Obg MSC 1st Year

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COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to assist students in developing expertise and in depth understanding in the field of
obstetric and gynecological nursing. It will help students to appreciate the client as a holistic individual and develop skill to function
as an independent midwifery practioner. It will further enable the student to function as educator, manager and researcher in the field
of obstetric and gynecological nursing.


1. Appreciate the trends in the field of midwifery, obstetrics and gynecology as a specialty.
2. Describe the population dynamics and indicators of maternal and child health.
3. Describe the concepts of biophysical, psychological and spiritual aspects of normal pregnancy, labor and puerperium.
4. Provide comprehensive nursing care to women during reproductive period and newborns.
5. Integrate the concept of family centered nursing care and nursing process approach in obstetric and gynecological nursing.
6. Identify and analyze the deviations from normal birth process and refer appropriately.
7. Describe the pharmacological agents, their effects during pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium, lactatation , and role of the nurse.
8. Counsel adolescents, women and families on issue pertaining to pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.
9. Describe the role of various types of complementary and alternative therapies in obstetric and gynecological nursing.
10 Incorporate evidence based nursing practice and identify the area research in the field of obstetric and gynecological nursing.
11 Describe the recent advancement in contraceptive technology and birth control measures.
12 appreciate the legal and ethical issues pertaining to obstetric and gynecological nursing.
Unit HRS HRS Leaning Content Method of teaching Method of
ATD DIST objectives evaluation
I 10 1hrs Describe the Introduction ;  Lecture cum
historical and  Historical and contemporary discussion  Essay type,
contemporary perspectives  Short
1hrs Perspective  Epidemiological aspects of  Lecture cum answer,
maternal and child health discussion, PPT  Objective
 Magnitude of maternal and child  Assignment type,
heath : age, gender, sexuality , assessment
psycho socio cultural factors of skills with
1hrs  Magnitude of maternal and child  Lecture cum
health problems discussion, PPT
1hrs  Issuses of maternal and child  Lecture cum
health problems discussion
 Issues of maternal; and child
health: age, gender, sexuality,
psychosocio cultural factors
1hrs  Preventive obstetrics  Lecture cum
discussion, PPT
1hrs  National health and family  Lecture cum
welfare programmes related to discussion, PPT
maternal and child health :
health care delivery system –
national rural heath mission ,
role of NGO,S
1hrs  Theories, model and approaches  Lecture cum
applied to midwifery practice. discussion, PPT
1hr  Role and scope of midwifery  Lecture cum
practice: independent nurse and discussion, PPT
midwifery practitioner

1hrs  Legal and ethical issues: code of  Seminar

ethics and standards of
midwifery practice, standing

1hrs  Evidence based midwifery  Lecture cum

practice discussion, PPT
 Research priorities in obstetrics
and gynecological nursing.
II 15 3hrs Describe the Human reproduction:  Seminar  Essay 
review of  Review of anatomy and type,
anatomy and physiology of human  Short
physiology of reproduction system : male and answers,
human female  Objective
2hrs reproduction  Hormonal cycle  Lecture cum type,
system: male discussion, PPT  assessm
5hrs and female  Embryology  Lecture cum ent of
And clinical discussion, PPT skills
2hrs implication  Genetics , teratology and  Lecture cum with
Identify the counseling discussion, PPT checkli
stage of  st
3hrs  Clinical implications  Lecture cum
discussion, PPT
III 25 3hrs Explain the Pregnancy:  Lecture cum  Essay type,
nursing  Maternal adaptation : discussion, PPT  Short
management of physiological , psychosocial answers,
pregnancy 1 Assessment: maternal and Foetal  Objective
measures maternal measure: history type,
taking, examination – general, physical  assessm
and obstetrical measure, identification ent of
of high risk. skills
9hrs 2. Foetal measure:  Seminar with
 Clinical parameters, checkli
biochemical- human estriol, st
 maternal serum alfa feto protein  
 acetyl choline esterase(AchE),
 Triple Test
 Aminocentesis,
 cordocentesis,
 chorionic villus sampling(CVS)

8hrs 3 Biophysical:  Lecture cum

 ( US IMAGING, Foetal discussion, PPT
Movement count,
 ultra Sonography,
 cariotocography,
 cardiotomography,
 nom stress Test( NST),
 Contraction Stress Test (CST)
 Aminoscopy,
 foetoscopy,
 Radiological examination
 Interpretation of diagnostic test
and nursing implication
5hrs  Nursing management of the  Lecture cum
pregnant women, minor discussion, PPT
disorders of pregnancy and
management, preparation for
child birth and parenthood ,
importance of institutional
delivery, choice of birth setting,
importance and mobilizing of
transportation , parental
counseling , role of nurse and
crisis intervention , identification
of high risk pregnancy and refer.
Alterative /complementary therapies.

