Assessment of Iron Ore Pellets Production Using Two Charcoals With Different Content of Materials Volatile Replacing Partially Anthracite Fines
Assessment of Iron Ore Pellets Production Using Two Charcoals With Different Content of Materials Volatile Replacing Partially Anthracite Fines
Assessment of Iron Ore Pellets Production Using Two Charcoals With Different Content of Materials Volatile Replacing Partially Anthracite Fines
of Pages 11
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 1 8;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx
Original Article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Iron ore pelletizing plant consumes coal, pet coke, oil and natural gas to get the required
Received 6 December 2017 chemistry, physical and metallurgical properties for iron ore pellets, consumed in steel
Accepted 11 September 2018 industry. Tests were carried out to burn green iron ore pellets, which consumed natural
Available online xxx gas; coal (anthracite fines) and two different eucalyptus charcoal (replacing the anthracite
fines partially) with two different range of volatile materials. First charcoal with a volatile
Keywords: range of 20.3–25.98% and, a second one varying from 9.4 to 11.1%. Based on fixed carbon
Iron ore pellet (10 kg/1 ton of pellets) content in green mixture, several tests were done to replace approx-
Solid fuel imately 0.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 35.0% of anthracite fines by the two different charcoals, each turn
Physical tests with one charcoal, at the end both charcoals were tested and replaced the anthracite fines
Pelletizing process in the same amount of fixed carbon content. The “zero” replacement was the standard pel-
let trial, produced only with anthracite fines. Experiments were performed on a pilot scale
plant using a mixer for green mixture, pelletizing disk, and a reactor of “pot grate” type for
burning green pellets, that reactor simulated the traveling grate indurating machine. After
burning, samples were collected to undergo physical tests, such as: tumble, abrasion and
crushing strength. It was possible to replace 7.5% of anthracite fines by the two eucalyptus
charcoal. Still 10.0% of replacement of anthracite fines was possible with the charcoal with
lower volatile matter.
© 2018 Brazilian Metallurgical, Materials and Mining Association. Published by Elsevier
Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Corresponding author.
E-mail: (G.E. Praes).
2238-7854/© 2018 Brazilian Metallurgical, Materials and Mining Association. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Please cite this article in press as: Praes GE, et al. Assessment of iron ore pellets production using two charcoals with different content of
materials volatile replacing partially anthracite fines. J Mater Res Technol. 2018.
JMRTEC-484; No. of Pages 11
2 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 1 8;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx
Please cite this article in press as: Praes GE, et al. Assessment of iron ore pellets production using two charcoals with different content of
materials volatile replacing partially anthracite fines. J Mater Res Technol. 2018.
JMRTEC-484; No. of Pages 11
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 1 8;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx 3
Up Down
draft draft After 1st 2nd
Green pellet drying drying Preheating Firing cooling cooling
Please cite this article in press as: Praes GE, et al. Assessment of iron ore pellets production using two charcoals with different content of
materials volatile replacing partially anthracite fines. J Mater Res Technol. 2018.
JMRTEC-484; No. of Pages 11
4 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 1 8;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx
The 7 different green pellets were thermally treated in a 2.4. Physical tests
“pot grate” furnace. The furnace consists of a pilot machine
designed to simulate the thermal cycle in the industrial pro- Physical tests were performed to evaluate the physical quality
cess of burning green pellets, it works by simulating the of the pellet after burning. These tests were: Determination of
burning process in a way similar to a traveling grate indus- the Tumble and Abrasion ([9], 6.3 mm retained and abrasion
trial machine. It is a pelletizing grate indurating machine in test material, in 0.5 mm pass-through) and Determination of
pilot scale. The main components are: a combustion chamber the Crushing Strength [10].
