XJS 3.6 Service Cooling
XJS 3.6 Service Cooling
XJS 3.6 Service Cooling
Due to additional information received after Service Bulletin JD 10/87 was issued it has been
decided to re-issue two pages of Item 99.
The amended version of Sheets 15 and 16- Service Bulletin JD 10/87- is included in this
Bulletin and is clearly identified "2nd Issue".
Will Service personnel concerned please remove and destroy the original copy and replace
with the amended sheets.
ITEM: 01
Repair Time Supplement JJM 10 01 05/S 1, lists operation 26-25-11: Fan Cowl - Renew as
0.60 hrs. This replaces operation 26-40-07 Radiator Cowl- Renew 0.55 hrs which appears
in JJM 10 01 05 and should be deleted.
ITEM: 02
•• Following a review of procedures, could you please alter the following repair times in
Repair Operation Times Supplement Part No: JJM 10 01 05/51:
Suspension Unit Rear Mounting Bush- Renew- to read 6.10 hr.
Suspension Unit Rear Mounting Bush- Vehicle Set- Renew- to read 6.25 hr.
The repair times shown above are for all XJ6 2.9/3.6 models and variants. No other repair
times are affected .
ITEM: 03
Where crankshaft main bearing failure is experienced on 3.4 and 4.2 models it is possible
for some distortion to occur within the cylinder block as a result of the heat generated. To
enable effective repairs to be carried out with confidence, new short engines consisting of
a cylinder block, crankshaft pistons, con rods and oil pump are now available using normal
parts ordering procedures. These are supplied under the following Part Numbers and
should be used when repairing engines which have suffered crankshaft main bearing
failure, particularly rear main bearing failure:
ITEM: 04
A revised XJS 3.6 engine Part No. JLM 1564/N with a redesigned crankshaft, eliminating
the need for balance weights on the crank damper and drive plate, has been introduced
from Engine No. 90P 128811.
This engine which supercedesJLM 1338/N can also be used as a replacement for Part Nos:
JLM 104/N, JLM 569/N and JLM 1046/N provided the necessary modifications are also
ITEM: 05
All vehicles supplied to all markets now have a 50% anti-freeze content in the cooling
system from the following VIN Nos:
ITEM: 06
66 Front/Rear Shock Absorbers and Ride Level Struts - Replacement Guidelines:
To overcome criticisms of poor ride characteristics, revised settings for front and rear
shock absorbers and ride level struts have been introduced on Production from VIN
Parts stocks are available and parts can be ordered using the following part Numbers:
The following guide lines MUST be adhered to when fitting replacement parts:
1. Replacement of old with new specification units must always be in axle sets, i.e. Units
of different ride specification must not be mixed on an axle.
2. Where front shock absorbers are replaced with new ride specification units, then the
rear shock absorbers/ride level struts must also be renewed with new specification
units. However it is permissible to fit new ride specification rear shock absorbers/ride
level struts with old specification front shock absorbers.
ITEM: 07
To avoid the necessity to replace the whole accumulator assembly, when investigating
fluid leaks from the accumulator switches, the Low Pressure and Charge switches have
been made available as separate items. These parts can be ordered using the following
Part Numbers:
The following procedure should be adhered to when renewing either or both of these
depress the brake pedal until no further assistance is felt.
2. Cut the tie strap securing connector RS25 (green PM4). Disconnect the connector and
feed the accumulator harness and multi-plug down through the engine compartment
3. Raise the vehicle using either a jack and stands or a vehicle ramp.
4. From below, cut and remove the heat shrink sleeve securing the two accumulator
switch harnesses together.
6. Note the positions of the connections in the multi-plug and remove the seal. Remove
the appropriate connector pins from the plug using Service Tool JD 137.
NOTE: Further details on pin removal can be found in BookS, Section 86, Page 86A-4ofthe
XJ6 2.9/2.6 Service Manual.
7. Thoroughly clean the accumulator switch assembly ensuring that the surrounding
area is free of all dirt and grit etc.
8. Remove the leaking/faulty switch from the accumulator body and discard.
1. Fit the new switch assembly to the accumulator body and tighten to the correct torque
i.e. 31-39 Nm.
2. Position the harness pins through the anti-back-out plate and seal. Fully seat the pins
into their appropriate positions in the multi-plug See Fig 1.
Y/R Y/8
JLM 1563
B/K 8/K
• 3. Fully seat the sea l and anti-back-out plate in the multi-plug socket .
4. Secure the two switch harnesses together using su itable insulating tape.
5. Feed the accumulator harness up through the engine bay to locate the socket.
NOTE: Ensure that the plug and socket are clean and free of any contam ination before
connecting them together.
6. Lower the vehicle and connect RS25 plug and socket. Secure with a tie strap.
ITEM: 08
A revised brake lining material known as Jurid 518 was introduced on Production
progressively from VIN 533084 and as 100% fit from VIN 533361 .
These pads can be identified by the wording JURIO 518 printed on the top face of the pad
Part Numbers will be advised in a Parts Information Bulletin when sufficient stocks are
ITEM: 09
The Service network has identified a condition where during the closure operation, a door
latch may not fully engage causing the door to rebound open. This is caused by either
maladjustment of the lock linkage or contact between the door assembly and aperture
fittings which impedes closure.
This condition mainly affects rear door operation but as the adjustment procedure is
identical for both front and rear doors, repair methods are included for both.
This Bulletin Item details in Section One a method for checking if free play exists at the
exterior handle. Section Two provides a procedure for setting the lock linkage and Section
Three identifies a number of potential contact areas which can affect closure.
1. Ensure the sill link is in the fully unlocked position and the latch claw is in a partial
closed position (A Fig 1).
2. Place a finger into the striker slot (B Fig 1) where the upper part will make contact with
the lock pawl (C Fig 1).
3. Use the other hand to check the exterior handle for free play. If set correctly the pawl
wil l remain stationary during the initial movement of the handle, i.e. 1-2mm. Should
pawl movement be identified move to Section Two.
NOTE: Excessive play at the exterior handle can also cause door closure problems and will
necessitate adjustment. Refer to Section Two and adjust to attain the correct setting.
1. Remove the door veneer panel and upper and lower trim pads. Remove the taped
plastic moulding from the door inner panel to allow access to the lock assembly.
2. Release the locknut at the top of the handle link barrel nut (D Fig 1).
. , · 3. Place a finger into the striker slot to contact the pawl and with the other hand rotate the
barrel nut in the direction of the arrow (E Fig 1) until the pawl ceases to move. Rotate
the nut one further full turn or until free play is identified at the exterior handle.
· ·· 4. Secure the locknut using two spanners and recheck the free play.
: .
:5. Refit all trim etc.