IV 20 7hrs Describe the Normal labour and nursing  Essay type, 

various stages of management:  Lecture cum  Short
labour and role  Essential factors of labour discussion, PPT answers,
of midwife in  Stages and onset  Objective
caring for a First stages; type,
women in labour  physiology of normal labour  assessm
and delivery  Use of partograph:principles , ent of
uses and critical analysis, skills
evidence bases studies. with
 Analgesic and anesthesia in checkli
labour st
 Nursing management
5hrs Second stage:  Demonstration
 Physiology , intrapartum
monitoring  Lecture cum
 Nursing management discussion, PPT
 Resuscitation , immediate
newborn care and initiate breast
feeding( guidelines of national
technology forum of india)
2hrs Third stage:  Seminar
 Physiology and nursing
6hrs Fourth stage: observation , critical 
analysis and nursing management  Lecture cum
 Various child birth practice; discussion, PPT
water birth, position change etc.
 Evidence based practice in
relation to labour intervention
 Role of nurse midwifery  Assignment
Alternative/ complementary therapies
V 20 2hrs Describe the Normal Purperium and nursing  Seminar  Essay type,
various aspects management :  Short
of puerperium,  Physiology of puerperium answers,
5hrs and the  Physiology of lactation ,  Lecture cum  Objective
role of midwife lactation management, exclusive discussion, PPT type,
in the breast feeding b baby friendly assessment of
management of Hospital Initiative( BFHI) skills with
women in checklist
puerperal period
1hrs  Assessment of postnatal women  Demonstration
in various
settings.  Seminar
 Minor discomforts and
complication of puerperium
5hrs  Management of mothers during  Lecture cum
puerperium: postnatal exercises discussion, PPT 
rooming in, bonding, warm

2hrs  Evidence based studies.  Lecture cum

Role of nurse midwifery practitioner discussion, PPT
 Alternative /complementary
VI 20 3hrs Discuss the Normal newborn:  Essay type,
method of  Physiology and characteristics of  Short
assessment of normal newborn answers,
4hrs newborn at birth  Physical and behavioural  Objective
, assessment of newborn type,
2hrs Apgar scoring  Needs of newborn assessment of
Demonstrate skills with
5hrs  Essential newborn care:
skill in checklist
exclusive breast feeding ,
the techniques
immunization, hygiene
measures, newborn nutrition
resuscitation of
3hrs asphyxiated new  Organization of neonatal care ,
born services( levels ) ,transport,
neonatal intensive care unit,
organization and management of
nursing services in NICU
2hrs  Observation and care of
 Parenting process
VII 10 3hrs Describe the Pharmaco dynamics in obstetrics  Lecture cum  Essay type,
pharmco  Drugs used in pregnancy , discussion, PPT  Short
dynamic in labour, postpartum and new born answers,
obstetrics  Objective
2hrs  Calculation of drugs dose and  Lecture cum type,
administration discussion, PPT assessment of
3hrs  Effects of drugs used  Lecture cum skills with
Anesthesia and analgesia in discussion, PPT checklist
 Role and responsibilities of  Assignment
midwifery nurse practitioner
2hrs  Standing order and protocols  Symposium
and Evidence based studies use
of selected life saving drugs and
interventions of obstetrics
emergencies approved by the

VIII 10 1Hr Describe the Family welfare services  Lecture cum  Essay type,
family welfare  Population dynamics discussion, PPT  Short
2hrs services com  Demography trends ; vital  Seminar answers,
statistics, calculation of  Objective
indicators especially maternal type,
and neonatal morality rates and assessment of
problems and other health skills with
problems checklist
1hrs  Recent advancement in  Lecture cum
contraceptives technology discussion, PPT
1hrs  Role of nurses in family welfare  Lecture cum
programmes in all settings discussion, PPT

1hrs  Role of independent nurse  Lecture cum

midwifery practitioner discussion, PPT
1hrs  Family life education  Lecture cum
discussion, PPT
1hrs   Lecture cum
discussion, PPT
1hrs  Information, education and  Symposium
communication (IEC).
1hrs  Management information and  Lecture cum
evaluation system discussion, PPT
 Teaching and supervision of
health team members.

IX 5 1hrs Describe the Infertility:  Lecture cum  Essay type,

infertility  Primary and secondary causes discussion, PPT  Short
1hrs  Diagnostic procedures  Lecture cum answers,
discussion, PPT  Objective
1hrs  Counseling ethical and legal  Lecture cum type,
aspects of assisted reproductive discussion, PPT assessment of
technology skills with
1hrs  Recent advancement in  Seminar checklist
infertility management
1hrs  Adoption procedures  Lecture cum
 Role of nurse in infertility discussion, PPT

X 5 1hrs Explain the Menopause:  Lecture cum  Essay type,

menopause  Physiological , psychological discussion, PPT  Short
and social aspects answers,
1hrs  Hormone replacement therapy  Seminar  Objective
1hrs  Surgical menopause  Lecture cum type,
discussion, PPT assessment of
1hrs  Counseling and guidance  Lecture cum skills with
discussion, PPT checklist
1hrs  Role of midwifery nurse  Seminar
XI 5 1hrs Explain the Abortion :  Lecture cum  Essay type,
abortion  Types , causes discussion, PPT  Short
1hrs  Legislation , clinical  Lecture cum answers,
rights and professional discussion, PPT  Objective
1hrs  Abortion procedures  Lecture cum type,
discussion, PPT assessment of
1hrs  Complications  Lecture cum skills with
discussion, PPT checklist
1hrs  Nursing management  Seminar
 Role of midwifery nurse


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