Abdominal Exam Steps
Abdominal Exam Steps
Abdominal Exam Steps
4. Move to the right side for closer inspection of the abdomen and chest wall:
Look for scars, deformities, abnormal skin findings- spider naevi, gynecomastia, uremic frost
14. Auscultate for bowel sounds and for renal artery bruits:
Change your stethoscope to the bell and listen over the ileocecal valve as well as the renal
arteries which are 2inces (5cm (laterally and cranially to the umbilicus. Palpate the femoral
pulse to adequately time the renal artery bruits.
17. Ask to perform a rectal examination and examine the patient’s genitalia to complete your
18. Thank the patient and cover them with the sheet.
To Do:
1. Create a classified list of causes of hepatomegaly
2. Create a classified list of causes of splenomegaly
3. Create a classified list of causes of balotteable kidneys
3. Discuss the investigative approach to a patient with ascites including imaging modalities,
abdominocentesis procedure and tests on ascetic fluid and supporting blood investigations.
Classify causes of ascites using the SAAG
4. Create a classified list of causes of cirrhosis and describe 10 clinical features of chronic liver