Where door closure problems are identified and checks have shown that the lock linkage
is set correctly, the door should be examined initially for profile and adjusted as necessary.
Should a closure problem exist after profile setting and it is established that the striker is
correctly set, the aperture should be examined for contact marking.
2. Tread plate contact. Where this is identified, remove the tread plate and using a
suitable file remove sufficient material from the tread plate to obtain clearance.
• 3. Door seal wrinkling. This usually occurs atthe top of the "C" post and inhibits rear door
closure. To rectify fit a new seal.
NOTE: Any repair time allowance for Section Three items are covered by normal warranty
times where a component is replaced.
ITEM: 10
• During July 1987 a new type of time clock was progressively introduced onto XJ6·with
100% fitment from VIN 521288. Visually the old and new clock look identical. The
difference between the two being the method of control; the old unit obtained all its power
and data signals from the central processor whereas the new unit generates its own timing
s1gnals, hence 1ts name being a 'stand alone clock'
• It should also be noted that PIN 14 on the bulkhead harness side of the connector should
have a brown link wire going directly to the bulkhead positive terminal post. If this wire is
not connected then the clock will lose its memory when the ignition is switched off.
JOS Software Issue DBC 4004 covers the CPU controlled clock and not the stand alone
clock, this will be incorporated into a future softwaH-r&e-+'re~IIGea.as~e~.-------------
ITEM: 11
It has become apparent that Dealers have been approached by owners requesting the
fitment of production build USA/Canadian specification high mounted stop lamp
Will Dealers please note that the fitment of such lamps in both the U.K. and European
markets is strictly governed by legislation. · · ·.. ; ·
ITEM: 12
Revised fuse box and failure modules have been introduced into production from VIN
531170. The fuse ratings and colour codes are given on the following charts.
1. Light blue 15A Right-hand front door: window, door guard lamp and
;;:·- mirrors if driver's door.
.. '•
2. Light blue 15A Door lock control, luggage compartment lock, petrol
filler flap.
,., :;; h:
I,_, ·., .+
I I • • t,. ' w ,' o • L~ , •
20A Radio, sun roof, heated door locks (where fitted), glove
. • ··.-·. ·' compartment lamp, map light, interior headrest lamps,
'state' illumination.
11. Light blue 15A Cooling fan, air conditioning compressor clutch (where
fitted), under bonnet lamps.
12. Violet 3A Right-hand rear lamps (tail, number plate and side
. ...... ~.. . ~ ····
13. . Ligth blue 15A Right-hand rear door, window, door guard lamp.
14. Red 10A Right-hand dip headlamp, fog lamp (where fitted).
1. Light blue 15A Left-hand front door: window, door guard lamo and
mirrors if driver's door.
.• ~ ~ ..
2. Violet 3A Instrument pack.
• 7.
Left-hand rear lamps (stop, reverse, direction indicators
and fog [where fitted]) .
10. Natural 25A Left hand seat movements (where fitted). and seat
(White) heater (where fitted).
12. Violet 3A Left-hand rear lamps (tail, number plate and side
13. Light b lue 15A Left-hand rear door, window, door guard lamp, fue l fil ler
f lap, rear quarter reading lamp {L.H. [where fitted]).
14. Red 10A Left-hand dip headlamp, fog lamp (where fitted) .
• 5.
Cooling fan, heated washer jets.
ITEM: 13
85 aJN~RRANr(~coOES ~- + ·~ '·
XJ6 2.9/3.6
..De~lers; twv.e reported isolated incidences of excessive quiescent battery drain caused by
-.either tti~:,rnain central processor unit or;r_ide height level sensor. Unfortunately when
_.. s4~m_it;'ti_~ng the warraryty d .a im De_~Jers,h,ave..been uncertain as tp the codes to use.
-~ "'-·- ;.- •_.')~·;--·~ · ' . '; · ~ .- ~-~ rj-\,.:·-····:~- !. -~---'. • • c , -~---• ,_. •. • •
To identify quiescent drain caused by the main CPU, "Central Processor Unit Malfunction"
has been allocated to 4th-digit code ~Y~~;~n_Seetio~;~7B.· Therefore when submitting claims
please quote 7BLY. · · -- · · · · · · · ·· · · ·
.,_; :
I : ·.··, ~--~ : ITEM: 14
.l t_ •-- .
S.lll V121XJS V12/XJ6 3.6
•. i' ·; ,· ~ .-:::. ,..._ • , • '-.,; • -
'': ,T.-Q_.prqvi_d.e aqr;ess to th.~ cppnec:tor on the cylinder: blo.d ( heater it has been re-positioned
in the radiator bottor:n hose. The heater.cable .is now fitted prior to shipment and strapped •
as indicated by-Fig 1 XJ6 3~6 and Fig 2 S.lll V12 and XJS V12.
-~ . _. · r
• ~ i
' .
·~';,';1 1
: · ·~;· _J~;i(i--: _,L q --~ ~ ~-··. · :f-. -( . ::-" -•./ "1., h -~- ' ' • j '' •
~.~: ·~:. ; ~ · · ~·: ·, ~ }' -t1 __r ·~· ~-J ·, ..... • .. " ; • ·_
·' -~
t •·.Ji~. "' ·- ~ ~ ~ ...
' -~/j l r.-:··. ; t· ;_",;·!"! '·. )~. c
) ·-
ITEM: 15
Investigations i r;t()prcimatu battelyf~illure :arT xJet;Hidrfde: re'placeir,ent batteiies"\ti~rt
NOS: DAC 4120,' DBC3 f35 and OAC4545t fl;ave em(;ih sized 'the need to corri'rn VS"sicrn th;~se a
units in accordance with the rrii{rli.ifactui~ers rrrshtY.l'i oiis. Failure to do s·O'w~ll,:esufi'ii1-the
battery not achieving a~u!1. 1 ~t~t~ 91 ~~ar,9.~- i_~_ ~.~-rx!c~ :..F.u_U ,co,~r:n is~ioning ins~~-~~ti~n~ ~re
attached to Parts·suppl red r epla'Cemeht C;hionde ba'tt enes and are reproduceo -below for
·. •.: · ·· · f ·£.;- , "·::·<) ~ .. d ~ r · ;::: "",·~ -~ ri:' _: ~ j !.;'..:~ f t-~ · ,-~ : _ .. t t ; ·~..,,~~ (i1~
1. Remove vent plugs with each cell to the levels indicated in para 2 below wi th the
correct specific gravity acid as given in Table 1.
2. The level of . the filling-in acid should be 6mm above the separ:_ator~~.. q r where
applicable, flush with the tops of the ribs of the separator guards or ~o- ti1--e-1~v~ftR:~ea8
acid level indica~q_r bar at t!"le pottom of the filling tube. . .. . . .
