Balance Ebook

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Words and food photography

by Tish Wonders
Portraits of Tish by Ramoan Gunter









The support of 'Tish Wonders' has been
immense over the past couple of years. Firstly I 'THE RECIPES I
have to thank you the reader for joining me on
my journey of growth and expansion. CREATE ARE MY
I have been so overwhelmed by the support
and enthusiasm shown from my first book and
body of content on my Youtube. I felt so
inspired to share with you my latest most EXPRESSIONS'
exciting recipes to date in this book.
personal tastes and needs no matter what your
I would love for this book to be used as a guide individual personal eating preference may be.
in helping you realise that there are no rules Labels just don’t suit me and I have reached a
when creating in the kitchen. Knowing I can time in my life where I only want to describe
never create the same dish twice has always my eating styles as ‘Tish’s way’. I encourage
been the beauty of cooking for me. It’s what each of you to do the same and stop with the
has kept me excited and what makes me still outside noise of ‘what you should be doing’,
jump into the kitchen with the same what is right, what is wrong and begin to trust
enthusiasm as I did when I was 15 years old. your instincts and move with the phases of
YOUR life. 

'THERE ARE NO We are forever entering into new phases and

with this what we eat may need adjusting every
RULES WHEN now and then. Whatever you consider to be a
balanced and ‘healthy’ lifestyle should not be

CREATING IN THE created through guilt, restriction or shame.

Cooking is craft and an act of self love. There is
no one size fits all. This book was born from my
KITCHEN.' ever fuelling passion to create new innovative
recipes that reflect my personal story. Thank
I believe that being a self taught cook has you for being apart of my journey.
created my signature style and made me
fearless in the kitchen. The recipes I create are
my biggest boldest expressions.
Tish x 
The bountiful of recipes I share within this
book can be adapted and shaped to suit your

introduction | 6
Learning to eat intuitively is the act of being Why do we eat water based hydrating foods
able to listen to your bodies needs. It means such as strawberries and cucumbers in the
you're able to distinguish between boredom summer? Why do our bodies crave rich hearty
and hunger or between eating with purpose and warming foods during the colder months? I am
just attepting to fill a void. Tapping into intuitive fascinated at how nature provides us with the
eating is another reason why I prefer to live exact foods we need based on the environment
without 'food labels'. I believe its so easy to get and season we are in. Somehow we have lost
fixated on one way of eating. This can lead to touch with remembering the importance of
you being so consumed to 'sticking to the rules' buying local and seasonal produce.
of that one diet which in turn can lead to
ignoring what your body is actually in need of. Farmers markets are widely accessible, so i'd
encourage you to source out one that is local to
Intuitive eating is not only the act of what we you. A weekly ritual involves me shopping at my
are eating but its also the act of how we eat. The local farmers market every Saturday. There is
energy and care we use to prepare food and the truly nothing that compares to real local and
time we take to truly enjoy it! seasonal produce.

'HOW MAY OF US Taste/ quality

Real seasonal and local produce is bursting with
RUSH THROUGH OUR so much intensity and flavour as it has been
given the opportunity to fully ripen! There is no
MEALS EVERYDAY?' going back once you've experienced juicy
tomatoes in the summer or hearty sweet buttery
How many of us rush through our meals squash in the winter.
everyday? Eating on the go, staring at a phone
or computer screen and eating takeaways. Environment 
Eating tons of imported plastic wrapped fruit and
The ability to chew your food rather than rush is
key. With all of the many modern day vegetables seems insane if you have the means
distractions, taking time to eat and fuel our and access to buy locally sourced produce. 
bodies seems almost impossible. It should
however be priority.
Give yourself the time to relax and eat without Eating in season is really eating with the natural
distraction. To enjoy, appreciate and truly taste rhythm of the planet. It ensures that I feel
what you are eating. Eat with intention, in peace balanced and stay connected to source. 
and in harmony.

intuitive and seasonal eating  | 7

Ensuring you keep a variety of foods on Nuts / seeds - The correct soaking of nuts
hand that feel good for your body will and seeds is so important. After soaking I
make cooking an enjoyable and relaxing love dehydrating nuts and seeds and
experience. The whole process of
storing them in glass jars. 
lovingly preparing meals from scratch
gives you an opportunity to ground
Gluten-free grains - Quinoa, amaranth,
yourself and truly explore your culinary
teff, brown rice and wild rice are my
creativity. The following are a few of my
favourite cupboard essentials that can of prefered grains. 
course be adjusted and shifted around to
suit your personal needs and preference. Legumes - Chickpeas, black beans and
lentils feel best for my body. Its best to
Extra virgin olive oil - Without a doubt one experiment with what feels best for you. If 
of my most loved ingredients in my some legumes don't digest well be sure to
cooking. I always keep a couple of bottles listen to your bodies signals. 
of good quality olive oil on deck. 
Flour - Chickpea flour is great for savoury
Coconut oil - Raw unrefined coconut oil is cooking. Buckwheat flour is so
a staple in my cupboards.  versatile and is a great gluten-free option.

Pink himalayan salt / sea salt - I use and Superfoods -  I keep a small collection of
enjoy both types of real salt.  superfoods and adaptogens handy
including maca, chlorella, reishi
Raw honey / Maple syrup - Both are two of mushroom powder and adaptogens such
my favourite sweeteners which I use for as ashwaganda. 
savoury and sweet dishes. I try to opt for
raw honey and Grade B maple syrup.  Full fat coconut milk - I love using coconut
milk for soups, curries and sweet treats. 
Dried herbs & spices - Many of my recipes
Tamari - A fermented gluten free soy sauce
call for a variety of dried herbs & spices 
which has a tremendous deep rich flavour. 
including oregano, thyme, basil, cumin,
black pepper and cayenne. Personal
Tahini -  A smooth creamy sesame seed
favourite spice blends include berbere and
garam masala. 

cupboard essentials  | 10
Some of you may be focused on a solely plant- GRAINS, RICE & LEGUMES
based wholefoods lifestyle and some of you
may choose to implement elements of plant- Soak your chosen grain or rice for 8 hours.
based along with other foods that fit you best. Legumes such a lentils will also take 8 hours
Whatever your personal choice is, if you're whilst others such as black beans and chickpeas
regularly consuming grains, nuts, seeds and can be soaked for up to 24 hours. Soak in fresh
legumes the practice and knowledge of soaking water with a pinch of sea salt.  
correctly is imperative in making these foods
work for you long-term. Wash and rinse the grain/ rice or legumes well.
What do grains, seeds, nuts and legumes all Take note that grains and rice will require a
have in common? They all contain something lesser amount of water and time to cook when
called 'anti-nutrients', enzyme inhibitors such they have been soaked.
as phytic acid. You can look at anti-nutrients as
a plants protective 'coating'. This 'coating' Legumes such as chickpeas and black beans are
exists to protect the plants in nature. Eaten in best cooked in a pressure cooker or slow cooker
large quantities over a period of time without with a strip of kombu. Kombu is a Japanese sea
correct preparation these foods could cause vegetable which will soften beans and make
implications with the absorption of vital them easier to digest. Legumes such as lentils
minerals. Soaking is a step you can take In order will cook perfectly fine using a saucepan.
to activate grains, nuts, seeds and legumes.
Soaking does the following:

     Is a simple and an inexpensive way to gain      

 maximum nutrition from the above food       NUTS & SEEDS 
Soak your chosen nut or seed for 8 hours in a
     Activates and multiplies                                         bowl of fresh water and a pinch of sea salt.
Dehydrating nuts and seeds using a dehydrator
     Makes grains, nut, seeds and                               is ideal if you want to store them for a lengthy
 legumes more digestible amount of time.

'THE PRACTICE AND Soaked seeds such as pumpkin seeds and          

sunflower seeds are great rinsed and roasted
KNOWLEDGE OF until golden.

SOAKING CORRECTLY IS Soaked nuts can be used to make nut milk.       

Use the left over pulp to make delicious cookies.
IMPERATIVE' You can simply snack on a small amount of nuts
or seeds that you have soaked. 

how to soak  | 11
Based solely on what i've experienced - Dry brushing 
finding the right foods that work best for me Skin is the largest organ of elimination so dry
as an individual goes hand in hand with brushing assists in unclogging pores and
making self care practices a priority. 
excreting toxins. I visibly notice that dry
Self care and what it involves is different for brushing helps with cellulite. It is best to dry
everybody. My idea of self care is a regular brush using a soft bristle brush with strokes
practice of certain activities that bring about towards your heart. 
a sense of calm and create balance in my
life. Most of the time this involves some use Exercise
of essential oils. Aromatherapy keeps me
For most of us being active is key for our mental
grounded and can play a big role in
and emotional wellbeing. Accept where you're at
transforming my mood.
on your fitness journey and always do what you
Self care can be something as simple as a can. Introducing a daily yoga practice (YouTube
weekly bentonite clay face mask, regular have endless options for home yoga) I have
evening epsom salt baths or honouring my noticed a significant change in my day-day living.
sleep and making sure I am getting enough I aim to do 3-4 hours of cardio and body weight
of it. There is no right or wrong approach to training a week. I will opt to train outdoors when
self care. Here I explain some of the possible.
practices I implement regularly. 

Foot Soak
Bentonite clay mask
Life can get a little hectic at times and in my
Bentonite clay mask has been used for opinion this is the best stress reliever. I love to
thousands of years. Its effective in detoxing use epsom salts or magnesium flakes to soak my
which is why I love to use it on my face as well feet in my home foot spa. I do this using warm
as different areas of my body. I make a mask water for about 20 minutes. It is so soothing,
and apply it to my face, underarms and especially around the time of menstruation. 
breasts. Leaving it to dry for 10-12 minutes. 
Epsom salt bath When your sleeping pattern is off everything else
A warm epsom salt bath is a cleansing ritual may seem unbalanced. Improving the quality and
that I do 1-2 times a week. Epsom salts are amount of sleep you get will prove to have the
known for their detoxing properties. I love to biggest impact on your overall wellbeing from
take a candle lit epsom salt bath adding in a mental clarity to productivity to physical health.
little lavender essential oil. This is the perfect Evening salt baths and reducing time using blue
evening unwind activity that ensures I have a screens (phones & computers) will offer a chance
deep quality sleep and gives my thinking mind of a more blissful sleep.
a break. 
reset & refresh  | 14

I have experimented with so many porridge recipes over the years and this recipe is still one of
my favourites. The blend of caramelised sweet potato and creamy coconut milk makes this
bowl an ideal slow weekend breakfast option. Amaranth typically has a bitter taste. T his recipe
brings this powerhouse seed to life.


