Course Plan: Obstetric & Gynaecological Nursing
Course Plan: Obstetric & Gynaecological Nursing
Course Plan: Obstetric & Gynaecological Nursing
To meet the above objectives the student needs to learn the changes which have taken place in the approaches toward the treatment and aftercare
of the mentally ill. She will need to know the common causes, the classification of mental illnesses and to recognize early signs and symptoms.
Opportunities must be provided which will help the student to appreciate the importance of relationship with the patient and the therapeutic role
of a nurse and other staff. All of these experiences should help her to develop a desirable attitude to mental illness and a genuine respect for
persons who are no longer in harmony with themselves and/or their environment.
The minimum number of hours recommended for formal planning instruction is 150 hrs. in theory and 650 hrs for clinical.
It is suggested that this subject is placed in M.Sc Nursing Ist year as the students have studied the Child health in 4 thyear B.Sc Nursing and in
Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Ist year it is easy for them to understand the women as a holistic individual.
obstetric and gynaecological nursing hospitals, obstetric and gynaecological nursing units in General hospitals, outpatient clinics,
Labour Room, Wrd No. 2,LR OT can offer useful experiences when the students are posted for their clinical experiences.
It is desirable for the teaching to be done by a Lecturer holding M. Sc. In obstetric and gynaecological nursing with adequate experience
in obstetric and gynaecological nursing or Basic or Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing with Diploma in obstetric and gynaecological
nursing and with a minimum of two year of experience in this field.
A well equipped classroom with facilities for the use of common A/V aids is useful. A number of suitable films and modern library books and
journals for references may be used to gain current knowledge about the field. General and speciality hospitals managing the sick mothers
provide practical orientation to the students.
Theory: lecture cum discussion, group discussion and group interaction, project method, computer assisted instruction, panel discussion.
Practical: Demonstration, clinical teaching, ward round, nursing clinics, care plan, case study, process recording, mental status examination,
health education, drug file, role play, observational visits, recreational programmes and family visits in community,. Printed formats have to be
given for writing nursing care plan, case study, Nutritional assessment of the mother.
Students should be encouraged to observe and to relate to these observations and incidents from their own clinical experiences in the
wards or in the community, for discussion by the group. All the teaching and clinical experiences should inculcate in the students desirable
attitude towards the mother.
COURSE TITLE : Obstetric and Gynaecological nursing Hours : 150
COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course is designed to assist students in developing expertise and in depth understanding in
the field of Obstetric and Gynaecological nursing.It will helps students to appreciate the child as a holistic individual and develop skill to
function as Obstetric and Gynaecological nursing specialist. It will further enable the students to function as educator, manager, and
researcher in the field of Obstetric and Gynaecological nursing.
PLACEMENT OF THE COURSE : Obstetric and Gynaecological nursing must be placed in Ist year of M.Sc. Nursing.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE : Upon completion of the unit, the students acquire knowledge regarding the mother clients
and . assessment and management of emergencies.
4 Discuss normal labour and Normal Labour and nursing management: 25 Lecture cum Chalk Assignment
nursing management. Essential factors of labour discussion board Report
Stages and onset Nursing Printed Clinical
First stage: Physiology of normal labour rounds formats Assignment
• Use of partograph: Principles, use Case study Check list
and critical analysis, Clinical Visits
evidence based studies posting and
• Analgesia and anaesthesia in labour Patient
• Nursing management assignment
Second stage Mental Status
• Physiology , intrapartum monitoring Examination
• Nursing management. Observation
• Resuscitation , immediate newborn
care and initiate breast
feeding (Guidelines of National
neonatalogy forum of India)
Third stage
• Physiology and nursing
Fourth stage – Observation, critical
analysis and Nursing
• Various child birth practice: water
birth, position change etc
• Evidence based practice in relation
to labour intervention
Role of nurse midwifery practitioner
• Alternative/complementary
5 Describe normal Normal puerperium and nursing 20 Lecture cum Chalk Assignment
puerperium and nursing management discussion board Report
management Physiology of puerperium Nursing Printed Clinical
Physiology of lactation, lactation rounds formats Assignment
management, exclusive breast Case study Check list
feeding ,Baby friendly hospital Clinical Visits
intitative(BFHI) posting and
Assessment of postnatal women . Patient
Minor discomforts and assignment
complications of puerperium Mental Status
Management of mothers during Examination
puerperium: Postnatal Observation
exercises Rooming in, bonding, warm
Evidence based studies
Role of nurse midwifery practitioner
• Alternative/complementary
6 Describe observation Normal Newborn 20 Lecture cum Chalk Assignment
and care of newborn. Physiology and characteristics of discussion board Report
normal newborn Nursing Printed Clinical
Physical and Behavioural rounds formats Assignment
assessment of newborn Case study Check list
Needs of newborn Clinical Visits
Essential newborn care: Exclusive posting and
breast feeding, Patient
Immunization, Hygiene measures, assignment
Newborn nutrition
Organization of neonatal care,
services(Levels), transport,
neonatal intensive care unit,
organization and management of
nursing services in NICU
Observation and care of newborn
Parenting process