End of Year Exam Syllabus For Year 9 June 2024

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Year 9- End of Year Exam Syllabus- June 2024

Sl. No Subject Topics

Numbers – 2: Percentages, Percentage Increase and Decrease

Numbers – 5: Estimating, Lower Bound and Upper Bound
Numbers – 7: Recurring Decimals
Algebra – 1: Simplifying Expressions, Simplifying Expressions with
Brackets, Solving Equations
Algebra – 3: Simplifying Fractions, Equations with Fractions,
1 Mathematics
Simultaneous Equations.
Algebra – 5: Multiplying Brackets, Factorizing Quadratic
Expressions, Solving Quadratic Equation
Shape and Space – 7: Circles (Including arc length and area of
sector), Solids (Surface area and volume), Similar Shapes (scale
factor and finding the missing side)

Paper 1-Reading Comprehension-Text A, Summary-Text B,

2 English
Writing- Descriptive writing.

Who joined and left League of Nations
How successful was the work of the league agencies?
Unit 6: Lesson 1: The Land and Physical Geography of North
3 MSCS America
Unit 9: Lesson 1: Geography of West Asia
Unit 9: Lesson 1: Geography of North Africa
Urban Problems and Solutions
Rapid Urban Growth

Document Production(shared in class teams as pdf)
Unit 9.2 Design your own network:Shape and size(pg 55-77)
Unit 9.4 Drilling down:How the processor handles instructions(pg
Document Production(shared in class teams as pdf)

Sl. No Subject Topics

9Aa- Environmental Variation
9Ab- Inherited Variation
9Ac- DNA
9Ad-Genes and Extinction
9Ae- Natural Selection
9Cb- Other Organ Systems
9Cd- Energy in Ecosystems
9Ce- Genetics and Evolution

Topics from GL Worksheets 1 and 2

9Gb-Chemical Reactions
9Hc-Rates of Reactions
5 Science
Properties and Structure of Solids, Liquids and Gases.
9Ga Separating Substances
9Ge–Earth and Atmosphere
9Gd –Periodic Table
9Ha- Ions
9Hd – Writing Chemical Equations & Balancing
Chemical Bonding

Kinetic Theory of Matter, Heat Transfer, Work Power and Energy

Topics from GL Worksheets 1 and 2

Ls -Bharat ke sapoot
Poem- Mukti ki akankshsa
Visheshan bhed
Sanvad lekhan
6 Hindi Vakyay shudhi
Apathit Gadyansh

(All the work done in the notebook)

Sl. No Subject Topics
Hidden Emotions
Personal Strength, Stress
Problem Solving Skills
Anger Management
7 Effective Communication
Social Styles
Stress Management
Graffiti is Self-expression or Vandalism


Chapter 1: Business Activity

Chapter 2: Classification of business
Chapter 3: Enterprise, Business growth and Size

8 Commerce
Chapter 1: Money and Banking
Chapter 2: Demand

Chapter 1: Introduction to Accounting
Chapter 2: Double Entry Book- keeping (Journal Entries)

Vocabulaire: Module 3, 4 and 5.

Compréhension : unseen passage

Grammaire :
• L’infinitive.
• Le passé composé.
• Le futur simple.
• Les questions.
• Les verbes pronominaux.
9 French
• Les expressions négatives.
• Les adjectives possessifs.
• Les types de phrases.

Writing: One of these topics will come (15 sentences):

• Ton avenir.
• Les vacances.

Sl. No Subject Topics
All the language structures and skills (Reading, writing, speaking,
and writing) in the following topics:
10 Arabic B 1- Topic: ‫السعادة‬
2- Topic: ‫المدن المستدامة‬
Study from the resources on Teams and the revision materials.
‫وصية ذي اإلصبع العدواني ألبن أسيد‬ -1
‫ شعر‬: ‫النهر المتجمد‬ -2
11 Arabic A ‫ نظرة‬: ‫قصة‬ -3
‫ شعر‬: ‫اإلمارت نبض روحي وقلبي‬ -4
.‫جميع القواعد اللغوية التي تمت دراستها‬ -5

‫ الدرس األول‬،‫الوحدة الخامسة‬

53-26( ‫)نعيم الحياة سورة الرحمن‬

‫ الدرس الثاني‬،‫الوحدة الخامسة‬

‫كفالة اليتيم حديث شريف‬

12 Islamic A ‫ الدرس الثالث‬،‫الوحدة الخامسة‬


‫ الدرس الثالث‬،‫الوحدة السادسة‬

‫رفيدة األسلمية رضي هللا عنه‬

‫المجالس و آدابها‬

Unit 4, Chapter 1
The Power of Allah (Surat Ya-Sin)
Unit 4, Chapter 2
Secondary Madd
Unit 4, Chapter 3
Merits of the Believer.
13 Islamic B
Unit 4, Chapter 5
Prohibition of frightening people.
Unit 5, Chapter 2
Modeling Good Deeds.
Unit 5, Chapter 3
Oaths and Vows

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