CHP - No CHP - No: Projec Listening Skills: 1 (Eg: Exc

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ICSE Syllabus 2023 -2024

1st- Assessment
Subject: English -I Liter atur e
Book : William Shakespear e Macbeth
Publisher : Ever gr een
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No

Narrative Writing
Descriptive Writing
Reflective Writing
2. Dir ected Wr iting
Book Review
Article Writing
Film Review
3. Pr oposal Wr iting
4. Gr ammar - Pr epositions,
Tenses, Completion of
5. Compr ehension Passage -
Vocabular y & Usage, Shor t
Answer s, Summar y Wr iting

Listening Skills : 1
(Eg: Exc
Macbeth - Macbeth -
William William
Shakespeare Shakespeare
(Acts I) Act 1 (Acts II)
Subject: English - II
Book: Rhapsody A Collection of ISC Poems
Publisher : Ever gr een
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No
Abhisara: The Tryst – Rabindranath
1 Tagore 3
Why I Like the Hospital – Tony
2 Hoagland 4
Subject: English - II
Book: Pr ism A Collection of ICS Shor t Stor ies
Publisher : Ever gr een
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No

1 A Living God – Lafcadio Hearn 3

2 Advice to Youth – Mark Twain 4

This syllabus is accor ding to the boar d (Please r

Students will be r equir ed to under take one wr itten assignment
(Eg Discuss the theme of a
Subject: Mathematics
Book: ISC Mathematics
Publisher : S Chand
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No
Section A
Practical problems on union and intersection of
1 Sets two and three sets part is cancelled. 1
Type of functions (one to one,one
to many onto, into)
Sketches of graphs of exponential
function, logarithmic function,
modulus function, step function
2 Relations and Functions and rational function 2

3 Angles and arc lengths 3

4 Trigonometric Functions 4

5 Compound and Multiple angles 5

6 Trigonometric Equations 6

7 Properties of triangle 7
8 Mathematical Induction
Locus equations on complex numbers,
9 Complex Numbers Triangular inequality
Section B

10 Conic Sectons Equation of the Parabola,ellipse, hyperbola when 8

Section C

11 Statistics Deciles and percentiles of ungrouped and grouped d 9


Total 2 pr ojects : One

(Accor ding to Regulat
Subject: Physics
Book: Nutan ISC Physics(Kumar & Mittal)
Publisher : Nageen Pr akashan
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No
Unit – I : Physical World and Physics World, Accuracy and precision of
1 Measurement measuring instruments 5

2 Unit – II : Kinematics Relative Velocity 6

3 Unit – III : Laws of Motion 7

Unit – IV : Work Power and
4 Energy 8
Pr actical
1 Measurement by Vernier Calipers 1

Find Diameter Using Micrometer

2 Screw Gauge 2
Determine Radius of Curvature of
Spherical Surface by a
3 Spherometer. 3

To Verify the Parallelogram Law

4 of Forces 4

Subject: Chemistr y
Book: ISC Chemistr y(Kalyani/H.C.Sr ivasatava)
Publisher : Nootan Pr akashan
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No
1 Some Basic Concepts of chemistry 5
2 structure of atom 6
classification of elements and
3 periodicity in properties 8
4 chemical bonding 9
Organic Chemistry some basic
12 princples 13
14 environmental chemistry
Pr actical

Basic Laboratory techniques

volumetric analysis

Subject : Biology
Book: ISC Biology By Sar ita Aggar w al
Publisher : S. Chand
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No
1 The living world Tools for the study of taxonomy 15
2 Biological Classification Life Cycles not required UNIT IV
Angiosperms general study and cycle of different
6 Plant Kingdom group 16
7 Animal Kingdom 17
8 Morphology of Flowering Plants 19

9 Anatomy of Flowering Plants secondary gr owth in dicot stem and dicot r oot 20
Animal tissues is reduced.Cockroach is
Structural organisation in mor phology ,anatomy and functions of different
10 animals(Animal tissue and Frog) systems. UNIT V

12 Cell the unit of life 24

13 Biomolecules 25

Pr actical
Scientific Techniques – Study Part
of Dissecting Microscope and
Compound Microscope

Preparation of Temporary Slide of


Study of Different Modifications

in Root, Stem and Leaves
Spotting (Refer ISC Syllabus

Subject: Computer
Book: Computer Science – Sumita Ar or a
Publisher : Dhanpat Rai
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No

1 Numbers 3

2 Encoding 10
Introduction to Object Oriented
4 Programming in JAVA 13
5 Objects 12
Primitive Value, Wrapper Class,
6 Types and Casting 14
7 Variables, Expressions
8 Statement, Scope
9 Methods and Constructors

Subject: Commer ce
Book: ISC Commer ce C.B. Gupta-Vol-1
Publisher : S Chand
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No
Unit 1 Nature & Purpose of Business Unit 4

