HSE Plan Commented
HSE Plan Commented
HSE Plan Commented
SHE Policy
1 Introduction
2.4 Leadership
7.3 Ladder
8.0 Vehicles
1. Introduction
This document constitutes the Health, Safety & Environment requirements for
Workers, contractors and any subcontractors performing work on behalf of HPC Engineering Co.
to any sites. The supervisory staff must ensure this information is brought to the notice of
relevant employees who may work on behalf of M/s. HPC Engineering Co.
Workers, contractors and any sub-contractors shall approach company representative for any
clarification pertaining to these guidelines before commencing the work. Each worker, contractor
has the responsibility for ensuring that his team-members and employees understand and comply
with the relevant SHE procedures detailed in this document.
The following specific requirements are to be met by worker, contractor and sub-
contractor to carry out the work.
2.4 Leadership
Company Leaders should actively communicate SHE expectations and company requirements,
routinely monitor SHE performance, develop action plan for continuous improvement and
actively take ownership of SHE. Company leadership should ensure that all personnel deputed at
site have undergone induction training on these before commencing work at site and also
ensure that they understand company’s rules of safety.
• Workers, contractors and any sub-contractors m u s t ensure that employees use the
proper access provided by client e.g. walkways, path and stairs etc. when going to and
from their place of work and must not stray into areas not directly connected with their
• The worker, contractor and sub-contractor must approach the company representative to
seek authorization if he wishes to work in a restricted area and the necessary safe system
of work agreed and implemented to effective manage the risks associated with such areas.
• Inspect for compliance with safe work practices and safety rules, procedures work
permits etc.
• Train man to work safely.
• Comply to risk assessment and review of method statement on each activity.
• Secure the safe work place, housekeeping, proper light and ventilation.
• Enforce wearing of protective clothing and equipment.
• Obtaining prompt first aid to injure and submittal of injury reports.
• Prepare written report on all accidents, investigate and correct their causes.
• Implementation of safety directions.
• To be conduct daily tool box meeting on his crew, before start the activity.
• Discuss safety with individual employees and encourage safety attitude.
• All incident/accident /near miss are to be report to immediate
engineer/manager/HSE dept without fail.
• Workers, contractors and any sub-contractors must ensure that employees report all
injuries and near misses as soon as possible, they must also ensure they notify the
company about such incident and where the accident is of a serious nature it must be
reported as soon as possible after the event.
• Workers, contractors and any sub-contractors shall also participate and provide any
assistance required in the investigation of incidents related to their employees.
• Workers, contractors and any subcontractors must also comply fully with the legal
requirements relating to notifying incidents to the enforcing authority and confirm to
the company when this has been done.
• Contractor must provide complete medical assistant to injured / affected
workman in case of injury.
All staff and worker should undergo safety induction prior to assign any work in the site. No
workers is allowed to start any work in the site without undergoing safety induction
The project safety induction program will incorporate all the general safety aspect of day-
to-day activity involvement of each employee in the project, such as
• Instruction of project location / Area
• Health and safety policy.
• Safety attitude.
• Usage and proper handling of Personal Protective Equipment.
• Using of Hand Tools / Power Tools and checking.
• Use of correct tools in correct way. (Spanner, Hammer, drift pin etc.,)
• Work permit procedure.(Hot work and other necessary permits)
• Mechanical plant Equipment vehicle. (Cranes, Hoists)
• Maintenance of good housekeeping.
• Construction site signs and barricades.
• Scaffold and safe working platform
• Excavation / Trench/ Shaft/ lay down and fall protection.
• Observation and reporting of unsafe act and condition.
• Reporting of near miss and accident.
• Site security Rules and regulation.
• Fire / No smoking policy.
• Every employee’s responsibility for his owns safety as well as his co-worker’s safety.
• Fire precaution and fire extinguishing.
• Emergency Procedure.
2.12 Tool Box Talk
Foreman should conduct toolbox talk at least once a week. All employees must sign the
attendance register, which must be fully completed by the foreman giving the talk.
• All plant and equipment tools brought onto premises / site by the company, contractor
must be safe for use and comply with all appropriate legislation and standards. All
relevant Records must be kept with company, contractor (e.g. Test Certificate and etc.)
• Portable electric equipment must be suitably tested within the required period and
marked accordingly.
• Relevant operator must be properly trained and competent to operate the equipment
• All lifting equipment used by Workers, contractors and any subcontractors must be
tested and examined in accordance with current statutory requirements. Equipment must be
properly marked with an identity number and safe working load. Copies of all test and
examination certificates must be readily available for inspection.
1) Electrical wiring and equipment for light or power purposes installed in the project shall
meet the standard of local Electrical Rule.
2) Internal combustion engine powered equipment shall be so located that the exhausts
are well away from combustible materials.
3) No HOT WORKS shall be carried out without HOT WORK PERMIT
1) Flammable or combustible liquids shall not be stored near exit, stairways that normally
used for the safe passage of people.
