Reviewer For Mandatory Schooling

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Security measures designed to ensure safeguarding of information, personnel,

materials and installations against Espionage, Sabotage, Subversion and Disaffection

which are considered Threats to National Security.
Police Intelligence

No police operation shall be conducted without the approval of the Chief of Police and
the one responsible to ask for the pre operational clearance prior to the conduct of the
police operations.
Team Leader of the Operating Team

The prescribed and practical use of non-lethal weapon is for unruly and uncooperative
behavior of suspects to be arrested.
Statement is True

It is the brief stopping of an individual, whether on foot or in a vehicle, based on

reasonable suspicion/probable cause , for the purpose of determining the individuals
identity and resolving the officer’s suspicion concerning criminal activity.
Pat-Down Search

5. The public looks upon a PNP member as distinctively a man among men. It is a
welcome sight when PNP members wear their uniform properly wherever they may be.
Since disciplined PNP members are best exemplified by those who are neat in
appearance and wearing the prescribed uniform , they must therefore observe the
following except:
Unshaved mustache

Written authority of the arresting officer when making an arrest.

Warrant of Arrest

Evidenced addressed to the senses of the court that are capable of being exhibited,
examined or viewed by the court. This includes but not limited to fingerprints , body
fluid, explosives, hazardous chemicals soil/burned debris, bombs , electronic parts
used in the commission of crime
Physical Evidence

This type of police operation conducted to gather information related to security, public
order and safety is called
Law Enforcement Operation
In the intelligence cycle, which of the following pertains to the process of digging deeper
into the obtained information to determine its significance (relevance) to the assigned
mission of the organization.
Interpretation Analysis

The method employed by peace officers to trap and catch malefactor in inflagrante
delicto is known as :

It is the process by which information is acquired, converted into intelligence, and made
available to policy makers.
Intelligence Cycle

A party who initiates a complaint against a uniformed member of the PNP, either as
complaining witness or as a concerned government agency or office;

The use of weapon is also justified under the Doctrines of Self Defense, Defense of
Relative, and
Defense of Stranger

It is the product of resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis and interpretation of
all available information which concerns one or more aspects of criminal activity and
which is immediately or potentially significant to police planning

The PNP members have historically exemplified themselves as dedicated public

servants who perform their task with a deep sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice.

It is an offense committed by a member of the PNP involving “minor offense” affecting

the order and discipline within the police organization:
Breach of Internal Discipline

It is the improper performance of some act which might lawfully be done.


It refer to the commitment, dignity and attitude of an individual towards work as his
integrity and his practice of the core moral value principles
Person who gives information to the police without expecting any reward or favor in
return is:

This shall be an inherent value of the PNP as a flagship law enforcement agency of the
entire government bureaucracy, thus every personnel must adhere to the rules and
regulations of the organization.

According to Administrative Matter (AM) 21-06-08-SC, the Body-worn Camera shall be

mandatorily used on the what circumstances?
Service of Warrants

It is the preliminary examination and evaluation of the administrative complaint against a

uniformed member of the PNP for the purpose of determining the existence or non-
existence of probable cause pursuant to NMC No. 2016-002.
Pre-Charge Investigation

All of the following are the procedures to be followed after an armed confrontation
except one.
Ensure psychological stress counseling for all involved PNP operatives

The following are entirely new procedures in the Revised POP 2021 except;
Defensive Roadblock

Materials used to cover the human body in order to prevent contamination from the
disease. This includes: facial mask, eye protector or goggles, gown, gloves, and others;
Personal Protective Equipment

Is the conduct of process more particularly the recognition, search and collection,
handling, preservation and documentation of physical evidence to include identification
of witnesses and arrest of suspect at the crime scenes.
Crime Scene Investigation

The use of weapon is justified if the suspect poses no danger of causing death or injury
to the police officer or other persons.
The statement is true
Newly discovered evidence is an evidence which could not have been discovered and
produced during the hearing of the case despite due diligence, and if presented would
probably alter the decision.
Newly Discovered Evidence

Manifested by instinctive obedience to lawful and through and spontaneous actions

towards attainment of organizational objectives guided by moral, ethical and legal

A police officer who fires his service firearms during an armed confrontation which
criminal offenders are required to submit what type of report which outlines the
circumstances necessitating the use of such firearm?
None of these

Revised POP 2021 promulgated at September 15, 2021

Cadence at a rate of 180 steps per minute.

Double Time

It is the filing of several complaints arising from one and the same cause of action
involving the same parties asking for the same relief with the different administrative
Disciplinary Authorities the Internal Affairs Service and the Office of the Ombudsman
Forum Shopping

Written authority of the arresting officer when making an arrest.

Warrant of Arrest

It is a complaint initiated before any of the Disciplinary Authorities of IAS after finding
the existence of probable cause.
Formal Charge

In the above-mentioned case, assuming that the proper party decided to appeal the
decision of NAPOLCOM, after denial of its motion for reconsideration, where should the
appeal be field.
Secretary of the Interior and Local Government

It is the concealment or distortion of truth in a matter-of-fact relevant ton one’s office or

connected with the performance of his duties.
An individual, squad, platoon, company or larger body, forming part of a larger body.

How many rules are there in the Revised POP 2021


Space from front to rear of any formation or a position including the front and rear

Ceremony- A formal act or set of formal acts established by customs or authority as

proper to special occasion

Courtesy- A manifestation of expression of consideration and respect for others

The following are the procedures in serving of warrant of arrest except

Police notebook, pen and Miranda warning card- every police officer on patrol
whether on board a vehicle or on foot patrol must jot down important events during his
tour of duty and will always carry with him

Inter-Office coordination- The operations officer of team leaders of local police units
operating outside their territorial jurisdiction and national support units shall whenever
practicable coordinate personally at any levels of police offices (police regional office to
municipal police station) or other friendly units within whose jurisdiction the operation is
to be conducted.

