Ips C Pi 240
Ips C Pi 240
Ips C Pi 240
1. SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 3
7. FABRICATION ......................................................................................................................... 5
7.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 5
7.2 Dimensional Tolerances.................................................................................................. 6
10. PAINTING............................................................................................................................. 17
10.1 Surface Preparation ..................................................................................................... 17
10.2 Color Code.................................................................................................................... 17
All shop or field fabrication, assembly and installation of process and utility piping system in oil, gas and petrochemical
plants shall be performed according to relevant sections of ASME/ANSI B 31.1 and B 31.3 as applicable. Additional
requirements are specified in this Standard. In case of conflict between this Standard and above-mentioned
ANSI/ASME standards, the requirements of this Standard shall govern.
Throughout this Standard the following standards and codes are referred to. The editions of these standards and codes
that are in effect at the time of publication of this Standard shall to the extent specified herein, form a part of this Stan-
dard. The applicability of changes in standards and codes that occur after the date of this Standard shall be mutually
agreed upon by the Company and the Vendor.
IPS-E-TP-100 "Paints"
IPS-C-IN-100/2 "Instrument Installation Procedure"
IPS-C-TP-101 "Surface Preparation"
IPS-C-TP-102 "Painting"
IPS-D-PI-126 "Steam Tracing Details"
IPS-E-PI-240 "Plant Piping Systems"
IPS-C-TP-274 "Coating"
IPS-G-PI-280 "Pipe Supports"
IPS-C-PI-290 "Welding of Plant Piping System"
IPS-C-PI-350 "Plant Piping System Pressure Testing"
IPS-C-PI-410 "Inside Pipe Cleaning"
IPS-C-TP-701 "Thermal Insulating"
For the purpose of this Standard, the following definitions and terminology shall hold:
3.1 Engineer
The Engineer referred to in this Standard is a person or a body appointed in writing by the Company.
3.2 Executor
Executor is the party which carries out all or part of construction and/or commissioning for the project.
3.3 Inspector
The Inspector referred to in this Standard is a person/persons or a body appointed in writing by the Engineer for the
inspection of pipework fabrication and installation.
This Standard is based on International System of Units (SI), except where otherwise specified.
6.1 Documentations
All documents cited hereunder shall be submitted to the Engineer for his review and/or approval.
6.1.1 Documentations to be prepared before commencement of pipework. The documents shall include but not limited
to the following:
The quality plan shall include details and the sequence of all examinations that will be performed for control of the
executor’s work. The names of the individuals responsible for the implementation of all quality assurance and quality
control functions shall also be included.
The Executor shall establish and maintain documented procedures for identification, collection, indexing, access filing,
storage, maintenance and disposition of the quality record. Procedures
a) welding procedure qualification record and welder performance qualification record as per IPS-C-PI-290;
b) work program.
a) As built drawings,
b) certificate of Compliance with Job Specification.
6.2 On completion of pipework all documents mentioned under 6.1 of this Standard shall be submitted to the Engineer
in numbers Specified in Contract.
6.3 All pipework shall be identified by indelible marking, free from sulphur, chloride and other halogens. When spools
will be subject to post-weld heat treatment a suitable titanium oxide pigmented heat resisting paint shall be used.
All applied marking shall have a life of at least one year under site condition.
The marking applied shall identify the material and the fabricator and include an item number enabling the spool to be
traced to the relevant isometric drawing.
7.1 General
7.1.1 All materials included in the finished piping systems shall be undamaged & fully in accordance with the piping
material indicated on Isometric/Piping Plan Drawing. Substitutions including heavier or thicker materials are not per-
mitted without written approval of the Engineer.
7.1.2 All weld numbers and welder’s identification number shall be painted close to the weld, to enable traceability of
each weld and each welder.
7.1.3 To allow easy and quick reference during handling and storage, the Executor shall maintain the color coding on
7.1.4 The Executor shall provide identification marks on leftover pipe length whenever marked up pipe lengths have
been fabricated/erected.
7.1.5 All protective coverings of piping for shipment and shipping containers shall be of sturdy construction to with-
stand normal shipping abuse.
