Alternative Work Arrangement Eped
Alternative Work Arrangement Eped
Alternative Work Arrangement Eped
In compliance with the DepEd Order No. 011, s. 2020, the (DIVISION/OFFICE) is hereby submitting the workweek plan
for the period: APRIL, 2021.
Name of Personnel/ Pre- Alternative Work Arrangement*, Target Deliverables for the Signature
Position existin Time and Period Week
g Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
NEIL C. TUMBLOD None Skeleton WFH Skeleton WFH Skeleton WF 1. Make necessary
Head Teacher- III WF WF reports/ documents.
8AM-3PM 8AM- 8AM-3PM 8AM-5PM 8AM-3PM 2. Facilitate in the
checking of forms of
teachers in all grade
level at Anas
Elementary School.
3. Participate in
4. Process the papers and
necessary documents
needed for fidelity
bond and transact at
the Land Bank of The
5. Participate in Webinars.
RENEE C. YGOT None Skeleton Skeleton Skeleton WFH WFH 1. Distribute module, Quarter 3
Teacher - III WF WF WF 2. Checking of retrieved
7:30AM- 7:30AM- 5PM modules and Answer Sheet
7:30AM- 7:30AM- 7:30AM- 5PM 3. Check classroom
surroundings and loan
4. Perform work related tasks.
5. Answer concerns of parents
via phone and virtual
6. Print modules during WFH
ANILYN A. TULDA None Skeleton WFH WFH Skeleton Skeleton WF 7. Distribute module, Quarter 3
Teacher- I WF 7:30AM- 7:30AM- WF 7:30AM -5PM 8. Checking of retrieved modules
7:30AM- 5PM 5PM 7:30AM- and Answer Sheet
5PM 5PM 9. Check classroom surroundings
and loan assignments.
10. Perform work related tasks.
11. Answer concerns of parents via
phone and virtual
- Perform work and tasks as
School Feeding Coordinator
Print modules during WFH schedule.
JERICO T. BORROMEO None Skeleton WFH WFH Skeleton Skeleton WF 12. Distribute module, Quarter 3
Teacher- I WF 7:30AM- 7:30AM- WF 7:30AM -5PM 13. Checking of retrieved modules
7:30AM- 5PM 5PM 7:30AM- and Answer Sheet
5PM 5PM 14. Check classroom surroundings
and loan assignments.
15. Perform work related tasks.
16. Answer concerns of parents via
phone and virtual
Print modules during WFH schedule.
- Perform work/ tasks as School
Planning Coordinator
BERNIE G. DEHITTA None Skeleton WFH WFH Skeleton Skeleton WF 17. Distribute module, Quarter 3
Teacher- II WF 7:30AM- 7:30AM- WF 7:30AM -5PM 18. Checking of retrieved modules
7:30AM- 5PM 5PM 7:30AM- and Answer Sheet
5PM 5PM 19. Check classroom surroundings
and loan assignments.
20. Perform work related tasks.
21. Answer concerns of parents via
phone and virtual
Print modules during WFH schedule.
- Perform tasks as School Disaster Risk
Reduction Management
JEAN ROSE L. None Skeleton Skeleton Skeleton WFH WFH 22. Distribute module, Quarter 3
TORRECAMPO WF WF WF 23. Checking of retrieved modules
Teacher- III 7:30AM- 7:30AM- 5PM and Answer Sheet
7:30AM- 7:30AM- 7:30AM- 5PM 24. Check classroom surroundings
5PM 5PM 5PM and loan assignments.
25. Perform work related tasks.
26. Answer concerns of parents via
phone and virtual
Print modules during WFH schedule.
JURES ANNE R. Skeleton Skeleton Skeleton WFH WFH 27. Distribute module, Quarter 3
VALLADORES WF WF WF 28. Checking of retrieved modules
Teacher- I 7:30AM- 7:30AM- 5PM and Answer Sheet
7:30AM- 7:30AM- 7:30AM- 5PM 29. Check classroom surroundings
5PM 5PM 5PM and loan assignments.
30. Perform work related tasks.
31. Answer concerns of parents via
phone and virtual
Print modules during WFH schedule.
RONNIE V. VALLADORES JR Skeleton Skeleton Skeleton WFH WFH 32. Distribute module, Quarter 3
Teacher- IIII WF WF WF 33. Checking of retrieved modules
7:30AM- 7:30AM- 5PM and Answer Sheet
7:30AM- 7:30AM- 7:30AM- 5PM 34. Check classroom surroundings
5PM 5PM 5PM and loan assignments.
35. Perform work related tasks.
36. Answer concerns of parents via
phone and virtual
Print modules during WFH schedule.
- Perform task as School Sports
EFREN F. GALVAN JR Skeleton Skeleton Skeleton WFH WFH 37. Distribute module, Quarter 3
Teacher- IIII WF WF WF 38. Checking of retrieved modules
7:30AM- 7:30AM- 5PM and Answer Sheet
7:30AM- 7:30AM- 7:30AM- 5PM 39. Check classroom surroundings
5PM 5PM 5PM and loan assignments.
40. Perform work related tasks.
41. Answer concerns of parents via
phone and virtual
Print modules during WFH
- Perform Task as School
Property Custodian
JASMIN D. ROJAS Skeleton WFH WFH Skeleton Skeleton WF 42. Distribute module, Quarter 3
Teacher- IIII WF 7:30AM- 7:30AM- WF 7:30AM -5PM 43. Checking of retrieved modules
7:30AM- 5PM 5PM 7:30AM- and Answer Sheet
5PM 5PM 44. Check classroom surroundings
and loan assignments.
45. Perform work related tasks.
46. Answer concerns of parents via
phone and virtual
47. Print modules during WFH
48. Perform task as a School Book
AMELOU P. None Skeleton WFH WFH Skeleton Skeleton WF 49. Do perform the task as a School
SUPLITO WF 7:30AM- 7:30AM- WF 7:30AM -5PM Clerk during Skeleton WF
School Clerk 7:30AM- 5PM 5PM 7:30AM- Schedule.
RANDY SUPLITO None Skeleton WFH WFH Skeleton Skeleton WF 50. Do perform the task as a School
School Utility WF 7:30AM- 7:30AM- WF 7:30AM -5PM Utility during Skeleton WF
7:30AM- 5PM 5PM 7:30AM- Schedule.
5PM 5PM 51. Maintain School’s cleanliness and
neat surroundings.
BOBBY CABUG None Skeleton WFH WFH Skeleton Skeleton WF 52. Do perform the task as a School
School Utility WF 7:30AM- 7:30AM- WF 7:30AM -5PM Watchman during Skeleton WF
7:30AM- 5PM 5PM 7:30AM- Schedule.
5PM 5PM 53. Maintain School’s cleanliness and
neat surroundings.
In consideration of the situation of the following personnel who will not be able to perform and submit their Individual
Workweek Accomplishment Report for reasons as stated, the undersigned request the payment of their salaries and
benefits for the period of (Month-Date, 2020).
Name of Position Pre-existing Health Authorized Justifiable Reason/s Not to be Able to Signature
Personnel Condition and/or Official or Perform Tasks at Home
disease (if Personnel to
applicable) serve as
Recommending Approval:
Schools Division Superintendent
Masbate City Division