0 – 21 3000 45 P 4000
22 – 49 2500 Q 8 3500
(i) Calculate each of the numbers represented by the letters P, Q and R. [3]
7 In this question calculate all death rates per thousand, and to 2 decimal places.
The first table below gives certain information about the population and deaths in town A for the
year 2004, together with the standard population of the area in which town A is situated.
0 – 19 16 3500 25
20 – 39 x 6000 30
40 – 59 38 5000 25
(i) The death rate for the 20 – 39 age group is 2.50 per thousand. Show that x = 15. [1]
(iii) Calculate the death rates for the other three age groups. [2]
(iv) Using the given rate for the 20 – 39 age group, and the rates you have calculated in (iii),
calculate the standardised death rate for town A. [4]
6 The table below gives, by category of employment in the year 2007, the number of employees,
and the number of accidents they suffered, at a particular factory. It also shows the standard
population for the whole industry of which the factory is part.
Technical 9 75 17
Skilled 18 230 41
Unskilled 25 115 38
(i) Calculate the crude accident rate per thousand for the factory.
(ii) Showing your full working for at least one of the categories, calculate the standardised
accident rate per thousand for the factory.
(iii) Explain briefly why the answers you have obtained to (i) and (ii) are not equal.
9 (a) For summarising its census data, a country divides its population into three age groups, 0
to 10 years, 11 to 30 years, and 31 years and older. The marriage rates for the three groups
at the last census were mistakenly published in the wrong order as 12 per thousand, 5 per
thousand and 0 per thousand.
(b) The table below gives information about two neighbouring towns, A and B, together with the
standard population for the area in which the towns are situated.
Town A
Standard Town B
Age group Number of Death rate
population Population population
deaths (per thousand)
00 – 24 3500 3000 45 P 2500
25 – 49 3000 2500 Q 8 1500
50 and over 2500 R 30 20 3000
P = ......................................................
Q = ......................................................
R = ..................................................[3]
7 In this question the fertility rate of a population is defined as the number of births per
The table below gives information about the female population and age group fertility rates in
a particular city for the year 2012, together with the standard population of the area in which
the city is situated.
(i) Calculate, to 1 decimal place, the standardised fertility rate for the city.
................................................... [4]
(ii) Calculate the number of births for each age group and insert the values in the table
(iii) Calculate, to 1 decimal place, the crude fertility rate for the city. For
................................................... [4]
There are equal numbers of males and females in the city and in the standard population.
The standardised and crude death rates for the city in 2012 were 8.5 and 7.8 per thousand
of the population respectively.
(iv) Using one of these values, and any other appropriate values from parts (i), (ii) and (iii),
find the increase in the population of the city in 2012 due to births and deaths.
................................................... [5]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
For Town B the crude death rate is 14.0 per thousand, and the standardised death rate is 12.5
per thousand. One of these rates is larger than the corresponding rate for Town A, but the
other is smaller.
(iv) State, with a reason, which rate should be used to compare the chances of survival in
the two towns, and which town gives the better chance.
(v) State what causes the other rate to lead to an incorrect conclusion in this case.
The table below gives information about town B, another town in the same area, for the year 2004.
The crude death rate for town B in 2004 was 6.84 per thousand.
0 – 19 3 32
20 – 39 2 28
40 – 59 4 24
60 and over 27 16
(v) Calculate the standardised death rate for town B in the year 2004, using the same standard
population as for town A. [2]
One of the two towns has a higher crude death rate, but the other has a higher standardised death
(vi) Give a brief explanation of why such a situation can occur. [1]
(vii) State, with a reason, which of the two towns would appear to have a healthier environment.