T Arch122 Architectural Visual Communication 3 Abb

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COURSE TITLE : Architectural Visual Communication 3 (Graphic 2)
COURSE TYPE : Lecture and Studio
COURSE CREDIT : 2 (1 Lecture, 1 Studio)

This course is meant to train the students in the art and science of architectural drafting. The students will
learn to draw correctly, legibly, and completely as required. They will also master the use of various
drafting tools that are extensively used in the industry.


By the end of the semester, student can:

CLO1. Architectural lettering correctly and completely

CLO2. The use of various drafting tools properly and correct entourage applications that will
depict the intended designed activity of the area being shown in the perspectives.
CLO3. Draft architectural drawings correctly, completely and legibly
CLO4. Draft architectural details correctly and legible


Learning Outcomes for Midterm Period:

Course Learning Outcomes Topic Learning Outcomes
TLO1: To be able to plot a basic shape isometric
CLO1. Architectural lettering correctly and drawing using correct drawing tools.
completely TLO2. To be able to construct an exploded isometric
drawing that will effectively show the sequence of
how the detail will be assembled.
CLO2. The use various drafting tools TLO3: To understand the value of line weight in
properly and correct entourage applications hand drawn perspective and articulation of entourage
that will depict the intended designed to make the drawing output interesting.TLO5:
activity of the area being shown in the Organize and juxtapose spaces in relation to
perspectives. proximity requirements.
TLO4. To be able to know what type of entourage to
use and how they are detailed in relation to



Teaching-Learning Activities /

No and Assessment Strategy

Outcome Technology
s Date Online Module Activities Enabler
 Upload course syllabus
 Introduce course requirement Schoolbook 4.5
Feb 28 – /
details MS Teams
Mar 5
 Introduce course overview PowerPoint
 Diagnostic
 Gospel reading
 Submission of diagnostic Schoolbook 1.5
Mar 7 - /
Module 1  Student/Faculty interaction MS Teams
CLO1  Distribution of Minor Plate 101 PowerPoint
TLO1  Distribution of Major Plate 201
TLO2  Gospel reading Schoolbook
Mar 14 -
 Minor Plate 102 MS Teams
19 / 4.5
 Research Topic PowerPoint
 Gospel reading
 Submission of Research Schoolbook
Mar 21 - / 1.5
 Minor plate 103 MS Teams
 Student/Faculty interaction PowerPoint
 Submission of Major plate 201
Mar 28 – 3.0
Apr 2
 Gospel Reading
Schoolbook /
 Minor Plate 104
Apr 4 - 9 MS Teams 4.5
 Major plate 202 PowerPoint
 Student/Faculty interaction
Module 2  Gospel reading Schoolbook
Apr 11 -
CLO2  Submission of Minor plate 105 MS Teams
16 / 1.5
TLO3  Research Topic PowerPoint
 Gospel reading Schoolbook
Apr 18 - / 1.5
 Submission of minor Plate 106 MS Teams
 Student/Faculty Interaction PowerPoint
 Submission of Major Plate Schoolbook
May 2 - 7 101(Summative Assessment) MS Teams /
 Midterm week PowerPoint
TOTAL 6.0 6.0 27.0
Learning Outcomes for Final Period:
Course Learning Outcomes Topic Learning Outcomes
TLO5. To be able to compose a 1-point perspective for
both interior and exterior that will convey a harmonious
CLO3. 1-point perspective display of activity, convivial setting and perfect blending
Interior/exterior and its application in of architectural character
design to enhance the current design TLO6. To be able to integrate the correct vista to properly
value. produce the intended design concept and actual significant
views for interior. To project the correct overall focal
points depending on the development for exterior present
TLO7. To be able to compose a 2-point perspective for
both interior and exterior that will convey a harmonious
display of activity, convivial setting and perfect blending
CLO4. 2-point perspective of architectural character
composition TLO6. To be able to integrate the correct vista to properly
produce the intended design concept and actual significant
views for interior. To project the correct overall focal
points depending on the development for exterior present

