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The Secret to Getting Everything You Want in Life

By Natasha E. Williams

Whatever you want, desire or need, just ask of the Universe; then know and
believe that it is yours and the Universe will always answer,
“Your wish is my command!”

Published in 2014 by New Concept Media

Copyright © 2010 by Natasha E. Williams
Cover design by Angie @ pro_ebook covers
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means without written permission of the author.
Thanks to all the dreamers and dream makers who help to make other
people’s dreams come true.
Special thanks to Kat Miller, Switchword Guru, and in loving memory of
James T. Mangan, Switchword Pioneer, and Shunyam Nirav, Renowned
Teacher and Practitioner.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Switchwords
How do you use Switchwords
Chapter 2: What are Switchwords
Chapter 3: Master Switchwords
Chapter 4: Using Names as Switchwords
Chapter 5: The Universal Mind
Chapter 6: Combining Switchwords
Chapter 7: Using Colors as Switchwords
Chapter 8: Journaling with Switchwords
Chapter 9: Doodling with Switchwords
Chapter 10: Creating a Switchword Vision Board
Chapter 11: Switchword Oracle Cards
Chapter 12: Switchword Visualization
Chapter 13: How to know it’s Working
Chapter 14: Words of Wisdom
Master Switchword List
Switchwords by Life Situation
Additional Switchwords & Life Situations
Switchword Pairs
About the Author


There is a fundamental law of attraction in the universe that guides people’s
lives and is the underlying power behind all things. The law is simply like
attracts like both good and bad.

This law was expressed by Napoleon Hill when he said, “We become what
we think about.” In the second century of the Common Era, the Roman
emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius said “Our life is what our
thoughts make it.” This idea has been developed over time and has now
become a central tenet in many spiritual traditions.

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for
they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character,
for it becomes your destiny. —UNKNOWN

The spiritual law of attraction stated in another way says that, “Whatever we
hold in mind tends to manifest in our lives.” In general, it simply means that
we tend to attract the things that we think about or focus on in our lives. By
instilling our emotional energy into certain things, we call them toward us
each day.

Our minds become magnetized with the dominating thoughts we hold

in our minds and these magnets attract to us the forces, the people, the
circumstances of life which harmonize with the nature of our
dominating thoughts. – NAPOLEON HILL

When we create something, we always create it first in a thought form.

If we are basically positive in attitude, expecting and envisioning
pleasure, satisfaction and happiness, we will attract and create people,
situations, and events which conform to our positive expectations. –
The negative ideas that people project often function in a similar manner as a
“self-fulfilling prophecy”. By focusing on the negative, the negative comes to
pass. The law of attraction tells us that, whatever we give our attention to
becomes our point of attraction. It becomes the thing that
we magnetize into our lives. This is even true for the things we try to separate
ourselves from or fight against because we find that we are still giving these
“negative” things our constant attention.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

(Prov. 18:21.)

As mentioned previously, the Law of Attraction is one of the better known

universal laws. The theory behind the Law of Attraction is that we create our
own realities. We attract things we want and we also attract things we don't
want. We attract the people in our lives, the stuff in our home, and the money
in our bank accounts through our thoughts and feelings.

When our beliefs are limited, we attract limited wealth and compromise our
well-being. When we believe anything is possible, the sky's the limit. In fact,
you can break through that glass roof on the sky with your miraculous
positive thoughts. When we focus on the "lack of" we are creating a less-than
reality. But, if focus on being abundant and happy we will enjoy a luxurious
and glorious reality.

Broken down, you can attract what you want in life in three steps. Although
the theory behind the Law of Attraction is very simple, putting it into practice
on a conscious level takes work. Negative and limiting belief systems are
buried deep inside us. Changing or ridding yourself of ideas and old habits
that defeat you at every turn can be done. Are you up to the challenge?

Earl Nightingale said it best in The Strangest Secret. Earl explained it this
way. A farmer can plant whatever he chooses into fertile land. The land
doesn’t care, it will grow anything planted. The human mind is like the land
because just like the land it doesn’t care what you plant in it. It will return
what you plant but it doesn’t care what you plant.
For example, if you have two seeds, one a nutritious vegetable and the other a
deadly poison, you plant both, water and nurture them. The land will grow
both. The mind works the same way. Even though the mind is even more
fertile, sophisticated, incredible and mysterious than a piece of land, it
doesn’t care what you plant. It will return anything and everything we want
to plant. Our mind contains riches beyond our wildest dreams. It’s the law of
attraction in action. Because of that we need to be conscious of what filters
in and out of our minds. Plant the goals you want in your mind and cancel
anything that is not for the greater good. Your life is what your thoughts
make of it. The greatest teacher of all time, the carpenter from Galilee gave
us the secret time and time again; as ye believe so shall it be done onto you.

The architect of the universe did not build a staircase leading nowhere.

The creative process involves three steps to attracting all your desires.

1. Ask - You must know what you want. I mean, really know what you want.
The universe can't deliver without first knowing what it is that you want to
have manifested into your life.

2. Believe - You need to truly believe that what you are asking for will
become yours. Doubts need to be pushed away. The idea that failure is a
possibility will mess up the delivery.

3. Receive - It is important that you become an active player in reaching your

goals. When opportunity comes your way you must not hesitate. Grab the
brass ring when it appears.

These are the basic principles to the law of attraction. They are more simple
than complicated. If you can follow these and be completely honest about
these steps you will be able to manifest what you want.

You are the creator of your reality. You have created everything in your
reality including the things you aren’t all that happy about. But just as those
things were created, new things can be recreated in their place. Change your
thoughts, change your life. Switchwords is just another method to use the
law of attraction, which I’ll get into what are Switchwords and how they
work a little later.

What is the Law of Attraction/Vibration?

It is the vibration in which you are flowing. Vibrations are energy and
everything is made up of energy. Everything is vibrating, if it where to cease
vibrating it would cease to exist. This energy flows in positive and negative
polarities. The idea is to flow in the positive and thus you will attract more

The Secret to Gratitude

Feeling gratitude for what you have is supposed to help you in the process
because you are giving thanks for the things that you have. It will help you
get yourself to a place of acceptance of new things to come into your life. Be
grateful for what you have and feel positive for and you will attract more

The secret to gratitude is the feelings associated with being grateful. It is not
the words you use but the feelings behind the act. You could be grateful for
‘anything’ it is the feeling that you are vibrating in that matters. Focus on
anything that brings you happiness and allow yourself a good feeling of total
gratitude. The next time you are eating a delicious sandwich, enjoy it and
flow in that positive feeling of gratitude.

The Secret to Visualizing

The idea is to picture yourself owning or having what ever it is you want.
You should visualize and pretend that it is yours already and this will help
you manifest it in your life.

Visualizing and pretending that you have it already and placing yourself in
that moment emits a vibration of have. This is the secret to visualizing
something, eliminate the want and see it as something that is already yours.
The problem is that we will hinder our own thought by thinking of the lack.
You do not lack it if you understand that it is yours already.

The Secret to Asking

You are supposed to ask for what you want. You can look at something or a
situation and say “I want that.” And in asking you begin the first process of

The secret is to be very clear on what it is you want. It is a good idea to

determine what it is you do not want in order to make your want clear. There
is also no need to speak it out loud or even make it a declaration. That is
putting too much focus on the words. The moment you have a feeling of
want, that vibration is where you are flowing. That is a vibration of lack, so
you will turn it around with the next two steps.

The Secret to Believing

This is where you believe that it is on its way to you. You know that it will be
yours as if you ordered it from a catalog. The idea is to believe that it will
show up soon.

The secret to this step is in acknowledging the process in which these steps
are associated. The feeling behind the first step was lack, feeling behind this
step is “it is on its way” this is monumental. Pay attention to the way you feel
about it coming to you, it is a matter of knowing that it is right around the

The Secret to Receiving

This is the step in which you allow it to arrive. In which you are ready for it
to get there. Your actions are inline with what is on its way to you.

The secret here is to associate it with the other two steps. First step is
associated with lack feelings. The next step is associated with “it’s on its
way”. The last step is “It’s mine”. It would be like knowing that you are
getting a check on Friday, you live every aspect of your life in accordance of
your paycheck arriving on Friday. You have no doubt in your mind and you
make plans and get ready for it. This is the same feeling that should be
associated with receiving what you asked for.

The last step is the one that determines how quickly it manifests in your life.
If you were able to get yourself to a place of absolute doubtless faith it would
come immediately.

The bank of the Universe is always open.

It has unlimited abundance available to you right now.

There are many names for The Universe. Some refer to it as God, The
Divine, Jesus. Use whatever name you feel comfortable with. For purpose
of this book, I will refer to it as the Universe or the Universal God. It’s all
the same power regardless of what name we choose to give it. It’s the God
that is inside you that makes all things possible.

The Universe inspires people, circumstances and events, to deliver the

amount to you, but don't ever be mistaken into believing it came from them.

It is always the Universe, who moves through people, circumstances and

events, to deliver the desires of your heart to you.

If YOU don't cancel your desire my negativity, The Bank of the Universe
must deliver what you put out there back to you! It’s the law of attraction.

Any thoughts, words, or actions of "lack", or "not enough"... are the only
things that cancel your request.

Here's the great thing though... if you are thinking, acting or speaking words
that could cancel your request, the Universe immediately sends you an alert!
The alert is instantaneously transmitted direct to you, as bad feelings!!! The
moment you receive the alert, change your thinking immediately to
something positive! CANCEL negative thoughts and they go away. That’s
your first switchword.

By the way, it is not your job to work out HOW the Universe will bring it to
you, stop telling the Universe what to do. The Universe knows the best way
and sometimes you get your wish in a way that you never could have
expected. We are inclined to think in limitations where the Universe is
unlimited and sometimes unconventional. The Universe will always bring
your greatest good to you. So, if you find yourself wondering how it will
happen, just let go and ask for what you want, believe you have received it,
and you WILL receive what you ask for. You’ve heard people say, “I can’t
believe I won!” or “I never thought it would actually happen!” When it
happens to you, don’t voice that. If you put your desire out there and truly
believe in your heart that you will receive it, don’t be surprised when it
comes to you.

The Universe can dream a better dream for you than you could ever dream
for yourself.

The Magic Power of Switchwords
Have you read books about the Law of Attraction and manifesting and
wondered why you aren't having the success you expect? Want to know
something that is even more amazing than The Secret? I guess you do since
you have downloaded this app. It's no coincidence that you've found it.
Everything happens for a reason and/or a purpose.
Welcome to a remarkable journey that you are about to embark on. Your
eyes will be opened to this amazing and profound technique. No longer will
you let your mind sabotage your ability to manifest the desires of your
heart. Your word is your wand and if you didn't know it, thought is creative.
Intentional creative thoughts bring about intentional desired
results. Intentional creative thoughts can take the form of images or words or
both. Switchword Magic is a new method to speak and think your desires into
existence using one word affirmations.
There is no need to remember long sentence affirmations. One word opens
your subconscious mind to allow the Universe to bring forth your every
desire, every need and your every wish can come true.
Switchwords are a fun way to manifest the things
you want in your life. You'll be able to make your
own reality, your own fate, your own luck. You are
all powerful and switchwords help you to tap into
that power. More importantly, they work!
Try it for yourself and watch the doors of
opportunity open up.
You're creating whether you know it or not and whether you want to or
not. Every thought sends a signal to the supreme subconscious to bring
whatever you've been thinking about to you. Scary when you think of all the
negative thoughts we allow to flow through our minds. Not any more. It's
time to stop creating unconsciously and start creating consciously with intent
and purpose.