1 Classification of Human Activities 1

2 Nature and Objectives of Business Unit 5
3 Classification of Business Unit 6
Unit 2 Forms of Business Organisation. 1
1 Introduction to Business 2
2 Sole Trader Objectives of sole trader 3
3 Partnership Consequences of non r egisteration,Comparison of 4
l it hi dP t hi
4 Joint Stock Company Objectives of joint stock company
5 Types of Company
6 Formation of a Company
7 Public Enterprises, Public Utilities Cr iticisms of public sector undertakings
8 Cooperative Organizations Difference between joint stock companies and
Social Responsibility of Business C ti i ti
Unit 3 Importance of business ethics

Subject: Accounts
Book: ISC Accoutns Double Entr y B.K. (T.S.Gr ewal)
Publisher : Sultan Chand
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No

Introduction to Accounting
1 Basic Accounting Concept Pr actical of Accounting equations 15

Transactions with GST is excluded in

7 Journal Ledger & Trial Balance Cash Book and Returns Books. 19
14 Bank Reconciliation Statement 21
24 Introduction to Computers in Accounting

Subject: Business Studies

Book: ISC Business Studies(C.B.Gupta)
Publisher : Goyal Br os
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No
Unit 1 Business Environment Unit 3
Unit 2 1.Entrepreneurship.
2. Buisiness Risks And Causes Of

Subject: Economics
Book: ISC Economics Revised
Publisher : Fr ank Br os
Chp.No Topic Chp.No

1 Definition of Economics 17

2 Basic Concepts Of Economics 18

3 Basic Problems Of An Economy 19
4 Types Of Economies 12
Solution To The Basic Economic
Problems under different
Economic Systems
5 13

6 14

Economic Growth and

7 Development 15

8 Parameters of Development 16
9 Sustainable Development

Subject : Political Science

Name Of
Name Of Book : ISC Theor y & Contempor ar y Inter national Relations- K.K.Ghai
Publisher : Kalyani
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No
1 Introduction to Political Science 4
2 Fundamental Concepts 5
3 The Origin of the State 6
End of cold war: Impact on world
1 order 3

2 Disintegration of the Soviet Union 4

Candidates will be r equir ed to und

4.Local /
5. Book review / film re

Subject : Histor y
Name Of Book : Moder n India and Wor ld Histor y - Sachhidananda Baner jee Name O
Publisher : Kalyani
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No

1 Growth of Nationalism 3

2 Emergence of the Colonial Empire 4


Urbanisation,Growth of Working
6 class and Workers' Movement 9

7 The First War 1914 -18 10

Peace Settlement after the World
War 1 - Establishment of the
League of Nations
8 11
Candidates will be r equir ed to und


5.Book review / film rev

Subject: Psychology
Book: ISC Psychology XI (Gir ishbala Mohanty)
Publisher : Kalyani
Chp.No Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No

Unit 1 1.Definition of Psychology Unit 2

2.Fields of Psychology

3.Heridity and Environment

1.What are emotions and basic
Unit 4 emotions Unit 5

2.Theories of emotions
3.What is meant by motives,
needs and instincts Unit 6

4.Theories of motivation
5.Frustration-blocking of
motives,conflict among motives
Candidates will be expected to have completed two studies /

Subject: Physical Education

Book: ISC Physical Education (V.K Shar ma)
Publisher : New Sar aswati House
Chp.No Topic Deleted Por tion Chp.No

1 Concept of physical education 3

Individual aspects and group
2 dynamics 4
ICSE Syllabus 2023 -2024 ICSE Syllabus 2023 -2024
2nd- Assessment 3r d- Assessment
Subject: English -I Liter atur e Subject: English -I Language
Book : William Shakespear e Macbeth Book : William Shakespear e M
Publisher : Ever gr een Publisher : Ever gr een
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
Esssay w r iting Esssay wr iting
Argumentative Writing As in term I and II
Discursive Topics
Short story Writing 2. Dir ected Wr iting
2. Dir ected Wr iting Speech Writing
Report Writing Personal Profile
Review of Cultural Program As in term I and II
Statement of Purpose
3. Pr oposal Wr iting 3. Pr oposal Wr iting
4. Gr ammar - Pr epositions, 4. Gr ammar - Pr epositions,
Tenses, Completion of Tenses, Completion of
Sentences Sentences
5. Compr ehension Passage - 5. Compr ehension Passage -
Vocabular y & Usage, Shor t Vocabular y & Usage, Shor t
Answer s, Summar y Wr iting Answer s, Summar y Wr iting
CT WORK : 20 MARKS (Inter nally assessed)
Speaking Skills : 10 Mar ks
10 Mar ks (Any unseen passage of ar ound 500 wor ds)
cept the one's included in ICSE / ISC Books)
Macbeth -
Act 2 (Acts I & II)
Subject: English - II Subject: English - II
Book: Rhapsody A Collection of ISC Poems Book: Rhapsody A Collection of
Publisher : Ever gr een Publisher : Ever gr een
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic

