point moves to where you click) or by using the
arrow keys (the insertion point moves one character in the direction
of the arrow).
SEE ALSO Editing Cell Contents

Labels are simply any information entered in worksheet cells that you
don’t want to manipulate arithmetically. Labels often identify the values
that are subject to calculation, so you normally enter them as the first
stage in setting up a worksheet. Usually, labels are pieces of text that
label input values and calculation results (see Figure L-1). However,
they can also be numbers that won’t be used arithmetically, such as
telephone numbers or part or project ID numbers.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z L

Figure L-1 A worksheet with labels in column A.

To enter a label, click the cell and then type the label. Set the label
in the cell by pressing the Enter key, clicking the Enter button on the
formula bar, or moving to another cell.

Landscape Orientation see Page

Linking Objects see Embedding Objects
An Excel list is a simple database that you can search, sort, and filter.
Each row of the list, or database, holds a record, and each column holds
a field. For example, if you have a database of employees, the various
pieces of information about a single employee make up a record; the
rows store this information about the individual employees. A piece
of information, such as the employee’s salary, is a field; the columns
contain this same piece of information across all employees (see Figure

L Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure L-2 A worksheet set up to hold an employee list, or database.

Creating a List
To create a list, follow these steps:
1. Open a new blank workbook.
2. Determine what each record should be. The information these
records hold becomes the records’ fields. For example, if you want
to build a database of employees, each employee’s information goes
into a separate record.
3. Enter the field labels in the first row of the worksheet (see Figure
4. To add information to your list, you can click a cell and type the label
or value the field should hold.
You can also enter records into your list by selecting the header row,
choosing the Data➞Form command, clicking OK, and then enter-
ing records using the data form dialog box (see Figure L-3). If the
form field boxes are not blank, click New to create a New record.
But then fill in the information about the first record by entering
data in the appropriate boxes. Click New to add the new record to
the worksheet and display a new blank form. Excel adds a new row

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z L
to the worksheet for the new record. When you’re finished using
a form to enter records, click Close.

Figure L-3 The data form dialog box Excel creates to enter records
into the worksheet shown in Figure L-2.

Editing List Records

You can edit records by changing the contents of the cells that hold
the list information.
You can also redisplay the form and use it to edit records. To edit
records using a form, follow these steps:
1. Choose the Data➞Form command to redisplay the form.
2. Click Find Prev to page backward through the records one by one,
or click Find Next to page forward through the records one by one.
You can also use the scroll bar to scroll through the database to the
record you want to edit.
3. Enter your changes in the form’s fields. If you make a mistake when
editing a form, click Restore to undo all of your changes to the
NOTE To delete a record, click Delete. Excel deletes this row from the

L Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

4. Update the worksheet with your changes to the record. Click Find
Next or Find Prev to edit other records, click New to add a new
record, or click Close to return to the worksheet.

Finding Records in a List

To use find records that match the criteria you specify, follow these
1. Choose the Data➞Form command to display the form.
2. Click Criteria. The upper right corner of the form now displays the
word Criteria (see Figure L-4).

Figure L-4 Finding a record in a database.

3. Enter the search criteria in the form’s fields.

4. Click Find Prev or Find Next. Excel finds the previous or next record
matching the criteria you specified.
NOTE You can also use the Edit➞Find command to find items in a list.

Sorting a List
To sort a list, follow these steps:
1. Click a cell in the database. Doing so tells Excel that you want to
sort all the fields in the database and keep the records intact.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z L
WARNING If you select a range that doesn’t include all columns,
Excel orts the columns in your range but does not sort the
other columns in the database. This disassociates fields
from the records to which they belong and attaches them
to other records.

TIP To sort only a part of a database, select all rows for the records
you want to sort.

2. Choose the Data➞Sort command. Excel displays the Sort dialog

box shown in Figure L-5.

Figure L-5 The Sort dialog box.

3. Use the Sort By drop-down list box to select the name of the field
by which you want to sort the database.
4. Click the Ascending option button to sort with the lowest number,
first letter of the alphabet, or earliest date at the top of the column.
Click the Descending option button to sort in reverse numeric,
alphabetic, or chronological order.
NOTE Regardless of whether you click Ascending or Descending, blank
fields appear at the bottom of the list.
5. If multiple entries in the field you’re sorting by are the same, you
can specify other fields by which you want to sort using the Then
By drop-down list boxes and corresponding Ascending and De-
scending option buttons.

L Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

6. Select the Header Row option button. If you don’t, Excel sorts your
field labels along with the data in the fields.
7. Click OK.

Filtering Lists
To filter a database, follow these steps:
1. Select a cell in the database.
2. Choose the Data➞Filter➞AutoFilter command. Excel adds arrow
buttons to the right side of your field labels in the first row (see
Figure L-6).

Figure L-6 Filtering field entries.

3. Click the arrow for the field by which you want to filter records.
Excel displays a drop-down list of the entries in that field.
• If you want to include only a single entry, select the entry from the
• To display only a given top or bottom percent or number of entries,
select Top 10 from the list. Excel displays the Top 10 AutoFilter
dialog box (see Figure L-7). Use it to specify whether you want to

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z L
view the top or bottom entries in the field and the number or per-
centage of entries you want to view. Click OK when you’re finished.

Figure L-7 The Top 10 AutoFilter dialog box.

• To customize the filter, choose Custom from the list. Excel displays
the Custom AutoFilter dialog box (see Figure L-8). Use the first
drop-down list box to select the operator. Use the second drop-down
list box to enter the text or value on which you’re basing the filter.
Optionally, click the And or Or option button to specify another
criteria and use the second row of drop-down list boxes to describe
the second criteria. Click OK when you’re finished.

Figure L-8 The Custom AutoFilter dialog box.

Subtotaling Lists
To subtotal information in a list, follow these steps:
1. Select a cell in the database, and choose the Data➞Subtotals com-
mand. Excel displays the Subtotal dialog box (see Figure L-9).

L Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure L-9 The Subtotal dialog box.

2. Use the At Each Change In drop-down list box to specify the field
by which you want the subtotals grouped.
3. Select a function from the Use Function drop-down list box. The
Subtotal command not only sums—the usual function since that’s
how you get a subtotal—but also calculates averages, the number
of entries or blank items, standard deviations, and variances.
4. Select check boxes for the fields on which you want the subtotal
operation performed.
5. Select the Replace Current Subtotals check box if you’ve created
subtotals before.
6. Leave the Page Break Between Groups box unchecked.
7. Select the Summary Below Data check box unless you want the
subtotals to appear above rather than below the data they summa-
8. Click OK. Excel adds subtotal and grand total rows to the database.
To remove subtotals, choose the Data➞Subtotals command and
click Remove All in the Subtotal dialog box.
TIP You can hide and display subtotal groups by clicking the boxes
with the plus and minus signs in the outline area on the left. You
can also click the numbers at the top of the outline area to view
specific levels of the outline.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z L
Validating List Entries
Excel can validate new records, thereby ensuring that they fit certain
criteria. This can help prevent someone from entering, for example,
a label (like a name) into a field that should hold a value (such as the
person’s salary).
To set up validation criteria, follow these steps:
1. Select the range of cells to which you want the criteria to apply.
2. Choose the Data➞Validation command and click the Settings tab.
Excel displays the Data Validation dialog box (see Figure L-10).

Figure L-10 The Settings tab of the Data Validation dialog box.

3. Select a type of data from the Allow drop-down list box. After you
select a data type, Excel displays other boxes, which allow you to
constrain the type of data you selected. For example, if you selected
Date, Excel prompts you to select the start- and end-date bound-
4. Click the Input Message tab, and create a prompt to inform data-
base users which input is allowable. Optionally, enter a short title
for the message in the Title box. Enter the message text in the Input
Message box. If you enter records directly in the database and do
not use a form, Excel displays the input message when you select
a cell to which the validation criteria applies.

M Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

5. Click the Error Alert tab to customize the pop-up error message
that will appear if a person enters invalid data. Select a symbol from
the Style drop-down list box. Optionally, enter a title for the mes-
sage in the Title box. Enter the message text in the Error Message
NOTE The validation rules apply whether you enter data directly into
the database worksheet or use a form.

Using Database Functions

Excel comes with a collection of database functions tailored especially
for lists. To see these functions, choose the Insert➞Function command
and select Database from the Function Category list. All of these
functions begin with the letter D. The database functions work simi-
larly to the standard worksheet functions except that they allow an extra
parameter so you can specify the items in a list to which a function

Lost Workbooks see Finding W

Workbooks orkbooks,
Program Errors
Lotus 1-2-3
Lotus 1-2-3 was the first, hugely popular spreadsheet program and
in the early 1980s almost single-handedly turned IBM’s new personal
computer into a must-have tool for businesses.
Many spreadsheet files still use the once-popular Lotus 1-2-3 file
format, and Microsoft Excel easily saves and opens Lotus 1-2-3
SEE ALSO Workbooks

Macros are sequences of keystrokes or commands. You use macros
within Excel to automate repetitive actions.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z M
Creating a Macro
To create a macro, follow these steps:
1. Choose the Tools➞Macro➞Record New Macro command. Excel
displays the Record Macro dialog box (see Figure M-1).

Figure M-1 The Record Macro dialog box.

2. Enter a name for the macro into the Macro Name box. You can use
up to 80 characters but no spaces or symbols for the name.
3. Indicate whether you’ll run the macro by using the Toolbars but-
ton or by using the Keyboard button:
• Click the Toolbars button to create a toolbar button for the macro.
When Excel displays the Toolbars tab of the Customize dialog
box, click the Commands tab and then the Macros entry in the
Categories list. Then, drag the new macro—Excel will show it
in the Commands list—to the toolbar.
• Click the Keyboard button to create a keyboard shortcut for the
macro. When Excel displays the Customize Keyboard dialog box,
click the Press New Shortcut Key, press the key combination you
want to use to run the macro, and then click Assign.
4. Type the keystrokes and choose the commands that you want your
macro to run and choose.
5. Choose the Tools➞Macros➞Stop Recording command.
Running a Macro
You can run the macros you create in three ways:
• You can click the macro’s toolbar button.
• You can press the macro’s key combination.

M Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

• You can choose the Tools➞Macro➞Macros command to display

the Macro dialog box and then double-click the macro you want
to run (see Figure M-2).

Figure M-2 The Macro dialog box.

NOTE Editing and debugging Excel macros, which are written in the
Visual Basic for Applications programming language, is beyond
the scope of this book. If you’re interested in Visual Basic pro-
gramming and you haven’t programmed before, you’ll find it
useful to have a book that describes and discusses Visual Basic.