This manifesting technique is truly more amazing than "The Secret". You
can genuinely and practically begin manifesting anything and everything you
want in life starting NOW.

Switchwords are hidden gems that most people don't know about. They were
originally researched and developed by pioneering discoverer, James T.
Mangan (1896 - 1970) in his book, "The Secret of Perfect Living", and later
further researched by Teacher and Practitioner, Shunyam Nirav (1952 -
2008), author of "Switchwords Easily Give To You Whatever You Want In
Life". Mangan researched the original words for over 45 years.
As time goes on, new words are constantly being added by people all over the
world. You can add your own based on your own feelings and experiences
once you feel connected to the process. You can even use names as
Switchwords. This will be covered later.
I discovered switchwords several years ago quite by accident through an
internet search for something totally different albeit I know that there are
truly no accidents but divine occurrences and appointments.

Everything happens for a reason. There are no

coincidences. Every synchronistic event that
happens, it happens for a reason. Your job is to
recognize it and determine what the reason or
message is based on your life.
I started reading about Switchwords and
decided to test them out for myself. Within a
year I started seeing results. I received a huge
pay increase in my current job without even having to ask for it. My side
hobby is screenwriting and I had one of my screenplays optioned by a
producer and another one that was previously optioned had new
interests. That screenplay recently sold. I use Switchwords for everything in
my life, even to find parking. When you're looking for available parking in
San Francisco, the REACH switchword definitely comes in handy.
In actuality, I think I've been using some form of switchwords and positive
thinking all my adult life because I have had some miraculous things happen
to me just when I needed them.
Being a single parent, people usually ask how I made it doing it alone with
two young daughters. I am still amazed myself. Persistence does pay
off. So, they do work. Sometimes they work immediately, other times
within days and still other times within months or years.
The bigger the dream, the more time it takes for it to harvest but sometimes it
comes quicker than you expect. Just like planting seeds, you plant today but
you don't get the flower before lots of watering and tending. The thing is that
once the seed is planted, the subconscious brings the necessary things to you
or you to them in order to get the ultimate results.
Suppose you want to publish a book or have someone buy your movie, well,
first you need the great idea, then you have to write it, then you have to pitch
it to people. It's all a step-by-step process. Using Switchwords along the
way helps you to make those necessary steps. It's like the blueprint for
your desires.

When I was a teenager, I wanted to have a job where I travelled the

world. So, I went to college and got a job. The job I got wasn't one that
would have me traveling the world but what I didn't know at the time is that I
would be learning the skills needed for my future job.

I listened to my intuition and worked at that job because I knew deep down
inside the future benefit would pay off. Then, life happened. I had two
daughters and eventually ended up a single parent. I thought, no way was I
going to have a job that took me all over the world when I had to two small
children to support. But, I knew deep down inside that when you feel
something so powerful, it's there for a reason and you will get your heart's

So, I just soaked up all the experience I could get and had relegated in my
mind that I would have that job in the future, probably when I was older
and in my 40s or 50s. Little did I know that things were in
motion. Everything I was doing at that time was in preparation for my dream

At the time, I was 30 years old and I let me intuition guide me and it told me
to move to California when I had the opportunity. I was living
in Dallas, Texas at the time. I thought about it for eight long months and
eventually decided to quit what I thought was a nice paying professional job
and move with my girls to Cali. I didn't want to be one of those woulda,
coulda, shoulda people. It turned out to be the right decision because
in California was where my dream job was located.
Shortly after the move, a recruiter called me about a special job opportunity. I
was amazed because it was the exact same job I had envisioned all those
years before and I didn't have to wait until I was in my 40s or 50s to have
it. It happened within 6 years of me letting go and let God, as they say in the
church, of the dream in particular the thinking that I wouldn't be able to do a
job like that for at least 15 or twenty more years.

More importantly, I knew it was meant to be because everything played out

easily. The interview was a cinch since the hiring manager had decided to
make me an offer based on my resume. Also, the learning curve was
basically zero since it was exactly the same job I was doing previously just in
a larger capacity, hence the international travel. Some would say it was good
timing or I was in the right place at the right time. In actuality, it was the
Law of Attraction at work.

Since then, I've been all over the world: France, Switzerland, Hong
Kong, Australia, Germany, Shanghai, Russia, Italy and the UK to name a
few. Plus, it only took me five short years to more than double my salary!

The Universe or God answered my dream/request/prayer with a big, "NO,

you don't have to wait that long, you have listened and prepared yourself and
you are ready." It was literally like the job was handed to me as if it had been
waiting for me to show up to claim it. Think about what's out there, waiting
and ready for you to claim.
How did it happen? It happened through the power of manifesting, positive
thought and persistence. And that was before I had even heard of
Switchwords but little did I know, I was basically doing them without even
knowing it! This is probably why when I discovered them, they resonated so
profoundly within my spirit. I certainly had a big "Aha" moment, the first of
many. Lots of miraculous things have happened and not always in the way I
thought they would happen. So, it's important to let go of the how and just
There are no limitations to the Universe, which I also call God, Universal
God, Universal Mind, the Universe, the Supreme Being. I use them
interchangeably. Do feel free to use the name in which you are most
comfortable with when referring to The Most High. There are also no
limitations to what we can do. The only limitations that exist are those we

Even with the creation of this app, Switchwords came into play. Back in
2000, I had written a manuscript in which my original intent was to have it
published as a book. As I was writing it, I thought, "Wouldn't it be nice if
this could be on everyone's cell phones!" Now, back then, cell phones had
just started being all the rave and I had just gotten my first. There were no
smart phones and certainly no apps.
I knew that there should be a way but I just couldn't figure out the how. So, I
filed that idea in the back of my mind and carried on with my life.
Fast forward to the present, smart phones are in abundance and so are the
apps. When I first got my IPhone and fell in love with all the wonderful
apps, it didn't dawn on me immediately that NOW is the time to convert that
manuscript into an application for the cell phone until after I had my IPhone
for a year. I had forgotten all about it.

Then, seemingly out of the blue, I got a "reminder" that came just as a
thought in my head while I was watching TV one day. It went something
like, "Hey, didn't you have an idea that would be great to be used on cell
phones? Why don't you make an app!"
Sometimes it happens just like that. Like a small, quiet voice that may pose a
question or issue a statement. It's up to us to listen. It's not going to shout or
scream. However, we have to be in tuned with the Universe and have
expectation in order to hear it. Then we have to act.

The Universe made a way for that dream to come true as well. I had
downloaded dozens of apps and it had never occurred to me that I, too, had
my own app waiting to be brought forward until that faithful day. When I
thought of it 10 years ago, I had no idea how it would happen but maybe then
wasn't the right time for it.
The seed was planted and it stewed until the right moment. Then there was
the "how on earth do I do it" dilemma. I didn't know coding and I'm no uber
techie person! Kat Miller, the remarkable switchword guru and crafter, told
me to use switchwords and a way will be provided.
She was right. I trusted in Switchwords and the Supreme Power of the
Universe to make a way as it had so many times before. Voila! Five months
after the thought to transform that manuscript into an app popped into my
head, I found a way to do it.
So, here I am...developing apps. Who'da thunk it! Now, I know that I was
able to do it and the Universe helped it come into fruition. If it happened for
me, it can certainly happen for you, too.


What do they do, where are they from?
Switchwords are words that represent the essence of an emotional or a
physical experience. However, they are more than mere words.

Switchwords are tools. Switchwords are lifestyle enhancing tools for living
the life that you love and for loving the life that you live.

These powerful tools were "invented" by James T. Mangan after more than
forty years of study and usage. He introduced them to the public in the 1960's
with his book, "The Secret of Perfect Living" (1963 - 1975). It was out-of-
print since the 70s but his family had it reprinted in original form in 2009.
Although some of the terminology is outdated, the concepts regarding the use
of Switchwords and the Law of Attraction is still as relevant today as it was
back in 1963.

Shunyam Nirav, a teacher and practitioner of Switchwords stumbled across

Mangan's book in the 70s at a used bookstore in California. Shunyam Nirav
wrote, "Switchwords Easily Give To You Whatever You Want In Life" (2005 -
2008) which is now out-of-print. Both Mr. Mangan and Nirav were truly the
Master Switchworders, unsurpassed even since both of them have left us and
this life.

My hope is that their legacy will live on through this app and the other
Switchworders out there to spread this little gem to the masses.

I've created this app in an attempt to carry on the work that Mr. Mangan and
Nirav started and to provide my own insights, experiences, and contributions
from all the years of using switchwords in my daily life and reaping the
The Science behind Switchwords
The science behind switchwords is not very complicated at all.

Any word can be a switchword! In reality, any word can be a switchword on

an individual level, and all of the words that we use
actually are. Switchwords work! With continued use, you will experience
this for yourself.

Switchwords are scientific creativity tools which, like a screwdriver or a

shovel, don’t require any belief on your part for them to work. Just
experiment with using them and watch the results!
There are a dozen or so practitioners who are perfecting the art of
Switchwording. I've coined that phrase myself. Perhaps it will end up in the
dictionary one day in the future to represent the power of the spoken
word. Mr. Mangan would be proud.
At any rate, there are some websites, blogs and articles written by
switchword practitioners that help to explain and practice this science. It's
really nothing new under the sun but many people haven't heard the power of
positive speaking utilized in such a way.

How they work is another subject altogether. It can be quite complicated to

explain how they came about but the use is pretty straight forward. Also, the
words that you use really depend on the mental and/or emotional disciplines
that you follow.
Some disciplines use the concept of "unconscious mind", others use "higher
self" or "super conscious". My personal favorite label to use is simply the
term "right brain". This is due to the fact that regardless of the mental and/or
emotional discipline that you may be familiar with or follow, all the labels
that are used across the various disciplines are housed either in the right brain
or the left brain. The right brain is the seat of your emotions, your inspiration,
and even the source of "coincidences" and "miracles".
So, it is sufficient to say that switchwords work via the abilities of our right
brains, accepting the switchword from our left brain as a request or command
that is brief enough and non-logical enough that the right brain simply
springs into action on our behalf, rather than sorting through concepts and
comparing the request or command against our existing beliefs and
neurological patterns.