1 cup amaranth Preheat the oven to 210°C / 410°F.

2.5 cups water
Pierce the sweet potato and place it into the oven.
1 large sweet potato
200ml coconut milk Place the amaranth into a saucepan and cover it with
1 tsp. cinnamon water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover
saucepan and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Stir
1/2 tsp. nutmeg powder occasionally to avoid scorching the bottom. Once the
60ml maple syrup amaranth is cooked set it aside.

Remove the sweet potato from the oven, STdiscard

E P 3the
Topping suggestions: the
ST E Pskin2 and place the
S Tflesh
E P into
3 a blender followed on
apple slices by the coconut milk, maple syrup, cinnamon and
pomegranate nutmeg. Blend until smooth.

coconut yogurt Add the sweet potato purée to the saucepan of

almond butter cooked amaranth and gently heat. Stir the porridge for
a couple of minutes. STEP 3

Serve with your favourite toppings.


breakfast   | 18
12 servings

I've never met anybody who doesn't enjoy this crunchy sweet combination of nuts and
seeds. After years of experimenting with granola I had a lightbulb moment to coat it with nut
butter before roasting. The outcome has changed my granola game forever. Try not to eat
this granola in one sitting - its that tasty!


Granola coating: Pre-heat oven to 150°C / 300°F.

1/2 cup almond butter
Combine all of the granola coating ingredients in a
1/4 cup coconut oil (melted)
1/3 cup maple syrup
1/2 tsp. cinnamon Place the granola seeds and nuts into a large bowl and
pinch sea salt pour over the granola coating.

Place the granola on a flat baking tray (you may

Granola: require two trays) and place into the oven for 25
1/2 cup mixed nuts of choice minutes.
1 cup desiccated coconut
Turn the granola over twice during cooking it in the
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
2 tbsp. flax seeds Remove and allow the granola to cool completely.
3/4 cup almond flakes
Once cooled, place the granola into a jar or container
1/4 cup white sesame seeds
to store.

BREAKFAST   |   20
serves 2 

Banana bread waffles are a perfect accompaniment to a slow paced Sunday morning! I have
perfected this recipe so that these waffles are soft and moist with an outside crunch. Serve with
your favourite toppings and savour every bite you take.


1 tsp. chia seeds / 1 tbsp. water Combine the chia seeds and the water to prepare the chia seed
1 cup buckwheat flour gel. METHOD

1 tsp. baking powder Place the buckwheat flour, baking powder, pinch of salt and
pinch sea salt cinnamon into a large mixing bowl. Set aside.
2 tsp. cinnamon
Place the banana, nut milk and vanilla essence into a food
2.5 tbsp. maple syrup blender and combine until smooth.
1 ripe banana
250ml nut milk Pour the wet ingredients into the large mixing bowl with the dry
ingredients and whisk until smooth. Add the chia seed gel and
1 tsp. vanilla essence mix well.
coconut oil (optional) STEP 3
Heat the
waffle ironSon a medium - high heat. Place a little
coconut oil on the heated iron (optional). Pour batter into the
Topping suggestions: waffle iron until cooked and golden.
banana Serve with desired toppings.

coconut yogurt
maple syrup

breakfast   | 22

Zesty magical goodness in a grab 'n' go breakfast pot. Chia seeds typically have a bland taste but
this recipe brings this little power house seed to life in an uncomplicated way. Prepare the
evening before for an easy, filling and tasty breakfast option.


2 tbsp. chia seeds Place all of the ingredients into a jar or container.
1 lemon juice and zest
Stir well to ensure all is combined. Cover jar or
1 tsp. poppy seeds container and place it into the fridge overnight.
1/2 cup nut milk
1 tbsp. maple syrup Remove from the fridge and mix well. Pour in a little
more milk to reach desired consistency.

Topping suggestions: Serve with a selection of your favourite toppings.

raspberries .

granola (see page 6)

pumpkin seeds STEP 3


breakfast   | 24

What could be better than warm stewed cinnamon apples laced on top of a stack of scrumptious
pancakes! Cinnamon and apples are a perfect pair. The combination of both are key in making
these pancakes incredible. Plain or spelt flour will work just as well.


Pancakes: Begin by making

M E T Hthe
O D stewed apples. Slice the apples removing

1 tsp. chia seeds / 1 tbsp water the skin if you wish to.

1/4 cup apple purée Heat some coconut oil on a low-medium heat in a frying pan.
1 cup buckwheat flour Add the apples, sweetener of choice, cinnamon and nutmeg.
1 tsp. baking powder Stir the apples for 3-4 minutes until they're golden and flavour
infused. Set pan aside.
pinch sea salt
2 tsp. cinnamon To prepare the pancakes, combine the chia seeds and water in
2.5 tbsp. maple syrup a small bowl, stir and set aside.

200ml cup nut milk To a large mixing bowl add the dry ingredients which includes
1 tsp. vanilla essence the buckwheat flour, baking powder, sea salt and cinnamon.
coconut oil (optional)
In a separate jug or mixing bowl combine the wet ingredients:
maple syrup, nut milk, apple purée and vanilla extract.
Stewed apples:
2 apples Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix or whisk
until smooth. STEP 3
1 tbsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg Place in the chia gel and stir very gently. Cover the bowl and
1 tbsp. sweetener of choice place in the fridge for a minimum of 30 minutes.

coconut oil Heat some coconut oil in a pan on a medium heat. Ladle in the
pancake mixture creating mini pancake shapes. Cook until
golden on each side. Repeat the process. Serve.

breakfast   | 26

Teff is an ancient seed native to Ethiopia.. I was aware of teff and its use in creating traditional
Ethiopian flatbread 'Injera'. I recently discovered its various uses including its ability to create a
filing and delicious porridge. Teff has a mild and nutty taste and has become one of my go to
seeds for making a unique creamy warming porridge.


1 cup teff Place the teff,Mcinnamon,

nutmeg and water into a
2.5 cups water saucepan.

1 cup nut milk Bring the saucepan to a slight boil. Reduce heat and
1/8 tsp. nutmeg cover saucepan with a lid.
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
Simmer for 15-20 minutes stirring often.
1 tbsp. natural sweetener
When the teff begins to thicken up, pour in the nut
Topping suggestions: milk and sweetener of choice. Continue stirring for 1-2
blueberries STEP 3
coconut yogurt S TServe
E P the
2 teff porridge
S T with
E P your
3 favourite toppings.

pumpkin seeds .


breakfast   | 28

Juicy oyster mushrooms in my opinion are the best thing ever. These mushrooms are cooked
gently with simple but bold ingredients to make them heavenly. To serve I love to use some good
quality sourdough slicked with a little mashed avocado.


2 king oyster mushrooms Begin by preparing

D mashed avocado. Place the

1/2 tbsp. tamari avocado in a bowl with a pinch of sea salt and lemon
juice. Mash well with a folk. Set aside.
1/2 tbsp. dried oregano
3 garlic cloves Finely chop the shallot and garlic cloves.
1 shallot
Cut each oyster mushroom length ways. (approx. 5-6
few sprigs of fresh thyme pieces per mushroom).
black pepper
1/2 tbsp. coconut oil Heat up the coconut oil in a frying pan on a meduim
heat. Add in the shallots and garlic and stir for 2
sourdough bread minutes.
ST E P in2 the fresh thyme,
Place S T E sliced
P 3 oyster mushrooms and
Mashed avocado:
splash over the tamari.
1 avocado
pinch sea salt Mix ingredients for a few minutes. Crack over some
1 tsp. lemon juice black pepper and serve on top of the sourdough with
mashed avocado (optional).

breakfast   | 30

Chocolatey, warming and comforting bowl of oats. This recipe is a twist on a classic oat
porridge bowl. Maybe an unexpected ingredient in porridge, the raw cacao awakens a
standard bowl of oats and transforms it into something very special.


1 cup gluten free oats Place the oats,Mraw

E T Hcacao,
OD natural sweetener of choice,
1.5 tbsp. raw cacao powder water and cinnamon into a saucepan.

1.5 tbsp. natural sweetener Heat the saucepan over a medium heat and
1 cup water continuously stir oats for 3-4 minutes.
1 cup nut milk
Pour in the nut milk and stir until oats have reached
1/4 tsp. cinnamon your desired consistency.

Topping suggestions: Serve with toppings of choice.

bee pollen
nut butter


breakfast   |  32

A delicious smoothie with banana, blueberries, dates and cinnamon. I rarely drink smoothies but
when I do this is one of my favourite fruit combinations. I love how satisfying, simple and delicious
it is. Adding a small amount of avocado makes this smoothie creamy and filling.


1 frozen banana Place all of theMingredients

ETHOD into a high speed blender
1 medjool date and blend until smooth.

1/4 tsp. cinnamon Serve.

150g blueberries
1/4 avocado
1.5 cups nut milk or water



breakfast  | 34

I've put my spin on this breakfast and spiced things up a little. Baked beans can honestly be
enjoyed at any time of the day. This recipe calls for cannellini beans but it will work just as well
with any white bean.


1 small white onion Heat up a touch of olive oil in a saucepan on a low-
1 small red onion medium heat. Place in the diced red and white onions,
chopped garlic and chilli. Stir the ingredients for a few
4 garlic cloves minutes until the onions are soft.
1-2 tbsp. olive oil
1cm chilli Place in the dried thyme, dried oregano, cayenne,
smoked paprika and garlic powder. Continue to stir.
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. dried thyme Throw in the tamari, balsamic vinegar, coconut palm
1 tbsp. dried oregano sugar, passata and water. Add some sea salt and black
pepper to taste.
1 tbsp. smoked paprika STEP 3
pinch cayenne pepper STEP 2Place in the cooked
S T E Pcannellini
3 beans and mix well.
1.5 tbsp. coconut sugar Reduce heat, cover sauce pan and let the beans
simmer for 10 minutes.
120g cannellini beans
1/2 tsp. balsamic vinegar Serve with toasted bread and top with fresh parsley
1 tbsp. tamari (optional).
. STEP 3
1 cup passata
sea salt
black pepper
1/4 cup water
fresh parsley (optional)
bread of choice

breakfast  | 36
serves 8

Create a smooth vibrant fuchsia coloured white bean dip that sings out tones of summer. Dill
is a herb that can be used to separate a good tasting dip from a superb tasting dip. It
compliments the earthy taste of the fresh beets.


