PDF Makalah Telenursing Dalam Keperawatan
PDF Makalah Telenursing Dalam Keperawatan
PDF Makalah Telenursing Dalam Keperawatan
NIM. 160101019
Praise be to Allah SWT, for only by His grace and mercy can we complete this
paper on time.
On this occasion, we would like to thank the lecturer of the Introduction to
Nursing Profession course so that this paper was completed on time. We would also
like to thank our friends for all their help and support.
We realise this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, we expect constructive
criticism and suggestions for this paper. Finally, we hope that this paper can be
useful for all of us. Amen.
Foreword ................................................................................................ 1
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................... 2
Introduction .............................................................................................................3
a. Background .............................................................................. 3
b. Problem Formulation ........................................................................ 4
c. Destination ........................................................................................... 5
A. Definition Telenursing
............................................................................... 6
B. Principles of Telenursing..................................................................................7
C. Telenursing App...............................................................................................7
D. Benefits of Telenursing...................................................................................11
E. Disadvantages of Telenursing ........................................................................13
F. Research on Telenursing ................................................................................14
G. Obstacles to Telenursing Application and How to Overcome Them........16
Cover ................................................................................................... 20
Bibliography .........................................................................................................................22
A. Background.
In recent years the nursing profession has experienced rapid development.
This is due to the influence of globalisation where the public demands the nursing
profession to improve itself. The most basic and most challenging demands are
regarding professional, quality nursing services and can be reached by the
ageing and the population with chronic diseases and improving health coverage
long-distance, rural and remote areas. Telenursing can help solve the shortage of
nurses, decrease the distance, visit time and keep patients who have been discharged
from the hospital.
Health services, especially long-distance nursing using information
technology media (internet), provide convenience for the community. People or
patients do not need to come to the hospital, doctor or nurse to get health services.
The time required for health services is also getting shorter. Patients can just stay at
home and make contact via the internet or through video converence to get health
information, care and even treatment.
Indonesia as a developing country with a very large population
B. Problem Formulation
The problem formulation of our paper is:
1. What is telenursing?
2. How does telenursing apply to people's lives?
3. What are the benefits of telenursing applications in people's lives?
4. Is there any research on telenursing in nursing care?
5. What are the inhibiting factors in the application of telenursing in society and
how can they be overcome?
C. Destination
1. General Purpose
Provide an explanation of telenursing
2. Specific purpose
a. Explain the definition of telenursing
b. Explain the principles of telenursing
c. Explaining the benefits of telenursing
d. Explaining the shortcomings of telenursing
e. Explain telenursing applications
f. Explain telenursing research
g. Explain the factors that hinder telenursing and how to overcome them
A. Definition of Telenursing
There are several definitions of telenursing, namely:
1. Telenursing is the use of communication technology in nursing to fulfil nursing
care to clients. It uses electromagnetic channels (magnetic, radio and optical
waves) in transmitting voice, data and video communication signals. Or it can
also be defined as long-distance communication, using electrical and optical
transmission, between people and/or computers.
health facilities in two countries and utilised video conferencing equipment (an
integral part of telemedicine or telehealth).
B. Principles of telenursing
The principles of telenursing are: it does not change the nature of nursing
care practice, where nurses are involved in telenursing from assessment, planning,
implementation, evaluation and documentation of nursing care. Nurses also engage
in personalised information, education, direction and support in telenursing
relationships established through the use of telephone, computer, internet or other
communication technologies.
C. Telenursing App
Telenursing applications can be applied at home, hospitals through
telenursing centres and through mobile units. Telephone triage and home care are
rapidly growing in telenursing applications. In home care, nurses use a system to
monitor physiological parameters such as blood pressure, blood glucose, respiration
and weight via the internet. In patient care at home, the nurse can
monitor the patient's vital signs such as blood pressure, blood sugar, w eight,
the patient's peak respiratory flow via the internet. By video conferencing, patients
can consult on wound care, insulin injection and shortness of breath management.
Through the interactive video system, patients contact on-call nurses at any time to
arrange video consultations to address problems, for example how to change clothes,
give insulin injections or discuss shortness of breath. It is especially helpful for
young children and adults with chronic diseases and frailty, especially with
cardiopulmonary diseases.
Telenursing helps patients and families to actively participate in care,
especially in chronic disease management. It also encourages nurses to prepare
accurate information and provide support online. Continuity of care can be improved
by encouraging frequent contact between the patient and family.
health and nursing care providers with individual patients and their families.
Telenursing media include:
1. Telephone (mobile phone)
2. Personal Digital System (PDA)
3. Facsimile machine (fax)
4. Internet
5. Video or audio conferencing
6. Teleradiologist
7. Computer information systems
8. Teleborotic
Another practice guideline that uses telenursing is :
1. Relay important client information such as electrocardiogram data, CT scans, x-
rays, etc.
2. Using video, computer to monitor client's health condition.
3. Monitor the client's health status in hospital or home e.g. blood pressure,
respiratory pulse, temperature etc.
4. Assist travellers to obtain healthcare at their destination.
5. Assist client operations remotely.
6. Using video conferencing to provide continuing nursing education sessions.
7. Develop a website to provide health information and counselling times.
Ultimately, telenursing can increase the active participation of patients and
families, especially in the personal management of chronic diseases. It can provide
accurate, fast service and online support, continuous care and unlimited contact
between carers and patients.
family. In providing nursing care remotely, a general policy from the government is
needed to regulate practice, SOPs/operational standards
procedures, ethics and professionalism, safety, patient confidentiality and assurance
of information provided. Telenursing activities require integration between strategies
and policies to develop nursing practice, the provision of nursing care services, and
nursing education and training systems.