generating hot gases for heating the green pellets, in a pot with The average minimum crushing strength required by the
grate bar where burned pellets are displaced above and inside study sponsor in its operations is 300 kgf/pellet. In addition,
as hearth layer, the green pellets are displaced right above and in its researches, the percentage of pellets burned below
besides the hearth layer. This is a chamber where the heat 200 kgf/pellet is still evaluated, as this is also indicative of the
air stream comes directly in contact to the green pellets, and burning efficiency, however, it is something internal to the
there is a wind box positioned below the grate bar for trans- sponsor not being established neither in routine operations
port the air stream. The gas exhaust is conducted by a fume nor in international standards.
hood. An upward flow is used during the drying zone (hot air
applied to the UDZ) and the cooling zone (atmospheric air). A
downward hot air flow is used during the downward drying 3. Results and discussion
zone (DDZ), preheating zone (hot air), firing zone, and after
firing zone. All downward gases crossing the pot, follow in the The chemical composition for the raw materials utilized in the
direction of wind box and after are released to the atmosphere, mass balance is presented in Table 2.
as well the upward flow from DDZ is released directly to atmo- Pellet feed have already been ground and pressed in the
sphere. At the end of the process the pellets are burned and industrial process. Concerning to the particle size, the average
cooled, the furnace is opened and the material is unloaded specific surface area was 1877 cm2 /g, and 88.5% of the material
with temperatures lower than 50 ◦ C. passed through 44 m mesh.
The pilot apparatus has an electronic control system sim- The feeding dosages to produce blast furnace pellets for the
ulating the time/temperature history that the pellets undergo seven different blending tests are presented in Table 3.
during the drying, firing, and cooling zones similar to the The Mix 1* of Table 3 is the standard test. This test pro-
industrial process. Temperatures are recorded using thermo- duced the product regularly sold by the sponsor of the study,
couples installed in the wind box, bottom layer, middle layer was produced only with AF, which was partially replaced in
and upper layer of the pellets. Control of upward or downward the study, in mixtures from 2 to 7. The volatile matter of
gas flow is accomplished by opening and closing the valves for AF is around 50% when comparing to the volatile matter of
direction and flow control. CHAR.
Iron ore fines 96.75 96.74 96.75 96.75 96.75 96.75 96.74
Limestone 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36
Bentonite 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Anthracite fines 1.39 1.30 1.29 1.25 1.26 0.90 0.91
CHAR 1 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00
CHARPY 1 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00
CHAR 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.00
CHARPY 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49
Please cite this article in press as: Praes GE, et al. Assessment of iron ore pellets production using two charcoals with different content of
materials volatile replacing partially anthracite fines. J Mater Res Technol. 2018.
JMRTEC-484; No. of Pages 11
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 1 8;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx 5
3.1. Solid fuel applied in green mixture and balling The average specific surface area of the six fuels used in
the green pellet mixtures for balling and burning are shown
in Table 5.
The immediate analysis, low calorific value (LCV) and sulfur
In a similar research with iron ore in pot grate made
content of the solid fuels utilized in the tests 1–7 are presented
by Tôrres et al. [7], however using a charcoal originated
in Table 4.
from carbonization of leather residues (CLR), the size of CLR
Pyrolysis of CHAR 1 and CHAR 2 produced CHARPY 1 and
was similar to CHARPY1 and CHAR1. Those biomasses and
CHARPY 2 with a significant reduction of volatile matter. These
CLR presented the following values for the size of pass-
volatile values found are according to the literature, Garcia
ing through 44 m: CHAR1, CHARPY1 and CLR were 86.9%,
[11], Cortez et al. [4] and IPT [12].
95.0% and 88.8%, respectively. The CHAR2 and CHARPY2, pass-
The particle size distribution of the six fuels utilized in the
ing through 44 m were 62.3% and 67.1%, respectively. The
7 green mixtures is shown in Fig. 2.
different size distribution presented different impacts on com-
Fig. 2 shows the particle size distribution of each one of
bustion and heat distribution in the green pellets. Passing
the 6 fuels used in the 7 green mixtures, for pelletizing and
higher than 86.9% through 44 m as CHAR1, CHARPY1 and CLR
burning. Despite of the variation in the grain size distribution,
had better combustion and heat transfer inside the pellets.
especially in the fractions smaller than 44 m, all those fuels
were within the target applied by the sponsor in its routine
operation. It is important to note that in daily operation of 3.2. Solid fuel thermogravimetry and fuel behavior in
the study sponsor, the size control parameter is the average pot grate
specific surface.