230g cooked butterbeans Place the cookedMETHbutterbeans,

OD garlic, lemon juice,
2 garlic cloves olive oil, grated beetroot and sea salt into a food
processor or blender and blitz until smooth.
2 tbsp. lemon juice
3 tbsp. olive oil Finely chop the fresh dill and stir it into the dip. Serve in
1 large beetroot bowl and top with a sprig of dill.

2 sprigs fresh dill

sea salt



sides, dips & dressings   | 40

serves 10

I have been experimenting with different varieties of hummus for years. I adore beetroot
hummus, classic hummus and every other type of hummus that exists. In all honesty this is
the best hummus I have ever made and tasted. I believe roasting the garlic changes the
whole dynamic and insanely intensifies the taste of this smooth perfect dip.


350g carrots Preheat ovenMtoE 200°C

T H O D / 390°F.

7 garlic cloves
Half the carrots and place them in an oven dish, top with
1 tbsp. cumin seeds
cumin seed and a swirl of olive oil. Wrap garlic cloves with
300g cooked chickpeas
skins on in a piece of foil.
1/2 cup light runny tahini
pinch cayenne Place both carrots and wrapped garlic into an oven for 20-
1 tsp. turmeric 25 minutes until carrots are golden and garlic cloves have
1/2 tsp. paprika softened.
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Place the cooked chickpeas, tahini, cayenne,
S T E Pturmeric,
4 tbsp. lemon juice
S Tpaprika,
E P 2 cinnamon,Slemon T E P juice,
3 sea salt, black pepper and
sea salt
olive oil into a food processor. Follow on by placing the
black pepper roasted carrots and garlic (remove garlic skin) into the
2-3 tbsp. olive oil processor.
touch of water (optional)
Process until you reach desired consistency scraping
down the sides occasionally. If necessary add a touch of
Chickpea topping (optional):
water to ease the processing.
Optional: serve with some leftover chickpeas mixed in olive
cayenne oil, paprika and cayenne. Top with a sprinkle of hemp
hemps seeds seeds.
olive oil

sides, dips & dressings   | 42

serves 8

This spring potato salad is the perfect side to any meal, in particular a spring/summer bbq.
I've always loved potato salad so I explored ways in which I could take a classic recipe and
put my own stamp on it. New potatoes, spring onions and radish are all in season at the
same time. I loved the idea of spicy radish in a potato salad so experimented and found it
worked so well. The potato salad dressing is made with a base using tahini and Dijon


500g new potatoes Chop each new potato into 5mm discs. Place the
chopped potatoes into a large pot of salted boiling
70g radish water. Boil for12-15 minutes until just cooked. Rinse
2 spring onions (scallions) with cold water until completely cool and set aside.
1/3 cup light tahini
In a bowl mix together the tahini, Dijon mustard, olive
1 tbsp. Dijon mustard oil, cayenne, chopped fresh garlic, garlic powder, sea
1 tbsp. olive oil salt, black pepper and lemon juice. Gradually pour in
1/8 tsp. cayenne the water. The consistency of tahini will vary so you
may need to add less or more than 60ml of water. The
2 garlic cloves dressing should be smooth and runny.
1 tsp. garlic powder
1.5 tbsp. lemon juice Finely chop the parsley, slice the radish and scallions.

60ml water Place the cooked potatoes into a large mixing bowl.
30g fresh parsley Pour over the dressing and combine. Scatter over the
sea salt chopped parsley, radish, spring onions and mix the
potato salad gently. Add a generous amount of black
black pepper STEP 3


sides, dips & dressings   | 44

serves 6

Guacomole is the way to my heart! What's not love about smashed avocado spiced up
with jalapeño pepper and tangy lime juice. I could eat guacamole on everything. Best
prepared fresh - this recipe can be enjoyed in wraps, on toast, with your favourite crackers
or even as a side with your favourite meal.


2 ripe avocados Cut the ripe avocados in half and remove the stone.
1 lime (juice) Scope out the avocado and place it into a bowl.

1cm sq. jalapeño pepper Squeeze over the fresh lime juice, finely chopped
sea salt jalapeño pepper (or chilli of choice) and sea salt. Using
1 small red onion a folk mash all of the ingredients together keeping it
chunky or making it as smooth as you wish.
small handful fresh coriander
1 tomato Place in the finely chopped red onion, chopped
coriander and diced de-seeded tomato. Gently mix
and serve.


sides, dips & dressings   | 46

3-4 servings 

Wanting a light creamy sauce that can be whipped up in minutes and poured over your
courgette noodles? This is my raw take on one of my favourite classic sauces. Be sure to use
the sweetest red peppers you can find for this recipe. I love serving this dish with plump juicy
olives, ripe sweet cherry tomatoes and fresh basil. This is a perfect side salad.


2 large courgettes (zucchini) Soak almonds overnight or for 6-8 hours. Peel
discarding the skin. Wash and rinse almonds.

Romesco sauce: Spiralize the courgettes to create the courgette

2 medium red peppers noodles. Place in a large bowl and set aside.
8 sundried tomatoes
Place all of the romesco sauce ingredients including
2 garlic cloves the soaked and peeled almonds into a high speed
1 medjool date blender. Blend until smooth.
lemon juice
Pour romesco sauce over zucchini noodles and serve
35g almonds (soaked & peeled) with optional toppings if you wishS to.
pinch chilli flakes S T E P 2. STEP 3
sea salt
black pepper

Extras (optional):
cherry tomatoes
fresh basil

sides, dips & dressings   | 48

serves 4

Simplicity is key and is the main ingredient when preparing these crunchy golden potato
wedges which are lightly dusted with garlic powder, a swirl of coconut oil and a generous
helping of dried herbs. Get ready to devour this tray of magical wedges or place them as a side
to your main meal. They're so yum served with zesty guacamole (see page 45).


750g maris piper potatoes M E Tto

Preheat the oven H O210°C
D / 410°F.
1 tbsp. dried parsley
Cut the potatoes into large wedges. Place the wedges
1 tsp. dried dill into a bowl followed on by the dried parsley, dried dill,
2 tsp. garlic powder garlic powder, sea salt, black pepper and melted
black pepper coconut oil.

sea salt Ensure all wedges are covered with the seasoning and
2 tbsp. coconut oil place them on a parchment lined flat baking tray and
then into the oven for 30-35 minutes until golden.

Remove wedges from the oven and serve

S Tthem
E P 3with
ST E Pguac
2 or saucesSofTchoice!
EP 3


sides, dips & dressings   | 50

serves 8-10

This roasted aubergine dip has so much depth and flavour. I opted to use both coconut
yogurt and tahini to make this recipe extra creamy. I love the subtlety of the garlic and
cumin seeds combined with the sharpness of the lemon juice.


3 aubergines (eggplant) Preheat the oven to 200°C / 390°F.

1 garlic clove
Cut the aubergines in half length ways and criss cross
swirl of olive oil
them faintly with a sharp knife.
100g coconut yogurt
3 tbsp. tahini Drizzle some olive oil over the scored fleshy side and
1/2 tsp. paprika lay the aubergines face down on a flat baking
tray. Roast them in the oven for 30-35 minutes until
1/8 tsp. cayenne
1 tsp. cumin seeds
1 tbsp. lemon juice Scope out the aubegine flesh and place it inside a
sea salt food processor along with the remaining ingredients.
ST E P 2 and serve with
Process S T Efresh
P 3parsley and toasted pine-
To serve (optional) nuts (optional).
2 tbsp. toasted pine-nuts
fresh parsley
coconut yogurt
black pepper
olive oil

sides, dips & dressings   | 52

12 röstis

This recipe is a favourite in my household and it goes down a treat when I have guests. These
röstis are a combination of shredded carrots and sweet potato packed full of incredible
spices. They're lightly fried until golden and are best served with a creamy cashew based
garlic aioli.


1 medium sweet potato Begin by

M Epeeling
T H O D and grating the carrots and sweet

2 carrots potato with either a hand held grater or a food

processor grater.
1 medium white onion
3 garlic cloves Squeeze out any excess water from the carrots and
1 tsp. garlic powder sweet potato using some paper towel or a cheese
1 tsp. turmeric
1 tbsp. dried parsley Dice the onions and finely chop the garlic.
pinch cayenne pepper
Place the carrot, sweet potato, onion and garlic in a
1/2 tsp. chilli flakes large mixing bowl. Add the sea salt, black pepper,
120g chickpea flour garlic powder, turmeric, dried parsley, cayenne and
sea salt chilli flakes.

black pepper Combine ingredients using your hands and slowly

30g fresh coriander place in the chickpea flour. Bind the mixture together
grapeseed oil (optional) until you reach a dough like consistency. Cover the
bowl with cling film and place it into the fridge for 10-15
Garlic aioli:
1 cup cashews (soak for 4 hours) To make the garlic aioli place all of the ingredients
into a food processor or blender and blitz until smooth.
1 lemon (juice)
1/2 tsp. paprika Remove the rösti mixture from the fridge and create
2 garlic clove individual rösti shapes. Heat up the grapeseed oil and
lightly fry the röstis on each side until golden. Repeat
125ml water process and serve with the garlic aioli.
sea salt

sides, dips & dressings   | 54


Bruschetta is classically made with ripe juicy tomatoes. I put my own twist on this dish and
used sweet flavourful beetroot. I used a combination of golden and purple beetroot which I
found in my local farmers market.


2 medium raw beetroots Place the beetroot into a large saucepan of boiling
1/4 small red onion water. Reduce heat and cover pan. Cook the beetroot
until soft for approximately 30 minutes.
2 garlic cloves
40g fresh basil Once the beetroot is cooked peel and chop it into
2 sprigs fresh rosemary small cubes. Place the chopped beetroot into a bowl
sea salt along with the diced red onion, 1 minced garlic clove,
chopped basil, sea salt, black pepper, a swirl of olive oil
black pepper
and balsamic vinegar. Mix all ingredients and set
olive oil
1 tsp. balsamic vinegar
1 tsp. pomegranate molasses Rub
ST E Pthe2 slices of sourdough
S T E P 3on both sides with the
3-4 slices sourdough remaining garlic clove. Gently heat up a touch of olive
oil in a frying pan or skillet. Place the slices of
sourdough in the pan and scatter on the fresh
rosemary. Cook for approximately 2-3 minutes on
each side until bread is golden.

