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ISSN 2347 - 3983

Alexi Delgado et al., International Journal of Emerging 8. No.
Trends 5, May 2020
in Engineering Research, 8(5), May 2020, 1819– 1823
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research
Available Online at http://www.warse.org/IJETER/static/pdf/file/ijeter55852020.pdf

Design of a 3D control system using PTV-VISSIM to manage

Vehicle traffic
Alexi Delgado1, Leoncio Cueva-Ruiz2
Mining Engineering Section, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima-Peru, kdelgadov@pucp.edu.pe
Systems Engineering Program, Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades, Lima-Peru, leocuevar@uch.pe

 bus flows cause congestion through the high overcrowding of

ABSTRACT private vehicles [7].
The simulation of microscopic traffic is the analysis method
Vehicle congestion has become a conflict that affects an preferred by researchers in the field, since simulating the
increasing number of countries. To avoid this, it is necessary elements of the transport system allows an approach near to
to design a control system that can benefit those affected by reality through a single vehicle that behaves as a single agent to
traffic congestion. In this work, PTV-VISSIM will be applied allow the configuration of parameters around it at an affordable
to obtain real-time data when simulating a traffic control price and in a recurrent manner [8]. These parameters can be
system in Lima, Peru. This case study explains the delay time, speed and even the examiner's background and
architecture of the prototype which has 2 stages: previous literature [9], [10]. However, after analyzing and
reviewing the advantages of the different traffic simulation
PTV-VISSIM and the development of the prototype that
software as PARAMICS and GETRAM/AIMSUN, among
includes 4 materials (controller, wireless network connection,
others, VISSIM has been chosen as it has a wide range of
motion detector and LED traffic lights), components that are simulation possibilities and a unique 3D simulation module [8].
critical for the correct functioning of the simulator. Three Therefore, data will be inserted into the simulation tool to process
trials were carried out on different days for the study, based on and organize them in a way that is compatible with VISSIM [11].
the traffic flow of each day, which shows that there was a The purpose of this software is to simulate and analyze traffic
reduction in vehicle traffic. The results could help the status, also including lane assignment, traffic signs, including
authorities to obtain a measure that reduces the time of vehicles and pedestrians. PTV-VISSIM is suitable for traffic
vehicular traffic congestion at an accessible cost, improving engineering. Therefore, vehicular traffic was controlled by
the quality of life of citizens. varying the phase shift of the signals. More generally, the
traffic signal can be controlled by phase shifting (time
Key words : 3D control system, Non-intrusive detection, shifting), cycle time, and splitting time. In order to investigate
PTV-VISSIM, Wireless network connection. signal control, it is necessary and important to consider a
series of traffic signals on a highway. Some work has been
1. INTRODUCTION done recently to move vehicle traffic through an infinite series
of traffic lights within the same interval, thus clarifying the
As traffic congestion has been increasing, certain effect of cycle time on vehicle traffic as in [12]-[15].
consequences have resulted such as slower speeds, longer The main purpose of the proposal is the design of a 3D control
travel times and an increase in vehicle queues, among others system that will allow the management of vehicular traffic in
[1]. Although, transport throughout history has been a order to improve traffic congestion in the center of Lima, as
fundamental contribution to economic development, in recent well as to be a useful tool in the eventuality of an automobile
times the deterioration of public transport has generated chaos accident or further emergencies.
in many cities worldwide [2]. As a result, most cities in the This work is structured as follows: Section II will explain a
world face a variety of problems caused mostly by vehicular brief description of the methodology and the case study of
traffic due to the growing number of circulating vehicles[3]. how the prototype is being designed. Likewise, section III will
In Lima, Peru, for example traffic congestion is one of the give a detailed explanation of how the prototype will work.
most serious concernssince the continuous increase of Similarly, section IV will go through all the results obtained
vehicles in traffic, in private cars and the lack of planning through the simulation. Lastly, section V will present the
negatively affect the quality of life of the population. As it conclusions made by the simulator.
also occurs in many developing countries which do not have
traffic control systems due to the high investment costs 2. METHODOLOGY
involved [4], [5], countries where there are no public or
private programs promoting the use of such systems, which This section will explain the architecture of the prototype that
leads to a deficient traffic e.g. USA, specifically in Los is has been made for the design of a 3D control system using
Angeles, California [6]. However, public transport reforms in PTV-VISSIM for the traffic in Lima, Peru.
Lima and Callao have been largely based on the premise that The architecture of the prototype has 2 stages: PTV-VISSIM
simulator and development of the prototype.

