Cdi Mix+cor Par 1
Cdi Mix+cor Par 1
Cdi Mix+cor Par 1
An extra judicial confession obtained from a suspect is admissible in a court of law if it was made in the presence of a counsel of his own choice and must be in a. the presence of a fiscal b. the presence of a police investigator c. writing d. front of a judge 2. Fiscals and Prosecutors are under the control and supervision of the a. National Bureau of Investigation b. Department of the Interior and Local Government c. Supreme Court d. Department of Justice 3. The questioning of a person in a formal and systematic way and is most often used to question criminal suspects to determine their probable guilt or innocence. a. inquiry b. interview c. polygraph examination d. interrogation 4. A form of investigation in which the investigator assume a different and unofficial identity. a. tailing b. casing c. espionage d. undercover work 5. A type of surveillance in which extreme precautions and actions are taken in not losing the subject. a. loose tail b. casing c. pony tail d. close tail 6. A type of shadowing employed when a general impression of the subjects habits and associates is required. a. loose tail b. casing c. pony tail d. close tail 7. A surveillance activity for the purpose of waiting the anticipated arrival of a suspect or observing his actions from a fixed location. a. casing b. tailing c. stake out d. espionage 8. An examination of an individuals person, houses, or effects or a building, or premises with the purpose of discovering contrabands or personal properties connected in a crime. a. search b. raid c. investigation d. seizure 9. A kind of evidence that tends to prove additional evidence of a different character to the same point. a. corroborative evidence b. circumstantial evidence c. direct evidence d. real evidence 10. The process of bringing together in a in logical manner all evidence collected during the investigation and present it to the prosecutor. a. case preparation b. order maintenance c. crime prevention d. public service 11. Ways and means are resorted for the purpose of trapping and capturing the law breaker during the execution of a criminal act. a. instigation b. inducement c. buy bust operation d. entrapment 12. A special qualification for an undercover agent. a. excellent built b. excellent eyesight c. excellent looks d. excellent memory 13. The discreet observation of places, persons and vehicles for the purpose of obtaining information concerning the identities or activities of suspects. a. close observation b. espionage c. tailing d. surveillance 14. The questioning of a person by law enforcement officers after that person has been taken into custody. a. preliminary investigation b. interrogation b. custodial investigation d. cross examination 15 As a general rule, a warrant of arrest can be served at a. day time b. night time c. any day and at any time of the day or night d. weekdays 16. Measures through which police seek to detect crimes, or attempts to be present when they are committed, through the use of the undercover agents, electronic devices for wiretapping or bugging, and stakeouts. a. preventive measures b. countermeasures c. pro-active measures d. tape measures 17. A police activity directed toward the identification and apprehension of alleged criminals and the accumulation, preservation, and presentation of evidence regarding their alleged crimes. a. police patrol b. police intelligence c. criminal procedure d. criminal investigation 18. An extension, or continuation of the preliminary investigation. a. initial investigation b. custodial investigation c. secondary investigation d. follow-up investigation 19. To obtain admission and confession of guilt is the primary purpose of a. interview b. surveillance c. investigation d. interrogation 20. Such facts and circumstances that would lead a reasonably discreet and prudent man to believe that an offense has been committed and that the object sought in connection with the offense are in the place sought to be searched. a. prima facie evidence b. probable cause c. prejudicial question d. res ipsa loquitur