3. After a few minutes~ the ie'v~· of the ini~iar fiflirtg acic 'wiiPfall and' this1sh'OOl'cf.iflen1 be
before charging.
•.:. ~.. '•. c ,_..• ! g ~•. ; .!"C' :
1 • I
1. After filling, the battery shau'ld .be ":ailowe·d-to stand for' ' appn:i~iniatf:H~/ 2D ~'rmtitites
. _ _. .
2. It is essential prior to fitment to give a battery a conditiortir;g charge.f8F approximately
~ a;; • , _:"'\ ,:. f '/ , :.: L::' 0 ".' ;
4 hours at the charge rate of 6 amps to ensure peak pedormance. t:: -'::J-:'
3. Where batteries are stored for a period exceeding one vear in a tempc.~a-t~· climate of 3
months or more in temperatures greater than 30°C and/or humidity exceeding 80 %
they must be charged for 12 hours at the rate indicated.
4. Check the electrolyte levels after charging and adjust accordingly as instructions given
in section (a). When"1l-i.tfn g the battery to the vehicle ensure that it is properly secured
by the hold dowri ·device&:{hnt the terminals are lightly smeared with petroleum jelly
and that the cables a~e GQf~~Ctly_and securely COnnected to the battery terminals.
\ .~
• It is important to r.ote ·tt'fat overtopping can result in a ~et battery top which induces
corrosion. ,. . · :~
3. Maintain electrolyte to ·tbe- levels indicated. in section (·a). para 2 by the add ition of
distilled or de-ionised water. .:--.~ -- -- ___
4. If batteries are used on applications without an engine driven charging unit, then
recharging should take place when the specific gravity drops to 1.220 (or 1.180 when
low gravity acid has been used for hot climates) until the specific gravity in all the cells
rises and remains constant for 3 hours. In any event such batteries should be put on a
monthly recharge schedule ~nsuring a fully charged condition is reached periodically.
5. Stored batteries should be ·recharged every 2 to 3 months (one to two months in hot
climates) until the fully ch~rged condition has been reached.
1. Take care when jiiling batteries with sulphuric acid. If splashed on skin or eyes f lush the
affected parts immediately with water.
2. During the charging of a b~ttery explosive gasses are given off. Keep the top well
ventilated and away from ·flames or sparks. _
3. Switch off the charger before disconnecting the cha;ger leads.
4. When putting the battery into service on a vehicle connect the earth lead last and when
The specifi.c gravities shown b~lo.w ar~ qprrect~d to 25°C. To correct the specific gravity
r'eai:Ung fc>r other temperatures ·~pply t~e· C;;"Qtrectior:l formul~ ~b'own in the note on
. tempe:rature correction.·
· ·'
· '· ·· · ·· · --' · · · ·· '
•· ' ·yeH¥ ·. ··- ·"
At End of Charge ··
Normally bel'ow 32°C_ · 1.230·- 1.270-1.290
> .: ~ ·~ ,« ,:" M •o; ' ; 0 '•' ••. ··-~, • • •o·O ~.
. ;_ ; .
. ... ' .
~-. . .". _;, - -~ ,. ~-
Tg correct to 25°C,for eve.r:v 10°C hiQh~JS!Jb~rSI~ O,OQ7-l7:-IJOi[!t.~J.for eyery 1ooc lower add •
0;007T7.pointsfe.g: 1.2~7:.at 1~oc equals. t;2ao .at' 25oc: .. · ··.. ·.
. ··_.:)"_.-: :->~- .? . ~? . ~ .. !" .l . • .... .• . >• •
ITEM: 16
XJS_rnod~\~ (from VIN 149730) are now fitted with aChlq.ride Pa!tery,P,art No. DAC 4545.
This:iine·o~rates an·int~gral vent ~ystern ellrr~inating'.tt:t~ _-p~e,v:i.eus v~n,ted cap and hold
... !;·~ ~!~··:·:~.:-:·~ ·-'.: "i·:--:.··:··: ,.·:""~-:"_'·:.·· .· .. ' · ..~·;. ·.:· ·.:· :· . '· ·.:: " • ...,.--•. 1·
1, 2, 3, 15
1i(passiv~ restraint) Maio tu~eQQ~.~ drive(~.footw~ll-component plate.
'·.·.'.}..!.·: ~~ ,...\...;'.;· ~:,; ~.J~.v-~· .. ·-. ·•· ..,. • -· .•
18 (passive·i"$sthiintr '·,
;. .•.;,• .. ~··.. : . • .,::·:. ,.···~ ,:· ~ .: ·J. :·:;.t ~
Disp,taced fuses wilt b~ pl~ce~ i_f.l ~_p_t~i.c::; bag anq ~q.r~Q..in the glov~J?ox. These should be
refitted'afF(OJ; ' o:: ' :. - .< · ·' .•.• ;y.::. · ·'· .. . . .. , ... .. . . .
. ;:~ i;. ,._._~·:·~~<! ·i! ·:· "?
A high percentage of returned water pumps, replaced under warranty for leaks, have been
tested and have been found fault free .
It is important that before condemning the water pump, other areas of the cooling system are
eliminated first, i.e.
1) The hose clips securing the hoses to the water pump and the thermostat
Service Repair Operations are now available for renewing the rear suspension 'A' frame
mountingbushesonXJ6 2.9, 3.6 and4.01itremodels.
Remove the fuel pump mounting bracket to 'A' frame securing m 1ts.
Remove the 'A' frame to differential rear bracket securing bolts.
Remove the 'A' frame to differential front bracket inner securing nuts and bolts.
Place a jacking channel on the ramp bed and mount a suitable bottle jack on the jacking
channel. Align the channel and jack under the previously positioned lowermost differential
drive flange spider leg. Insert a suitable block of wood {approx. 25 x 50 x 1OOmm ( 1 x 2 x 4in))
between the jack and the differential drive flange spider leg, see Fig 1.
Operate the jack to just take up and support the axle assembly.
DO NOT overstress the differential drive flange and coupling with undue pressure.
NOTE: Ensure the axle assembly is only supported with the jack under the lowermost
differential drive flange spider leg. DO NOT support the axle by using a propeller shaft drive
• flange spider leg as the drive flange coupling would almost certainly be overstressed .
FIG 1.
Remove the' A' frame mounting bush to body and bracket to body securing bolts and remove
the mounting bush brackets.
NOTE: Ensure the outer securing bolt spacers remain in position (captive) in the differential
front bracket after the removal of the securing bolts.
Remove the 'A' frame to differential casing securing bolts, applying hand pressure to support
the 'A' frame whilst the final bolt is removed.