7.1.6 Piping shall be stored in a relatively clean, dry or well drained area on elevated dunnage and protected against
contact with salts or salty water.
7.1.7 On all lines DN 80 (NPS 3) and over, pipe clamps shall be used to maintain alignment when welding pipes to-
gether, both in executor’s pipe fabrication shop and, on site of overground piping.
7.1.8 All piping shall be fabricated in strict accordance with isometric spool drawings. If spool drawings are not fur-
nished, piping shall be fabricated to the dimensions shown on the piping arrangement drawings.
7.1.9 All "FW" located by dimension shall be held to dimensions noted. Additional field welds, other than those indi-
cated on the spool drawings, which may be required to suit handling may be added by the Executor.
7.1.10 The Executor shall be responsible for working to the dimensions shown on the drawings. However, executor
shall bear in mind that there may be variations between the dimensions shown in the drawings & those actually occur-
ring at site due to minor variations in the location of equipment, inserts etc. The executor shall take care of these vari-
Isometric, if supplied, may have the field welds marked on them. However, it is the responsibility of the Executor to
provide adequate number of "FW".
Wherever errors/omissions occur in the drawings and bills of material, it shall be the Executor’s responsibility to notify
the Engineer prior to fabrication or erection.
The tolerances listed in the following paragraphs are permissible maximums. These tolerances pertain to all piping in-
cluding alloy.
7.2.1 General dimensions such as face to face, face or end to end, face or end to center and center to center shall be ±3
mm (see Fig. 1 Item A). Tolerances shall not be cumulative.
7.2.2 Flange Bolt Holes shall straddle to vertical, horizontal or North-South centerline unless otherwise noted. Rotation
of flange bolt holes shall not exceed 1.5 mm measured across the flange face parallel to a centerline and between the
holes nearest to it. (see Fig. 1 Item D).
7.2.3 Inclination of flange face from true, in any direction shall be 4 mm per meter. (see Fig. 1 Item E).
7.2.4 Displacement of branch connection from indicated location shall be ±1.5 mm. (see Fig. 1 Item C).
7.2.5, The difference between maximum and minimum diameter at any cross section of bends performed by the execu-
tor shall not be more than 8% of diameter (for internal pressure) and more than 3% of diameter (for external pressure);
see Fig. 1, Item B in this respect.
7.3.1 Longitudinal seams in adjoining lengths of welded pipe shall be staggered over a distance of at least 5 times the
wall thickness of pipe measured over the circumference of the pipe or by approximately 30 degree off-set, so that they
do not form a continuous line at a butt welding joint.
Longitudinal welds shall be located at the top, 90 degree of the pipe spool and shall also clear branch connections and
other welded attachments.
7.3.2 The toes of adjacent circumferential butt welds shall be no closer than four times the nominal thickness of the
pipe, in the case of DN 300 (NPS 12) and below, with a minimum acceptable separation of 50 mm. For nominal diame-
ter greater than DN 300 (NPS 12) the minimum acceptable separation shall be 100 mm.
7.4 Welding
7.4.1 End preparation, alignment and fit-up of pipe pieces to be welded, preheating, welding, post heating, inspection
and post weldheat treatment shall conform to this Standard and IPS-C-PI-290. "Welding of Plant Piping Systems".
7.4.2 Austenitic stainless steel weld deposits shall have a ferrite content of 3 to 10 percent. One deposited weld metal
sample shall be taken for every 30 linear meter of welding and shall be checked for carbon, chromium, nickel, silicon,
molybdenum, manganese and columbium content. These analyses shall be used to determine the ferrite content by the
Schaeffler Diagram. When approved by the Engineer, the ferrite scope may be used as an alternative method to verify
ferrite content. The Ferritescope shall be used prior to weld heat treatment.
7.4.3 Branch and non-pressure part attachment welds should not cross longitudinal seams or circumferential butt welds
and shall be subject to the toe to toe separation distance specified for circumferential butt welds.