21. A search warrant shall be valid for _____ days from its date. Thereafter, it shall be void. a. 10 b. 15 c. 30 d. 45 22. It means that a specific crime was committed at a specified time, date and place, and that the person named in his report committed the crime. a. corpus delicti b. sufficiency of evidence c. stare decisis d. pares patriae 23. Police seek to prevent crime by being present in places where crimes might be committed and by alerting citizens to refrain from practices that make them or their property vulnerable. a. opportunity denial b. order maintenance c. criminal investigation d. police intelligence 24. A statement of the suspect directly acknowledging his guilt. a. admission b. confession c. deposition d. accusation 25. It may be a direct acknowledgement of the truth of the guilty fact as charge or of some essential part of the commission of the criminal act itself. a. admission b. confession c. deposition d. accusation 26. It may be a self-incriminatory statement by the subject falling short of an acknowledgement of guilt. a. admission b. confession c. deposition d. accusation 27. The simplest type of interview which concerns with the gathering of information regarding the personal circumstances of a person who is the subject of investigation. a. background interview b. personal interview c. intimate interview d. pre-game interview 28. It means method of operation. a. corpus delicti b. parens patriae c. stare decisis d. modus operandi 29. It is one which induces the criminal to act and need not be shown in order to obtain conviction. a. intent b. motive c. opportunity d. inducement 30. The three tools in criminal investigation, whereby their application varies in proportion on their necessity to establish the guilt of the accused in a criminal case. a. information, interrogation, instrumentation b. detection, apprehension, conviction c. inquiry, observation, conclusion d. magnifying glass, pencil, tape measure 31. The simple questioning of a person who is cooperating in the investigation. a. interview b. inquiry c. interrogation d. instrumentation 32. It involves a number of persons who might have handled evidence between the time of the commission of the alleged offense and the disposition of the case, should be kept to a minimum. a. chain of command b. chain of custody c. evidence tracking d. tracing evidence 33. A kind of evidence which may link the suspect to the crime scene or offense. Examples are fingerprints, impressions, blood etc. a. physical evidence b. associative evidence c. tracing evidence d. factual evidence 34. Articles and materials which are found in connection with an investigation and which help in establishing the identity of the perpetrator or the circumstances under which the crime was committed or which in general, assist in the prosecution of the criminal. a. physical evidence b. documentary evidence c. tracing evidence d. testimonial evidence 35. The following are different techniques in interrogation except one: a. sympathetic approach b. emotional appeal c. financial assistance d. friendliness 36. This may be applicable to a crime scene which is approximately circular or oval. The searchers gather at the center and proceed outward along radii or spokes. a. strip method b. wheel method c. spiral method d. zone method 37. The area to be searched is divided into quadrants and each searcher is assigned to one quadrant. a. strip method b. wheel method c. spiral method d. zone method 38. The searchers follow each other in the path of a crime scene beginning in the outside and circling around a central point. a. strip method b. wheel method c. spiral method d. zone method 39. A kind of gathering information whereby a subject is being followed. a. convoy b. caravan c. tailing d. surveillance 40. Another term for tailing. a. impersonating b. backing c. supporting d. shadowing 41. A person who gives necessary information to the investigator. He may give the information openly and even offer to be a witness or he may inform the investigator surreptitiously and request to remain anonymous. a. witness b. expert witness
c. hostile witness d. informant 42. The use of an equipment or tool to listen and record discreetly conversations of other people. a. bugging b. dubbing c. mimicking d. tapping 43. The questioning of persons not suspected of being involved in a crime, but who knows about the crime or individuals involved in it. a. interrogation b. rumor mongering c. interview d. inquiry 44. An objective of criminal invstigation. a. determine the motive b. identify criminals c. rehabilitate criminals d. prevent crimes 45. A term used to describe a transition which occur in the development of a fire, when, for example, most of all the combustible surfaces within a room are heated above their ignition temperature at the same time. a. intensity b. ignition c. flash over d. starter 46. A term of the start of the combustion, its detailed process of a solid is very complicated, since the proportion of different flammable vapours vary from one material to another and contact with oxygen must take place before combustion can begin. a. intensity b. ignition c. flash over d. starter 47. The term describes the transfer of heat through a gas or vacuum in a similar