Remove the 'A' frame from the vehicle.
u .D 143-6
Jaguar Cars Limited 2005
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• Position the 'A' frame mounting bush housing on to tool JD 143, ensuring that the weld nut
boss of the 'A' frame locates in the cut-out of the tool. Align the mounting bush with the
hydraulic press ram, then, keeping the 'A' frame level, operate the press to remove the bush.
Remove the 'A' frame assembly from the hydraulic press. Remove tool JD 143-6 from the
mounting bush by removing the nut and washer. Discard the bush.
If required, the other mounting bush can be removed in the same manner.
After removal of bush(es), refit the nut and washer to tool JD 143-6 then store the tool in a
safe place ready for future use.
Invert the 'A ' frame. Position the mounting bush housing on to tool JD 143. Position the new
mounting bush, flange uppermost, on to the 'A' frame bush housing. Align the new bush to
set the centre line of the bush rebound stops with those of the opposite bush, see Fig 3 .
Place a suitable flat steel plate centrally on to the mounting bush. The steel plate should be
• sufficiently large enough to cover the rubber flange of the new bush, see Fig 4 .
Adjust the 'A' frame assembly to centralise the new bush and steel plate with the ram of the •
hydraulic press. Keeping the 'A' frame level, operate the press to fully seat the new bush.
Remove the steel plate. Remove the 'A' frame assembly from the hydraulic press.
When the new bush(es) has been fitted, store the steel plate and tool JD 143 in a safe place
ready for future use.
Position the 'A' frame assembly at the correct location on the vehicle. Fit, but do not tighten,
the ·A' frame to differential casing securing bolts.
Align and seatthe fuel pump mounting bracket studs to the 'A' frame, then, fit and tighten the
securing nuts.
IMPORTANT: Ensure the fuel pump wiring remains clear of the 'A' frame clamping face.
Fit, but do not tighten, the 'A' frame to differential front bracket outer securing bolts. Ensure
the spacers, previously left in position in the differential front bracket, are in the correct
position before fitting the securing bolts.
Fit and tighten the 'A' frame to differential rear bracket securing bolts. Tighten the 'A' frame
to differential front bracket outer and intermediate securing bolts, inner securing nuts and
bolts and the 'A' frame to differential casing securing bolts.
Raise the bottle jack ram approx. 25mm { 1in) to seat the 'A' frame mounting bushes on to the
tapered body locations. Place the mounting bush outer brackets in position and fit, but do not
tighten, the mounting bush to body securing bolts.
Align the outer bracket to body securing bolt holes, fit and tighten the securing bolts and
finally tighten the mounting bush to body securing bolts.
NOTE: New self locking bolts should be used. DO NOT re-use old bolts.
Lower the bottle jack, remove the block of wood, bottle jack and jacking channel. Lower the
vehicle on the ramp.
64.25.09 Rear Suspension 'A' Frame Mounting Bush, Vehicle Set-Renew 1.60 hrs.
64.25.1 0. Rear Suspension 'A' Frame Mounting Bush, One Side-Renew 1.35 hrs.
When making warranty claims, Complaint Code 5HB should be used using the appropriate
4th digit.
ITEM: 91
A new power steering/ride level system reservoir, incorporating a revised filler neck and cap
design, has been introduced on XJ6 models from VIN 601983. The new reservoir is
identified by the filler cap having six semi-circular 'finger grip' indents equally spaced around
the outer diameter. compared with the four lugs used on the earlier design.
The new filler cap must not be used with the old type reservoir.
If H.M.S.O. fluid leakage from the reservoir/filler cap seal is experienced on 1990 MY
vehicles prior to VI N 601 983, an alternative cap seal available from Jaguar Parts Operations,
should be fitted. This seal is available under Part No. CCC 2 782 and should be fitted in
accordance with the procedure detailed below:
* Remove the filler cap from the reservoir and using a suitable implement, remove the seal
from behind the retaining flange, A Fig 1.
• A
»1-' 107
• * Locate the new seal in the cap, seating the seal against the retaining flange as shown in B
Fig 1. Do NOT locate the new seal behind the retaining flange.
Warranty claims should be submitted quoting Warranty Complaint Code 6FXZ and Repair
Operation No. 66 91 09. A labour allowance of 0 . 1 hrs. may be claimed.
ITEM: 92
Resonant boom emanating from the roof panel (non-sunroof cars only) has been recognised
as affecting XJ6 cars fitted with headlinings manufactured using compressed felt as the
backing material.
To prevent further instances of this problem, a new 'moulded polyurethane' headlining has
been introduced on all non- sunroof cars built from VI N 5 95 794.
To address this problem on vehicles built prior to the above VIN, the following rectification
method should be applied:
IMPORTANT. This repair sl1ould be carried out after customer complaint onl·f.
a) Position front seats fully forward with the squabs fully reclined.
c) Affix the anti-resonance pads, Part No. BEC 9039- 3 required, per vehicle- to the inner
face of the roof panel; the positions are indicated in Fig 1.
NOTE: Although these pads are self-adhesive and magnetic, they should be firmly pressed
along their length on to the panel using a roller or wooded block to ensure full adhesion .
d) Refit the headlining and road test the vehicle for elimination of resonant boom.
Warranty Claims should be submitted quoting Complaint Code 9KAB, SBQ 76-91-45,
labour allowance of 1. 75 hrs.
If warm air is required and the coolant temperature is less than 30°C, the fans are switched
off. This avoids large amounts of cold air being blown into the car.
From 1990 MY, the operation of this switch has changed from normally open when the •
coolant temperature is below 30 o C; to normally closed and open when the coolant is above
When the coolant is below 30°C, the switch is closed, thus supplying an earth to the ECU
(this will inhibit the fan operation, as for previous models).
When the coolant is above 30 °C, the switch will open and the ECU will see 5 Volts from its
own pull-up, now incorporated into the ECU, (this will allow the fans to operate normally).
PLEASE NOTE: The revised temperature switch and new electronic control module ARE
NOT interchangeable with previous parts.
Fault Analysis:
The old system inhibits the fan operation if either the temperature switch or the harness
become open circuit. With the new system, if the switch or the harness become open circuit, •
the fans will continue to operate even if the coolant temperature is below 30° C.
Simi liar modifications to XJS and S.lll V 12 will be introduced in the near future. Introductory
VI N 'swill be advised in a future Service Bulletin.
Jaguar Cars Limited 2005
Ill Service Bulletin JA~
Existing pages of the above should be removed and discarded to be replaced with the
revised version.
12.29.16 - Cylinder Head Gasket Rear Blanking Plate - Renew - 1.40 Hrs
12.29.17 - Cylinder Head Rear Blanking Plate - Renew - 1.40 Hrs
With the introduction of new brake components on the above models, the brake
servicing recommendations have changed.