Where such intersections are unavoidable the main weld shall be subject to non-destructive examination prior to making
the attachment weld. The extent of examination shall be at least twice the diameter of the branch pipe measured from
the center line of the branch.
7.4.4 Joints involving the intersection of more than two welds shall be avoided.
7.4.5 Joints to be seal welded shall be made up clean and without the use of tape or any compound. Welding shall be
performed in accordance with the qualified procedure by a qualified welder. All exposed threads shall be covered by the
seal weld.
7.5.1 If threading of piping is performed, the threads shall be standard taper pipe threads, concentric with the outside
diameter of the pipe in accordance with ANSI B1.20.1.
7.5.2 Threads shall be clean cut, without any burrs or stripping and the ends shall be reamed. Threading of pipes shall
be done preferably after bending, forging or heat treating operations. If this is not possible, threads shall be gage
checked and chased after welding, heat treatment, etc.
7.5.3 During assembly of threaded joints, all threads of pipes and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned of cuttings, dirt,
oil or any other foreign matter.
7.5.4 A thread compound or lubricant shall be used for all assemblies except where seal welded, in particular to pre-
vent galling with stainless steel bolting. It shall be suitable for the service conditions and not react unfavorably with the
service fluid, the bolts, gaskets or piping material.
7.6.1 All flange facings shall be true and perpendicular to the axis of pipe to which they are attached.
7.6.2 Slip-on flanges, when specified, and reducing flanges shall be welded both inside and outside. If the inside weld
extends beyond the face of the flange, it shall be finished flush. Flange faces shall be free from weld spatter, mars and
7.6.3 Orifice flange taps shall be located in the exact orientation shown on the spool drawing and the inside surface of
orifice flanges shall be made smooth and clear of any weld spatter that has penetrated through. The sections of pipe to
which the orifice flanges are attached shall be smooth and free from blisters and scale.
Branch connection and its reinforcement shall be in accordance with IPS-E-PI-240, "Piping Plan and Isometric Draw-
7.8.1 General
Galvanized carbon steel piping, if required, shall be cold bended so as not to damage galvanized surfaces. Bending of pipes shall only be done where indicated on the isometric drawings. If the pipe contains a longitudinal weld, this weld shall be located in the neutral zone. A detailed bending procedure shall be supplied by the Executor for the Engineer’s approval. Bending opera-
tions shall not start until procedure has been approved by the Engineer.
a) bending process;
b) heating method, the heating rate, the minimum and maximum bending temperatures;
c) traveling speed of the pipe;
d) method of cooling;
e) inspection procedures, dimensional, visual and nondestructive testing;
f) heat treatments, if applicable. Cold pipe bending, normally up to DN 80 (NPS 3) shall be done in pipe bending machines or presses using
formers. No wrinkling, excessive thinning or flattening is allowed. Excessive scratches, gages or die marks shall be
grinded for thickness measurement; if the remaining thickness is less than minimum requirement it shall be rejected. Cold bending of ferritic materials shall be done at a temperature below the transformation range. The maxi-
mum allowable temperature for cold bending is shown in Table 1. When heating is applied during cold bending of stainless steel pipe the heat shall be applied uniformly and
shall be carefully controlled. Local heating by hand held torches, or water cooling, is not permitted.
IPS-C-PI-240 Hot bending shall be done at a temperature above the transformation range and in any case within a tempera-
ture range consistent with the material and the intended service. This temperature is normally between 900°C and
1100°C. For hot bending preferably the induction bending process shall be used, which is defined as a hot forming proc-
ess involving bending machines in which the pipes are passed through and induction coil where successively a narrow
band of pipe material is rapidly heated at the required bending temperature using the high frequency induction method:
a) It shall be assured that the bending temperature is uniform for the complete circumference of the bend. (In-
duction ring with square profile to be used.)
b) The adjacent pipe material shall be kept cool by water and/or air jets, thus providing the necessary support for
the heated area without the need of mandrels.
c) The proposed hot bending process shall be prequalified by a test bend, which shall be mechanical and nonde-
structive inspected. These prequalifications shall be included in the bending procedure to be submitted to the En-
gineer for approval.