Macro Security
To adjust Excel’s macro security, choose the Tools➞Options command,
click the Security tab, and then click the Macro Security button. Excel
displays the Security dialog box (see Figure M-3). Use the Security
Level tab’s buttons to tell Excel which macros it can safely run. Use
the Trusted Sources tab to list the macro authors you’ve said you trust
or to remove a macro author from a trusted source.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z M

Figure M-3 The Security Level tab of the Security dialog box.

SEE ALSO Password Protecting a Workbook, Privacy Options

Magnification see Zoom

Manual Recalculation see Recalculation
To set the page margins for printed copies of your workbook, choose
the File➞Page Setup command and click the Margins tab (see Fig-
ure M-4). Use the Margin boxes, Top, Left, Bottom and Right to
specify how large a margin should appear around the workbook’s text.

M Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure M-4 The Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box.

TIP Check the Horizontally and Vertically boxes to center your printed
workbook’s information on its pages.

Microsoft Office User Specialist

Microsoft certifies Excel users who can pass a test as Microsoft Of-
fice User Specialists, and in the parlance of Microsoft, these people
then become MOUS certified. You don’t learn anything new by be-
coming a MOUS certificate holder, but if you’re in a career or an or-
ganization where certification delivers benefits, know that these tests
are relatively straight-forward to prepare and pass.
Your first step is to learn what material you need to know to pass the
test you want to take. You can get a summary of the material tested
from Microsoft’s Web site at www.microsoft.com. Just visit the web
site and search on the term:
Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) Excel 2002
Exam Objectives
After you know what you need to know in order to pass the test, practice
every task or skill a few times. You don’t need a special study test or
a class. This book should tell you everything you need to know.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z M
After you’ve prepared, take the test at a local testing center. You can
learn about any local testing centers from the local telephone direc-
tory or from the Microsoft Web site.
TIP Perhaps the most important skill for passing a MOUS test is
knowing how to use the Office Assistant. You can’t rely on this
tool to answer every question the test asks—there isn’t time—
but as long as you’re comfortable using the Office Assistant, you
should have time to ask it the question or two you can’t answer
on your own.

SEE ALSO Office Assistant

Mixed Cell Addresses see Copying

Moving Cell Contents
Excel provides several ways to move text:
• Drag-and-drop. Select text you want to move by dragging the mouse.
Then drag the selected text to a new location.
• Edit➞Cut and Edit➞Paste commands. Select the cell, range or text,
choose the Edit➞Cut command, position the cell selector or inser-
tion point at the new location, and choose the Edit➞Paste com-
• Cut and Paste toolbar buttons. Select the cell, range or text, click
the Cut button, position the cell selector or insertion point at the
new location, and choose the Paste toolbar button.
• Office Clipboard task pane. Select the cell, range or text, click
the Cut button or choose the Edit➞Cut command, position the
cell selector or insertion point at the new location, and click the item
you want to paste from the Office Clipboard. (If the Office Clip-
board doesn’t show, choose the Edit➞Office Clipboard command.)
NOTE When you move a formula, Excel doesn’t adjust the relative ref-
erences used in the moved formula.

M Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

NOTE You aren’t limited to moving ranges and text just within a work-
book. You can move text between Excel workbooks and between
different program’s workbooks—such as from your e-mail pro-
gram to Excel. The only trick is that after you cut the text, you need
to open the workbook into which you want to paste the text
before positioning the insertion point. When you move a range,
the range may appear as a table in the document it’s pasted into.

SEE ALSO Clipboard, Copying Cell Contents

Moving Objects
To move the selected object, such as a picture, click the Cut toolbar
button, position the cell selector or insertion point at the location where
the object should be moved, and click the Paste toolbar button.

Moving Around a Workbook

With three (or more) sheets, 256 columns, and 65,536 rows, an Excel
workbook is so large that only a small area is visible on screen at one
time. Not surprisingly, Excel provides several ways for you to view
different portions of the workbook displayed in the program window:
• With the mouse, you can use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars
along the right and bottom edges of the workbook window to move
through your worksheet. Just click inside the scroll bars to move
one screen at a time. Click the scroll bar arrows to move one row
or column.
• With the mouse, click a sheet tab to move to that worksheet or chart
sheet in the workbook.
• Press Page Up and Page Down to scroll through the current
worksheet one screen at a time. Hold down the Ctrl key and press
Page Up or Page Down to the next or previous worksheet.
• The arrow keys move up and down, right and left one cell at a time.
You can also move to the right one cell by pressing the Tab key and
to the left one cell by holding down the Shift key while pressing Tab.
• To move directly to a specific cell, you can enter that cell’s name in
the Name box and press the Enter key. (The Name box is located
at the left end of the formula bar.) You can also choose the Edit➞Go
To command, enter a cell reference in its Reference text box, and
then click OK to move to the cell.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z N
Naming Cells and Ranges
In the real world, Excel worksheets can be complex, and remember-
ing, for example, that cell B1 contains the advertising expenses, that
cell B2 contains the bank charges and so on, becomes difficult (see
Figure N-1).

Figure N-1 A sample worksheet that should use names.

Fortunately, Excel allows you to name cells and ranges and then use
those names in your formulas. Instead of referring to cell B1 in a
formula, you can refer to Advertising if you first name cell B1 Adver-
tising. And if you name cells B1, B2, B3, B4, and B5 Advertising, Bank,
Car, Depreciation, and Equipment, respectively, the following two for-
mulas would be identical:


To name a cell, select the cell and then type the name into the name
box. The Name box appears just above cell A1 and shows either the
name of the active cell or its cell address (see Figure N-2).

Figure N-2 A worksheet that uses cell names.

O Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Range names must begin with a letter, not a number. They cannot
include spaces, and they shouldn’t look like cell references or func-
tion names.
Range names are useful in formulas and functions, but that’s not their
only use. Once you name a range, you can use the name in place of the
range definition whenever Excel asks you for a range. For example,
if you use the Go To command, you could enter a name instead of a
cell address.
NOTE The Insert➞Name command displays a submenu of commands
useful for creating cell and range names too. For example, if you
select the range A1:B5 in the worksheet shown in Figure N-1 and
choose the Insert➞Name➞Create command, Excel will correctly
name cells B1, B2, B3, B4, and B5 for you.

#NAME Message see Error Messages

#N/A Message see Error Messages
Natural Language Formulas see Formulas
#NULL Message see Error Messages
Number Pages see Page Numbers
Numbers see Values
Office Assistant
In Office programs, the Office Assistant supplies help. To use the
Office Assistant, click the Office Assistant. (If the Office Assistant isn’t
already displayed, choose the Help➞Show Office Assistant com-
mand.) Then type your question into the box provided and click
Search (see Figure O-1). The Office Assistant displays a list of help
topics that may answer your question.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z O

Figure O-1 The Office Assistant.

Click the help topic you want to see. The Office Assistant opens the
Excel help file (see Figure O-2).

Figure O-2 The Help window.

O Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

TIP You can also ask the Office Assistant a question by typing the
question directly into the Ask A Question box. The Ask A Ques-
tion box is on the right end of the menu bar and initially shows
the phrase, “Type a question for help.”

SEE ALSO Troubleshooting

OLE, or object linking and embedding, is the name of the Windows
technology that lets you copy, cut and paste objects between workbooks
and other documents. It is OLE, for example, that lets you copy an
Excel chart and then paste it into a Word document. You don’t have
to know anything special in order to use OLE. And that’s part of the
attractiveness of the technology. If you can copy, cut and paste, you can
use OLE.
SEE ALSO Copying Objects, Embedding Objects, Moving Objects

Optimization Modeling see Solver

The Data➞Group And Outline command displays a submenu of com-
mands you can employ to organize and summarize worksheet infor-
mation using an outline. You outline worksheets to make it easy to jump
between showing detailed information (see Figure O-3) and show-
ing summary information (see Figure O-4).

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z O

Figure O-3 A budgeting worksheet with detailed cost information by


Figure O-4 A budgeting worksheet with only summary cost informa-

tion by department.

O Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Creating an Outline
To create an outline, your first step is to build a worksheet or
rearrange an existing worksheet so it looks like one shown in Figure
O-3. You should include subtotals information in the last row of each
set of detailed information you want to summarize.
To create your outline automatically—and this won’t work unless
Excel can understand your worksheet organization—select the rows
that hold the to-be-outlined information and then chose the
Data➞Group And Outline➞Auto Outline command.
NOTE To determine how Excel outlines a worksheet, choose the
Data➞Group And Outline➞Settings command. Then, use the
Settings dialog box to describe how you’ve organized your
To create an outline manually, select the rows—including the head-
ing row—that should be grouped and choose the Data➞Group And
Outline➞Group command. For example, in Figure O-3, you could
select rows 1 through 5 and choose the Group command to group the
general and administrative expenses.
If you make a mistake in grouping, select the group and then choose
the Data➞Group And Outline➞Ungroup command to remove the
group. Or, choose the Data➞Group And Outline➞Clear Outline
command to remove all of the outline groupings.

Working with An Outline

To collapse a group and show only the summary information, select
a row of the group and choose the Data➞Group And Outline➞Hide
Detail command. To expand a collapsed group and show its detailed
information, select the group and choose the Data➞Group And
Outline➞Show Detail command.
You can also expand and collapse groups by clicking the buttons marked
with plus sign symbols and minus sign symbols along the left edge of
the Excel program window. And you can control which outline lev-
els, or groups, appear by clicking the numbered buttons at the top of
the outlining pane.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z P
Page Breaks
Excel automatically breaks workbooks into pages when you print. You
can see where Excel breaks pages by print previewing. To do this, click
the Print Preview button. If you don’t want to use Excel’s automatic
page breaks, you can insert your own manual page breaks. To insert
a manual page break click the cell that shows where the break should
be, and then choose the Insert➞Page Break command. To remove a
manual page, click the cell that shows where the break is and choose
the Insert➞Remove Break command.
SEE ALSO Workbooks

Page Numbers
To insert page numbers in your workbook, add a header or footer that
includes the page number.
SEE ALSO Headers and Footers

Page Orientation
Excel will print your pages in either a portrait orientation or a landscape
orientation. To change the current orientation of the open workbook,
choose the File➞Page Setup command, click the Page tab, and then
click either the Portrait or Landscape buttons (see Figure P-1).

Figure P-1 The Page tab of the Page Setup dialog box.

P Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Password Protecting a Workbook

To add password protection to a workbook, choose the File➞Save As
command, click the Tools button, and then choose the General Op-
tions command. Excel displays the Save Options dialog box, which
you use to add and remove passwords (see Figure P-2).

Figure P-2 The Save Options dialog box.

To add a password which Excel should require before it opens the

workbook, enter the password into the Password To Open box. To add
a password which Excel should require before it saves the workbook
using the same name and location, enter the password into the Pass-
word To Modify box. Your passwords may use any combination of
letters, symbols and numbers, up to 15 characters. Note that capitali-
zation counts.
To remove a password from a previously protected workbook, delete
the contents of the Password To Open and Password To Modify boxes.
NOTE Click the Advanced button to display a list of encryption meth-
ods Excel can use to protect your workbook. While Excel’s nor-
mal encryption is adequate in most settings, extremely sensitive
data may warrant a more secure encryption.

