Mechanical Properties of Wood Wool
Mechanical Properties of Wood Wool
Mechanical Properties of Wood Wool
ASM Sc. J.
Volume 5(1), 2011
Short Communication
Physical Characterization of the Screen-printed Carbon Electrode
Surface Using Scanning Electron Micrograph 36
R. Issa, N.A. Hamdan, A.S.S. Raj and M.F.M. Noh
In Pu rs
ui t of Ex
ce lle nc e in
Sc ie nc
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any
means without permission in writing from the Academy of Sciences Malaysia.
Short Communication
Physical Characterization of the Screen-printed Carbon Electrode
Surface Using Scanning Electron Micrograph 36
R. Issa, N.A. Hamdan, A.S.S. Raj and M.F.M. Noh
This paper reports the mechanical properties of cement composite boards made using wood-wool from a lesser
known Malaysian timber species. A total of 108 specimens were fabricated using Portland cement (Type I) and
wood-wool from Kelampayan (Neolamarckia cadamba). The cement to wood ratio of the specimens was 2 to
1 by weight. The aim of the study was to determine the density; lexural, compressive and tensile strength of
wood-wool cement composite boards (WWCCB) by studying boards with wood-wool sized 1.5 mm, 2.5 mm
and 3.5 mm and board thickness 25 mm, 50 mm and 75mm. The physical and mechanical properties of the
boards were evaluated according to ASTM D 1037-96a (Standard testing method for evaluating properties of
wood-based ibre and particle panel materials) and MS934:1986. Results showed that mechanical properties
of WWCCB were greatly inluenced by the density; as the density decreased, the mechanical strengths also
decreased. However, the strength properties of the composite boards did not display a similar trend when
subjected to different types of loading conditions. The compressive strength increased with thicker boards (50
mm and 75 mm) but the modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture declined as the thickness of the board
was increased.
Key words: wood-cement composite; compressive strength; tensile strength; lexural strength; strength
properties; modulus; elasticity; rupture; loading conditions; Kelampayan (Neolamarckia cadamba); thickness
A wood-cement particle composite is composed of wood and has excellent heat and noise insulation capabilities.
material, cement and water. This composite product is Studies have been conducted on various parameters for
generally produced in two groups, cement particleboard the production of WWCCB such as wood species, wood-
and cement wood-wool board. Cement particleboard has cement ratio, type of particle accelerator, amount of water,
high density and a smooth surface while wood-wool cement soaking time and board density (Van Elten 2006; Hachmi
board is low in density and has a porous surface. Cement & Moslemi 1989; Hachmi & Sesbou 1991). The studies
particleboard because at its bigger surface area has been were concentrated on locally available wood species and
used in the construction of low-cost housing which requires this has led to the establishment of several WWCCB used
less cement mortar and man-hours during construction as mainly indigenous species (Pablo 1989). The bonding
compared to brickwork. However, the weight of cement strength between wood and cement depends primarily
particle board has become an issue during construction and on the wood species selected (Lee & Hong 1986). Badejo
it also poses a signiicant factor in the design which results (1988) studied two variables (lake length and thickness) of
in a rise in the construction cost. The addition of wood wood-cement panels using lake from three types of tropical
particles in the production of cement-bonded particle board hardwoods, and his results showed that these two variables
in fact increases the mechanical properties and improves were highly correlated with modulus of elasticity (MOE),
the toughness of the board but unfortunately this does not modulus of rapture (MOR), water absorption and thickness
solve the problem of the ratio of high weight to strength. of swelling. The longer and thinner the lakes, the stronger,
Wood-wool cement composite board (WWCCB) comprises stiffer and more dimensionally stable were the boards.