The short and indirect nature of switchwords is what circumvents the

stumbling blocks that most people encounter within themselves when
attempting to reach for new experiences and is why they are so easily
What is nice to also know is that
we don't really need to understand
the specifics of HOW
switchwords work in order to use
them with extraordinary
effectiveness. Think of electricity.
Do you have any idea really how
electricity works? I don't. But I do
know that if I flip a light switch
up, the light turns on.
I know that if I plug in my
computer and turn it on, I will be
able to work on it or surf the
internet. And who really knows how the internet work but we use it every
day without thinking of it. If we put our request in the Google search box,
we will get results. Switchwords are like that. The Universe is the "Google"
equivalent but with more accuracy and directive.
Harnessing the power of your right brain via switchwords is the same. If you
have a life condition that you want to improve, whether that condition is a
lack of knowledge, a lack of relationship or harmony within that relationship,
or a lack of health, or a lack of specific resources know that you can find a
switchword that is specific to your current needs and that by "flipping that
switch" you will get help that is powerful, benevolent and individual to your
preferences and desires.
The help that switchwords gives us may seem miraculous to some, but it will
soon simply be an expected way of life. I live a life that I love and I love the
life that I live. Switchwords and the Law of Attraction are a cornerstone of
the life that I love living and it will be for you, too.
Switchwords will help you to find what you are looking for to support you in
your lifestyle.
You are allowed to and are able to live life happily, healthily and abundantly
on all levels. Keep looking until you find what you seek.
Using switchwords is easy. Simply identify what you want to address in your
life, and then refer to the list for the appropriate switchword. switchword list.
Look for the switch that serves your current
focus, and then say it to yourself. You can
say it out loud or silently in your mind, you
can repeat it over and over again for an
unspecified time, you can simply say it
once. You can spend a day or even longer
just running a switchword over and over in
your mind while you do other things. You
can focus on a switch as a meditation. You
can write them out, once or many times.
You can put them in places for you to see, you can even hide them where
they can't be seen but where you remember that they are there.
How you use them is up to you, and having more than one way to use them is
fun and will help you to explore their power in your life.
While the technique is to use one word at a time, some people like to use
more than one switchword at a time and that's perfectly okay. You can string
switchwords together to include many desires that relate to each other in one

One way to use switchwords is to:

Sit down and write out the current issue and then determine what you
want to experience as an improvement.
Decide what you want.
Believe that it's already yours.
Visualize the complete concept of having it, with the largest positive
feeling you can muster. REACH - TOGETHER or TOGETHER -
Then, go through the list and look for switches that seem to be
Once you have a list, look for the one switchword that best supports
your OVERALL intention. Sometimes this may be in the form of
several switchwords where you can form a switchword phrase.
Then use the one switchword or switchword phrase that you have
Repeat, chant, sing, and say it aloud or silently as many times as it
feels right.
Pay attention to how you feel when you visualize it coming to you.
Pay attention to how you'd feel actually having it in your life.
Then let go and know that whatever you asked for is on its way.
Another method of applying them would be to use them as a constant chant, a
mantra of sorts. One suggestion on this line, especially when using
combinations of switchwords, would be to set them to a popular tune so it
then sets up on "automatic" in your mind and rolls on as you do other actions.
Great use for this is when doing chores or mundane work such as cleaning,
vacuuming or other activities that do not require much brain power or
thought. Or use switchwords when you are in the car instead of listening to

One practitioner also noted that if you are dealing with a very important issue
that you don't really believe that there is a solution for, use "AROUND" in
front of the switchword that you select. AROUND will bring you evidence
from life in interesting ways and experiences of the viability of your desire.
It's really a lot of fun to watch life seek to convince you that what you want
really is possible.
The trick to all this is to do and pursue
those things in life which bring you
peace. When you have been operating
from the point of constant peace, you
will have achieved what Mangan calls
"Perfect Living". Then you will achieve
and acquire everything you want in life.
Use of switchwords merely simplify
and speed up the process.

Switchwords manifest more quickly as

they go directly to the sub/pro-
conscious and bypass the "objective"
(conscious) mind and its
Applying the "new thought" method, also found in "The Secret", of naming
what you want, getting the feeling of it, then applying the switchword - or
combinations of switchwords - will yield the best results. Then, you have to
let go when done.

That is the key point of switchwords; they enable inspiration into what action
you should be taking. The trick is to instantly get into action, following your
inspiration/intuition. Trust your inner vision and your intuition will improve.
Not only will you gain greater peace in your life and for those around you,
but you'll also gain wealth, health, personal power and happiness.
So, are you ready to put Switchwords into action?
Using Switchwords is simplistic, practical and solves any problem and
attracts everything you want in life. You don't have to spend weeks learning
the system; you can start in 60 seconds. You can do it anytime, anywhere for
how often you like to solve any problem or attract your heart's desire.
Switchwords pull out the essence of the desire you'd like to have and uses the
Law of Attraction to draw that desire into your life.

The basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that everything is composed of

Energy. This includes our thoughts. The basic law of quantum physics says
that like energy attracts like energy. So, what we think about the most, we
get more of. The Law of Attractions states that whatever you focus on you
will get.
Switchwords are a fun way to manifest the things you want in your
life. Now, they aren't meant to be a substitution for medical advice. If you
are ill, by all means, go to your doctor but on the way there, say a switchword
or two for ultra healing.

One of the most common switchwords is REACH. Declaring or repeating

REACH either out loud or silently helps you locate misplaced objects, solve
problems, recall temporarily forgotten names, numbers or other information
stored somewhere in the back of your subconscious mind.

Think of your brain as a computer. It holds every thing you've ever touched,
smelt, heard, seen or experienced in your life. Imagine all this information is
stored as files in your subconscious because it's far too much information to
store in the conscious mind.
Think of the subconscious as your back up file. Then think of Switchwords
as the computer command to retrieve this backed-up information. REACH is
the command you use to send to your mind's back up file to retrieve the lost

Got it? REACH is a word used daily for a variety of purposes. Even if you
are the creative type such as writer, artist, inventor, painter, musician etc, you
can use the switchword REACH to invent new ideas. Use the switchword
ON to create new ideas.

To locate any misplaced item
To remember forgotten information
To solve a problem
To invent
And just as REACH is the "retrieve" command for lost information, CARE is
the "store" or "save" command to store that information into your brain so
that you can REACH for it later. You remember things you CARE about. So
there you have three Switchwords at your disposal.

CARE is used to memorize or remember information and REACH is used to

retrieve or to recall information previously remembered or memorized. ON
is used to create wonderful new ideas.

You will learn over 300 Switchwords and Switchphrases for a variety of life
situations. Such as:
whenever you want to eliminate negative thoughts or get rid of
worry or debt, say: CANCEL
whenever you want to sell something, say: GIVE
whenever you want to make money, use: COUNT
whenever you want to make something beautiful, declare: CURVE
for good health and/or for peace, meditate on: BE
to work miracles or for extraordinary accomplishment, say: DIVINE
You'll also learn the most important master-key Switchword to do anything
with mastery:

Using switchwords, you can easily enjoy increased creative power,

effectiveness, accomplishment, fun, prosperity, aliveness, togetherness, life
mastery, and life satisfaction.
Once you understand the principles your life will change immediately.
Follow the suggestions noted in this app and your life will never be the same
again. Good luck will seem to be attracted to you, the things you want seem
to just fall in line and all your problems will start to fade away.
Got it? Now let's move on to the Master Switchwords section and start
putting Switchwords to work in your life. Your true potential and desires are
waiting for you to claim them.

There are common switchwords used for your every need. These words are
called Master Switchwords and are the basis for performing switchword
magic. There are common switchwords used for you every need. These
words are called Master Switchwords and are the basis for performing
switchword magic.


Here are 44 of the most commonly used Switchwords

[Tap a Switchword for meaning]

To create balance.

To heal.

To be in good health; to beat peace; to have good form in sports.

To be telepathic; to know what others are thinking.

To dispel fear, to dispel nervousness.

To eliminate any negativity or unwanted condition.

To memorize or remember anything important.

To ease and dispel pain.

To dispel loneliness.

To dispel anger.

To make money.

To create beauty.

To calm you when you are angry or afraid.

To create miracles or extraordinary accomplishment.

To pack for a trip or move; to clean up a mess; to put things in efficient order;
to accomplish tasks easily and well.

To complete a task; to increase willpower.

To turn a setback into a comeback; to feel uplifted after a setback; to get
renewed hope or inspiration.

To win a competitive game.
To build a fortune.

To get in the mood for writing.

To sell

To have protection over body or property.

To relax.

To be attractive; to make anything attractive (body, art, music, food, crafts

For when you are upset or stressed

To be, fell and look youthful or young.

To generate love, bring love to you.

To dispel the feeling of being tired; to increase energy level; to get rid of
inertial or sluggishness.

To eliminate procrastination.

To go to sleep; to quit an unwanted habit.
To get transportation; to create new ideas; to enhance creativity.

To end frustration.

To make oneself beautiful or handsome.

To build.

To locate a misplaced item; to remember anything; to solve a problem, to

To dispel jealousy; to make it disappear.

To be wise.

To dress better.

To make anything good last longer.

To be courageous.

To increase leadership ability.

To have a sense of togetherness.
To get in a good mood.

To learn a skill.


To find the percentage

To reduce smoking; to make money
To build a fortune

To promote

To secure publicity

To advertise
To design

To appear rich


To improve perspective
To avoid carelessness

To improve your mental telepathy

To dispel conscious fear; to dispel nervousness

To end arrogance

To remember, in the sense of memorization

To end feeling of loneliness

To turn on personality

To appear cultured

To be a good mechanic

To swim
To develop or increase endurance

To acquire good taste

To reduce smoking
To make money

To subdue inner excitement

To create beauty

To call forth extra personal ability
To work miracles
For extraordinary accomplishment

To reduce your bragging

To keep a secret

To rid uncertainty

To build character


To become an orator

To handle anything unpleasant
To assume or carry a burden
To balance
To create

To prevent a person or action from annoying one
To obliterate a negative thought
To dispel a worry
To avoid poverty or debt

To stop arguing

To end aggression

To make your children obedient

To achieve moderation in any field where tempted to excess

To eliminate procrastination

To meet a deadline
To keep a resolution
To build will power

To turn a setback into uplift

To win in a competitive game
To upset an opponent in such a game

To get in mood for writing

To help others
To sell

To increase endurance
To make a long distance seem short

To lose pettiness

To act on good impulse

To complete a lot of detailed work

To create new ideas
To secure transportation
To nourish ambition
To build
To produce

To publish a successful newspaper or book

To build

To remember something forgotten
To find lost or misplaced article
To solve a problem
To invent

To be pious
To withstand impatience
To be wise

To publish a successful magazine or e-zine

To dress better

To handle success
To handle prosperity

To develop leadership

To do anything
For extraordinary Accomplishment DIVINE

To Advertise SCHEME
To be Agreeable WITH

To end Aggression CONFESS

To discreate Anger CLEAR
To stop Arguing CONCEDE
To not be Arrogant BOW
To be Attractive HOLE
To create Balance ADJUST
To be Beautiful PRAISE
To create Beauty CURVE
To stop Bragging DOWN
To Build PUT
To adjust a Burden ADJUST

