TP5 MarinaGuimaraes LP ST

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Lesson Plan
Candidate: Marina Dantas Guimarães
Tutor: Sylvia Torres
Level: Intermediate
Expected no. of Ss: 7 Length of lesson: 60’ Start time: 9:45
TP no.: 5 Date: 22/05/2020 Finish time: 10:45

Before you start planning your lesson, make sure you liaise with your peers in order to have coordinated lessons on the day (4m).

Reading Grammar
MAIN AIM: Listening Lexis
This is the main focus of your lesson. Tick only one box. Speaking Phonology
Writing Functions x
By the end of the lesson students will be better able to interact politely during an oral group discussion, expressing their opinions, asking to speak and
dealing with interruptions.

 work collaboratively
SUBSIDIARY AIM:  practice listening for gist
Specific things that students will learn, revisit, expand on &c. in this lesson.
 practice speaking for fluency

 Providing short and clear instructions for activities

PERSONAL AIM:  Providing efficient CCQs
What you personally hope to achieve in this lesson. This can be a development
need from a previous lesson.
 Not to call older students “guys”
 Not to echo students

 Flipcharts
MATERIALS:  Printed lesson plan
Make a list of everything you need for this lesson so you do not forget anything.
 Phisical notebook and pen
Use this in grammar, lexis, phonology and functions lessons.
- How will your - How will you check understanding? - What aspects of & SOLUTIONS
systematize form in - If this is a word/phrase, include the pronunciation will you
your presentation? dictionary definition here. Possibilities: highlight?
What problems
- If this is a grammatical structure, - CCQs
would your
Consider: include the information from a grammar - Timelines Possibilities:
students have in
- Marker sentence book here. - Personalised questions - Transcription of marker
relation to:
(s) - How will you explain/clarify meaning - Context-checking questions sentence(s)
- Part (s) of speech to students? - Pictures - Word and sentence
- Grammatical - &c. stress a) meaning
information - Analysis of connected b) pronuncia
- Collocations speech tion
- Analysis of intonation c) form
That may be We use this chunk to partially CCQS: Form
P.:S. may say “that
true, but what agree with what was said, but to Is Felicity in favour of the festival? may be truth”
about all the show we’re still not convinced. (NO) That may be true, but what S.: ask what’s the
about all the cars? opposite of false
Clarification will be carried via But does she agree that the hills Meaning
Falling intonation for
Semi-fixed context provided by the text: the will stop the noise? (YES) P.: s. may use this to
first part of the disagree
chunk. character who said this is clearly
sentence; rising on S.: call attention to
against the festival. Is she 100% convinced? (NO) the first part of the
second. chunk: if what the
Possible person said is true, do
complements: Heading: agreeing Is she worried about something? I agree or disagree?
What and about are
linked. Pronunciation
 prepositi P.: S. put an ‘I’
on + verb Is this a polite question? (YES) between what and
Sentence stress on about
‘true’. S.: board linking sound
 noun P.: Students
mispronounce true
S.: drill
This may be
true, but what
Yes, absolutely. We use this chunk to show we CCQS: Form
P.: s. may invert the
strongly agree with the person. order
S.: recast
Fixed chunk. Does she agree that there will be Yes, absolutely.
Clarification will be carried via noise? (YES) Meaning
The context will
context provided by the text: the Falling intonation prevent meaning
character who said this is clearly Is she sure about her opinion? (YES) (declarative tone). problems with this
chunk to arise
against the festival and agrees Stress on third
with all the negative points Is she 10% or 100% sure? (100%) syllable of Pronunciation
raised by the previous speaker. ‘absolutely’. P.: S. pronounce the
When you say that, are you S.: board a cross on
Heading: agreeing expected to explain why you agree? the letter in a
different colour