way to that of light. a. ignition b. convection c. radiation d. conduction 48. The transfer of heat within a solid material from hotter to cooler parts. a. ignition b. convection c. radiation d. conduction 49. The greatest concern of the firemen at the fire/crime scene is to. a. interview witnesses b. view the site of the crime c. preserve the fire/crime scene d. phot opportunity in the fire/crime scene 50. Most malicious fires are set by individuals secretly, it is either set for revenge or self aggrandizing; or set by psychotic fire setter, or for sexual gratification. a. group fire setter b. arson for profit c. fire starter d. solitary fire setter 51. It is, in most cases, the initial step for obtaining information to determine the origin and cause of fire. a. evidence collection b. laboratory examination of evidence c. interview witnesses d. interrogation of suspects 52. The primary course of action in case of a fire. a. pack up and flee b. run for your life c. call an ambulance d. raise the alarm 53. The main product of the combustion of carbon. It is not poisonous but is an asphyxiant which lowers the proportion of oxygen available for breathing. a. carbon oxide b. carbon monoxide c. carbon paper d. carbon dioxide 54. A normal product of combustion, and is poisonous, especially when the air supply to the fire is restricted. a. carbon oxide b. carbon monoxide c. carbon paper d. carbon dioxide 55. The fire resisting property of structural elements and the behavior of a building material in a fire, it is used to predict how long it will resist the effect of a fire before it fails. a. fire resistance b. fire duration c. fire proof d. fire strength 56. A type of fire that is the result of the combustion of certain metals in finely divided forms; magnesium, potassium, zinc, etc. a. class A b. class B c. class C d. class D 57. A type of fire which results from burning of wood, paper, textiles, and other carbonaceous materials. Extinguishment of this fire is by quenching and cooling. a. class A b. class B c. class C d. class D 58. The following are components of fire except one: a. gas b. fuel c. oxygen d. heat 59. It is observed in structural fires and can be an indicator of the fire travel and point of origin. a. charring b. alligatoring c. V pattern d. pour pattern 60. A pattern or network of fine, irregular lines in glass and wood. a. crazing b. spalling c. light bulbs d. charring 61. A tool employed by an arsonist to delay the start of the fire and allow him to establish an alibi. a. accelerants b. delaying tactic c. timing device d. stopper 62. It can be readily identified by their distinctive odors, and the most common examples are gasoline, turpentine and kerosene. a. accelerants b. trailers c. timing device d. stopper
63. This catalytic combustion device is the most common means employed to detect flammable vapors. a. accelerant b. sniffer c. timing device d. stopper 64. The irresistible impulse or compulsion to start a fire and experience gratification and satisfaction from it. a. fire starter syndrome b. pyrotechnic disease c. pyromania d. pyrophobia 65. It is known as the Fire Code of the Philippines. a. PD 1108 b. PD 1017 c. PD 1081 d. PD 1185 66. Any material or mixture consisting of a fuel and oxidizer used to set off explosives. a. blasting agent b. blasting cap c. gun powder c. explosive primer 67. These are description of materials or compounds that are easily set on fire except one: a. combustible b. corrosive c. flammable d. inflammable 68. Any material having a flash point at or above 37.80 degree Celsius or 100 degree Fahrenheit. a. combustible liquid b. flammable liquid c. inflammable liquid d. corrosive liquid 69. Any liquid that causes fire when in contact with organic matter. a. combustible liquid b. flammable liquid c. inflammable liquid d. corrosive liquid 70. An extremely hot luminous bridge formed by the passage of an electric current across the space between two conductors. a. electrical arc b. damper c. duct system d. ember 71. The active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light combustion. a. explosion b. arson c. combustion d. fire 72. A type of fire, of flammable liquid and gasses. a. class A b. class B c. class C d. class D 73. A mass movement in a fluid, an example a liquid or a gas where fluid at one temperature and density moves under the influence of gravity at different temperatures. a. conduction b. convection c. radiation d. combustion 74. The temperature at which a liquid is transformed or converted to vapor. a. burning point b. melting point c. freezing point d. boiling point 75. The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from a collision course