To Calm down when angry or afraid DEW DROP

To Calm down when you are upset or ICE BLUE

stressed; to de-stress yourself

To build Character HOLD

To stop Clinging DEDICATE
To be Compatible WITH
To create Completion DOVE
To relieve Constipation SWIVEL
To have Courage SWING
To stop being Critical PRAISE
To appear Cultured CLASSIC
To meet a Deadline DONE
To eliminate Debt CANCEL
To do Detailed work ATTENTION
To make a long Distance seem short HALFWAY

To Dress better SPEND

To stop Drinking alcohol SAVE


To be Efficient DIVINE ORDER
To quiet Ego QUIET
To have Energy MOVE
To improve Eyesight POINT
To restore Fairness RESTORE
To stop Fault-finding PRAISE
To dis-create Fear BLUFF
To have good form or skill (such in BE

To build a Fortune FIND

To end Frustration OVER
To predict the Future LISTEN
To win a Game FIGHT
To be Generous MAGNANIMITY
To have Good taste COPY
To not be Greedy OFFER
To bury a Grudge REVERSE
To quit a habit OFF
To make yourself Handsome or pretty PRAISE

To Harmonize well with others WITH

To nurture Healing ALONE

To be in good Health BE
To manifest your Heart's Desires CHARM

To be/get in High spirits UP

To restore Honesty RESTORE

To cure Hypersensitivity DUCK

To get new Ideas ON

To eliminate Indecision HELP

To Invent REACH
To stop being Jealous REJOICE

To end Laziness GO
To be a good Leader TAKE

To Locate an object, idea or situation REACH

To end Loneliness CIRCULATE

To generate, radiate, experience Love LOVE

To master any activity TOGETHER

To be a good Mechanic CONSIDER

To Memorize CARE
To clean up a Mess DIVINE ORDER
To create a Miracle DIVINE

To locate a Misplaced object REACH

For Moderation CUT

To make Money COUNT

To eradicate Negativity CANCEL

To reduce Nervousness COVER

To be a good Orator ACT

To put in optimum Order DIVINE ORDER

To reduce Pain CHANGE

To have Patience SLOW

To be at Peace BE
To turn on Personality CHUCKLE
To gain Perspective AROUND
To end Pettiness MAGNANIMITY
To be Polite TINY
To stop Pouting POSTPONE
To solve a Problem REACH
To end Procrastination NOW
To Prolong a good feeling or event STRETCH

To Promote FOR
To have Protection over body or GUARD
To get Publicity RIDICULOUS

To Publish successfully, articles, PERSONAL

newspaper, e-zine

To Publish/Produce successfully, book, SOPHISTICATE

magazine, film

To stop regretting THANKS

To relax HO

To remember, memorize CARE

To remember, recall REACH

To eliminate Remorse TOMORROW

To let go of Resentment FORGIVE

To end the desire for Revenge FORGIVE

To be unaffected by Ridicule BE
To keep a Secret FOREVER
To learn a Secret WAIT
To Sell GIVE
To transform a Setback into a ELATE

To learn a Skill WATCH

To be soothing to others SWEET
To go to Sleep OFF
To Swim well CONTINUE
To have good Taste COPY
To use/enhance Telepathy BETWEEN
To reduce Tension HO
To eliminate Tiredness MOVE
To have it all Together TOGETHER
To obtain Transportation ON
To stop looking for/attracting Trouble SHUT

To eliminate uncertainty HELP

To adjust to a situation ADJUST
To dispel un-togetherness UNCLE
To WIN a game FIGHT
To be Wise SLOW
To get in the mood for writing GIGGLE
To Yawn for HO
To be Youthful LEARN

For additional switchwords, refer to the additional switchword list section.



Switchwords can also be the names of people who set a good example in
the field. For example, "Edison" might be used for invention, "Sherlock" for
deductive activities, "Einstein" for advanced thought or mathematics. Anyone
you know and respect might be a switchword for some trait you wish to
emulate. It's what you feel, your concept and what you want.

If you are an artist of any kind, trying inwardly chanting the name of a master
artist in the same field that you admire as a switchword while working and
watch what happens.
If you want to paint like Van Gogh, then use Van
Gogh as a switchword. If you want to write like
Shakespeare, then use his name. If you want to
have a fashion sense like Coco Chanel then use her
name for inspiration. If you want to build a new
automobile like Ford use that. If you'd like to invent
like Edison, you get the drift.

Your influence doesn't have to be a person who is

dead or well known. It could be a living person of today or someone no one
has ever heard of but you, like an admired member of your community or a
teacher that made an impact on your life. It could be anyone who inspires

For example, if you want to sing like ARETHA then use her. If you'd like to
have universal appeal like Oprah, chant OPRAH. You want to produce and
direct blockbuster movies, try SPIELBERG. If you desire the business sense
of Donald Trump, use TRUMP.

If you would like to affect young people as "fill in the name" affected you,
then focus on them. The ultimate master creator is GOD who SPOKE the
earth and man into existence. Words are powerful. Imagine, if God can
create the earth and man by simply speaking them into being, then so can
we. We only need as much faith as a mustard seed, right?

Believe it, feel it, know it and it will be. Even Jesus said that we could do
even grander miracles than He if we only had faith.

By the way, DIVINE is the master switchword for creating miracles and
extraordinary accomplishment.
Here are some suggested names to use as switchwords. Feel free to create
your own names of famous or real people who you know that resonate within
your spirit and that motivate and inspire you.

NAME OF ____ Name of someone who represents the essence
of what you are seeking whether it’s a physical
attribute; personality trait, skill, knowledge or
CHARLTON HESTON To stand straight and tall (or use someone’s
name you know who is the essence of standing
straight and tall in your eyes)
EDISON To be a great inventor (or use someone who is
the essence of the inventor in your eyes)
EINSTEIN To be a genius (or use someone who is the
essence of a genius in your eyes)
JACK LALANNE To enthuse or be enthusiastic (or use
someone’s name you know who is the essence
of enthusiasm in your eyes)
MONA LISA To smile; dispel hate; dispel envy ( or someone
who represents a smile to you)
OPRAH To be appeal to a wide audience; to have mega
success doing what you love (or someone who
represents this for you)
PICASSO To be a great artist ( or someone who
represents this for you)
SPIELBERG To be a great director; to have success in
Hollywood (or someone who represents this
for you)

I believe there is a universal mind, a supreme collective. Everything that

was, is and yet to be is included in the collective. All you have to do is to tap
into the source.

Have you ever thought of a new invention or product or service and said, "It
would be great if there was "fill in the blank"? You never acted on it and
took it as a fleeting thought then maybe months or even years later someone
came up with the same exact product or service that you had thought of. This
happens because thoughts are like energy particles that are bouncing off of
each one of us. Some of us grab on to them and take action and others let
them pass by.

Some let it go in and out of the mind without further consideration while
others latch on to that same idea and take action. We all are tapped into the
collective, universal mind. Some people don't utilize it to the fullest while
others do thorough prayer and some may do it through meditation. You can
do it by using Switchwords as well.

Remember the "Star Trek the Next Generation" episode that first featured
"The Borg" where each Borg, cybernetically enhanced humanoid drones of
multiple species, organized as an interconnected collective, the decisions of
which were made by a hive mind, linked to subspace domain?

These Borg were tapped into the master collective and all of them knew
everything the other knew. Well, it's something like that. You are like a
Borg that got disconnected but have all the means and capability to be
reconnected to the master source.

Switchwords are just one way to do so. And as in the Borg, resistance is
futile; however, there is no forced assimilation. It's all free will and whether
or not you believe in the law of attraction or the power of switchwords, do
know that thoughts are creative and you are creating every single minute
whether you are trying to or not. Since this is the case, why not go about life
consciously creating the things you WANT instead of unconsciously creating
the things you DO NOT want in your life.

My goal is to help you use switchword magic to create a better life for you
and your loved ones. Everyone deserves to be happy, healthy and whole. It's
your divine right.
Once you have mastered the individual switchwords, you may want to
experiment with combining switchwords, creating switchphrases for ultimate
results. However, always remember that a single switchword is sometimes
best to concentrate focus on a particular desire. I sometimes use combined
switchwords or switchphrases to amplify a single request instead of linking
different requests in a single phrase.
Nirav suggested using:
TOGETHER – DIVINE [add specific switchword] BE – DONE – NOW.
Broken down it means:
TOGETHER for togetherness,
DIVINE for miracles,
BE for peace,
NOW for no procrastination and
DONE for all done with high intention.
TOGETHER being the master switchword enhances the effectiveness of the
other switchwords.
Here are some common switchword combinations:
(For amazing artistic creations in the arts, music, crafts, etc
(For rapid and effective clean-up of any mess or clutter)
(For great financial increase)
For additional switchpairs addressing a multitude of situations, refer to the
table sections below .

Additional Switchwords and Life Situations

Think about this. What could you accomplish if there was no way for you to
fail and you were guaranteed success because nothing would be in your way?

Tap a letter to see listing
ACT Be a good orator; transition

ADD Find or increase percentage; enlarge what you


ADJUST Create balance; assume or carry a burden; handle

uncomfortable or unpleasant

ALERT To increase awareness; to pay attention to

surroundings; perk up

ALLOW To make available; to release; to discover

ALONE Nurture or heal; increase focus on self

AMAZING To be inspired; to create miraculous endeavors

ANCHOR To attach, self-confidence, firmly fasten

AROUND Gain or improve perspective

ATTENTION Do detailed work; avoid carelessness

BE Be at peace and in good health; have good form;
dispel loneliness; skill in sports; to be unaffected
by ridicule

BETWEEN Use or enhance telepathy; increase psychic


BLUFF Dispel fear or nervousness; enhance imagination

and dreams

BOW Dispel arrogance

BRING Unite with; manifest; make it so; deliver the

BUBBLE Expand beyond perceived limitations; get

energized; get excited
CANCEL Eliminate negativity or unwanted conditions;
eliminate, erase or CANCEL debt; delete any
unwanted thought or condition; dispel annoyance;
dispel worry; eliminate poverty

CARE To memorize; remember; retain

CHANGE To dispel emotional or physical pain; get

something out of the eye

CHARM Manifest your heart’s desires

CHUCKLE To turn on personality

CIRCULATE To end loneliness; to mingle
CLASSIC To appear cultured; suave
CLEAR To dispel anger and resentment

CLIMB To rise; enhance your view point

CONCEDE To stop arguing, “kiss and make up”