Previous production records which include mechanical and nondestructive testing can also be used as a prequali-
fication. When hot bending technique is used, the bend shall be subsequently heat treated, i.e. annealed or normalized
and tempered, according to Table 2 of IPS-C-PI-290.
Fittings like elbows, coupling, etc., shall be cut/trimmed wherever required to meet fabrication and erection require-
ments, as per drawings or instructions of the Engineer.
The Pre-assembly of jacketed elements to the maximum extent possible shall be accomplished at shop by the Executor.
Position of jumpovers and nozzles on the jacket pipes, fittings, etc., shall be marked according to pipe disposition and
those shall be prefabricated to avoid damaging of inner pipe and obstruction of jacket space.
7.11 Shop-Fabrication/Pre-Fabrication
Piping spools, after fabrication, shall be stacked with proper identification marks, so as to facilitate their withdrawal at
any time during erection. During this period all flange faces (gaskets contact surfaces) and threads shall be adequately
protected by coating with a removable rust preventive. Care shall also be taken to avoid any physical damage to flange
faces and threads.
Each fabricated spool piece shall have a mark number painted adjacent to 50 mm wide color bands running completely
around the pipe, except that for austenitic chrome nickel, nickel, or high nickel alloy, the painted mark number shall be
replaced by a metal tag securely attached to the pipe with metal straps.
8.1.1 During installation of stress relieved lines, care must be taken to avoid heating, peening or the development of
stress concentration from any cause.
8.1.2 Before erection, all pre-fabricated spool pieces, pipes, fittings, etc., shall be cleaned internally and externally.
8.1.3 Piping to be field pickled, sandblasted, etc. as noted on the spool drawings shall be handled per IPS-C-PI-410.
The Executor shall provide ample protection on all such cleaned piping to insure that it will be free and clear from all
rust and corrosion products during the interim period between installation and start-up.
8.2.1 No deviations from the piping route indicated in drawings shall be permitted without the approval of the Engi-
8.2.2 Pipe to pipe, pipe to structures/equipment distances/clearances as shown in the drawings shall be strictly fol-
lowed, as these clearances may be required for the free expansion of piping/equipment. No deviations from these clear-
ances shall be permissible without the approval of the Engineer.
8.2.3 In case of fouling of a line with other piping, structure, equipment, etc., the matter shall be brought to the notice
of Engineer and corrective action shall be taken as per his instructions.
8.2.4 When the term "Field Route" is used on small screwed piping, the Executor shall route the piping in a neat and
orderly manner consistent with good piping practice.
8.2.5 Slopes specified for various lines in the drawings shall be maintained by the Executor. Corrective action shall be
taken by the Executor in consultation with the Engineer wherever Executor is not able to maintain the specified slope.
8.3.1 Wherever cold spring is specified in drawing, the Executor shall maintain the necessary gap.
8.3.2 Before performing final tie-in the Executor shall obtain a written confirmation from the Engineer, indicating that
the gap between the pipes is in accordance with drawing dimensions, which have been adjusted to compensate for cold
8.3.3 If cold spring is not called for, lines shall not be sprung and forced into place. If prefabricated piping does not fit,
it must be corrected by straightening or rewelded.
8.3.4 Stress relieving of the weld (if necessary) shall be performed before removing the gadgets for cold pulling.
All expansion joints shall be installed in accordance with following specification and installation drawings, if any, sup-
plied to the Executor.
8.4.1 Upon receipt, the Executor shall check for any damage occurred during transit.
8.4.2 The Executor shall bring to the notice of the Engineer any damage done to the bellows/corrugations, hinges, tie
rods, flanges/weld ends, etc.
8.4.3 Each expansion joint shall be blown free of dust/foreign matter with compressed air or shall be cleaned with a
piece of cloth.
8.4.4 For handling and installation of expansion joints, great care shall be taken while slinging. An expansion joint
shall never be slinged with bellows corrugations/external shrouds, tie rods, angles, etc.
