Operation Overlord .
Know Your Panzers
Know Your Infantry
D-Day: Waffen-SS Force ..
101" SS Heavy Tank Battalion .
Obersturmftihrer Michael Wittman
102" SS Heavy Tank Battalion
Tiger SS Tank Company
Tiger $8 Tank Pltoo
24 ‘Das Reich’ SS Panzer Di
Oberscharfihrer Ernst Barkmann ..
Panther $8 Tank Company
Panzer IV S$ Tank Company
SeuG 8S Tank Company
The Normandy Campaign .
12" ‘Hitler Jugend’ SS Panzer Division .
ced $§ Panzergrenadier Company
Armoured 85 Panacrgrenadier Company HQ
88 Panzergrenadier Pi
sMG42 §§ Machine-gun Plat
:lfcan SS Morear Section
7.5m $$ Gun Platoon
26" SS Panzergrena:
(ee) SE
D-Day: Waffen-SS
dean S$ Mort Pl 6
Sein S$ Gun Plato 6
fm S$ Gun Platoon >
Sein SS Tank hunter Platoon ‘
Sean S$ Tank-hunter Plato i
1° ‘Leibstandarte $s Adolf Hitler’ SS Panzer Division .., 48
9° ‘Hohenstaufen’ SS Panzer Division
10% 'Frundsberg’ SS Panzer Division .
12S Armoured Reconnaissance Battalion ..... 50
$8 Reconnaissance Company 31
8 Reconnaissance Patoo 33
Sd Kf 250 Hall-wae 33
Reconnaissance Som SS Mortar Section 54
Reconnalssance 75cm $$ Gun Pl 54
Sd Kfe 221 & 222 $8 Scout Tr 54
Sd Kf: 231 $5 Scout Troop Bs
Sal Kfz 250 8S Scout Troop 53
ringSS Scott oop 55
Support Units ......20ce0eesee0e
Jagdpaner IV 88 Tankchuner Platoon 56
8.8m Tank-hunter Platoon
Sd Kfe 250 OP SS Observation Post
Panzer III OP S$ Observation Post
Weope $5 Arillry Bat
Hammel $$ Aeillery Battery
10.Sem SS Artillery Batter
Sem S$ Nebelwerfer Ba
Sid Kf 10/4 SS Light AA Pla 6
Sd Kfe 7/1 SS Quad AA Pa 60
em S$ Light AA Pl or
Bem SS Heavy AA Platoon 61
D-Day: Waffen-SS Example Force
.9 Waffen-SS
9 Guide
D-Day Battles
French Countryside 66
D-Day Battle 6s
Encirclement 6
Gauntlet 70,
Int the Unknown 1
Catalogue........++Hitler's Waffen-SS was to be a new military force made up
ff true revolutionaries, loyal to the ideals of the Nazi Party
Free from the outdated conservatism of the army's leader
ship, they were to lead Germany in the creation of the Third
German Empire thac would last, lke the Roman Empire, for
4 thousand years. Their standards were high, only the best
Woluntcers were accepted into this elite force, led by com
mitted Nazis who had fought alongside Hitler from their
beginning in the stret brawls against the Communists
The fire three Waffen-SS formations fought with the German
Army in the invasion of Fran
na year later to
{conquer Greece. All three divisions took part in the invasion
‘of the Soviet Union. They fought in nearly every major battle
$n Russia and Ukraine, only missing Stalingrad because they
‘were rebuilding as panzer divisions in Western Europe after
The first employment of massed SS armoured divisions in an
SS panzer corps took place in July 1943 on the southern front
‘of the Buttle of Kursk. Despite the SS reaching Prokhorovka,
Soviet defences, the German
the deepest penesration inc
loffensive was defeated and the Red Atmy went on the offen
sive, The defeat at Kursk and the constant defensive bates
fof late 1943 and carly 1944 once again bled che SS panzer
divisions white. When the Red Army paused waiting for the
Spring mud to dry so they could launch their next big offen
2685 Panzer Divisions were sent to France
{0 rebuild once more
Crack! Crack! The report and muzzle flash of guns could be seen on the road. The two lead Panthers were firing
round after round from their guns. They cleared the road with their fire and roared into the village at top speed.
That was the way we had fought in the East, but would these surprise tactics achieve the same for us in Normandy?
