Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Court Referrals
Police officers generally bring in or summon young offenders to the police department's
juvenile division and question, fingerprint, book and, if necessary, detain them. At the time of
an arrest, officers decide whether to refer young offenders to juvenile court or to route these
cases out of the justice system. Police account for most referrals to juvenile court. According
to the U.S. Justice Department, 83 percent of court referrals came from law enforcement
agents in 2009. Parents, schools, crime victims and probation officers made the remaining
referrals. In the same year, police departments handled and released 22 percent of all
juveniles arrested. By contrast, the police referred 70 percent of all young offenders to
juvenile court. Under federal law, officers who detain young offenders must keep them
secure while in custody and for a period of no more than six hours. Juvenile arrest procedures
Status Offenses
juveniles. Skipping school, running away from home and violating curfews are status
offenses. Police also intervene in non-delinquent cases in which youngsters are reported
missing or believed to have been abused or neglected. Officers investigate these situations by
interviewing the alleged victims, their parents or guardians, school officials and others
associated with the victims. Police departments often have crime units dedicated to juvenile
Protective Service
Police are charged with protecting the public from crime and general mayhem. For juveniles,
police protection might call for removing children from an abusive home or transporting
them to a shelter or hospital if they've been abandoned. Officers are usually the first on the
scene when a child is left home alone, locked inside a car during extreme hot or cold weather
conditions or not strapped into a car seat as required for infants or toddlers. In some districts,
police patrol the halls of public schools, especially in high-crime areas, to deter disturbances
Police officers sometimes partner with education officials and teachers to deter criminal
behavior among youngsters. Officers visit classrooms as invited guests to warn students
about the consequences of taking and selling drugs, as well as talking to or walking away
Arrest Alternatives
Arrest and detention aren't the only choices police offer juvenile offenders. Sometimes police
bring young offenders in for questioning, give them a warning and release them to a parent or
guardian. In other cases, police place a juvenile under police supervision for a period of time.
Officers occasionally refer juveniles to a Big Brothers/Big Sisters program, a youth services
bureau, a mental health facility or a social service agency for runaways. When officers refer
young offenders to juvenile court, probation officers take over these cases.
Community leaders in some states recognize that police officers need training to work with a
survey, ―2011 Juvenile Justice Training Needs Assessment,‖ shows that police chiefs
generally want officers to learn the skills needed to work more effectively with young
offenders, but often lack the funds and resources for training. The survey cites the top five
areas in which police need training as substance abuse; bullying, including cyber-bullying;
gang activity; sexual, physical and emotional abuse; and chronic criminal behavior. The
survey also cited training in school safety, Internet offenses and handling runaways as a need