To be applied, there are several things that need to be considered:
1. Legality factor
It can be defined as the autonomy of the nursing profession or nursing
institutions that have responsibility for the implementation of telenursing.
2. Financial factors
The implementation of telenursing requires a considerable amount of money
because the facilities and infrastructure are very large. Support is needed from the
government and professional organisations in providing the financial aspects of
telenursing implementation.
3. Skill Factor
There are two aspects that need to be considered, namely knowledge and
skills about telenursing. Nurses and patients need to be trained on the application of
telenursing. The implementation of telenursing is highly dependent on the
knowledge and skill aspects between patients and nurses. Knowledge of telenursing
must be based on information technology knowledge.
4. Motivational Factors
Motivation of nurses and patients is a top priority in the implementation of
telenursing. Without motivation from nurses and patients, telenursing will not work
D. Benefits of Telenursing
Many benefits when we use technologyin tele-nursing
services include:
E. Disadvantages of telenursing
The concern with telenursing is that the absence of direct interaction between
nurses and clients will reduce the quality of health care. This concern arises because
they think that direct contact with patients is very important, especially for emotional
support and therapeutic touch. Other disadvantages of telenursing include the
possibility of technological failure, increased risk to security and confidentiality of
client documents.
F. Research on Telenursing
1. In 2004-2005 the International Telenursing Role conducted a survey aimed at
identifying satisfaction with telenursing, telenursing knowledge and skills,
perceptions of telenursing effectiveness, need for telenursing, skills and
knowledge required in telenursing. This study surveyed 719 telenurses (628
women and 89 men) from 36 countries. 66% of the respondents were from the
U.S. with the majority coming from Canada. Of all the respondents 50% of the
nurses worked part time in telehealth and some in hospitals. The nurse was very
happy to receive telehealth training. These nurses were very satisfied with
telenursing based on autonomy, interaction, professional status, pay, tasks,
workplace comfort. Most of the telenurses surveyed, 75 per cent, were very
satisfied with telenursing based on autonomy, interaction, professional status,
pay, tasks, workplace comfort.
Annica Ernesa et al, in 2006 were students at the Department of Public Health
and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden and the Department of Public
Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Department of Caring Science and Sociology, University of Ga¨ vle, Sweden.
This study aims to describe the experiences of telenurses working with
computerised support systems and how these systems may affect their work. This
is a qualitative study with eight Registered Nurse (RN) participants using semi-
structured interviews. The RNs were from three telephone counselling centres in
Sweden that use computers to support their services. The results showed that the
telenurses found the decision support system simplified their work,
complemented their knowledge, gave them security and increased their
credibility. They also described how the systems sometimes contradicted their
own opinions. Participants said that computerised systems cannot replace nurses'
knowledge and competence.
4. In addition to the experiences conveyed by nurses, families and patients also
convey their experiences of telenursing, such as in a study entitled: "Patient And
Carer Perspectives Patients and families experiences with video telehealth in
rural / remote communities in Northern Canada" conducted by Pat Sevean, et al.
Where the purpose of this study was to determine the experiences of patients and
families about consultations with video telehealth as a method of providing
health services in remote villages in Northern Canada. This study uses a
qualitative approach with data collection methods using video and semi-
structured interviews with participants 10 patients and 9 family representatives
who have used telenursing facilities for at least 1 year. Results
patient safety. The telehealth service system must be able to ensure safety for
patients. In this regard the ANA (American Nursing
Association) published 3 telehealth guidelines viz: Basic principles of telehealth in
1998, telehealth competencies in 1999 and developing telehealth protocols in 2001.
4. Data security
Telehealth requires electronic health records, which are prone to data
privacy, confidentiality and security, so the implementation of telehealth must be
able to guarantee data security.
5. Communication infrastructure
Telecommunications infrastructure is the part of telehealth that has the largest
percentage of costs. Another issue, is that tools for interfaces will be difficult to
organise telehealth if there is no interconnection between tools.
The use of telenursing in countries that are just starting to utilise it certainly
experiences obstacles, including:
1. Requires nurse resources that have more abilities, namely being able to
A. Conclusion
Telenursing is an integral part of telehealth. Telenursing can be used to
provide professional nursing services with various methods (home care, on-call
nurses, providing information etc.). Telenursing can increase patients' independence
and satisfaction in fulfilling their health status. Telenursing can increase the active
participation of family in care. Telenursing is effective in patient care settings
who have chronic illnesses and diseases that cause dependence. Telenursing can also
be conducted in rural areas with adequate facilities and infrastructure.
technology and information.
Telenursing has several advantages according to Britton, Keehner, Still &
Walden in 1999, namely: Effective and efficient in terms of health costs, can
increase the scope and range of nursing services without geographical boundaries,
can reduce the number of visits and hospital stays, can improve services for chronic
patients, and can be utilised in the field of nursing education (distance learning
model) and the development of health informatics-based nursing research.
If we look at the development of telenursing in Indonesia, it is still very far
behind compared to other countries. In Indonesia, there are still very few health
institutions that use telenursing. Among these hospitals are Banyumas Hospital,
Fatmawati Hospital and several other hospitals in Jakarta that have developed
computer-based nursing documentation systems. However, we cannot turn a blind
eye to the obstacles faced by nursing in Indonesia. Among these obstacles are the
limited human resources that
navigate technology systems and environments e.g. knowledge and skills to operate
technology, have an understanding of the limitations of technology
used, e.g. can determine if vital signs are being accurately monitored with specific
equipment, has knowledge and application of telehealth operational protocols, has
good communication skills.