Well, I’m not We use this chunk to disagree CCQs.:

sure about that. politely and carefully. When we Form
P.:S. may use full form
say that, we’re expected to Does she agree or disagree? of I am
Semi-fixed explain our view. (Disagree) Well, I’m not sure about S.: recast
that. Meaning
chunk. The context will
Clarification will be context Does she explain why? (YES) prevent meaning
Possible provided by the text. The Falling intonation problems with this
chunk to arise
variations: Well, character who says it disagrees Is she being polite? (YES) (declarative tone)
I’m not so sure with the previous speaker and Pronunciation
about that. / shows why. Is she being careful or direct? Elision of a t between P.: s. don’t link about
and that.
Well, I’m not so (careful) about and that. S.: drill
sure. Heading: disagreeing Linking between sure
When you say this, do people and about.
expect explanation? (YES)
Primary sentence
stress on ‘sure’,
secondary stress on
I’m not sure I We use this chunk to disagree CCQs.: Form
P.: S. may omit verb
agree, actually. politely and carefully. to be
Does he agree or disagree? I’m not sure I agree, S.: recast
Semi-fixed The listener(s) is not expecting (disagree) actually. P.: S. may use this to
chunk. this disagreement. disagree vehemently.
Is that a surprise for people? (YES) Intonation falls until S.: Use ccqs on the
Possible When we say that, we’re ‘agree’ and rises for
variations: I’m expected to explain our view. Does he explain why? (YES) actually. Pronunciation
P.:S. may
not sure I agree. mispronounce actually
Clarification will be context Is he being polite? (YES) Sure and I are linked. as /æktʊəlɪ/
S.: Drill individual
provided by the text. The sound and then whole
character who says it disagrees When you say this, do people Primary sentence word

with the previous speaker and expect explanation? (YES) stress on ‘agree’,
shows why. secondary stress on
Heading: disagreeing

Sorry, do you We use this chunk to interrupt Is it polite or impolite to say that? Form
P.: S. may supress “if”
mind if I someone politely. The speaker (polite) S.: recast
interrupt? must wait for a confirmation Sorry, do you mind if I Meaning
interrupt? P,: S. asks the
before they continue speaking. Is it formal, informal or semi- meaning of “mind”
Fixed chunk. formal? (semi-formal) S.: ask ccq:
Clarification will be context Intonation falls until - if you mind about
something, do you
provided by the text. Can I use this in a meeting with ‘mind’ and rises in worry about it? (yes)
friends? (yes) ‘interrupt’. - If I don’t mind your
interruption, is your
Heading: asking to speak interruption a
Can I use this in a meeting at work? ‘mind if I’ are linked. problem? (NO)
(yes) P.: S. mispronounces
Primary sentence the /ə/ in in ‘interrupt’

Is it polite to say this all the time? stress on the last S.: drill

(no) syllable of ‘interrupt’

and secondary stress
When you make this question, do on ‘mind’.
you speak before or after the
answer? (after)

Can I make a We use this chunk to interrupt Is it polite or impolite to say that? Form
P.: s. changes ‘make’
point here? someone politely. The speaker (polite) for ‘do’
must wait for a confirmation Can I make a point here? S.: board the mistake
for delayed feedback
Fixed chunk. before they continue speaking. Is it formal, informal or semi- and ask the class for
formal? (semi-formal) Intonation falls until correction then drill
Clarification will be context ‘point’ and rises with Meaning
The context makes it
provided by the text. When you make this question, do ‘here’. unlikely for meaning
problems to arise.
you speak before or after the
Heading: asking to speak answer? (after) Sentence stress on
‘point’. P.: S. fail to notice
falling tone before
Can I use this in a meeting with “here’ and uses only
friends? (yes) rising tone
S.: drill

Can I use this in a meeting at work?


Is it polite to say this all the time?


Can I just finish We use this chunk to reject When you say that, do you accept Form
P.: s. says “I can just
what I was interruptions. the interruption? (no) finish”
saying? Can I just finish what I S.: recast
was saying? Meaning
Heading: not allowing Do you say this before or after P.: s. thinks it’s rude
Semi-fixed interruption someone interrupts you? (after) to say that
chunk. Intonation rises all S.: use ccqs on the left

Should you wait for an answer the way.