CONFESS To end aggression

CONSIDER To be a good mechanic, a fixer of things

CONTINUE To create or increase endurance; continue

COPY To have good taste; increase fertility
COUNT To make money; reduce smoking
COVER To reduce nervousness; subdue inner excitement
CRISP To dispel fatigue; feel refreshed; revitalize;
enhance; rejuvenate; brighten
CROWD To dispel disobedience in children, pets or
CRYSTAL To clarify the situation, things; look to the future;
improve clairvoyance; purify; neutralize; access
Universal knowledge
CURVE To create beauty; make something beautiful
CUT For moderation if tempted to excess; to sever ties
CUTE To think, discern; be sharp-witted; be clever
DEDICATE To stop clinging
DELICIOUS For an intensely wonderful feeling; to be gracious
and appreciative
DIVINE To work miracles; have extraordinary
accomplishment; increase personal ability

DIVINE LIGHT To multiply intensity; increase enlightenment;

brightly focus on positivity

DIVINE ORDER For ultimate organizing, packing for a trip; to be

efficient; put in optimum order; revamp; clean up
a mess

DO To eliminate procrastination

DONE To create completion; to meet a deadline; keep a

resolution; build willpower

DOWN To stop bragging

DUCK To dispel hypersensitivity

EASE To experience or express physical well-being;
financial plenty; emotional peace, social grace;
have something go smoothly with a glitch
ELATE To transform a setback into an uplift or benefit

FIGHT To win a competitive game; to intensify intents

FIND To build a fortune

FOR To promote
FOREVER To keep a secret
FORGIVE To eliminate remorse; end desire for revenge

FULL To achieve at the ultimate level; go beyond,

expand capacity; to experience or express
satisfaction on any subject; to have more money;
to increase emotional bond in an existing

FUN To enjoy yourself; to have a good time; to get

along well with others

GIGGLE To get in the mood for writing; enjoy the task at

GIVE To sell; to help others

GO To end laziness; begin; progress

GUARD For bodily protection, protection of the spirit or

property; preserve personal safety
HALFWAY To make a long distance seem short

HELP To eliminate indecision or uncertainty; increase


HO To relax, to reduce tension; to yawn; to sigh

HOLD To build character

HOLE To be attractive; to be appealing

HORSE To be solid; be strong; gain power

HORSESHOE To remain steadfast; strengthen the soul; safely

move rapidly ahead; increase sturdiness and

ICE To calm down; to cool down a situation; to slow

JUDGE To love to read; to increase comprehension
KING To feel like royalty; to be treated like a King; to
feel royal or wealthy, to feel valued and respected
for who you are

LEARN To be youthful; look youthful; rejuvenate

LIGHT To be inspired; lighten the load, mood or stress

LIMIT To set parameters; keep others from taking

advantage of you; back off; stop; regain control

LISTEN To predict the future; to be in touch with nature and


LOVE To generate, radiate or experience love; to feel


MAGNANIMITY To be generous; to end pettiness

MASK To save from harm; to shield

MOVE To increase energy; eliminate tiredness; increase
pep; clear inertia

NEXT To finish lots of meticulous work fast; to complete
a lot of detailed work; to repeat

NOW To end procrastination; to act on impulse

OFF To quit an unwanted habit; to go to sleep

OFFER To dispel greed

OIL To clear friction; to smooth; release tension;
release resistance; to separate

ON To get new ideas; obtain transportation; to nourish

ambition; to build; to produce

OPEN To release; to tolerate; to understand;

comprehend; free the mind; breathe easier; be
artful; dispel inhibitions; to allow

OVER To end frustration

PERSONAL To publish a successful newspaper or newsletter;
to publish a book; to attract a publisher for your
work; to be a success
PHASE To set goals, a routine or pattern; to improve a

PLAY To make a boring task enjoyable; to make a

difficult task seem easy; to accomplish something
with ease; to be super creative

PLETHORA To know and feel an over abundance in all things

desire: money, relationships, vitality

POINT To improve eyesight and focus; find direction, to

make the right decisions, to decide

POSTPONE To stop pouting; to let it go

PRAISE To be beautiful; to stop being critical; to stop fault

finding; to make yourself handsome or beautiful
PRINCE To feel like a prince; to feel royal; to be treated
like a prince; to feel happy and carefree like a
prince; to feel valued and respected for who you

PRINCESS To feel like a princess; to feel royal; to be treated

like a princess; to feel happy and carefree like a
princess; to feel valued and respected for who
you are

PUT To build; to expand

QUEEN To feel like a queen; to feel royal; to be treated like
a queen; to feel happy and carefree like a queen; to
feel valued and respected for who you are

QUIET To quiet the ego

REACH To locate misplaced objects; reach solutions for
problems; repair things; find whatever you are
looking for; retrieve information from your
memory, recall, retrieve, solve problems
REFLECT To look within, gain advantage
REJOICE To stop being jealous
RESCIND To undo; restart, cancel, redo (similar to Control Z
on the computer. Use BETWEEN, CRYSTAL or
LISTEN with RESCIND to avoid a possible time
RESTORE To restore fairness; restore honesty
REVERSE To bury a grudge; to stop
RIDICULOUS To get publicity; to be the center of attention
ROOT To dig; to discover; to grow

SAGE To dispel evil
SAVE To stop drinking alcohol; to stop other unwanted
habits or vices
SCHEME To advertise; to design; to create
SHOW To be devout; virtuous; moral; give respect

SHUT To stop looking for trouble

SING To feel words; to vibrate with emotion

SLOW To be wise; to have patience

SHUT To stop looking for trouble

SLOW To be wise; to have patience

SOPHISTICATE To publish a successful magazine or book.; to sell a

screenplay; to get distribution for a film; to sell
artwork or music; to get a deal or contract; to
become a larger success

SPEND To dress better; be fashionable; to be and look

STILL To pay close attention to the details; focus attention
STRETCH To prolong a good feeling or event; have a sense of
well-being; to grow intellectually, mentally,
spiritually or physically
SUFFER To handle success; to handle prosperity

SWEET To be soothing to others; to be caring

SWING To have courage; to be bold

SWIVEL To relieve constipation; relieve diarrhea or irregular


TAKE To become a good leader

TAP To convert; to adapt; to renovate

THANKS To stop regretting; to release guilt

TINY To be polite; to be kind; be courteous; reduce size;
decrease importance

TOGETHER To master any activity; to have it all together; to

become single-minded

TOMORROW To eliminate remorse; to dispel sorrow

UNCLE To dispel lack of togetherness; ward off apartness

UNMASK To bring into focus; to expose; to lay bare

UP To be in high spirits; to dispel the blues; to dispel
inferiority complex

VICTORY To be victorious; to feel like a champion; to win; to
have the ultimate success

WAIT To learn a secret
WASTE To appear rich; to show opulence

WATCH To learn a skill; to perfect a skill or talent

WHET To stimulate; sharpen; hone; refine; finalize

WINGS To fly above; to rise above pressure

WITH To be agreeable; compatible; harmonize well with

others; to immerse in
WOMB To feel cuddled, be cuddly; be secure; to reconnect
with Source

X-RAY To see through a situation, to expose what may be
hidden; to see the clear picture; to know what may
not be known to the naked eye; to examine
something closely as in a contract

ZEAL To be energetic and have unflagging enthusiasm,
especially for a cause or ideal; to be enthusiastic;
to be eager or passionate about what you are doing

ZEST To be zestful; to be keen or passionate about

something; to have hearty and lively enjoyment
and enthusiasm; to make something particularly
enjoyable; to be flavorful; have a zest for life

Accept and love something as it MAGNANIMITY – FORGIVE
Accept money LOVE – COUNT
Acidity (to help clear) CHANGE – HO
Align your vibration with SUFFER – HORSESHOE
ongoing abundance
Allergies, to protect from GUARD – LIMIT
Anal fissures, to help clear OPEN – LIGHT
Avoid someone WITH – LIMIT
Be bold and fearless when SWING ACT
talking to people
Be confident in the path, ANCHOR – POINT
direction you are traveling
Be in touch (with self or LISTEN – UP
universe) and in high spirits
Bleeding, to stop CHANGE – NOW
Breathe easier CRYSTAL – CLEAR
Burn pain GUARD – WOMB
Calm down & reset boundaries EASE – LIMIT
Calmness and stability, maintain BENEVOLENT – PEACE
Caring, soothing and loving (be SWEET-LOVE
or feel)
Cataracts, help dissolve CLEAR-CHANGE
Cataracts, help stop from OPEN-CLEAR
increasing in size
Cellulite, reduce TINY-GO
Chakra balancing DivineORDER-WOMB
Claustrophobia FOREVER-BLUFF
Clear your mind & QUIET-CRYSTAL
relax (especially for meditation)
Close this segment & stop END-SHUT
causing trouble
Cold or flu (help clear faster) LIMIT-GUARD
Come together in mind, body, GATHER-TOGETHER
spirit and soul
Complete a transition (or HALFWAY-DONE
anything) faster
Conversation, increase LISTEN-BETWEEN
comprehension of
Conversationalist, be an amazing DIVINE-ACT
Cook tasty food CHARM-LIGHT
Create beauty and attraction CURVE-HOLE
Critical and jealous (stop being) PRAISE-REJOICE
Criticism, let it roll off your back REJOICE-DUCK
Criticism, not be affected by DUCK-ACT
Curiosity, release QUIET-DOWN

Dilemma, help clear DIVINE-HELP
Doubting Thomas (clear the GO-DEDICATE
negative ifs & buts)
Draw more fortune to you FIND-HOLE
Draw more money to you COUNT-HOLE
Dreams, retrieve (remember) CRYSTAL-NOW
Dry lips (help relieve) POSTPONE-MAGNANIMITY
Enhance intimacy BUBBLE-UP
Enjoy writing and express GIGGLE-ACT
yourself well
Exaltation FOR-UP
Expand a blissful time DIVINE-STRETCH
Faintish hunger CLIMB-LIMIT
False accusations (stop being on CRYSTAL-UNMASK
receiving end of)
Feel good physically DIVINE-CHANGE
Find relaxation and calmness REACH-HO
Find something that seems CRYSTAL-REACH
hopelessly lost
Flatulence, stop OFF-WASTE
Focus, find and maintain REACH-POINT
Food cravings, release DEDICATE-FORGIVE
Forced to do something against HORSE-GUARD
your will
Forgiveness and love are the two FORGIVE-LOVE
greatest solvents
Get energized and move UP-MOVE
Go to sleep even if not feeling QUIET-SHUT
Goals, attain PERSONAL-WATCH
Goals, set LISTEN-CARE
Grinding teeth in sleep, stop HO-SLOW
Grow rapidly & ROOT-HORSESHOE
safely (spiritually, emotionally
and/or physically)
Healthy, be PERSONAL-BE
Hemorrhoids, reduce TINY-LIGHT
Hiccups HO-WITH
Hopeless, helpless feeling (help ELATE-GIGGLE
Hot flashes (help clear) TAP-CHANGE
Humiliation (stop feeling) BOW-ELATE
Improve perspective and adapt AROUND-TAP
Improve relationship between DIVINE-TOGETHER
two or more parties
Improve relationship with TOGETHER-DIVINE
Improve study habits and DIVINE-CARE
Improve team sports TOGETHER-FIGHT
Increase ability to maintain DIVINE-PEACE
emotional stability
Increase energy LIGHT-MOVE
Increase money (enlarge amount ADD-COUNT
of money you make)
Increase money ACT-COUNT
(transition money made from
smaller to larger amounts)
Increase personal ability to make DIVINE-COUNT
Increase self-confidence & self- CRYSTAL-HORSE
Inflammatory pain CHANGE-ADJUST
Insomnia END-SHUT
Insomnia HO-SLOW
(especially if you wake up too
soon and want to get back into
deep sleep)
Insomnia (to relax, induce sleep HO-OFF
and stop the mind chatter)
Inspire lucid dreaming GO-CRYSTAL
(gain control of situations and
characters while dreaming)
Inspire lucid dreaming CRYSTAL-WAIT
(make dreams more vivid,
symbolic & memorable)
Insult from someone (be ELATE-ACT
unaffected by it)
Irritability, decrease HO-LIGHT
Itching all over your body FORGIVE-ADJUST
Itching eyes or eyelids CHANGE-MOVE

