Word of Advice

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I faced a common problem while writing the four questions (asked in a form of an essay) in the
application form. The problem was that there were a lot of achievements I had to write but the
questions were sort of intertwined so, it was resulting in the repetition of points. So, before
writing these questions, make sure you understand the demand of each question and categorize
all your achievements in such a way that it fits into the different questions properly and there is
no repetition.

You need to think over these four broader points to answer the four questions mentioned below:

1. Explain the Problem.

2. Demand of the problem/ what needs to be done?

3. Explain your work (individual/group) to solve the problem.

4. What was the outcome/impact on society/ nation/ world?

Note: Please focus on your cause/debate and share your story in a precise

The application involves writing four essays in English

which can be broadly described as:
1) Leadership and Influence (Chevening is looking for individuals who
will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries. Explain to
them how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own
leadership and influencing skills to support your answer.) (Minimum
word count: 100 words, Maximum word count: 500 words)
A. Give the background of your life that may be in the form of childhood experiences/ rural
background/ poverty/ deficit environment/ first-generation learner/ orphan/ drugs ( Not more
than 50-60 words)

B. Use 1-2 leadership examples. The leadership examples may be at the school /University/Job
Level. Further, substantiate the above with evidence.
C. There can be more than one leadership example at any level but these examples must be
presented in a progressive manner. The flow is of the essence here and shows its
influence/impact on the societal/ national/ international level.

Note: Avoid writing too many random leadership examples. The focus should be on telling
your story rather than showing that you are RAMBO or SUPERMAN!!!

2) Networking (Chevening is looking for individuals with strong

professional relationship building skills, who will engage with
the Chevening community and influence and lead others in their chosen
profession. Please explain how you build and maintain relationships in a
professional capacity, using clear examples of how you currently do this,
and outline how you hope to use these skills in the future. )(Minimum
word count: 100 words; Maximum word count: 500 words)
Here, the aspirants should focus on showing effective networking (means how s/he is/was
associated with different people/organisations professionally) through various examples. The
networking can be shown by showing one’s association with

· Family

· Society

· Teachers/Professors

· Civil Society

· NGOs

· Government

· International organizations.

Again, take 1-2 concrete examples which reflect your capability of establishing networks with
various people/organizations. You need to establish that you are a team player and involved the
stakeholders in understanding and finding the solution to a societal problem.

3) Why Study in the UK and why the three course choices? (Outline why
you have selected your three university courses, and explain how these
relate to your previous academic or professional experience and your
plans for the future. Please do not duplicate the information you have
entered on the work experience and education section of this
form)(minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count: 500
This question demands aspirants to do comprehensive research about two things

1. The chosen course.

2. The three universities where you want to pursue this course. The aspirants should focus their
research on modules (subjects) taught in the university and the professors who teach these

In this question, aspirants should write 2-3 lines about one work/goal and how a particular
Course and University will help in achieving the goal.

Write one paragraph for each University (i.e. a total of three paragraphs).

The last Paragraph should focus on how becoming a Chevening Scholar will help in achieving
your mentioned goal.

4) Career plan (Chevening is looking for individuals who have a clear

post-study career plan. Please outline your immediate plans upon
returning home and your long term career goals. You may wish to
consider how these relate to what the UK government is doing in your
country.)(Minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count: 500
This question requires the Chevening Scholarship aspirants to discuss the plan after finishing
their studies in the UK. Here, the focus should be on explaining Short/Medium and Long term
career goals. This Question is make or break. The aspirants must give a clear blueprint
of their career after returning from the UK.

The aspirants may mention his/her willingness to work as an academician or are having a
political pursuit or want to start an organization. And how these career paths could help in
achieving one’s goal mentioned above. The Last Paragraph could focus on how Chevening
Scholarship will be instrumental in achieving these career goals.

Note: The Students should focus on originality and must not copy from previously selected
candidate essays. There is a high chance that the scrutiny committee will find it through the
plagiarism software and out rightly reject your application. Also, if you are not truthful in your
application process, you may not be able to show your passion in the interview stage or get
caught by the Interviewer as they are highly experienced people. So, one last Mantra, be honest
in your application process and you will get through.
Sometimes, people are requesting me to share my essays with them. I sincerely request you all to
kindly refrain from doing so. I will not be able to share them. However, you can send me your
essays and I will definitely give my comments, suggestions and also if needed, I will discuss the
same on the phone with you. I am there to help at all the stages of the Chevening scholarship.
Keep Calm and Apply for Chevening Scholarship. All the best!

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