or to avoid hazard. a. point of no return b. point of no escape c. start of evasive action d. final position 76. The movement of vehicles, and pedestrians in a road or highway. a. traffic b. flight c. trip d. journey 77. A method of locating a spot in the area by measurements from two or more reference points. a. traffic report b. spot report c. triangulation d. accident investigation 78. The force that tends to pull all objects to the center of the earth. a. inertia b. friction c. energy d. gravity 79. Any motor vehicle accident that results in no death, but only injuries to one or more persons. a. fatal b. chronic c. non fatal d. injurious 80. The Traffic and Land Transportation Code of the Philippines> a. RA 7160 b. RA 8551 c. RA 6425 d. RA 4136 81. An occurrence in a sequence of events, which usually produces unintended injury, death or property damage. a. traffic incidents b. traffic accidents c. traffic hazards d. traffic events 82. Any motor vehicle accident occurring on a traffic way. a. non motor vehicle traffic accident b. non motor vehicle non-traffic accident c. motor vehicle non-traffic accident d. motor vehicle traffic accident 83. An order wherein a violator is commanded to appear in court, but without detaining him. a. traffic citation b. traffic request c. traffic warrant d. traffic violation 84. The first accidental touching of an object collision course or otherwise avoid a hazard. a. primary contact b. secondary contact c. disengagement d. initial contact 85. The following are the three Es of Traffic Management and Operation except one: a. Engineering b. Education c. Enforcement d. Evaluation 86. The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
a. RA 9870 b. RA 9165 c. RA 1017 d. RA 6195 87. Drugs that produce perceptual alteration, varying emotional change, thought disruption and ego distortion. a. tranquillisers b. hallucinogens c. stimulants d. depressants 88. Drugs which produce insensibility, stupor, melancholy or dullness of the mind with delusions. a. stimulants b. narcotics c. depressants d. hallucinogens 89. The practice or profession of having sexual intercourse for money or profit. a. gynaecology b. prostitution b. pornography d. sex business 90. The scientific name of marijuana. a. cannabis sativa L b. pappaver somniferum c. deoxyribonucleic acid d. methamphetamine 91. The original components of heroin and morphine. a. codeine b. caffeine c. opium d. methamphethamine 92. An inter department agency that enforce and carry out the law against illegal drugs. a. Phil. Drug Enforcement Agency b. Bureau of Drugs c. Dangerous Drug Board d. Food and Drug Administration 93. A harmful conduct or habit, the indulgence of which leads to depravity, wickedness and corruption of the mind and body. a. vice b. abuse c. addiction d. virtue 94. The most common form of stimulant. a. heroin b. codeine c. morphine d. shabu 95. It is scientifically known as methamphethamine hydrochloride. a. heroin b. codeine c. morphine d. shabu 96. A derivative of opium which is used a cough reliever. a. codeine b. heroin c. morphine d. caffeine 97. Any part of the plant of the papaver somniferum, including the seeds. a. opium poppy b. marijuana c. caffeine d. codeine 98. Another term for drug addiction. a. drug use b. drug net c. drug pushing d. drug dependence 99. Commercially produced drugs that can be legally sold or dispensed only by a physicians order. a. illegal drugs b. prohibited drugs c. regulated drugs d. prescription drugs 100. Any chemical substance that by virtue of its chemical nature alters the structure and functioning of living organism. a. alcohol b. poison c. drug d. vice CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION ( 1. It is the authority of the President of the Philippines to suspend the execution of a penalty, reduce the sentence and extinguish criminal liability. A. Parole C. Executive clemency B. Pardon D. Presidents clemency 2. B.J.M.P. is under the administration of the: A. Executive Department C. P.N.P. B. D.I.L.G. D. none of theses 3. There are three (3) casework techniques applied by the parole officer, which one is not. A. The trick and treat techniques B. The executive techniques C. The guidance, counseling and leadership techniques D. The manipulative techniques 4. The basis of this old school of penology is the human free-will. A. Penology School C. Classical School B. Neo-classical D. Positivist 5. This helps the prisoner/detainee in the resolution of his problems A. Meeting C. Working B. Recreation D. Counseling 6. Takes charge of financial matters especially in programming, budgeting, accounting, and other activities related to financial services. It consolidates and prepares financial reports and related statements of subsistence outlays and disbursements in the operational of the jail. A. Budget and finance branch C. General services branch
