Assignment 3
Assignment 3
Assignment 3
9. Define finite Automata with e-moves. NFA has more computation power than DFA?
10. Give the regular expression for the following languages.
a. L= {SS {a, b}* and S starts with aa or b and does not contains
substring bb.
b. L= {S |S { 0, 1}* and 0 occurs in pairs if any and ends with 1.
11. How a ∈-NFA can be converted into NFA and DFA? Explain with a suitable example.
12. Find the minimum state DFA equivalent to the following DFA.
State 0 1
*E A D
13. Show that a language L is accepted by some NFA if and only if it is accepted by some
DFA. Or Show that a language L is accepted by some DFA if and only if L is accepted
by some NFA.
14. Give the regular expression for the following languages.
a. and S starts with aa or b and does not contains substring bb .
b. and 0 occurs in pairs if any and ends with 1.
15. For a regular expression (a+b)*baa, construct ε-NFA.
16. State and prove pumping lemma for regular language. Show by example how it can be
used to prove a language is not a regular.
17. Show that language of palindrome over {a,b} is not a regular language.
18. Show that for any regular expression, there is a NFA that accepts the same language
represented by r. Convert the regular expression (a+b) (aa+ba)* + ab(a+b)* bba into
19. What do you mean by regular expressions? Explain with example of pumping lemma
for regular languages.
20. What do you mean by pumping lemma for regular languages?
21. Draw NFA corresponding to following regular expression over ∑ = {0,1}
010* + 0(01+10)* 11
22. For the following regular expression draw an NFA - ^ recognizing the corresponding
i) (00 +1)*(10)*
ii) 001*0*11
23. Prove that any regular language can be accepted by a finite automata with all details.
24. What are the regular operators applied to the regular languages? Explain with example.
25. Simplify the following regular expressions.
a.) 1*+1*0(ɛ+0+1)*ø
b.) ɛ+0+1+( ɛ+0+1)( ɛ+0+1)*( ɛ+0+1)
26. State the pumping lemma for regular language. Show by example, how can you use it to
prove that a language is not regular.
27. What are the algebraic rules for regular expressions? Also show that if L, M, N are any
regular language then show that L(M U N) = L.M U L.N.
28. Write regular expressions for the following regular languages.
a) The set of strings over alphabet {a, b} containing at least one 'a' and at least
one 'b'.
b) The set of strings over {0, 1} whose 5th symbol from right end is 1.