Also in Fig. 2, the values found for the six fuels, CHARPY1, In relation to the thermogravimetric curve, a very distinct
CHAR1, AF2, AF1, CHARPY2, CHAR2 in the order of the smallest behavior between CHAR, AF and CHARPY, used in tests 1–7
to the largest grain size were: 95.0%, 86.9%, 79.9%, 72.7%, 67.1% were presented. This behavior is depicted in the thermogravi-
and 62.3% respectively for passing through 44 m. metric graphics. Fig. 3 shows the thermogravimetric graphic
Passing (%)
30 50 70 90 110 130 150
Particle size µm
Fig. 2 – Particle size distribution of the fuels used in the seven green mixtures.
Please cite this article in press as: Praes GE, et al. Assessment of iron ore pellets production using two charcoals with different content of
materials volatile replacing partially anthracite fines. J Mater Res Technol. 2018.
JMRTEC-484; No. of Pages 11
6 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 1 8;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx
% decomposed mass since 25 °C
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
for fuel from tests 1 to 5. It is important remark that the behav- Clearly the usage of fuels with charcoal provided a type
ior in thermogravimetric curve presents relevant implications of pellet that tends to be dusty, this factor probably due to
in the indurating process and consequently quality parame- the results obtained, is linked to the hypothesis of thermal
ters of the burned pellets. decomposition.
Fig. 3 the first fuel to start decomposition at the lowest tem- It is not clear exactly which the lower temperature is, more
perature is CHAR1, after raising temperature, was followed by studies need to be done to understand how to define that
the CHARPY1 and at last to decompose was the AF1, the initial lower temperature. That lower temperature is related to the
decomposition temperatures were 279 ◦ C, 355 ◦ C and 365 ◦ C types of fuels used. However it is remarkably clear by the
respectively. Both fuels keep approximately the same rate of thermogravimetric curves that this process happens. On the
decomposition and the same delta of temperature (T) for a other hand just viewing the thermogravimetric curves it is
same mass of decomposition between the three curves until possible to assume that if the pellets are in a range of temper-
900 ◦ C. This means that CHAR1 decomposition will always, ature of approximately 300–400 ◦ C, the decomposition starts,
in this case, happen at first place and the decomposition of pay attention that the surface pellet and inside pellet tem-
CHARPY1 second but very close to AF1. This happens because peratures are not the same. This is a complex discussion for
CHAR 1 has higher volatile matter. this study and will not evaluated here, possibly this range is
For each fuel applied, the decomposition behavior need to reached somewhere between DDZ and preheating zone. Any-
be reasoned inside the green pellets, when the burning pro- way the result is a dusty pellet in some extension.
cess happens. The CHAR1 starts its thermal decomposition in In the second thermogravimetric curve, referring to the
lower temperatures than AF1 and CHARPY1. That factor gen- fuels of tests 6 and 7 in Fig. 4, a behavior similar to that of
erated a worse pellet, because that decomposition (CHAR1) Fig. 2 was presented, that is, at first CHAR2 begins its decom-
was advanced when compared to the others fuels (AF1 and position at temperatures below 300 ◦ C, in the case 248 ◦ C. On
CHARPY1), thereby worsening the hardening process and con- the other hand AF2 and CHARPY2 decompose at temperatures
sequently pellet quality. In this study that issue is considered of 348 and 349 ◦ C, respectively. The CHARPY2 curve presented
the hypothesis of thermal decomposition of charcoal and its behavior similar to that of AF2, differently from CHAR2. Thus,
effects take place inside a green pellet, during the hardening CHAR2, like CHAR1, underwent thermal decomposition at
process in the moving grate. lower temperatures.