Sonnet 116 – William Shakespeare 5 Strange Meeting – Wilfred Owen

Death of a Naturalist – Seamus
Subject: English - II Subject: English - II
Book: Pr ism A Collection of ICS Shor t Stor ies Book: Pr ism A Collection of ICS Sh
Publisher : Ever gr een Publisher : Ever gr een
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
Thank You, Ma’ am – Langston
The Paper Menagerie – Ken Liu 5 Hughes
. The Great Automatic
Grammatizator – Roald Dahl

r efer ISC r egulations book 2022 English (801) Page No 17)
0 MARKS (Inter nally assessed)
t of 1000 - 1500 wor ds on the syllabus cover ed thr ough the academic year
stor y/play or summar ize a stor y/play)
Subject: Mathematics Subject: Mathematics
Book: ISC Mathematics Book: ISC Mathematic
Publisher : S Chand Publisher : S Chand
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
Section A Section A

Quadratic Equations Graph of quadratic equation ���� 1 Limits and differentiation

Permutations and Combinations 1 **Circles

Binomial theorem 2 Limits

Sequence and series Arithmetico- geometric series 3 Differentiation
Graphical methods of
finding a solution of
system of linear
inequalities in two
Linear Inequations variables
Straight lines
Measur es of central tendency, mean
Statistics and Probability deviation abot median

Section B Section B
Points and their co-ordinates in
3 dimensions 4 Mathematical Reasoning
Section C Section C
Spearman's rank correlation
Correlation Analysis coefficient
Index Number and Moving


fr om SECTION A and one fr om SECTION B OR SECTION C
ions Syllabus book 2022 Mathematics(860) Page No 141)
Subject: Physics Subject: Physics
Book: Nutan ISC Physics(Kumar & Mittal) Book: Nutan ISC Physics(Kumar
Publisher : Nageen Pr akashan Publisher : Nageen Pr akas
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
Unit – V : Motion of system , Unit IX : Behaviour of Perfect Gas
Particle and Rigid body 9 and Kinetic Theory of Gases

Unit – VI : Gravitation 10 Unit X : Oscillations & Waves

Unit – VII : Properties of Bulk
Unti – VIII : Heat and Green House effect
Thermodynamics Heat Engine and Refrigerator
Pr actical Pr actical
Inclined plane 1 Cooling Curve
To Find the Force of Kinetic
Friction for a Wooden Block & To Determine the Velocity of
to Determine the Coefficient of Sound in Air at Room
Friction. 2 Temperature.

Acceleration Due to Gravity To Determine Frequency of

Using Simple Pendulum. 3 Tuning Fork Using a Sonometer.
To Determine Specific Heat
Capacity of a Solid Using a
To Find the Force Constant of a
Spring. 4
Boyle’ s Law

Subject: Chemistr y Subject: Chemistr y

Book: ISC Chemistr y(Kalyani/H.C.Sr ivasatava) Book: ISC Chemistr y(Kalyani/H.C.
Publisher : Nootan Pr akashan Publisher : Nootan Pr akas
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
states of matter 7 chemical equilibrium
chemical thermodynamics 10 S- block elements

redox reactions 11 P- block elements


hydro carbons

Pr actical Pr actical
preparation of inorganic
salt analysis compounds

Subject : Biology Subject : Biology

Book: ISC Biology By Sar ita Aggar w al Book: ISC Biology By Sar ita A
Publisher : S. Chand Publisher : S. Chand
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
Cell Cycle and Cell Division 27 Locomotion and Movement
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 28 Neural control and coordination
Chemical Co-ordination and
Transport in Plants 29 Integration
Mineral Nutrition

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Cellular Respiration in Plants
Dormancy,vernalism and
Plant Growth and Development photoperiodism


Digestion and Absorption

Breathing and Exchange of
Body Fluids and Circulation
Excretory Products and their
Pr actical Pr actical
Effect of Different
Carbondioxide Concentration on
the Rate for Photosyntheis Food Test
To Demonstrate the Effects of
Thawing, Heat and Alcohol on
Demonstration of Plasmolysis Permeability of Beetroot Cells
Preparation of
a. Stages of Mitosis in Onion Root
b. Onion Peel
c. Monocot and Dicot Stem
Potato Osmoscope
Seperation of Plant Pigments by Identification of Stained
Chromatography Preparations
Preparation of Temporary Slide
of Monocot and Dicot Root Spotting
Comment on the Experiment Set

Subject: Computer Subject: Computer

Book: Computer Science – Sumita Ar or a Book: Computer Science – Sum
Publisher : Dhanpat Rai Publisher : Dhanpat Ra
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
Propositional Logic, Hardware
Implementation, Arithmetic
Basic Input/ Output Data File
11 Handling (Binary and Text)
Trends in Computing and ethical
Arrays and Strings 15 issues
Implementation of Algorithms
to solve Problems