SEE ALSO Macro Security, Privacy Options

When you copy or move some item, your last step is to paste the item
from the clipboard. You typically paste using the Paste toolbar but-
ton, the Edit➞Paste command, the Office Clipboard or, indirectly, by
dragging the mouse.
SEE ALSO Clipboard, Copying Cell Contents, Moving Cell Contents

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z P
Paste Function see Functions
Paste Options Button
When you copy or cut and then paste a selection, Excel displays a Paste
Options button in your workbook. This button, which looks like the
toolbar’s Paste button, displays a list of pasting options you can use to
tell Excel if it should adjust the pasted selection:
• The Keep Source Formatting option tells Excel to use the same for-
matting for the pasted selection as the copied or cut selection uses.
• The Match Destination Formatting option tells Excel to format the
pasted selection so that it matches the range into which it’s been
• The Value And Number Formatting option tells Excel to use only
the numeric formatting of the pasted selection but not other format-
ting (such as boldfacing or italics).
• The Keep Source Column Widths option tells Excel to use the same
column widths in the range with the new pasted selection.
• The Formatting Only option tells Excel to paste only the format-
ting and not the labels, values or formulas.
• The Link Cells option tells Excel to link the pasted selection to the
copied selection.
SEE ALSO Clipboard, Copying Cell Contents

Paste Special Dialog Box

If you want to specify pasting options, instead of just clicking the Paste
button after copying or cutting, choose the Edit➞Paste Special com-
mand. Excel displays the Paste Special dialog box (see Figure P-3).
To paste a row of cells as a column of cells or vice versa, check the
Transpose box. To paste only a portion of the copied or cut cells’
contents, click a Paste option button other than All. For example, to
paste only the comments, click the Comments option button under
Paste. To add, subtract, multiply, or divide the values in the copied
range with the values in the destination range, click the Add, Subtract,
Multiply, or Divide option button under Operation. To tell Excel it
shouldn’t paste blank cells over values, check the Skip Blanks box.

P Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure P-3 The Paste Special dialog box.

A pathname describes a file’s location on your computer or network.
Typically, a pathname includes three pieces, the disk or network drive
letter, folder and subfolder information, and the file name and exten-
sion. For example, in the pathname
the first portion of this pathname, f:, identifies the drive on which the
folders and their files are stored. The second part of the pathname,
\atoz\excel\, names the folder and subfolder where the file is stored.
The atoz part of the pathname identifies the folder, and the excel part
of the pathname identifies the subfolder. The excelatoz.doc identifies
the exact file by giving its file name and the file extension.
NOTE The backslashes separate the drive letter, folder and subfolder
names, and the workbook name.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z P
Personalized Menus and Toolbars
By default, Excel personalizes your menus and toolbars. Menu com-
mands and toolbar buttons you’re likely to use or that you’ve recently
used appear. Menu commands and toolbar buttons that you’re not likely
to use or haven’t used in a long time don’t appear.
If you don’t want to use or want to change the way the Excel’s per-
sonalized menus and toolbars work, choose the Tools➞Customize
command and click Options tab (see Figure P-4). Use the Options tab
to change the way the Excel’s personalized menus and toolbars work.

Figure P-4 The Options tab of the Customize dialog box.

• Check the Show Standard And Formatting Toolbars On Two Rows

box to tell Excel to use two separate toolbars for the Standard and
Formatting toolbars rather than one, personalized toolbar of just your
most recently used tools.
• Check the Always Show Full Menus box to tell Excel to display
full menus rather than personalized menus.
• Check the Show Full Menus After A Short Delay box if you’re
using personalized menus but want the full menu to appear if you
hold the menu open for a few seconds.

P Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

• Click the Reset My Usage Data button to tell Excel to start over in
its analysis of which commands you’ve recently or are frequently us-
ing. This analysis is what Excel uses to determine which commands
and toolbar buttons go onto your personalized menus and toolbars.

You can add pictures to your Excel workbooks by choosing the
Insert➞Picture➞From File command. When Excel displays the In-
sert Picture dialog box, use the Look In box to select the folder con-
taining the picture files and then double-click the picture image you
want to insert.
NOTE You can copy and move pictures in the same way that you copy
and move other objects in a workbook. You resize a picture object
by clicking the picture to select it and then dragging the selec-
tion handles. To delete a picture, click it and press Delete.


PivotTables and PivotCharts

If you use Excel to list records, you can use the PivotTables feature
to sort, filter, and pivot fields so you can better focus on the informa-
tion you want. For example, a microbrewery that sells six types of beer
on the West coast might record sales for each type of beer by state and
by season (see Figure P-5). With the large amount of information in
the list, spotting trends is difficult. Creating a PivotTable, however,
allows you to see which type of beer sells best in which region or
during which season.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z P

Figure P-5 Excel list of beer sales.

Using the PivotTable Wizard

To use the PivotTable Wizard, follow these steps:
1. Select any cell in the database and choose the Data➞PivotTable
And PivotChart Report command. Excel starts the PivotTable And
PivotChart Wizard (see Figure P-6).

P Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure P-6 The first step of the PivotTable And PivotChart Wizard.

2. If your data is in a single range on a single worksheet in the cur-

rent workbook, click the Microsoft Excel List Or Database option
button. Then click the PivotTable option button, and click Next.
When the PivotTable And PivotChart Wizard asks you to select the
data you want to include in the PivotTable, do so, and then click
3. If your data resides in an external database, click the External Data
Source option and Next. Then, when Excel prompts you to iden-
tify the external data source, click the Get Data button and use the
Choose Data Source dialog box to identify the data.
TIP If you want to Pivot data in an external database, ask the data-
base administrator for help. He or she should be able to assist
you with identifying and retrieving the data.
4. If your data resides in multiple ranges or on multiple sheets, click
the multiple Consolidation Ranges option and click Next. When
Excel asks, indicate how many pages of pivot table information you

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z P
5. Specify where you want Excel to put the PivotTable you’re creat-
ing and click Finish. Excel displays the new, empty PivotTable in
the location you specified (see Figure P-7). Excel also displays the
PivotTable toolbar, which you use to lay out and edit the PivotTable.

Figure P-7 The new, empty PivotTable and the PivotTable toolbar.

Specifying PivotTable Layout

To begin laying out your PivotTable, use the buttons on the PivotTable
toolbar to drag fields to set up row and column headings. In the ex-
ample shown in Figure P-7, you could drag the Year button to the box
labeled Drop Row Fields Here and the State button to the box labeled
Drop Column Fields Here. You could then drag the Sales heading to
the Drop Data Items Here box. After you drag the Sales button to the
Data area, Excel adds the data to the PivotTable (see Figure P-8).

P Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure P-8 A PivotTable with data.

NOTE The box in the upper left corner of the Pivot Table reads Sum Of
Sales $. This is because Excel assumes you want to subtotal and
total sales figures. If you were to drag a label field instead of a
value field into the Data area, Excel would by default count the
occurrences of that label.
You can change the operation performed on the data included in a
PivotTable by selecting a cell in the part you want to change and
clicking the PivotTable toolbar’s Field Settings button. Excel displays
the PivotTable Field dialog box (see Figure P-9). This dialog box’s
options differ slightly depending on the type of data presented in the
part of the PivotTable you selected.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z P

Figure P-9 The PivotTable Field dialog box.

TIP To rename a field, enter a new name in the Name text box.
To change the operation performed on items in the field, select an item
from the Summarize By drop-down list box and click OK. For com-
parative operations, click the Options button. You can then list item
data as a percentage of another item, or as a difference from another
item, for example.
You can drag multiple fields to a heading. To add another field to a
PivotTable, just drag the field’s button from the PivotTable toolbar.
For example, you could drag the Season field to the right of the Year
column to sort by year and then by season (see Figure P-10). To re-
move a field from a table, just drag the field outside the table area.

P Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure P-10 A PivotTable with multiple row fields.

NOTE If you don’t see the field buttons on the PivotTable toolbar, click
the Display Fields button.

NOTE If you attempt to change the data summarized in a PivotTable (for

example, the value in cell D7), Excel prevents you from doing so.
This safeguard, of course, is because this cell sums the data for
the various types of beer in the list, and you cannot change the
sum without changing the values that make up the sum. If you
want to change the values in the PivotTable, you must make the
changes to the list upon which the PivotTable is based. Then
return to the PivotTable and click the Refresh Data button on the
PivotTable toolbar to update the PivotTable.

Editing PivotTables
To pivot a PivotTable, just drag a heading to a different axis. For
example, you can drag the Season field to the column heading to create
a long, narrow table.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z P
You can also reorganize a PivotTable by changing the hierarchy of
fields in a heading. For example, if you look back at the PivotTable
in Figure P-10, sales are grouped first by year and then by season
within each year. However, if you drag the Season field to the left of
the Year field, you can group first by season, and then within each
season, by year.

Filtering Items in a Field

You can tell Excel which items you want to include in a PivotTable
for each field. For example, if you don’t want to worry about sales in
California for the moment, you can exclude California from the table.
To do so, click the down arrow on the right side of the State head-
ing and clear the California check box. Then click OK.
TIP If your database is so large that your PivotTable is too long or
wide to easily read, you can separate data on different pages. Click
the PivotTable button on the PivotTable toolbar and choose Show
Pages from the pop-up menu to create new sheets in the work-
book for each page field. Just select the page field from the list
in the Show Pages dialog box, and click OK.

Creating PivotCharts
To create a PivotChart from an existing PivotTable, select a cell in the
PivotTable and click the Chart Wizard button on the PivotTable
You manipulate PivotCharts in much the same way as you manipu-
late PivotTables—by dragging field buttons to different axes (see Figure

P Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure P-11 A Pivot Chart.

You can also filter a PivotChart’s data to include only certain items
in a field. To do this, click the down arrow on the right side of the
field button and select or clear the check boxes to include or omit items
from the PivotChart. Click OK to redraw the chart.
After you’ve created the PivotChart, you can click the Chart Wizard
button on the PivotTable toolbar again to start the Chart Wizard and
customize the PivotChart. Using the Chart Wizard, you can specify
such items as chart type, axis titles, and legend placement.
NOTE If you haven’t created a PivotTable and are instead more inter-
ested in creating a PivotChart, you can create the PivotChart using
the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard without specifying the
layout of a PivotTable.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z P
You specify font size in points because points are the standard unit of
measurement in typography. Seventy-two points equal one inch (see
Figure P-12). Twelve points equals one pica.

Figure P-12 A letter in 72-point type.