No routine replacement of system seals is necessary as the seals are designed to last
for the life of the vehicle.
The braking system must still be inspected for satisfactory operation and condition
at the regular service intervals.
Brake fluid to be renewed at 2 years or 30 000 miles (48 000 km) intervals, whichever
is the sooner. For North America only, 18 months or 30 000 miles (48 000 km).
A revised water pump assembly has been introduced on AJ6 engines. The assembly
now has a gasket between the two halves, instead of RTV sealant as previously used.
The revised assembly is fftted from the following engine numbers:
3.2: 107696 4.0: 157275
The part number of the new assembly is EBC 8550 and replaces EBC 4437. The part
number of the gasket is EBC 9220.
XJ6 659029
XJS 183501
S.lll 486299
XJ6 ITEM: 24
Jaguar Cars Limited 2005
JD 03/92 JA~
From VIN 179737 (92MY Facelift XJS), the stop light failure sensor module is located
in the boot of the vehicle, attached to the inside of the boot side reinforcement panel
(drainage channel) L.H. (Fig. 1).
FIG. 1
Prior to VIN 179737 (90MY XJS), the module is located beneath the centre console
veneer finisher, attached to a bracket in front of the stowage compartment (Fig. 2).
FIG. 2
XJ6 ITEM: 26
Two external speed sensor brackets are available for use on XJ6 models. To avoid any
confusion, they are identified as follows:
In future, the Dealer distribution of this Bulletin will be confined to JAGUAR DAIMLER
Dealers only.
Any non JAGUAR franchise holder who still has cause to require the Bulletins will be
reinstated to the circulation upon application:
Would any franchise holders who have experienced difficulty in obtaining AKM 9038/83
- Series Ill Repair Operation Times, and AKM 4412/83 - XJ-S Repair Operation Times
from Unipart, please note that matters have been rectified and no further trouble should
be encountered.
There is an alteration to the Series Ill Repair Operation Times (AKM 9038/83) to three
operations concerning six cylinder vehicles.
The Operation Numbers are 82-50-53, 82-20-54, and 82-20-55. The alteration concerns
changing the entry in the Repair Time column from NAto NT::::::=, thus allowing the time
in the 5.3 column to be claimed.
The Repair Time columns for these three operations should now be altered to the following:
3.4 4 .2 5.3
As part of our programme to evaluate and test oils, the following list of SYNTHETIC oils
has been given approval by Jaguar Cars:
Mobil 1 10w/ 30
Generally, synthetic oils are superior in performance under extreme operating conditions
at higher engine temperatures.
Although all the above SYNTHETIC oils are approved by Jaguar Cars, it is essential that the
temperature chart detailed in the Owner's Handbook and Workshop Manual (reproduced
below for reference) is referred to. An oil with a viscosity rating which falls within the
ambient temperature scale which the vehicle is operated in MUST be used.
e.g. 10w/30 or 10w/ 40 MUST NOT be used if the ambient temperature EXCEEDS
16° C (60° F).
The above SYNTHETIC oils and normal mineral oils meeting BLS 22 .0L.02 are compatible.
As such, should synthetic oil not be available, it is acceptable to top up with a normal
mineral oil, providing it meets BLS 22.0L.02.
Reference Service Bulletin JD 11/83 Item 72, please note the following warranty coding
should be utilised against this operation:
Further to modifications detailed in Service Bulletin JD 02/84 Item 12, the supplier of the
brake pedal switch, which disconnects the speed control system when the brake is applied,
has introduced additional quality improvements.
From Manufacturing Date Code A4 (A= January, 4 = 1984), switches to the latestcondition
have been introduced from Vehicle Identification Number:
Further to Service Bulletin JD 10/83 Item 66, which detailed the method of relocating the
low coolant probe in the header tank to overcome the involuntary flashing of the warning
light, this Service Fix has now been incorporated on all production vehicles from the Vehicle
Identification Numbers quoted below. The low coolant probe will be situated in the header
384477- Saloon
11 5816 - XJ -S
Several reports have been received of the 5th speed gear and synchromesh hub coming
adrift due to failure of the retaining circlip to secure the assembly to the main shaft.
Investigations have revealed the problem to be due to operator error in not ensuring that the
circlip was fully seated in its groove.
Assembly Instructions have been amended to ensure that circlip retention is correct.
0366880 8L 158819
To overcome the problem of oil leakage from GM400 transmission sump gaskets, the
following modifications have been introduced:
84ZU 4057
84ZD 1164
8S 28242 - XJ -S
7P 49806 - XJ 12 Saloon
The part number of the new gasket will be given when parts are available.
Rectification of rattles emanating from the flaps of the air extractor tray was detailed in
Service Bulletin JD 07/83 Item 49.
Self adhesive plastic caps, BAC 3859, are now available for use instead of the self adhesive
strips previously recommended.
NOTE: Plastic caps are packaged in strips of 56. When ordering one off BAC 3859, 56 caps
will be supplied, which is enough for 7 vehicles (2 caps per flap, 8 caps per vehicle).
Continuing the policy of evaluating consumable products for use on Jaguar vehicles, the
following products have been approved for service use, and are additional to products
previously approved.
NOTE: When using any of the products recommended by Service, reference should be
made to the appropriate data sheet sup pi ied by the manufacturer.
1~1 AUTOCOLOUR ANTI STONE RESISTANT PRIMER] Water based primers available
P955-3001 in one litre containers for use
with suction feed spray gun
3M's BOLTED PANEL SEALER 8574 Water resistant sealers for
jointing between bolted/
DUNLOP SEMSTRIP GP rivetted panels.
To improve the windscreen wash facility on Series Ill 6 cylinder non headlamp wash/wipe
models, a larger capacity washer reservoir incorporating a "Tudor" heavy duty pump
assembly has been introduced from Vehicle Identification Number:
Instances have been reported of sludge contamination in the cooling system resulting in
poor heater performance or overheating. Samples of this contaminant have been analysed
and identified as a phosphate based substance probably caused by the use of non approved
anti-freeze. Only anti-freeze recommended in the workshop manual (copy shown below)
should be used for topping-up and re-fill purposes.
BP Type HS25 Bluecol ·u· Union Carbide UT 184 or Unipart Universal, if these are not
available •. phosphate free anti-freeze conforming to specification BS 3150 or 3152 may be
Concentration- UK and RHO export markets only 40% sp gr 1 .065.
In North America use Jaguar Part No. ZvW 244101.
All other markets 55% sp gr 1.074.
In territories where anti-freeze is unnecessary the cooling system must be filled with a
solution of Marston Corrosion Inhibitor Concentrate SQ36.
