Crane Starboard Engine
Crane Starboard Engine
Crane Starboard Engine
20/03/2016 21320 A service 250 hours, hours’ meter 21320: drain engine oil and fill up with new oil. Change
out all filter. Clean radiator and engine body. Clean air filter. Clean engine compartment.
13/02/2016 21117 A hour’s meter 21117: service 250 hours. Change out all filters. Drain engine oil and fill up
with new engine oil. Clean air filter.
24/01/2016 20953 A Hours meter 20953: service 250 hours engine, change oil and all filter.
20/12/2015 20716 A hour’s meter 20716: take oil sample. Drain engine oil and fill up with new oil. Change, oil
filter, fuel filter and change air filter. Test run ok.
30/11/2015 20591 A Service 250 hours, hours meter20591: change oil. Oil filter and fuel filter.
28/11/2015 20571 Repair hour’s meter 20571: air starter motor sees. Replaced with spare and test ok. Dismantle
old starter, found teeth of gear starter spur broken, found old gear but still ok and reinstall
back all the part with new rebuild kit, change drive, tested is ok and keep the starter unit
on ware house as back up for both crane.
14/12/2014 18847 A operation a hours meter 18847: drain engine oil and fill up new engine oil. Change all
filter. Clean air filter. Clean radiator core and body engine.
19/09/2014 18387 A Take oil sample and Drain oil. Change:
3028004613 FILTER Oil BD-1033028004613 FILTER Oil BD-103 1 ea
1903004105 FILTER FUEL FS-1280 2 ea
1903002184 FILTER FUEL FS 5052 BF-788 2 ea