Portrait Orientation see Page Orientation

Precedence see Formula Auditing
Previewing Workbooks see W
Workbooks orkbooks
Printer Setup
Normally, you set up and configure your printer using the Printers tool,
available on the Windows Control Panel. You can also, however,
configure your printer from within Excel. To do so, choose the
File➞Print command and click the Properties command button.
When Excel opens the printer’s Properties dialog box, use its tabs to
make changes to things such as the type of paper the printer uses, the
quality at which the printer prints, and the page orientation (see Figure

P Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure P-13 An example printer properties dialog box.

NOTE Different printer’s properties dialog boxes look different.

TIP For information on working with your printer’s properties dia-

log box, refer to the printer’s documentation.

Printing Workbooks see W

Workbooks orkbooks
Print Queue
Windows shows a print queue, or line, of the documents waiting to
print on a printer if you click the Start button, point to the Settings
command, click the Printers command, and then double-click the
printer (see Figure P-14).

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z P

Figure P-14 A printer window.

Depending on your system privileges, you may be able to delete docu-

ments from the printer queue or to move documents backwards or
forwards in the queue. To delete a workbook, right-click the work-
book and choose Cancel from the shortcut menu. To move a work-
book forwards or backwards in the queue, right-click the workbook,
choose Properties from the shortcut menu and adjust the priority.
SEE ALSO Documents, Printer Setup

Privacy Options
You can limit the amount of secondary information stored with a
workbook by turning on Excel’s privacy options and available to people
looking at the unopened workbook file. To do this, choose the
Tools➞Options command, click the Security tab, and then check the
Remove Personal Information From This File On Save box. By check-
ing this box, you tell Excel not to provide summary information about
the workbook when someone looks at the file’s properties.
SEE ALSO Password Protecting a Workbook

Program Errors
Excel program errors will occur. When this happens, either Excel will
stop responding, or hang, or Excel will abort and stop. And when any
of these things happens, you will typically lose some of your recent

P Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Restarting Excel
If Excel has aborted, you can restart the program in the same way that
you start Excel. For example, click the Start button, point to Programs,
and then click on Microsoft Excel.
When the Excel program stops responding, you may be able to re-
cover the application. To do this, click the Start button, point to
Programs, Microsoft Office Tools, and then click the Microsoft Office
Application Recovery item. When Windows displays the list of Of-
fice programs, select the Excel program and click either the Recover
Application or Restart Application button.
NOTE If you just want to close the unresponsive program, and lose
recent changes to the files, click the Start button, point to Pro-
grams, Microsoft Office Tools, and click the Microsoft Office
Application Recovery item, and then click End Application.

Recovering Documents
When Excel restarts or recovers after failing or stalling, you need to
review the documents listed in the Document Recovery pane. These
are the documents that were open when the Excel program error
occurred. You’ll want to review the recovered documents to find which
are worth salvaging, and then save those.
NOTE In the Document Recovery pane, a file labeled as “recovered”
includes more recent changes than the file labeled as “original.”
To open a recovered workbook, point to the workbook in the Docu-
ment Recovery pane, click the arrow button next to the workbook, and
click Open.
To save a workbook, point to the workbook, click the arrow button
next to the workbook, and click Save As.
SEE ALSO Documents

Program Window
The program window is the rectangle in which the Excel program
displays its information. The Microsoft Excel title bar and menu bar
appear at the top of the program window. The toolbar or toolbars,
located just below the menu bar, provide a series of buttons that al-
low for faster selection of frequently used menu commands.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z R
You can format ranges as protected to so that you or somebody else
doesn’t inadvertently change cell contents.
To format a range as protected, take the following steps:
1. Select the range you want to protect.
2. Choose the Format➞Cells command, click the Protection tab, and
check the Locked box (see Figure P-15).

Figure P-15 The Protection tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

3. Choose the Tools➞Protection command.

SEE ALSO Formatting Cells

Recycle Bin
When you delete an Excel workbook stored on one of your computer’s
fixed local disk drives, Windows doesn’t immediately erase the work-
book from the disk. Instead, Windows moves the workbook to the
Recycle Bin folder. Eventually, Windows removes the “deleted” work-
book from the Recycle Bin (to make room for other, newly “deleted”
files) but until that time you can recover the Excel workbook by
opening the Recycle Bin folder, selecting the workbook, and choos-
ing the File➞Restore command.

R Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

SEE ALSO Workbooks

A range is a rectangle of worksheet cells (see Figure R-1). The small-
est range is a single cell. The largest range is an entire worksheet.

Figure R-1 A worksheet showing several range selections.

To select a range, drag the mouse from one corner of the range to the
opposite corner.
You can also specify or reference a range selection by entering the cell
addresses of opposite corners separated by the colon. For example, you
can reference the range that uses the corner cells A1 and D3 using as

Excel automatically updates the formulas and recalculates their results.
For example, if you change the value in cell C1 from 500 to 600, Excel
recalculates any formulas that use the value stored in cell C1.
In simple worksheets with a few formulas, recalculation takes place
so quickly you won’t even be aware it’s occurring. In larger worksheets

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z R
with hundreds or thousands of formulas, recalculation may seem
slower. The mouse pointer changes to the hourglass symbol when Excel
is busy recalculating.
If you don’t want Excel to automatically recalculate formulas as you’re
working, choose the Tools➞Options command and click the Calcu-
lation tab. Then click the Manual option button under Calculation,
and click OK. The word Calculate appears on the status bar when your
worksheet formulas need to be recalculated. You can force recalcu-
lation by pressing the F9 key.
SEE ALSO Formulas

Redo see Undoing Mistakes

#REF Message see Error Messages
Relative Cell Addresses see Copying
Renaming Sheets see Sheets
Replacing Cell Contents
When you choose the Edit➞Replace command, Excel displays the
Replace tab of the Find And Replace dialog box (see Figure R-2).

Figure R-2 The Replace tab of the Find And Replace dialog box.

Enter the label, value or formula you want to find in the Find What
text box and the label, value, or formula with which you want to
replace it in the Replace With text box.

R Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Click Find Next and Replace to search for and replace entries one by
one. Or click Replace All to have Excel automatically find and replace
all occurrences of the entry without requesting verification from you.
Click Close when you’re finished.
NOTE If you click the Options button Excel adds several boxes and
buttons to the Find And Replace dialog box, which you can use
to control how Excel searches the workbook. For information on
these options, refer to the Finding Cell Contents entry.

Resizing Objects see Sizing Objects

Resizing Text see Formatting Cells
Resizing Windows see Sizing Windows
Excel tracks revisions to shared workbooks. To turn on change track-
ing and workbook sharing, choose the Tools➞Track Changes com-
mand. When Excel displays the Highlight Changes dialog box, check
the Track Changes While Editing Box (see Figure R-3)

Figure R-3 The Highlight Changes dialog box.

Once change tracking is turned on, edits to a workbook show in a

different color.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z R
To review changes, choose the Tools➞Track Changes➞Accept Or
Reject Changes command. Excel displays the Accept or Reject
Changes dialog box, which you use to see each change and then decide
whether to accept or reject the change. (see Figure R-4).

Figure R-4 The Accept Or Reject Changes dialog box.

SEE ALSO Sharing Excel Workbooks

Rotating Objects
You can rotate, or spin, many of the objects you place in an Excel
workbook. To do so, click the object to select. Then, drag the green
selection handle (see Figure R-5).

R Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure R-5 A selected autoshape object.

SEE ALSO Drawing

The left edge of the workbook window identifies each row in your
worksheet using numbers. An Excel worksheet can have up to 65,536
Normally, Excel automatically increases row height when you increase
point size, but you can perform the same trick on rows by double-
clicking the lower border of a row heading. This expands the row to
the smallest height possible that still fits all entries within that row.
To specify exact row height, select any cell in that row and choose the
Format➞Row➞Height command. Enter the height in points in the
Row Height text box, and click OK.
To hide a row, select any cell in the row and choose the
Format➞Row➞Hide command. To redisplay a hidden row, select a
range that includes cells in the rows above and below the hidden row.
Then choose the Format➞Row➞Unhide command.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z S
Saving Workbooks see W
Workbooks orkbooks
Scenarios let you perform what-if analysis by changing several
worksheet input values at a time and exploring the effect on large
numbers of formulas.

Creating a Scenario
To use Scenario Manager, follow these steps:
1. Choose the Tools➞Scenarios command.
2. When Excel displays the Scenario Manager dialog box, click the
Add button so that Excel displays the Add Scenario dialog box (see
Figure S-1).

Figure S-1 The Add Scenario dialog box.

3. Give the scenario a name by typing a description in the Scenario

Name text box.
4. Enter the worksheet range that holds the cells you want to change
in the Changing Cells text box of the Add Scenario dialog box by
using the mouse to select the worksheet range. If you want to en-
ter several worksheet ranges, hold down the Ctrl key as you select
ranges. When you finish, click OK. Excel displays the Scenario
Values dialog box (see Figure S-2).

S Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure S-2 The Scenario Values dialog box.

5. Enter the input value you want to use for each scenario value. If
you’ve selected more input cells than will fit within the Scenario
Values dialog box, you’ll need to scroll through the list. Click OK
when you finish. Excel redisplays the Add Scenario dialog box.
Repeat steps 2 through 5 to create additional scenarios. After you
complete step 5 for the last time, click OK.

Using a Scenario
To use a scenario, follow these steps, choose the Tools➞Scenarios
command. When Excel displays the Scenario Manager dialog box,
which will now show the newly created scenario, select the scenario
you want to explore by clicking its name in the Scenarios list box (see
Figure S-3). Then, click the Show button. Excel inputs the scenario
values in your workbook and recalculates its formulas. You can repeat
this step to experiment with or explore other scenarios.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z S

Figure S-3 The Scenario Manager dialog box.

Editing a Scenario
To remove an existing scenario, choose the Tools➞Scenarios com-
mand so that Excel displays the Scenario Manager dialog box. Then
select the scenario you want to delete, and click Delete.
To edit an existing scenario, choose the Tools➞Scenarios command.
Select the scenario you want to edit and click the Edit button so that
Excel displays the Edit Scenario dialog box. Edit the scenario name
by editing the contents of the Scenario Name text box. Change the
scenario inputs by editing or replacing the worksheet range or
worksheet ranges shown in the Changing Cells text box of the Edit
Scenario dialog box. Click OK. When Excel displays the Scenario
Values dialog box, use it to change the scenario’s input values.

S Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Summarizing Scenarios
To create summary of scenarios either on a separate worksheet or using
a PivotTable, follow these steps:
1. Choose the Tools➞Scenarios command. Excel displays the Sce-
nario Manager dialog box.
2. Click the Summary button. Excel displays the Scenario Summary
dialog box, which asks whether you want to display a scenario sum-
mary or a PivotTable. Select the button that corresponds to the type
of scenario summary you want.
3. Specify which Result cells you want to see in the summary—these
are the cells with the formulas that change as you explore differ-
ent scenarios—by selecting them with the mouse. You can select
nonadjacent cells by holding down the Ctrl key as you click. Click
OK when you finish. Excel adds a scenario summary to your work-
book that shows the scenario values and the selected Result cells
(see Figure S-4).