Subject: Commer ce Subject: Commer ce

Book: ISC Commer ce C.B. Gupta-Vol-1 Book: ISC Commer ce C.B. Gup
Publisher : S Chand Publisher : S Chand
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
Emerging Modes of Business Concept,need,and scope of BPO and Unit 7 Foreign trade
Nature and Scope of Foreign
e - Business & Outsourcing 1 Trade
Stock Exchange 2 Export Trade
Inland Trade 3 Import Trade
Wholesale Trade 4 World Trade Organisation
Retail Trade Tele shopping,Franchise,consumer Unit 8 Insurance
ti t h k t
Procedure and Documents used Cash discount and tr ade discount 1 Business Risks & Insurance
Chambers of Commerce and 2 Types of Insurance

Subject: Accounts Subject: Accounts

Book: ISC Accoutns Double Entr y B.k. (T.S.Gr ew al) Book: ISC Accoutns Double Entr y B.
Publisher : Sultan Chand Publisher : Sultan Chan
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
Questions on change of method
from SLM to WDV and vice-versa
Depreciation, Provision &
Reserves 17 Bills of Exchange
Final Accounts and Concept of
Trading , Profit& Loss A/c,
Balance Sheet with & Without
Adjustment , Marshalling of
Balance Sheet GST excluded in adjustment 22
Rectification of Error 23 Non Trading Organisation

Subject: Business Studies Subject: Business Studi

Book: ISC Business Studies(C.B.Gupta) Book: ISC Business Studies(C.B
Publisher : Goyal Br os Publisher : Goyal Br os
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
Managers and Managerial Roles Unit 4 Automation at Workplaces

Subject: Economics Subject: Economics

Book: ISC Economics Revised Book: ISC Economics Rev
Publisher : Fr ank Br os Publisher : Fr ank Br os
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
Definition, Scope, Importance Planning and Economic
and Limitations of Statistics 10 Development in India
Collection, Organization and Structural Change In The Indian
Presentation of Data 11 Economy after Liberalization
Measures of Central Value 20 Measures of Dispersion
The Problem of Poverty in India 21 Correlation

Profile of Indian Agriculture /

Rural Development 22 Index Number
Human Capital Formation In Some Mathematical Tools Used In
India 23 Economics
Employment and
Unemployment In India/
Problems And Policies
Comparative Study of Indian
and Chinese Economies

Subject : Political Science Subject : Political Scien

Book : ISC Theor y & Contempor ar y Inter national Relations- Name Of Book : ISC Theor y & Contempo
K K Ghai Relations K K Ghai
Publisher : Kalyani Publisher : Kalyani
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
Section-A Section-A
Political Ideologies 8 Equality
Sovereignty 9 Justice
Section-B Section-B
Unipolar World: US Non Alignment and the Non
Unilateralism 5 -Aligned Movement
Regional Co operation :Asean
and European Union
der take one pr oject which may be any one of the follow ing:(20 mar ks)
1. A case study
vey study with a questionnaire
based project with in depth anaiysis
/ National /Global political issue
view/ documentaries/ posters /newspapers etc

Subject : Histor y Subject : Histor y

Of Book : Moder n India and Wor ld Histor y - Sachhidananda Name Of Book : Moder n India and Wor ld Hi
Publisher : Kalyani Publisher : Kalyani
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
Economic,Social and cultural
Impact of the British Rule 5 Gandhian Nationalism
Protest Movement against
Colonial Rule
Section-B Section-B
The Great Depression :
USA,Germany,Britain,France Rise of Nazism in Germany (1933
and Japan 12 -39)
Rise of Communism in Rise of Militarism: Japan (1919 -
Russia(1917 -29) 13 1941)

Rise of Fascism in Italy (1922 -

der take one pr oject which may be any one of the follow ing:(20 mar ks)
1. A case study
A field visit / investigation
3. A local history
Interview / oral evidence
view/ documentaries/ posters /newspapers etc

Subject: Psychology Subject: Psychology

Book: ISC Psychology XI (Gir ishbala Mohanty) Book: ISC Psychology XI (Gir ishba
Publisher : Kalyani Publisher : Kalyani
Topic Deleted Topics Chp.No Topic
Section-A Section-A
1.Scientific methods in
Psychology Unit 3 1.Nature of attention
2.Interpretation of research
results 2.Perceptual process
3.Errors in Perception-illusion of
size and shape
Section-B Section-B

1.What is learning Unit 7 1.What is meant by thinking

2.Learning disabilities definition 2.Concepts and how they are
and types formed
1.The memory system- how it
works 3.Reasoning
2.Why and how forgetting
occurs 4.Creative Thinking
3.How memory can be
exper iments fr om any chapter cover ed in theor y .Assessment w ill be based on a wr itten r epor t.