P.: s. asks what you
Possible before you continue? (yes) can say when you
variations: Sentence primary accept the
Is it polite to say that? (yes) stress on the second S.: ECDB: Yes, of
Can I just finish syllable of “finish” course
and secondary on Pronunciation
here? Can I use this in a meeting with P.: student stresses
Can I just finish? friends? (yes) “saying”. ‘was’
S.: board sentence
Can I just finish stress and drill
making this Can I use this in a meeting at work?
point? (similar to (yes)
the one bellow)
If I could just We use this chunk to reject When you say that, do you accept Meaning
P.: Student asks if it is
finish making interruptions. the interruption? (no) or not a question.
this point. If I could just finish S.: Answer it is similar
making this point. to a question.
Heading: not allowing Do you say this before or after
Semi-fixed interruption someone interrupts you? (after) Form
chunk Intonation falls until P: S. inserts ‘to’ after
Should you wait for an answer ‘finish’ and rises ‘just’
S.: board mistake
Possible before you continue? (yes) slightly until ‘point’. during delayed
feedback and have
variations: class correct it
If I could just Is it polite to say that? (yes) ‘If’ and ‘I’ are linked.
finish. There’s elision Pronunciation
If I could just Can I use this in a meeting with between ‘could’ and P.: S. pronounce extra
‘just’, so the ‘d’ ‘e’ after could
finish. friends? (yes) S.: drill sentence and
If I could just from could is not show elision visually (a

finish what I was Can I use this in a meeting at work? pronounced. cross)

saying. (yes)
Can I just finish Primary sentence
stress is on the first
making this syllable of ‘finish’
point? and secondary stress
on ‘point’.
(similar to the
one above)
STAGE & 1. Describe the activity in detail. + SOLUTIONS TUTOR’S
2. Script your instructions and ICQs.
 
PURPOSE 3. Say how you will take/provide feedback to students, and how
Consider classroom COMMENTS
management, procedures,
you will correct them. learners, topic of lesson and
Lead in 1 T. greets students and asks about their material and T-G 5- P.: There’s an odd
To get ss. their week. + 8’ number of ss.
interested Pairs S.: Have a trio
in the topic # FP 1
of the text P.: Breakout rooms are
and T. shows festival pictures. not working
activate S.: Have 2 pairs of
previous What are these? (FESTIVALS) students call each other
knowledge What types of festivals are there? (Music festivals, and speak on the phone
about it dance festivals, cultural festivals) whilst with muted phone
Can you give some examples of festivals near SP? OR have each student
talk at least once about
In your group, discuss these points. Take a picture of any of the topics in an
the questions. open-class discussion

ICQs: Do you have to write anything? (NO) P.: Someone comes late
Does everybody have to speak? (YES) S.: Explain task quickly
Is it ok if you don’t have time to talk about all the and assign this S. to a
topics? (YES) room

T. leaves ss. in breakout rooms for 2 min + count P.: Possible emerging
down. vocabulary to be taught:
city administration,
When they get back, S. asks people to talk about municipality, State
what they learned from their peers. administration
Lead in 2 # FP 2 T-G 5’ P.: Sound glitches
To Ind. S.: play again
introduce T. asks a s. to read the instructions on the blue box
ss. to the on the flipchart. P.: student
characters mispronounces
of the text ICQs.: How many people are in the meeting? (5) ‘representative’
and be What do you have to pay attention to? (who is who) S.: board sentence stress
prepared and drill
for the next T. Plays tests if everyone can hear the audio and
task plays it.

T. names ss. to drag the name of the position to

bellow the characters’ names.

Answer key:
Sargeant Jim Matthews – A police officer
Terry Gibson – The festival organizer
Paul Tavidson – A Local farmer
Felicity Richards – A Local resident
Sarah Clark – The local government representative

T. asks the class: Who’s coordinating the meeting?

Sarah Clark)
What’s the name of this position? (chairperson)