Figure S-4 A Scenario Summary worksheet.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z S
Merging Scenarios from Other
If two workbooks use the same set of input cells, you can copy, or
merge, a scenario from one open workbook to another open work-
book. To merge scenarios, open and activate the workbook to which
you’ll add a scenario. Choose the Tools➞Scenarios command and
click the Merge button. Use the Book list box to select the workbook
from which you want to retrieve a scenario, and use the Sheet list box
to select the scenario you want to retrieve. Then click OK. Excel
merges the scenarios from the source workbook into the active work-
book. You can now use these scenarios in the same way as those you
create from scratch.

Scientific Notation
If a value is too large to fit into a single cell, Excel either increases the
cell width or displays the cell contents using scientific notation. The
number 1234567890, for example, may appear as 1.23456E+9. Like-
wise, the number .0000000001 may appear as something like 1E-10.
Excel doesn’t discard the extra digits if they don’t fit in the cell. If you
select the cell, you can see all of the digits in the formula bar. One
exception to this rule concerns extremely large or extremely small
values. Excel uses only the first 15 digits of a value. If you enter a value
that uses more than 15 digits, Excel rewrites the value using only 15
digits. If the value uses more than 20 digits, Excel rewrites the value
using scientific notation. If the value uses more than 15 digits but less
than 20 digits, Excel replaces the sixteenth digit through the twen-
tieth digit (counting from left to right) with zeros and then drops the
zeros if they aren’t significant. For example, the value
12345678901234567890 is rewritten to 12345678901234500000. And
the value .12345678901234567890 is rewritten to .123456789012345.

S Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

You have several methods for scrolling through the Excel workbook
shown in the document window:
• You can use the workbook window’s scroll bar. This scroll bar works
like other scroll bars in Windows. You can click the arrows at ei-
ther end of the scroll bar to scroll in the direction of the arrow. You
can drag the scroll bar marker in the direction you want to scroll.
You can also click above or below the scroll bar marker to move the
marker in the direction you click.
• You can use the up and down arrow keys to move one line in the
direction of arrow and the Page Up and Page Down keys to move
one page up or down.
• You can use the Edit➞Go To command to jump to a range or cell
in a workbook.

Selecting Objects
Typically, you can select any object by clicking the object with the
mouse. Note, though, that if an object is created by another program
(an Excel chart, say) or by an applet (a piece of WordArt, for example),
you may need to double-click the object in order to simultaneously open
and select the object.

Selecting Ranges
You can select ranges with the mouse or the keyboard. To use the
mouse, drag the mouse between the range’s opposite corners. To use
the keyboard, first move the cell selector to one of the corners, then
hold down the Shift key and press the arrow keys or the Page Up and
Page Down key to highlight the range you want.
NOTE To select multiple ranges using the mouse, hold down the Ctrl
key as you drag to make your selections.


Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z S
Series see Charts
Shading see Formatting Cells
To add shadows to the selected range, choose the Format➞Font com-
mand, click the Font tab, and check the Shadow box.

Sharing Excel Workbooks

You can share an Excel workbook so that more than one person can
open the workbook and make changes. To share, choose the
Tools➞Share Workbook command. When Excel displays the Share
Workbook dialog box, click the Editing tab and check the Allow
Changes By More Than One User box (see Figure S-5).

Figure S-5 The Editing tab of the Share Workbook dialog box.

S Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

The Advanced tab of the Share Workbook dialog box provides but-
tons and boxes you use to describe how Excel monitors and reconciles
changes to the workbook (see Figure S-6). The Track Changes but-
tons, for example, let you tell Excel for how long it should keep a
record of changes. The Update Changes buttons let you specify when
Excel should save the workbook changes. The Conflicting Changes
Between Users buttons let you specify which changes take precedence
if changes conflict.

Figure S-6 The Advanced tab of the Share Workbook dialog box.

SEE ALSO Revisions

Excel uses separate sheets for worksheets and charts. To move to
another sheet, click its tab. To rename a sheet, double-click the tab
and then type the new sheet name. To insert a new worksheet, choose
the Insert➞Worksheet command. To insert a new chart sheet, use the
ChartWizard to create a new chart and indicate you want to place the
chart on its own sheet. To delete a sheet, right-click its tab and choose
Delete from the shortcut menu.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z S
TIP When you right-click a sheet tab, Excel displays a shortcut menu
of several useful commands for working with sheets, including
commands for renaming a sheet, moving or copying the sheet,
and coloring the sheet’s tab.

Shortcut Menus
Recent Microsoft programs, including Microsoft Excel, make use of
shortcut menus. A shortcut menu lists all of the common commands
for working on a particular object or item. To display a shortcut menu,
right-click the object or item.

Sizing Objects
Usually, you can size an object, such as a picture, a piece of WordArt,
or a drawing object, by clicking the object to select it and then drag-
ging the selection handles.
SEE ALSO Clip Art, Pictures, WordArt

Sizing Text see Formatting Cells

Sizing Windows
You can size and resize the Excel program window by clicking the
Minimize, Maximize, and Restore buttons. These buttons appear in
the upper left corner of the Excel program window.
SEE ALSO Active Document Window, Application Window, Control Menu

Smart Tags
Excel can recognize some of the information in your workbook—
typically data such as people’s names and phone numbers. When Excel
does recognize something, it marks the information with a smart tag,
which appears as purple underline. If you point to the smart tag, Excel
displays the Smart Tab Actions button which you can click to display
a menu of commands you can choose to use the data in same way. A
person’s name that Excel smart tags, for example, could be added to
names and address line maintained in Microsoft Outlook. Smart tags
are useful, then, because they let you do things in Excel that normally
you would have to open another program to do.

S Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

To turn on the smart tags feature, choose the Tools➞AutoCorrect

Options command, click the Smart Tags tab, and check the Label Text
With Smart Tags box (see Figure S-7).

Figure S-7 The Smart Tags tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box.

Excel’s Solver tool lets you solve optimization-modeling problems, also
commonly known as linear programming programs. With an optimi-
zation-modeling problem, you want to optimize an objective function
but at the same time recognize that there are constraints, or limits.
Using Solver for optimization modeling requires a lengthy discussion
and therefore isn’t covered here. Refer to a large Excel reference if you
want more information, such as the MBA’s Guide to Microsoft Excel
2002 (Redmond Technology Press 2001).

Sorting Lists see Lists

Speech Recognition
Excel 2002 includes speech recognition. This new tool requires some
set up time and bit of getting used to, but for some people, the work
pays off. Speech recognition, for some people, can be a huge timesaver.
Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z S
TIP Speech Recognition requires a good quality headset microphone,
at least a 400MHz computer and at least 128MB of memory.

Setting Up Speech Recognition

To set up Speech Recognition, you need to configure your microphone
and then train Speech Recognition to recognize your particular voice.
To configure the microphone, click the Start button, choose the
Settings➞Control Panel command, and double-click the Speech tool.
Windows displays the Speech Properties dialog box (see Figure

Figure S-8 The Speech Properties dialog box.

Put the headset on and position the microphone so that it’s about an
inch from your mouth. Click Configure Microphone and then Next.
Windows will instruct you to read some text to adjust the microphone
volume and then, when that’s done, Windows instructs you to read a
simple sentence, “This papaya tastes perfect.” Windows then plays a
recording of you saying “This papaya tastes perfect.” If the recording
sounds okay, you’re done and click Finish. If the recording sounds
funny, move the microphone away from or close to your mouth.

S Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

NOTE If you click the Microphone button on the Language bar and
haven’t yet configured the Microphone, you’ll be prompted to
walk through the steps for both configuring the microphone and
training speech recognition to understand your voice. In this
case, you don’t need to use the Control Panel’s Speech tool to
get to the Speech Properties dialog box. The Language bar gets
you there.
After you configure the microphone, you need to train the Speech
Recognition tool to recognize your voice. To do this, click Start, point
to Settings and choose Control Panel. Then, double-click the Speech
tool and Click the Train Profile button, which appears on the Speech
Properties dialog box. Windows displays the first Voice Training
dialog box (see Figure S-9). Click Next to begin.

Figure S-9 The Voice Training dialog box.

To train the speech recognition tool to recognize your speech, you first
answer questions about your age and sex. Then, you read a short
description of speech recognition technology. As you read the short
description, Speech Recognition highlights words as you say them and
it recognizes them. Make sure that Speech Recognition does this. If
speech recognition doesn’t recognize a word, try speaking more slowly
and clearly. If you can’t get Speech Recognition to understand your
pronunciation of a word, click the Skip Word button.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z S
NOTE The reading you do to train Speech Recognition is very short. You
can finish it in about five minutes. However, if you need to take
a break, click the Pause button.

Using Speech Recognition

Once you configure your microphone and train speech recognition to
understand your voice, you can begin to enter information or choose
commands. These appear on the Language Bar (see Figure S-10).
Click the Microphone button and then the Dictation button to enter
information. Click the Microphone button and then the Voice Com-
mand button to choose commands by speaking. Then, begin speak-
ing in a normal voice. As you talk, speech recognition interprets your
words and enters them into the workbook at the insertion point or
chooses the commands.
To begin entering information into a cell, say the word “Enter.”
When you say a number, Speech Recognition spells out numbers less
than twenty. For example, say “five” and Speech Recognition interprets
this as the word five, but say “twenty-five” and Speech Recognition
interprets this as the number 25. Speech Recognition will recognize
fractions. For example, if you say “one-half,” Speech Recognition
interprets this as ½.
To tell Speech Recognition to interpret what you’re saying as values,
say “force num,” pause, and then say your values. In this case, if you
say “five,” Speech Recognition interprets this as the value “5.”
If Speech Recognition doesn’t understand, click the Correction but-
ton and see if another interpretation of what you said is listed. If it is,
select the alternative interpretation by clicking.
Or, you can select the incorrect text and then began speaking again.
If speech recognition understands, it replaces the incorrect selected
text with the new corrected text.
When you finish dictating, click the Microphone button again.
To use speech recognition for voice commands, click the Microphone
button and then click the Voice Command button. Then, choose
commands and select dialog box options by speaking. For example, to
print your workbook, say, “File Print OK.” To change the font used
for the selected worksheet range to Helvetica, say, “Format Font

S Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Punctuating Your Speech

Most of the words you say will be recognized as input as words. In
the case of characters used for punctuation, however, Excel assumes
you mean punctuation. The table below shows punctuation symbols
and lists the words you can use to enter them:
. Period or Dot
, Comma
: Colon
; Semi-colon
? Question mark
! Exclamation point
& Ampersand
* Asterisk
@ At sign
\ Backslash
/ Slash
| Vertical bar
- Hyphen or Dash
— Double dash
= Equals
+ Plus or Plus sign
# Pound sign
% Percent sign
$ Dollar sign
_ Underscore
~ Tilde
… Ellipsis
> Greater than

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z S
< Less than
^ Caret
[ Bracket or Left bracket or Open bracket
] End bracket or Right bracket or Close
{ Open brace or Curly brace or Left brace
} Close brace or End curly brace or Right
( Open parenthesis or Left paren
) Close parenthesis or Right paren
“ Quote or Open quote or Close Quote
‘ Single quote or Open single quote or Close
single quote

Customizing Speech Recognition

The Language bar’s Speech Tools button displays a menu of com-
mands you can use to customize the way that Speech Recognition
• To reconfigure your microphone or create a new speech profile, click
the Options command. Excel displays the Speech Properties dia-
log box—the same one you worked with to originally configure the
microphone and train.
• To turn off the speech messages that Speech Recognition displays
on the Language bar—messages that might say you’re speaking to
soft, too loud, or too quickly—choose the Show Speech Messages
command. The Show Speech Messages command is toggle switch.
When speech messages show, a check mark shows in front in the
command name.
• To further train Speech Recognition so it will do a better job rec-
ognizing your words, choose the Train command. When Excel dis-
plays the Voice Training dialog box, select one of the training
sessions and then perform the reading. The more you train, the better
Speech Recognition works.

S Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

• To add or delete words in the speech dictionary, click the Add/

Delete Words command. Excel displays the Add/Delete Words dia-
log box. To delete a word, scroll through the list of words, click the
word you want to delete, and then click the Delete button. To add
a word, enter the word into the Word box, click the Record Pro-
nunciation button, and then say the word. To record your pronun-
ciation of a word that Speech Recognition commonly misinterprets,
select the word in the list, click the Record Pronunciation button,
and then say the word.
• To permanently save the recorded speech—normally your recorded
speech is only saved until you close the workbook—choose the Save
Speech data command. The Save Speech Data command is a toggle
switch. To later turn off the saving of your recorded speech data,
choose the command again. (Note that you may also need to choose
the Tools➞Options command, click the Save tab, and then check
the Embed Linguistic Data box so save your recorded speech.)
• To select another user’s speech profile, click the Current User button
and select another speaker profile from the list.
SEE ALSO Handwriting Recognition

You can also use the Tools➞Spelling command to check spelling in
your workbooks. When you choose the command, Excel displays the
Spelling dialog box (see Figure S-10). Excel identifies misspelled
words in the Not In Dictionary box. In the Suggestions box, Excel
suggests solutions. To make a suggested fix, double-click it. To ignore
the error, click the Ignore button. To add the word to a custom dic-
tionary because it is correctly spelled and you will use it again and
again in your documents, click the Add To Dictionary button.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z S

Figure S-10 The Spelling dialog box.

The Options button on the Spelling And Grammar box displays the
Spelling dialog box. (You can also get to this tab of options by choosing
the Tools➞Options command and clicking the Spelling tab.)
• Use the Dictionary Language box to select the dictionary you want
to use for checking the spelling.
• Select the dictionary that Excel should add new words to using the
Add Words To box.
• Check the Suggest From Main Dictionary Only box to tell Excel
to only use the main Excel dictionary for spell checking.
• Check the Ignore Words In UPPERCASE box to tell Excel it
should ignore words that use all uppercase letters (presumably be-
cause these are acronyms or abbreviations that won’t be in the dic-
• Check the Ignore Words With Numbers to tell Excel that it should
ignore words that combine letters and numbers (presumably because
you’re using things like product names or serial numbers that won’t
be in the dictionary).
• Check the Ignore Internet And File Addresses box to tell Excel it
should ignore Internet URLs and file pathnames when it checks
SEE ALSO Dictionary

S Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Splitting Windows see Window Panes

Starting Excel
You can start Excel either by starting the program directly or by opening
an existing Excel workbook. To start Excel directly, click the Start
button, choose Programs, and then choose Microsoft Excel. When
you do this, Excel starts and opens a blank workbook.
To open an Excel workbook—which indirectly starts Excel—you can
double-click an Excel workbook file (which has an icon with a green
“X” and, if you’re viewing file extensions, has the extension .XLS) in
the My Computer or Windows Explorer window. If you’ve recently
used the file, you can also open it from the Documents menu by click-
ing the Start button, choosing Documents, and choosing the Excel file
you want to open. When you do this, Excel starts and opens the
workbook you selected.
NOTE You can also create shortcuts that point to the Excel program or
to Excel workbooks. When you open a shortcut, Windows starts
the program or opens the workbook that the shortcut points to.
For information on creating and using shortcuts, refer to the
Windows help file.

SEE ALSO Documents, Program Errors, Stopping Excel

Status Bar
At the bottom of the program window, Excel displays a status bar. This
bar provides information such as whether the worksheet needs to be
recalculated and whether Excel is recording a macro.

Stopping Excel
To stop the Excel program, choose the File➞Exit command or click
the Excel program window’s Close box. The Close box is the small
square marked with an “X” in the upper left corner of the program
SEE ALSO Starting Excel

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z S
A style is a collection of formatting settings. By applying the style, you
make all of the formatting changes included in the style.

Applying Styles
To apply a style to the selected range, choose the Format➞Style
command so that Excel displays the Style dialog box (see Figure
S-11). Then, select the style from the Style Name box and click OK.

Figure S-11 The Style dialog box.

You can also apply a style by selecting a range that already has the
style, clicking the Format Painter tool, and then selecting the range
to which you want to apply the style.

Creating a Style
To create a style, choose the Format➞Styles command. When Excel
displays the Styles dialog box, enter a name for the style into the Style
Name box, check the boxes that correspond to the type of formatting
you want to include in the style, and then click the Add button.

Modifying a Style
To modify a style, choose the Format➞Styles command, select the
style from the Style Name box, and click the Modify button. When
Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box, use it to make your

T Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Deleting a Style
To delete a style, choose the Format➞Styles command, select the style
from the Style Name box, and click the Delete button.
SEE ALSO Formatting Cells

Subtotaling Lists see Lists

Tables see Data Tables
The Windows taskbar displays the Start button, which you can use
to display the menus you’ll use to start Excel or open a recently-used
workbook. The taskbar also displays buttons for the open Excel
workbooks. You can switch between open documents by clicking the
buttons on the task bar.

Text see Labels

Text Files
Excel lets you easily import textual data into an Excel workbook.
Anything you can get as a text file—such as a financial report gener-
ated by the mainframe accounting system—can be imported into Excel
and then examined.
To import a text file into Excel, follow these steps:
1. Using the File➞Open command, tell Excel that you want to open
the text file. When Excel displays the Open dialog box, select the
All Files item or the Text File items in the List Files Of Type box
so that your text file is listed. Once you find the file, click it and then
click the Open button. Excel displays the first Text Import Wizard
dialog box (see Figure T-1).

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z T

Figure T-1 The first Text Import Wizard dialog box.

2. Use the Original Data Type option buttons—Fixed Width or De-

limited—to indicate whether the file uses a fixed-width format,
which is the same thing as a straight text file, or uses delimiting
characters. Excel can usually guess correctly about which format
your text file uses, so if you’re not sure which option to select, ac-
cept Excel’s default suggestion.
3. Use the Start Import At Row box to indicate which row of the text
file is the first row you want to have imported. For example, you
might not want to import reader header and title information, and
might instead want only to begin importing the first row with the
4. Use the File Origin box to identify the source of the file. If you’re
importing data created by another Windows program, select the
Windows (ANSI) entry from the File Origin box. If you’re import-
ing data from a mainframe, select the MS-DOS (PC-8) entry from
the File Origin box.
NOTE You can use the Preview box to see how Excel interprets your to-
be-imported data.

T Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

5. Once you finish with the first Text Import Wizard dialog box, you
click Next. Excel then displays the second Text Import Wizard
dialog box (see either Figure T-2 or Figure T-3). If you’re import-
ing a fixed-width file, Excel displays the dialog box shown in Fig-
ure T-2. You use this dialog box to verify how Excel breaks the text
file into columns. You can create new break lines by clicking. You
can remove an existing break line by double-clicking. You can also
move an existing break line by dragging.

Figure T-2 The second Text Import Wizard dialog box if you’re im-
porting a fixed-width file.

If you’re importing a delimited character file, Excel displays the dia-

log box shown in Figure T-3. You use this dialog box principally
to verify that Excel has correctly identified the delimiter: The
checked Delimiters box should identify the delimiter. You can also
indicate if the text file uses a character (such as a quotation mark)
to identify text. Note that you can tell whether Excel’s delimiter as-
sumptions correctly describe the text file because the preview box
shows how your data look given the delimiter specifications.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z T

Figure T-3 The second Text Import Wizard dialog box if you’re im-
porting a delimited character file.

6. After you’ve verified the fixed-width or delimited character assump-

tions of Excel—and fixed any incorrect assumptions—click Next.
Excel displays the third Text Import Wizard (see Figure T-4). You
use this dialog box to specify the formatting assumptions Excel
should make about the to-be-imported text file.

Figure T-4 The third Text Import Wizard dialog box.

T Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Excel also guesses about the default formatting that it should use
for each column of the text file you import. You should verify that
each column uses the best default formatting. To change a column’s
format, click the column header and then the appropriate Column
Data Format button. If you don’t want to import a column, click it
and then click the Do Not Import Column option button.
7. Click Finish and Excel imports the text file into a new, blank, open
workbook. At this point, you’re ready to begin cleaning up the data
so you can start working with it.
SEE ALSO Workbooks

Text Formulas
Excel lets you create formulas that manipulate text strings. Most of
these text formulas use functions. For example, the function
=PROPER(“winston churchill”) capitalizes the first letter of each word
included in the text argument, returning Winston Churchill. And the
function =REPT(“Bora”,2) repeats the first text argument the num-
ber of times specified in the second argument, returning BoraBora.
Excel also supplies a concatenation operator, &, that allows you to
concatenate, or combine, text enclosed in quotation marks. For example,
the formula =“Microsoft”&“ ”& “Excel” combines the word Microsoft,
a space, and the word Excel into the text string Microsoft Excel.
SEE ALSO Formulas

Times and Time V

Time alues
Excel uses decimal values to represent times so you can easily perform
time-based math. The value .0 represents 12:00am, the value .25
represents 6:00am, the value .5 represents 12:00pm, and so on.
To make time values easier to read, Excel supplies time formats, which
you can see if you choose the Format➞Cells command, click the
Number tab, and select Time from the Category list box.
NOTE Excel uses integers for date values, so you can combine date
integer values and time decimal values to create precise date and
time values.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z T
Excel provides nineteen different toolbars. Each supplies a set of
clickable buttons and boxes you can use to easily choose commands
and use Excel features. The standard toolbar, for example, includes
buttons for printing, spelling, and undoing.