8.4.5 An expansion joint shall preferably be slinged on the end pipes/flanges or on the middle pipe.
8.4.6 All expansion joint shall be delivered to the Executor at "Installation Length" as will be indicated on the draw-
ings. The "Installation Length" is maintained by means of shipping rods, angles welded to the flanges or weld ends or
by wooden or metallic stops.
8.4.7 The pipe ends in which the expansion joint is to be installed shall be perfectly aligned or shall have specified
lateral deflection as noted on the relevant drawings.
8.4.8 The pipe ends/flanges shall be spaced at distance which will be specified in the drawings.
8.4.9 The expansion joint shall be placed between the mating pipe ends/flanges and shall be tack welded/ bolted for
checking correct alignment of the mating pipes.
8.4.10 After the expansion joint is installed, the Executor shall ensure that matching pipes and expansion joint are in
correct alignment and that the pipes are well supported and guided.
8.4.11 The expansion joint shall not have any lateral deflection. The Executor shall maintain parallelism rings or be-
lows convolutions. For carrying out welding, earthing lead shall not be attached with the expansion joint. The expansion bellows shall be protected from arc weld shots and welding spatter.
8.4.13 When an internal sleeve is provided, the bellows should be installed in the vertical position with the sleeve
pointing downwards and the convolutions shall be self-draining.
8.4.14 Insulation
8.4.15 Lubricants
The use of molybdenum disulphide lubricants shall be avoided on external tie bars, etc., if the bellows operate at a high
Hydrostatic testing of the system having expansion joint, shall be performed with the shipping lugs in position.
8.5.1 Extra care shall be taken for flange connections to pumps, turbines, compressors, cold boxes, air coolers, etc. The
flange connections to these equipment shall be checked for misalignment, excessive gap, etc., after the final alignment
of the equipment is over. The joint shall be made up after obtaining approval of the Engineer.
8.5.2 Temporary protective covers shall be retained on all flange connections of pumps, turbines, compressors and
other similar equipment, until the piping is finally connected, so as to avoid any foreign material from entering these
8.5.3 The Executor shall apply molycoat grease mixed with graphite powder (unless otherwise specified in piping
classes) on all bolts and nuts during storage, after erection and wherever flange connections are broken and made-up for
any purpose whatsoever.
8.5.4 On lines and equipment where the operating pressure of hydrogen (H2) mixtures will be 20.7 bars (300 psig) and
over, bolts shall be tightened using torque spanners. Any necessary retorquing shall be carried out after the line is put in
8.6.1 Valves shall be installed with spindle/actuators orientation/position as shown in the lay-out drawings. In case of
any difficulty in doing this or if the spindle orientation/position is not shown in the drawings, the Engineer shall be
consulted and work should be done as per his instructions. However, the location of the valve hand wheel and/or stem
shall not obstruct walkways or platforms. In determining valve stem position the following points shall be considered. Butterfly valves shall not be installed with the spindle in the vertical position for services where collection of
dirt in the lower shaft bearing could occur. To avoid accidental blocking owing to a loosened wedge, gate valves installed around safety/relief valves and
in flare lines shall be positioned with the stem pointing horizontally.
8.6.2 Care shall be exercised to ensure that globe valves, check valves and other uni-directional valves are installed
with the flow direction arrow on the valve body pointing in the right direction. If the directional arrow is not marked on
such valves, this shall be done in the presence of the Engineer before installation.
8.6.3 Fabrication of stem extensions, locking arrangements and interlocking arrangements of valves shall be carried
out as per drawings/instructions of the Engineer.
8.6.4 In installation of socket welding or seal welding of ball valves, care shall be taken to avoid damage to the valve
8.7.1 Installations of in-line instruments (i.e. thermowells restriction orifices, safety valves, control valves, rotameters,
orifice flange assembly, venturimeters, flowmeters, etc.), shall form part of piping erection work. They shall be installed
according to IPS-C-IN-100/2 "Instrument Installation Procedure".
8.7.2 Care shall be exercised and adequate precautions taken to avoid damage, and entry of foreign matter into instru-
ments during transportation, installation and testing.