No and

Accumulated Hours
Teaching-Learning Activities /
Learning Assessment Strategy


Date Online Module Activities y Enabler
 Gospel reading
 Major Plate 202 /
May 9-14 MS Teams 1.5
 Minor 107 PowerPoint
Module 4  Student/Faculty interaction
 Gospel reading Schoolbook
TLO3 May 16-
 Minor Plate 108 MS Teams / 1.5
TLO5 21
 Research PowerPoint
 Gospel reading Schoolbook
May 23 -
 Submission of research MS Teams / 1.5
 Submission of Minor Plate 109 PowerPoint
May 30 –
Jun 4
 Gospel reading Schoolbook
Jun 6 - 11  Student/Faculty Interaction MS Teams 1.5
Module 5 PowerPoint
 Minor Plate 110
TLO3 Jun 13 -  Gospel reading
MS Teams / 1.5
TLO5 18  Submission of Minor Plate 111 PowerPoint
Jun 20 -  Gospel reading Schoolbook /
25  Submission of Major Plate 112 MS Teams
 Student/Faculty interaction PowerPoint
Jun 27- Schoolbook
 Finals Week /
30, Jul 1- MS Teams
2  Submission of Major Plate 202 PowerPoint
TOTAL 0 4.5 15.0


Midterm Period Final Period

Minor Plates/Esquisse (Enabling) 35% Minor Plates/Esquisse (Enabling) 35%
Major Plate (Summative) 55% Major Plate (Summative) 55%
Research Work (Enabling) 10% Research Work (Enabling) 10%
Total 100% Total 100%

Final Grade = Midterm + Final



1. Enrollment in an E-Class. Your teacher shall enroll you in the e-class. This will be based on the
class list provided by the Office of the University Registrar and at the portal. For those who opted
for printed modules, you will only be given the module if you are officially enrolled.

2. Communication and Feedback

2.1. Online Synchronous Communication shall happen as indicated in the learning plan section of
the syllabus. Synchronous classes shall be held using MS Teams and chat sessions on
2.1.1. Students shall be encouraged to attend synchronous classes.
2.1.2. Ten percent (10%) may be allotted for attendance in synchronous classes. The ten
percent shall be part of the percentage allotted for the enabling assessment.
2.1.3. A student may be excused from scheduled synchronous due to valid reasons such as
disruptions of internet connections, serious illness, death in the family, and any other
reasons analogous to the foregoing.
2.2. Online Asynchronous Communication shall happen when the faculty utilizes at least one of
the recommended asynchronous communication. The schedule of holding a synchronous
session with students shall be announced at least a week before the actual date of the session.
The minimum response time for asynchronous communication is 24 hours, excluding
Sundays and holidays. All communication platforms must be explicitly indicated in the
syllabus. Below are the recommended asynchronous communication platforms:
2.2.1. Forum – At the Forum Tab at Schoolbook, students can post their general concerns.
The forum is public and any post can be seen by the class.
2.2.2. Messaging – At Schoolbook. Any private or confidential matters must may be
messaged through Schoolbook messaging feature.
2.2.3. Email – You may email your professor at abbilono@dlsud.edu.ph
2.3. Offline Communication is only for students who opted for printed modules. Text messaging
subject to strict confidentiality agreement between the student and the professor maybe used.
This mode of communication is exclusive only for the specified type of student. Calls may be
entertained within working hours (8AM to 5PM), while text messages may be responded to
within 24 hours, excluding Sundays and holidays.
2.4. No using of foul, curse, and other bad words, whether in written or verbal. No shouting. No
flooding of chat and messages. No selling.

3. Assessment and Grading System

3.1. A minimum of three (3) attempts shall be observed when answering enabling assessments.
3.2. Enabling assessments shall be uploaded on SB and shall be accessible for a minimum of one
(1) week.
3.3. Modules shall have enabling assessments provided that the number of enabling assessments
shall not exceed six (6) per term.
3.4. There shall be four (4) summative examinations in a semester, TWO (2) in the midterm
period and TWO (2) in the final period.
3.5. In case a student failed to comply with an enabling assessment, s/he shall be allowed to ask
for extension from his/her teacher. The student shall be allowed to complete the missed
enabling assessment for a period of one (1) to three (3) days provided that s/he will provide a
proof stated in IRR.
3.6. In case a student failed to comply with a summative assessment, s/he shall be allowed to ask
for extension from his/her teacher. The student shall be allowed to complete the missed
summative assessment for a period of ONE (1) day. The schedule shall be determined by the
teacher concerned.
3.7. There shall be two (2) attempts only for each summative assessment.
3.8. All assessment-outputs shall be submitted on SB or DLSU-D email taking into account the
instructions given by their teacher.
3.9. Two (2) institutional self-care weeks to be scheduled on the 5th and 14th weeks of the
semester shall be observed for the entire semester as indicated in the syllabus.
3.10. No assessment deadline shall be made the week immediately following the Self-Care
3.11. For summative assessments, ten (10) to fifteen (15) problems shall be given for easy
problem solving type of exam and two (2) to five (5) problems for difficult type of exam for
one and a half hours. Twenty (20) to twenty-five (25) items per hour shall be given for
comprehensive examination.
3.12. SB Gradebook shall be configured vis-a-vis the breakdown of grades stipulated in the
syllabus. These grades reflect the actual grades of students.