Keep someone off your back WITH-LIMIT
Keep the secret of health and FOREVER-BE
peace with you
Let go of aggression POSTPONE-CONFESS
Let go of alcohol POSTPONE-SAVE
Let go of anger & resentment POSTPONE-CLEAR
Let go of being separated, un- POSTPONE-UNCLE
togetherness or apartness
Let go of blues & inferiority POSTPONE-UP
Let go of bragging POSTPONE-DOWN
Let go of clinging POSTPONE-DEDICATE
Let go of constipation POSTPONE-SWIVEL
Let go of desire for revenge POSTPONE-FORGIVE
Let go of diarrhea POSTPONE-SWIVEL
Let go of disobedience POSTPONE-CROWD
Let go of emotional & physical POSTPONE-CHANGE
Let go of emotional distress POSTPONE-CANCER
Let go of evil POSTPONE-SAGE
Let go of fear or nervousness POSTPONE-BLUFF
Let go of frustration POSTPONE-OVER
Let go of greed POSTPONE-OFFER
Let go of grudges POSTPONE-REVERSE
Let go of hate & envy POSTPONE-MONA LISA
Let go of hypersensitivity POSTPONE-DUCK
Let go of indecision or POSTPONE-HELP
Let go of inhibitions POSTPONE-OPEN
Let go of jealousy POSTPONE-REJOICE
Let go of laziness POSTPONE-GO
Let go of looking for trouble POSTPONE-SHUT
Let go of negativity or unwanted POSTPONE-CANCEL
Let go of nervousness or inner POSTPONE-COVER
Let go of pettiness POSTPONE-MAGNANIMITY
Let go of procrastination POSTPONE-DO
Let go of regrets and guilt POSTPONE-THANKS
Let go of remorse POSTPONE-FORGIVE
Let go of remorse and sorrow POSTPONE-TOMORROW
Let go of tension & resistance POSTPONE-OIL
Let go of unwanted habits POSTPONE-SAVE
Let go of your ego POSTPONE-QUIET
Lighten mood and be in high LIGHT-UP
(helps you to be willing to let go
of depression)
Lockjaw (relax it) ADJUST-HO
Look to the future & maintain CRYSTAL-GUARD

Make a transformation with DIVINE-ACT
extraordinary ability
Make immediate clear CRYSTAL-NOW
decision & act on it
Make imperfections not DIVINE-MASK
noticed by others
Make the first move with GO-SWING
boldness & courage
Make yourself handsome & PRAISE-DUCK
dispel hypersensitivity over
your looks
Meditation (improve) BE-SLOW
Meditation (improve HO-SLOW
concentration during)
Mosquitoes (leave you alone) CROWD-LIMIT
Motivation, to get GO-MOVE
Muscle cramp UNCLE-ADJUST
Muscle pulled POSTPONE-UNCLE
Need to know, release QUIET-OFF
Nurture innocence and CHUCKLE-LEARN
childlike nature inside
Obsessive Compulsive QUIET-GUARD
Obstructions in path (of life, CLIMB-HELP
etc., help clear)
Pain, relax to clear CHANGE-HO
Photo (relax & allow to be taken) CURVE-HO
Premature Ejaculation FIGHT-FOREVER
Produce extraordinary results DIVINE-ON
Produce sleep ON-OFF
Protect from exploitation BUFFER-GUARD
Put love energy & protection into LOVE-GUARD
Queasiness, help relieve (from ELATE-NOW
detoxing or other sources)
Quiet your ego & allow yourself to QUIET-PERSONAL
become a success
Quiet your ego & release remorse & QUIET-FORGIVE
Quiet your mind & find what you QUIET-REACH
have lost
Quiet your mind & lighten your QUIET-LIGHT
Quiet your mind & move beyond an QUIET-MOVE
(physical, mental, emotional or
Quiet your mind & regain control QUIET-LIMIT
Quiet your mind & sleep QUIET-OFF
Quiet your mind so you can see true QUIET-UNMASK
Reduce cravings for sugar and other CUT-OFF
Regain control & change focus to LIMIT-SWEET
Release fear & be peacefully BENEVOLENT-BLUFF
accepting of the situation
Release tension & relax OIL-HO
Respond rather than react QUIET-SLOW
(take time to get beyond the initial
emotional reaction before
Retain in memory & increase CARE-JUDGE
Save information for emergency CARE-REACH
Scratch some place you cannot in MOVE-ROOT
(feeling the need to scratch)
Sell things and/or services & make GIVE-COUNT
Sever ties and stop looking for CUT-SHUT
Shield from bad luck ELATE-MASK
Snoring, decrease/stop QUIET-CHANGE
Stop a fight LIMIT-QUIET
Stop escalation of an argument LIMIT-QUIET
Stop listening to other people’s LIMIT-SHUT
desires for you
Stop panicking QUIET-HO
Stop panicking (allows you to clear QUIET-SLOW
your mind to think)
Stop worrying about what others QUIET-MASK
think of you
Strengthen teeth & anchor into ANCHOR-GUARD
Stretch your budget DIVINE-STRETCH
Substantially increase endurance DIVINE-CONTINUE
Sudden constriction in throat CHUCKLE-ADJUST
Take responsibility for mastering FIFTY THREE-TOGETHER
your world
Take responsibility for your own FIFTY THREE-GUARD
Tears welling up ELATE-GIGGLE
Teeth, strengthen the root in the HORSE-ANCHOR
Terrorized by someone UNMASK-FORGIVE
Thumb sucking, help stop DIVINE-LOVE
Thumb sucking, help stop LOVE-WOMB
Tolerance, increase REACH-LIGHT
(tolerate some one around you)
Tummy tuck (get stomach to TINY-LIGHT
appear and grow smaller)
Unwanted thoughts about TOGETHER-DIVINE-(name)
someone (John Doe)
Uplift & enjoy the task at hand ELATE-GIGGLE
Urinary Incontinence FIGHT-FOREVER
Vomiting, stop HO-SLOW
Wake up bright and energized BUBBLE-MOVE
Wake up easy and restored CRISP-MOVE
(if you have to wake up sooner
than you should or want to)
Wart, decrease RESCIND-BUBBLE
Wealth, attain FIND-COUNT
Wisdom, attain SLOW-JUDGE

Writing, reading or picturing Switchwords in colors may be useful for

increasing their power and effectiveness.

On the following pages are examples of how to use colors as Switchwords.

Some Switchwords may be listed in more than one color. Choose the color
that you feel is best for your situation.

When creating a Switchphrase with a color, you may wish to write the entire
Switchphrase in a single color, the color that seems most appropriate for the
focus of the Switchphrase.

Tap a color or slide for more guidance on using colors
VIOLET Violet is a cleansing, clearing color.
Violet helps to separate energies.
Violet may be a good color for any

PINK Pink is a soothing color on all levels,

physical, mental & emotional.
Pink is the color of love.

YELLOW Yellow is good for despondent and

melancholy conditions.
Yellow is for mental activity and
intellectual power.
Yellow is for ability and awakening.
BLUE Blue is the color for truth, devotion,
calmness, and sincerity.
Blue is the color for meditation and
spiritual expansion.
Blue is for peace, faith, aspiration, creative
Blue relaxes the mind.
GREEN Green is the color of energy, youth, growth,
inexperience, fertility, hope, and new life.
Green is for balance, growth, calming.
Green is also for money.
RED Red represents health, fire, anger, temper,
danger and destruction.
Red gives a person a sense of power.
Red is the color of passion.
Red stimulates, excites, and acts as an
Be cautious about overusing red. If there is
anger or a negative emotional state, it may
be wise to use a different color.
VIOLET Violet is a cleansing, clearing color.
Violet helps to separate energies.
Violet may be a good color for any

BOW To dispel arrogance

CANCEL To eliminate negativity or unwanted
conditions; debt; eliminate poverty
CLEAR To dispel anger and resentment
CONFESS To end aggression
ELATE To transform a setback into a comeback
FORGIVE To eliminate remorse; end the desire for
GUARD To protect the body, spirit or property;
preserve personal safety
LIMIT To set parameters; keep others from taking
advantage of you; back off; stop; regain
MAGNANIMITY To be generous; to end pettiness
MASK To save from harm; to shield
OFFER To dispel greed
PINK Pink is a soothing color on all levels,
physical, mental & emotional.
Pink is the color of love.

BLUFF To dispel nervousness; enhance imagination

and dreams
LIGHT To be inspired; lighten load, mood or stress
LOVE To generate, radiate, experience love;
STRETCH To prolong a good feeling or event or sense
of well-being; grow intellectually, mentally,
To be soothing to others; be caring
TOGETHER To master any activity; have it together
YELLOW Yellow is good for despondent and
melancholy conditions.
Yellow is for mental activity and intellectual
Yellow is for ability and awakening.
AROUND To gain or improve perspective
ATTENTION To do detailed work; avoid carelessness
BUBBLE To expand beyond perceived limitations; get
energized; get excited
CARE To memorize; remember; retain
CLIMB To rise; enhance your view point
DIVINE To work miracles or extraordinary
accomplishment; increase personal ability
MOVE To increase energy; eliminate tiredness;
increase pep
BLUE Blue is the color for truth, devotion,
calmness, and sincerity.
Blue is the color for meditation and spiritual
Blue is for peace, faith, aspiration, creative
Blue relaxes the mind.
BE To be at peace and in good health; have good
form; dispel loneliness; skill in sports;
unaffected by ridicule
BETWEEN To us or enhance telepathy; increase psychic
CRYSTAL To clarify a situation; look to the future;
improve clairvoyance; purify; access
Universal knowledge
ICE BLUE To calm down when you are upset or
stressed, to de-stress
GREEN Green is the color of energy, youth, growth,
inexperience, fertility, hope, and new life.
Green is for balance, growth, calming.
Green is also for money.