Alexi Delgado et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(5), May 2020, 1819– 1823

2.1 Stage 1: PTV-VISSIM Simulator

VISSIM is a microscopic system, staggered in time, stochastic
having a simulation model for the analysis of the operation of
the traffic system [16] according to [17]. Most traffic
engineers find that there is no significant difference in car
size, road width and some other basic parameters of the
material facilities. In addition, it is desirable that it be fitted
and that it could be completed when the model is structured.
However, parameters that reflect driving habits and behaviors Figure 1: Prototype architecture
greatly influence the outcome, for example, the car tracking
model and the lane change model [18], [19].
3.1 Stage 1: PTV-VISSIM Simulator
2.2 Stage 2: Prototype development PTV-VISSIM is a microscopic traffic simulation system
The present stage has 4 fundamental materials as following: developed by PTV, a German company. It is a discrete,
A. Controllers time-based, random and behavioral simulation model. The
theoretical model adopted by VISSIM is a multi-zone
It is a compatible tool which does not require a high threshold behavior model pro-planned by Professor
volume cabin at the traffic lights for storage, allowing a Wiedemann [8], [20]. In addition, VISSIM has the capability
control strategy suitable for the impending traffic conditions of modelling the interface between multiple traffic modes
in which the controller functionality is to be applied. with car traffic, the ability to generate random vehicles and
B. Wireless network connection the flexibility in modelling complex geometries [21].

It has a wireless connection that is provided in 3.2 Stage 2: Prototype development

conjunction with the controllers, this will store all types of The prototype includes 4 fundamental materials for this stage
data so that there is no obstruction or loss of information at the (controllers, wireless network connection, motion detector
time of operation. and LED traffic lights), which will have a direct objective for
C. Motion detector the correct operation of the simulation, taking into account
that this will assess the traffic and determine the advantages of
This stage will have a motion detector that will facilitate having more control when simulating streets or roads as
and give the instructions to the controller of how many cars shown in Figure 2.
are on the road, this will provide the data to ensure if there is a
traffic congestion on the tracks.
D. LED traffic lights
It has LED televisions that will be responsible for
organizing traffic through the lights to regulate traffic this
stage will work by giving the order for green light, red light,
yellow light, this will serve to prevent vehicle accidents
bearing in mind that it will be connected to the traffic light

3. APPLICATION Figure 2: Prototype simulation

The prototype will have 2 fundamental stages: PTV-VISSIM

A. Controllers
Simulator and Development of the prototype; which will have
a charge for the operation of the simulation, considering that it This tool is an integral part of the control optimization
will evaluate the traffic and determine the advantages for system by which the network administrator can evaluate
greater control when simulating the streets or highways as traffic conditions using sensors and coordinating intersections
shown in Figure 1, which shows the tool that will be used and for better control. However, this will depend on the wireless
the development of the prototype. access point that each traffic light will contain through a
wireless connection and an appropriate radio for each sensor,
taking into account that each microchip will have its own
sensor as shown in Figure 3.

Alexi Delgado et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(5), May 2020, 1819– 1823

will be available in 3 different levels for the present work:

light, moderate and severe.
The detail of the simulation resulting from each day can be
observed below.