Subject: Physical Education Subject: Physical Educat

Book: ISC Physical Education (V.K Shar ma) Book: ISC Physical Education (V
Publisher : New Sar aswati House Publisher : New Sar aswati H
Topic Deleted Por tion Chp.No Topic
Section-A Section-A
Effects of physical exercise on
human body System 5 Physical fitness and wellness
Nutrition , weight control and Games and sports -a global
exercise 6 perspective
Section-B Section-B
Cricket Swimming
Football Tennis
Hockey Volleyball
Entire Syllabus To Be Included
Deleted Topics

ISC Poems
Deleted Topics

Acts and scenes not men tion ed

hor t Stor ies

Deleted Topics


Deleted Topics
Conditions for tangency,
Equation of tangent to circle
Evaluation of explanation of
exponential and logarithmic

r & Mittal)
Deleted Topics

Free, Forced and

Damped oscilations,
Resonance, Doppler
Sr ivasatava)
Deleted Topics

Aggar wal

Deleted Topics
mita Ar or a
Deleted Topics


Deleted Topics

.k. (T.S.Gr ewal)

Deleted Topics

Accounts from
Incomplete Records
Deleted Topics

Deleted Topics

or ar y Inter national

Deleted Topics

stor y - Sachhidananda
Deleted Topics

ala Mohanty)

Deleted Topics

.K Shar ma)
Deleted Topics
ICSE Syllabus 2023 -2024
1st- Assessment
Subject: English -I Language S
Book : Total English
Publisher : Mor ning Star
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month
1. Essay W r iting
March Narrative Writing July
March Descriptive Writing July
March Reflective Writing July
March Argumentative Writing July
March Discursive Topics July
March Short Story Writing July

2. Dir ected Wr iting

April Book Review August
April Article Writing August
April Film Review August
April Report Writing August
Review of Cultural
April Program August
June Statement of Purpose August
June Speech Writing August
June Personal Profile September
June September
June 3. Pr oposal Wr iting September
4. Gr ammar -
Pr epositions, Tenses,
June Completion of Sentences September
5. Compr ehension
Passage - Vocabular y &
Usage, Shor t Answer s,
June Summar y Wr iting September

Subject: English - II
Book: The Tempest - Shakespear e Boo
Publisher : Ver ity Edition / Oxfor d Pub
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month
March Act III (Long Answers) July
Act II & IV(Short Ans-Ref
to Context
ACT I II & IV for Long and
Shor t Answer s
Subject: English - II
Book:Echoes - A Collection Of Shor t Stor ies Book:Ech
Publisher : Ever gr een
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month
March The Singing lesson July
March Salvatore July
April Fritz August

April A Gorilla in the guestroom August

Subject: English - II
Book: Rever ie-A Collection Of Poem Book
Publisher : Ever gr een Publications Publ
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month
April Desiderata August
April The Gift of India September
June Birches September

June Dolphins September

Subject: Mathematics
Book: ISC Mathematics Book II Bo
Publisher : S Chand
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month
Section A

March Relations July

March Functions- July

Inverse Trigonometric
April Functions August
April Determinants August
April Matrices August
Continuity and
April Differentiability August

June Differentiation September

June Application of Derivative September

Section B
June Vectors September

Section C
June Application of Calculus September

Subject: Physics
Book: ISC Physics (Ar or a Dhanpatr ai) Book:
Publisher : Dhanpatr ai & Co. P
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month

March 1. Electrostatics July

Carbon Resistors,colour
code for carbon
resistors,Series and
parallel connection of
March/April 2. Current Electricity August
Solenoid,Cyclotron ,Earth's
3. Magnetic Effect of magnetic field and
April Current and Magnetism elements August/ September
4. Electromagnetic
Induction and Alternating
June September

Pr actical
1. Using a Meter Bridge,
Determine a Resistance of
about 100cm Wire,
Calculate Specific
March Resistance of Wire. july

2. Verify Ohm’s Law &

Calculate Resistance Per
April Unit Length of Wire. august

3. To Find Focal Length of

Convex Lens by U-V
April Method august

4. To Determine Focal
Length of Concave Mirror
June by Using Two Pins. september

Subject: Chemistr y
Book: ISC Chemistr y(Kalyani/H.C.Sr ivasatava) Book: ISC
Publisher : Nootan Pr akashan Pu
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month
March Solid states july
March solutions july
general principlesand
processesof isolation of
April elements August

April Halo Alkanes and Halo Arenes August

April Alchols, Phenol and Ethers september

Biomolecules september
june polymers
june chemistry in everyday life
April Quantitative Analysis july
Identification of organic
April Compounds August

June rate of reaction september

Subject : Biology
Book : Textbook Of Biology By Sar ita Aggar wal Book : Tex
Publisher : S. Chand
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month
March Reproduction of Organism july

Sexual Reproduction in
March Flowering Plants August

April Human Reproduction August

April Reproductive Health September

Principles of in Heritance
june and Variation September
Molecular Basis of
june Inheritance september
june Evolution
Taxonamy: (Malvaceae)
type - China
March rose/Hollyhock july
Study of Arrangement
/Distribution of Stomata/
Study of Soils
April Soil analysis (full) july
Slide Preparation: T.S. of
(Ovary /Hydrophyte Stem/
Xerophytic Leaf)
April august