B. Property and supply branch D. Mess services branch 7. Operation conducted by the BJMP wherein a prisoner maybe checked at any time. His beddings, lockers and personal belongings may also be opened at anytime, in his presence, whenever possible. This practice is known as: A. Check and balance C. S.O.P. B. Inventory D. Operation Greyhound 8. Pardon cannot be extended to one of the following instances. A. Murder C. Brigandage B. Rape D. Impeachment 9. It refers to commission of another crime during service of sentence of penalty imposed for another previous offense. A. Recidivism C. delinquency B. Quasi-recidivism D. City prisoner 10. A person who is detained for the violation of law or ordinance and has not been convicted is a A. Detention Prisoner C. Provincial Prisoner B. Municipal Prisoner D. City Prisoner 11. Forms of executive clemency, EXCEPT A. commutation C. reform model B. amnesty D. probation 12. It is that branch of the administration of Criminal Justice System charged with the responsibility for the custody, supervision, and rehabilitation of the convicted offender. A. conviction C. corrections B. penalty D. punishment 13. Pardon cannot be exercised in which of the following instances A. before conviction C. before trial B. after conviction D. before conviction and before trial 14. This is a procedure which permits a jail prisoner to pursue his normal job during the week and return to the jail to serve his sentence during the weekend or non-working hours. A. amnesty C. good conduct time allowance B. probation D. delayed sentence 15. The following are the justifications of punishment, EXCEPT A. Retribution C. deterrence B. Happiness D. expiration or atonement 16. Pardon is exercised when the person is ___________________________. A. already convicted C. not yet convicted B. about to be convicted D. serve the sentence 17. This kind of punishment will be given to the offender by showing to others what would happen to them if they have committed the heinous crime. A. Protection C. Deterrence B. Lethal injection D. Stoning 18. For a convicted offender, probation is a form of ______________________. A. Punishment C. Treatment B. Enjoyment D. Encarceration 19. For amnesty to be granted, there should be ____________________. A. Recommendation from U.N. C. Recommendation from C.H.R. B. Application D. Concurrence of the congress 20. The highest official of the bureau of corrections. A. Director C. Secretary of the DND B. Chief of Executive D. Prison Inspector 21. It plays a unique role in the moral and spiritual regeneration of man A. vocation C. work B. education D. religion 22. It is a penalty wherein a convicted person shall not be permitted to enter the place designated in the sentence or within the radius therein specified, which shall not be more than 250 and not less than 25 kilometers from the place designated. A. P 30.00/day C. P 25.00/day B. P 22.00/day D. P 19.00/day 23. Punishing a criminal to serve as example to others is a theory of ______________. A. Self-defense C. Social defense
B. Exemplary D. Equality 24. The purpose of the decree on probation shall be to A. provide an opportunity for the reformation of a penitent offender which might be less probable if he were to serve a prison sentence. B. Prevent the commission of offenses C. Promote the correction and rehabilitation of an offender by providing him with individualized treatment D. All of these 25. The most common problem of the National prison is A. Excessive number of escapes C. Overcrowding B. Disagreement about their mess D. Lack of adequate funding 26. Nobody can assume the suffering for a crime committed by others. A. Justice C. Personal B. Legal D. Certain 27. These are the factors considered in diversification, EXCEPT; A. Age of offenders C. Mother of offender B. Sex of offenders D. Medical condition 28. This branch takes charge of the preparation of the daily menu, makes foodstuff purchases, prepares and cooks the food and serves it to the inmates. It maintains a record of daily purchases and consumption and submits a daily report to the Warden. A. General Services Branch C. Mittimus Computing Branch B. Budget and Finance D. Mess services Branch 29. Under Article VII, Section 10 paragraph (B) of the Philippines Constitution, pardoning power is vested with the A. Department of Justice C. Judiciary B. Chief Executive D. Legislative 30. It is a temporary stay of execution of sentence. A. reprieve C. pardon B. communication D. amnesty 31. Parole is not matter of _____________________. A. privilege C. right B. grace D. requirement 32. This group consists of chronic troublemakers but not as dangerous as the super security prisoners. They are not allowed to work outside the institution. A. maximum security prisoners C. super security prisoners B. minimum security prisoners D. medium security prisoners 33. Parole is granted by the A. President C. Board of Pardons and Parole B. Director of Prison D. Court 34. A recipient of absolute pardon is ________ from civil liability imposed upon him by the sentence. A. partially exempted C. exempted B. conditionally exempted D. not exempted 35. It is an act of clemency which changes a heavier sentence to a less serious one or a longer term to a shorter term. A. Amnesty C. commutation B. Reprieve D. none of these 36. ____________ is an act of grace and the recipient is not entitled to it as a matter of right. A. pardon C. parole B. probation D. none of these 37. In probation systems philosophy and concept, it is stated that the individual has the ability to _________ and to modify his antisocial behavior with the right kind of help. A. challenge C. none of these B. change D. aggravate his behavior 38. The Bureau of Corrections is under the _________________. A. Department of Social Welfare and Development B. Department of Justice C. Department of the Interior and Local Government D. Department of Health 39. A person who is sentenced to serve a prison term of over three (3) years is a _________________. A. Municipal prisoner B. Detention prisoner
C. National or Insular prisoner D. City prisoner 40. The Head of Bureau of Corrections is known as A. Chief of the Bureau of Corrections B. Director of the Bureau of Corrections C. Superintendent of the Bureau of Corrections D. None of these 41. What are the type of Jails under the Supervision of the BJMP? A. Provincial and sub-Provincial Jails B. City and Municipal Jails C. District Jails D. Insular Jails 42. Provincial Jails were first established in 1910 under the American Regime. At present, who supervises and controls the said jails? A. BJMP C. Provincial Government B. DOJ D. LGU 43. What is the primary purpose of imprisonment? A. Rehabilitation and Reformation C. to stand trial B. Punishment D. socialization 44. A place of confinement for persons awaiting trial or curt action and where the convicted offenders serve short sentences or penalty of imprisonment is known as: A. Jail C. Lock-up B. Penitentiary D. Detention Cells 45. A warrant issued by the court bearing its seal and signature of the judge directing the jail or prison authorities to receive the convicted offender for service of sentence or detention is known as A. Mittimus C. Detention Mittimus B. Sentence Mittimus D. Detention Warrant 46. The maintenance of care and protection accorded to people who by authority of law are temporarily incarcerated for violation of laws and also those who were sentenced by the court to serve judgment is called A. custody C. safe-keeping B. classification D. caring E. protection 47. Which of these refers to the assigning or grouping of offenders according to their sentence, gender, age, nationality, health, criminal record, etc.? A. classification C. custody B. security D. safe-keeping 48. The open institution usually a penal farm or camp is known as the A. NBP C. Medium Security Institution B. Maximum Security Institution D. Minimum Security Institution 49. What is the act of grace from a sovereign power inherent in the state which exempts an individual from the punishment which the law imposes or prescribes for his crime, extended by the President thru the recommendation of the Board of Parole and Pardon? A. Amnesty C. Parole B. Pardon D. Probation 50. Under the prison service manual, the prescribed color of prison uniform for maximum security prison is A. Orange C. Yellow E. Stripe Orange B. Blue D. Pink 51. When an inmate is given a shakedown before admission it meant A. Process of identification, record, fingerprint and photograph B. Examination for contraband C. His commitment paper are delivered to record clerk D. All of these 52. An inmate maybe granted parole if he A. earned good conduct time allowance credit B. serve minimum sentence C. earned good behavior while serving prison term D. all of these 53. Aside from protecting the public, imprisonment has for its latest objective, the A. reformation of offenders C. Deterrence B. segregation of offender D. Confinement of Offenders
