BEC Probe

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Calculations for Nondestructive BEC Imaging

Daniel A. Steck
Theoretical Division (T-8), MS B285
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545

4 June 2002

1 Diffraction by a Phase Object

We describe the phase object (BEC) by the deviation δn(x, y, z) of the local index n(x, y, z) from unity:

δn(x, y, z) := n(x, y, z) − 1. (1)

In the thin-lens approximation, we can integrate over the propagation direction (z) of the probe, and consider
only the 2-dimensional index profile: 
δnz (x, y) := δn(x, y, z) dz. (2)

This phase shift imparts momentum to the light as follows: in the scalar-wave approximation, the mean-square
transverse wave vector kT
 due to the relative phase shift of exp[ikδnz (x, y)] (k is the total wave vector) is

kT  =
E ∗ (x, y)(kx2 + ky2 )E(x, y) dx dy


= − e−ikδnz (∂x2 + ∂y2 )eikδnz dx dy (3)

= k2 (∂x δnz )2 + (∂y δnz )2 dx dy.

Here we have dropped terms of the form ∂x2 δnz , which do not contribute if we assume that δnz is purely real (i.e.,
we ignore absorption effects).
To make this expression more concrete, we can consider a Gaussian approximation to the true BEC atomic
δφa x2 y2
δnz = exp − 2 − 2 , (4)
2πσx σy 2σx 2σy
where δφa is the integrated phase shift:

δφa := δn(x, y, z) dx dy dz. (5)

Then we can write

(δφa )2 (σx2 + σy2 )k 2
= (6)
8πσx3 σy3
for the optical transverse momentum in the Gaussian approximation.

This momentum is similarly imparted to the atomic cloud, and the atomic momentum diffusion is given by
h̄2 kT
 multiplied by the incident photon flux. Thus we can write

Ih̄ 2
D= k  (7)
Nω T
for the momentum diffusion rate per atom, where I is the probe intensity, ω is the optical frequency, and N is
the number of atoms in the condensate.

2 Atomic Parameters
We can write the local index as (see, for example, Cohen-Tannoudji, Dupont-Roc, and Grynberg, Atom-Photon
Interactions, p. 604)
nd |d|2 ∆
δn = − , (8)
20 h̄ ∆2 + Γ2 /4 + Ω2 /2
where nd is the local number density, d is the appropriate dipole moment (here, approximately the effective dipole
moment for far-detuned, linearly polarized light, see “Rubidium 87 D Line Data” for details). In the far-detuned
limit, the integrated phase shift is then
N |d|2
δφa = − . (9)
20 h̄∆
Thus the diffusion rate in the Gaussian approximation is

N |d|4 I σx2 + σy2

D = (h̄2 k 2 ) , (10)
420 h̄3 ω ∆2 8πσx3 σy3

which has an overall scaling similar to spontaneous scattering, I/∆2 .

3 Signal/Noise
From the Kadlecek et al. paper, the signal/noise ratio is given by

S/N = φ 2ηNp , (11)

where Np is the number of photons striking a particular CCD pixel, η is the CCD quantum efficiency, we consider √
only the limit of large reference-beam intensity, and we have reduced the value quoted here by a factor of 2
from the value quoted in the paper, as is appropriate for spatial-heterodyne mode (since we must average over
the heterodyne phase in the mean-square sense). This expression is also valid only for small local phase shifts φ;
for large φ, we must average also over φ, and in this case the signal/noise is given by the same expression, but
with φ replaced by 1. To evaluate the signal/noise ratio, we simply note that the typical phase shift is

N |d|2 k
φ≈− , (12)
20 h̄∆σxσy

and the photon number is

Itexp Apix
Np = , (13)
where texp is the exposure time of the image, and Apix is the effective CCD pixel area, taking into account any
magnification in the imaging √ system. Thus in the small φ regime, where the experiment is likely to operate, the
signal/noise ratio scales as I/∆2 .
Hz MHz 106 . Hz kHz 103 . Hz GHz 109 . Hz THz 101 2. Hz
mW 10 3 . watt ms 10 3 . sec cm 10 2 . m
hbar 1.054571596. 10 3 4. joule. sec ε0 8.854187817. 10 1 2. µm 10 6 . m

Parameters for Rb 87
m c 2. π
c 2.99792458. 108 . ω 2. π . 384.2279818773. THz λ 2. π . k
sec ω λ
Γ 2. π . 6.065. MHz d 2.069. 10 2 9. coul. m
N 2. 105 σx 100. µm σy σx c. ε0. Γ2 . hbar2 mW
Isat Isat = 2.504
∆ 2. π . 2. GHz mW 4. d2 cm2
I 2.
∆ 2
N. d2 5
4. = 4.35 10
δφa δφa = 3.64826 µm3 Γ
2. ε0. hbar. ∆
= 0.799
Diffusion due to coherent lensing
N. d4 2
. I . σx σy2 .
D hbar2 . k2
. 2. 3. 2 . . 3. 3
4 ε0 hbar ω ∆ 8 π σx σy
2 2
9 hbar . k
D = 4.16 10
Diffusion due to spontaneous emission
Γ . I . ∆ 2 I 1
Rsc 1 4. Rsc = 0.035
2 Isat Γ Isat ms

hbar2 . k2
Dsp Rsc. hbar2 . k2 Dsp = 0.035

Signal/noise ratio

N. d2 . k
φ φ = 0.003 Apix ( 10. µm ) 2
2. ε0. hbar. ∆ . σx. σy

I. Apix
η 0.3 Np 6 1
hbar. ω Np = 7.856 10

SN1 φ . 2. η. Np SN1 = 6.378 (valid for small phase shift)

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