Spotting: Identify and

Comment on Following.
(T.S. of Ovary/Testis of
Mammal/ Blastula/
April Blastocyte) august
Comment upon ecological
adaptations of plants and
animals. (Refer ISC
April Syllabus Book) august

Subject: Computer Science S

Book: Computer Science With Java By Sumita Ar or a Book: Compu
Publisher : Dhanpat Rai
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month

June 1. Boolean Algebra August

June 2. Computer Hardware September

March 5. Object September

6. Primitive Values,
Wrapper Classes, Types
and Casting
April October
July 8. Statements & Scope October
7. Variables and
July Expressions November

14. Computational
July Complexity December

August 10. Arrays & Strings

Subject: Commer ce
Book: ISC Commer ce C B Gupta-Vol 2 Bo
Publisher : S Chand
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month

March 1. Business Environment JULY

2. Capital Fixed and
April Working AUGUST

3. Sources of Finance for a

JUNE Joint Stock Company AUGUST
JUNE 4. Banking Latest Trends AUGUST
5. Management: - Meaning, Levels of management
JULY Nature and Importance meaning and functions September
6. Principles of
JULY Management September

Subject: Accounts
Book:Double Entr y Book Keeping Boo
Publisher : Sultan Chand
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month
Part - A
1. Partnership -
March Fundamentals

April 2. Valuation of Goodwill

April 3. Admission of Partner

Memorandum Revaluation
Account, Joint Life Policy,
4. Partnership - Retirement Individual life policy are
June & Death of a Partner excluded from the syllabus.
Par t B
head fixed asset and
subhead in tangible assets
1. Financial Statement changed with property
April Analysis plant and equipment
2. Comparative Common
June Size
Par t C
1. Accounting Application
June of Electrical Spreadsheet

Subject: Economics
Book: Fr ank ISC Economics- D.K. Sethi Book:
Publisher : Macmillan
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month
2.Demand and law of
March demand July

3.Theory of consumer
March behaviour July

April 4.Elasticity of Demand. August

5. Supply-Law of supply
and price elasticity of
April supply August
June 6-Market Mechanism August

June 7.Law of return September

8.Cost and revenue
June Analysis September
June 9.Main Market Forms

Subject: Business Studies

Book: ISC Business Studies (C.B.Gupta)-Par t 2 Book: ISC
Publisher : Goyal Br other s Pr akashan Publis
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month
1. Human Resource
Management -
March Introduction July
2. Job and Manpower
March planning July

March 3. Staff recruitment August

March 4. Staff Selection August

April 5. Staff training September

April 6. Staff morale September

April 7. Staff motivation
April 8. Staff remuneration
April 9. Staff Leadership
April 10. Staff Appraisal
11. Staff promotion &
June Transfer
June 12. Staff Separation
13. Emerging trends in
June Human Resources

Subject : Histor y
Name Of Book : Moder n India and Wor ld Histor y - Sachhidananda Baner jee Name Of Book : Moder n I
Publisher : Kalyani
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month
Section A
Towards Independence
and Partition: The Last
March Phase July
Establishment and
Development of Indian
April August
Challenges to Indian
June Democracy (1964 -1977)
Section B

April World War - II August

De-colonisation in Asia
(China) and Africa (Ghana
June and Kenya) September

Subject: Psychology
Book: ISC Psychology XII (Gir ishbala Mohanty) Book: ISC P
Publisher : Kalyani
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month






Subject : Political Science

Name Of Book : ISC Theor y & Contempor ar y Inter national Relations- K.K.Ghai Name Of Book : ISC Theor y
Publisher : Kalyani
Month Topic Deleted Topics Month
APRIL 1 form of government AUGUST
2Constitution 3 Franchise
JUNE and representation

Subject: Physical Education S

Book: Sar asw ati Physical Education Book

Chp.No Topic Deleted Por tion Chp.No

Sociological aspects of physical
March education july

April Training Method August

Career Aspects in physical
june education September

March 1.Athletics July
April 2.Badminton August
June 3.Basketball August
june 4.Cr icket September
entir e syllabus to be
I CSE Syllabus 2023 -2024 I CSE Syllabus 2023 -2024
2nd- Assessment 1st- Pr elims
Subject: English -I Language Subject: English -I Language
Book : Total English Book : Total English
Publisher : Mor ning Star Publisher : Mor ning Star
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic
1. Essay W r iting
Narrative Writing
Descriptive Writing
Reflective Writing
Argumentative Writing
Discursive Topics
Short Story Writing
Revision of XI and XII full
2. Dir ected Wr iting portion
Book Review
Article Writing
Film Review
Report Writing
Review of Cultural
Statement of Purpose
Speech Writing
Personal Profile

3. Pr oposal Wr iting
4. Gr ammar -
Pr epositions, Tenses,
Completion of Sentences
5. Compr ehension
Passage - Vocabular y &
Usage, Shor t Answer s,
Summar y Wr iting