ADJUST To create balance; handle uncomfortable or

unpleasant conditions
ALONE To nurture or heal; increase focus on self
BE To be at peace and in good health; have
good form; be unaffected by ridicule
COUNT Make money; reduce smoking
FIGHT Win a competitive game; intensify intents
FIND To build a fortune
FOR To promote
GIVE To sell; help others
NEXT To finish lots of meticulous work
NOW To end procrastination; act on good impulse
TOGETHER Master any activity; have it all together
WASTE Appear rich; show opulence
RED Red represents health, fire, anger, temper,
danger and destruction.
Red gives a person a sense of power.
Red is the color of passion.
Red stimulates, excites, and acts as an
Be cautious about overusing red. If there is
anger or a negative emotional state, it may
be wise to use a different color.

ADD To find or increase percentage; to enlarge

what you have
ADJUST Create balance; handle uncomfortable or
unpleasant conditions
ALONE To nurture or heal; increase focus on self
BUBBLE To expand beyond perceived limitations; get
energized; get excited
CHARM To manifest your heart’s desires
CHUCKLE To turn on personality
CIRCULATE To end loneliness; mingle
CLASSIC To appear cultured; suave
DIVINE To work miracles or extraordinary
accomplishment; increase personal ability
FIND To build a fortune
FOR To promote
LOVE To generate, radiate, experience love;
Switchword journaling is similar to the Switchword doodling technique but
focuses more on what you felt during the day by jotting down any
synchronistic events that happened. It's also a great idea to jot down a couple
of things you are grateful for. It's not all about getting what you want.

Appreciating and being grateful for the things you already have is essential
for attracting more of the things that you want. One of the most important
things we learn from the Law of Attraction is gratitude. If we are grateful for
the things we have right now, the Law of Attraction is obligated to bring us
As we use Switchword Magic to bring us the desires of our hearts and we
show gratitude for those things we attract, the Law of Attraction will give us
more. The grateful person is certainly rich in all ways.
You can journal any way that suits you. I like to do it in the evening after the
day has ended and all is calm. However, sometimes I do it throughout the
day to capture those little nuances that I may not remember later.
The universe is always sending nuggets or little gems our way. You may not
know what it means when you receive it but if you jot it down in your
journal, when the meaning hits you, you can always go back and reflect.
"Ah, that's what that meant!” Oprah calls it an "Aha" moment.
Specifically note all Aha moments regardless of how small. Many years ago I
used to keep paper journals but now I keep an electronic one so that I have it
where ever I go.
There are of course apps for journaling too! There's also a gratitude journal
app that's simply cute and divine. There's an app for just about everything
under the sun. With future updates, I hope to have journaling capabilities
within the Switchword Magic app as well. Until then, follow these steps for
journaling using Switchwords. Note that these are just guidelines to get you
started. Do it whichever way feels natural and comfortable for you.
Your journal should contain at minimum:
1. Date
2. Want/Desire
3. Switchword for the day
4. Mood
5. I'm grateful for ______
6. Notes [which could include thoughts, reflections, any synchronistic
events, any aha moments (hopefully there will be lots)]

We all like to doodle in one form or another from time to time. Instead of
just aimlessly doodling, put doodling to work for you by using your
1. Buy a nice, colorful notebook that suits your fancy. The size 5"x 8" is
ideal because it's not too large and not too small and you can take it
with you with ease. If you'd like a smaller, pocket notebook to fit in
your pocket or small purse, then choose a smaller size. For the
electronic minded folks out there, there are also doodling apps in the
app store that you can download if you'd like to bypass the paper
notebook. Which ever method you prefer will work.
2. Follow the steps in the "Using Switchwords" section to choose the
appropriate switchword for your desire.
3. Fill the page with various depictions of the word. Doodle the word
using various size fonts in bright and vibrant colors or draw pictures
that symbolizes the word or what you want. Let your imagination go
wild. Use the switchword colors (TAP for color listing) to better
enhance manifestation.
4. Do this for as little as two minutes or as long as you want as many
times throughout the day that feels right.
5. As always, visual what you want and you receiving what you want
while doodling.
Observe how you feel. You should feel happy and playful as a little girl in
grade school who doodles the name of the boy she had a crush on.

The key is to believe that what you want, desire or wish for is coming to you
or better yet, envision that you've already received it. When you really feel
that you are getting what you want, you feel good inside and a smile is
plastered on your face.
People are going to wonder what you're so happy about. Now believe it!
Don’t worry about the how, when or where. Just know and believe and do
not let negative mind talk. You know what that is, that little voice in your
head that tries to remind you, "Uh Uh, you’re not getting it" CANCEL that
thought and continue to feel good. To be in good spirits, the switchword is
UP. BE UP UP UP when you are doodling. Doodle ON.

Create your dream visions today. You can add switchwords to a vision
board. For those of you who don't know what a vision board is, it is a poster
or board where you assemble pictures and images that appeal to the deep part
of self. Find pictures of things that you want in your life and place them on
the board to help with visualization.
You can follow the visualization techniques note previously and then find the
corresponding images that relate to your desires and wishes. Then write the
switchwords that correspond to your desires on the vision board in bright,
bold letters as noted in the doodling technique.
This is your board so there is no right or wrong way to do it. Do it as it
seems/feels right for you. And you know what? THERE'S AN APP FOR
THAT, TOO!!! I actually use Happy Tapper's Vision Board. You can select
pictures from their database or upload your own pictures. Having an
electronic board allows you to take your Vision Board with you and you can
not only refer to it throughout the day but update it on the fly.

If you aren't ready for an electronic vision board, here are some simple steps
for creating your own paper board.

1. Select images that trigger a physical reaction in you such as a heart

thump, a smile, a double take, any interest even if you don't know why
it's interesting but you like it. It appeals to you.
2. Paste or tape them to a board. You can use a poster board, project
board or any board that let's you see the full picture.
3. Add the appropriate Switchword(s) that goes with what you desire or
the pictures you have placed on the board.
4. Look at it daily. Repeat the switchwords daily.
5. Envision yourself already having everything listed and more.
Focusing on your board daily keeps your intention alive. Plus, it's exciting to
know that all you want is coming your way. So, look at it daily with focused
intent and the life you want and deserve will manifest. It works! I had the
pleasure of being on the development team for two “Chicken Soup for the
Soul” books and one of the authors, Lisa Nichols, believed wholeheartedly in
the Law of Attraction. She was one of the teachers featured on The Secret
DVD. It was a pleasure working with her, a wonderful lady with a beautiful
spirit. At any rate, she maintained a vision board long before she received
the opportunity to do The Secret DVD interview.

When we were working on the Chicken Soup project, during one of the many
team conference calls, she mentioned that her dream was to be invited to do
the Oprah show. She placed a picture of Oprah on her board and truly
believed it would happen.

She let go and let God or the Universe or whatever term you'd like to use and
followed her intuition and worked on her other projects...the Chicken Soup
book at the time. Well, lo and behold, SHE WAS INVITED TO DO THE
OPRAH SHOW about two years later and she brought that board with her!

You can also create your own daily oracle cards. To do this follow the below
1. Get 365 index cards.
2. Write a switchword and its meaning on each card.
3. Put them in a box. You can use a card box, recipe box or index card
4. Select one daily from the front of the pile to meditate on while placing
the previous day’s card to the back.
5. If feeling creative, you can add images to each card of what the word
symbolizes or means to you.
6. Again, use vibrant colors and bold letters.
If you don’t want the paper cards, you can also use an index card type of app
to create them. There are several to choose from in the App store.
"What if you had a dream that you went to heaven and while there plucked a
strange and beautiful flower and what if when you woke up you had the
flower in your hand? Ah, what then?"
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Every thing, every success first starts off as a dream. Start visualizing your
dreams. Perform this visualization daily for a minimum of two weeks, a
month is ideal. As you continue, you'll burn the image of your goal or desire
into your mind. Your subconscious will work endlessly while you go along
with your daily activities. Eventually, it will become like another function as
such as your beating heart and breathing. You don't have to think to breathe
or beat your heart. Your subconscious handles that for you.
Once you master the technique, you won't have to write the word on paper or
a card any more. You will just visualize it in your mind's eye for the same
results. Feel it, believe it, and know that it is real.
Follow the steps in the "Using Switchwords" section to choose the
appropriate switchword for your desire.
1. Write it on an index card or piece of paper in big, bold letters.
2. Clear your mind and focus while looking at the word.
3. Repeat it out loud for a minute over and over again while imaging what
you want.
4. Close your eyes and visualize what you want while repeating the word
on the paper silently to yourself.
5. Imagine you already have what you want and notice how you feel.
6. Do this once in the morning and once before you go to bed. When
going to bed, fall asleep repeating the word to yourself and visualizing
your dreams coming true as you fall asleep.
Don't be surprised if you dream of something that you should do to start the

When you are in tune with the Universe, in the flow, there is an emotional
reaction in your mind, your brain and/or in your brain. You feel something
and sometimes you don't know what it is but it's just this knowing feeling that
something has happened. There's been some sort of reality shift. The
Universe has responded .
These feelings that you may experience I call reality shifts. Something has
shifted. Maybe it's your destiny, maybe your dream has taken a course
headed right toward you.

Other emotional responses you may feel are as follows: You'll feel a sudden
flow of happiness, a profound joy coming from within you. Maybe you'll
laugh out loud for no apparent reason or a smile is plastered on your face and
no matter how hard you try to stop, you just can't stop smiling. Those around
you will wonder what you're so happy about and you may not even have an

The synapses (nerve endings in your brain) may go off causing your mind
to tingle, you may have chills all over or the hairs on your arm or the back of
your neck may stand up. Your heart may race or you'll have the feeling of
butterflies in your stomach. Better yet, you may only feel a sense
of complete calmness and peace.

You could also feel flooded with a range of emotions all at once. The feeling
could be so intense and so powerful that it makes you want to scream just to
release the pressure.
That's how I felt the entire time I was developing this app. So many thoughts
came to me at once that my fingers cramped trying to write it all down as fast
as they were flooding my brain. The same may happen to you when you get
that undeniable push to do something. It's totally exciting when that happens
because you have that feeling of being on to something. And you are!

Regardless of ”how" the Universe decides to connects with you; you will feel
something wonderful and positive. You only have to pay attention.
That emotional response is like a tug from the Universe confirming that it
heard you. As in the secret, the emotional response is saying,
"I acknowledge you! I heard you! Your wish is my command."
Don't attempt to force the desire into being. Do follow any hunches or
suggestions that pop into your mind from your subconscious because
sometimes you have to do something for the desire to manifest. But don't
force, just let go and let BE. For example, if you wish to be a best selling
author, you have to actually write a book.
When the Universe is in your favor, things happen easily. Forcing produces
negative feeling and emotions. Be patient and trust the process.
You may be required to make changes that produce progress toward your
Have faith and believe in the promise of increase and abundance. Know that
there is light at the end of the tunnel. Refuse to let any negativity step in by
CANCELing negative thoughts.
Even when all seems lost or a waste of time, keep pressing on because you
are near to the goal. Don't stop short of your miracle.
Just like the caterpillar who wraps itself in a cocoon. It knows that in the
right, perfect time it will emerge more beautiful and free. The process can't
be rushed. Divine timing is everything.
Trust the process. Whether it's the birth of a new baby or a creative idea,
dream or enterprise, there's always a period of gestation for new things.
It may turn out bigger and grander than you ever imagined because the
Universe has a bigger dream for you than you could ever dream for yourself.
Let go and let it flow to you.
Words of Wisdom I call WOW because sometimes you get an "Aha"
moment along with the insight provided. You already experience the law
of attraction in your daily life. The Law of Attraction is at work when you
find yourself expressing the following words or sentiments: Out-of-the-
blue, fell into place, synchronicity, luck, karma, on a roll, serendipity,
coincidence, fate, meant to be, the right place at the right time.
Using switchwords will assist you in helping these occurrences become
more controlled, deliberate and systematic than haphazardly or
randomly coming about.