Place golden toasted sourdough on a serving plate,

top with the beetroot and drizzle over some
pomegranate molasses.

sides, dips & dressings   | 56

makes 1 cup

I find myself regularly making up a big batch of tamari pumpkin seeds and then storing them in
an airtight container. These crunchy salty seeds make a great addition to any salad, meal or as a
little snack. This recipe works just as well with sunflower seeds!


M E T seeds
Soak the pumpkin H O D in water overnight or for 8
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1.5 tbsp. splash tamari hours.

Preheat oven to180°C / 350°F.

Wash and drain water from the seeds. Pat them dry
with a paper towel. Place them on a flat baking tray and
place into the oven for 15-20 minutes until the seeds
have a golden tint.

Remove the seeds from the oven and splash them

with the tamari immediately whilst they'reSon
T Ethe
P 3
T E P tray.
2 STEP 3

Scatter the seeds over your meal. Alternatively allow

the tamari pumpkin seeds to cool and store them in an
airtight container for later use.


sides, dips & dressings   | 58


The lime juice gives this mango salsa a zesty flair and the cayenne offers a slight spiciness. All of
this being the fundamental elements for a winning salsa. Pair this mango salsa with my raw burger
recipe (see page 70) and get ready for a life changing culinary experience. My tip is to choose a
mango that is ripe but still has a little firmness to it.


1 medium ripe mango Peel and dice the mango, finely chop the coriander,
40g fresh coriander (cilantro) cube the red onion, pepper and cherry tomatoes.

1/2 smal red onion Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl and place in the
1 red pepper sea salt, cayenne and squeeze over the lime juice.
1 lime (juice)
6 cherry tomatoes
pinch cayenne
sea salt


sides, dips & dressings   | 60


Making a delicious dressing and pouring it over your meal can turn a plain meal into an irresistible
plate of food in seconds. This is my go-to raunch dressing that is packed to the brim with so much
flavour and of course lots of my favourite fresh herbs.


3/4 cup cashews M E T Hovernight

Soak the cashews OD or for at least 4 hours.
1 tsp. maple syrup
Place the soaked cashews, maple syrup, garlic clove,
1 garlic clove lemon juice, Dijon mustard, nut milk, fresh parsley, dill
5 tbsp. lemon juice and spring onions into a blender. Blend until smooth.
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
Store in a glass jar and place into the fridge or use right
3/4 cup nut milk away.
20g fresh parsley
2 tsp. fresh dill Dressing will last up to 4 days in the fridge.
1 spring onion (scallion)
sea salt STEP 2 STEP 3


sides, dips & dressings   | 62


The combination of sliced summer crunchy vegetables and a thai sweet nutty sauce
works beautifully. I am all about this zesty and full of life rainbow salad! So good I guarantee
it will be one of your favourite summer dishes! Adjust the spiciness of this dish with your
desired amount of red chilli.


340g kelp noodles Wash and rinse kelp noodles. Chop kelp noodle
1/2 red pepper bundle in half and place into a large mixing
bowl. Cover kelp noodles with boiling water - set aside
1/2 yellow pepper
for 30 minutes.
200g bok choy
1 medium carrots Finely chop the bok choy, bell peppers, red onion and
1 small red onion scallions. Run vegetable peeler down length of carrots,
shaving off long ribbons. Roughly chop coriander.
2 spring onions (scallions)
Place all vegetables into one bowl and set aside.
70g fresh coriander(cilantro)
sesame seeds To prepare the dressing add the almond butter, tamari,
maple syrup, lime juice,
water and sesame oil to a bowl
and mix well until smooth. Place in the very finely
chopped red chilli,minced garlic and grated ginger.
3 tbsp. almond butter
3 garlic cloves Rinse the softened kelp noodles and place them into
2 inch knob ginger the bowl with the vegetables.
1 tbsp. tamari
Pour the dressing over the kelp noodles and chopped
1 tbsp. maple syrup vegetables. Mix well with hands. Cover bowl and let
1 tbsp. lime juice noodles sit for 30 minutes at room temperature.
3 tbsp. water
To serve top with sesame seeds.
1/2 tsp. red chilli
1 tbsp. sesame oil

MAIN   |   66

This rich flavourful recipe is a classic one-pot wonder warming dish.The humble celeriac is a
winter root vegetable. Its rough bumpy exterior leaves little to be desired but once you strip
back the layers and peel off the skin the most delicious versatile vegetable is revealed.
Celeriac has the consistency of a potato when cooked but offers an almost sweet, nutty and
delicate subtle celery taste.


1.5 cups cooked black beans Soak the black beans for 12-24 hours if preparing from
1 large white onion dried. Wash, rinse and cook the beans until soft. If using
tinned black beans, drain and wash throughly. Set beans
7-9 garlic cloves
3cm knob ginger
coconut oil (for cooking) Chop up the onions, garlic and finely grate the ginger. Heat
1 red pepper the coconut oil in a large pot on a medium heat. Add the
onions, garlic and ginger and mix for 3-5 minutes.
1 tbsp. medium curry powder
1 tbsp. dried parsley Place in the diced red pepper, curry powder, dried parsley,
1 tsp. cumin powder cumin powder, red chilli flakes, clove powder, sea salt and
1/2 tsp. red chilli flakes coconut palm sugar. Lower the heat and continue to stir
pinch clove powder
sea salt
Continue by pouring in the passata and tomato puree.
1 tbsp. coconut palm sugar Cook for a further 3 minutes allowing flavours to
1 cup passata combine. Stir in the peanut butter.
1 tbsp. tomato purée
Next add the 1.5cm cubed pieces of chopped celeriac
1/2 cup smooth peanut butter
followed on by the water. Mix all ingredients and cover the
1 medium celeriac pot with a lid. Reduce heat and simmer for approximately
2.5 - 3 cups water 20-25 minutes stirring occasionally until the celeriac has
handful fresh coriander softened.

1 tbsp. lime juice

Squeeze in the lime juice and scatter on some fresh


MAIN   |   68
6-8 burgers 

One of my favourite raw creations ever! The marinated mushrooms give these burgers depth
and juiciness whilst the huge amount of fresh herbs give it flavour beyond words. I love serving
mine in a collard leaf with guacamole (see page 45), mango salsa (see page 60) and living
sprouts for extra crunch!


1 cup brazil nuts Soak the brazil

ME nuts,
T H Osunflower
D seeds and pumpkin
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds seeds overnight or for 8 hours. Wash and rinse.

1/2 cup sunflower seeds Slice the mushrooms finely and add them to a bowl.
10 brown mushrooms Splash over the tamari, dried oregano, dried basil and
2 tbsp. tamari olive oil. Mix the mushrooms with your hands,
cover the bowl and set aside.
1 tbsp. dried oregano
1 tbsp. dried basil Grate the carrots, dice the pepper and chop the celery.
2 tbsp. olive oil Finely chop the garlic and red onions.

2 carrots In a food processor add the drained soaked nuts and

1 red pepper seeds, chopped vegetables, marinatedSmushrooms,
S Tmilled
E P 2flax seeds, cumin
S T E seeds,
P 3 black pepper, nut
1 celery stalk
butter, chopped parsley and chopped coriander.
1 small red onion
3 garlic cloves Blitz for a minutes making sure the mixture has some
1 cup flax seed (milled) texture. You may need to scrape down sides of the
food processor.
1 tbsp. cumin seeds STEP 3
black pepper Form approximately10-12 burgers and place them on
2 tbsp. nut butter a lined dehydrator tray.

30g fresh parsley Dehydrate the burgers for 5-6 hours at 42°C /108°F,
30g fresh coriander turning the burgers once after about 2 hours.

Alternatively place them in a 180°C / 350°F normal

oven for 40-45 minutes until firm.

Serve in a collard green with mango salsa and

guacamole (optional).

MAIN   |   70

Toasting the warming spices for this recipe unleashes the magical flavours which makes
this one of my favourite go to curries. Prepare yourself for a fusion of delectable tastes and
textures which include the subtle creaminess of the coconut milk blended with hints of chilli
and soft pieces of sweet butternut squash.


1 tbsp. cumin seeds In a skillet or a shallow frying pan, dry toast the cumin, fennel
1/2 tbsp. coriander seeds and coriander seeds for 1 minute on a medium heat, making
sure you’re shaking the pan constantly to avoid burning the
1/2 tsp. fennel seeds
seeds. Using a pestle and mortar, crush the seeds to release
1 medium butternut squash their fragrant flavours and set aside.
3 white onions
8-10 garlic cloves Peel and chop the butternut squash into 3cm cubes. Finely
dice the onions, mince the garlic and chop or grate the
3 cm knob ginger
1 tsp. dried thyme
1 tsp. turmeric Heat a little coconut oil on a medium temperature in a large
sauce pan. Add the onions, garlic, ginger and stir. Add the
1 tsp. curry powder
toasted fragrant crushed spice seeds followed on by the
1/2 tsp. all spice S T E Pchilli
curry powder, turmeric, all spice, dried thyme, 3 flakes,
pinch chilli flakes ST E P1/22 cup water. Reduce
and S T E P the
3 heat and cook for 5 minutes.
1 cup water
Next add the tomato paste, coconut milk and a sweetener of
1 tbsp. tomato paste
choice. Add the sea salt and black pepper to taste. Place
1/2 tbsp. sweetener of choice in the butternut squash and the remaining 1/2 cup of water.
400ml coconut milk Place the lid on the sauce pan and allow the flavours to
deepen as they cook away. Continue to stir occasionally.
3 cups chopped kale
sea salt
Remove the lid after 15 minutes. When the butternut squash
black pepper has softened place the chopped kale into the saucepan.
1 tbsp. lemon juice Place the lid back on immediately for 2 minutes. The kale will
handful of coriander naturally wilt from the heat of the pan. Squeeze in the lemon
juice, scatter over the chopped fresh coriander and stir the
coconut oil

Serve with quinoa or rice and top with more coriander.

MAIN   |   72

This recipe was created when I had a huge desire and hunger for a creamy pasta dish. I had
some cashews stored in my cupboard and my mind began to piece together a recipe that
would become one of my most popular dishes. The sauce alone will leave you speechless.
Combine the incredible sauce with sautéed mushrooms, broccoli and pasta and you have the
perfect flavour packed pasta recipe.