4. Attendance Policy
4.1. Attendance Policy for Online Classes is scheduled based on the learning plan. Attendance,
especially in synchronous classes, shall not be a basis for receiving a failing grade. It will not
comprise any grade in the class standing.
4.2. RSVP as part of an ethical process of conducting online meetings, the following will be
4.2.1. The synchronous meeting will be made by the teacher at least 14 calendar days
before its schedule.
4.2.2. The student must RSVP at least three days before the scheduled synchronous meeting.
4.2.3. The faculty will announce two days before the calendared synchronous meeting if it
will push through or if it will be cancelled. If cancelled, the faculty will announce a
replacement asynchronous activity and the new schedule of the synchronous meeting.
4.3. Synchronous class shall push through regardless of the number of attendees.
4.4. Recording of synchronous sessions shall only be made after seeking the permission of
students. Any objection to this shall bar the recording of synchronous sessions.
4.5. The synchronous meeting will only be held at the schedule indicated in the registration form.

5. Intellectual Property Policy

5.1. Policy and copyright infringement will not be tolerated. Any violation of such will earn
students a grade of zero in the assessment.
5.2. Using of any illegally obtained software is strictly prohibited.
5.3. Students are encouraged to use their original photos, videos, and other resources. Otherwise,
students can use royalty-free resources or embed the sources in their submissions to avoid
copyright infringement and/or plagiarism.
5.4. Inviting people that are not part of the class, in synchronous meetings is strictly prohibited,
unless approved by the subject teacher. Posing as another person during a synchronous
activity is strictly prohibited.
5.5. Giving of password to Schoolbook and Office 365 is strictly prohibited. Likewise, accessing
Schoolbook and Office 365 account other than the students’ personal account is also strictly
prohibited. Violating students will be reported to the Student Welfare and Formation Office

6. Other Policies
6.1. Attire - Students must wear decent casual or smart-casual attire prescribed by the Student
6.2. Microphone Use – Microphone must be muted and only unmuted when the teacher requires
them to.
6.3. Camera – Cameras may be used by the teacher to validate attendance. However, the student
can choose to turn off the camera if the teacher allows them to or if the students give
6.4. Use of English is required for any presentation including the question and answer. Tagalog or
Taglish can be used during consultation.

Call number or e-provider Reference Material

Call #: NA 2760 .T482 1990 Joseph De Chiara., Time-saver standards for building types. New York :
McGraw-Hill, c1990.
NA 2750 .P726 2014 Plowright, Philip D. Revealing architectural design : methods, frameworks
and tools. London ; New York : Routledge, 2014.
NA 2750.P926 2001 Pressman, Andy, Architectural design portable handbook : a guide to
excelent practices. New York : McGraw-Hill, c2001.
NA 2700 .J355 2017 Jefferis, Alan. Australia, Architectural drafting and design. Australia :
Cengage Learning, c2017.
KPM 1085 .H191 2013 United Architects of the Philippines. Handbook on R.A. 9266 the
architecture act of 2004 and P.D. 1096 national building code of
the Philippines.. Quezon City : United Architects of the Philippines, [2013]
NA 2700 .J355 2017 Jefferis, Alan, Architectural drafting and design, Australia : Cengage
Learning, c2017.
NA 2708 .J355 2016 Jefferis, Alan, Commercial drafting and detailing, Boston, MA : Cengage
Learning, 2016.
ScienceDirect Osorto Carrasco, Moisés David ⁎Chen, Po-Han, Application of mixed
reality for improving architectural design comprehension effectiveness.
Elsevier B.V.
e-book Jefferis, Alan. Residential design, drafting and detailing, Clifton Park, NY :
Thomson-Delmar Learning, c2008.

Prepared by:
Syllabi Committee
Architecture Department

Endorsed by: Approved by :

Ar. Joselito B. Cillo Ma. Estrella Natalie B. Pineda, MSManE,

Chair, Architecture Department Dean, CEAT

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