Ninety-nine percent of the creative process is complete before you see

any evidence of it.

The mind is like fertile land. It doesn't matter what you plant, if you
water it, it will grow. Whatever you plant will return to you.

Tip for allowing Switchwords to work: Say switchword then proceed

to do what your instincts suggest. Don't question or analyze.

Your only limitation is your imagination. Let this be the year that you
go after your dream. Don't let anybody tell you it's impossible. With
the help, grace and favor of God, the Universe or whatever name you
use, you can live your dream and bring it into your life. Believe in
yourself. You're important!

If you have stopped dreaming, start again. Go find your dream, dust it
off, get back on track. It's never too late. That dream that has been
nagging you and won't let you rest will lead you to your destiny. The
Universe has paved a way. All you need to do is believe, think, speak
and act.

Every thought you think is energy in motion. Once you think a

thought, it leaves your mind and begins to work with the natural laws
of the universe. The Law of Attraction takes that thought and starts to
draw to you like energy to manifest that thought into form.

Negativity is the poison that kills dreams. Positivity is the fuel that
sets your dreams on fire. Thoughts are creative. People don't realize
that most of their lives are unconsciously determined. You can start
today by consciously creating what you want in life.

Think only the best, work only for the best and expect only the best for
the Universe sends only the best to you. At the same time, be too large
for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to
permit the presence of trouble.

There is only one and only one moment in which you can live and
act...and that moment is NOW. Forget the mistakes of the past and
press on to the greater achievements of the future.

Remember: You become what you think about. Use your imagination
and let your mind begin to soar. Be courageous and concentrate on
your goal every day. Most importantly, remember to act on your goal.
Ideas are useless unless we act on them.

Four steps to creating everything you want: BE, THINK, SPEAK and
BE: Have everything you want first in your mind. You have the right
to be healthy, wealthy, happy and whole.
THINK: Thoughts create life. Whatever you think about, you will
get. Eliminate the negative, focus on the positive. In order to be
wealthy, think wealthy.
SPEAK: Words are powerful. Your word is your wand. What you
talk about, you bring about. Pay attention to what you say.
ACT: Take action to bring your dreams, wants and desires forth. Act
as if you already are or have what you want.

BE, THINK, SPEAK and ACT and it will be.

Make a dreams list. You have to have a dream in order for it to come
true. List (25) things you want in your life. Then start being, thinking,
speaking and acting on those.

Intuition is a spiritual faculty that does not explain, but simply points the
way. ~ Florence Scovel Shinn

The secret to success is to be ready when your opportunity comes. ~Benjamin


Don't ask or think about how it will happen. Just state your intentions
and let the universe take care of the rest.

Don't worry about how it will happen. Just act on your intuition,
follow the inner nudges and promptings. There isn't just one way to
achieve anything.

We must never be afraid to go too far, for success lies just beyond. ~Marcel

The man who moved a mountain was the one who began carrying away small
stones. ~Chinese Proverb

An affirmation is sharing with the Universe in words your intention for

what you want to accomplish in your life. Stating it in the present
tense, you are telling the Universe so it will be here and now for the
now is all that matters. The past is behind us and the future has not

There are no limits to the universe. There are no limitations to

ourselves. The only limitations that exist are those we accept. When
we dissolve the chains of thought, we dissolve the chains of our

Switchword Magic is your first step to manifesting your dreams, goals

and desires into reality. It's not too late to change your mind.
No matter what your current job, you have enormous possibilities if
you're willing to act on your dreams.

Using the one-word affirmations, you open your subconscious mind to

bring forth all that you desire in life. It's the law of attraction brought
to life by speaking, chanting or even thinking one word.

What you put your attention on strengthens or expands in your life.

Our intention, backed by the intent of our beliefs, creates what we
experience in life. Focus on empowering beliefs and CANCEL all
limiting beliefs.

Consciousness shapes reality. Be your own alchemist. Everything you

touch turns to gold. Turn lemons into lemonade, lead into gold, a
setback into a comeback.

Jesus said in the bible to speak something in creation with authority

and do not doubt in your heart but instead believe the things that you
are saying will in fact come to pass, then you will have anything you

People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.
You can't go anywhere with no destination or guidance. Have a plan,
set the course and be on your way.

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember that you have
within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to
change the world. ~Harriet Tubman

There are many things in life that will catch your eye but very few that
capture your heart...pursue those.

In dreams and life there are no impossibilities for people are doing the
seemingly impossible every day.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
~Eleanor Roosevelt.
Only as high as I reach can I grow. Only as far as I seek can I go. Only as
deep as I look can I see. Only as much as I dream can I be. ~Karen Ravn

Nothing happens but first a dream. ~Carl Sandburg

The human mind is like fertile land, it will grow anything planted. The
mind contains riches beyond our wildest dreams. It will return
anything and everything we want to plant.

Because of that we need to be conscious of what filters in and out of

our minds. Plant the goals you want in your mind and CANCEL
anything that is not for the greater good.

The belief in the possibility of the happy ending is our

Be preoccupied with the power within us that we all possess
individually. Don't relinquish that power. Don't even embrace
the idea of the possibility of something not happening because
as soon as you say it, you've just given it power and made it
real. When you acknowledge an obstacle, you give it power.
Walk through it, over it, around it, under it, side step it. Do
everything you can but do not acknowledge it. Our thoughts,
our feelings, our dreams, our ideas are physical in the universe.
~Will Smith

Imagination is the preview of life's coming attractions. Your life is

what you've thought of it. Change your thoughts, change your life.

You can be what you want to be. Have a clear vision of what you want
to become, who you want to be. You have to work hard at it, use your
intuition as guidance and the Universe will do the rest. The Universe
helps people who help themselves.

Thoughts become things. Every thought has a frequency. The way you
think create realities for yourself. Change your reality by the way that
you think.
The architect of the universe did not build a stairway leading no
where. The greatest teacher of all, the carpenter from the
plains of Galilee, gave us the secret time and time again; as ye
believe so shall it be done unto you. Act as though a thing is
real and it will become real. ~Earl Nightingale

If you even CARE enough for a result, you will most certainly attain
it. If you wish to be rich, you will be rich. If you wish to be good, you
will be good. You must wish wholeheartedly and don't let
incompatible, negative thoughts counter act your wishes. Your dreams
are like dormant seeds laying and waiting for the fertilizer of your
creative thought to help them to grow. Be careful not to put the poison
of negative thoughts on top of them. Let them grow and flourish.

Prosperity is founded upon a law of mutual exchange. Any person

who contributes to prosperity must prosper in turn himself. Sometimes
the return will not come from those you serve but it must come to you
from some place because that's the law. For every action there is an
equal and opposite reaction.

Your success will be measured by the quality and quantity of the

service you render and money is the yard stick for measuring your
service. No one can get rich himself unless they enrich others. It's like
the man who sat in front of the stove and said, give me heat, then I'll
add the wood. We've got to put the fuel in before we can expect the

Prosperity comes to all who desire it. You have the innate ability to
attract unlimited wealth and prosperity for yourself and to have
whatever you need, physically, spiritually and financially in every
aspect of your life.

Feel every thing into existence. Don't get caught up in the how, when,
where or why. Just feel it and watch it manifest.

You already experience the Law of Attraction in your daily life. The
Law of Attraction is at work when you find yourself expressing the
following words or sentiments: out-of-the-blue ~ fell into place ~ luck
~ karma ~ synchronicity ~ on a roll serendipity ~ coincidence ~ fate
meant to be ~ the right place at the right time

Using switchwords will assist you in helping these occurrences become

more controlled, systematic and deliberate than haphazardly and
randomly coming about.

The subconscious filters out the words don't and not. It can't hear
those. It filters them out and draws to you exactly what it is you don't
want. You are giving energy to what you don't want when you speak
in the negative. For example, don't think of a big, red apple. The
result is that that's exactly what you pictured in your mind.

Cancel negative thoughts and ask yourself what is it that you DO want
and declare that.

Instead of saying, don't panic, say stay calm. Instead of declaring you
don't want to run out of money, declare, you have enough money.
Instead of saying don't be late, say, see you on time.

Practice the art of deliberate attraction.

Step 1: Identify your desire. Most people easily identify what they
don't want and give more attention to that than what they do want.
Find out your true desires; turn those things that you don't want into a
positive statement reflecting what you do want.
For example, if you don't want to be without money, you really want
more money or enough money. Your new desire would be to have
more than enough money. If you don't want a divorce, change your
intent to, I want a happy and loving marriage. If you don't want to be
alone, focus on wanting a happy and loving relationship.

Step 2: Give your desire attention. The Universe brings to you what
you put your attention on. The Law of Attraction gives you more of
what you give your energy, attention and focus to. Choose your words
and thoughts wisely.
Step 3: Allow it. Don't block the good that is headed your way by
focusing on the negative. Be grateful for what you already have and
make room for your future blessings.
Judgments, fear, worry and doubt are all tied to limiting beliefs. Go through
your belief system and dissolve, CANCEL, any old internal limiting beliefs.
To CANCEL, when the belief pops up in your mind, say CANCEL,
CANCEL, CANCEL imagine deleting it from your brain as you would
delete/erase text from a document on the computer.
Move beyond what you have and develop a clear mental image of what you
desire. Fuel that desire with passion. Use switchwords to speak your desire
into reality, commanding your situation to change. Stay ready so that you
won't have to get ready when your dream manifest.
Remember, we are what we think; we become what we believe; our life is
what we visualize; our life is what we say it is; we can change our lives by
changing our thoughts. ~Barbara Berger
Whatever your goal, dream or desire, believe it and achieve it. Believe in the
possibilities of your dream. All dreams appear impossible until someone else
makes them happen. In order to succeed, your desire for success has to be
greater than your fear of failure.
Last but not least…
Winners never quit and quitters never win.
Here’s to the winner in you!
Happy switchwording!
May all your dreams come true and you live happily ever after.

Natasha Williams has been writing movies and inspirational materials for
over a decade. She has optioned and sold her projects to major Hollywood
Producers. She was featured in the book, Crashing Hollywood, and on the
development team for two Chicken Soup for the Soul® books. For more
information regarding her projects, visit her website at

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