2) Flammable liquids shall be stored in suitable closed vessels kept in a store room which
either in a safe position or a fire resisting structure made of cement / concrete or
3) Wherever flammable liquids are stored, all reasonably practicable steps shall be
taken to ensure that any flammable liquid which leaks, is spilt or otherwise escape
shall be contained or immediately drained-off to a suitable container or to a safe place
or otherwise treated to make it safe.
4) Storage areas shall be kept free of weeds, debris and other combustible material not
necessary to the storage.
5) Fire fighting equipment should be placed (Fire extinguisher and sand) at ready position
at combustible material storage area.
6) Warning signs of NO SMOKING OR NAKED FLAME, and Dry powder
chemical fire extinguishers shall be provided at the storage area.
1) Fall protection is required when a worker is working more than 2 meter. Height or near
the edge of building or practically where ever cannot follow the three point contact
should be use whatever fall protection is provided while in the work area.
2) A fall arrest system is a system of physical components attached to a worker that stops a
worker during a fall.
3) Any place from while a person liable to fall 2mts or more shall fit with edge protection /
safety guardrail.
4) The guardrails – 110cm, middle rail 470mm, toe board 150mm)
5.1 Life line Restrictions :( VERTICAL )
Lifeline must be used only by two workers maximums at a time. A rope that has been
used for another purpose can never be used as a life line.
1. Dimensions of the tower scaffold will vary according to need, but the corner standards
should never be less than 1.20 m apart. On larger types of rectangular shape an additional
standard may well be advisable in the center of each of the larger sides.
2. Where joints become necessary in standards, they should be made with sleeve or parallel
couplers. Wheels, or castors, not less than 125 mm in diameter and fitted with brakes which
cannot accidentally be released should be cocked into the base of the standards. The safe
working load should be indicated. (Castor wheels side)
3. The recommended maximum height for mobile scaffold is three times of the minimum
length of ledger or necessary appropriate out riggers support should be provided, if the height
is above 3 times of ledger.
4. A static access tower should not exceed a maximum of 12 m free standing. Above these
height towers should be specially designed to ensure stability by means of ground anchors,
guys or Kent ledge.
• Mobile scaffolds should only be used on ground, which is firm and level.
• Pulling or pushing at the base should only effect moving the structure.
• Working platform should be clear of men and material when the scaffold is being moved.
• Wheels should be turned outwards to provide maximum base dimensions and wheel
brakes must be ‘ON’ and locked when the scaffold is being used.
• No one to allow upon the safe working platform, when moving the mobile
1) Ladders are frequently used in a construction site. The following guide lines are to be
followed during its use, only one person to climb or descend at any one time.
2) Position the ladder as a firm and level base.
3) Not to used if, three point contact.
4) Make sure that serial number is marked the ladders.
5) The head of the ladder should rest against a solid surface able to withstand the lead
imposed on it.
6) Whenever passive tie or last the ladder at the top and if not possible a person should hold
the ladder with both his hands and his foot placed against the foot heels of the ladder.
7) Make sure there are no overhead power lines with which the ladder might make contact.
8) The ladder should extend at least 1 meter above the landing place, unless there is a
suitable handhold to provide you with equivalent support.
9) Never use a ladder, which is too short and never stand it on something like a box,
bricks, barrel to gain extra height.
10) The technically proper angle for non self supporting ladder is about 75 degrees above
horizontal. This means that the base should be set out one fourth of the ladders heights to
its top support point.
11) Face the ladder when climbing or descending.
12) Do not over reach while working on the ladder instead more the ladder.
13) Never use defective ladder dispose it immediately from the site.
14) When a ladder; used for an access to an upper landing space, It just extend three
rungs at least three feet above the landing surface.
Keep the steps and rungs of ladders free of grease, oil, wet paint, mud, snow, ice, paper and other
slippery materials. Also, clean such debris off your shoes before climbing a ladder. Working in
charge should be checking the ladder before commencements of activity.
1) Maintain ladder in good condition
2) Never store material in a ladder.,
3) Keep all ladder accessories especially safety shoes in good condition.
4) Store ladders In a rack, which give them proper support when not in use.
8.0 Vehicles
Following rules has to follow by contractor for driving vehicle at site / premises. Vehicle
(i.e. Crane, Hydra, Truck, Van and etc.)
• Drivers observe speed limits and give way to pedestrians and internal transport
• Passengers are not carried on vehicles unless it is designed for this purpose
• Personnel do not get on or off vehicles while in motion
• Vehicle loads are within safe limits, properly secured and do not project beyond the
vehicle body unless suitable precaution has been taken to avoid striking pedestrians,
adjacent structures or other vehicles
• Driver must have license, trained and medically fit to operate the vehicle.
• Using of Mobile Phone while driving / operating vehicle is strictly prohibited.
• Seat belt are worn whenever the vehicle is in motion
• Driver / Operator must not under influence of alcohol or drug or any other
substances or medication that could impair the ability to drive.
• Vehicles to be parked at designated areas.