54. In the New Bilibid Prison, the medium security prisoners are confined at A. NBP Main Prison C. Camp Bukang Liwayway B. Camp Sampaguita D. Medium Security Prison 55. Who is charged for the hearing of disciplinary cased in prison? A. Classification Board C. Parole Board B. Administrative Board D. Disciplinary Board 56. The form of conditional release that is granted after a prisoner has served a portion of his sentence in a correctional A. Conditional pardon C. Probation B. Parole D. Commutation 57. Which of the following is the function of the Custodial Division? A. Supervision of prisoners C. escort B. Keep records D. all of the above 58. The putting of offenders in prison for the purpose of protecting the public and at the same time rehabilitating them by requiring the latter to undergo institutional treatment program is referred to as: A. imprisonment C. trial B. conviction D. detention 59. The Sablayan Penal Colony and Farm, a National Penitentiary in the Philippines under the BUCOR is located in _________________. A. Palawan C. Zamboanga B. Davao D. Occidental Mindoro 60. In Babylon, about 1990 BC, credited as the oldest code prescribing savage Punishment but in fact ____ is older. A. Hammurabic Code C. Sumerian Code B. Justinian Code D. Code of Draco 61. The penalty imposed for offenders must be certain. This means that: A. The guilty one must be the one to be punished, no proxy. B. No one must escape its effect C. It must be equal for all persons D. The consequence must be in accordance with law. 62. The following are the duties of the custodial force in prison, except: A. Censor offenders inmate B. Escort inmates C. Inspect security devices D. Conduct disciplinary hearing 63. When a jailbreak, escape or riot is in progress or has just been perpetuated in the jail, the officer at the control centers shall immediately: A. Sound the alarm C. locked prisoners in their respective cells B. Notify the nearest police precinct D. call the warden or the director 64. In case of mass jailbreak, all members of the custodial force shall be immediately issued firearms and assigned to critical posts to: A. plug off the escape routes C. to shoot the escape B. protect the other inmates D. to give warning shots 65. Which of these is known as the Adult Probation Law, which grants probation to prisoner sentenced to term in prison of not more than six (6) years A. PD 603 C. RA 6127 E. PD 968 B. PD 869 D. PD 698 66. The continuing relationship between probation officer and probationer is known as A. Affiliation Guidance C. Pre-sentenced Investigation B. Supervision D. Probation Guidance 67. Those who have been once on probation under the Probation Law: A. are qualified to apply for probation B. are disqualified to apply for probation C. may be granted for another probation D. should be confined in prison 68. This pillar/component of our criminal justice system is responsible in the confinement, rehabilitation and reformation of convicted offenders. A. law enforcement C. prosecution B. court D. corrections
69. The traditional and most basic goal of corrections. A. retribution C. deterrence B. incapacitation D. rehabilitation 70. The attempt to prevent future crimes through fear of punishment. A. retribution C. deterrence B. incapacitation D. rehabilitation 71. The task of changing an offenders attitude so that he or she may not commit another crime in the future. A. retribution C. deterrence B. incapacitation D. rehabilitation 72. This refers to the phased reentry of an offender into society rather than the usual abrupt reentry at the end of a prison sentence. A. reintegration C. deterrence B. incapacitation D. rehabilitation 73. They were known as Bridewells, which started in 1553 and served as training schools for delinquent youths, provided housing and support for older and poorer persons, and detained vagrants. A. House of Corrections C. workhouses B common jails D. penal colonies 74. It direct, supervise and control the administration and operation of all district, city and municipal jails to implement a better system of jail management nationwide A. Bureau of Prisons C. Department of Justice B. Bureau of Corrections D. Parole and Probation Administration 75. It exercise supervision and control over provincial jails. A, BJMP B. Bureau of Corrections B. Provincial Government D. Parole and Probation Administration 76. An agency under the Department of Justice that is charged with custody and rehabilitation of national offenders, that is, those sentenced to serve a term of imprisonment of more than three (3) years A. BJMP C. Bureau of Corrections B. Provincial Government D. Parole and Probation Administration 77. The New Bilibid Prison,The Correctional Institution for Women (CIW),Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm, and Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm are all under this agency. A. BJMP C. Bureau of Corrections