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No. 21814 /F.,

Date 03.08.2022

Sub: Submission of option for availing the benefits of family pension upon
in-service death in respect of State Government employees covered
under National Pension System (NPS).
State Government has extended the benefits of family pension to all the
eligible State Government employees cOvered under NPS, upon their in-service death
vide Finance Department Notification No. 28746/F, dated 11.10.2021.The detailed
procedure to exercise the option for availing the benefits of family pension upon in
service death in respect of State Government employees covered under NPS has
been laid down vide Finance Department Office Memorandum No.12587/F, dated

2. As per the aforementioned Office Memorandum, the following timeline has

been prescribed for submission of option form by the eligible Government employee:

Existing State Government employees covered under NPS shall exercise such
option within one year from the date of issue of FD OM No. 12587,dated
10.05.2022 i.e., by 10.05.2023.
In case where an employee who has not exercised the option and dies in
service within 3 years from the date of issue of FD Notification No.28746/F,
dated 11.10.2021 i.e., before 11.10.2024.

3. It has come to the notice of the Government that, some empioyees in service
could not submit their option within the stipulated timeline i.e., by 10.05.2023.
4. After careful consideration, State Government has been pleased to extend the
timeline for one more year i.e., up to 10.05.2024 for the serving government
employees to exercise their option for availing the benefits of family pension under

By orders of the Governor

Principal Secretary to Government

Memo No. 1878 JF., Date 03.08. 2023
Copy forwarded to Private Secretary to Hon'ble Minister, Finance / OSD to
Chief Secretary / PS to Principal Secretary, Finance Department for kind information
of Hon'ble Minister, Finance / Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary, Finance

Deputy Secretary to Government

Memo No. 218a /F., Date 03.0. 2022
Copy forwarded to All Administrative Departments / All Heads of
Departments/ All Revenue Divisional Commissioners / AllCollectors/ All District and
Session Judges/ Secretary, OLA, Bhubaneswar / Secretary, OPSC, Cuttack /
Secretary, OSSC / Secretary, OSSSC / Secretary, Rajya Sainik Board, Odisha/
Director General, Gopabandhu Academy of Administration(GAA), Chandrasekharpur,
Bhubaneswar/ Director, Madhusudan Das Regional Academy of Financial
Management (MDRAFM), Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar/ All Sub-collectors/
Principal, Secretariat Training Institute, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary

Deputy Secrtary to Government

Memo No. 08&0 JF., Date 03.0%. 2022
Copy forwarded to the Principal Accountant General (A&E), Odisha,
Bhubaneswar/ Accountant General (Audit-I), Odisha, Bhubaneswar / Deputy
Accountant General, Puri for kind information and necessary action.

Deputy secretarto Government

Memo No. 1881 /F., Date o3.0s.2022
Copy forwarded to the Commissioner of CT & GST, Odisha, Cuttack / Director
of Treasuries and Inspection, Odisha, Bhubaneswar/ Controller of Accounts, Odisha,
Bhubaneswar/ Director, Local Fund Audit, Odisha, Bhubaneswar/ Secretary, Odisha
Sales Tax Tribunal, Odisha, Cuttack/ All Treasury Officers of District Treasuries and
Special Treasuries/ Sub-Treasuries for information and necessary action.

Deputy Secretary
Memo No. 2882/F.,Date 03.0- 2002
38:a, Governmentt
Copy forwarded to all Officers/ all Branches of Finance Department for
information and necessary action.

Deputy'Secretary to Government
Memo No. Q4883 JF., Date 03.08. 20)3
Copy forwarded to Sri Tapan Kumar Pattanaik, Sub-Nodal Officer (E-Gazette),
FID, Finance Department through his email- tkpattanaik@gmail.com for hosting this
Office Memorandum in the portal of Finance Department for general information.

Deputy Secretary to Government

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