Always top-up the cooling system with recommended strength of anti-freeze or corrosion
inhibitor, NEVER with water only. ·
N.B. When investigating overheating problems on vehicles fitted with air conditioning, a
check should be made to ensure that there is no road debris trapped between the radiator
and the condenser.
Several reports have been received of 77mm 5-speed gearboxes "jumping out of gear".
Sample gearboxes returned for investigation have been tested and found to be functioning
correctly. It is known that if the transmission tunnel cover plate or gear lever gaiter are
incorrectly fitted, the gear lever movement can be restricted to prevent the gears engaging
fully. If any manual XJ6 vehicles are encountered which are jumping out of gear or suffering
difficult gear engagement, then the centre console should be removed to check that the
gear lever movement is not restricted by either the gaiter or the cover plate before the
transmission is removed.
When fitting the propshaft into the Getrag manual gearbox, care must be taken not to
disturb the oil sealing plug (A) by pushing the propshaft too far into the gearbox (see
diagram). The only stop, when sliding the propshaft into the gearbox, is the sealing plug at
the bottom of the propshaft reverse spline and if any force is used the plug can be disturbed
and allow oil to leak out from the gearbox.
The supply of front and rear shock absorbers has been changed from Girting te Boge.
Front and rear Boge shock absort)ers were introduced on Series Ill saloons at VIN: 391800.
At present on XJS models only, front Boge units have been introduced and Girting rear units
are still fitted.
A further bulletin will be issued advising the introduction of rear Boge units on XJS models.
Boge shock absorbers can be identified by an all black paint finish which replaces the dark
blue/grey finish used by Girting, and are fully interchangable with the Girting unit.
Difficulties have been encountered in production concerning the fitment of brake disc
protection covers and anti-rust paper. This has resulted in the fitment being suspended from
the following VIN 's:
When the protection covers and anti-rust paper are re-introduced, the introduction points
will be advised in a future Service Bulletin.
To improve the reliability of the electrical door mirror assembly, mirrors are now equipped
with a new 'Kienzle' motor unit.
To overcome noise/vibration problems experienced with the current blower fan units, new
fan assemblies incorporating 'Smiths' Motors have been re-introduced on air conditioned
models only from VIN's:
382821 -Saloon
115478 -XJS
For normal service replacement purposes the new 'Smiths' Motor will be supplied complete
with a balanced fan assembly, mounting bracket and link harness. Part No's:
This kit may be used to service all previous fan assemblies incorporating either 'Smiths' or
'Delanair' type motors.
CAC 8710- RH
CAC 8711 -LH
Further to Service Bulletin JD 08/84 Item 65, isolated reports have been received of engine
stall/idle dip on vehicles not fitted with AIR CONDITIONING.
Such vehicles may be modified as detailed in JD 08/84 but terminal 6 (Fig. 3) need i~OT be
connected to the green/brown (GN) compressor feed (C Fig. 2) and should be taped back
into the harness.
A further modification has been introduced on 4.2 XK engines to improve engine oil
This modification concerns a new piston ring pack and was introduced at
engine number:
8L 167619
A modification has been made to the exhaust valve guide to overcome sticking valves. This
modification involves relieving the valve guide bore at the exhaust port end. This was
introduced at engine numbers:
8L 167200 4.2
8A 15507 3.4
7M 4927 Limo
Due to supply difficulties with the copper cored resistive spark plug recently introduced
(see JD 05/84 Item 39), it has been necessary to revert to the old spark plug in certain
markets for a limited period. Detailed below are the markets and Engine numbers affected:
Investigations into the failure of a top water hose, part number CAC 5100, have revealed
that the material at the centre of the hose was not fully cured. The suspect hoses have the
date code 13/a3 moulded into the outer covering of the hose, along the centre line.
It is essential that all vehicles are inspected and if found to have a top hose - CAC 5100
with a date code 13/a3 fitted, then the hose must be replaced.
NOTE: All vehicles produced after VI N 11a692 are assured and do not need checking.
Investigations reveal that where sunroof sliding panels stick in a closed position, damage to
the sunmof motor can result. The sticking condition is caused by a white grease which is
smeared around the sunroof aperture to assist smooth panel operation. Under certain
conditions the grease becomes very sticky and causes the lid seal to stick to the aperture.
The grease detailed above was deleted from new vehicles from VI N 396121.
Warranty claims for this rectification should be submitted using Code 9C9F, Labour
allowance= 0.45 hours.
Notes on Lubricants
Application: Spray lightly on to seal. It is important to remove any spray from painted
surfaces or marking may result.
To improve in car sensor response on XJS HE and XJ 3.6 models a Blown Aspiration
System similar to that currently fitted to Series Ill models, is shortly to be introduced.
Should Distributors/Dealers receive customer complaints of a slow sensing action, i.e. the air
conditioning unit, irrespective of what automatic mode it is set at, blows either too hot or
too cold for a prolonged period before stabilizing the in car temperature, then vehicles may
be modified in accordance with the following procedures.
Please note that hose part number C15150/8 is supplied in a 1 metre (4Qin) length, however
this will require cutting to the following lengths for RHO and LHD applications:
1. Disconnect Battery.
2. Remove the passenger side underscuttle trim panel and glove box assembly.
3. Remove the in car sensor assembly and associated pipe work.
PLEASE NOTE: The existing in car sensor (E), foam tube (G) and rubber elbow (F)
should be retained when modifying both RHO and LHD conditions, all other
components removed may be discarded.
Also rubber elbow (F) should be shortened at the sensor connection end by 25.0mm
(l.Oin) for both RHO and LHD applications.
4. Utilizing the existing components referred to above and the new parts required,
pre-assemble as shown in Fig. 1. Locate the in car sensor harness connection (H)
through the foam tube (G) before connecting to the sensor (E). Using suitable
adhesive tape, secure the sensor (E) to the choke (D) and slide foam tube (G) into
position shown in Fig. I.
5. Relocate modified assembly into position ensuring that no kinks or twists are
evident in rubber hose sections (Band C).
6. Using a suitable plastic self locking ratchet strap, secure the lower rubber hose
section (B) to the side of the air conditioning/heater unit case, as per original
7. Replace under scuttle trim panel and glove box assembly.
8. Reconnect battery. ·
~ --
F--u E
G H Jaguar Cars Limited 2005
JSI 271
SERVICE BULLETIN JD 09/84 Sheet 3 of 3
1. Disconnect Battery.
2. Remove the driver and passenger side underscuttle trim panels.
3. Remove the instrument pack assembly and glove box compartment.
4. Carefully remove the existing choke assembly from the driver's side blower fan
5. Cut off the plastic ratchet strap retaining the rubber hose to the air conditioning
unit case and remove the choke assembly from the hose.