These piping from air header to different field instruments shall be installed with the following considerations. Where threaded connections are not seal welded they shall be sealed by the use of thread compound or P.T.F.E.
(Teflon) tape. P.T.F.E. tape shall not be used where temperatures exceed 230°C (450°F). Wherever thread compound is
used on screwed fittings it should be applied to the male thread only. All pipe ends shall be cut square, reamed of all burrs and cleared of all foreign material. Cutting oil shall be used in cutting all threads on galvanized pipe.
High point vents and low point drains shall be provided as per the instructions of the Engineer, even if these are not
shown in the working drawings. The details of vents shall be as per piping material specifications.
a) Piping terminations at pumps or compressors shall be installed so that mating flanges are parallel, concentric,
and in contact prior to bolting the piping in place.
b) Auxiliary piping shall be neatly routed along the baseplate and shall not extend across the operating floor.
This piping shall not obstruct operation handling and inspection covers, bearing caps, upper halves of casing, etc.
c) Luboil lines shall be separated from hot process and hot utility lines in order to avoid a fire hazard, e.g. auto-
ignition at 260-320°C.
d) The temporary strainers shall be installed as close to the machinery as possible for initial start-up and com-
Sleeves or holes through walls, floors of buildings and table tops shall have a size permitting the passage of a flange of
the relevant pipe size, to facilitate the installation of prefabricated piping and to permit insulating work.
Holes through walls and floors shall be sealed after piping installation.
8.11.1 Buried piping shall be kept at a distance from electric power, lighting and instrument signal cables as instructed
by the Engineer.
8.11.2 For buried piping system the Executor shall excavate and maintain the trench in which the piping system is to
be laid.
8.11.3 The trench shall be sufficiently wide for the pipe to be laid without damaging the pipe protective coating. The
minimum trench width shall not be less than pipe diameter plus 400 mm.
8.11.4 The trench shall be excavated to a minimum depth of 100 mm below the bottom of the pipe and the full width
of trench shall be graded and padded with sand or other suitable material approved by the Engineer.
8.11.5 The sides of the trench shall be free of rock, loose stones, blasting debris or other spoil likely to fall or be dis-
lodged, blown or swept under, around or on top of the pipe.
8.11.6 Where Rockshield or similar overwrap is used in accordance with IPS-C-TP-274 "Coating". The 100 mm depth
of padding may contain loose gravel and rock fragments provided that in the opinion of the Engineer, no damage to the
coating would result from the inclusion of such gravel and rock fragments.
Buried pipelines shall have protective coating applied in accordance with IPS-C-TP-274 "Coating".
8.11.8 Laying All brush, skids, pipe, pipe protectors, rocks, large clods, sticks, protecting rocks and other hard objects shall
be removed from the bottom of the trench into which the coated and wrapped pipeline is to be lowered, so that the pro-
tective coating shall not be punctured or abraded. Pipe shall normally be lowered into the trench immediately after the coating and wrapping has been passed by
the Engineer. Wide non-abrasive slings or belts shall be used at all times in handling the pipeline. All coated and wrapped pipe which has been supported in any manner on padded skids, or lowering devices,
shall be subjected to close inspection by the Executor to see that the coating is undamaged before the pipe reaches the
bottom of the trench. Walking on coated pipe is absolutely forbidden. Backfilling shall be carried out immediately after
the pipeline is lowered into the trench but the Executor shall first obtain the approval of the Engineer. If any backfilling
is carried out without approval of the Engineer, he will have the right to require the Executor to remove the backfill for
examination of the coating and wrapping. The initial backfill around the pipe and to a level of at least 100 mm (4 inches) above the top of the pipe shall
be sand or earth free from loose rock, large gravel sticks, branches or other rubbish that may damage the pipe or its
coating. Where Rockshield or similar overwrap is used, the initial backfill may contain loose gravel and rock frag-
ments provided that in the opinion of the Engineer, no damage to the coating would result from the inclusion of such
gravel and rock fragments. Backfilling of trenches through roads shall be carried out immediately after the pipe has been laid and the
backfill shall be compacted and finished level with the road surface. Such sections shall be maintained by the Executor
until the works are completed and the road surface shall be finally restored, as far as possible, to the same condition as
before work started.