Identifying Toolbar T
Toolbar ools
To identify a toolbar button or box, point to the tool. Excel displays
a pop-up box, called a tool tip or screentip, with the tool’s name.

Displaying and Removing Toolbars

Typically, Excel displays a toolbar when you’re working with items
that toolbar supplies tools for. For example, if working with a WordArt
object, Excel displays the WordArt toolbar.
You can also control when a toolbar is displayed. Simply choose the
View➞Toolbars command and then select the toolbar you want. The
commands listed on the Toolbars submenu are toggle switches. Ex-
cel places a checkmark in front of those toolbars that are displayed.
To remove a toolbar, choose the View➞Toolbars command and se-
lect the displayed toolbar you want to remove.
NOTE If you turn on Excel’s personalized menus and toolbars, that
setting also affects how toolbars appear. Refer to the Personal-
ized Menus and Toolbars entry for more information.

Customizing a Toolbar
To add buttons to a toolbar, follow these steps:
1. Make sure the toolbar is currently visible.
2. Choose the Tools➞Customize command and click the Commands
tab (see Figure T-5).

T Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure T-5 The Commands tab of the Customize dialog box.

3. Select the command category from the Categories list box that
includes the command you want to add to a toolbar.
4. Scroll through the Commands list box. When you see the command
you want to add to the toolbar, drag it to the toolbar.
NOTE You can also customize a toolbar by clicking on the arrow but-
ton at the very right end of the toolbar, choosing the Add Or
Remove buttons command, and then the name of the toolbar.
For example, to customize the Formatting toolbar, click the arrow
button and choose Add Or Remove Buttons and then Format-
ting. Excel displays a complete list of the buttons commonly
placed on the toolbar. To add a button, select it from the list.
To remove a button from a toolbar, follow these steps:
1. Click on the arrow button at the very right end of the toolbar.
2. Choose the Add Or Remove buttons command, and then the name
of the toolbar. For example, to customize the Formatting toolbar,
click the arrow button, choose Add Or Remove Buttons and then

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z T
3. When Excel displays a complete list of the buttons commonly placed
on the toolbar, select the button you want to remove. Excel iden-
tifies which buttons are already on the toolbar by marking them
with a checkmark.
SEE ALSO Personalized Menus and Toolbars

Tracing Errors see Formula Auditing

You can suffer from two types of trouble when you work with Excel.
The first type of trouble amounts to operational trouble working with
the program—often because you’re still learning how to use Excel.
When you experience this type of trouble—and assuming you can’t get
your answer from this book—use the Office Assistant to ask a ques-
tion. If you don’t get the answer from the first set of help topics that
the Office Assistant suggests, try rephrasing your question using dif-
ferent words.
The second type of trouble stems from mechanical problems with the
Excel program itself or perhaps one of the other programs running
on your computer. Surprisingly, you often can solve mechanical prob-
lems, too, if you visit Microsoft’s KnowledgeBase web site. The
Microsoft KnowledgeBase web site provides troubleshooting informa-
tion about solving all sorts of mechanical problems and bugs work-
ing with Excel.
To use the Microsoft KnowledgeBase Web site, open your web
browser and enter the following URL into the Address box:
When your Web browser opens the KnowledgeBase search form,
Select Microsoft Excel from the My Search Is About box, type your
question into the My Question Is box, and press Enter (see Figure
T-6). The search results page that the KnowledgeBase server displays
will display a list of KnowledgeBase articles that provide troubleshoot-
ing information that seems to be related the problem you describe.

U Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure T-6 The KnowledgeBase search form.

Undeleting Workbooks see W

Workbooks orkbooks
Within Excel, you have two tools for underlining text. Which tool
you use depends on the underlining you want.
• To underline the selected text with a single line, click the Under-
line button on the Formatting toolbar.
• To underline the selected text with a double line or a dashed line,
choose the Format➞Cells command and select an underlining
option from the Underline list box.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z V
Undoing Mistakes
If you make a mistake while entering data or editing your worksheet,
you can use the Undo toolbar button to reverse the effects of your last
actions. You can also undo the Undo operation by clicking the Redo
toolbar button. To reverse the effects of a series of most recent actions,
click the arrow beside the Undo toolbar button and select multiple
actions from the list. To redo a series of last actions, click the arrow
beside the Redo toolbar button and select multiple actions from the

URL is an acronym that stands for Uniform Resource Locator. The
Internet uses URLs as Internet addresses. A URL typically includes
four components: the protocol, the server, the path, and the file name.
For example, in the URL below, http:// is the protocol,
www.redtechpress.com is the server, /tocs/ is the path, and mbaexcel.pdf
is the file.
NOTE http:// is one of the protocols used to display Web pages.
You can use URLs when you save and open files if you have permis-
sion to use the Web server. To do this, simply enter the complete URL
into the File Name box on the Save As or Open dialog box. The Web
server you’re referencing will probably ask you for a password.
SEE ALSO File Extensions, File names, Pathnames

Values are numbers you want to add, subtract, multiply, divide, or
otherwise manipulate in formulas. In a budgeting worksheet, for
example, you would enter the budgeted amounts as values (see
Figure V-1).

V Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure V-1 A budgeting worksheet with labels and values.

To enter values, use the ten number keys either on the main keyboard
or on the numeric keypad. To use the numeric keypad, the Num Lock
key must be selected. Use the period key to show decimal places and
the hyphen key to identify negative values.
To enter values, use the same three-step process as you do to enter
labels. For example, to enter the value 3000 shown in cell B2, move
the cell selector to the desired cell, type the value, and set the value
in the cell—by pressing the Enter key, clicking the Enter button on
the formula bar, or moving to another cell.
SEE ALSO Labels, Scientific Notation

Excel displays your workbooks either in a Normal View or a Page
Break View.
To switch from one view to another, choose the View➞Normal View
or the View➞Page Break View command.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z W
NOTE The Views➞Custom Views command lets you create custom views
of a workbook based on printing settings, hidden rows and
columns, and first filters.

SEE ALSO Outlining

Visual Basic
Microsoft builds a programming language, called Visual Basic for
Applications, into the Excel program. When you create a macro, for
example, what Excel actually does is write a Visual Basic program to
perform the recorded actions.

Web Components see Web Pages

Web Pages
You can save an Excel workbook as web page. To do so, use the
File➞Save As command to save the workbook in almost the usual
way—except use the Save File As Type box to indicate that you want
to save the workbook as a web page (see Figure W-1) and click the
Publish button. Excel adds two Save buttons—Entire Workbook and
Selection—to let you specify how much of the workbook you want
to turn into the web page. Mark the Save button that corresponds to
your choice.
TIP You can enter a pathname that uses a URL into the Filename box.

X Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure W-1 The Save As dialog box as it appears when you save a
workbook as a web page.

Check the Add Interactivity box to tell Excel that it should turn the
Excel workbook into a Web page that uses Web spreadsheet compo-
nents. A Web page that uses Web spreadsheet components lets some-
one viewing the workbook web page to actually work with the
spreadsheet. For example, a Web page browser can change inputs and
see formula results updated automatically.
NOTE In order for a Web spreadsheet component to work, the user
needs to possess the appropriate Microsoft Office license.

What-if Tables see Data T

Tables ables
Window Panes
Excel lets you split the workbook window into panes so you can see
different portions of a workbook in different panes. To split the work-
book window into panes, move the cell selector to the cell where you
want the split and choose the Window➞Split command. To later
unsplit the window, choose the Window➞Remove Split command.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z X
TIP To freeze a pane so that it scrolls whenever you scroll the
workbook’s other panes, choose the Window@—>Freeze com-
mand. To unfreeze a pane so it doesn’t scroll, choose the
Window➞Unfreeze command.

You can turn text into a graphics object. To do this, you use the WordArt
applet. WordArt, like Microsoft Graph, is a small miniprogram, or
applet, that comes with Office programs including Microsoft Excel.

Creating a WordArt Object

To create a piece of text using WordArt, choose the Insert➞Pic-
ture➞WordArt command. When you do, Excel starts the WordArt
program. The first window you’ll see is the WordArt Gallery (see
Figure W-2).

Figure W-2 The WordArt Gallery window.

This window shows you the various ways you can display the selected
text as a graphics image. You select a Word Art Style, click OK, and
then type your text into the next dialog box that Word Art displays (see
Figure W-3).

W Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure W-3 The Edit WordArt Text dialog box.

The Edit WordArt Text dialog box provides buttons and boxes you
can use to format your WordArt object:
• Use the Font list box to select the font you want to use. You can click
the button at the right end of the Font list box to display a list of
available fonts. The Text box shows you how your font selection
looks—this is the preview area beneath the Font and Size boxes and
the Bold and Italic buttons.
• Use the Size box to specify the point size you want WordArt to use
for the text.
• Click the Bold and Italic buttons that appear to the right of the Font
and Size boxes to boldface or italicize the text. The Bold and Italic
buttons are toggle switches: To un-bold and un-italicize the text,
click the buttons again.
After you specify the font, size, and any boldfacing and italicization,
click the OK button. WordArt adds the WordArt object to the work-
book (see Figure W-4).

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z W

Figure W-4 A WordArt object.

NOTE You can double-click the new WordArt image to redisplay the Edit
WordArt window.

Moving and Resizing WordArt Objects

After WordArt adds the object to the workbook, you can move and
resize the object by clicking and dragging. To correctly position the
WordArt object, drag it to the appropriate location. To resize the object,
drag the selection handles that surround the object. To change the
WordArt effect, you can also typically drag the yellow diamond marker.
You would drag this marker, for example, to make a leaning WordArt
object lean more or lean less.

W Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Editing WordArt T
WordArt ext
The Edit Text tool, available on WordArt toolbar, redisplays the Edit
WordArt Text window so you change the font, size, boldface, and
italics specifications for the WordArt object or so you can edit the text
used to create the WordArt object.
NOTE The WordArt toolbar also provides an Insert WordArt tool which
you can use to add another new WordArt object to your work-

Formatting WordArt Objects

The WordArt Gallery button, available on the WordArt toolbar, lets
you select a new gallery setting for the existing, selected WordArt object
using a the WordArt Gallery window (see Figure W-5).

Figure W-5 The WordArt Gallery window.

NOTE To remove the WordArt toolbar, simply click the workbook, Ex-
cel removes the WordArt toolbar. If you later want to make ad-
ditional changes to the WordArt object, simply click the WordArt
object again. Excel reopens the WordArt toolbar and you can use
its buttons to make whatever changes you want.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z W
The Format WordArt button on the WordArt toolbar lets you change
the color used for the WordArt object; the line, color, and style used
to draw the WordArt object; and the size and layout of the WordArt
object. When you choose the Format WordArt button, WordArt
displays the Format WordArt dialog box (see Figure W-6). You can
use the Format WordArt dialog box’s Colors and Lines tab, for ex-
ample, to change, predictably, the color and lines used to create the
WordArt object. (To make changes, simply use the tab’s drop-down
list boxes to select different colors, line styles, and so on.)

