HR Analyst Program
HR Analyst Program
HR Analyst Program
Vishak Bharadwaj P
IIM Alumnus, Strategic HR Partner, Monocept Consulting
HR Analyst Program: Agenda
ession Contents Plan
1 Building understanding of descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics for HR.
2 Promoting appreciation of the application of HR analytics to key HRM systems.
3 Providing overview of the statistical methods for predictive HR analytics.
4 Developing insights into analysing data to effectively manage talent in organisations.
5 Identifying areas in the HR life cycle where advanced analytical techniques can be
6 Learning the application of various analytical techniques across Recruitment,
Engagement and Retention.
7 Learning about the challenges of identifying appropriate measures/ HR metrics.
8 Applying the principles learnt to solve real-world
real cases.
hat is your expectation from today’s workshop?
Introduction to Peopl
Why? – People Analytics Business and Decision-Making:
nal Reasons
etter Pay, Career path 1. Ability to make sense of more workforce data getting captu
adcount report of all employees within the organization is a form of descriptive analytics.
y Attrition is high in Junior Programmers?
Generation Z needs not met
Market pay is higher
They lack stability
Work is not interesting
They lack connect with the organization
They do not find a career path in the organization
o are the Junior programmers going to leave the organization in the next 90 days.
ich team will face the highest challenge in the next couple of years.
at steps needs to be taken to ensure attrition in Junior Programming
Define the new trainings for address upskilling issue
Address gaps with the market pay
Build a career path for Junior developers.
Which test needs to be used when?
y to
Learning about the challenges of identifying appropriate
measures/ HR metrics/Scorecards
Types of Metrics
• Leading indicators are much more likely to be unique to your
company, which makes them harder to build, measure and
• Lagging indicators tell you about what has already happened, with
common examples being revenue, profit and revenue growth.
Metrics and Dashboarding
mographic Indicators
Number of 4. Talent Acquisition
employees/Headcount a) Time to fill
Age, Gender, Location b) Cost to fill
Diversity ratios c) Quality of hire
d) Candidate Experience
ganisation Culture and e) Positions open/Positions
ucture Filled
Manager:Employee f) Offer Acceptance Rate
% Permanent
g) New Hire turnover
Opportunity to Efficient
Build technical explore
mer employee
competencies advanced levels
ective utilization
gic Talent
ctive development Customer Performance
oriented service Increase
Objective Performance Weightage Maximize Minimize Enabling factor
measure Human HR cost
Improve profit Net income per 15% Aligns employee goals to business
margin employee objectives
Maximize return ROI per employee 10% Provide clarity on individual goals
per employee develop individual action plan
Minimize cost per HR cost per employee 10% Promote effective utilization throug
employee engaging employees
Knowledge Number of best practices 5% Builds tacit knowledge within the functi
management shared with peers and collaboration among peers
Streamline call Adherence to call duration 8% Benchmark call duration based on sev
handling process issues
Talent development Talent gaps identified 5% Helps in developing action plan to bridg
identified gaps through buying or buildi
Recruitment Process Outsourcing vs Internal Cost-benefit analysis was used to arrive at the
conclusion that we should build a inhouse Recruitm
instead of outsourcing
Feedback Approach based on high rejection ratio Recruitment data and yield was captured and was u
to come up with attending every interview and start
capturing those questions
Recruitment Drive vs Weekday interviews hypothesis It was found that more candidates are available dur
testing drives than weekday interviews.
Turbohire a new platform was built keeping in mind Ability track the time, yield and timeline
Monocept analytics interests
Behavioral insights and test Text Analytics using IBM Watson
Online coding test vs Inperson test, Scope vs Identified Method1-Method2 Test Positive score.
Breakthrough/Bottleneck analysis Flow increased 3 times
Prescriptive Analytics of Recruitment Identifying the Parameters which can reduce the
resumes processed
Learning the application of various analytical
techniques across Talent Management.
Dimensionality Reduction
Feature Selection: Extracting a subset of features that have
maximal impact
Feature Extraction/Reduction: Using a linear combination of
features so as to explain a majority of the variance
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Clustering & Segmentation
a distance measure
a clustering algorithm
the distance between two clusters
mine the number of clusters
te the analysis
m is to divide the population into groups
s similarity / dissimilarity?
o you define distance between two clusters?
10000 Medium
Employees Performance
Time series Analysis
ment Analysis
Text Analysis based on questionnaire: IBM Watson
• https://personality-insights-
Organization Network Analysis
y organization, people build informal “go-to”
to” teams. They rely on that one person who always knows “how we do things h
nd someone in finance who can answer any budget question. These spontaneous, critically important connections are th
d of organizations worldwide. Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) is a structured way to visualize how communicatio
tion, and decisions flow through an organization. Organizational networks consist of nodes and ties, the foundation for
tanding how information in your organization is flowing, can flow, and should flow.
ONA - Methodology
The questionnaire was not anonymous. This was compensated by making
it more informal, circulating it through whatsapp and using informal text
like smileys, three dots “…”, etc
The questionnaire addressed two aspects – “to whom” the student asked
the questions listed, “from whom” such questions were asked to the
student. This was to identify cliques in the network.
The questions were categorized into formal (career-related,
(career academics)
and informal (daily
daily gossips and chats) questions and were jumbled to
maintain the informal style of the questionnaire.
Learnings : We tried to analyze how different cliques and network patterns
affected organization performance.
ONA: Glossary
Node: Sometimes called a “vector” because it marks the • Ego network focused around one central node. A
intersection of lines, and sometimes called an actor, example is a correspondence network derived from
nodes are the elements of a network that are being collected letters of a single individual.
Edge: Connection, link, or tie between nodes. •Conductance – Measure of how well-knit the grap
Employee D
X 1. Employee E
Employee E leaves at 4 months
Probability of surviving
to 4 months is 100% =
Time in months
Survival Data
Employee A
Employee C
4. Employees B and
D survive for the
Employee D 3. Employee C leaves at whole year-long
X 7 months
study period
Employee E
X 1. Employee E leaves at 4
ossip Graph of PGDHRM 2017-19 batch based on the responses Figure 2. Gossip Cliques of PGDHRM 2017-19 batch based on the resp
Knowledge Network Analysis – Cont.
cept explainers of PGDHRM 2017-19 batch based on the responses Figure 4. Maximum Informal Connections Network of of PGDHRM 2017-1
on the responses
Informal Network Analysis – Cont.