6. Remove the sensor assembly, disconnect the sensor harness and disconnect assembly
from the rubber hose.
7. Cut off the surplus rubber hose protruding at both the driver's and passenger side.
Extreme care should be taken to ensure that the sensor harness at both ends is clear
before commencing cutting.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the original rubber hose section being secured to the main
bulkhead harness and the securing points being inaccessible, the route of the original
rubber hose cannot be utilized.
8. The new rubber hose section (B) is to be routed forward of the bulkhead harness
following the space created by the shape of the facia crash roll as shown in Fig. 2.
For ease of fitment It 'is advised that the new rubber hose is fitted from the driver's
.J- - ---=--=-=--· -------------
FIG. 2
During investigations into oil leakage from the oil pressure switch, it has been noted that
non approved pressure switches are being used. Please note that Unipart switch GPS 117
IS NOT APPROVED for fitment on Jaguar vet"licles and must not be used as the hexagon
size prevents secure fitment in Jaguar applications.
The onl.v oil pressure switch specified and approved for use on current Jaguar vehicles is
· C 42200.
Following reports of coolant loss from the header tank f iller neck joint, all header tank s
are now pressure tested after stove enamelling. The solder specification has also been
improved to prevent any possibility of the solder melting during the stove enamell ing
process. Header tanks are quality assured from VIN 119730 and Parts stocks are all to the
latest condition.
To overcome isolated instances of coolant loss from the thermostat housing, new gaskets
have been introduced on 6 cyl (XK) and V12 engines. The new part numbers are detailed
The improved gasket and revised tightening torques were introduced at the following
engine numbers:-
Continual monitoring and examination of returned Power Assisted Steering racks has
resulted in the following improvements:
1. To prevent rack bar contamination due to the use of spurious lubricants during
Service, extensive testing by Jaguar and Adwest has resulted in the deletion of the
rack damper grease nipple. Greasing of the rack damper during Service is NOT
necessary as initial greasing by the manufacturer is considered sufficient.
2. To alleviate the possibility of scoring the rack bar with the steering alignment tool,
when checking the steering geometry, a deeper and chamfered centralising pin hole
has been introduced.
These improvements have been implemented on steering racks built after date code 4L 0001
and were introduced progressively on to Jaguar production from VINS:
413000 S.lll
120500 XJS
With the recent introduction of semi ·metallic brake linings, it is important that all Service
Personnel are aware of the optimum procedure for the 'bedding·in' of these linings. Details
are as follows:
In order to ensure optimum brake performance and refinement throughout the life of the
brake friction linings and brake discs, it is essential that a controlled brake bedding
procedure is undertaken during the early life of the friction linings.
The procedure used should ensure that the friction linings quickly achieve normal operating
conditions as a result of low energy applications, without being subjected to high energy
input levels.
The procedure recommended for the ·f irst 320 km (200 miles) is of deliberate, frequent light
application wherever possible, similar to that used during normal town driving. On open
road driving the above conditions have to be simulated. Try NOT to brake from speeds in
excess of 96 km/h (60 mph); reduce speed by short brake applications, i.e. 80-65 km/ h
(50-40 mph) at intervals of approximately 1.5 km ( 1 mile).
This procedure will ensure satisfactory brake lining/disc conditioning, and lead to optimum
brake I ife and performance.
Reports of difficulty in removing alloy wheels due to corrosion between the mating faces
of the wheel and the hub spigot has resulted in a greasing operation being introduced on
The hub spigot bore of the wheel is now coated with Shell Retinax 'A' grease. This was
introduced at VIN Nos:
411159 S.lll
119708 XJS
All XJS vehicles landed in Australia after January 1st 1985 will incorporate 3 point inertia
reel rear seat belts.
411931 S.ll I
120267 XJS HE/ XJ -S 3.6/ XJ-SC 3.6
To improve the efficiency of the Receiver Drier, the Drier has been repositioned to enable
maximum refrigerant flow through the internal pick-up pipe.
This repositioning has resulted in the sight glass now being on the left hand side and in the
vertical position. This change was introduced at VI N 412060.
When fitting replacement Receiver Drier Bottles on Series Ill 4.2 Models (prior to the above
VIN) the Receiver Drier should be fitted as described above.
The fitment of the Receiver Drier Bottle CAC 1881 on Series Ill 5.3/XJS HE and XJS 3.6
Models remains unchanged, i.e. the Drier mounted with the sight glass on the right hand side
and the sight glass angled approximately 15 degrees rearwards.
During the winter period, especially in markets where the ambient temperatures are
particularly severe, it is possible for the electric aeria I mast to freeze temporarily. I sola ted
incidences have been reported of the main circuit fuse blowing through the aerial operation
being impaired.
Should this occur it is possible for the door casing puddle lamps to illuminate with the doors
closed, and in some cases, due to the problem going unnoticed, can result in the battery
discharging when the vehicle is parked.
Through subsequent investigations, the cause has been traced to a feed back circuit
developing through the interior light circuit which is also protected by the same fuse link.
To prevent this involuntary illumination and possible battery discharge, modified bulkhead
harnesses incorporating diode protection on the interior light circuit will shortly be
introduced. Introductory VINs will be issued in a further Service Bulletin.
However should this problem be encountered on vehicles already in Service, the following
modification may be implemented:
3. Locate the interior door switch purple/ white (PW} cable and cut.
4. Fit insulations sleeves (C, Fig. 2) and crimp/ solder Lucar connector (A and B,
Fig. 2) , to the purple/ white (PW) cable. Connect diode unit ( D, Fig. 2) in circuit
and strap or tape to the harness.
FIG. 2
5. Refit the 'A' post lower trim panel and reconnect the battery.
To improve the ignition performance on S.lll 4 .2 Models, a new Oucel!ier coil w ith ballast
resistor, together with a modified amplifier and engine harness have been introduced from
Engine No:-
8L 173271
ITEM: 62
Investigations into oil loss from the oil pressure transmitter, have
revealed that in the majority pf cases the leak is via the sealing
washer. To ensure that the washer seals correctly, the tightening torque
has been increased to 20.3 to 27.1 Nm (15-20 lbs/ft).
This change was introduced at the following engine numbers:
8L 1877 77 - 4. 2
8A 16096 - 3.4
7M 5084 - Limo
8S 36329 - XJS
7P 53368 - XJ12
ITEM: 63
To eliminate the possibility of oil loss from the engine oil cooler hoses,
a new hose material has been introduced which has been designed to
withstand higher temperatures.