—oberfrer Kurt Meyer commander, 12° Miler Youth’ Ss Panzer Division
four new SS divisions: the 9
12® $8 Panzer Divisions and the 1
Division. Hitler, proud of his personal army, had ondered
these divisions formed from new rectuits and cadres from his
cteran SS divisions in early 1943, but it had taken neatly a
for them to be equipped and ready for comba
The 12
$8 Panzer Division was best prepared and closest
ounterattacking two days after D-Day, joining
‘wo army panzer divisions in an attempt to throw the British
landings back into the sea. As the campaign continued, the
other five of these SS divisions and three more army panzer
divisions arrived in Normandy, planning to launch the
decisive blow and end the campaign, but instead were drawn
into local counterattacks to hold the line
The $S panzer divisions wereall-arms forces, with an armoured
foup of tanks and armoured infantry mounted in half
tracks, infantry groups fighting on foot, and a reconnaissance
{group of armoured cars and panzergrenadiers in light half
tracks that was often used as the divisi These
clite troops stopped attack after atack, ith fanatical
ainst great odds.
Supporting them were the SS heavy Tiger tank battalions.
Dreaded by every Allied
powerful tanks in existence. Wherever they
riket, Tiger tanks were among the
The Allies had
fought, the Allied advance ground to a hale
at their disposal, immense masses of men and
material. Stopping their invasion would noc be easy. Onl
the soldiers of the Waffen-SS were eruly committed to victory
with the will to eriumph overall obstacles!is SE ee ate
The following special rules are characteristic of D-Day: Waffen-SS forces,
reflecting their own style of equipment, tactics, and approach to battle.
An Old Hand Formation Commander gives Units from Weapons with a ROF of saivo’ are Antillery weapons and fre
25cm square Salvo:
their Formation whose Unit Leader is within 6°/15em of the Artillery Bombardments, but use a 10
Formation Commander a Tactics rating of 3+ Template rather than the normal 6°/15em Artillery Template,
A Salvo Template may not be placed within 6°/15em of a
may attempt a second Movement Order after suc
ee cpacin Ds |
This Team has Assault 44 and Counterattack 3+ with one
Passenger and Assault 3+ and Counterattack 3+ with (0 OF
A‘Tank Team with Bazooka Skicts increases its Side armour to
5 against weapons with Firepower 5+ oF 6
against weapon P
Flame tanks cannot Charge Into Contact and have an Assault
rating of 5+
Infantry, Gun, and Unarmoured Tank Teams re-roll suc
cessful Saves when hit by a Flame-thrower and the Unit is
automatically Pinned Down, Armoured Tank Teams use their
Top armour for Armour Saves when hit by a Flame-thrower. PANZERFAUST — LIMITED 1
ofits Teams may shoot a8
while Each time this Unit shoots
Unit that is Hie by a Flame-thrower is Pinned Down, this Panzerfaust rather chan is usual weapons
in Defensive Fie, Ho
does not automatically stop the assault. The defender still Each time this Unit rolls To Hit in an assault, one of is Team
needs to score five (or eight) hits as normal to stop the assault nay attack with a Panzerfaust rather than its usual weapon
G2. oe The Unit Leader ofthe Transport Attachment must endl
Step within 6°/15em of the Unit Leder of iy
A Teams Armour rating is not increased by +1 if ic is more Transport Attachment must be Sent co the Reat
Unie while on rable, Ifit cannot do chis, chen t
than 16°/40em away when hit by HEAT weapons.In the early morning darkness of 6 June 1944, the largest
armada of ships the world has ever seen heaves to off the
Normandy coastline, Aboard, thousands of Allied soldiers
‘wait in readiness for theie date with destiny. Months of plan-
em. On this
day they will undertake the greatest amphibious assault in
liberation of Europe from the jackboot of Nazi domination.
D-Day is finally her
In November 1943, following months of negotiations,
the British and American Governments finally agreed to
full-sale invasion of German-occupied France—Operation
May 1
December, US General Dwight D Eisenhower was appoin
Overlord—provisionally scheduled for 4. In
ed Supreme Commander of Supreme Headquarters Allied
SHAEF) charged wit
Expeditionary Force plannin
my ¢ consisted of the US First
ral Omar Bradley and the British Second
Army under Lieutenant-General Sir Miles Dempsey: ‘The vast
forces involved meant that nor all could be landed at once, 30
spearheads would have to land on the invasion beaches and
push inland clearing the way for others o follow,
The Allies chose Normandy for the landings, eather than the
shortest route across the English Channel from Dover to the
Pas de Calais. Hirler himself suspected thae Normandy would
be the site of any invasion but, unusually, allowed himself
0 be persuaded otherwise by his generals. To reinforce this
inched a-major deception plan,
double agents, fake signal trans-
red on creating the illusion of a First US
Army Group, FUSAG, supposedly comprising 30 divisions
conviction, the Allies |
Operation Fortitude, usi
missions, news stories, broadcasts and dummy
The deception «
in south-east England under the command of
General George § Patton. The Germans were complete
Hitler reused to allow reinforcements to be transferred from
he Pas de Calais region, believing thac the landings were
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