4.1 Simulation of the prototype

A. Monday Simulation
The information resulting from Monday can be seen in
Table I. The results obtained on 16/09/2019 are described as
Figure 3: Controllers follows:
B. Wireless network connection a) On Monday at 8:00 AM, there was a 50% of traffic
recorded, which would be considered as moderate
The development of the prototype will consist of the use vehicle traffic.
of some traffic control devices that will have interconnections, b) On Monday at 1:00 PM there was a 10% of traffic
which will be connected to the controller so they can
recorded, which would make the traffic of a vehicle
command the operation of the traffic lights. This is taking into
more fluid, being considered as light traffic.
account that in conjunction with the sensors, the controller
will be able to collect data even if the road is congested; for a c) On Monday at 6:00 PM there was a 50% of traffic
better visualization of the proposed scenario see Figure 4. recorded, that would come to be considered as moderate
vehicle traffic.
Table 1: Prototype Simulation - Monday
Day 1 Date Time Route %
8:00 Track
Moderate 50
AM 1
1:00 Track
Monday 16/09/2019 Light 10
PM 1
6:00 Track
Moderate 50
PM 1
Figure 4: Wireless network connection
B. Friday Simulation
C. Motion detector The information resulting from Friday can be seen in Table
This material will contribute to the detection of vehicles II. The results obtained on 20/09/2019 are described as
on individual roads. Likewise, due to the camera motion follows:
sensors, it will be possible to analyze and identify the cars on a) On Friday at 8:00 AM there was a 50% of traffic
the road, which will be linked to the controller which will registered, that would come to be interpreted as
provide data such as the number of cars or serious traffic moderate vehicular traffic.
congestion, if applicable. b) On Friday at 1:00 PM there was a 10% of traffic
registered, which is interpreted as light vehicular traffic.
c) On Friday at 6:00 PM there was a 50% of traffic
D. LED traffic lights registered, so that would come to be interpreted as
This tool will be in charge of the signalization phase, which moderate vehicle traffic.
will allow the cars to circulate normally without any kind of
traffic congestion, since the LED traffic light will give the Table 2: Prototype Simulation - Friday
order to advance or stop based on the data collected from the Traffic
Day 5 Date Time Route %
microchip. level

From the results obtained from the PTV-VISSIM program, it Track

Friday 20/09/2019 1:00 PM Light 10
was decided that there would be 3 specific days (Monday, 1
Friday and Sunday); days in which the traffic would increase, Track
6:00 PM Moderate 50
thus it was possible to carry out a simulation using extensive 1
data, which was classified considering that the traffic level

Alexi Delgado et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(5), May 2020, 1819– 1823

C. Sunday Simulation In general, PTV-VISSIM is a tool that allows the evaluation

The information resulting from Sunday can be seen in Table and planning of both urban and interurban road infrastructure,
III. The results obtained on 22/09/2019 are described as with a focus on the particularity of the creation of pedestrians
follows: as well as vehicles, obtaining detailed numerical results by
a) On Sunday at 8:00 AM there was a 50% of traffic means of impressive animations through 2D and 3D
displayed, that would be understood as moderate traffic. representations which can simulate diverse scenarios.
b) On Sunday at 1:00 PM there was a 50% of traffic Therefore, it is ideal for presenting infrastructure proposals
displayed, which would be understood as moderate in decision making in a comprehensible and direct way.
c) On Sunday at 6:00 PM there was a 50% of traffic 5. CONCLUSION
displayed, which would be understood as moderate
traffic. This work proposes the design of a traffic control system in
the center of Lima, which includes a controller, wireless
Table 3: Prototype Simulation - Sunday network connection, motion detector and LED traffic lights,
Traffic in order to manage the traffic on a high traffic street. The
Day 7 Date Time Route % system incorporates an accurate forecast so traffic can be
detected and can prepare a strategy to synchronize street
8:00 Track signals for better traffic control and improved circulation for
Moderate 50
AM 1 the citizens.
1:00 Track The PTV-VISSIM favors the study since it helps to create the
Sunday 22/09/2019 Moderate 50
PM 1 prototype and obtain precise data at the time of making the
simulation; therefore, it is expected that the PTV-VISSIM
6:00 Track
Moderate 50 will become an adequate control system for Peru.
PM 1
Likewise, it is expected that the application of artificial
intelligence will contribute to an effective control that can be
A detailed design of the system was proposed along with the applied in the different cities of the world to assist in a more
level of traffic in the city. Regarding traffic simulations, the optimal vehicle traffic system at a low cost and contributing to
authors point out that currently only about 20% of all the lives of the citizens.
intersections in most cities are signposted due to the high cost
of traffic signs. However, it is necessary to consider that the REFERENCES
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