wood-wool and cement where the wood-wool is produced
by shredding logs using a special shredding machine. Since The most important limitation for the manufacturing
wood-wool is light and has a high aspect ratio, the wood- of inorganic-bonded wood composite boards is the highly
wool cement composite board is lighter than the cement variable compatibility between wood and the inorganic
particleboard. binder. It has been found that organic materials inhibit
the setting of cement and reduce cement strength. Several
WWCCB has outstanding potential as a housing and factors can affect this compatibility. For instance, the
building component because it resists biological degradation chemistry and amount of wood-water soluble extractives
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
*Corresponding author (e-mail:
strongly inluence compatibility (Del Menezzi et al. Wood-wools was soaked in water at room temperature
2007; Papadopoulos 2009). Species containing more than for 24 h. This was done to remove sugar and excessive
7% of hot water soluble extractives could be considered extractives from the wood. Once treated, the wood-wool
as incompatible (Noor Azrieda et al. 2009). Extractive was air-dried until the moisture content of wood-wool was
compounds can delay the hydration of inorganic binders, about 12%. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) was used as
affecting the morphology and size of the hydrate crystals. the binder.
As a consequence, they can affect the adhesion of
inorganic binders to wood (Simatupang et al. 1989; Zhou Preparation of Wood-wool Board
and Kamden 2002; Papadopoulos et al. 2006). In order to
reduce this incompatibility, hot water extractions of wood Wood-wool, cement and water in the ratio of
were proposed (Sutigno 2002; Okino et al. 2003). For this 2:1:1(respectively by weight), were mixed by hand until
study, the wood-wool was rinsed with water to remove the all the wood-wool was thoroughly coated with cement
extractives. paste. Suficient cement-coated wood-wool was spread
out in the wooden forming box moulds (600 mm
The aim of this study is to produce board with a density 2400 mm) at different thickness (25 mm, 50 mm and 75
target of 300 kg/m3 to 500 kg/m3 (considered low density mm). Prior to that, a layer of grease was applied onto the
board) in order to take advantage the light weight but to mould for ease of demoulding. A layer of polymer mat
maintain high strength in order for it to be used as a non- was placed on top of the cement mixture to prevent the
load bearing structural element. board from sticking during compression. The board was
can pressed using heavy concrete blocks for 5–7 days.
As the performance of the wood-wool cement composite After being demoulded, the boards were air-dried for
depends on the choice of timber species used, this study further curing for up to 28 days. A total of 18 boards
therefore explores the potential of using wood-wool from a were fabricated with wood-wool size of 1.5 mm, 2.5 mm
Malaysian fast grown timber species namely Kelampayan and 3.5 mm for 25 mm, 50 mm and 75 mm thickness of
(Neolamarckia cadamba) for the manufacture of WWCCB. boards.
Flexural, compressive and tensile strengths of WWWCB
were examined in this study and the variables were the Test Specimens for Mechanical Properties
wood-wool size and board thickness.
A total of 108 specimens were prepared at random from the
fabricated wood-wool boards according to the requirement
MATERIALS AND METHOD of the test as shown in Table 1.
Raw Materials
The wood wool used in this study was shredded from 4–5
year-old Kelampayan (Neolamarckia cadamba) which is in Density
the category of fast grown timbers. The logs were cut into
billets, 35 cm – 40 cm long, debarked and made into wood- The specimens for density determination were taken by
wool of width sizes 1.5 mm, 2.5 mm and 3.5 mm (Figure 1) cutting the specimens from different parts of the board in
using a vertical-type shredding machine. accordance with Malaysian Standard: MS934:1986
Compression Test Figure 3. The span length was 16 times the thickness
of the board. The displacement at the centre of the span and
The compression test was carried out according to the the corresponding loads were recorded. Load was applied
short column procedure (Procedure C) in ASTM D1037- in the lat direction and edge-wise at the rate of 0.5 mm/min.
99 using a UTM1000 machine at a loading rate of 1.5 mm/
min as shown in Figure 2. The specimens were tested with Tensile Test
a load parallel to the board thickness.