Please cite this article in press as: Praes GE, et al. Assessment of iron ore pellets production using two charcoals with different content of
materials volatile replacing partially anthracite fines. J Mater Res Technol. 2018.
JMRTEC-484; No. of Pages 11
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 1 8;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx 7
% decomposed mass since 25°C
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 4 – Thermo gravimetric decomposition curve of AF2, CHAR2 and CHARPY2, used in tests 6 and 7.
3.3. Physical and chemical properties obtained in grate) is a static pot different from the real pallet cars that are
burned pellets in motion during operation.
During the seven tests there was no significant variation in 3.4. Chemical analysis
process temperatures, as shown in Table 6.
There were no significant temperature variations during The results of chemical analysis from samples after pellets
the 7 tests. The heat distribution according to the tempera- were burned are presented in Table 7.
tures reached was uniform and sufficient for the maximum
recrystallization of the hematite to occur around 1350 ◦ C. 3.5. Crushing strength
Remembering that consumption of natural gas was kept
constant. It means that around 50% of the total thermal bal- Fig. 4 shows the average crushing strength in kgf/pellet
ance came from natural gas and the other 50% came from solid obtained from samples from the seven burning tests. The
fuel (one of those: AFs, CHARs and CHARPYs). red line represents the minimum average crushing strength
An important remark is the thermal monitoring of pellets (300 kgf/pellet) required in the total amount production of pel-
in pot grate is possible because in lab scale equipment (pot lets from the productive process of the study sponsor.
Please cite this article in press as: Praes GE, et al. Assessment of iron ore pellets production using two charcoals with different content of
materials volatile replacing partially anthracite fines. J Mater Res Technol. 2018.
JMRTEC-484; No. of Pages 11
8 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 1 8;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx
Crushing strength kgf / pellet
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Burning Test
Fig. 5 – Average crushing strength of burned pellet samples from the seven burning tests.
Considering only the values presented in Fig. 5 and com- occurred at temperatures below 300 ◦ C, with combustion
paring these with those from literature, it can be seen that the occurring [17], thus, additional internal stresses appeared
values of crushing strength obtained in the 7 burning tests inside the pellet burned, besides the vaporization of water
were similar and even better than those available in litera- [2,18]. So the hypothesis of thermal decomposition can be
ture as Vale [13], LKAB [14], Umadevi et al. [15] and Geerdes applied for those tests.
et al. [16] with values of at least 250 kgf/pellet, 219 kgf/pellet, In relation to fuel size effect in combustion, passing
260 kgf/pellet, and 150 kgf/pellet respectively. through 44 m of CHAR1 and CHAR2 presented 86.9% and
The hypothesis of thermal decomposition of charcoal and 62.3%, respectively. Similar test to this study was the work
its effects inside a green pellet that is hardening in the moving done by Tôrres et al. [7]. That study had similar requirements
grate of the mass balance of this study, but using the charcoal
Tests 1 (standard), 2 (CHAR 7.5%), 3 (CHARPY 7.5%) and leather residues (CLR) with particle size in 44 m, smaller than
5 (CHARPY 10.0%) presented similar results and were the 88.8%, and therefore obtaining crushing strength results when
best results of crushing strength. So far, it is possible to the dosage included CLR better than the standard of their test.
accept that some surge of the volatile matter inside the Tôrres et al. [7] mentions the hypothesis that a biomass, with
green pellets do not prejudice the consolidation of those until the size of their test, could improve the heat transfer distri-
higher temperatures (burning zone temperature). As of certain bution inside the pellets during the burning process. In this
amount of volatiles those are released in advance (thermal test 6, the CHAR2 with the highest size was unfavorable to the
decomposition happens at lower temperatures than should hypothesis of a better distribution of energy in the pellet, being
be, when compared to AF) from solid fuels particles cre- this one of the factors that led to the decrease of the crushing
ating cracks inside pellets in advance and probably before strength.