All supports shall be strictly as per drawings and IPS-G-PI-280, "Pipe Supports".
8.13.1 Steam tracing shall be installed in accordance with standard drawing IPS-D-PI-126, "Steam Tracing Details".
Piping connections to steam and condensate headers will be shown on the piping arrangement plan drawings, and iso-
metric drawings.
8.13.2 Bends shall be used wherever practical and fittings kept to a minimum. Unions shall be used when an item is
traced and its removal is required for frequent maintenance.
8.13.3 No provision shall be made for expansion movement of 13 mm or smaller tracers, since the sag or offset will
take care of this amount of expansion.
For tubing or piping tracers larger than 13 mm anchoring shall generally be made at the midway point, and the piping
arrangement at the ends of the tracers shall be sufficiently flexible to allow for expansion of tracers.
Where it is impossible to allow for end movements, or in cases where for special reasons the unanchored length of pipe
tracer exceeds 40 meters, expansion loops shall be provided. Min. radius of expansion loop shall be six time the outside
diameter of the tracers at bends of loop.
8.13.4 Insulation shall be slotted at expansion loops, and at anchored tracer ends where the tracers leave the pipe.
8.13.5 Anchors or guide clips shall be installed on tracers near valves, flanges, expansion loops and turns to avoid
damage to insulation due to tracer expansion.
8.13.6 Tracers shall be held in place with steel bands or 1.5 mm (#16 ga) soft galvanized wire loops spaced 1 meter
apart. On tracers 19 mm and larger spacing may be increased to 1½ meters.
8.13.7 Lines, instruments, and instruments piping in low bubble point, acid caustic, amine or phenolic water service, or
plastic or plastic lined pipe that require tracing should receive special attention to prevent general or localized over heat-
ing. Insulated spacer blocks may be installed to keep the tracer 13 mm away from the pipe as shown in detail "I" on
drawing IPS-D-PI-126.
8.13.8 Steam traps shall be installed at low points only. All piping shall as far as practicable be self draining, and
steam flow through tracers shall always follow a generally descending route, where practical.
8.13.9 Each tracer shall have its own steam supply valve, and steam trap.
Internal cleaning procedure shall be submitted by the Executor and approved by the Engineer for the followings:
8.14.1 After completion of construction works and before pressure testing, the inside of piping system shall be cleaned
either mechanically or by flushing.
8.14.2 If so specified in project specification, chemical cleaning shall be performed after completion of hydrostatic
testing in accordance with IPS-C-PI-410.
Prior to initial operation and as the piping erection progresses the piping installation shall be inspected to the extent
necessary to assure compliance with the engineering design, drawings, materials, fabrication, assembly and the test re-
quirements of the Codes and Specifications listed under Section 2. "References of this Standard". In addition to the in-
spection to be performed by the Executor, all work is subject to inspection by the Engineer or his appointed representa-
tive. Such inspection shall not relieve the Executor of his responsibilities as specified above.
All materials shall be checked by the Executor or his nominee to assure compliance with the project documents.
9.2 Prefabricated pipe shall be dimensionally checked by the Executor or his nominee against isometric drawings.
Welds shall be inspected and tested in accordance with IPS-C-PI-290, "Welding of Plant Piping System".
After completion of all erection works all piping systems shall be pressure tested in accordance with IPS-C-PI-350
"Plant Piping System Pressure Testing".
Outside surface of piping to be painted shall be prepared according to IPS-C-TP-101, "Surface Preparation". They shall
always be completely dry and free from burrs, weld spatter, flux, rust, loose scale, dirt, dust, grease, oil and other for-
eign matter before any paint is applied.
The color of piping system for identifying of carrying fluid shall be in accordance with Table 3 of IPS-E-TP-100,
Field painting of hot and cold uninsulated lines shall be as per IPS-C-TP-102, "Painting".
Lines to be insulated will be so noted on spool drawings and shall be insulated in accordance with IPS-C-TP-701,
"Thermal Insulating".