Subject: English - II Subject: English - II

ok: The Tempest - Shakespear e Book: The Tempest - Shakespe
blisher : Ver ity Edition / Oxfor d Publisher : Ver ity Edition / Oxfo
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic
Act IV October Act V
Entire syllabus to be

Subject: English - II Subject: English - II

hoes - A Collection Of Shor t Stor ies Book:Echoes - A Collection Of Shor t
Publisher : Ever gr een Publisher : Ever gr een
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic
The Sound Machine October
Quality November B Words worth
To build a fire
Entire syllabus to be
The Story of an hour included
Subject: English - II Subject: English - II
k: Rever ie-A Collection Of Poem Book: Rever ie-A Collection Of P
lisher : Ever gr een Publications Publisher : Ever gr een Publicati
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic
The Darkling Thrush November Dover Beach
The Spider and the fly
Entire syllabus to be
John Brown included

Subject: Mathematics Subject: Mathematics

ook: ISC Mathematics Book II Book: ISC Mathematics Book
Publisher : S Chand Publisher : S Chand
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic
Section A Section A
Indeterminate forms of
Limits Oct Baye’s Theorem
Theoretical Probability
Mean value theorem November Distribution
Maxima & Minima
entire syllabus to be
Indefinite integration – I included
Indefinite integration – II
Indefinite integration – III

Definite Integration
reducible to variable
Application of The second
separable type are
order differential
equations are excluded.
Proofsof geometrical
theoremsby using Vector
LAWS OF Probability algebra are excluded.
Section B Section B
Application of Integrals November 3 – Dimensional Geometry
November The plane
Section C Section C
Linear Programming Transport problems November Linear Regression

Subject: Physics Subject: Physics

: ISC Physics (Ar or a Dhanpatr ai) Book: ISC Physics (Ar or a Dhanpa
Publisher : Dhanpatr ai & Co. Publisher : Dhanpatr ai & Co
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic
9. Semi Conductor Devices
5. Electromagnetic Waves November and Digital Circuits

Scattering of light,Resolving
power of compound
microscope and
6. Optics Telescope.Polarisation of light November

7. Dual Nature of Radiation Davisson and Germer

and Matter experiment , X ray
8. Atom and Nuclei Radioactivity
entire syllabus to be

Pr actical Pr actical

5. To Find Focal Length of 9. Refractive index of liquid

Convex Lens by by using convex lens &
Displacement Method Oct plane mirror
6. Determination of Focal
Length of Concave Lens 10. To determine internal
Using an Auxiliary Convex resistance of cell by
Lens Oct potentiometer device
7. Determination of Focal
Length of Convex Lens 11. To find focal length of
Using an Auxiliary Convex convex mirror by convex
Lens november lens.
12. From a Potentiometer
8. To Compare the EMF of setup measure fall in
Two Cells Using a potential for increasing
Potentiometer november length of constantan wire.
13. To study the laws of
combination of resistances
(series and parallel) using
november meter bridge.

Subject: Chemistr y Subject: Chemistr y

Chemistr y(Kalyani/H.C.Sr ivasatava) Book: ISC Chemistr y(Kalyani/H.C.Sr iv
ublisher : Nootan Pr akashan Publisher : Nootan Pr akasha
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic
Chemical Kinetics november Electrochemistry
surface chemistry november

D and F block elements

entire syllabus to be
co - ordination compounds included
Aldehydes Ketomes
andCarboxylic acids
organic compounds
containing nitrogen


Qualitatve Analysis november Qualitatve Analysis
Characteristic tests of
carbhohydrate november Quantitative Analysis
Experiment related to PH

Subject : Biology Subject : Biology

xtbook Of Biology By Sar ita Aggar wal Book : Textbook Of Biology By Sar ita
Publisher : S. Chand Publisher : S. Chand
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic
Human Health and Disease november Ecosystem
Strategies for
Enhancement in Food Strategirs for Crop Biodiversity &
Production improvement november Conservation
Microbes in Humas
Welfare november
Biotechnology – Principals
& Processes
Biotechnology and its entire syllabus to be
Application included

Organisms and Population


Taxonamy: (Leguminosae
/Solanaceae) november Taxonamy: (Liliaceae)

To Study the Effect of

Enzyme november Isolation of DNA
Slide Preparation:
Germination of Pollen
Slide Preparation: L.S. of
november Monocot and Dicot Seed.
Spotting: Identify and
Comment on the Following
(T.S. of Ovary to Show the
Spotting: Identify and Type of Placentation
Comment on the Following /Whole Mount of
(Germinating Pollen Grain/ Plasmodium/ Entamoeba
Ascaris). november Histolytica)

Flowers Adapted to
Pollination by Different
Agencies. Flower pollination

Subject: Computer Science Subject: Computer Science

uter Science With Java By Sumita Ar or a Book: Computer Science With Java By S
Publisher : Dhanpat Rai Publisher : Dhanpat Rai
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic
13(b)Data Structures
(Single Linked List, binary
trees, tree traversals) and
9. Methods December Recursion.
3. Implementation of
algorithms to solve
4. Java classes an OOP
perspective (Review of
class XI Section B and entire syllabus to be
Section C) included