The tensile test or internal bond test was conducted
Bending Test according to ASTM D1037. The specimen size was 40 mm
40 mm thickness of boards (25 mm, 50 mm, and 75
The bending strength was measured by the three- mm). Epoxy 2-ton® was used for bonding the cement board
point loading test which was carried out in accordance and the metal plate. Figure 4 shows the test set up for the
with Malaysian Standard: MS934:1986 as shown in internal bond test.
Specimen 26 mm
F = Load cell
t = Thickness of specimen
l0 = 16t
li = 16t + 50
Figure 3. Bending test set-up; showing schematic diagram and actual test set up.
1 = Metal block
2 = Specimen
3 = Glue (epoxy)
F = Load
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION cement composite was ductile and had the capability to
absorb energy which can be observed from the area under
Mechanical Properties the graph.
The mechanical properties (density, lexural strength, In general, the WWCCB with 1.5 mm wood wool
compression strength and tensile strength) of WWCCB sizes was much stiffer than other wood wool sizes for all
are summarized in Table 2. The results presented are thicknesses of the boards. For the three thickness series of
the average of 5 specimens for each coniguration of the board, the highest load carrying capacity in lexure was
test. The results showed that the mechanical strength of obtained for WWCCB with 1.5 mm wood-wool.
WWCCB was greatly inluenced by the density of the board.
The density decreased with the increase of the wood-wool This was followed by the WWCCB with 2.5 mm and 3.5
size. The strength also decreased with decrease in density mm wood-wool, in descending order. The corresponding
decreases. Thus density is the best predictor of the timber delection at maximum load for 3.5 mm was ranked as the
composite strength (Dinwoodie 2001). The mean density highest among the three sizes of wood-wood.
of boards with 1.5 mm wood-wool was the highest for each
thickness of WWCCB (0.74 g/cm3, 0.44 g/cm3, and 0.47 The smallest size of wood-wool (1.5 mm) and the
g/cm3 respectively). This revealed that the smaller size of the least thick board (25 mm) signiicantly contributed to
wood-wool makes the board denser and easy to compact. the lexural strength (the value of MOR) of the WWCCB
as shown in Figure 8. It could be seen that the lexural
The strength of the WWCCB was not only affected by strength decreased with the increase of the wood-wool size
the density of the board but also the density of the wood. and the board thickness. The values of MOR ranged from
Boards made from Gmelina arborea, a low-density wood 0.77 MPa to 1.2 MPa for WWCB with 1.5 mm thick wood
species (density is 480 kg/m3), had a higher MOR (ranging wool. However, the MOE remained stable within 0.12 GPa
from 8.74 N/mm2 to 16.54 N/mm2) when compared with – 0.16 GPa for the 1.5 mm and 2.5 mm wood-wool sizes
boards from high-density wood, Leucaena Leucocephala at the three different thicknesses of the boards. It is well-
(density is 690 kg/m3) with MOR ranging from 5.94 N/ known that cement is stiffer than wood, so with the same
mm2 to 10.79 N/mm2 (Babatunde 2008). These values are ratio of cement to wood-wool, the smaller sized wood-
higher than the MOR values from the present studies since wool would be able to be coated easily by the cement,
the wood-wool used were treated to improve the bonding hence producing better bonding and higher strength
between the cement and the wood-wool. Again, the strength value. Moslemi and Pister (1987) argued that when wood
of the board could be improved using lower density wood occupies more volume in a board due to the smaller sizes
species and proper treatment. of wood-wool, the regions of stress concentration around
the adjacent particles are diffused, resulting in an increase
Figures 5 to 7 show the typical load-displacement in the applied stress. German DIN 1101 compiled physical
curves from the lexural test for 25 mm, 50 mm and 75 and mechanical properties of WWCB for low density board
mm thickness of WWCCB with different sizes of wood- (250 kg/m3 to 600 kg/m3). The values ranged from 0.4 MPa
wool. The load-displacement curves obtained display to 1.7 MPa for MOR. The values found in the present study
signiicant non-linearity and indicate that the wood-wool were within this range for MOR except for 75 mm board
with 3.5 mm wood-wool size. The values of compressive since it is an important property and the low values severely
strength for thicker boards (50 mm and 75 mm) for the limited the application of wood-wool boards.
same series of wood-wool sizes were lower than the 25 mm
thick board. These values were also found to be lower than Modes of Failure
the values speciied in the German DIN 1101.