Listening # FP 3 Ind 7- P.: Sound glitches

for Gist Pairs 12’ S.: play again
To have ss. T. names a S. to read the instructions and tells ss. to
listening use the same list of names from the previous
purposefull exercise. P.: SS get confused
y to the about Jim Matthew’s
text and to ICQ.: Do you have to understand every word? (NO) opinion.
expose Do you have to get the details or general opinion? S.: Ask ss.: what does he
them to the (general opinion) talk about? (problems
TL in Do you have to write full words? (NO) with cars) so does he
context What do you write? (F or A) give more arguments for
or against? (against)
T. Plays the audio once. If necessary, play the
audio again and stop
T. Tells students to compare their answers in pairs after his opinions.
and puts them in rooms for 2 minutes for that.
P.: There’s no need for
T. Plays the audio again (if necessary). listening for the second
time and stage is
T. checks each answer with the whole group. finished in less than 7
Answer key: S.: Have students give
Sargeant Jim Matthews – Against their personal opinion
Terry Gibson – The festival organizer - For about if the festival
Paul Tavidson – A Local farmer - For should happen or not in
Felicity Richards – A Local resident - Against pairs.
Sarah Clark – The local government representative -

Language # FP 4 8- P.: Time’s running out.

Focus 12’ S.: do meaning part as
For ss. to Meaning an open-class activity
notice, T. tells students the text has some parts of the
analyse and meeting and asks them to take a picture of the
better screen. Pairs
d MPF of TL She tells students to work in pairs to put the
highlighted expressions under their functions.

ICQs.: How many sentences per function? (two)

How many minutes do you have? (two)

T. puts ss. in breakout rooms for two minutes (pairs).

When they come back, T. asks from a student from
each group to put the sentence under the heading.

CCQs for each chunk/answer key:

That may be true, but what about… (agreeing) P.: Ss. may point oout
Is Felicity in favour of the festival? (NO) htat “that may be true,
But does she agree that the hills will stop the noise? but what about” is a
(YES) sentence to agree and
Is she worried about something? (YES) disagree at the same
Yes, absolutely. (agreeing) S.: ask if the group
Does she agree that there will be noise? (YES) agrees and endorses it.
Is she sure about her opinion? (YES) Write “partially agree”
When you say that, are you expected to explain why in separated block and
you agree? (No) put expression there.

Well, I’m not sure about that. (disagreeing)

Does she agree or disagree? (Disagree)
Does she explain why? (YES)
Is she being polite? (YES)
When you say this, do people expect explanation?

I’m not sure I agree, actually. (disagreeing)

Does he agree or disagree? (disagree)
Is that a surprise for people? (YES)
Does he explain why? (YES)
Is he being polite? (YES)

Sorry, do you mind if I interrupt? (asking to speak)

Is it polite or impolite to say that? (polite)
Is it formal, informal or semi-formal? (semi-formal)
Can I use this in a meeting with friends? (yes)
Can I use this in a meeting at work? (yes)
Is it polite to say this all the time? (no)
When you make this question, do you speak before or
after the answer? (after)

Can I make a point here? (asking to speak)

Is it polite or impolite to say that? (polite)
Is it formal, informal or semi-formal? (semi-formal)
When you make this question, do you speak before or
after the answer? (after)
Can I use this in a meeting with friends? (yes)
Can I use this in a meeting at work? (yes)
Is it polite to say this all the time? (no)

Can I just finish what I was saying? (refusing

When you say that, do you accept the interruption?
Do you say this before or after someone interrupts
you? (after)
Should you wait for an answer before you continue?
Is it polite to say that? (yes)

Can I use this in a meeting with friends? (yes)

Can I use this in a meeting at work? (yes)

If I could just finish making this poing. (refusing

interruption) T-G
When you say that, do you accept the interruption?
Do you say this before or after someone interrupts
you? (after)
Should you wait for an answer before you continue?
Is it polite to say that? (yes)

# FP 5
T. drills each chunk (in group and for individuals) and
asks students about intonation for each. She draws

That may be true, but what about all the cars?

Yes, absolutely.

Well, I’m not sure about that.

I’m not sure I agree, actually.

Sorry, do you mind if I interrupt?

Can I make a point here?

Can I just finish what I was saying?

If I could just finish making this point.

P.: S. asks if it’s possible

Form to say “Can I interrupt?”
T. uncovers question “Which expressions are don’t S.: say yes
Answer: Yes, absolutely / I’m not sure I agree,
actually /Sorry, do you mind if I interrupt? / Can I
make a point here?