1 stalk broccoli Soak the cashews

D 4-8 hours. Rinse and wash cashews with

250g mushrooms clean water. Set aside.

coconut oil Place all of the cashew sauce ingredients into a blender and
3 white onions blend until smooth.
4 garlic cloves
Slice the mushrooms (set aside a handful for garnish) and chop
1 tbsp. Herbes de Provence the broccoli into small florets. Peel and chop the onions and
1 tsp. dried thyme remaining 4 garlic cloves.
splash tamari
In a large pan heat some coconut oil on a medium heat. Place
black pepper in the finely chopped onions and garlic. Sauté until translucent
handful fresh parsley for a few minutes.
300g dried pasta
Add the Herbes de Provence and thyme followed on by the
broccoli. Stir ingredients on a medium heat for 3 minutes. Next
Cashew sauce: add the sliced mushrooms and a splash of tamari followed on
by a good amount of black pepper. Cook until mushrooms are
1 cup cashews (soaked) golden and broccoli is cooked. Pour in the blended cashew
1/2 lemon (juice) sauce and stir gently. Reduce heat and simmerS for
T EaPfew3
1 tbsp. onion powder
1/4 tsp. chilli flakes Bring a large pot of water to a boil and cook the pasta. Once the
1/2 tsp. sea salt pasta is cooked run it under some cold water to avoid it sticking.
Mix the cooked pasta into the creamy mushroom sauce and
1 tbsp. olive oil
scatter over some fresh parsley.
1/2 tbsp. tamari
1.5 cup water Melt some coconut oil on a medium heat in a frying pan. Place
in the remaining sliced mushrooms, a splash of tamari and
2 garlic cloves
some black pepper. Stir mushrooms for 2 minutes until cooked.

Place the pasta in serving bowls and top with the sautéed

MAIN   |   74

In my opinion mung beans are one of the most underrated legumes. When prepared correctly
they can create the most vibrant, flavour kicking and hearty dishes. I love to make mung bean
dahl which I create using my home-made curry paste. The lemongrass gives this recipe an
unexpected burst of flavour, it ties in so well with the fresh turmeric, ginger and coriander.


2 fresh tomatoes Soak the mung beans overnight or for 12 hours.

400ml coconut milk
Rinse and wash the soaked mung beans. Set aside.
sea salt
black pepper Place all curry paste ingredients into a food processor
handful fresh coriander and blitz for a few minutes.

1.5 cups mung beans Transfer curry paste to a large pot and heat gently on a
1/3 cup water low – medium heat for 2-3 minutes continuously

Curry paste: Add the coconut milk, chopped fresh tomatoes, black
4 lemongrass sticks pepper and sea salt and cook for a further
S T2Eminutes.
P 3
2 white onions STEP 2 STEP 3
Place the mung beans into the pot followed on by the
8-10 garlic cloves water. Cover the pot, continue cooking on a low –
4cm ginger piece medium heat stirring occasionally. Cook for
2cm fresh turmeric approximately 35 minutes or until mung beans have
1 juicy lime STEP 3
1 tsp. cumin seeds Roughly chop the fresh coriander and scatter into the
1 tsp. fennel seeds pot once the mung bean curry is ready.

1 tsp. garam masala Serve with rice or quinoa.

1 cardamom pod
1 tsp. dried basil
1 tsp. dried turmeric
1cm fresh red chilli
3 tbsp. coconut oil (liquid)

MAIN   |   76

Like most of my recipes this recipe was born unexpectedly. Whilst I was roasting chickpeas
as a snack. I had a vision of mashing the chickpeas and adding my favourite herbs, spices
and olive oil to create a crunchy topping for a deep layered dish. I played around with
ingredients I had handy. The combination of a leek, mushroom and kale filling works like a
dream making this a real hearty comforting meal.


Chickpea crumble: Preheat the oven to 200°C / 390°F.
4 cups cooked chickpeas
sea salt Begin by placing the chickpea crumble ingredients into a
black pepper large bowl. Using a potato masher or folk, mash all
ingredients keeping the texture of the chickpea crumble
1.5 tsp. smoked paprika
chunky. Set aside.
1 tbsp. garlic powder
1.5 tbsp. dried sage
Peel the butternut squash, chop in half length ways and slice
1 tbsp. dried parsley into thin sheets. Steam the butternut squash sheets for 3-5
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil minutes depending on their thickness. Cook until al dente.
Drain and set aside until ready to use.
Filling: STEP 2 STEP 3
1 small butternut squash Heat the coconut oil on a low - medium heat in a large pan.
250g carvelo nero Add the diced onions, chopped garlic, finely sliced leek and
8-10 mushrooms sauté for 5 minutes.
1 medium leek
Add the basil, oregano, thyme, cumin powder, cayenne, sea
2 white onions STEP 3
salt and black pepper to taste. Pour in the coconut milk and
6-8 large garlic cloves add the sliced mushrooms and chopped carvelo nero.
1 tbsp. coconut oil Cook for a further 3 minutes.
1/2 tbsp. dried basil
1/2 tbsp. dried oregano Transfer the filling into a 8" x 10" (20 x 25cm) oven dish.
1 tsp. dried thyme Follow on by placing the butternut squash sheets on top of
1 tsp. cumin powder the filling. Lastly place the chickpea crumble on top evenly
1 tbsp. tamari and cover the dish with foil.
pinch cayenne
Place the dish into the oven. After 25 minutes remove foil
sea salt
and place the chickpea crumble back into the oven for a
black pepper
further 20 minutes until chickpeas are golden and crispy.
400ml coconut milk

MAIN   |   78

There is no need to ever complicate foods and I can assure you that there is no need to
compromise on taste and flavour. This bowl gives you an idea of what I do daily - pretty much
throw all veggies on deck into a huge bowl, whip up a quick yummy dressing. Pour an overly
generous amount of dressing on top and devour!


Mango sauce: To prepare the mango sauce heat a little olive oil in a
1 small white onion sauce pan on a low heat. Place in the chopped onions
2 garlic cloves and minced garlic.
1/2 tsp. ginger powder
1 red pepper Sweat the onions and garlic for 8 minutes. Place in the
1/4 tsp. cumin seeds ginger powder, chopped red pepper, cumin seeds,
1cm fresh chilli
chilli, white wine vinegar, peeled and chopped mango,
1 tsp. white wine vinegar
lime juice, sea salt to taste and water. Simmer for a
1 mango
further 10 minutes.
1 lime (juice)
1/2 cup water
1tbsp. olive oil Place all ingredients into a high speed blender and blitz
sea salt until smooth. Set the sauce aside. STEP 3
Salad: To prepare the salad place the sliced bok choy and
2 bunches bok choy finely chopped peppers into a bowl. Squeeze over the
1/2 red pepper lime juice and add a pinch of sea salt.
1/2 lime (juice)
sea salt To prepare the sesame ginger broccoli, heat a Ssmall
amount of coconut oil in a pan on a medium heat. Add
Sesame garlic broccoli: the chopped broccoli florets and continuously stir the
1 small head broccoli broccoli for 1-2 minutes. Lower heat and add the
4-5 garlic cloves chopped garlic, splash over some tamari and a touch
1 tbsp. tamari
of sesame oil. Cook for a further 5-7 minutes until the
coconut oil
broccoli is cooked.
sesame oil

Lastly to prepare the plantain, heat some coconut oil in

Fried Plantain:
a frying pan on a medium heat. Peel and chop the
1 ripe plantain
coconut oil plantain into pieces. Place the pieces of plantain into
the frying pan ensuring both sides are golden.

MAIN   |   80
9 nori cakes 

Golden crispy red chilli nori cakes filled with explosive intricate flavours. Served with a garlicky
cashew aioli and an exotic pineapple salsa. A fusion of east asian staple ingredients these
cakes are definitely one of my best creations!

Red chilli nori cakes: Place the cooked chickpeas into a large bowl and mash
400g artichoke hearts them gently with a folk.
1.5 cups chickpeas
1 tbsp. dijon mustard To the mashed chickpeas
add the dijon mustard, tamari,
1/2 tbsp. tamari chopped spring onions, cubed red pepper, red chilli,
2 spring onions chopped celery, chopped shallots, minced garlic, grated
1/2 red pepper ginger, cayenne, paprika, white pepper, fresh coriander,
1 celery stalk fresh basil and sea salt.
red chilli (to taste)
1 torn nori sheet Remove the outer layers of the lemongrass and chop it
2 small shallots very finely. Finely shred the artichoke hearts. Add the
5 garlic cloves lemongrass and artichokes to the large bowl followed on
2 inch knob ginger by the torn nori sheet and chickpea flour. Combine all
1 lemongrass stalk ingredients.
1/2 tsp. cayenne
1 tsp. paprika To coat the nori cakes place the extra Schickpea
flour, nut
1/2 tsp. white pepper milk and bread crumbs into separate bowls. Shape the
sea salt to taste nori cakes individually. First dip the nori cake into the
1/2 cup fresh coriander chickpea flour, followed on by the nut milk and coat each
1/2 cup fresh basil nori cake in the breadcrumbs. Repeat until all nori cakes
pinch chilli flakes are coated.
1 cup nut milk
100g panko or g/f breadcrumbs In a frying pan heat up the grapeseed oil on a medium
grapeseed oil (to cook) heat. Cook the nori cakes until golden for approximately 4-
85g chickpea flour + 5 minutes on each side.
extra for coating nori cakes
To prepare the cashew aioli see page 53.
Garlic aioli:
see page 53 To prepare the pineapple salsa chop and cube the peeled
pineapple, red pepper, finely chop the coriander and
Pineapple salsa: squeeze over the lime juice. Mix well in a bowl.
1/2 pineapple
30g coriander Serve the nori cakes with the cashew aioli and pineapple
1/2 red pepper salsa.
2 tbsp. lime juice

MAIN   |   82

Kuri squash is a deep orange coloured squash with a rich sweet taste. Preparing kuri squash
and sweet potato mash is a frequent practice during the colder months in my kitchen. Crispy
golden herb coated chickpeas make my heart skip a beat! Feel free to play around with
different herbs and spices.


2 medium beetroot Prepare the beetroot by simply placing it into a boiling

pot of water. Cover, reduce heat and let it cook until
soft for 40-45 mins (cooking time will vary depending
Roasted chickpeas: on size of beets).
1 cup cooked chickpeas
Once the beets are soft. Cool them under some cold
1 tbsp. dried sage
water, peel and chop into cubes.
1 tsp. Herbes de Provence
1/2 tsp. paprika Preheat oven to 200°C.
pinch cayenne
Place all of the roasted chickpea ingredients into a
sea salt bowl and combine. Place the coated chickpeas flat on
2 tbsp. olive oil ST
a baking tray and place in the oven for 20 EP 3
ST E P 2sure they'reSgolden
making T E P and
3 crispy.