B. Provincial Government D. Parole and Probation Administration 78. An attached agency of the Department of Justice which provides a less costly alternative to imprisonment of offenders who are likely to respond to individualized community based treatment programs. A. BJMP C. Bureau of Corrections B. Provincial Government D. Parole and Probation Administration 79. Prisoners whose sentences are more than three years to death penalty. A. municipal prisoners C. provincial prisoners B. city prisoners D. insular prisoners 80. Prisoners whose sentences are from one day to six months. A. municipal prisoners C. provincial prisoners B. city prisoners D. insular prisoners 81. A prison model which sought penitence ( hence the term penitentiaries) through total individual isolation and silence. A. Pennsylvania Prison Model C. Auburn Prison Model B. Work Release D. Halfway Houses 82. Incarcerated persons are allowed to work outside the institution that houses them. A. Pennsylvania Prison Model C. Auburn Prison Model B. Work Release D. Halfway Houses 83. An alternative granted after a convicted person served a part of his sentence and is allowed to complete a sentence at large, subject to restrictions and supervision. A. probation C. work release B. parole D. halfway houses 84. An alternative to incarceration and allows convicted persons to remain at large under varying degrees of restriction and supervision and certain conditions. A. probation C. work release B. parole D. halfway houses 85. A correctional institution that has the authority to detain persons awaiting trial or adjudication or confine convicted offenders for a short period of time.
A. halfway house C. penal colony B. jail D. farm 86. A correctional institution that has the authority to detain convicted offenders for a longer or extended period of time, including those who are waiting their death sentence. A. halfway house C. halfway house B. jail D. prison 87. The law creating the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP). A. RA 8551 C. RA 9165 B. RA 6975 D. BP 22 88. Who among the following is the provincial prisoner? A. A prisoner serving a term below six (6) years B. A prisoner serving a term of six (6) years and up C. A prisoner serving a term of six (6) months and one (1) day to three (3) years D. A prisoner serving a term of three (3) years and one (1) day up 89. This theory in criminology states that are totally responsible for their behaviors and the stress in more on the effect of their felonious act than upon the criminal himself. A. Positivist Theory C. Biological Theory B. Biological Theory D. Classical Theory 90. Which of the following is exercised by executive elementary with the concurrence of congress? A. Probation C. Pardon B. Amnesty D. Parole 91. The Parole and Probation Administration administers a ________corrections program. A. Institutional C. Integrated B. Community based D. Traditional 92. A minimum and maximum amount of time to be served in prison is referred to us _______ A. A corporal punishment C. A determinate sentence B. An indeterminate sentence D. A capital punishment 93. Juana was required to provide financial remuneration for the losses incurred by the victim. What is the type of sentence? A. Payment C. Retribution B. Restitution D. Fines 94. An ________ program employs prisoners in various product or good producing tasks A. Agricultural C. Operational B. Industrial D. Administrative 95. What crimes apparently have no complaining victims such as gambling, prostitution and drunkenness? A. Complex Crime C. Organized crimes B. Blue Collar crimes D. Victimless crimes 96. Which agency performs the evaluation of prisoners fitness and qualifications for the grant of pardon or parole? A. Punishment, confinement retribution, treatment B. Retribution, Deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation C. Deterrence, retribution, punishment treatment D. Deterrence, punishment, incapacitation, treatment 97. Which of the following should be a probationer NOT DO? A. Make periodic report B. Go and play in the gambling den C. Work regularly to support family D. Stay away from bad associates. 98. The Supreme Court automatically reviews the cases of criminals convicted and meted out the penalty of A. 12 years 6 months and one day C. Death B. Life imprisonment D. 6 years one month and one day 99. The ________ theory in crime causation focuses on the criminal disorders, chromosomes irregularity and abnormal brain activity. A. Age Reform C. Age of Discernment B. Age of Rehabilitation D. Age of Reason
100. What correctional institution houses accused persons awaiting trial? A. Rehabilitation center C. Jail B. Halfway house D. Prison