burning zone, therefore weakening pellets before a final con- Crushing strength drops in test 7: That drop in resistance
solidation in the burning zone, there is even the possibility is associated with the following factors: (a) When comparing
of combustion. This is the hypothesis of thermal decompo- test 7 to tests in the literature such as Tôrres et al. [7], which
sition of charcoal. The presence of those cracks weakened consumed CLR with 25% of fixed carbon, the variations of
pellets and reduced their strength as presented. Those cracks crushing strength against their test standards are −12.5% and
are created because decomposition and combustion happens +14.7%, respectively. The CHARPY2 presented greater granu-
in advance, but still this process need to be better investi- lometry compared to the CLR, passing through 44 m were 67%
gated. and 88.8%, respectively. The CHARPY2 presented higher LCV
Tests 4 and 6, with the highest amount of CHAR, presented in relation to CLR, 7721 kcal/kg and 4968 kcal/kg, respectively.
a crushing strength drop of 11.9% and 11.6% respectively in So, the study of Tôrres et al. [7] shows that there was a better
relation to test 1. The resistance drop in those tests were distribution of thermal load in the CLR pellet when compared
related to the hypothesis of thermal decomposition, it means to test 7 of this study. (b) All the six previous tests applied 1.0%
that CHAR1 in test 4 (10% of carbon content) and CHAR 2 in of fixed carbon content, but this test had the highest amount
test 6 (35% of carbon content) had enough volatile matter to of fixed carbon per mass of dry mixture 1.062%, or 6.2% more
start decomposition and combustion earlier. Volatilization than the others.
Please cite this article in press as: Praes GE, et al. Assessment of iron ore pellets production using two charcoals with different content of
materials volatile replacing partially anthracite fines. J Mater Res Technol. 2018.
JMRTEC-484; No. of Pages 11
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 1 8;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx 9
4.2 4.2
% passsing < 0,5 mm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Burning Tests
Fig. 6 – Comparison of the percentages of pellets burned with crushing strength less than 200 kgf of this study with
different charcoals and the study with biomass from leather tanning (CLR).
Testing the percentage of pellets below 200 kgf/pellet is below 200 kgf/pellet. The tests 5, 6 presented intermediate
not a standard procedure so it is not standardized by study values and test 4 had the worst result. The above results
sponsor or internationally. It is an internal procedure of the agreed with Fig. 5, which, presented that tests 1, 2 and 3
sponsor, when conducting its research; it uses this practice of had gotten the best crushing strength. It is also possible to
making this measurement in order to better understand the observe that the results of CHARPY samples had been bet-
variability of the process. ter results than CHAR for a same amount in fixed carbon (for
Fig. 6 shows the percentage of pellets burned in each burn- instance, comparing test 4 and 5 because it has the same
ing test with crushing strength less than 200 kgf of this study biomass content, in the case of 10.0% of fixed carbon con-
(blue bars) and compares these to the results obtained by Tôr- tent, respectively, for the two tests), in this case, the CHARPY
res et al. [7] (red bars). had a better crushing strength, since the higher volatile con-
Analyzing Fig. 6, it can be seen that tests 1, 2, 3 and tent present in the CHAR leads to combustion in earlier
7 have the best results, with smallest amount of material stages.
4.2 4.2
% passsing < 0,5 mm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Burning Tests
Fig. 7 – Average abrasion results for samples of burned pellets from the seven firing tests.
Please cite this article in press as: Praes GE, et al. Assessment of iron ore pellets production using two charcoals with different content of
materials volatile replacing partially anthracite fines. J Mater Res Technol. 2018.
JMRTEC-484; No. of Pages 11
10 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 1 8;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx
Please cite this article in press as: Praes GE, et al. Assessment of iron ore pellets production using two charcoals with different content of
materials volatile replacing partially anthracite fines. J Mater Res Technol. 2018.
JMRTEC-484; No. of Pages 11
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 1 8;x x x(x x):xxx–xxx 11
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Please cite this article in press as: Praes GE, et al. Assessment of iron ore pellets production using two charcoals with different content of
materials volatile replacing partially anthracite fines. J Mater Res Technol. 2018.