Root mash: To make the root mash peel the sweet potato and red
1 small kuri squash kuri squash removing the seeds. Chop both the
squash and sweet potato into chunks and place them
1 medium sweet potato
in a steamer for approximately 15-20 or until soft.
sea salt STEP 3
black pepper Place the softened sweet potato and squash into a
large bowl. Season with black pepper and sea salt to
1 tbsp. olive oil
taste. Mash with a potato masher or folk. Swirl over a
drizzle of olive oil.
greens of choice
Plate up by placing on the cooked beets, root mash,
roasted chickpeas and some greens of choice. Top
with sliced avocado (optional).

MAIN   |   84

A silky smooth autumn soup packed with an array of vibrant vegetables and delicate spices.
The fresh ginger adds heat, whilst the sweet potato and butternut squash offers maximum
comfort and taste for colder days. This is one hell of a dreamy soup with plenty of depth and


1 medium butternut squash Peel and chop the sweet potato. Peel and chop the
1 small sweet potato butternut squash scooping out the seeds and saving a
2 celery stalks little piece for the crispy cajun bites. Chop the celery,
1/2 leek (use bottom end) leeks, white onion and garlic. Using a hand grater,
1 white onion grate the ginger.
7-9 cloves garlic
3cm piece ginger Heat the coconut oil in a large pot on a medium heat.
1 tsp. turmeric powder Add all of the chopped ingredients to the pot. Add the
1 tbsp. dried oregano turmeric powder, oregano, thyme, parsley, cumin
S T and
seeds, ginger powder, tamari, sea salt E P black
1 tsp. dried thyme
1 tsp. dried parsley pepper to taste. Stir on a medium heat for 5 minutes.
1 tsp. cumin seeds
1 tsp. ginger powder Add the water and coconut milk. Mix the soup well,
1 tsp. garlic powder reduce heat and cover for 20-25 minutes.

1.5 tbsp. tamari

sea salt to taste Chop the left over piece of butternut squash
S Tinto
E P small

black pepper to taste cubes. Place in a bowl. Cover with a drizzle of coconut

2 cups water oil and cajun spice. Mix well. Place in an oven of 200°C
/ 390°F for 20-25 minutes until golden.
400ml coconut milk
coconut oil (for cooking)
Once soup is cooked transfer it to a blender and blend
until smooth. Serve up the soup in bowls and top with
Cajun butternut squash cubes:
the cajun cubes.
1/2 cup butternut squash
1 tsp. coconut oil (liquid)
1 tsp. cajun spice blend

MAIN   |   86

This is a super easy delicious soba noodle recipe which is perfect for those days when you're
short for time but don't want to compromise on taste. This recipe calls for buckwheat noodles
but feel free to switch it up a little and work with whatever noodles you have on hand.


2 white onions Start by chopping up the onions, garlic and grating the
7 garlic cloves ginger. Slice the courgette in half, then length ways
3cm ginger creating small batons and dice the mushrooms.

1 tbsp. coconut oil

Heat some coconut oil in a frying pan or wok on a
1 large courgette (zucchini)
medium heat. Add in the onions followed by the
6 mushrooms
chopped courgettes. Mix everything well splashing on
150g baby spinach
the tamari. Add in the paprika and cayenne and
1 tbsp. tamari
continue moving ingredients in the pan for 3-4 minutes.
1tsp. rice mirin (optional) STEP 3

1 tsp. furikake or sesame seeds

S T E Add
P 2 the grated ginger,
S T E P mushrooms
3 and garlic. At this
1/2 tsp. paprika point have a taste and adjust seasoning to your
pinch cayenne liking. Sprinkle in the furikake or sesame seeds and
sea salt place in the spinach. Reduce heat.
black pepper
S Tcold
Put the noodles to cook and rinse them under EP 3
200g buckwheat soba noodles
water to ensure they don't stick together. Place the
cooked noodles into the frying pan and combine all the

Serve immediately piping hot.

MAIN   |   88

Simplicity at its finest. This red lentil bolognese has all the elements of a winning meal that
can be prepared with limited time. Red lentils cooked in a rich herb infused tomato sauce.
The blend of dried herbs, fresh basil and sweet paprika makes this dish super flavourful and
satisfying. Make large batches of this dish and enjoy throughout your week with rice, pasta
or even try it as a sweet potato filling.


1 cup red lentils Heat the coconut oil in a saucepan on a low heat.
2 cups water Place in the finely diced onion and chopped garlic.
Cook until the onions and garlic have softened.
2 cups passata
1 tbsp. coconut oil
Place in the dried basil, oregano, paprika, tamari, sea
1 white onion salt, black pepper, finely diced red pepper, sweetener
6 garlic cloves of choice and passata. Continue to stir everything on a
low heat.
1 red pepper
1.5 tbsp. sweetener
Add the washed and rinsed red lentils followed on by
2 tbsp. dried basil S T Epot
the water. Mix everything once again, cover P and
1 tbsp. dried oregano ST E P on
cook 2 a low heat Sstirring
T E P occasionally
3 for 20-25
1 tsp. paprika
sea salt to taste
Remove the lid once the lentils are cooked and scatter
black pepper to taste over the chopped fresh basil. Stir and serve with pasta
handful fresh basil of choice. STEP 3

MAIN   |   90
3-4 waffles

I was totally mind blown when I first made these waffles. They're sensational to say the least. A
blend of chickpea and buckwheat flour plus an abundance of spices creates the most
delicious savoury waffles. Get creative with the toppings. I love to top mine with roast potatoes,
pan seared asparagus, chutney and coconut yogurt. This recipe is one of my favourite
creations ever.


1.5 cups chickpea flour Place the dry ingredients including the chickpea flour,
buckwheat flour, turmeric, curry powder, garam masala,
1/2 cup buckwheat or spelt flour
cumin powder and garlic powder into a large bowl.
2 tsp. turmeric
2 tsp. curry powder Slowly pour in the almond milk. Whisk gently until mixture
is smooth. Follow on by placing in the chopped
1 tsp. garam masala coriander, finely chopped red onion, finely cubed red
1 tsp. cumin powder pepper, chopped spring onion, chilli flakes, sea salt and
1 tbsp. garlic powder black pepper to taste. Swirl in the maple syrup and olive
oil. Mix all ingredients with a large spoon.
1.5 cups almond milk
60g coriander Heat the waffle machine on a high heat
S T adding
E P 3 a little
coconut oil (optional). Add the batter and cook until
1/2 small red onion STEP 2 STEP 3
crispy and golden.
1/2 red pepper
2 spring onions (scallions) Serve and top your waffles with toppings of choice.

pinch chilli flakes

1/2 tbsp. maple syrup
2 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp. sea salt
black pepper
coconut oil (to cook)

MAIN   |   92

This summer bloom bowl exudes life and radiance. A variation of my favourite summer produce
in one bowl . The quinoa and walnut salad is packed with crunch, sweetness and zest. The maple
sesame carrots are simple and flavourful.


3 small raw beetroots To prepare the beetroot simply wash and place the raw
beets into a pot of boiling water. Cover pot, reduce heat and
Quinoa and walnut salad: simmer for 40-50
M E T minutes
HOD until beetroot is cooked all the way
1.5 cup cooked quinoa through.
1/4 cup walnuts
10 cherry tomatoes To prepare the quinoa and walnut salad place the cooked
1/2 red onions quinoa, soaked and chopped walnuts, diced tomatoes,
1/2 red pepper finely chopped red onions, red pepper, chopped fresh
handful fresh mint mint, parsley, raisins and lemon juice into a large bowl.
handful fresh parsley Combine all ingredients.
1 tbsp. raisins
2 tbsp. lemon juice To prepare the Spring potato salad see page 44.

Spring potato salad: To prepare the maple sesame carrots cut the carrots into
see page 44 sticks and place in a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil, maple
syrup, pinch of sea salt and sesame seeds. Place on a flat
Maple sesame carrots: baking tray and into an oven of 200°C / 390°F for
300g carrots approximately 20 minutes until golden.
1 tsp. sesame seeds
To prepare the massaged kale tear the kale leaves STEP 3
1 tsp. maple syrup
discarding the stalk and place them into a large bowl
pinch sea salt
followed on by a swirl of olive oil, tahini, garlic powder,
cayenne, pinch of sea salt and a squeeze of lemon juice.
Massaged kale salad:
Massage kale salad with hands.
250g kale
1/8 tsp. cayenne
Plate up the all dishes and enjoy!
1/2 red onion
1/4 cup tahini
pinch sea salt
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. olive oil

MAIN   |   94

Asparagus is such a unique vegetable and I adore its earthy undertones. This soup is perfect
for spring time if you're wanting to incorporate lighter meals. The use of potatoes in this recipe
gives it some depth and ensures that it is a filling and satisfying soup.


1-2 tbsp. coconut oil Heat the coconut oil a large pot on a low - medium heat.
1 white onion Place in the chopped
M E T H O D white onions, leeks, spring onions
and garlic. Stir the ingredients for 3 minutes.
7 garlic cloves
1 leek Place in the cumin, thyme, sweetener of choice, sea salt
3 spring onions and black pepper to taste. Continue cooking on a low heat
for 10 minutes.
1 tbsp. cumin seeds
1 tbsp. dried thyme Add the peeled and chopped potatoes to the pot, followed
1 tbsp. sweetener of choice on by the asparagus (save a few spears to top the
soup) and mix all ingredients. Add some chopped wild
2 medium white potatoes
garlic (optional if in season).
400g asparagus spears
handful wild garlic (optional) Place in the water and coconut milk. Cover
S T Ethe
P pot
3 with lid
1 cup water S Tand
E P simmer
2 for 15-20
S Tminutes.
E P 3 Once the potatoes are soft
transfer the soup to a high speed blender and blend until
400ml coconut milk smooth.
sea salt
black pepper Heat a touch of coconut oil in a frying pan and sauté a few
left over asparagus spears until golden.
cooked quinoa (optional)
olive oil (optional) STEP 3
Serve piping hot with a few pieces of asparagus, cooked
quinoa, a crack of black pepper and a swirl of olive oil.