Customs - established usage or social practices carried on by tradition that have

obtained the force of law

Unified guidelines and procedures in anti-illegal drug operations- the rules on anti-
illegal drug operations were based on the following except

Crime prevention - The reduction or elimination of the desire and opportunity to

commit a crime

The PNP in an Active primary role-The following are the revised procedures under
internal security operations except

Accountability-A public office is a public trust thus every pnp personnel shall at all
times be held accountable not only to their positions or ranks but also to the resources
at their care or custody
Law Enforcement Operations- Include service of warrant of arrest, implementation of
search warrant, enforcement of visitorial powers of the COP and other anti criminality

Dishonesty-It is the concealment or distortion of truth in a matter of fact relevant to

ones office or connected with the performance of his duties

With a marked police vehicle led by a pco and with personnel in prescribed police
uniform or attire-Which of the following are the basic requirements during police

Perseverance- once a decision is made all pnp member shall take legitimate means to
achieve the goal even in the face of internal or external difficulties and despite anything
which might weaken their resolve in the course of time

Initial Evaluation - It is an evaluation of the administrative complaint in order to

determine whose disciplinary authorities has jurisdiction over the case pursuant to NMC
No. 2016-002

True-The police shall not use warning shots during police intervention operations

Complaint- It is a written and sworn statement regarding a wrong grievance or injury

sustained by a person

File- single column of men one behind the other

Special Police operations-Include high risk checkpoint and roadblock operation police
assistance in the implementation of order from the court and other from the court and

None of these- A police officer who fires his service firearms during an armed
confrontation with criminal offenders are required to submit what type of report which
outlines the circumstances necessitating the use of such firearm

Intelligence cycle- Process that an intelligence operative or agent has to rely on so as

to ably collect record and make a report out of obtained information about the people
weather terrain places among others believed to be associated with criminal or enemys
illegal activities

Formal charge- It is a complaint initiated before any of the disciplinary authorities or ias
after finding the existence of probable cause

Where the accused released on bail attempts to leave the country with the court
permission- the following circumstances are valid arrests without a warrant except
Supplementary commands- oral orders given by a subordinate leader to reinforce and
complement a commanders order

Aviation- The procedures in high-risk stop and high-risk arrest was revised and now
includes the following settings except

7- how many rules are there in the revised pop 2021

Loyalty- such virtue as enshrined in the constitution must be manifested by every pnp
personnel as a form of dedication not only to their lawful superiors peers and
subordinates as well as the organization but shall be extended to the greater interest of
the country and people

Jurisdiction- The authority vested by law to hear and decide a case

Double time- cadence at a rate of 180 steps per minute

To prosecute the guilty party- the following are the three fold aims of criminal
investigation, except-

Security Clearance- In police intelligence the administrative determination from a

security standpoint that an individual is eligible for access to classified matters of
specific category

Moonlighting- as a general rule police officers are not permitted or allowed to engage
in any other business or calling

Corpus delicti- used to describe the physical or material evidence that a crime has
been committed

Spot Check/Accosting - is the brief stopping of an individual, whether on foot or in a

vehicle, based on reasonable suspicion/ probable cause, for the purpose of determining
the individual’s identity and resolving the officer’s suspicion concerning criminal activity

Neglect of Duty or Nonfeasance Is the omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse,

to perform an act or duty, which it was the peace officer’s legal obligation to perform;
implies a duty as well as its breach and the fact can never be found in the absence of

Customs. Established usage or social practices carried on by traditions that have

obtained the force of law

Misfeasance- Is the improper performance of some act which might lawfully be done

Non-Solicitation of Patronage. PNP members shall seek self-improvement

through career development and shall not directly or indirectly solicit influence or
recommendation from politicians, high-ranking government officials, prominent
citizens, persons affiliated with civic or religious organizations
In the conduct of pat down searches the police officers action are limited to feel
the inner clothing of the suspect for any suspicious objects.
September 15, 2021- when was the revised pop 2021 promulgated
Procedures in flagging down vehicles with tipped information- the following
are the procedures in flagging down vehicles as discussed in the pop except
Defensive roadblock- the following are entirely new procedures in the revised
pop 2021 except

CEREMONY- A formal act or set of formal acts established by humans or

authority as proper to special occasion
Element: An individual, squad, platoon, company or larger body, forming part of a
larger body
Depth - is the space from front to rear of any formation or a position including the
front and rear elements.
NON-PARTISANSHIP PNP Members shall provide services to everyone without

File: It is also a single column of men one behind the other.

Entrapment- the method employed by peace officers to trap and catch malefactor in
inflagrante delicto

Discipline. The discipline of PNP members is manifested by instinctive obedience

to lawful orders and thorough and spontaneous actions towards attainment of
organizational objectives guided by moral, ethical and legal norms.
Crime Scene Investigation - is the conduct of processes more particularly the
recognition, search, collection, handling, preservation and documentation of physical
evidence to include identification of witnesses and arrest of suspect at the crime scene

Special Police Operations. Include high-risk checkpoint and roadblock operation,

police assistance in the implementation of order from the court and other quasi-judicial
bodies, security to major and special events, aircraft hijacking operations, visit, board,
search and seizure of marine vessels, and similar police operations that are conducted
by police units with specialized training on the peculiarity of the mission or purpose

Flank: The right or left extremity of a unit, either in line or column. The element on the
extreme right or left of the line. A direction at a right angle to the direction, on an
element or a formation is facing
Duty. PNP members have historically exemplified themselves as dedicated public
servants who perform their tasks with a deep sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice.
They shall readily accept assignment anywhere in the country

Formation: Arrangement of the elements of a unit in line, in column or any other

prescribed manner

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