This has resulted in Part Number changes for the hoses:
ITEM: 64
To improve heater output on XJS and XJ.SC 3.6 the cooling system
thermostat has been changed from 82oc to 88°C.
The new Part Number will be advised when parts are available.
The new thermostat was introduced at Engine Number:
9DPAMA 102481
ITEM: 66
Commencing with 1986 M.Y. a new electric locking system has been
introduced onto S.III vehicles, from VIN 428715 L.H.D. and 429455 R.H.D.
In general terms the main change from the previous system introduces
electric motor operation to the locks on all passenger doors and boot in
place of the electric solenoid operation used on earlier vehicles.
The whole system is .. activated by a control unit (DAC 3529), situated
inside the driver's door (Fig. 1).
Je&- Je•
KEY: 1 Door Locking Control Module (Driver) 3 Rear Door Lock Motors
2 Front Door Lock Motor (Passenger) 4 Boot Lock Motor
FIG. 1
The change in locking systems allows deletion of the lock relays, but
necessitate harness changes which will preclude conversion of existing
The driver's door control unit and the lock motors are mounted onto
brackets welded onto door rails in the same way as the lock solenoids.
The boot lock motor is mounted on the lid inner panel adjacent to the lock
This Bulletin lists component changes, setting procedures and fault
ITEM: 62
Investigations into oil loss from the oil pressure transmitter, have
revealed that in the majority of cases the leak is via the sealing
washer. To ensure that the washer seals correctly, the tightening torque
has been increased to 20.3 to 27.1 Nm (15-20 lbs/ft).
This change was introduced at the following engine numbers:
8L 187777 - 4.2
8A 16096 - 3.4
7M 5084 - Limo
8S 36329 - XJS
7P 53368 - XJ12
ITEM: 63
To eliminate the possibility of oil loss from the engine oil cooler hoses,
a new hose material has been introduced which has been designed to
withstand higher temperatures.
This has resulted in Part Number changes for the hoses:
ITEM: 64
To improve heater output on XJS and XJ.SC 3.6 the cooling system
thermostat has been changed from 82°C to 88°C.
The new Part Number will be advised when parts are available.
The new thermostat was introduced at Engine Number:
9DPAMA 102481
ITEM: 66
Commencing with 1986 M.Y. a new electric locking system has been
introduced onto S.III vehicles, from VIN 428715 L.H.D. and 429455 R.H.D.
In general terms the main change from the previous system introduces
electric motor operation to the locks on all passenger doors and boot in
place of the electric solenoid operation used on earlier vehicles.
The whole system is activated by a control unit (DAC 3529), situated
inside the driver's door (Fig. 1).
0 0 c
FIG. 1
The change in locking systems allows deletion of the lock relays, but
necessitate harness changes which will preclude conversion of existing
vehicles .
The driver's door control unit and the lock motors are mounted onto
brackets welded onto door rails in the same way as the lock solenoids.
The boot lock motor is mounted on the lid inner panel adjacent to the lock
This Bulletin lists component changes, setting procedures and fault
*1 Except Canada
*2 Canada only
*3 Except Jaguar Sovereign, VDP or Daimler
*4 Jaguar Sovereign, VDP and Daimler
1. Remove the 'A' Post lower trim panel, driver's side. (Service Manual
Operation 76-13-22).
2. Locate the door harness multiplug connector within the 'A' post with
orange/red and orange/green leads. Disconnect the connector.
3. Connect a test lamp across the connector terminals on the door harness
side (1 Fig. 2).
JSH 20
. ._
, ' I,
7. To check the setting move the door lock inner flap slowly to the unlock
position. If the setting is correct the lamp will flash momentarily
just before the flap reaches full travel. When the flap is moved back
towards the lock position, the lamp will flash again just before the
flap reaches full travel.
8. Disconnect the test lamp and reconnect the harness block connector
9. Operate the outer door handle to release the latch
10. Close the door and recheck the operation of all doors using the key in
the driver's door lock. ---
11. Refit trim panels to 'A' post and door.
A wrong connection can destroy the control unit and it is recommended that
this operation is carried out with the unit removed from the vehicle.
1 Disconnect the lock motor block connector from the boot lid harness.
2 Remove the two setscrews securing the lock motor assembly to the boot
lid inner pa nel. Release the locking link . (BBC 6727) from the motor
and remove the motor assembly from the boot lid.
3 Separate the motor from its mounting bracket (BBC 6725).
4 To fit a new boot lock reverse operations 1 to 3. Do not fully tighten
the setscrews at this stage.
Jaguar Cars Limited 2005
1 Check the fuse, mounted above the passenger's side fuse box.
2 Fuse intact - Check feed to 'A' post block connector at purple wire.
3 Feed established - check feed to control unit at the block connector
inside the door (See cautionary note)
4 Feed established - Reconnect the connector inside the door, connect a
test lamp across the door harness connector located within the 'A' post
as previously described and operate the door lock. If the lamp does
not light momentarily change the control unit.
ITEM: 67
434936 - S.III
125881 - XJS Vl2
The new lamp is mounted on the heated rear screen assembly, and its
operation controlled through the existing stop lamp circuit.
Illumination is provided by 4 x 5 watt capless bulbs.
ITEM: 68
ITEM: 70
The date code can be located on the label adhered to the instrument case.
ITEM: 34
An improved full diameter drive plate has been introduced on 3.4 and 4.2
engines to overcome complaints of drive plate noise. The new part number
EAC 8973 was introduced at the following engine numbers:
BA 16666 - 3.4
BL 207464 - 4.2
ITEM: 35
To prevent con t amination of the coolant pressure cap seal during initial
coolant fill, Barrs Leak pellets are now used in place of Barrs Leak
solutic,n. These pellets, which are inserted into the bottom hose during
vehicle build, were introduced at VINs:
454031- S.TJI
131685 - XJS
ITEM: 36
1) Remove the inhibitor swi t.ch fixing nut and retain. Discard the plain
washer. Check indentation mark.
2) Fit a new plain and shake proof washer t0 the following nominal
dimensions and rPplace the fixin g nut, do not tighten.
ITEM: 37
c) Brake pull - the vehicle has a tendency to pull to the right or left
when the brakes are applied.
d) Brake squeak - occurs when braking at low speed or when coming to rest.
FRONT OR REAR To check the rear discs - do not exceed 40
km/hr (25 mph) and apply the handbrake. I f
the judder is from the rear discs, a
pulsation through the handbrake l ever will
be felt.
the camber of the road.
CLEAN DISCS/PADS Remove all brake dust debris and lightly
emery the disc and friction pads.
ITEM: 38
Model Old Part No. New Part No. Engine Intro No.
Please note: Any warranty claims resulting from use of non-approved spark
plugs will be rejected.
ITEM: 39