MAIN   |   96

Lemongrass has been my obsession this year. I love the aromas it releases and it is especially
delicious in this new potato curry. I used one of my favourite spice blends 'berbere' to bring some
fire and heat to this dish. I wanted to create a simple but damn tasty recipe and this was the


2 lemongrass sticks Slice the onion, finely chop the garlic and hand grate
1 white onion the ginger.

6-8 garlic cloves Remove the outer layers of the lemongrass sticks and
4cm knob ginger chop the lemongrass very finely.
1 tbsp. tamari
Heat the coconut oil on a medium heat in a pan. Place
1/2 tsp. ginger powder in the chopped lemongrass, onions, garlic and ginger.
1 tbsp. cumin seeds Stir the ingredients on a low heat and splash over the
1.5 tsp. curry powder tamari.

1 tsp. dried thyme S Tpowder,

Place in the ginger powder, curry E P 3 dried
1 tbsp. maple syrup S T E P 2 thyme, maple
S T Esyrup,
P 3 berbere, sea salt and black

1/8 tsp. berbere pepper to taste. Continue to stir. Add in the chopped
tomatoes and coconut milk.
sea salt
black pepper Chop the new potatoes into 5mm pieces and the red
400g tinned chopped tomatoes pepper into small cubes. Place both the chopped
new potatoes and red pepper into theSsauce
T E P pan.
350g new potatoes Scatter over the chopped fresh coriander.
1 red pepper
400ml coconut milk Reduce heat and simmer for 30-35 minutes
occasionally stirring until the new potatoes have
30g fresh coriander softened and the sauce has thickened up.
1 tbsp. coconut oil
coconut yogurt (optional) Serve up with rice, coconut yogurt (optional) and
more fresh coriander.

MAIN   |   98

Cauliflower is one of the most versatile vegetables. A recipe I've been experimenting with for a
very long time is a cauliflower pizza base. It has taken me a little long to perfect but I am now
ready to share the finalised recipe.


Pizza base: Preheat oven to 210°C / 410°F.

1/2 large (280g) cauliflower M E T Hinto
O D small florets and place them to
Cut the cauliflower
1 small courgette (zucchini) steam until very soft. Grate the courgette and place it into a
2 tbsp. flax seed meal cheesecloth. Strain out the water and place it into a large
6 tbsp. water mixing bowl.

1.5 cups oat flour Rinse the steamed cauliflower under cold water and place it
1/4 cup almond meal into a cheesecloth. Strain all of the excess water out and
1 tsp. dried oregano place the drained cauliflower into the bowl with the grated
1 tsp. dried basil
3/4 tsp. sea salt Combine the flax meal with the water in a small bowl and set
aside for 2 minutes. STEP 3
Tomato pizza sauce: Mash the cauliflower and courgette well. Pour over the flax
1/4 cup tomato purée gel and combine. Pour in the oat flour, ground almonds, sea
2 tsp. maple syrup salt, oregano and basil. Start of by combing the mixture.
Once it sticks together knead the dough in the bowl until
1 tsp. dried basil you form a ball.
1 tsp. dried oregano STEP 3
sea salt Line a pizza pan and spread the pizza base out into a
circular shape with a spatula or hands. Place the base into
black pepper the oven for 18-20 minutes until golden.

Topping suggestions: Prepare the pizza sauce by combining all ingredients in a

rocket/ arugula
artichokes Remove the pizza base. Spread on the pizza base sauce
roasted peppers and top the pizza with your desired toppings.

roasted red onions

MAIN   |   100

This recipe came about when I wanted to use up random ingredients lying around in my fridge.
My love for sumptuous green olives is long lasting. I thought about creating a rich and aromatic
pesto made with some of my favourite ingredients including plump green olives, good quality
olive oil and toasted almonds for a insatiable crunch and flavour. The outcome of my very make
shift meal was so incredible!


1 packed cup kale Heat a pan. Dry toast the almonds on a medium heat
30g parsley for 4 minutes. Keep the almonds in the pan moving.

3 packed cups basil Place the kale (stalk removed), basil, parsley, pitted
120g pitted green olives green olives, olive oil, garlic cloves, toasted almonds,
1/2 cup olive oil lemon juice, black pepper and sea salt to taste all into a
food processor.
2 garlic cloves
7 almonds Process until the pesto is creamy and smooth. Feel
3.5 tbsp. lemon juice free to a add a little extra olive oil if necessary. You may
need to scape down the sides a couple of times..
black pepper STEP 3
sea salt ST E P a 2pot of waterStoTaEboil
Bring P and
3 cook the pasta.

400g pasta
Stir the pesto into the cooked pasta. Flash fry the
remaining mushrooms in olive oil and a splash of
to serve (optional): tamari until golden. Place the cooked mushrooms,
100g mushrooms rocket and pumpkin seeds on top of the pasta.
pumpkin seeds
rocket (arugula)

MAIN   |   102

Creating this tahini and honey dressing has really transformed my simple go to meals. It
really adds depth and flavour to any meal and takes minimal time to prepare. This has been
a really popular dressing amongst those I share it with. I paired it with a big rainbow
coloured salad, oven roasted vegetables and roasted sweet potato.


2 sweet potatoes Preheat the oven to 200°C / 390°F.

150g romaine lettuce
100g purple sprouting broccoli Cut the sweet potatoes in half and score them
100g asparagus diagonally. Rub the sweet potato pieces with a little
6 spring onions coconut oil, sea salt, black pepper and place flat on a
1 red pepper baking tray and into the oven for 45 minutes or until
1 avocado soft.
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. coconut oil Place the chopped asparagus, spring onions and red
sea salt pepper onto a separate tray. Drizzle with a little olive oil
black pepper and sea salt. Place the tray into the oven for 20-25
minutes until golden.
Tahini & honey dressing:
1/3 cup light runny tahini Place all of the tahini dressing ingredients into a bowl
1 tsp. raw honey and mix together well. Add more water to thin out the
3 tbsp. water consistency if needed (different tahini's will vary in
1.5 tbsp. lemon juice thickness). Set aside.
pinch sea salt
black pepper Place the kale into a mixing bowl followed on by the
1-2 cloves garlic (minced) remaining massaged kale ingredients. MassageS well
with hands.
Massaged kale:
100g kale To serve, place the chopped lettuce onto the serving
3 tbsp. olive oil bowls or plates. Followed on by the massaged kale,
1 tsp. tamari roasted vegetables, roasted sweet potato, finely
1/2 tsp. garlic powder chopped red onion and olives (optional).
black pepper
1/2 lemon (juice) Top your salad with a generous serving of the tahini
and honey dressing and a crack of black pepper.
Extras (optional):
red onion

MAIN   |   104

Cauliflower is one of those vegetables that can be totally transformed and take centre stage in a
meal. I created the most delicious marinade which has a balanced kick of spicy and sweet.
Cauliflower is a winter staple of mine and I love to eat these steaks with a side of mashed potato
and steamed greens.


2 medium cauliflowers Preheat oven to 210°C / 410°F.

Place the cauliflower marinade ingredients into a bowl

and whisk together.
80ml olive oil
6 large garlic cloves Making sure the stalk is attached to the cauliflower, trim
the stems and cut through the centre of the cauliflower
1 tsp. maple syrup
to divide into half. Cut each half into 1.5 cm steaks. You
1 tbsp. tamari will get at least 2 steak pieces per cauliflower. Store the
1 tbsp. paprika remaining florets for another meal.
1 tbsp. dried parsley
Place the cauliflower steaks onto a flat baking
S T E Ptray
3 and
1 tsp. dried thyme pour
ST E P over
2 the marinade
S T Emaking
P 3 sure the pieces are
black pepper (to taste) fully covered.
sea salt (to taste)
Place into the oven for 25-30 minutes until golden.

. STEP 3

MAIN   |   106

An exquisite tasting and visually beautiful meal, this raw lasagna has it all.The nut cheese
filling made from brazil nuts is packed with sage, garlic and black pepper, this ties in
wonderfully with the sweet rich tomato walnut layer and summer fresh nutty pesto.


Brazil nut cheese filling: Soak the Brazil nuts overnight.

1 cup brazil nuts (soaked)
2/3 cups water Soak sun-dried tomatoes for 4 hours before preparation of
2 tbsp. lemon juice lasagna. M E T H O D
1 garlic clove
To prepare the nut cheese place all ingredients into a
1 tbsp. onion powder food processor and blitz until smooth.
black pepper
sea salt For the tomato filling place the soaked sun-dried tomatoes and
1.5 tbsp. dried sage the remaining ingredients into a food processor. Blitz making sure
the filling still has texture. You may have to scape down sides of
Tomato filling: the food processor.
400g / approx 6 tomatoes
Prepare the spinach and basil pesto by simply placing all
80g sun-dried tomatoes
ingredients into a food processor and blitzing for a few minutes.
1/2 tbsp. tamari
black pepper to taste STEP 3
Top and tail the courgette. Cut the courgette in half. Follow on by
1 pitted Medjool date S T Eslicing
P 2 the courgetteS Tlength
E P 3ways with a sharp knife.
60g walnuts (soaked)
1.5 tsp. lemon juice Assemble individual lasagna's starting with courgette sheets as
pinch cayenne the base. Place a little bit of each ingredient on each layer. Aim for
1 tbsp. dried basil or oregano approximately 3 layers. You can include some sliced vine
tomatoes with the layers (optional).
Pesto filling STEP 3
Top with a few sliced cherry tomatoes, basil leaves and black
150g baby spinach pepper.
100g basil
1.5 tbsp. lemon juice
1-2 garlic cloves .
2 tbsp. olive oil
sea salt to taste

4 medium courgettes (zucchini)

2-3 ripe vine tomatoes
handful of cherry tomatoes
basil leaves
MAIN   |   108
3-4 servings

This throw together burrito came about when a friend said she was in the mood for something
tasty and satisfying. There are no restrictions in how creative you can get when preparing a
burrito. A meal like this is all about preference so feel free to mix and match some of the recipes
as you wish to.


Spicy chipotle salsa: Preheat oven to 200°C / 390°F.