T. uncovers the other question (Which ones can be


And works with students on the variations, clarifying


Before moving on, T asks:

Which one is more formal, Can our could? (Could)

Controlled # FP 6 Ind 10’ P.: time is running out
Practice S.: skip fist exercise OR
For s. to T. Says students have 2 minutes to give the best don’t do peer correction
notice the response to each question. for second exercise
difference ICQs.: how many correct answers? (ONE)
in meaning P.: breakout rooms are
between T. puts chronometer and after time’s up names ss. to not working
the chunks say the answer. She takes the chance to fix any S.: don’t have peer
and be pronunciation issues. check correction
prepared to
use them Answer key:
more freely 1–B
3. C
4. B Pairs

#FP 7
T. Says students have 3 minutes to put the phrases in
the dialogues.
ICQs.: Individually or in pairs? (individually first)
Can you repeat the phrases? (NO)
Do you have to use all the phrases? (YES)

(while students do the exercise, T. prepares notes

with roles for the next stage)

After 3 minutes, T. tell ss will have 2 minutes to

compare answers and puts them in breakout rooms.

T. names ss. to say answers and drags the phrases to

the blanks.

Answer key:
a) That may be true, but
b) Well, I’m not sure about that.
c) Can I just finish what I was saying?
d) Can I just say something
e) Yes, absolutely.
f) I’m not sure I agree
g) If I could just finish making this
h) Do you mind if I interrupt?

Less #FP 8 Trios 7- P.: there are 5 students

controlled T. names a student to read roleplay background. 10 S.: have a group with
practice B+C and a group with
To have T. tells all students to close their eyes. Then she tells A+B+C
students try only two of them to open them and says: this is your
to use the opinion. Read it. Write it down. Think about your P.: there are 4 students
TL in arguments. S.: have two groups with
context B+C
What person are you, A, B, or C? (s. says what’s
written). P.: there are 8 students
S.: have two groups with
T. has two students to read each role card (A, B, C), ABCD
and if the number of ss. is not divisible by 3, she
assigns someone to be a chairperson. P.: breakout rooms are
not working.
After everyone’s read everything, T. tells everyone to S.: have an open-class
open their ayes and checks: discussion with the same
Who’s A? Who’s B? Who’s C? Who’s D? roles.
ICQs: P.: time’s running out
You’ll work in groups. Do you have to come to a S.: extend time and skip
decision? (YES) Do you have to use the new freer practice
expressions? (Yes) How many? (3 - minimum)
P.: there’s a lot of time
Everybody, take a picture of the screen. left
S.: regroup ss. and have
If you finish before the time, what can you do? Talk them perform the
in Portuguese? (NO) (If no one answers with a activity again
suggestion, say you can give your personal opinion).
When I come into the room, do you stop talking?

T. puts ss. in breakout rooms for 5 minutes and

monitors each for a few minutes (with no camera).

When everyone returns, T. names a s. from each

group to present their decision.
Freer #FP 9 7- P.: Time’s running out
Practice T. tells ss it’s time to give their personal opinion. 10 S.: Cross some of the
To have sentences and give less
students Instructions: time OR skip activity and
practice You have 2 minutes to think about your opinion go to feedback
having a about each sentence.
real ICQs.: P.: There’s a lot of time
discussion, Do you have to write texts? (NO) left.
with Can you write keywords? (YES) S.: Change ss. of groups
opportunity and have them find out
to use the T. plays time and gives instructions for the next part: other people’s opinions.
spontaneou In your groups, give your opinion about each
sly sentence. Follow the sequence.
ICQs.: What’s the first sentence you’ll discuss? (first)
Can you stop talking after you say if you agree or
disagree with the sentence? (NO) What do you do
then? (Explain why).

T. puts ss in different trios from the previous exercise

for 5 minutes.

After everyone’s back, T. names some ss. to report

what she found out about her friends opinions.

Feedback #FP 10 3-
T. writes on FP good examples of student’s 5’
production to congratulate them.

T. also writes examples of mistakes or words/phrases

mispronounced to drill with students.
TP Feedback Report
Date: TP No.: Focus: No. of Ss:


 Planning & Resources

 Language Analysis & Awareness

 Learners & Teacher  Language Skills  Teaching Skills  Professionalism



Overall Grade
* The assessment of this lesson does not represent a final assessment or grade.

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