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Taylor Medication Effectiveness

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The Taylor Medication Effectiveness Report

Child’s Name ________________________________________________________________________________

Your Name _________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________

Time period being rated: From (date) ____________________________ To (date) __________________________

Current regimen:______________ mg. of _________________________ taken at _________________a.m./ p.m.

_________________ mg. of ____________________________________ taken at _________________a.m./ p.m.

Simply fill out as a teacher would a grade report, with these grades:

Grade Rating: The percentage of times the child shows this trait, from among all opportunities to do so.

AExcellent- very pleasant 80% to 100% of the time

B Good – O.K livable with 60% to 80% of the time
C Fair – barely tolerable 40% to 60% of the time
D Poor – very unpleasant 20% to 40% of the time
F Failure – not tolerable less than 20% of the time

ACTIVITY CONTROL: Mouth, hands, and EMOTIONAL CONTROL: Patient, can be

feet well teased, not easily
controlled; sits for normal length of time; upset, can take frustrations in stride,
not fidgety or squirmy; ABCDEF doesn’t have tantrums.
ABCDEF doesn’t poke, touch, and grab; stays seated

BRAIN IN GEAR: Not impulsive, asks FOCUSING: Normal attention span,

thoughtful questions, pursues a goal without
understands and remembers clearly, not getting sidetracked, completes activities,
ABCDEF absentminded, seems “tuned ABCDEF not overly distractible,
in”, stops and thinks before taking action. doesn’t flit from activity to activity.

CONSCIENCE: Considers moral aspects GENTLENESS: Doesn’t argue or power

of decisions; doesn’t struggle, obedient,
lie, cheat or steal; respects boundaries; cooperative, respects authority.
ABCDEF asks permission before doing ABCDEF
things; repentant and apologetic if caught
in a misdeed.

DILIGENCE: Does things without being HELPFULLNESS: Polite, generous,

reminded or nagged, courteous, kind-hearted,
faces tasks and responsibilities head-on, doesn’t demand own way with other
ABCDEF wants to do a good and ABCDEF children.
thorough job, earnest and serious minded
rather than flippant, careful
rather than careless, concerned about
A’s and B’s in all eight desired effects signifiescorrect dosage for ADHD symptom control.
Please describe any other positive changes in behavior orperformance since starting this
particular medication arrangement:




Please indicate the levels that are happening:
0= This effect is not occurring or is so small that adapting to it requires no effort.
1= This effect is mild and manageable with just a small effort that is not inconvenient.
2= This effect is moderate, causing some inconvenience but still livable with.
3= This effect is severe, causing great inconvenience and cannot be allowed to continue.

_______ Groggy-zonked, too tired
_______ Irritable, weepy shortly after taking pills
_______ Headaches
_______Tics, jerking muscle movement
_______ Appetite decrease
_______ Stomach complaints
_______ Pre-sleep agitation
_______ Other: (describe)



Please describe any other negative changes in behavior orperformance since starting this
particular medication arrangement,whether or not you think they might be directly related to this
child’smedication treatment:



The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Training Program 303: Attention & Activity Disorders in Children & Adolescents

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