8 ripe roma tomatoes METHOD

2 cloves garlic To prepare the spicy chipotle salsa cut the tomatoes in half and
1 tbsp. chipotle in abodo paste core them removing the seeds. Place them on a flat baking tray
sea salt along with the garlic cloves (skins on) and drizzle over some olive
1 tbsp. lime juice oil.
1/3 cup fresh coriander (cilantro)
1 tbsp. olive oil Place the tray into the oven for 20 minutes turning the tomatoes
and garlic over half way through. Remove the skins of the
Wild garlic pesto: tomatoes and garlic, taking care as both will be hot.
100g wild garlic STEP 3
100g fresh parsley Place the roasted tomatoes, garlic, olive oil juices and chipotle
1/3 cup walnuts S T Epaste
P 2into a food processor
S T E P and
3 blitz for a few minutes.
80ml extra virgin olive oil
black pepper Heat a drizzle of olive oil in a sauce pan. Place the pureed salsa
sea salt into the pan and simmer on a low gentle heat for 25 minutes
2 tbsp. lemon juice squeezing over the lime juice and placing in the very finely
chopped coriander. Set the salsa aside to cool. S T E P 3
Roasted chickpeas:
see page 83
To prepare the wild garlic pesto place all ingredients into a food
processor and blitz until smooth.
To prepare the roasted chickpeas see page 83.
black rice
Assemble the burrito using some of the ingredients in the 'extra'
rocket (arugula)
list if you wish to.
grated carrot and beetroot
sunflower seeds

MAIN   |   110
4 tarts

Decadent and rich in every way. This toasted almond tart is beyond words. The light burst of
almonds from the crumbly crust compliments the dreamy velvety chocolatey filling. This is a
perfect dinner party dessert.


Crust: Preheat the oven to 180°C / 350°F.

1/2 cup almonds METHOD
Toast the almonds in a pan for 3 minutes. Blitz the
1 cup buckwheat flour toasted almonds until fine in a processor or blender.
pinch sea salt Place the blitzed almonds, buckwheat flour, maple
syrup, coconut oil and pinch of sea salt in a bowl and
3 tbsp. maple syrup
3 tbsp. coconut oil (melted)
Place equal amounts of crust in to 10cm mini tart
cases. Press the crust into the mini cases. Place the
mini tart crusts into the oven for 7 mins until lightly
1/4 cup coconut oil golden. Remove and set aside.
50g cacao butter
To prepare the filling place a glass bowlSover
T E Pa 3
1/4 cup maple syrup
ST E P 2 of boilingSwater
T E P (bain
3 marie). Place the
100g dark chocolate coconut oil, cacao butter, maple syrup, dark chocolate,
150ml coconut mlik coconut milk and pinch of sea salt into the glass bowl.
pinch sea salt
Once the ingredients is liquified place the chocolate
filling into the tart cases. Place the cases into the fridge
Topping options: for at least 1 hour to set. STEP 3

When you're ready to serve remove the tarts from the
blueberries fridge. Pop the individual tarts out of the cases and
desiccated coconut serve them with your favourite toppings.

dessert  |   114
8-10 cookies

I'm aware that the idea of tahini being one of the main components in a cookie recipe may seem
bizarre to some. Believe me when I say that tahini is so delicious with sweet treats. I went through
a phase of making random cookie recipes. I often baked with nut butters so naturally decided to
give tahini a go. This recipe is a definite winner.


1 cup gluten free oat flour Preheat the oven to 160°C / 320°F.
1/4 cup ground almonds
Place the oat flour, ground almonds, baking soda,
1/2 tsp. baking soda cinnamon and a pinch of sea salt into a mixing bowl.
1/2 tsp. cinnamon Combine.
pinch sea salt
Drizzle over tahini and melted coconut oil. Using a
1/4 cup light runny tahini wooden spoon combine the ingredients until you
2 tbsp. coconut oil (melted) reach a thick cookie dough consistency.

To form the cookies scoop out spoonfuls S TofEthe

P 3
ST E P 2and roll them STinto
E Pballs
3 using your hands. Place
them on a flat lined baking tray and press each cookie
down with the bottom of a spoon.

Place into the oven for 18 minutes. Remove the

cookies and place them on a cooling rack.
Store for up to 6 days in an airtight container.

dessert   |   116
6-8 servings

A zesty slice of heaven. I'm all about sharp citrusy sweet treats and love the pairing of the
smooth cacao butter with the sharpness of the tangy lemon. This is a great anytime of the year
dessert. You can really get your creative side in action and have fun whilst topping it. I chose to
use bright green pistachios, a touch of fresh raspberries and fine slice of lemon.


Filling: Place the base ingredients into a food processor or
blender and blitz until a dough consistency is formed.
250g cashews (soaked)
Press the base ingredients into a 23 x 23 x 7cm square
1/2 cup agave or maple syrup spring form tin.
1 tbsp. vanilla extract
Soak cashews for 4 hours. Melt the coconut oil and
3 lemons
cacao butter.Place the soaked cashew along with the
60g cacao butter (melted) remaining filling ingredients into a food processor or
1/2 cup coconut oil (melted) blender and blitz until totally smooth.

Place the smooth filling on top of the base in the spring

Base: form tin. Level out the topping with a spatula
S T E Pand3 place
1 cup desiccated coconut S T the
E P tin2 into the fridge
S Tfor
E Pa minimum
3 of 2 hours to set.
8 pitted dates
Remove the cheesecake 30 mins before serving. Cut
1 cup ground almonds the cheesecake into 3cm x 2cm square pieces.
1.5 tbsp. lemon juice
Top with a small lemon slice, crushed pistachios and
pinch sea salt
fresh raspberries (optional). STEP 3
Topping options:
lemon slices

dessert  |   118
8 muffins

A perfect little sweet treat. The oat flour makes the texture of these muffins heavenly. So
simple and effortless to put together these muffins will be loved by everyone who tries
them. Dark chocolate and banana is an explosive combination.


1 cup gluten free plain flour Preheat the oven to 170°C / 340°F.
1/4 cup coconut flour
Prepare the flax gel by combining the milled flax
1.5 tsp. cinnamon
seed with the nut milk. Set aside for at least 5 minutes.
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda Place the dry ingredients into a large bowl: plain flour,
1 tbsp coconut oil (melted) coconut flour, cinnamon, baking powder and baking
1/4 maple syrup
1 cup ripe mashed banana Prepare the wet ingredients. In a separate bowl mash
1 tbsp. milled flax seed the bananas. Add the melted coconut oil and maple
2.5 tbsp nut milk syrup to the mashed bananas.
20g dark chocolate chips ST E P the
2 wet ingredients
Pour into3the dry ingredient bowl
1/4 cup walnuts and add the flax gel. Mix ingredients well until you have
pinch sea salt a thick cake batter consistency.

Add the chopped walnuts and chocolate chips.

Spoon the muffin mixture into individual muffin Scases
in a muffin tray.Place the muffin tray into the oven for
20 minutes.

Remove and allow muffins to cool.

dessert   |   120
8 servings

My absolute favourite sweet treat. I adore this recipe so much as it creates the perfect brownie
in my opinion. The hazelnuts offer an unexpected kick of flavour whilst the dark chocolate
make this recipe super rich and indulgent.


2 tbsp. flax meal Preheat the oven to 170°C / 340°F.

4 tbsp + 1 cup nut milk
1/4 cup coconut oil Line or grease a 23" square cake tin.

80g hazelnuts (50g blitzed)

Begin by blitzing the hazelnuts until fine. Combine the flax
190g buckwheat flour
meal and 4 tbsp. nut milk to make the flax gel - set aside for 5
5 tbsp. cacao powder
120g dark chocolate
1 tsp. cinnamon powder Place the blitzed fine hazelnut, buckwheat flour, cacao
1/2 baking soda powder, cinnamon, baking soda, sea salt and coconut palm
1/4 tsp. sea salt sugar into a large bowl. Combine.
1 1/4 cup coconut palm sugar
Melt 100g of the dark chocolate. Melt coconut oil until liquid
S T E P 2if necessary.

Place 1 cup nut milk, flax gel, melted dark chocolate and
liquid coconut oil into the bowl with the dry ingredients. Mix
everything well for a few minutes. STEP 3

Finely chop the remaining 20g of dark chocolate. Place it

into the large bowl. Combine mixture gently. Pour the
brownie mixture into the lined or greased cake tin. Roughly
chop the remaining 30g of hazelnuts and place them into a
bowl, drizzle over 1 tsp. coconut oil and combine. Scatter the
hazelnuts on top of the brownie in the tin.

Place the brownie tin into the oven for approx 22 minutes.
Remove and allow brownie to cool. Slice and serve.

dessert   |   122
8 servings

This carrot cake is everything a carrot cake should be. Full of spice such as cinnamon and
nutmeg, packed with juicy sultanas, crunchy walnuts, and most important of all it has a moist
texture. I experimented with different variations of this carrot cake and finally mastered the
perfect carrot cake recipe!


Dry ingredients: Preheat the oven to 170°C / 340°F.

2.5 cups gf plain flour METHOD
1 cup ground almonds Place the plain flour, ground almonds, coconut palm sugar,
1 cup grated carrots baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla
bean powder and pinch of sea salt into a large mixing bowl.
3/4 cup coconut sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
In a separate small bowl make the flax gel by adding the
1/2 tsp. baking soda milled flax seeds and 4 tbsp. of nut milk together. Stir
1 tsp. cinnamon powder and set aside for at least 3 minutes.
1/2 tsp. nutmeg powder
1 tsp. vanilla bean powder Combine all of the liquid ingredients except the coconut
50g walnuts oil.
30g sultanas
S T E Plarge
Pour the flax seed gel into the dry ingredient 3 mixing
pinch sea salt
S T bowl
E P followed
2 on byS Tthe
E Pthe3 liquid ingredients. Begin to
combine the cake mixture well. Add in the liquid coconut
Flax gel:
oil, grated carrots, chopped walnuts and sultanas. Mix very
2 tbsp. flax meal gently.
4 tbsp. nut milk
Pour the cake ingredients into a 2lb loaf tin and place into
Liquid ingredients: the oven for 30-35 minutes. Remove the cakeSand T E let
P it3
3/4 cup nut milk cool.
1/3 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup apple purée Prepare the frosting by blending all of the cashew frosting
ingredients. Once cake is completely cool (best to leave
1/3 cup coconut oil
overnight) place the frosting on top. Decorate with
pistachios and rose petals (optional).
Cashew frosting:
150g cashews (soaked)
3 tbsp. maple syrup
2 tbsp. liquid coconut oil
1/2 tsp. lemon zest
2 tsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. vanilla bean powder
dessert   |   124

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