Operations on Files
11. Recursion
12. Concept of Inheritance,
Interface &
13(a) Simple Data
Structures (Stack and
Queue, dequeue, Circular
queue). Conversion of Infx
to Prefix and Postfix
[ Note : Boolean Algebra &
Computer Hardware and
Programs including the
first assessment also]

Subject: Commer ce Subject: Commer ce

ook: ISC Commer ce C B Gupta Book: ISC Commer ce C B Gup
Publisher : S Chand Publisher : S Chand
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic
7. Functions of
Management and 13. Marketing Concept and
Co-ordination NOVEMBER Functions

8. Planning NOVEMBER 14. Marketing Mix

Line ,Line and staff
organisationand its
9. Organising NOVEMBER 15. Consumer Protection
10. Staffing

11. Directing
12. Controlling and entire syllabus to be
cordination included

Subject: Accounts Subject: Accounts

ok:Double Entr y Book Keeping Book:Double Entr y Book Keep
Publisher : Sultan Chand Publisher : Sultan Chand
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic
Part - A Part - A
5. Partnership -
8. Redemption of
6. Issue of Shares Debentures
7. Issue of Debentures
The sub-head ‘Fixed
Assets’ under Non-Current
Assets is replaced with
‘Property, Plant and
Equipment and Intangible
Tangible Assets under
Fixed Assets is replaced
9. Final Account of with ‘Property, Plant and
Companies Equipment’
Par t B Par t B
3. Ratio Analysis 4. Cash Flow Statement

Par t C Par t C
2. Database Management entire syllabus to be
System included

Subject: Economics Subject: Economics

Fr ank ISC Economics- D.K. Sethi Book: Fr ank ISC Economics- D.K.
Publisher : Macmillan Publisher : Macmillan
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic

10.Producers Equilibrium October 17.Government Budget

11.Determination of
equilibrium price and
output detreminatio n 18National Income and
under perfect ompetition October circular flow of income
12. Theory of income and 19.National Income of
employment November aggregrates

20.Methods of Measuring
13.Money November National Income
15.Balance of payment and entire syllabus to be
exchange rate included

16.Fiscal poilcies

Subject: Business Studies Subject: Business Studies

C Business Studies (C.B.Gupta)-Par t 2 Book: ISC Business Studies (C.B.Gupt
sher : Goyal Br other s Pr akashan Publisher : Goyal Br other s Pr aka
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic

14. Business
Communication October 20. E business
15. Business
correspondence November 21. Outsourcing
22. Business Regulators &
16. Report writing November Interme diaries
17. Various Business
18. Source of business entire syllabus to be
Finance included
19. Globalisation & recent
trends in business
Subject : Histor y Subject : Histor y
India and Wor ld Histor y - Sachhidananda Baner jee Name Of Book : Moder n India and Wor ld Histor y - S
Publisher : Kalyani Publisher : Kalyani
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic
Section A Section A

Changing face of the Indian 6.Movements for Women's

Democracy October Rights

India's Foreign Policy

Section B Section B
Cold War 1945 -1991:
Origin,Course,End and
11.Middle East: Israeli -
November Palestine conflict
Protest Movements (Civil
Rights Movement,Anti
-Apartheid Movement and ENI TRE SYLLABUS TO BE
Feminist Movement) I NCLUDED

Subject: Psychology Subject: Psychology

Psychology XII (Gir ishbala Mohanty) Book: ISC Psychology XII (Gir ishbala
Publisher : Kalyani Publisher : Kalyani
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic

Subject : Political Science Subject : Political Science

y & Contempor ar y Inter national Relations- K.K.Ghai Name Of Book : I SC Theor y & Contempor ar y Inter nat
Publisher : Kalyani Publisher : Kalyani
Topic Deleted Topics Month Topic




Subject: Physical Education Subject: Physical Education

k: Sar asw ati Physical Education Book: Sar asw ati Physical Educa

Topic Deleted Por tion Chp.No Topic

Competitions and tournaments

Health education and Health
Pr oblems

Sports injuries and fir st aid

8 swimming

Deleted Topics

ear e
or d
Deleted Topics

t Stor ies

Deleted Topics
The Chinese Statue
Deleted Topics


Deleted Topics

atr ai)
Deleted Topics
Zener diode.Junction
Transistor, Logic gates

10. Communication System

Deleted Topics

P-block elements

Aggar wal

Deleted Topics
Environmental Issues

Sumita Ar or a

Deleted Topics

Deleted Topics


Deleted Topics
Any adjustment or an item
in the Balance
Sheet relating to issue of
bonus shares,
extraordinary items and
refund of tax are not


Deleted Topics

ta)-Par t 2
Deleted Topics
Sachhidananda Baner jee

Deleted Topics


Deleted Topics

tional Relations- K.K.Ghai

Deleted Topics

Deleted Por tion

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