Figure 9 shows the example of failure modes from the tests
Forest Products Laboratory (1999) compiled physical conducted on the mechanical properties of the WWCCB.
and mechanical properties of several kinds of low density
wood-cement board (WCB) (500 kg/m3 to 1000 kg/m3). The Figure 9a shows the general pattern of the failure mode
values ranged from 1.7 MPa to 5.5 MPa for MOR and from of compression specimens loaded parallel to the thickness
0.62 GPa to 1.24 GPa for MOE. In comparison with those of the board direction with a column aspect ratio (depth to
studies, the properties of boards manufactured here were breath ratio) of 4.
different since the densities of the boards were higher.
For all samples of 25 mm to 50 mm thickness, the
The IB values of the boards showed the same trend as compression failure typically occurred along the diagonal
other properties. As the wood-wool sizes increased the IB bands similar to the compression failure of concrete
values decreased for all thickness, ranging from 0.004 MPa columns. However, for the 75 mm thick samples, there were
to 0.09 MPa. cracks in the diagonal bands but without large openings.
This property evaluates the tension strength perpendicular The failure modes for tension and bending tests (Figure
to the board surface, in other words, the bonding quality of 9b and 9c, respectively) showed that the specimen failed
the matrix formed by the wood and cement. The possible around the centre.
causes of such low IB values of larger wood-wool sizes
could be due to the low cement to wood and wood to water CONCLUSION
ratio. As the wood-wool sizes were larger, the cement was
unable to encapsulate them properly and this contributed to The results of this experimental study showed that the
the poor which was relected in the lexural and compression mechanical properties of WWCCB were greatly inluenced
strength values. In commonly manufactured wood particle by the size of wood-wool and thickness of the board. The
cement board, the cement:wood ratio was higher (4:1 or 3:1) following conclusions could be drawn:
than those used here (2:1). The IB strength was provided
mainly by the cement matrix. These indings suggest that i. The WWCCB with 1.5 mm wood-wool size provided
more research was needed to overcome the low IB values the highest values for lexural strength and elasticity
Load (N)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Deflection (mm)
Figure 5. Typical load-displacement graph for flexural test (25 mm thick WWCCB).
Load (N)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Deflection (mm)
1.5 mm 2.5 mm 3.5 mm
Figure 6. Typical load-displacement graph for flexural test (50 mm thick WWCCB).
Load (N)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Deflection (mm)
Figure 7. Typical load-displacement graph for flexural test (75 mm thick WWCCB).
1.5 mm 1.5 mm
0.77 0.77
2.5 mm
0.68 3.5 mm
3.5mm 0.62 2.5 mm
0.60 0.55 0.51
3.5 mm
25 mm 50 mm 75 mm
WWCCB thickness (mm)
Figure 9. Typical failure modes of specimens under (a) compression, (b) tensile and (c) bending compression.
The position of crack is shown by the circle.
(MOR and MOE), compression strength, tensile iii. Boards produced at the highest levels of board
strength and density as compared to WWCCB with density were the strongest.
2.5 mm and 3.5 mm wood-wool sizes. iv. The low density board cement bonded wood-wool
ii. In term of thickness of the WWCCB, 25 mm was boards (250 kg/m3 to 600 kg/m3) produced in this
an ideal thickness to yield the optimum value of study met the modulus of rupture and modulus of
lexural strength (MOR), compressive strength, elasticity requirements in accordance with German
tensile strength, density as compared to 50 mm DIN 110 when thinner wood-wool sizes were used.
and 75 mm. Moreover, the thin boards performed The values ranged from 0.4 MPa to 1.7 MPa for
better than the thicker boards. MOR.
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