Figure W-6 The Colors And Lines tab of the Format WordArt dialog

You can use the Format WordArt dialog box’s Size tab to change the
dimensions of the WordArt object (see Figure W-7). The other tabs
in the Format WordArt dialog box work in a similar fashion.

W Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure W-7 The Size tab of the Format WordArt dialog box.

The WordArt Shape button displays a menu of pictures you can

choose from to select the shape of the WordArt object (see Figure
W-8). You simply click the shape you want the WordArt object to take.

Figure W-8 The WordArt Shape menu.

The Free Rotate button, if clicked, adds selection handles to the

WordArt object. You can use these Rotate selection handles to rotate,
or spin, the WordArt object on the page.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z W
The WordArt Same Letter Heights tool lets you tell WordArt that
each letter in the WordArt graphics image should be the same height.
The WordArt Same Letter Heights button is a toggle switch. If you
click it again, WordArt resizes the letter heights back to their origi-
nal sizes.
The WordArt Vertical Text toolbar lets you flip the WordArt text so
that it’s vertical rather than horizontal. WordArt also adds selection
handles after you click the tool. You can use these selection handles
to rotate the object.
The WordArt Alignment button displays a menu of text-alignment
options (see Figure W-9). You simply select the menu command that
refers to the text alignment you want to use for text in the WordArt

Figure W-9 The WordArt Alignment menu.

The WordArt Character Spacing tool, the last one on the toolbar
displays a menu of character-spacing commands (see Figure W-10).
You choose the character-spacing command that refers to the type of
spacing you want for the text that makes the WordArt object.

W Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure W-10 The WordArt Character Spacing menu

Key to comfortably using Excel is knowing how to work with Excel’s
workbooks. The paragraphs that follow briefly describe most of the
common workbook management tasks.

Creating a New Workbook

To create a new workbook that uses the standard workbook template,
click the New toolbar button.
To create a new workbook based on other than the standard work-
book template, choose the File➞New command. When Excel opens
the New Workbook task pane, click one of the hyperlinks listed in the
New or New From Template areas (see Figure W-11).

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z W

Figure W-11 The New Workbook task pane.

If you click the General Templates hyperlink, Excel displays the

Templates dialog box (see Figure W-12). Click the tab that seems to
most closely match the category of workbook you want. Then,
double-click the template icon that most closely matches the specific
workbook you want.

W Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure W-12 The Templates dialog box.

Excel opens a new workbook based on the template (see Figure

W-13). This new workbook will contain text, formatting and instruc-
tions you can use to more easily and more quickly create the final work-

Figure W-13 A workbook created from the Sales Invoice template.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z W
NOTE The Templates On My Web Sites and Templates On
Microsoft.com hyperlinks, also available in the New Workbook
pane, let you retrieve Excel templates over the Internet and Web.

Opening a Workbook
You have several convenient choices for opening documents in Excel.
• Documents menu. If a workbook is listed under the Documents
menu (displayed when you click the Start button and point to the
Documents command) you can open the workbook by clicking it
on the Documents menu.
• New Workbook pane. When you start Excel, the New Workbook
task pane lists workbooks you’ve recently used and provides
hyperlinks you can click to create a new workbook.
• File menu list. If a workbook is one you’ve recently opened using
Excel, the workbook may be listed at the bottom of the File menu.
In this case, you can open the workbook by choosing it from the File
• File➞➞ Open command. You can choose the File➞Open command
to display the Open dialog box (see Figure W-14). To use the Open
dialog box, first select the folder containing your workbook from
the Look In list box. Then, when Excel lists the documents in that
folder, scroll through the list until you find the one you’re looking
for. When you see it, double-click it to open it.

W Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure W-14 The Open dialog box.

• Open toolbar button. You can also click the Open toolbar button
to display the Open dialog box (see Figure W-14). Again, to use the
Open dialog box, select the folder containing your workbook from
the Look In list box, scroll through the list of documents until you
find the one you’re looking for, and then double-click that work-
book to open it.
• My Computer or Windows Explorer. If you use the My Computer
window or Windows Explorer to display the folder containing your
workbook, you can double-click the workbook to open it (see Figure
W-15). When you open an Excel workbook, Windows first starts
Excel and then instructs Excel to open the workbook.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z W

Figure W-15 The My Computer Window.

Closing a Workbook
To close a workbook, choose the File➞Close command or click the
workbook window’s Close box.
NOTE If you’ve made changes to a workbook that haven’t been saved,
Excel asks if you want to save your workbook or lose your

TIP You can close all the open workbooks by holding down the Shift
key and then choosing the File➞Close All command.

Saving a Workbook
To save a workbook, choose the File➞Save command or click the Save
toolbar button.
The first time you choose the File➞Save command or click the Save
toolbar button for new workbook, Excel displays the Save As dialog
box so you can name the file and specify where it should be saved (see
Figure W-16). To use the Save As dialog box, follow these steps:

W Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure W-16 The Save As dialog box.

1. Use the Save In box to pick the folder you want to save the work-
book in.
2. Enter the name you want to use for the workbook into the File
Name box.
3. (Optional) If you want to use this workbook with other programs
or share the workbook with someone who doesn’t have Excel, open
the Save As Type list box and select a file format.
NOTE Excel’s workbook file format is readable by many other programs,
but if you want to be sure that a workbook can be read by almost
any program select the Text (Tab Delimited) file type.

Re-saving a Workbook
The subsequent times you save a workbook—the times after you’ve
provided a name and specified a folder location—you also save the
workbook using the File➞Save command or the Save toolbar button.
When you re-save a workbook, however, Excel doesn’t display the
Save dialog box. It assumes you want to use the same file name and

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z W
Renaming and Relocating a Workbook
To name a workbook or relocate a workbook you’ve already saved,
choose the File➞Save As command. When Excel displays the Save
As dialog box, rename or relocate the workbook.

Deleting a Workbook
To delete a workbook, use the My Computer window or the Win-
dows Explorer to display the folder holding the workbook. Then
right-click the workbook and choose the Delete command (see Figure

Figure W-17 The My Computer window showing the Shortcut menu.

Undeleting a Workbook
You may be able to undelete, or restore, a workbook you’ve previously
deleted. Windows sets aside a percentage of your hard disk space to
store recently deleted files. To see which deleted files Windows is still
storing, double-click the Recycle Bin icon, which appears on the
Windows Desktop. Windows opens the Recycle Bin window, which
lists all the recently deleted files (see Figure W-18). Scroll through
the list. If you can find your workbook, right-click it and choose Re-
store from the shortcut menu.

W Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z


Figure W-18 The Recycle Bin Window.

Exporting a Workbook
To export an Excel workbook, save the workbook using the
File➞Save As command but use the Save As Type list box to choose
a file format that other programs can use. The trick, by the way, is to
use a file format that retains as much workbook information as pos-
sible. That means, if possible, you want to use the standard format for
a recent version of Microsoft Excel. In a pinch, you can also use the
Text (Tab Delimited) format, which returns most workbook infor-
mation including labels, values, and formulas. In a worst case situa-
tion, you can use the plain text format, which lets you export the text
of your workbook but not anything else.

Importing a Workbook
To import a workbook into Excel—say a workbook someone created
using another spreadsheet program—just open the workbook. Excel
comes with a large set of filters that let it open most popular spread-
sheet documents.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z W
Printing a Workbook
To print a workbook, click the Print toolbar button or choose the
File➞Print command. If you click the Print button, Excel prints your
workbook using the default, or usual, print settings. If you choose the
Print command, Excel displays the Print dialog box (see Figure W-19).

Figure W-19 The Print dialog box.

Use the Print dialog box’s buttons and boxes to specify exactly how
Excel should print:
• Choose the printer you want to print the workbook from the Name
list box, if the Name box doesn’t already show the printer.
• Use the Print Range buttons to indicate whether you want to print
all the pages in the workbook, just the current page, or some set of
• Use the Copies boxes to specify the number of copies you want
printed and whether copies should be collated.
• Use the Print What list box to indicate whether you want to print
the current selection, the active worksheet or the entire workbook,
the workbook.

W Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Previewing a Workbook
You can preview what your printed workbook will look like by choos-
ing the File➞Print Preview command (see Figure W-20).

Figure W-20 The Print Preview window.

The Print Preview window includes a toolbar with several handy tools
for previewing your workbook:
• Print button. When you want to print the workbook, click the Print
button. Or, choose the File➞Print command.
• Zoom. The Zoom button is a toggle switch that tells Excel when
you click the workbook, Excel should alternatively magnify or reduce
the size of the preview display.
• Next. The Next button displays the next page of the to-be-printed
• Previous. The Previous button displays the previous page of the to-
be-printed workbook.

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z W
• Setup. The Setup button displays the Page Setup dialog box so you
can adjust the page orientation, margins, header or footer and sheet
printing settings.
• Margins. The Margins button adds movable margins lines to the
print preview window. To move, or change, the margins, drag the
margin lines.
• Page Break Preview/ Normal View. The Page Break Preview/Nor-
mal view button together between a normal workbook view and page
break preview view of the workbook and returns you to the regu-
lar Excel program window.
• Close. The Close button closes the Print Preview button and returns
you to the regular Excel program window.
• Help. The Help button lets you click some item, such as a button
or menu command, and see relevant information from the Excel help
information file.

Dividing Workbooks
You can split a workbook that’s grown too large by cutting portions
out of the workbook and pasting them into other new documents.
Refer to the entry on Moving Text for information about how to do

A worksheet provides columns and rows you use to enter labels, val-
ues, and formulas (see Figure W-21). Excel workbooks always include
worksheets. They may also include chart sheets and macro sheets.

X Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z

Figure W-21 An Excel workbook showing an empty worksheet.

To add a new worksheet to the workbook, choose the

Insert➞Worksheet command.
SEE ALSO Charts, Macros, Sheets

XML, an acronym for Extensible Markup Language, stores informa-
tion in files that use standard formats so the files can be read by other
programs. Excel can read many XML files and even has its own XML
spreadsheet format.

XY Charts see Charts

Excel 2002 F R O M A TO Z Z
The Zoom box, which often appears on the Standard toolbar, lets you
magnify or reduce the size of the workbook that shows in the work-
book window to some percentage of its actual size (see Figure W-22).
To use the Zoom box, enter a percent in the Zoom box or open the
Zoom list box by clicking its arrow and select a zoom percentage from
the list.

Figure W-22 An Excel workbook “zoomed” to 200% of its original size.


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